Grammar-wiki-A2.csv.xml 559 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
  2. <grammarwikitable>
  3. <enregistrement>
  4. <hanzi>我 饿 死了。</hanzi>
  5. <pinyin>Wǒ è sǐ le!</pinyin>
  6. <translation>I'm starving! Literally, 'hungry to death' </translation>
  7. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  8. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  9. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  10. <traditional>我 餓 死了。</traditional>
  11. <sound>[sound:我饿死了。.mp3]</sound>
  12. </enregistrement>
  13. <enregistrement>
  14. <hanzi>今天 累 死了。</hanzi>
  15. <pinyin>Jīntiān lèi sǐ le!</pinyin>
  16. <translation>Today was so exhausting! Literally, 'tired to death'</translation>
  17. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  18. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  19. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  20. <traditional>今天 累 死了。</traditional>
  21. <sound>[sound:今天累死了。.mp3]</sound>
  22. </enregistrement>
  23. <enregistrement>
  24. <hanzi>热 死了!</hanzi>
  25. <pinyin>Rè sǐ le!</pinyin>
  26. <translation>It's ridiculously hot! Literally, 'hot to death'</translation>
  27. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  28. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  29. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  30. <traditional>熱 死了!</traditional>
  31. <sound>[sound:热死了!.mp3]</sound>
  32. </enregistrement>
  33. <enregistrement>
  34. <hanzi>这 几 天 忙 死了。</hanzi>
  35. <pinyin> Zhè jǐ tiān máng sǐ le!</pinyin>
  36. <translation>It's been so terribly busy these days! Literally, 'busy to death'</translation>
  37. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  38. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  39. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  40. <traditional>這 幾 天 忙 死了。</traditional>
  41. <sound>[sound:这几天忙死了。.mp3]</sound>
  42. </enregistrement>
  43. <enregistrement>
  44. <hanzi>这 件 衣服 丑 死了。</hanzi>
  45. <pinyin>Zhè jiàn yīfu chǒu sǐ le!</pinyin>
  46. <translation>This clothing is totally hideous! Literally, 'ugly to death'</translation>
  47. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  48. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  49. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  50. <traditional>這 件 衣服 醜 死了。</traditional>
  51. <sound>[sound:这件衣服丑死了。.mp3]</sound>
  52. </enregistrement>
  53. <enregistrement>
  54. <hanzi>你 的 房间 脏 死了。</hanzi>
  55. <pinyin>Nǐ de fángjiān zāng sǐ le!</pinyin>
  56. <translation>Your room is absolutely filthy! Literally, 'dirty to death'</translation>
  57. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  58. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  59. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  60. <traditional>你 的 房間 髒 死了。</traditional>
  61. <sound>[sound:你的房间脏死了。.mp3]</sound>
  62. </enregistrement>
  63. <enregistrement>
  64. <hanzi>吵 死了!</hanzi>
  65. <pinyin>Chǎo sǐ le!</pinyin>
  66. <translation>It's so terribly noisy! Literally, 'noisy to death'</translation>
  67. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  68. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  69. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  70. <traditional>吵 死了!</traditional>
  71. <sound>[sound:吵死了!.mp3]</sound>
  72. </enregistrement>
  73. <enregistrement>
  74. <hanzi>这里 的 东西 贵 死了。</hanzi>
  75. <pinyin>Zhèlǐ de dōngxi guì sǐ le!</pinyin>
  76. <translation>The things here are criminally expensive! Literally, 'expensive to death'</translation>
  77. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  78. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  79. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  80. <traditional>這裏 的 東西 貴 死了。</traditional>
  81. <sound>[sound:这里的东西贵死了。.mp3]</sound>
  82. </enregistrement>
  83. <enregistrement>
  84. <hanzi>我们 都 急 死了。</hanzi>
  85. <pinyin>Wǒmen dōu jí sǐ le!</pinyin>
  86. <translation>We are all so terribly anxious! Literally, 'anxious to death'</translation>
  87. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  88. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  89. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  90. <traditional>我們 都 急 死了。</traditional>
  91. <sound>[sound:我们都急死了。.mp3]</sound>
  92. </enregistrement>
  93. <enregistrement>
  94. <hanzi>这 个 孩子 烦 死了。</hanzi>
  95. <pinyin>Zhège háizi fán sǐ le!</pinyin>
  96. <translation>This kid is so freaking annoying! Literally, 'annoying to death'</translation>
  97. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  98. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  99. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  100. <traditional>這 個 孩子 煩 死了。</traditional>
  101. <sound>[sound:这个孩子烦死了。.mp3]</sound>
  102. </enregistrement>
  103. <enregistrement>
  104. <hanzi>哇,可爱 死了 !</hanzi>
  105. <pinyin>Wā, kě'ài sǐ le!</pinyin>
  106. <translation>OMG, adorbs! Literally, 'cute to death'</translation>
  107. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  110. <traditional>哇,可愛 死了 !</traditional>
  111. <sound>[sound:哇,可爱死了!.mp3]</sound>
  112. </enregistrement>
  113. <enregistrement>
  114. <hanzi>漂亮 死了 !</hanzi>
  115. <pinyin>Piàoliang sǐ le!</pinyin>
  116. <translation>Drop-dead gorgeous! Literally, 'pretty to death'</translation>
  117. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  120. <traditional>漂亮 死了 !</traditional>
  121. <sound>[sound:漂亮死了!.mp3]</sound>
  122. </enregistrement>
  123. <enregistrement>
  124. <hanzi>这 个 蛋糕 好吃 死了。</hanzi>
  125. <pinyin>Zhège dàngāo hǎochī sǐ le!</pinyin>
  126. <translation>This cake is to die for! Literally, 'delicious to death'</translation>
  127. <sequence>Negative adjectives with 死了 '-sǐ le'</sequence>
  128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  130. <traditional>這 個 蛋糕 好吃 死了。</traditional>
  131. <sound>[sound:这个蛋糕好吃死了。.mp3]</sound>
  132. </enregistrement>
  133. <enregistrement>
  134. <hanzi>这 几 个 地方 都 差不多。</hanzi>
  135. <pinyin>Zhè jǐ gè dìfang dōu chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  136. <translation>These places are all pretty much the same.</translation>
  137. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  140. <traditional>這 幾 個 地方 都 差不多。</traditional>
  141. <sound>[sound:这几个地方都差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  142. </enregistrement>
  143. <enregistrement>
  144. <hanzi>这 两 个 词 的 意思 差不多。</hanzi>
  145. <pinyin>Zhè liǎng gè cí de yìsi chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  146. <translation>The meanings of these two words are pretty much the same.</translation>
  147. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  150. <traditional>這 兩 個 詞 的 意思 差不多。</traditional>
  151. <sound>[sound:这两个词的意思差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  152. </enregistrement>
  153. <enregistrement>
  154. <hanzi>我们 的 想法 差不多。</hanzi>
  155. <pinyin>Wǒmen de xiǎngfǎ chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  156. <translation>Our ways of thinking are pretty much the same.</translation>
  157. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  160. <traditional>我們 的 想法 差不多。</traditional>
  161. <sound>[sound:我们的想法差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  162. </enregistrement>
  163. <enregistrement>
  164. <hanzi>那 两 家 餐厅 的 菜 差不多。</hanzi>
  165. <pinyin>Nà liǎng jiā cāntīng de cài chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  166. <translation>Those two restaurants' dishes are almost the same.</translation>
  167. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  170. <traditional>那 兩 家 餐廳 的 菜 差不多。</traditional>
  171. <sound>[sound:那两家餐厅的菜差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  172. </enregistrement>
  173. <enregistrement>
  174. <hanzi>你们 的 中文 水平 差不多。</hanzi>
  175. <pinyin>Nǐmen de Zhōngwén shuǐpíng chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  176. <translation>Your Chinese levels are almost the same.</translation>
  177. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  180. <traditional>你們 的 中文 水平 差不多。</traditional>
  181. <sound>[sound:你们的中文水平差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  182. </enregistrement>
  183. <enregistrement>
  184. <hanzi>上海 和 纽约 差不多。</hanzi>
  185. <pinyin>Shànghǎi hé Niǔyuē chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  186. <translation>Shanghai and New York are basically the same.</translation>
  187. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  190. <traditional>上海 和 紐約 差不多。</traditional>
  191. <sound>[sound:上海和纽约差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  192. </enregistrement>
  193. <enregistrement>
  194. <hanzi>Starbucks 和 Costa 差不多。</hanzi>
  195. <pinyin> Starbucks hé Costa chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  196. <translation>Starbucks and Costa are almost the same.</translation>
  197. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  200. <traditional>Starbucks 和 Costa 差不多。</traditional>
  201. <sound>[sound:Starbucks和Costa差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  202. </enregistrement>
  203. <enregistrement>
  204. <hanzi>这里 的 天气 跟 台湾 的 天气 差不多。</hanzi>
  205. <pinyin> Zhèlǐ de tiānqì gēn Táiwān de tiānqì chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  206. <translation>The weather here is pretty much like Taiwan's.</translation>
  207. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  210. <traditional>這裏 的 天氣 跟 臺灣 的 天氣 差不多。</traditional>
  211. <sound>[sound:这里的天气跟台湾的天气差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  212. </enregistrement>
  213. <enregistrement>
  214. <hanzi>你的 工作 跟 我的 工作 差不多。</hanzi>
  215. <pinyin> Nǐ de gōngzuò gēn wǒ de gōngzuò chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  216. <translation>Your job and my job are almost the same.</translation>
  217. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  220. <traditional>你的 工作 跟 我的 工作 差不多。</traditional>
  221. <sound>[sound:你的工作跟我的工作差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  222. </enregistrement>
  223. <enregistrement>
  224. <hanzi>你的 新 手机 跟 我的 旧 手机 差不多。</hanzi>
  225. <pinyin>Nǐ de xīn shǒujī gēn wǒ de jiù shǒujī chàbuduō.</pinyin>
  226. <translation>Your new cell phone is pretty much like my old cell phone.</translation>
  227. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  230. <traditional>你的 新 手機 跟 我的 舊 手機 差不多。</traditional>
  231. <sound>[sound:你的新手机跟我的旧手机差不多。.mp3]</sound>
  232. </enregistrement>
  233. <enregistrement>
  234. <hanzi>这 两 个 孩子 差不多 大。</hanzi>
  235. <pinyin>Zhè liǎng gè háizi chàbuduō dà.</pinyin>
  236. <translation>These two children are more or less the same age.</translation>
  237. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  240. <traditional>這 兩 個 孩子 差不多 大。</traditional>
  241. <sound>[sound:这两个孩子差不多大。.mp3]</sound>
  242. </enregistrement>
  243. <enregistrement>
  244. <hanzi>我 跟 我哥哥 差不多 高。</hanzi>
  245. <pinyin>Wǒ gēn wǒ gēge chàbuduō gāo.</pinyin>
  246. <translation>My older brother and I are more or less the same height.</translation>
  247. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  250. <traditional>我 跟 我哥哥 差不多 高。</traditional>
  251. <sound>[sound:我跟我哥哥差不多高。.mp3]</sound>
  252. </enregistrement>
  253. <enregistrement>
  254. <hanzi>我 差不多 到 公园 门口 了。</hanzi>
  255. <pinyin>Wǒ chàbuduō dào gōngyuán ménkǒu le.</pinyin>
  256. <translation>I'm almost at the entrance of the park.</translation>
  257. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  260. <traditional>我 差不多 到 公園 門口 了。</traditional>
  261. <sound>[sound:我差不多到公园门口了。.mp3]</sound>
  262. </enregistrement>
  263. <enregistrement>
  264. <hanzi>电影 差不多 要 开始 了。</hanzi>
  265. <pinyin>Diànyǐng chàbuduō yào kāishǐ le.</pinyin>
