After briefly reading this article, you will know how to use 一下
(yīxià) to express a brief action!
Note: The pinyin for 一下 is written "yīxià" but pronounced "yíxià"
due to a tone change
To express that a verb is carried out briefly or "a little bit," you can
add 一下 (yīxià) after it. Sometimes 一下 (yīxià) can soften the tone.
Subj. + Verb + 一下 + Obj.
Often, adding 一下 (yīxià) just makes the Chinese feel more natural.
This is not something you can get a feel for quickly. You'll want to
observe how native speakers use 一下 (yīxià) over a long period of time
to really get used to how it is used.
- 请 你 等 一下。You get the feeling that
it shouldn't be a long wait.Qǐng nǐ děng
yīxià.Please wait a little
- 你 看 一下。It should be
quick.Nǐ kàn
yīxià.Take a look.
- 试 一下 吧。How long can trying it take?
Shì yīxià
ba.Try it.
- 我 要 想 一下。You're supposed to
believe that I won't need to think about it
long.Wǒ yào xiǎng
yīxià.I want to think a
- 开 一下 门 吧 。 How long can it take to
open the door?Kāi yīxià mén
ba.Please open the door.
- 请 你 说 一下 为什么。I feel it should
be a quick explanation.Qǐng nǐ shuō
yīxià wèishénme.Please say
- 不要 生气 了,笑
一下!Just one quick
laugh!Bùyào shēngqì le, xiào
yīxià! Don't be mad, laugh!
- 宝宝,亲 一下 爸爸。If a baby's kiss
isn't quick, it's weird for
everyone.Bǎobao, qīn yīxià
bàba.Baby, give your dad a kiss.
- 你 可以 来 一下 我 的 办公室
吗?Just come real
quick.Nǐ kěyǐ lái yīxià wǒ de
bàngōngshì ma? Could you please come to
my office?
- 你 能 介绍 一下 自己 吗 ? Not your life
story, just a brief self-introduction.Nǐ
néng jièshào yīxià zìjǐ ma?
Could you introduce yourself briefly?
Sources and further reading
Category:A2 grammar points