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  9. <p>Of course <a href="%E5%A5%BD" title="wikilink">好 (hǎo)</a> means
  10. "good." But it can also be used to express that something is "easy
  11. to do" or "good to do." And it is quite... <em>easy to do</em>! All
  12. you need to do is place a 好 (hǎo) before a <a href="verb" class=
  13. "uri" title="wikilink">verb</a>.</p>
  14. <h2 id="general-verbs">General Verbs</h2>
  15. <p>Just as 难 (nán) can be used to indicate that it's <a href=
  16. "Expressing_&quot;difficult&quot;_with_&quot;nan&quot;" title=
  17. "wikilink">hard to do something</a>, 好 (hǎo) can also come before
  18. verbs to indicate that something is <em>easy to do.</em></p>
  19. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  20. <p>The simple form is just:</p>
  21. <div class="jiegou">
  22. <p>好 + Verb</p>
  23. </div>
  24. <p>If you want to make a sentence out of it:</p>
  25. <div class="jiegou">
  26. <p>Subj. + (很) 好 + Verb</p>
  27. </div>
  28. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  29. <div class="liju">
  30. <ul>
  31. <li>这 个 词 的 意思 很 <em>好懂</em><span class="pinyin">Zhège cí de yìsi
  32. hěn <em>hǎo dǒng</em>.</span><span class="trans">The meaning of
  33. this word is easy to understand.</span></li>
  34. <li>这 个 汉字 很 <em>好写</em><span class="pinyin">Zhège Hànzì hěn
  35. <em>hǎo xiě</em>.</span><span class="trans">This Chinese character
  36. is easy to write.</span></li>
  37. <li>三明治 很 <em>好做</em><span class="pinyin">Sānmíngzhì hěn <em>hǎo
  38. zuò</em>.</span><span class="trans">Sandwiches are easy to
  39. make.</span></li>
  40. <li>苹果 手机 现在 很 <em>好买</em><span class="pinyin">Píngguǒ shǒujī
  41. xiànzài hěn <em>hǎo mǎi</em>.</span><span class="trans">iPhones are
  42. easy to buy now.</span></li>
  43. <li>这 个 笔 很 <em>好用</em><span class="pinyin">Zhège bǐ hěn <em>hǎo
  44. yòng</em>.</span><span class="trans">This pen is easy to
  45. use.</span></li>
  46. </ul>
  47. </div>
  48. <h2 id="exceptions">Exceptions</h2>
  49. <p>好 (hǎo) can also be attached to "sense verbs" (e.g. "look,"
  50. "taste," "smell," etc.) to indicate that something is
  51. <em>'good</em> to do'' (rather than "<em>easy</em> to do").</p>
  52. <p>There's a limited number of these, but some of them are super
  53. common, so just memorize them as exceptions:</p>
  54. <div class="liju">
  55. <ul>
  56. <li>好吃 <span class="pinyin">hǎochī</span><span class="trans">good
  57. to taste, good to eat, delicious</span></li>
  58. <li>好喝 <span class="pinyin">hǎohē</span><span class="trans">good to
  59. taste, good to drink</span></li>
  60. <li>好看 <span class="pinyin">hǎokàn</span> <span class="trans">good
  61. to look at, good-looking, attractive</span></li>
  62. <li>好听 <span class="pinyin">hǎotīng</span><span class="trans">good
  63. to listen to, pleasant to listen to, good-sounding</span></li>
  64. <li>好闻 <span class="pinyin">hǎowén</span><span class="trans">good
  65. to smell, smells good, good-smelling</span></li>
  66. </ul>
  67. </div>
  68. <p>The word for "fun" in Chinese is also of this form, even though
  69. it's not a sense verb:</p>
  70. <div class="liju">
  71. <ul>
  72. <li>好玩 <span class="pinyin">hǎowán</span><span class=
  73. "trans">fun</span></li>
  74. </ul>
  75. </div>
  76. <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
  77. <div class="liju">
  78. <ul>
  79. <li>这 首 歌 很 <em>好听</em><span class="pinyin">Zhè shǒu gē hěn
  80. <em>hǎotīng</em>.</span><span class="trans">This song is
  81. great.</span></li>
  82. <li>这 种 茶 很 <em>好闻</em><span class="pinyin">Zhè zhǒng chá hěn
  83. <em>hǎowén</em>.</span> <span class="trans">This kind of tea smells
  84. good.</span></li>
  85. <li>你 的 新 包 很 <em>好看</em><span class="pinyin">Nǐ de xīn bāo hěn
  86. <em>hǎokàn</em>.</span><span class="trans">Your new bag looks
  87. good.</span></li>
  88. <li>妈妈 做 的 菜 很 <em>好吃</em><span class="pinyin">Māma zuò de cài
  89. hěn <em>hǎochī</em>.</span> <span class="trans">The food mom makes
  90. is delicious.</span></li>
  91. <li>我 觉得 上海 很 <em>好玩</em><span class="pinyin">Wǒ juéde Shànghǎi
  92. hěn <em>hǎowán</em>.</span><span class="trans">I think Shanghai is
  93. a lot of fun.</span></li>
  94. </ul>
  95. </div>
  96. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  97. <ul>
  98. <li><a href="Expressing_&quot;difficult&quot;_with_&quot;nan&quot;"
  99. title="wikilink">Expressing "difficult" with "nan"</a></li>
  100. <li><a href=
  101. "Expressing_Difficulty_with_&quot;hao_(bu)_rongyi&quot;" title=
  102. "wikilink">Expressing Difficulty with "hao (bu) rongyi"</a></li>
  103. <li><a href="Expressing_purpose_with_&quot;haorang&quot;" title=
  104. "wikilink">Expressing purpose with "haorang"</a> (advanced
  105. article)</li>
  106. </ul>
  107. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further
  108. reading</h2>
  109. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  110. <ul>
  111. <li><a href="Integrated_Chinese:_Level_1,_Part_2_(3rd_ed)" title=
  112. "wikilink">Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2 (3rd ed)</a> (p.
  113. 232) <a href=
  114. "http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0887276709/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=0887276709">
  115. →buy</a></li>
  116. <li><a href=
  117. "%E5%8D%93%E8%B6%8A%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%EF%BC%8D%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E5%AE%9E%E6%88%98%E7%AF%87"
  118. class="uri" title="wikilink">卓越汉语-公司实战篇</a> (p. 52) <a href=
  119. "http://www.amazon.cn/%E5%8D%93%E8%B6%8A%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD-%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E5%AE%9E%E6%88%98%E7%AF%87-%E8%83%A1%E7%81%B5%E5%9D%87/dp/B003QZWQ6M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1347863170&amp;sr=8-1">
  120. →buy</a></li>
  121. </ul>
  122. <p><a href="Category:A2_grammar_points" title=
  123. "wikilink">Category:A2 grammar points</a></p>
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