  266. <translation>The movie is almost about to start.</translation>
  267. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  270. <traditional>電影 差不多 要 開始 了。</traditional>
  271. <sound>[sound:电影差不多要开始了。.mp3]</sound>
  272. </enregistrement>
  273. <enregistrement>
  274. <hanzi>今天 的 工作 差不多 做 完 了。</hanzi>
  275. <pinyin>Jīntiān de gōngzuò chàbuduō zuò wán le.</pinyin>
  276. <translation>Today's work is almost done.</translation>
  277. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  280. <traditional>今天 的 工作 差不多 做 完 了。</traditional>
  281. <sound>[sound:今天的工作差不多做完了。.mp3]</sound>
  282. </enregistrement>
  283. <enregistrement>
  284. <hanzi>你 儿子 差不多 五 岁 了 吧?</hanzi>
  285. <pinyin>Nǐ érzi chàbuduō wǔ suì le ba?</pinyin>
  286. <translation>Your son should be about 5 years old, right?</translation>
  287. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  290. <traditional>你 兒子 差不多 五 歲 了 吧?</traditional>
  291. <sound>[sound:你儿子差不多五岁了吧?.mp3]</sound>
  292. </enregistrement>
  293. <enregistrement>
  294. <hanzi>他 住 在 上海 差不多 三 个 月 了。</hanzi>
  295. <pinyin>Tā zhù zài Shànghǎi chàbuduō sān gè yuè le.</pinyin>
  296. <translation>He has lived in Shanghai for about three months.</translation>
  297. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  298. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  299. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  300. <traditional>他 住 在 上海 差不多 三 個 月 了。</traditional>
  301. <sound>[sound:他住在上海差不多三个月了。.mp3]</sound>
  302. </enregistrement>
  303. <enregistrement>
  304. <hanzi>我 在 这 家 公司 工作 了 差不多 十 年 了。</hanzi>
  305. <pinyin>Wǒ zài zhè jiā gōngsī gōngzuò le chàbuduō shí nián le.</pinyin>
  306. <translation>I've worked for this company for almost ten years.</translation>
  307. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  310. <traditional>我 在 這 家 公司 工作 了 差不多 十 年 了。</traditional>
  311. <sound>[sound:我在这家公司工作了差不多十年了。.mp3]</sound>
  312. </enregistrement>
  313. <enregistrement>
  314. <hanzi>我 父母 结婚 差不多 二十 年 了。</hanzi>
  315. <pinyin>Wǒ fùmǔ jiéhūn chàbuduō èrshí nián le.</pinyin>
  316. <translation>My parents have been married for about twenty years.</translation>
  317. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  320. <traditional>我 父母 結婚 差不多 二十 年 了。</traditional>
  321. <sound>[sound:我父母结婚差不多二十年了。.mp3]</sound>
  322. </enregistrement>
  323. <enregistrement>
  324. <hanzi>差不多 两 个 星期 以前,我 在 北京 见 过 他。</hanzi>
  325. <pinyin>Chàbuduō liǎng gè xīngqí yǐqián, wǒ zài Běijīng jiàn guo tā.</pinyin>
  326. <translation>About two weeks ago I met with him in Beijing.</translation>
  327. <sequence>Approximations with 'chàbuduō' '差不多'</sequence>
  328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  330. <traditional>差不多 兩 個 星期 以前,我 在 北京 見 過 他。</traditional>
  331. <sound>[sound:差不多两个星期以前,我在北京见过他。.mp3]</sound>
  332. </enregistrement>
  333. <enregistrement>
  334. <hanzi>很 多 地方 都 有 wifi。</hanzi>
  335. <pinyin>Hěn duō dìfang dōu yǒu wifi.</pinyin>
  336. <translation>A lot of places have wifi.</translation>
  337. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  340. <traditional>很 多 地方 都 有 wifi。</traditional>
  341. <sound>[sound:很多地方都有wifi。.mp3]</sound>
  342. </enregistrement>
  343. <enregistrement>
  344. <hanzi>我 的 很 多 朋友 都 有 车。</hanzi>
  345. <pinyin>Wǒ de hěn duō péngyou dōu yǒu chē.</pinyin>
  346. <translation>A lot of my friends have cars.</translation>
  347. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  350. <traditional>我 的 很 多 朋友 都 有 車。</traditional>
  351. <sound>[sound:我的很多朋友都有车。.mp3]</sound>
  352. </enregistrement>
  353. <enregistrement>
  354. <hanzi>很 多 美国人 都 喜欢 喝 咖啡 。</hanzi>
  355. <pinyin>Hěn duō Měiguó rén dōu xǐhuan hē kāfēi.</pinyin>
  356. <translation>A lot of Americans like drinking coffee.</translation>
  357. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  360. <traditional>很 多 美國人 都 喜歡 喝 咖啡 。</traditional>
  361. <sound>[sound:很多美国人都喜欢喝咖啡。.mp3]</sound>
  362. </enregistrement>
  363. <enregistrement>
  364. <hanzi>很 多 孩子 都 不 喜欢 上学。</hanzi>
  365. <pinyin>Hěn duō háizi dōu bù xǐhuan shàngxué.</pinyin>
  366. <translation>A lot of kids don't like to go to school.</translation>
  367. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  370. <traditional>很 多 孩子 都 不 喜歡 上學。</traditional>
  371. <sound>[sound:很多孩子都不喜欢上学。.mp3]</sound>
  372. </enregistrement>
  373. <enregistrement>
  374. <hanzi>很 多 年轻人 都 想 在 大 城市 工作。</hanzi>
  375. <pinyin>Hěn duō niánqīng rén dōu xiǎng zài dà chéngshì gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  376. <translation>A lot of young people want to go to work in big cities.</translation>
  377. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  380. <traditional>很 多 年輕人 都 想 在 大 城市 工作。</traditional>
  381. <sound>[sound:很多年轻人都想在大城市工作。.mp3]</sound>
  382. </enregistrement>
  383. <enregistrement>
  384. <hanzi>大家 都 来 了 吗?</hanzi>
  385. <pinyin>Dàjiā dōu lái le ma?</pinyin>
  386. <translation>Is everyone here?</translation>
  387. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  390. <traditional>大家 都 來 了 嗎?</traditional>
  391. <sound>[sound:大家都来了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  392. </enregistrement>
  393. <enregistrement>
  394. <hanzi>大家 都 应该 知道。</hanzi>
  395. <pinyin>Dàjiā dōu yīnggāi zhīdào.</pinyin>
  396. <translation>Everyone should know.</translation>
  397. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  398. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  399. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  400. <traditional>大家 都 應該 知道。</traditional>
  401. <sound>[sound:大家都应该知道。.mp3]</sound>
  402. </enregistrement>
  403. <enregistrement>
  404. <hanzi>大家 都 说 你 很 聪明。</hanzi>
  405. <pinyin>Dàjiā dōu shuō nǐ hěn cōngming.</pinyin>
  406. <translation>Everyone says you're smart.</translation>
  407. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  408. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  409. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  410. <traditional>大家 都 說 你 很 聰明。</traditional>
  411. <sound>[sound:大家都说你很聪明。.mp3]</sound>
  412. </enregistrement>
  413. <enregistrement>
  414. <hanzi>大家 都 忘 了 他 的 名字。</hanzi>
  415. <pinyin>Dàjiā dōu wàng le tā de míngzi.</pinyin>
  416. <translation>Everyone forgot his name.</translation>
  417. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  418. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  419. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  420. <traditional>大家 都 忘 了 他 的 名字。</traditional>
  421. <sound>[sound:大家都忘了他的名字。.mp3]</sound>
  422. </enregistrement>
  423. <enregistrement>
  424. <hanzi>大家 都 喜欢 吃辣 吗?</hanzi>
  425. <pinyin>Dàjiā dōu xǐhuan chī là ma?</pinyin>
  426. <translation>Does everyone like eating spicy food?</translation>
  427. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  428. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  429. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  430. <traditional>大家 都 喜歡 吃辣 嗎?</traditional>
  431. <sound>[sound:大家都喜欢吃辣吗?.mp3]</sound>
  432. </enregistrement>
  433. <enregistrement>
  434. <hanzi>我 每天 都 要 上班 。</hanzi>
  435. <pinyin>Wǒ měi tiān dōu yào shàngbān.</pinyin>
  436. <translation>I have to go to work every day.</translation>
  437. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  438. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  439. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  440. <traditional>我 每天 都 要 上班 。</traditional>
  441. <sound>[sound:我每天都要上班。.mp3]</sound>
  442. </enregistrement>
  443. <enregistrement>
  444. <hanzi>老师 每天 都 迟到。</hanzi>
  445. <pinyin> Lǎoshī měi tiān dōu chídào.</pinyin>
  446. <translation> The teacher comes late every day.</translation>
  447. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  448. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  449. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  450. <traditional>老師 每天 都 遲到。</traditional>
  451. <sound>[sound:老师每天都迟到。.mp3]</sound>
  452. </enregistrement>
  453. <enregistrement>
  454. <hanzi>她 每天 都 不 吃 早饭。</hanzi>
  455. <pinyin>Tā měi tiān dōu bù chī zǎofàn.</pinyin>
  456. <translation>Every day, she does not eat breakfast.</translation>
  457. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  458. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  459. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  460. <traditional>她 每天 都 不 吃 早飯。</traditional>
  461. <sound>[sound:她每天都不吃早饭。.mp3]</sound>
  462. </enregistrement>
  463. <enregistrement>
  464. <hanzi>我 女朋友 每天 都 上 淘宝 。</hanzi>
  465. <pinyin>Wǒ nǚpéngyou měi tiān dōu shàng Táobǎo.</pinyin>
  466. <translation>My girlfriend goes on *Taobao* every day. *Taobao* is China's biggest online shopping website.</translation>
  467. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  468. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  469. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  470. <traditional>我 女朋友 每天 都 上 淘寶 。</traditional>
  471. <sound>[sound:我女朋友每天都上淘宝。.mp3]</sound>
  472. </enregistrement>
  473. <enregistrement>
  474. <hanzi>妈妈 每天 都 给 我们 做 晚饭。</hanzi>
  475. <pinyin>Māma měi tiān dōu gěi wǒmen zuò wǎnfàn.</pinyin>
  476. <translation>Mom cooks dinner for us every day.</translation>
  477. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  478. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  479. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  480. <traditional>媽媽 每天 都 給 我們 做 晚飯。</traditional>
  481. <sound>[sound:妈妈每天都给我们做晚饭。.mp3]</sound>
  482. </enregistrement>
  483. <enregistrement>
  484. <hanzi>美国人 都 说 英文。</hanzi>
  485. <pinyin>Měiguó rén dōu shuō Yīngwén.</pinyin>
  486. <translation>Americans all speak English.</translation>
  487. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  488. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  489. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  490. <traditional>美國人 都 說 英文。</traditional>
  491. <sound>[sound:美国人都说英文。.mp3]</sound>
  492. </enregistrement>
  493. <enregistrement>
  494. <hanzi>我们 五 个 人 都 去。</hanzi>
  495. <pinyin>Wǒmen wǔ gè rén dōu qù.</pinyin>
  496. <translation>All five of us are going.</translation>
  497. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  498. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  499. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  500. <traditional>我們 五 個 人 都 去。</traditional>
  501. <sound>[sound:我们五个人都去。.mp3]</sound>
  502. </enregistrement>
  503. <enregistrement>
  504. <hanzi>四川人 都 喜欢 吃辣。</hanzi>
  505. <pinyin>Sìchuān rén dōu xǐhuan chī là.</pinyin>
  506. <translation>Sichuanese people all like eating spicy food.</translation>
  507. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  508. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  509. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  510. <traditional>四川人 都 喜歡 吃辣。</traditional>
  511. <sound>[sound:四川人都喜欢吃辣。.mp3]</sound>
  512. </enregistrement>
  513. <enregistrement>
  514. <hanzi>我 的 家人 都 没 去 过 中国。</hanzi>
  515. <pinyin>Wǒ de jiārén dōu méi qù guo Zhōngguó.</pinyin>
  516. <translation>None of my family members has been to China.</translation>
  517. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  518. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  519. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  520. <traditional>我 的 家人 都 沒 去 過 中國。</traditional>
  521. <sound>[sound:我的家人都没去过中国。.mp3]</sound>
  522. </enregistrement>
  523. <enregistrement>
  524. <hanzi>我 的 学生 都 喜欢 问 问题。</hanzi>
  525. <pinyin>Wǒ de xuéshēng dōu xǐhuan wèn wèntí.</pinyin>
  526. <translation>My students all like to ask questions.</translation>
  527. <sequence>Emphasizing quantity with 'dōu' '都'</sequence>
