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  1. <p>One of the benefits of Chinese is that the grammar is often very logical and concise. In this article, we look at the &quot;如果⋯⋯,就⋯⋯&quot; (rúguǒ..., jiù...) structure. We will also look at uses &quot;的话&quot; (dehuà).</p>
  2. <h2 id="standard-expression-with-如果就">Standard expression with 如果⋯⋯就</h2>
  3. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  4. <p>&quot;如果⋯⋯,就⋯⋯&quot; is an often-used pattern that is utilized in the same way that &quot;<em>If…, then…</em>&quot; is in English.</p>
  5. <div class="jiegou">
  6. <p>如果 + Statement + 就 + Result</p>
  7. </div>
  8. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  9. <div class="liju">
  10. <ul>
  11. <li><em>如果</em> 不 好好 复习,你<em></em> 无法 通过 明天 的 考试。<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> bù hǎohǎo fùxí, nǐ <em>jiù</em> wúfǎ tōngguò míngtiān de kǎoshì.</span><span class="trans">If you don't review well, you won't be able to pass tomorrow's test.</span></li>
  12. <li><em>如果</em> 不 迷恋 网络 游戏,<em></em>能考上好的大学 。<span class="pinyin"><em>rúguǒ</em> bù míliàn wǎngluò yóuxì, <em>jiù</em> néng kǎo shàng hǎo de dàxué.</span><span class="trans">If he hadn't been so addicted to the video games, he would have been admitted to a better university.</span></li>
  13. <li><em>如果</em> 在 北京 找不到 工作,<em></em> 会 回 昆明。<span class="pinyin"><em>rúguǒ</em> zài Běijīng zhǎo bù dào gōngzuò, <em>jiù</em> huì huí Kūnmíng.</span><span class="trans">If I can't find a job in Beijing, I'm going to go back to Kunming.</span></li>
  14. </ul>
  15. </div>
  16. <h2 id="colloquial-expression-with-如果的话">Colloquial expression with 如果⋯⋯的话</h2>
  17. <p>Although 如果 can be used to mean &quot;if&quot; all by itself, it's often used together with the phrase 的话 to create <a href="the_&quot;if&quot;_sandwich_pattern" title="wikilink">the &quot;if&quot; sandwich pattern</a>. &quot;&quot; is optional.</p>
  18. <h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3>
  19. <div class="jiegou">
  20. <p>如果 + Statement + 的话,(就) Result</p>
  21. </div>
  22. <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
  23. <div class="liju">
  24. <ul>
  25. <li><em>如果</em> 你 去 <em>的话</em>,帮 我 跟 她 问 好。 <span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> nǐ qù <em>de huà</em>, bāng wǒ gēn tā wènhǎo.</span><span class="trans">If you go, tell her I say hello.</span></li>
  26. <li><em>如果</em> 下次 有 时间 <em>的话</em>,一定 要 找 我 玩儿。<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> xià cì yǒu shíjiān <em>de huà</em>, yīdìng yào zhǎo wǒ wán er.</span><span class="trans">When you have time, you need to find me so we can hang out.</span></li>
  27. <li><em>如果</em> 你 不 忙 <em>的话</em>,可以 帮 我 联系 客户 吗?<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> nǐ bù máng <em>de huà</em>, kěyǐ bāng wǒ liánxì kèhù ma?</span><span class="trans">If you're not busy, can you help me connect with customers?</span></li>
  28. <li><em>如果</em> 不 方便 <em>的话</em>,我 就 不 去 了。<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> bù fāngbiàn <em>de huà</em>, wǒ jiù bù qù le.</span></li>
  29. </ul>
  30. </div>
  31. <p>Here's the slightly tricky thing: while you can use 如果 without 的话, it's also possible to drop the 如果 and just use the 的话 instead to mean &quot;if.&quot; It's even possible to use neither, and let the &quot;if&quot; be completely implied.</p>
