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  1. <p>In this grammar structure, we learn about a way to say &quot;all&quot; that is, well, a bit more epic. Sort of like how we might say &quot;all the king's men&quot; or &quot;all the money in the world.&quot;</p>
  2. <h2 id="structure">Structure</h2>
  3. <p>&quot;所有的⋯⋯ 都⋯⋯&quot; (suǒyǒude... dōu...) is a pattern used to refer to &quot;every&quot; or &quot;all&quot; of a noun, with the quantity of said noun usually being fairly large. You can sometimes not use “的” after “所有”.</p>
  4. <div class="jiegou">
  5. <p>所有的 + Noun + 都 + Verb / Adj.</p>
  6. </div>
  7. <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
  8. <div class="liju">
  9. <ul>
  10. <li>我 爱 吃 <em>所有的</em> 中国 菜。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ ài chī <em>suǒyǒude</em> Zhōngguó cài.</span><span class="trans">I love eating all the Chinese food.</span></li>
  11. <li>他 记得 <em>所有</em> 人 的 生日。<span class="pinyin">Tā jìde <em>suǒyǒu</em> rén de shēngrì.</span><span class="trans">He remembers everyone's birthday.</span></li>
  12. <li>这里 <em>所有 的</em> 女孩 <em></em> 没 上 过 学。<span class="pinyin">Zhèlǐ <em>suǒyǒude</em> nǚhái <em>dōu</em> méi shàng guò xué.</span><span class="trans">All of the girls here have never gone to school.</span></li>
  13. <li>不 是 <em>所有的</em> 美国 人 <em></em> 爱 喝 咖啡。<span class="pinyin">Bù shì <em>suǒyǒude</em> Měiguó rén <em>dōu</em> ài hē kāfēi.</span><span class="trans">Not all the Americans like drinking coffee.</span></li>
  14. <li>我们 部门 <em>所有的</em> 员工 <em></em> 会 说 英文。<span class="pinyin">Wǒmen bùmén <em>suǒyǒude</em> yuángōng <em>dōu</em> huì shuō Yīngwén.</span><span class="trans">All the employees from our department can speak English.</span></li>
  15. <li>你们 公司 <em>所有的</em> 经理 <em></em> 是 男的 吗?<span class="pinyin">Nǐmen gōngsī <em>suǒyǒude</em> jīnglǐ <em>dōu</em> shì nán de ma?</span><span class="trans">All the managers in your company are male?</span></li>
  16. <li>我 看 过 <em>所有的</em> 迪斯尼 动画片。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ kàn guò <em>suǒyǒude</em> Dísīní dònghuàpiàn.</span><span class="trans">I've seen all the Disney movies.</span></li>
  17. <li>他 找 了 <em>所有 的</em> 朋友,但是 没有 人 帮 他。 <span class="pinyin">Tā zhǎo le <em>suǒyǒude</em> péngyǒu, dànshì méiyǒu rén bāng tā.</span><span class="trans">He went to all his friends, but nobody helped him.</span></li>
  18. <li>钱 不 可能 解决 <em>所有的</em> 问题。<span class="pinyin">Qián bù kěnéng jiějué <em>suǒyǒude</em> wèntí.</span><span class="trans">Money can't solve all the problems.</span></li>
  19. <li>老板 让 <em>所有的</em> 员工 <em></em> 去 参加 这 个 会。<span class="pinyin">Lǎobǎn ràng <em>suǒyǒude</em> yuángōng <em>dōu</em> qù cānjiā zhège huì.</span><span class="trans">Boss asked all the employees to attend this meeting.</span></li>
  20. </ul>
  21. </div>
  22. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  23. <ul>
  24. <li><a href="Expressing_&quot;Everyone&quot;_with_&quot;shei&quot;" title="wikilink">Expressing &quot;Everyone&quot; with &quot;shei&quot;</a></li>
  25. <li><a href="Expressing_&quot;All&quot;_with_&quot;shenme_dou&quot;" title="wikilink">Expressing &quot;All&quot; with &quot;shenme dou&quot;</a></li>
  26. <li><a href="Expressing_&quot;Every&quot;_with_&quot;mei&quot;_and_&quot;dou&quot;" title="wikilink">Expressing &quot;Every&quot; with &quot;mei&quot; and &quot;dou&quot;</a></li>
  27. <li><a href="Indicating_the_whole_with_&quot;quan&quot;" title="wikilink">Indicating the whole with &quot;quan&quot;</a></li>
  28. </ul>
  29. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  30. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  31. <ul>
  32. <li><a href="Modern_Mandarin_Chinese_Grammar:_A_Practical_Guide" title="wikilink">Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical Guide</a> (pp. 283) <a href=";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0415700108">→buy</a></li>
  33. <li><a href="Contemporary_Chinese_4_(当代中文4)" title="wikilink">Contemporary Chinese 4 (当代中文4)</a> (pp. 181)<a href=";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399373&amp;creativeASIN=7800529371">→buy</a></li>
  34. </ul>
  35. <h3 id="websites">Websites</h3>
  36. <ul>
  37. <li> <a href="">Chinese grammar 所 (suǒ) structural particle</a></li>
  38. </ul>
  39. <p> </p>
  40. <p><a href="Category:B1_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category:B1 grammar points</a></p>