  528. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  529. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  530. <traditional>我 的 學生 都 喜歡 問 問題。</traditional>
  531. <sound>[sound:我的学生都喜欢问问题。.mp3]</sound>
  532. </enregistrement>
  533. <enregistrement>
  534. <hanzi>我 一直 在 学习 中文 。</hanzi>
  535. <pinyin>Wǒ yīzhí zài xuéxí Zhōngwén.</pinyin>
  536. <translation>I've been studying Chinese all along.</translation>
  537. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  538. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  539. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  540. <traditional>我 一直 在 學習 中文 。</traditional>
  541. <sound>[sound:我一直在学习中文。.mp3]</sound>
  542. </enregistrement>
  543. <enregistrement>
  544. <hanzi>昨天 晚上 我 一直 在 做作业。</hanzi>
  545. <pinyin>Zuótiān wǎnshang wǒ yīzhí zài zuò zuòyè.</pinyin>
  546. <translation>Yesterday evening I was continuously doing homework. </translation>
  547. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  548. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  549. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  550. <traditional>昨天 晚上 我 一直 在 做作業。</traditional>
  551. <sound>[sound:昨天晚上我一直在做作业。.mp3]</sound>
  552. </enregistrement>
  553. <enregistrement>
  554. <hanzi>老板 一直 很 忙 。</hanzi>
  555. <pinyin> Lǎobǎn yīzhí hěn máng.</pinyin>
  556. <translation>The boss is always very busy. 'Always' is more natural than 'continuously.'</translation>
  557. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  558. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  559. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  560. <traditional>老闆 一直 很 忙 。</traditional>
  561. <sound>[sound:老板一直很忙。.mp3]</sound>
  562. </enregistrement>
  563. <enregistrement>
  564. <hanzi>我 一直 很 喜欢 你。</hanzi>
  565. <pinyin>Wǒ yīzhí hěn xǐhuan nǐ.</pinyin>
  566. <translation>I've always liked you a lot.</translation>
  567. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  568. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  569. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  570. <traditional>我 一直 很 喜歡 你。</traditional>
  571. <sound>[sound:我一直很喜欢你。.mp3]</sound>
  572. </enregistrement>
  573. <enregistrement>
  574. <hanzi>爸爸 一直 都 不 抽烟。</hanzi>
  575. <pinyin>Bàba yīzhí dōu bù chōuyān.</pinyin>
  576. <translation>Dad has never smoked cigarettes.</translation>
  577. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  578. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  579. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  580. <traditional>爸爸 一直 都 不 抽菸。</traditional>
  581. <sound>[sound:爸爸一直都不抽烟。.mp3]</sound>
  582. </enregistrement>
  583. <enregistrement>
  584. <hanzi>我 男朋友 一直在 中国 教 英文。</hanzi>
  585. <pinyin>Wǒ nánpéngyou yīzhí zài Zhōngguó jiāo Yīngwén.</pinyin>
  586. <translation>My boyfriend has always been teaching English in China.</translation>
  587. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  588. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  589. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  590. <traditional>我 男朋友 一直在 中國 教 英文。</traditional>
  591. <sound>[sound:我男朋友一直在中国教英文。.mp3]</sound>
  592. </enregistrement>
  593. <enregistrement>
  594. <hanzi>18 岁 以后 , 他 一直 一个人 住。</hanzi>
  595. <pinyin>Shíbā suì yǐhòu, tā yīzhí yīgèrén zhù.</pinyin>
  596. <translation>Since he was 18, he has always lived alone.</translation>
  597. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  598. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  599. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  600. <traditional>18 歲 以後 , 他 一直 一個人 住。</traditional>
  601. <sound>[sound:18岁以后,他一直一个人住。.mp3]</sound>
  602. </enregistrement>
  603. <enregistrement>
  604. <hanzi>你 一直 在 这 家 公司 工作 吗?</hanzi>
  605. <pinyin>Nǐ yīzhí zài zhè jiā gōngsī gōngzuò ma?</pinyin>
  606. <translation>Have you always worked in this company? </translation>
  607. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  608. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  609. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  610. <traditional>你 一直 在 這 家 公司 工作 嗎?</traditional>
  611. <sound>[sound:你一直在这家公司工作吗?.mp3]</sound>
  612. </enregistrement>
  613. <enregistrement>
  614. <hanzi>你们 一直 住 在 一起 吗?</hanzi>
  615. <pinyin>Nǐmen yīzhí zhù zài yīqǐ ma?</pinyin>
  616. <translation>Have you always been living together? </translation>
  617. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  618. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  619. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  620. <traditional>你們 一直 住 在 一起 嗎?</traditional>
  621. <sound>[sound:你们一直住在一起吗?.mp3]</sound>
  622. </enregistrement>
  623. <enregistrement>
  624. <hanzi>北京 的 空气 一直 很 不 好。</hanzi>
  625. <pinyin>Běijīng de kōngqì yīzhí hěn bù hǎo.</pinyin>
  626. <translation>The air in Beijing has been bad for a while.</translation>
  627. <sequence>Expressing 'all along' with 'yīzhí' '一直'</sequence>
  628. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  629. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  630. <traditional>北京 的 空氣 一直 很 不 好。</traditional>
  631. <sound>[sound:北京的空气一直很不好。.mp3]</sound>
  632. </enregistrement>
  633. <enregistrement>
  634. <hanzi>他们 已经 走 了。</hanzi>
  635. <pinyin>Tāmen yǐjīng zǒu le.</pinyin>
  636. <translation>They've already left. with just a verb</translation>
  637. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  638. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  639. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  640. <traditional>他們 已經 走 了。</traditional>
  641. <sound>[sound:他们已经走了。.mp3]</sound>
  642. </enregistrement>
  643. <enregistrement>
  644. <hanzi>我 已经 有 男朋友 了 。</hanzi>
  645. <pinyin>Wǒ yǐjīng yǒu nánpéngyou le.</pinyin>
  646. <translation>I already have a boyfriend. with a verb phrase</translation>
  647. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  648. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  649. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  650. <traditional>我 已經 有 男朋友 了 。</traditional>
  651. <sound>[sound:我已经有男朋友了。.mp3]</sound>
  652. </enregistrement>
  653. <enregistrement>
  654. <hanzi>宝宝 已经 会 说话 了。</hanzi>
  655. <pinyin>Bǎobao yǐjīng huì shuōhuà le.</pinyin>
  656. <translation>The baby can already speak. with a verb phrase</translation>
  657. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  658. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  659. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  660. <traditional>寶寶 已經 會 說話 了。</traditional>
  661. <sound>[sound:宝宝已经会说话了。.mp3]</sound>
  662. </enregistrement>
  663. <enregistrement>
  664. <hanzi>妈妈 已经 回来 了。</hanzi>
  665. <pinyin>Māma yǐjīng huílái le.</pinyin>
  666. <translation>Mom has already come back. with just a verb</translation>
  667. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  668. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  669. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  670. <traditional>媽媽 已經 回來 了。</traditional>
  671. <sound>[sound:妈妈已经回来了。.mp3]</sound>
  672. </enregistrement>
  673. <enregistrement>
  674. <hanzi>他 已经 上 飞机 了。</hanzi>
  675. <pinyin>Tā yǐjīng shàng fēijī le.</pinyin>
  676. <translation>He's already gotten on the plane. with a verb phrase</translation>
  677. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  678. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  679. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  680. <traditional>他 已經 上 飛機 了。</traditional>
  681. <sound>[sound:他已经上飞机了。.mp3]</sound>
  682. </enregistrement>
  683. <enregistrement>
  684. <hanzi>爸爸 妈妈 已经 老 了。</hanzi>
  685. <pinyin>Bàba māma yǐjīng lǎo le.</pinyin>
  686. <translation>Mom and dad are already old.</translation>
  687. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  688. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  689. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  690. <traditional>爸爸 媽媽 已經 老 了。</traditional>
  691. <sound>[sound:爸爸妈妈已经老了。.mp3]</sound>
  692. </enregistrement>
  693. <enregistrement>
  694. <hanzi>已经 很 便宜 了。</hanzi>
  695. <pinyin>Yǐjīng hěn piányi le.</pinyin>
  696. <translation>It is already very cheap.</translation>
  697. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  698. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  699. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  700. <traditional>已經 很 便宜 了。</traditional>
  701. <sound>[sound:已经很便宜了。.mp3]</sound>
  702. </enregistrement>
  703. <enregistrement>
  704. <hanzi>你 女朋友 已经 很 漂亮 了!</hanzi>
  705. <pinyin> Nǐ nǚpéngyou yǐjīng hěn piàoliang le!</pinyin>
  706. <translation>Your girlfriend is already very beautiful! </translation>
  707. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  708. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  709. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  710. <traditional>你 女朋友 已經 很 漂亮 了!</traditional>
  711. <sound>[sound:你女朋友已经很漂亮了!.mp3]</sound>
  712. </enregistrement>
  713. <enregistrement>
  714. <hanzi>你 的 感冒 已经 好 了 吗 ?</hanzi>
  715. <pinyin>Nǐ de gǎnmào yǐjīng hǎo le ma?</pinyin>
  716. <translation>Is your cold already better?</translation>
  717. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  718. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  719. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  720. <traditional>你 的 感冒 已經 好 了 嗎 ?</traditional>
  721. <sound>[sound:你的感冒已经好了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  722. </enregistrement>
  723. <enregistrement>
  724. <hanzi>已经 很 晚 了,我们 走 吧。</hanzi>
  725. <pinyin>Yǐjīng hěn wǎn le, wǒmen zǒu ba.</pinyin>
  726. <translation>It's already really late. Let's go.</translation>
  727. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  728. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  729. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  730. <traditional>已經 很 晚 了,我們 走 吧。</traditional>
  731. <sound>[sound:已经很晚了,我们走吧。.mp3]</sound>
  732. </enregistrement>
  733. <enregistrement>
  734. <hanzi>已经 11点 了,女儿 还 没 回来 。</hanzi>
  735. <pinyin>Yǐjīng shíyī diǎn le, nǚ'ér hái méi huílái.</pinyin>
  736. <translation>It is already 11 o'clock, and my daughter has not returned.</translation>
  737. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  738. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  739. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  740. <traditional>已經 11點 了,女兒 還 沒 回來 。</traditional>
  741. <sound>[sound:已经11点了,女儿还没回来。.mp3]</sound>
  742. </enregistrement>
  743. <enregistrement>
  744. <hanzi>爷爷 已经 八十五 岁 了 。</hanzi>
  745. <pinyin>Yéye yǐjīng bāshí-wǔ suì le.</pinyin>
  746. <translation>Grandpa is already eighty-five years old.</translation>
  747. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  748. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  749. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  750. <traditional>爺爺 已經 八十五 歲 了 。</traditional>
  751. <sound>[sound:爷爷已经八十五岁了。.mp3]</sound>
  752. </enregistrement>
  753. <enregistrement>
  754. <hanzi>我 学习 中文 已经 一 年 了 。</hanzi>
  755. <pinyin>Wǒ xuéxí Zhōngwén yǐjīng yī nián le.</pinyin>
  756. <translation>I have already been studying Chinese for a year.</translation>
  757. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  758. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  759. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  760. <traditional>我 學習 中文 已經 一 年 了 。</traditional>
  761. <sound>[sound:我学习中文已经一年了。.mp3]</sound>
  762. </enregistrement>
  763. <enregistrement>
  764. <hanzi>他 在 洗手间 里 已经 半 个 小时 了 。</hanzi>
  765. <pinyin>Tā zài xǐshǒujiān lǐ yǐjīng bàn gè xiǎoshí le.</pinyin>
