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  9. <p>In Chinese, there is another way to make comparisons. You can
  10. use <a href="Negation_of_&quot;you&quot;_with_&quot;mei&quot;"
  11. title="wikilink">没有 (méiyǒu)</a> to express that something is "not
  12. as" <em>adjective</em> as something else. (Yes, that's the same 没有
  13. (méiyǒu) that means "not have," used here in a different way.)</p>
  14. <h2 id="basic-usage">Basic Usage</h2>
  15. <p>As well as with <a href="Basic_comparisons_with_&quot;bi&quot;"
  16. title="wikilink">比 (bǐ)</a>, you can also use 没有 (méiyǒu) to make
  17. basic comparisons. You could think of 没有 (méiyǒu) as the opposite
  18. of 比 (bǐ) - it works in the same way, but rather than expressing
  19. "more... than..." it expresses "not as... as...":</p>
  20. <div class="jiegou">
  21. <p>Noun 1 + 没有 + Noun 2 + Adj.</p>
  22. </div>
  23. <p>In this structure, the noun that's placed first is <em>less</em>
  24. "adjective" than the second noun, making 没有 (méiyǒu) the
  25. <em>opposite</em> of <a href=
  26. "Basic_comparisons_with_&quot;bi&quot;" title="wikilink">比 (bǐ)</a>
  27. for comparison purposes. So in the sentence:</p>
  28. <div class="liju">
  29. <ul>
  30. <li>小张 <em>没有</em> 小李 高 。 <span class="pinyin">Xiǎo Zhāng
  31. <em>méiyǒu</em> Xiǎo Lǐ gāo.</span><span class="trans">Xiao Zhang
  32. is not as tall as Xiao Li.</span></li>
  33. </ul>
  34. </div>
  35. <p>小李 (Xiǎo Lǐ) is taller. The same situation could be described
  36. as:</p>
  37. <div class="liju">
  38. <ul>
  39. <li>小李 <em>没有</em> 小张 矮 。 <span class="pinyin">Xiǎo Lǐ
  40. <em>méiyǒu</em> Xiǎo Zhāng ǎi.</span><span class="trans">Xiao Li is
  41. not as short as Xiao Zhang.</span></li>
  42. </ul>
  43. </div>
  44. <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
  45. <div class="liju">
  46. <ul>
  47. <li>这 个 地方 <em>没有</em> 上海 好玩。 <span class="pinyin">Zhège dìfang
  48. <em>méiyǒu</em> Shànghǎi hǎowán.</span><span class="trans">This
  49. place is not as fun as Shanghai.</span></li>
  50. <li>火车 <em>没有</em> 飞机 快。 <span class="pinyin">Huǒchē
  51. <em>méiyǒu</em> fēijī kuài.</span><span class="trans">Trains are
  52. not as fast as airplanes.</span></li>
  53. <li><em>没有</em> 他弟弟 聪明。 <span class="pinyin"><em>méiyǒu</em>
  54. tā dìdi cōngming.</span><span class="trans">He's not as smart as
  55. his younger brother.</span></li>
  56. <li>Clinton <em>没有</em> Obama 帅。 <span class="pinyin">Clinton
  57. <em>méiyǒu</em> Obama shuài.</span><span class="trans">Clinton is
  58. not as handsome as Obama.</span></li>
  59. <li>马云 <em>没有</em> Bill Gates 有钱。 <span class="pinyin">Mǎyún
  60. <em>méiyǒu</em> Bill Gates yǒuqián.</span><span class="trans">Jack
  61. Ma is not as rich as Bill Gates.</span></li>
  62. <li>你们 公司 <em>没有</em> 我们公司 大。 <span class="pinyin">Nǐmen gōngsī
  63. <em>méiyǒu</em> wǒmen gōngsī dà.</span> <span class="trans">Your
  64. company is not as big as ours.</span></li>
  65. <li>拼音 <em>没有</em> 汉字 难。 <span class="pinyin">Pīnyīn
  66. <em>méiyǒu</em> Hànzì nán.</span><span class="trans">Pinyin is not
  67. as difficult as Chinese characters.</span></li>
  68. <li>坐 公交车 <em>没有</em> 坐地铁 方便。 <span class="pinyin">Zuò gōngjiāochē
  69. <em>méiyǒu</em> zuò dìtiě fāngbiàn.</span><span class=
  70. "trans">Taking the bus is not as convenient as taking the
  71. metro.</span></li>
  72. <li>小米 手机 <em>没有</em> iPhone 贵。 <span class="pinyin">Xiǎomǐ shǒujī
  73. <em>méiyǒu</em> iPhone guì.</span><span class="trans">The Xiaomi
  74. phone is not as expensive as the iPhone.</span></li>
  75. <li>爸爸 做的 菜 <em>没有</em> 妈妈 做的菜 好吃。<span class="pinyin">Bàba zuò de
  76. cài <em>méiyǒu</em> māma zuò de cài hǎochī.</span><span class=
  77. "trans">The food dad cooks is not as tasty as the food mom
  78. cooks.</span></li>
  79. </ul>
  80. </div>
  81. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  82. <ul>
  83. <li><a href="Basic_comparisons_with_&quot;bi&quot;" title=
  84. "wikilink">Basic comparisons with "bi"</a></li>
  85. <li><a href="Basic_comparisons_with_&quot;bu_bi&quot;" title=
  86. "wikilink">Basic comparisons with "bu bi"</a></li>
  87. <li><a href="Negation_of_&quot;you&quot;_with_&quot;mei&quot;"
  88. title="wikilink">Negation of "you" with "mei"</a></li>
  89. <li><a href="Comparisons_with_&quot;buru&quot;" title=
  90. "wikilink">Comparisons with "buru"</a></li>
  91. </ul>
  92. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further
  93. reading</h2>
  94. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  95. <ul>
  96. <li><a href="Integrated_Chinese:_Level_1,_Part_2_(3rd_ed)" title=
  97. "wikilink">Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2 (3rd ed)</a> (pp.
  98. 69- 71) <a href=
  99. "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0887276709/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=0887276709">
  100. →buy</a></li>
  101. <li><a href="Chinese:_An_Essential_Grammar,_Second_Edition" title=
  102. "wikilink">Chinese: An Essential Grammar, Second Edition</a> (pp.
  103. 54-5) <a href=
  104. "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0415372615/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=0415372615">
  105. →buy</a></li>
  106. <li><a href=
  107. "New_Practical_Chinese_Reader_3_(%E6%96%B0%E5%AE%9E%E7%94%A8%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%BE%E6%9C%AC3)"
  108. title="wikilink">New Practical Chinese Reader 3 (新实用汉语课本3)</a> (pp.
  109. 33-4) <a href=
  110. "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/756191251X/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=756191251X">
  111. →buy</a></li>
  112. </ul>
  113. <p><a href="Category:A2_grammar_points" title=
  114. "wikilink">Category:A2 grammar points</a> <a href=
  115. "Category:Comparison" class="uri" title=
  116. "wikilink">Category:Comparison</a></p>
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