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  9. Expressing contrariness with "dao"
  10. (Redirected from ASG1RE80)
  11. Level B2
  12. Similar to
  13. Conceding with "ba" (A2)
  14. Conceding a point with "shi" (B1)
  15. Expressing "especially" with "gewai" (B2)
  16. Expressing "on the contrary" with "fan'er" (B2)
  17. Expressing contrariness with "dao" (B2)
  18. The "however" adverb "que" (B2)
  19. Used for
  20. Contrasting
  21. Keywords
  22. Translations
  23. however
  24. 倒 (dào) can be used to express something is contrary to expectations, acting as a turning point in the sentence. It is generally followed by a positive comment.
  25. Contents
  26. 1 Usingas "However"
  27. 1.1 Structure
  28. 1.2 Examples
  29. 2 Usingas "Despite"
  30. 2.1 Structure
  31. 2.2 Examples
  32. 3 See also
  33. 4 Sources and further reading
  34. 4.1 Books
  35. Usingas "However"
  36. 倒 can be used to express an unexpected situation. Note that 倒 is often followed byorto add further emphasis.
  37. Structure
  38. ⋯⋯ ,Subj. + 倒 + (也 / 又) ⋯⋯
  39. Examples
  40. 他 不 是 很 努力 ,成绩 倒 也 不错 。
  41. He's not vey hard-working, but his score isn't bad.
  42. 已经 是 春天 了,倒 又 冷 起来 了。
  43. It's already spring, but it's getting cold.
  44. 不 吃 药 ,病 倒 慢慢 好 了。
  45. I didn't take any medicine, but I'm getting better.
  46. 英语 不 是 他 的 母语 ,他 说 得 倒 挺 地道 的 。
  47. English is not his mother language, but he speaks quite like a native speaker.
  48. Usingas "Despite"
  49. Structure
  50. 倒 can also be used to express a concession, mostly emphasizing the positive side. 就是、但是、可是、不过 is often used to emphasize undesirable things.
  51. Subj. + 倒 ⋯⋯ ,不过 / 但是 / 就是 ⋯⋯
  52. Examples
  53. 这 篇 文章 的 内容 倒 不错 ,就是 太 长 了 。
  54. The content of this article is great, but it's a little too long.
  55. 这 件 衣服 的 样式 和 大小 倒 都 合适 ,可是 我 不 喜欢 这 个 颜色 。
  56. The style and size if this piece of clothes fit me well, but I don't like its color.
  57. 你们 的 服务 倒 不错 ,但是 对 我 来说 太 贵 了 。
  58. Your service is great, but it's too expensive to me.
  59. 我 倒 想 陪 你 一起 去 ,不过 要 等 到 周末 。
  60. I want to come with you, but you need to wait until this weekend.
  61. For more on 倒, be sure to check our C1 (advanced) grammar point on expressing contrariness with 倒.
  62. See also
  63. Expressing contrariness with "dao"
  64. The "However" Adverb "que"
  65. "On the Contrary" with "fan'er"
  66. Conceding a Point with "shi"
  67. Sources and further reading
  68. Books
  69. Chinese Grammar - Broken down into 100 items - Basic and Intermediate Levels (汉语语法百项讲练 - 初中级) (pp. 140-3) [ →buy]
  70. New Practical Chinese Reader 5 (新实用汉语课本5) (pp. 52) →buy
  71. HSK Standard Course 5上 (pp. 64) →buy
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