  766. <translation>He has already been in the bathroom for half an hour.</translation>
  767. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  768. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  769. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  770. <traditional>他 在 洗手間 裏 已經 半 個 小時 了 。</traditional>
  771. <sound>[sound:他在洗手间里已经半个小时了。.mp3]</sound>
  772. </enregistrement>
  773. <enregistrement>
  774. <hanzi>爸爸 去 北京 出差 已经 两 天 了 。</hanzi>
  775. <pinyin>Bàba qù Běijīng chūchāi yǐjīng liǎng tiān le.</pinyin>
  776. <translation>It has already been two days since dad went to Beijing on business trip.</translation>
  777. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  778. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  779. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  780. <traditional>爸爸 去 北京 出差 已經 兩 天 了 。</traditional>
  781. <sound>[sound:爸爸去北京出差已经两天了。.mp3]</sound>
  782. </enregistrement>
  783. <enregistrement>
  784. <hanzi>我 已经 不 喜欢 你 了。</hanzi>
  785. <pinyin>Wǒ yǐjīng bù xǐhuan nǐ le.</pinyin>
  786. <translation>I don't like you anymore.</translation>
  787. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  788. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  789. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  790. <traditional>我 已經 不 喜歡 你 了。</traditional>
  791. <sound>[sound:我已经不喜欢你了。.mp3]</sound>
  792. </enregistrement>
  793. <enregistrement>
  794. <hanzi>他 已经 不 爱 他 的 猫 了。</hanzi>
  795. <pinyin>Tā yǐjīng bù ài tā de māo le.</pinyin>
  796. <translation>He doesn't love his cat anymore.</translation>
  797. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  798. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  799. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  800. <traditional>他 已經 不 愛 他 的 貓 了。</traditional>
  801. <sound>[sound:他已经不爱他的猫了。.mp3]</sound>
  802. </enregistrement>
  803. <enregistrement>
  804. <hanzi>他们 已经 不 住 在 中国 了。</hanzi>
  805. <pinyin>Tāmen yǐjīng bù zhù zài Zhōngguó le.</pinyin>
  806. <translation>They don't live in China anymore.</translation>
  807. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  808. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  809. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  810. <traditional>他們 已經 不 住 在 中國 了。</traditional>
  811. <sound>[sound:他们已经不住在中国了。.mp3]</sound>
  812. </enregistrement>
  813. <enregistrement>
  814. <hanzi>我 已经 不 需要 父母 的 钱 了。</hanzi>
  815. <pinyin>Wǒ yǐjīng bù xūyào fùmǔ de qián le.</pinyin>
  816. <translation>I don't need my parents' money anymore.</translation>
  817. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  818. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  819. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  820. <traditional>我 已經 不 需要 父母 的 錢 了。</traditional>
  821. <sound>[sound:我已经不需要父母的钱了。.mp3]</sound>
  822. </enregistrement>
  823. <enregistrement>
  824. <hanzi>你 已经 不 在 Google 工作 了 吗?</hanzi>
  825. <pinyin>Nǐ yǐjīng bù zài Google gōngzuò le ma?</pinyin>
  826. <translation>You don't work at Google anymore?</translation>
  827. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with 'yǐjīng... le' '已经⋯⋯了'</sequence>
  828. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  829. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  830. <traditional>你 已經 不 在 Google 工作 了 嗎?</traditional>
  831. <sound>[sound:你已经不在Google工作了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  832. </enregistrement>
  833. <enregistrement>
  834. <hanzi>他 总是 迟到。</hanzi>
  835. <pinyin>Tā zǒngshì chídào.</pinyin>
  836. <translation>He is always late.</translation>
  837. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  838. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  839. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  840. <traditional>他 總是 遲到。</traditional>
  841. <sound>[sound:他总是迟到。.mp3]</sound>
  842. </enregistrement>
  843. <enregistrement>
  844. <hanzi>我 总是 忘记 这 个 词。</hanzi>
  845. <pinyin>Wǒ zǒngshì wàngjì zhège cí.</pinyin>
  846. <translation>I always forget this word.</translation>
  847. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  848. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  849. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  850. <traditional>我 總是 忘記 這 個 詞。</traditional>
  851. <sound>[sound:我总是忘记这个词。.mp3]</sound>
  852. </enregistrement>
  853. <enregistrement>
  854. <hanzi>他 总是 一个人 吃饭。</hanzi>
  855. <pinyin>Tā zǒngshì yīgèrén chīfàn.</pinyin>
  856. <translation>He always eats alone.</translation>
  857. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  858. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  859. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  860. <traditional>他 總是 一個人 吃飯。</traditional>
  861. <sound>[sound:他总是一个人吃饭。.mp3]</sound>
  862. </enregistrement>
  863. <enregistrement>
  864. <hanzi>你 男朋友 总是 说 脏话。</hanzi>
  865. <pinyin>Nǐ nánpéngyou zǒngshì shuō zānghuà.</pinyin>
  866. <translation>Your boyfriend always uses foul language.</translation>
  867. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  868. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  869. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  870. <traditional>你 男朋友 總是 說 髒話。</traditional>
  871. <sound>[sound:你男朋友总是说脏话。.mp3]</sound>
  872. </enregistrement>
  873. <enregistrement>
  874. <hanzi>我 的 学生 总是 问 我 很多 有意思 的 问题。</hanzi>
  875. <pinyin>Wǒ de xuéshēng zǒngshì wèn wǒ hěn duō yǒu yìsi de wèntí.</pinyin>
  876. <translation>My students always ask me lots of interesting questions.</translation>
  877. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  878. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  879. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  880. <traditional>我 的 學生 總是 問 我 很多 有意思 的 問題。</traditional>
  881. <sound>[sound:我的学生总是问我很多有意思的问题。.mp3]</sound>
  882. </enregistrement>
  883. <enregistrement>
  884. <hanzi>他 总是 很 累。</hanzi>
  885. <pinyin>Tā zǒngshì hěn lèi.</pinyin>
  886. <translation>He is always tired.</translation>
  887. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  888. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  889. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  890. <traditional>他 總是 很 累。</traditional>
  891. <sound>[sound:他总是很累。.mp3]</sound>
  892. </enregistrement>
  893. <enregistrement>
  894. <hanzi>你 为什么 总是 很 忙?</hanzi>
  895. <pinyin>Nǐ wèishénme zǒngshì hěn máng?</pinyin>
  896. <translation>Why are you always very busy?</translation>
  897. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  898. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  899. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  900. <traditional>你 爲什麼 總是 很 忙?</traditional>
  901. <sound>[sound:你为什么总是很忙?.mp3]</sound>
  902. </enregistrement>
  903. <enregistrement>
  904. <hanzi>你 家 总是 很 干净。</hanzi>
  905. <pinyin>Nǐ jiā zǒngshì hěn gānjìng.</pinyin>
  906. <translation>Your house is always very clean.</translation>
  907. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  908. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  909. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  910. <traditional>你 家 總是 很 乾淨。</traditional>
  911. <sound>[sound:你家总是很干净。.mp3]</sound>
  912. </enregistrement>
  913. <enregistrement>
  914. <hanzi>孩子们 总是 非常 开心。</hanzi>
  915. <pinyin>Háizi men zǒngshì fēicháng kāixīn.</pinyin>
  916. <translation>The children are always very happy.</translation>
  917. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  918. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  919. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  920. <traditional>孩子們 總是 非常 開心。</traditional>
  921. <sound>[sound:孩子们总是非常开心。.mp3]</sound>
  922. </enregistrement>
  923. <enregistrement>
  924. <hanzi>我 的 学生 总是 特别 努力。</hanzi>
  925. <pinyin>Wǒ de xuéshēng zǒngshì tèbié nǔlì.</pinyin>
  926. <translation>My students are always very hard-working.</translation>
  927. <sequence>Expressing 'always' with 'zǒngshì' '总是'</sequence>
  928. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  929. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  930. <traditional>我 的 學生 總是 特別 努力。</traditional>
  931. <sound>[sound:我的学生总是特别努力。.mp3]</sound>
  932. </enregistrement>
  933. <enregistrement>
  934. <hanzi>她 有 一 个 弟弟,还 有 一 个 妹妹。</hanzi>
  935. <pinyin>Tā yǒu yī gè dìdi, hái yǒu yī gè mèimei.</pinyin>
  936. <translation>She has a younger brother and also has a younger sister.</translation>
  937. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  938. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  939. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  940. <traditional>她 有 一 個 弟弟,還 有 一 個 妹妹。</traditional>
  941. <sound>[sound:她有一个弟弟,还有一个妹妹。.mp3]</sound>
  942. </enregistrement>
  943. <enregistrement>
  944. <hanzi>我 老板 会 说 法语,还 会 说 日语。</hanzi>
  945. <pinyin>Wǒ lǎobǎn huì shuō Fǎyǔ, hái huì shuō Rìyǔ.</pinyin>
  946. <translation>My boss can speak French and can also speak Japanese.</translation>
  947. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  948. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  949. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  950. <traditional>我 老闆 會 說 法語,還 會 說 日語。</traditional>
  951. <sound>[sound:我老板会说法语,还会说日语。.mp3]</sound>
  952. </enregistrement>
  953. <enregistrement>
  954. <hanzi>你 要 一 杯 咖啡,还 要 什么?</hanzi>
  955. <pinyin> Nǐ yào yī bēi kāfēi, hái yào shénme?</pinyin>
  956. <translation>You want a cup of coffee, and what else do you want?</translation>
  957. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  958. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  959. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  960. <traditional>你 要 一 杯 咖啡,還 要 什麼?</traditional>
  961. <sound>[sound:你要一杯咖啡,还要什么?.mp3]</sound>
  962. </enregistrement>
  963. <enregistrement>
  964. <hanzi>我 想 吃 冰淇淋,还 想 吃 汉堡。</hanzi>
  965. <pinyin>Wǒ xiǎng chī bīngqílín, hái xiǎng chī hànbǎo.</pinyin>
  966. <translation>I want to eat ice cream and I also want to eat a hamburger. </translation>
  967. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  968. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  969. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  970. <traditional>我 想 吃 冰淇淋,還 想 吃 漢堡。</traditional>
  971. <sound>[sound:我想吃冰淇淋,还想吃汉堡。.mp3]</sound>
  972. </enregistrement>
  973. <enregistrement>
  974. <hanzi>爸爸 有 一个 小米 手机,还 有 一个 iPhone。</hanzi>
  975. <pinyin>Bàba yǒu yī gè Xiǎomǐ shǒujī, hái yǒu yī gè iPhone.</pinyin>
  976. <translation>Dad has a Xiaomi phone and also has an iPhone.</translation>
  977. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  978. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  979. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  980. <traditional>爸爸 有 一個 小米 手機,還 有 一個 iPhone。</traditional>
  981. <sound>[sound:爸爸有一个小米手机,还有一个iPhone。.mp3]</sound>
  982. </enregistrement>
  983. <enregistrement>
  984. <hanzi>你 晚上 在家 做 了 作业,还 做 了 什么?</hanzi>
  985. <pinyin>Nǐ wǎnshang zài jiā zuò le zuòyè, hái zuò le shénme?</pinyin>
  986. <translation>You did your homework at home tonight, and what else did you do? </translation>
  987. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  988. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  989. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  990. <traditional>你 晚上 在家 做 了 作業,還 做 了 什麼?</traditional>
  991. <sound>[sound:你晚上在家做了作业,还做了什么?.mp3]</sound>
  992. </enregistrement>
  993. <enregistrement>
  994. <hanzi>他 结婚 的 时候,请 了 同事,还 请 了 谁?</hanzi>
  995. <pinyin>Tā jiéhūn de shíhou, qǐng le tóngshì, hái qǐng le shéi?</pinyin>
  996. <translation>When he got married, he invited his co-workers. Who else did he invite?</translation>
