Grammar-wiki-B2-58.txt.html 2.2 KB

  1. <p>像 (xiàng) is used to compare a specific characteristic of two things or people, and can be used in the following structure:</p>
  2. <h2 id="expressing-just-like-with-像">Expressing just like with &quot;&quot;</h2>
  3. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  4. <div class="jiegou">
  5. <p>Noun 1 + 像 + Noun 2 + 一样 + Adj. / Verb</p>
  6. <p>Noun 1 + 像 + Noun 2 + 这么 / 那么 + Adj. / Verb</p>
  7. </div>
  8. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  9. <div class="liju">
  10. <ul>
  11. <li>你 怎么 <em></em> 我 妈 <em>一样</em> 啰嗦!<span class="trans">Why do you sound as nagging as my mom does!</span></li>
  12. <li>他 生气 的 时候 会 <em></em> 疯子 <em>一样</em> 大 叫。<span class="trans">He would scream like a lunatic when he gets angry.</span></li>
  13. </ul>
  14. </div>
  15. <h2 id="expressing-not-as-...-as-with-不像-or-没有">Expressing not as ... as with &quot;不像&quot; or &quot;没有&quot;</h2>
  16. <h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3>
  17. <div class="jiegou">
  18. <p>Noun 1 + 不像 + Noun 2 + 这么 / 那么 + Adj. / Verb</p>
  19. <p>Noun 1 + 没有 + Noun 2 + 这么 / 那么 + Adj. / Verb</p>
  20. </div>
  21. <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
  22. <div class="liju">
  23. <ul>
  24. <li>这 个 男 老师 <em>不 像</em> 那 个 女 老师 <em>那么</em> 严格。<span class="trans">This man teacher is not as strict as that woman teacher.</span></li>
  25. <li>我们 <em>没有</em><em>那么</em> 喜欢 孩子。<span class="trans">We don't like kids as much as you do.</span></li>
  26. </ul>
  27. </div>
  28. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  29. <ul>
  30. <li><a href="Basic_comparisons_with_&quot;yiyang&quot;" title="wikilink">Basic comparisons with &quot;yiyang&quot;</a></li>
  31. <li><a href="Comparing" class="uri" title="wikilink">Comparing</a></li>
  32. </ul>
  33. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  34. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  35. <ul>
  36. <li><a href="Boya_Chinese_Lower_Intermediate_2_(博雅汉语准中级加速篇)" title="wikilink">Boya Chinese Lower Intermediate 2 (博雅汉语准中级加速篇)</a> (pp.80) <a href=";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399373&amp;creativeASIN=B00112ZL5A">→buy</a></li>
  37. </ul>
  38. <p> </p>
  39. <p><a href="Category:_B2_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category: B2 grammar points</a></p>