  32. <div class="jiegou">
  33. <p>Statement + 的话,(就) Result</p>
  34. </div>
  35. <div class="liju">
  36. <ul>
  37. <li>你 去 <em>的话</em>,帮 我 跟 她 问 好。 <span class="pinyin">Nǐ qù <em>de huà</em>, bāng wǒ gēn tā wènhǎo.</span><span class="trans">If you go, tell her I say hello.</span></li>
  38. <li>下次 有 时间 <em>的话</em>,一定 要 找 我 玩儿。 <span class="pinyin">Xià cì yǒu shíjiān <em>de huà</em>, yīdìng yào zhǎo wǒ wán er.</span><span class="trans">When you have time, you need to find me so we can hang out.</span></li>
  39. <li>你 不 忙 <em>的话</em>,可以 帮 我 联系 客户 吗?<span class="pinyin">Nǐ bù máng <em>de huà</em>, kěyǐ bāng wǒ liánxì kèhù ma?</span><span class="trans">If you're not busy, can you help me connect with customers?</span></li>
  40. <li>没 地方 住 <em>的话</em>,就 来 我 这里 吧。<span class="pinyin">Méi dìfang zhù <em>de huà</em>, jiù lái wǒ zhèlǐ ba.</span></li>
  41. </ul>
  42. </div>
  43. <h2 id="如果那么">如果⋯⋯那么</h2>
  44. <p>这里,“那么”的用法是使得结构的前后两部分显得不那么严肃和拘束,起到一种舒缓句子节奏的作用。</p>
  45. <h3 id="structure-2">Structure</h3>
  46. <div class="jiegou">
  47. <p>如果 + Statement, 那么(就) + Result</p>
  48. </div>
  49. <h3 id="examples-2">Examples</h3>
  50. <div class="liju">
  51. <ul>
  52. <li><em>如果</em> 你 不 去,<em>那么</em> 我 也 不 去。<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> nǐ bù qù, <em>nàme</em> wǒ yě bù qù.</span></li>
  53. <li><em>如果</em> 他 知道 了,<em>那么</em> 他 一 定 会 来 告诉 我。<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> tā zhīdào le, <em>nàme</em> tā yīdìng huì lái gàosu wǒ.</span></li>
  54. <li><em>如果</em> 现在 我们 不 合作,<em>那么</em> 我们 以后 就 没有 机会 合作 了。<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> xiànzài wǒmen bù hézuò, <em>nàme</em> wǒmen yǐhòu jiù méiyǒu jīhuì hézuò le.</span></li>
  55. <li><em>如果</em> 你 不 相信 我,<em>那么</em> 我 就 什么 都 不 说 了。<span class="pinyin"><em>Rúguǒ</em> nǐ bù xiāngxìn wǒ, <em>nàme</em> wǒ jiù shénme dōu bù shuō le.</span></li>
  56. </ul>
  57. </div>
  58. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  59. <ul>
  60. <li><a href="Marking_a_topic_with_&quot;de_hua&quot;" title="wikilink">Marking a topic with &quot;de hua&quot;</a></li>
  61. <li><a href="&quot;If…_then…&quot;_with_&quot;yaoshi&quot;" title="wikilink">&quot;If… then…&quot; with &quot;yaoshi&quot;</a></li>
  62. <li><a href="&quot;If…_then…&quot;_with_&quot;jiaru&quot;" title="wikilink">&quot;If… then…&quot; with &quot;jiaru&quot;</a></li>
  63. <li><a href="&quot;Only_if&quot;_with_&quot;zhiyou&quot;" title="wikilink">&quot;Only if&quot; with &quot;zhiyou&quot;</a></li>
  64. </ul>
  65. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  66. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  67. <ul>
  68. <li><a href="Common_Chinese_Patterns_330_(汉语常用格式330例)" title="wikilink">Common Chinese Patterns 330 (汉语常用格式330例)</a> (pp. 184) <a href=";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399373&amp;creativeASIN=7802006473">→buy</a></li>
  69. <li><a href="New_Practical_Chinese_Reader_2_(新实用汉语课本2)" title="wikilink">New Practical Chinese Reader 2 (新实用汉语课本2)</a> (pp. 240) <a href=";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=7561911297">→buy</a></li>
  70. </ul>
  71. <p> </p>
  72. <p><a href="Category:_B1_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category: B1 grammar points</a></p>