  997. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  998. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  999. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1000. <traditional>他 結婚 的 時候,請 了 同事,還 請 了 誰?</traditional>
  1001. <sound>[sound:他结婚的时候,请了同事,还请了谁?.mp3]</sound>
  1002. </enregistrement>
  1003. <enregistrement>
  1004. <hanzi>生日 的 时候,我们 会 吃 蛋糕,还 要 送 礼物。</hanzi>
  1005. <pinyin>Shēngrì de shíhou, wǒmen huì chī dàngāo, hái yào sòng lǐwù.</pinyin>
  1006. <translation>During a birthday, we eat cake and also give presents.</translation>
  1007. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1008. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1009. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1010. <traditional>生日 的 時候,我們 會 吃 蛋糕,還 要 送 禮物。</traditional>
  1011. <sound>[sound:生日的时候,我们会吃蛋糕,还要送礼物。.mp3]</sound>
  1012. </enregistrement>
  1013. <enregistrement>
  1014. <hanzi>去 美国 要 带 钱、护照,还 要 带 什么?</hanzi>
  1015. <pinyin>Qù Měiguó yào dài qián, hùzhào, hái yào dài shénme?</pinyin>
  1016. <translation>To go to the USA, you need to take money and a passport. What else do you need to take with you?</translation>
  1017. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1018. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1019. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1020. <traditional>去 美國 要 帶 錢、護照,還 要 帶 什麼?</traditional>
  1021. <sound>[sound:去美国要带钱、护照,还要带什么?.mp3]</sound>
  1022. </enregistrement>
  1023. <enregistrement>
  1024. <hanzi>他 做 了 饭 , 还 洗 了 碗。</hanzi>
  1025. <pinyin>Tā zuò le fàn, hái xǐ le wǎn.</pinyin>
  1026. <translation>He fixed dinner and also washed the dishes.</translation>
  1027. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1028. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1029. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1030. <traditional>他 做 了 飯 , 還 洗 了 碗。</traditional>
  1031. <sound>[sound:他做了饭,还洗了碗。.mp3]</sound>
  1032. </enregistrement>
  1033. <enregistrement>
  1034. <hanzi>她 也 洗 了 碗。</hanzi>
  1035. <pinyin>Tā yě xǐ le wǎn.</pinyin>
  1036. <translation>She washed the dishes too.</translation>
  1037. <sequence>xpressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1038. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1039. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1040. <traditional>她 也 洗 了 碗。</traditional>
  1041. <sound>[sound:她也洗了碗。.mp3]</sound>
  1042. </enregistrement>
  1043. <enregistrement>
  1044. <hanzi>我 洗 了 澡, 还 洗 了 衣服。</hanzi>
  1045. <pinyin>Wǒ xǐ le zǎo, hái xǐ le yīfu.</pinyin>
  1046. <translation> I took a shower and also did my laundry.</translation>
  1047. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1048. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1049. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1050. <traditional>我 洗 了 澡, 還 洗 了 衣服。</traditional>
  1051. <sound>[sound:我洗了澡,还洗了衣服。.mp3]</sound>
  1052. </enregistrement>
  1053. <enregistrement>
  1054. <hanzi>她 也 洗 了 衣服。</hanzi>
  1055. <pinyin>Tā yě xǐ le yīfu.</pinyin>
  1056. <translation>She did her laundry too.</translation>
  1057. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1058. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1059. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1060. <traditional>她 也 洗 了 衣服。</traditional>
  1061. <sound>[sound:她也洗了衣服。.mp3]</sound>
  1062. </enregistrement>
  1063. <enregistrement>
  1064. <hanzi>我们 今天 晚上 出去 吃饭 了,还 看 了 电影 。</hanzi>
  1065. <pinyin>Wǒmen jīntiān wǎnshang chūqù chīfàn le, hái kàn le diànyǐng.</pinyin>
  1066. <translation>We went out for dinner tonight and also watched a movie.</translation>
  1067. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1068. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1069. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1070. <traditional>我們 今天 晚上 出去 吃飯 了,還 看 了 電影 。</traditional>
  1071. <sound>[sound:我们今天晚上出去吃饭了,还看了电影。.mp3]</sound>
  1072. </enregistrement>
  1073. <enregistrement>
  1074. <hanzi>他们 今天 晚上 也 看 了 电影 。</hanzi>
  1075. <pinyin>Tāmen jīntiān wǎnshang yě kàn le diànyǐng.</pinyin>
  1076. <translation>They watched a movie tonight too.</translation>
  1077. <sequence>Expressing 'and also' with 'hái' '还'</sequence>
  1078. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1079. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1080. <traditional>他們 今天 晚上 也 看 了 電影 。</traditional>
  1081. <sound>[sound:他们今天晚上也看了电影。.mp3]</sound>
  1082. </enregistrement>
  1083. <enregistrement>
  1084. <hanzi>这 两个 银行 哪 个 更 近 ?</hanzi>
  1085. <pinyin> Zhè liǎng gè yínháng nǎge gèng jìn?</pinyin>
  1086. <translation>Between these two banks, which one is closer? </translation>
  1087. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1088. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1089. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1090. <traditional>這 兩個 銀行 哪 個 更 近 ?</traditional>
  1091. <sound>[sound:这两个银行哪个更近?.mp3]</sound>
  1092. </enregistrement>
  1093. <enregistrement>
  1094. <hanzi>我 想 找 一 个 更 帅 的 男朋友。</hanzi>
  1095. <pinyin>Wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yī gè gèng shuài de nánpéngyou.</pinyin>
  1096. <translation>I want to find a more handsome boyfriend. It is implied that my boyfriend now is already handsome, but I want to find an even more handsome boyfriend.</translation>
  1097. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1098. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1099. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1100. <traditional>我 想 找 一 個 更 帥 的 男朋友。</traditional>
  1101. <sound>[sound:我想找一个更帅的男朋友。.mp3]</sound>
  1102. </enregistrement>
  1103. <enregistrement>
  1104. <hanzi>我 喜欢 在 网上 买书,因为 更 便宜。</hanzi>
  1105. <pinyin>Wǒ xǐhuan zài wǎngshàng mǎi shū, yīnwèi gèng piányi.</pinyin>
  1106. <translation>I like buying books online because it's cheaper.</translation>
  1107. <sequence/>
  1108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1110. <traditional>我 喜歡 在 網上 買書,因爲 更 便宜。</traditional>
  1111. <sound>[sound:我喜欢在网上买书,因为更便宜。.mp3]</sound>
  1112. </enregistrement>
  1113. <enregistrement>
  1114. <hanzi>不要 太 高兴,我们 还 有 更 多 的 工作 要 做。</hanzi>
  1115. <pinyin>Bùyào tài gāoxìng, wǒmen hái yǒu gèng duō de gōngzuò yào zuò.</pinyin>
  1116. <translation>Don't get too excited. We still have more work to do. It is implied that a lot of work has already been done but there is still 'even more' work left.</translation>
  1117. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1120. <traditional>不要 太 高興,我們 還 有 更 多 的 工作 要 做。</traditional>
  1121. <sound>[sound:不要太高兴,我们还有更多的工作要做。.mp3]</sound>
  1122. </enregistrement>
  1123. <enregistrement>
  1124. <hanzi>结婚 以后, 她 变 得 更 漂亮 了。</hanzi>
  1125. <pinyin>Jiéhūn yǐhòu, tā biàn de gèng piàoliang le.</pinyin>
  1126. <translation>She's become more beautiful after she got married.</translation>
  1127. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1130. <traditional>結婚 以後, 她 變 得 更 漂亮 了。</traditional>
  1131. <sound>[sound:结婚以后,她变得更漂亮了。.mp3]</sound>
  1132. </enregistrement>
  1133. <enregistrement>
  1134. <hanzi>北京 的 房子 比 上海 更 贵。</hanzi>
  1135. <pinyin>Běijīng de fángzi bǐ Shànghǎi gèng guì.</pinyin>
  1136. <translation>The houses in Beijing are even more expensive than those in Shanghai.</translation>
  1137. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1140. <traditional>北京 的 房子 比 上海 更 貴。</traditional>
  1141. <sound>[sound:北京的房子比上海更贵。.mp3]</sound>
  1142. </enregistrement>
  1143. <enregistrement>
  1144. <hanzi>春节 比中秋节更 热闹。</hanzi>
  1145. <pinyin>Chūnjié bǐ Zhōngqiūjié gèng rènao.</pinyin>
  1146. <translation>Spring Festival is even more boisterous than Mid-autumn Festival.</translation>
  1147. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1150. <traditional>春節 比中秋節更 熱鬧。</traditional>
  1151. <sound>[sound:春节比中秋节更热闹。.mp3]</sound>
  1152. </enregistrement>
  1153. <enregistrement>
  1154. <hanzi>汉字 比 声调 更 难。</hanzi>
  1155. <pinyin>Hànzì bǐ shēngdiào gèng nán.</pinyin>
  1156. <translation>Chinese characters are even more difficult than tones.</translation>
  1157. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1160. <traditional>漢字 比 聲調 更 難。</traditional>
  1161. <sound>[sound:汉字比声调更难。.mp3]</sound>
  1162. </enregistrement>
  1163. <enregistrement>
  1164. <hanzi>他 现在 的 女朋友 比 以前 的 更 漂亮。</hanzi>
  1165. <pinyin>Tā xiànzài de nǚpéngyou bǐ yǐqián de gèng piàoliang.</pinyin>
  1166. <translation>His current girlfriend is even more beautiful than his previous one.</translation>
  1167. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1170. <traditional>他 現在 的 女朋友 比 以前 的 更 漂亮。</traditional>
  1171. <sound>[sound:他现在的女朋友比以前的更漂亮。.mp3]</sound>
  1172. </enregistrement>
  1173. <enregistrement>
  1174. <hanzi>中国 的 高铁 比 飞机 更 方便。</hanzi>
  1175. <pinyin>Zhōngguó de gāotiě bǐ fēijī gèng fāngbiàn.</pinyin>
  1176. <translation>China's high-speed trains are even more convenient than airplanes.</translation>
  1177. <sequence>Expressing 'even more' with 'gèng' '更'</sequence>
  1178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1180. <traditional>中國 的 高鐵 比 飛機 更 方便。</traditional>
  1181. <sound>[sound:中国的高铁比飞机更方便。.mp3]</sound>
  1182. </enregistrement>
  1183. <enregistrement>
  1184. <hanzi>我们 刚 知道。</hanzi>
  1185. <pinyin>Wǒmen gāng zhīdào.</pinyin>
  1186. <translation>We just found out.</translation>
  1187. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1190. <traditional>我們 剛 知道。</traditional>
  1191. <sound>[sound:我们刚知道。.mp3]</sound>
  1192. </enregistrement>
  1193. <enregistrement>
  1194. <hanzi>她们 刚 走。</hanzi>
  1195. <pinyin>Tāmen gāng zǒu.</pinyin>
  1196. <translation>They just left.</translation>
  1197. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1200. <traditional>她們 剛 走。</traditional>
  1201. <sound>[sound:她们刚走。.mp3]</sound>
  1202. </enregistrement>
  1203. <enregistrement>
  1204. <hanzi>老板 刚刚 到 办公室。</hanzi>
  1205. <pinyin> Lǎobǎn gānggāng dào bàngōngshì.</pinyin>
  1206. <translation>The boss just arrived at the office.</translation>
  1207. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1210. <traditional>老闆 剛剛 到 辦公室。</traditional>
  1211. <sound>[sound:老板刚刚到办公室。.mp3]</sound>
  1212. </enregistrement>
  1213. <enregistrement>
  1214. <hanzi>我 老婆 刚 生 完 孩子。</hanzi>
  1215. <pinyin>Wǒ lǎopo gāng shēng wán háizi.</pinyin>
  1216. <translation>My wife just finished giving birth to our baby.</translation>
  1217. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1220. <traditional>我 老婆 剛 生 完 孩子。</traditional>
  1221. <sound>[sound:我老婆刚生完孩子。.mp3]</sound>
  1222. </enregistrement>
  1223. <enregistrement>
  1224. <hanzi>你 刚刚 下班 吗?</hanzi>
  1225. <pinyin>Nǐ gānggāng xiàbān ma?</pinyin>
  1226. <translation>Did you just get off work?</translation>
  1227. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1230. <traditional>你 剛剛 下班 嗎?</traditional>
  1231. <sound>[sound:你刚刚下班吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1232. </enregistrement>
  1233. <enregistrement>
  1234. <hanzi>我 刚 认识 她 十 天。</hanzi>
  1235. <pinyin>Wǒ gāng rènshi tā shí tiān.</pinyin>
  1236. <translation>I just met her ten days ago.</translation>
  1237. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1240. <traditional>我 剛 認識 她 十 天。</traditional>
  1241. <sound>[sound:我刚认识她十天。.mp3]</sound>
  1242. </enregistrement>
  1243. <enregistrement>
  1244. <hanzi>他 刚 来 中国 两 个 月。</hanzi>
  1245. <pinyin>Tā gāng lái Zhōngguó liǎng gè yuè.</pinyin>
  1246. <translation>He just got to China two months ago.</translation>
  1247. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1250. <traditional>他 剛 來 中國 兩 個 月。</traditional>
  1251. <sound>[sound:他刚来中国两个月。.mp3]</sound>
  1252. </enregistrement>
  1253. <enregistrement>
  1254. <hanzi>我 弟弟 刚 工作 半年。</hanzi>
