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  11. <p><span style="color: rgb(139, 0, 0); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 22px;">再三</span>&#160;(<span class="pinyin">zàisān</span>) or means "<b>repeatedly</b>" or "<b>time and again</b>" in a formal way, and is usually placed before a two-syllable verb.</p>
  12. <h2 id="structure">Structure</h2>
  13. <div class="jiegou"><div class="deux"><span class="hanzist">再三</span>&#160;+ Verb</div>
  14. </div>
  15. <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
  16. <div class="exemple">
  17. <ul>
  18. <li><span class="hanzi">老师 再三 强调 这 次 考试 对 我们 很 重要。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">The teacher has stressed over and over that this exam is really important for us.</span></li>
  19. <li><span class="hanzi">中国 政府 再三 警告 美国 不要 干涉 中国 的 内政。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">China's government warns the USA repeatedly not to interfere in China's affairs.</span></li>
  20. <li><span class="hanzi">她 再三 犹豫 之后,选择 了 放弃 比赛。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">After hesitating again and again, she chose to give up the competition.</span></li>
  21. <li><span class="hanzi">我们 再三 考虑 过后,决定 满足 你 的 这 个 要求。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">After back and forth considering, we decided to satisfy your requirements.</span></li>
  22. <li><span class="hanzi">我 再三 提醒 你 出国 旅游 一定 要 小心 你 的 钱包。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">I reminded you, again and again, that you need to be careful with your wallet when you travel abroad.</span></li>
  23. </ul>
  24. </div>
  25. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  26. <ul>
  27. <li><a href="Again_in_the_future_with_&quot;zai&quot;" title="wikilink">Again in the future with "zai"</a></li>
  28. <li><a href="Again_in_the_past_with_&quot;you&quot;" title="wikilink">Again in the past with "you"</a></li>
  29. </ul>
  30. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  31. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  32. <ul>
  33. <li>Chinese Grammar - Broken down into 100 items - Basic and Intermediate Levels (<span class="hanzi">汉语语法百项讲练 - 初中级</span>) (pp.195-7) </li>
  34. <li>New Practical Chinese Reader 5 (<span class="hanzi">新实用汉语课本5</span>) (pp.157) </li>
  35. </ul>
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