一直 (yīzhí) literally means "straight." Used as an
adverb, 一直 (yīzhí) can also be used to express
that you have been doing something all along, have been continuously
doing something since a certain time, or that something will
continuously happen in the future.
This structure expresses the continuous nature of an action or a
Subj. + 一直 + Predicate
Also note that although 一直 (yīzhí) means "continuously," it is
frequently more natural to use the word "
always" in
the English translation.
- 我 一直 在 学习 中文 。 Wǒ
yīzhí zài xuéxí Zhōngwén.I've
been studying Chinese all along.
- 昨天 晚上 我 一直 在 做作业。 Zuótiān
wǎnshang wǒ yīzhí zài zuò
zuòyè.Yesterday evening I was
continuously doing homework.
- 老板 一直 很 忙 。"Always" is more
natural than "continuously." Lǎobǎn
yīzhí hěn máng.The boss is
always very busy.
- 我 一直 很 喜欢 你。 Wǒ yīzhí
hěn xǐhuan nǐ.I've always liked you a
- 爸爸 一直 都 不 抽烟。 Bàba
yīzhí dōu bù chōuyān.Dad has
never smoked cigarettes.
- 我 男朋友 一直在 中国 教 英文。 Wǒ
nánpéngyou yīzhí zài Zhōngguó jiāo
Yīngwén.My boyfriend has always been
teaching English in China.
- 18 岁 以后 , 他 一直 一个人 住。
Shíbā suì yǐhòu, tā yīzhí yīgèrén
zhù.Since he was 18, he has always lived
- 你 一直 在 这 家 公司 工作 吗? Nǐ
yīzhí zài zhè jiā gōngsī gōngzuò ma?
Have you always worked in this company?
- 你们 一直 住 在 一起 吗? Nǐmen
yīzhí zhù zài yīqǐ ma? Have you
always been living together?
- 北京 的 空气 一直 很 不 好。 Běijīng
de kōngqì yīzhí hěn bù hǎo.The
air in Beijing has been bad for a while.
- ["Always" with "zongshi"]("Always"with"zongshi" "wikilink")
- ["Since the beginning" with
"yixiang"]("Since_the_beginning"with"yixiang" "wikilink")
- Comparing "yizhi" and
Sources and further reading
Category:A2 grammar points