  1255. <pinyin>Wǒ dìdi gāng gōngzuò bàn nián .</pinyin>
  1256. <translation>My younger brother just started working half a year ago.</translation>
  1257. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1260. <traditional>我 弟弟 剛 工作 半年。</traditional>
  1261. <sound>[sound:我弟弟刚工作半年。.mp3]</sound>
  1262. </enregistrement>
  1263. <enregistrement>
  1264. <hanzi>她 刚 结婚 三 个 月 。</hanzi>
  1265. <pinyin>Tā gāng jiéhūn sān gè yuè.</pinyin>
  1266. <translation>She just got married three months ago.</translation>
  1267. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1270. <traditional>她 剛 結婚 三 個 月 。</traditional>
  1271. <sound>[sound:她刚结婚三个月。.mp3]</sound>
  1272. </enregistrement>
  1273. <enregistrement>
  1274. <hanzi>我 的 车 刚 买 两 天,开 的时候 小心 点。</hanzi>
  1275. <pinyin>Wǒ de chē gāng mǎi liǎng tiān, kāi de shíhou xiǎoxīn diǎn.</pinyin>
  1276. <translation>I just bought the car two days ago. Be careful when you drive.</translation>
  1277. <sequence>Expressing 'just' with 'gāng' '刚'</sequence>
  1278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1280. <traditional>我 的 車 剛 買 兩 天,開 的時候 小心 點。</traditional>
  1281. <sound>[sound:我的车刚买两天,开的时候小心点。.mp3]</sound>
  1282. </enregistrement>
  1283. <enregistrement>
  1284. <hanzi>我 只 有 一 个 哥哥。</hanzi>
  1285. <pinyin>Wǒ zhǐ yǒu yī gè gēge.</pinyin>
  1286. <translation>I only have one older brother.</translation>
  1287. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1290. <traditional>我 只 有 一 個 哥哥。</traditional>
  1291. <sound>[sound:我只有一个哥哥。.mp3]</sound>
  1292. </enregistrement>
  1293. <enregistrement>
  1294. <hanzi>我们 只 有 十块 钱。</hanzi>
  1295. <pinyin>Wǒmen zhǐ yǒu shí kuài qián.</pinyin>
  1296. <translation>We only have ten RMB.</translation>
  1297. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1298. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1299. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1300. <traditional>我們 只 有 十塊 錢。</traditional>
  1301. <sound>[sound:我们只有十块钱。.mp3]</sound>
  1302. </enregistrement>
  1303. <enregistrement>
  1304. <hanzi>我们 公司 只 有 两个员工。</hanzi>
  1305. <pinyin>Wǒmen gōngsī zhǐ yǒu liǎng gè yuángōng.</pinyin>
  1306. <translation>Our company only has two employees.</translation>
  1307. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1310. <traditional>我們 公司 只 有 兩個員工。</traditional>
  1311. <sound>[sound:我们公司只有两个员工。.mp3]</sound>
  1312. </enregistrement>
  1313. <enregistrement>
  1314. <hanzi>你 只 爱 吃 肉 吗?</hanzi>
  1315. <pinyin>Nǐ zhǐ ài chī ròu ma?</pinyin>
  1316. <translation>Do you only like eating meat?</translation>
  1317. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1320. <traditional>你 只 愛 吃 肉 嗎?</traditional>
  1321. <sound>[sound:你只爱吃肉吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1322. </enregistrement>
  1323. <enregistrement>
  1324. <hanzi>他们 只 会 说 英文。</hanzi>
  1325. <pinyin>Tāmen zhǐ huì shuō Yīngwén.</pinyin>
  1326. <translation>They can only speak English.</translation>
  1327. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1330. <traditional>他們 只 會 說 英文。</traditional>
  1331. <sound>[sound:他们只会说英文。.mp3]</sound>
  1332. </enregistrement>
  1333. <enregistrement>
  1334. <hanzi>我 只 能 说 两 句 中文。</hanzi>
  1335. <pinyin>Wǒ zhǐ néng shuō liǎng jù Zhōngwén.</pinyin>
  1336. <translation>I can only say two sentences in Chinese.</translation>
  1337. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1340. <traditional>我 只 能 說 兩 句 中文。</traditional>
  1341. <sound>[sound:我只能说两句中文。.mp3]</sound>
  1342. </enregistrement>
  1343. <enregistrement>
  1344. <hanzi>你们 只 要 咖啡 吗?</hanzi>
  1345. <pinyin>Nǐmen zhǐ yào kāfēi ma?</pinyin>
  1346. <translation>Do you only want coffee?</translation>
  1347. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1350. <traditional>你們 只 要 咖啡 嗎?</traditional>
  1351. <sound>[sound:你们只要咖啡吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1352. </enregistrement>
  1353. <enregistrement>
  1354. <hanzi>我 老婆 只 要 一个 孩子。</hanzi>
  1355. <pinyin>Wǒ lǎopo zhǐ yào yī gè háizi.</pinyin>
  1356. <translation>My wife only wants one child.</translation>
  1357. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1360. <traditional>我 老婆 只 要 一個 孩子。</traditional>
  1361. <sound>[sound:我老婆只要一个孩子。.mp3]</sound>
  1362. </enregistrement>
  1363. <enregistrement>
  1364. <hanzi>宝宝 只 会 走,不 会 跑。</hanzi>
  1365. <pinyin>Bǎobao zhǐ huì zǒu, bù huì pǎo.</pinyin>
  1366. <translation>The baby can only walk. He can't run.</translation>
  1367. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1370. <traditional>寶寶 只 會 走,不 會 跑。</traditional>
  1371. <sound>[sound:宝宝只会走,不会跑。.mp3]</sound>
  1372. </enregistrement>
  1373. <enregistrement>
  1374. <hanzi>我 只 想 跟 你 在 一起。</hanzi>
  1375. <pinyin>Wǒ zhǐ xiǎng gēn nǐ zài yīqǐ.</pinyin>
  1376. <translation>I only want to be with you.</translation>
  1377. <sequence>Expressing 'only' with 'zhǐ' '只'</sequence>
  1378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1380. <traditional>我 只 想 跟 你 在 一起。</traditional>
  1381. <sound>[sound:我只想跟你在一起。.mp3]</sound>
  1382. </enregistrement>
  1383. <enregistrement>
  1384. <hanzi>她 在 看 书。</hanzi>
  1385. <pinyin>Tā zài kànshū.</pinyin>
  1386. <translation>She is reading.</translation>
  1387. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1390. <traditional>她 在 看 書。</traditional>
  1391. <sound>[sound:她在看书。.mp3]</sound>
  1392. </enregistrement>
  1393. <enregistrement>
  1394. <hanzi>妈妈 在 打 电话。</hanzi>
  1395. <pinyin>Māma zài dǎ diànhuà.</pinyin>
  1396. <translation>Mom is making a phone call.</translation>
  1397. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1398. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1399. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1400. <traditional>媽媽 在 打 電話。</traditional>
  1401. <sound>[sound:妈妈在打电话。.mp3]</sound>
  1402. </enregistrement>
  1403. <enregistrement>
  1404. <hanzi>谁 在 里面 洗澡?</hanzi>
  1405. <pinyin>Shéi zài lǐmiàn xǐzǎo?</pinyin>
  1406. <translation>Who is taking a shower in there?</translation>
  1407. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1408. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1409. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1410. <traditional>誰 在 裏面 洗澡?</traditional>
  1411. <sound>[sound:谁在里面洗澡?.mp3]</sound>
  1412. </enregistrement>
  1413. <enregistrement>
  1414. <hanzi>阿姨 正在 打扫 我们 的 房间。</hanzi>
  1415. <pinyin>Āyí zhèngzài dǎsǎo wǒmen de fángjiān.</pinyin>
  1416. <translation>The cleaning lady is cleaning our room right now.</translation>
  1417. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1418. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1419. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1420. <traditional>阿姨 正在 打掃 我們 的 房間。</traditional>
  1421. <sound>[sound:阿姨正在打扫我们的房间。.mp3]</sound>
  1422. </enregistrement>
  1423. <enregistrement>
  1424. <hanzi>昨天 晚上 七点,我们 在 吃饭。</hanzi>
  1425. <pinyin>Zuótiān wǎnshang qīdiǎn, wǒmen zài chīfàn.</pinyin>
  1426. <translation> Yesterday at 7pm, we were eating dinner.</translation>
  1427. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1428. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1429. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1430. <traditional>昨天 晚上 七點,我們 在 吃飯。</traditional>
  1431. <sound>[sound:昨天晚上七点,我们在吃饭。.mp3]</sound>
  1432. </enregistrement>
  1433. <enregistrement>
  1434. <hanzi>老板 在 开会,没有 时间 见 你。</hanzi>
  1435. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn zài kāihuì, méiyǒu shíjiān jiàn nǐ.</pinyin>
  1436. <translation>The boss is currently in a meeting. He doesn't have time to see you.</translation>
  1437. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1438. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1439. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1440. <traditional>老闆 在 開會,沒有 時間 見 你。</traditional>
  1441. <sound>[sound:老板在开会,没有时间见你。.mp3]</sound>
  1442. </enregistrement>
  1443. <enregistrement>
  1444. <hanzi>我 现在 在 上班,不方便 离开。</hanzi>
  1445. <pinyin>Wǒ xiànzài zài shàngbān, bù fāngbiàn líkāi.</pinyin>
  1446. <translation>I am working now. It's not convenient for me to leave.</translation>
  1447. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1448. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1449. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1450. <traditional>我 現在 在 上班,不方便 離開。</traditional>
  1451. <sound>[sound:我现在在上班,不方便离开。.mp3]</sound>
  1452. </enregistrement>
  1453. <enregistrement>
  1454. <hanzi>我们 正在 上课,请 你 等 一会儿。</hanzi>
  1455. <pinyin>Wǒmen zhèngzài shàngkè, qǐng nǐ děng yīhuìr.</pinyin>
  1456. <translation>We are in class right now; please wait a moment.</translation>
  1457. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1458. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1459. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1460. <traditional>我們 正在 上課,請 你 等 一會兒。</traditional>
  1461. <sound>[sound:我们正在上课,请你等一会儿。.mp3]</sound>
  1462. </enregistrement>
  1463. <enregistrement>
  1464. <hanzi>你 正在 开车,不 可以 玩 手机。</hanzi>
  1465. <pinyin>Nǐ zhèngzài kāichē, bù kěyǐ wán shǒujī.</pinyin>
  1466. <translation>You're driving right now; you can't play with your cell phone.</translation>
  1467. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1468. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1469. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1470. <traditional>你 正在 開車,不 可以 玩 手機。</traditional>
  1471. <sound>[sound:你正在开车,不可以玩手机。.mp3]</sound>
  1472. </enregistrement>
  1473. <enregistrement>
  1474. <hanzi>你 给 我 打 电话 的时候,我 正在 跟 朋友 打 游戏 。</hanzi>
  1475. <pinyin>Nǐ gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà de shíhou, wǒ zhèngzài gēn péngyou dǎ yóuxì.</pinyin>
  1476. <translation>When you called me, I was playing video games with friends.</translation>
  1477. <sequence>Expressing actions in progress with 'zài' '在'</sequence>
  1478. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1479. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1480. <traditional>你 給 我 打 電話 的時候,我 正在 跟 朋友 打 遊戲 。</traditional>
  1481. <sound>[sound:你给我打电话的时候,我正在跟朋友打游戏。.mp3]</sound>
  1482. </enregistrement>
  1483. <enregistrement>
  1484. <hanzi>别 走。</hanzi>
  1485. <pinyin>Bié zǒu.</pinyin>
  1486. <translation>Don't leave.</translation>
  1487. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1488. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1489. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1490. <traditional>別 走。</traditional>
  1491. <sound>[sound:别走。.mp3]</sound>
  1492. </enregistrement>
  1493. <enregistrement>
  1494. <hanzi>别 说话!</hanzi>
  1495. <pinyin>Bié shuōhuà!</pinyin>
  1496. <translation>Don't speak! </translation>
  1497. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1498. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1499. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1500. <traditional>別 說話!</traditional>
  1501. <sound>[sound:别说话!.mp3]</sound>
  1502. </enregistrement>
  1503. <enregistrement>
  1504. <hanzi>别 笑!</hanzi>
  1505. <pinyin>Bié xiào!</pinyin>
  1506. <translation>Don't laugh! </translation>
  1507. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1508. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1509. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1510. <traditional>別 笑!</traditional>
  1511. <sound>[sound:别笑!.mp3]</sound>
  1512. </enregistrement>
  1513. <enregistrement>
  1514. <hanzi>别 动!</hanzi>
  1515. <pinyin>Bié dòng!</pinyin>
  1516. <translation>Don't move!</translation>
  1517. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1518. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1519. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1520. <traditional>別 動!</traditional>
  1521. <sound>[sound:别动!.mp3]</sound>
  1522. </enregistrement>
  1523. <enregistrement>
  1524. <hanzi>别 过来!</hanzi>
  1525. <pinyin>Bié guòlái!</pinyin>
  1526. <translation>Don't come over here! </translation>
  1527. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1528. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1529. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1530. <traditional>別 過來!</traditional>
  1531. <sound>[sound:别过来!.mp3]</sound>
  1532. </enregistrement>
  1533. <enregistrement>
  1534. <hanzi>别 打 孩子!</hanzi>
  1535. <pinyin>Bié dǎ háizi!</pinyin>
  1536. <translation>Don't hit the child!</translation>
  1537. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1538. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1539. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1540. <traditional>別 打 孩子!</traditional>
  1541. <sound>[sound:别打孩子!.mp3]</sound>
  1542. </enregistrement>
  1543. <enregistrement>
  1544. <hanzi>别 喝 太 多。</hanzi>
  1545. <pinyin>Bié hē tài duō.</pinyin>
  1546. <translation>Don't drink too much.</translation>
  1547. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1548. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1549. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1550. <traditional>別 喝 太 多。</traditional>
  1551. <sound>[sound:别喝太多。.mp3]</sound>
  1552. </enregistrement>
  1553. <enregistrement>
  1554. <hanzi>喝酒 以后 别 开车。</hanzi>
  1555. <pinyin>Hējiǔ yǐhòu bié kāichē.</pinyin>
  1556. <translation>After drinking alcohol, don't drive.</translation>
  1557. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1558. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1559. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1560. <traditional>喝酒 以後 別 開車。</traditional>
  1561. <sound>[sound:喝酒以后别开车。.mp3]</sound>
  1562. </enregistrement>
  1563. <enregistrement>
  1564. <hanzi>吃饭 的 时候 别 玩 手机。</hanzi>
  1565. <pinyin>Chīfàn de shíhou bié wán shǒujī.</pinyin>
  1566. <translation>When eating, don't play with your cell phone.</translation>
  1567. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1568. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1569. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1570. <traditional>吃飯 的 時候 別 玩 手機。</traditional>
  1571. <sound>[sound:吃饭的时候别玩手机。.mp3]</sound>
  1572. </enregistrement>
  1573. <enregistrement>
  1574. <hanzi>上课 的 时候 别 说 英文。</hanzi>
  1575. <pinyin>Shàngkè de shíhou bié shuō Yīngwén.</pinyin>
  1576. <translation>Don't speak English in class.</translation>
  1577. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1578. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1579. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1580. <traditional>上課 的 時候 別 說 英文。</traditional>
  1581. <sound>[sound:上课的时候别说英文。.mp3]</sound>
  1582. </enregistrement>
  1583. <enregistrement>
  1584. <hanzi>不要 一边 吃 东西,一边 说话。</hanzi>
  1585. <pinyin>Bùyào yībiān chī dōngxi, yībiān shuōhuà.</pinyin>
  1586. <translation>Don't speak while eating.</translation>
  1587. <sequence>Negative commands with 'bié' '别'</sequence>
  1588. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1589. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1590. <traditional>不要 一邊 吃 東西,一邊 說話。</traditional>
  1591. <sound>[sound:不要一边吃东西,一边说话。.mp3]</sound>
  1592. </enregistrement>
  1593. <enregistrement>
  1594. <hanzi>我 常常 一边 洗澡, 一边 唱歌。</hanzi>
  1595. <pinyin>Wǒ chángcháng yībiān xǐzǎo, yībiān chànggē.</pinyin>
  1596. <translation>I often sing songs while I take a shower.</translation>
  1597. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1598. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1599. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1600. <traditional>我 常常 一邊 洗澡, 一邊 唱歌。</traditional>
  1601. <sound>[sound:我常常一边洗澡,一边唱歌。.mp3]</sound>
  1602. </enregistrement>
  1603. <enregistrement>
  1604. <hanzi>孩子 喜欢 一边 吃饭, 一边 玩。</hanzi>
  1605. <pinyin>Háizi xǐhuan yībiān chīfàn, yībiān wán.</pinyin>
  1606. <translation>Children like to play while eating.</translation>
  1607. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1608. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1609. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1610. <traditional>孩子 喜歡 一邊 吃飯, 一邊 玩。</traditional>
  1611. <sound>[sound:孩子喜欢一边吃饭,一边玩。.mp3]</sound>
  1612. </enregistrement>
  1613. <enregistrement>
  1614. <hanzi>你 喜欢 一边 听 音乐, 一边 做 作业 吗?</hanzi>
  1615. <pinyin>Nǐ xǐhuan yībiān tīng yīnyuè, yībiān zuò zuòyè ma?</pinyin>
  1616. <translation>Do you like to listen to music while doing homework? </translation>
  1617. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1618. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1619. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1620. <traditional>你 喜歡 一邊 聽 音樂, 一邊 做 作業 嗎?</traditional>
  1621. <sound>[sound:你喜欢一边听音乐,一边做作业吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1622. </enregistrement>
  1623. <enregistrement>
  1624. <hanzi>我们 一边 走 一边 聊 吧。</hanzi>
  1625. <pinyin>Wǒmen yībiān zǒu yībiān liáo ba.</pinyin>
  1626. <translation>Let's walk while we talk.</translation>
  1627. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1628. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1629. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1630. <traditional>我們 一邊 走 一邊 聊 吧。</traditional>
  1631. <sound>[sound:我们一边走一边聊吧。.mp3]</sound>
  1632. </enregistrement>
  1633. <enregistrement>
  1634. <hanzi>请 你 一边 读 一边 写。</hanzi>
  1635. <pinyin>Qǐng nǐ yībiān dú yībiān xiě.</pinyin>
  1636. <translation>Please write as you read.</translation>
  1637. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1638. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1639. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1640. <traditional>請 你 一邊 讀 一邊 寫。</traditional>
  1641. <sound>[sound:请你一边读一边写。.mp3]</sound>
  1642. </enregistrement>
  1643. <enregistrement>
  1644. <hanzi>不要 一边 开车, 一边 打电话。</hanzi>
  1645. <pinyin>Bùyào yībiān kāichē, yībiān dǎ diànhuà.</pinyin>
  1646. <translation>Don't talk on the phone while you drive.</translation>
  1647. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1648. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1649. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1650. <traditional>不要 一邊 開車, 一邊 打電話。</traditional>
  1651. <sound>[sound:不要一边开车,一边打电话。.mp3]</sound>
  1652. </enregistrement>
  1653. <enregistrement>
  1654. <hanzi>老板 喜欢 一边 抽烟,一边 工作。</hanzi>
  1655. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn xǐhuan yībiān chōuyān, yībiān gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  1656. <translation>The boss likes to smoke while working.</translation>
  1657. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1658. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1659. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1660. <traditional>老闆 喜歡 一邊 抽菸,一邊 工作。</traditional>
  1661. <sound>[sound:老板喜欢一边抽烟,一边工作。.mp3]</sound>
  1662. </enregistrement>
  1663. <enregistrement>
  1664. <hanzi>很多 人 都 一边 上班, 一边 玩 手机。</hanzi>
  1665. <pinyin>Hěn duō rén dōu yībiān shàngbān, yībiān wán shǒujī.</pinyin>
  1666. <translation>Many people play with their cell phones while working.</translation>
  1667. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1668. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1669. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1670. <traditional>很多 人 都 一邊 上班, 一邊 玩 手機。</traditional>
  1671. <sound>[sound:很多人都一边上班,一边玩手机。.mp3]</sound>
  1672. </enregistrement>
  1673. <enregistrement>
  1674. <hanzi>她 常常 一边 做饭,一边 带 孩子。</hanzi>
  1675. <pinyin>Tā chángcháng yībiān zuòfàn, yībiān dài háizi.</pinyin>
  1676. <translation>She often looks after the baby while cooking food.</translation>
  1677. <sequence>Simultaneous tasks with 'yībiān' '一边'</sequence>
  1678. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1679. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1680. <traditional>她 常常 一邊 做飯,一邊 帶 孩子。</traditional>
  1681. <sound>[sound:她常常一边做饭,一边带孩子。.mp3]</sound>
  1682. </enregistrement>
  1683. <enregistrement>
  1684. <hanzi>她 多 高?</hanzi>
  1685. <pinyin>Tā duō gāo?</pinyin>
  1686. <translation>How tall is she?</translation>
  1687. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1688. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1689. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1690. <traditional>她 多 高?</traditional>
  1691. <sound>[sound:她多高?.mp3]</sound>
  1692. </enregistrement>
  1693. <enregistrement>
  1694. <hanzi>你家 多 大?</hanzi>
  1695. <pinyin>Nǐ jiā duō dà?</pinyin>
  1696. <translation>How large is your house?</translation>
  1697. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1698. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1699. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1700. <traditional>你家 多 大?</traditional>
  1701. <sound>[sound:你家多大?.mp3]</sound>
  1702. </enregistrement>
  1703. <enregistrement>
  1704. <hanzi>你 的 孩子 多 大?</hanzi>
  1705. <pinyin>Nǐ de háizi duō dà?</pinyin>
  1706. <translation>How old is your child?</translation>
  1707. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1708. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1709. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1710. <traditional>你 的 孩子 多 大?</traditional>
  1711. <sound>[sound:你的孩子多大?.mp3]</sound>
  1712. </enregistrement>
  1713. <enregistrement>
  1714. <hanzi>黄河 多 长?</hanzi>
  1715. <pinyin>Huánghé duō cháng?</pinyin>
  1716. <translation>How long is the Yellow River?</translation>
  1717. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1718. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1719. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1720. <traditional>黃河 多 長?</traditional>
  1721. <sound>[sound:黄河多长?.mp3]</sound>
  1722. </enregistrement>
  1723. <enregistrement>
  1724. <hanzi>你 家 离 这儿 多 远?</hanzi>
  1725. <pinyin>Nǐ jiā lí zhèr duō yuǎn?</pinyin>
  1726. <translation>How far is your house away from here?</translation>
  1727. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1728. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1729. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1730. <traditional>你 家 離 這兒 多 遠?</traditional>
  1731. <sound>[sound:你家离这儿多远?.mp3]</sound>
  1732. </enregistrement>
  1733. <enregistrement>
  1734. <hanzi>你 要 在 美国 待 多 久?</hanzi>
  1735. <pinyin>Nǐ yào zài Měiguó dāi duō jiǔ?</pinyin>
  1736. <translation>How long are you going to stay in the USA?</translation>
  1737. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1738. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1739. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1740. <traditional>你 要 在 美國 待 多 久?</traditional>
  1741. <sound>[sound:你要在美国待多久?.mp3]</sound>
  1742. </enregistrement>
  1743. <enregistrement>
  1744. <hanzi>这些 东西 多 重?</hanzi>
  1745. <pinyin>Zhèxiē dōngxi duō zhòng?</pinyin>
  1746. <translation>How heavy are these things?</translation>
  1747. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1748. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1749. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1750. <traditional>這些 東西 多 重?</traditional>
  1751. <sound>[sound:这些东西多重?.mp3]</sound>
  1752. </enregistrement>
  1753. <enregistrement>
  1754. <hanzi>你 知道 我们 现在 多 胖 吗?</hanzi>
  1755. <pinyin>Nǐ zhīdào wǒmen xiànzài duō pàng ma?</pinyin>
  1756. <translation>Do you know how fat we are now?</translation>
  1757. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1758. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1759. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1760. <traditional>你 知道 我們 現在 多 胖 嗎?</traditional>
  1761. <sound>[sound:你知道我们现在多胖吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1762. </enregistrement>
  1763. <enregistrement>
  1764. <hanzi>你 知道 这里 的 冬天 多 冷 吗?</hanzi>
  1765. <pinyin>Nǐ zhīdào zhèlǐ de dōngtiān duō lěng ma?</pinyin>
  1766. <translation>Do you know how cold it is here in winter? </translation>
  1767. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1768. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1769. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1770. <traditional>你 知道 這裏 的 冬天 多 冷 嗎?</traditional>
  1771. <sound>[sound:你知道这里的冬天多冷吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1772. </enregistrement>
  1773. <enregistrement>
  1774. <hanzi>你 知道 上海 的 房子 多 贵 吗?</hanzi>
  1775. <pinyin>Nǐ zhīdào Shànghǎi de fángzi duō guì ma?</pinyin>
  1776. <translation>Do you know how expensive housing is in Shanghai? </translation>
  1777. <sequence>Asking about degree with 'duō' '多'</sequence>
  1778. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1779. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1780. <traditional>你 知道 上海 的 房子 多 貴 嗎?</traditional>
  1781. <sound>[sound:你知道上海的房子多贵吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1782. </enregistrement>
  1783. <enregistrement>
  1784. <hanzi>我 和 你 一样。</hanzi>
  1785. <pinyin>Wǒ hé nǐ yīyàng.</pinyin>
  1786. <translation>I am the same as you.</translation>
  1787. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1788. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1789. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1790. <traditional>我 和 你 一樣。</traditional>
  1791. <sound>[sound:我和你一样。.mp3]</sound>
  1792. </enregistrement>
  1793. <enregistrement>
  1794. <hanzi>他 的 性格 跟 他 妈妈 一样。</hanzi>
  1795. <pinyin>Tā de xìnggé gēn tā māma yīyàng.</pinyin>
  1796. <translation>He has the same personality as his mom.</translation>
  1797. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1798. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1799. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1800. <traditional>他 的 性格 跟 他 媽媽 一樣。</traditional>
  1801. <sound>[sound:他的性格跟他妈妈一样。.mp3]</sound>
  1802. </enregistrement>
  1803. <enregistrement>
  1804. <hanzi>北京 的 天气 和 上海 不 一样。</hanzi>
  1805. <pinyin>Běijīng de tiānqì hé Shànghǎi bù yīyàng.</pinyin>
  1806. <translation>The weather in Beijing and the weather in Shanghai are not alike.</translation>
  1807. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1808. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1809. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1810. <traditional>北京 的 天氣 和 上海 不 一樣。</traditional>
  1811. <sound>[sound:北京的天气和上海不一样。.mp3]</sound>
  1812. </enregistrement>
  1813. <enregistrement>
  1814. <hanzi>这 个 词 的 意思 和 那 个 词 一样 吗?</hanzi>
  1815. <pinyin>Zhège cí de yìsi hé nàge cí yīyàng ma?</pinyin>
  1816. <translation>Are the meanings of this word and that word the same?</translation>
  1817. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1818. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1819. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1820. <traditional>這 個 詞 的 意思 和 那 個 詞 一樣 嗎?</traditional>
  1821. <sound>[sound:这个词的意思和那个词一样吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1822. </enregistrement>
  1823. <enregistrement>
  1824. <hanzi>美国 文化 跟 中国 文化 不 一样。</hanzi>
  1825. <pinyin>Měiguó wénhuà gēn Zhōngguó wénhuà bù yīyàng.</pinyin>
  1826. <translation>American culture and Chinese culture are not the same.</translation>
  1827. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1828. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1829. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1830. <traditional>美國 文化 跟 中國 文化 不 一樣。</traditional>
  1831. <sound>[sound:美国文化跟中国文化不一样。.mp3]</sound>
  1832. </enregistrement>
  1833. <enregistrement>
  1834. <hanzi>啤酒 和 葡萄酒 的 味道 一样 吗?</hanzi>
  1835. <pinyin>Píjiǔ hé pútaojiǔ de wèidào yīyàng ma?</pinyin>
  1836. <translation>Do beer and red wine taste the same?</translation>
  1837. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1838. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1839. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1840. <traditional>啤酒 和 葡萄酒 的 味道 一樣 嗎?</traditional>
  1841. <sound>[sound:啤酒和葡萄酒的味道一样吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1842. </enregistrement>
  1843. <enregistrement>
  1844. <hanzi>你家 跟 我家 一样 大。</hanzi>
  1845. <pinyin>Nǐ jiā gēn wǒ jiā yīyàng dà.</pinyin>
  1846. <translation>Your house is just as big as mine.</translation>
  1847. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1848. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1849. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1850. <traditional>你家 跟 我家 一樣 大。</traditional>
  1851. <sound>[sound:你家跟我家一样大。.mp3]</sound>
  1852. </enregistrement>
  1853. <enregistrement>
  1854. <hanzi>她 和 她 哥哥 一样 高。</hanzi>
  1855. <pinyin>Tā hé tā gēge yīyàng gāo.</pinyin>
  1856. <translation>She and her older brother are equally tall.</translation>
  1857. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1858. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1859. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1860. <traditional>她 和 她 哥哥 一樣 高。</traditional>
  1861. <sound>[sound:她和她哥哥一样高。.mp3]</sound>
  1862. </enregistrement>
  1863. <enregistrement>
  1864. <hanzi>你 的 头发 和 我的 头发 一样 长。</hanzi>
  1865. <pinyin>Nǐ de tóufa hé wǒ de tóufa yīyàng cháng.</pinyin>
  1866. <translation>You hair is as long as mine.</translation>
  1867. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1868. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1869. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1870. <traditional>你 的 頭髮 和 我的 頭髮 一樣 長。</traditional>
  1871. <sound>[sound:你的头发和我的头发一样长。.mp3]</sound>
  1872. </enregistrement>
  1873. <enregistrement>
  1874. <hanzi>这里 的 天气跟 我 老家 一样 舒服。</hanzi>
  1875. <pinyin>Zhèlǐ de tiānqì gēn wǒ lǎojiā yīyàng shūfu.</pinyin>
  1876. <translation>The weather here is just as comfortable as my hometown's.</translation>
  1877. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1878. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1879. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1880. <traditional>這裏 的 天氣跟 我 老家 一樣 舒服。</traditional>
  1881. <sound>[sound:这里的天气跟我老家一样舒服。.mp3]</sound>
  1882. </enregistrement>
  1883. <enregistrement>
  1884. <hanzi>你 跟 老板 一样 忙 吗?</hanzi>
  1885. <pinyin>Nǐ gēn lǎobǎn yīyàng máng ma?</pinyin>
  1886. <translation>Are you as busy as the boss is?</translation>
  1887. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'yīyàng' '一样'</sequence>
  1888. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1889. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1890. <traditional>你 跟 老闆 一樣 忙 嗎?</traditional>
  1891. <sound>[sound:你跟老板一样忙吗?.mp3]</sound>
  1892. </enregistrement>
  1893. <enregistrement>
  1894. <hanzi>我 有一点 饿。</hanzi>
  1895. <pinyin>Wǒ yǒuyīdiǎn è.</pinyin>
  1896. <translation>I'm a little hungry.</translation>
  1897. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1898. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1899. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1900. <traditional>我 有一點 餓。</traditional>
  1901. <sound>[sound:我有一点饿。.mp3]</sound>
  1902. </enregistrement>
  1903. <enregistrement>
  1904. <hanzi>这 个 菜 有一点 辣。</hanzi>
  1905. <pinyin>Zhège cài yǒuyīdiǎn là.</pinyin>
  1906. <translation>This dish is a little too spicy.</translation>
  1907. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1908. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1909. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1910. <traditional>這 個 菜 有一點 辣。</traditional>
  1911. <sound>[sound:这个菜有一点辣。.mp3]</sound>
  1912. </enregistrement>
  1913. <enregistrement>
  1914. <hanzi>昨天 有一点 热。</hanzi>
  1915. <pinyin>Zuótiān yǒuyīdiǎn rè.</pinyin>
  1916. <translation>Yesterday it was a little too hot.</translation>
  1917. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1918. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1919. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1920. <traditional>昨天 有一點 熱。</traditional>
  1921. <sound>[sound:昨天有一点热。.mp3]</sound>
  1922. </enregistrement>
  1923. <enregistrement>
  1924. <hanzi>上海 的 冬天 有一点 冷。</hanzi>
  1925. <pinyin>Shànghǎi de dōngtiān yǒuyīdiǎn lěng.</pinyin>
  1926. <translation>Winter in Shanghai is a bit too cold.</translation>
  1927. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1928. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1929. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1930. <traditional>上海 的 冬天 有一點 冷。</traditional>
  1931. <sound>[sound:上海的冬天有一点冷。.mp3]</sound>
  1932. </enregistrement>
  1933. <enregistrement>
  1934. <hanzi>我弟弟 有点 胖。</hanzi>
  1935. <pinyin>Wǒ dìdi yǒudiǎn pàng.</pinyin>
  1936. <translation>My younger brother is a bit fat.</translation>
  1937. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1938. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1939. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1940. <traditional>我弟弟 有點 胖。</traditional>
  1941. <sound>[sound:我弟弟有点胖。.mp3]</sound>
  1942. </enregistrement>
  1943. <enregistrement>
  1944. <hanzi>今天 有点 累。</hanzi>
  1945. <pinyin>Jīntiān yǒudiǎn lèi.</pinyin>
  1946. <translation>Today I am a little bit tired.</translation>
  1947. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1948. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1949. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1950. <traditional>今天 有點 累。</traditional>
  1951. <sound>[sound:今天有点累。.mp3]</sound>
  1952. </enregistrement>
  1953. <enregistrement>
  1954. <hanzi>这 个 月 公司 有点 忙。</hanzi>
  1955. <pinyin> Zhège yuè gōngsī yǒudiǎn máng.</pinyin>
  1956. <translation>This month the company is a little bit busy.</translation>
  1957. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1958. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1959. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1960. <traditional>這 個 月 公司 有點 忙。</traditional>
  1961. <sound>[sound:这个月公司有点忙。.mp3]</sound>
  1962. </enregistrement>
  1963. <enregistrement>
  1964. <hanzi>这 个 地方 有点 吵,我们 走吧。</hanzi>
  1965. <pinyin>Zhège dìfang yǒudiǎn chǎo, wǒmen zǒu ba.</pinyin>
  1966. <translation>This place is a little too noisy. Let's go.</translation>
  1967. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1968. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1969. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1970. <traditional>這 個 地方 有點 吵,我們 走吧。</traditional>
  1971. <sound>[sound:这个地方有点吵,我们走吧。.mp3]</sound>
  1972. </enregistrement>
  1973. <enregistrement>
  1974. <hanzi>爸爸 回来 有点 晚 ,妈妈 有点 不高兴。</hanzi>
  1975. <pinyin>Bàba huílái yǒudiǎn wǎn, māma yǒudiǎn bù gāoxìng.</pinyin>
  1976. <translation>Dad came back home a bit too late, so mom was a little unhappy.</translation>
  1977. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1978. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1979. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1980. <traditional>爸爸 回來 有點 晚 ,媽媽 有點 不高興。</traditional>
  1981. <sound>[sound:爸爸回来有点晚,妈妈有点不高兴。.mp3]</sound>
  1982. </enregistrement>
  1983. <enregistrement>
  1984. <hanzi>老师 今天 有点 不 舒服,所以 没 来上课。</hanzi>
  1985. <pinyin>Lǎoshī jīntiān yǒudiǎn bù shūfu, suǒyǐ méi lái shàngkè.</pinyin>
  1986. <translation>Today, the teacher felt a little unwell, so she didn't come to class.</translation>
  1987. <sequence>Expressing 'a little too' with 'yǒudiǎn' '有点'</sequence>
  1988. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1989. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  1990. <traditional>老師 今天 有點 不 舒服,所以 沒 來上課。</traditional>
  1991. <sound>[sound:老师今天有点不舒服,所以没来上课。.mp3]</sound>
  1992. </enregistrement>
  1993. <enregistrement>
  1994. <hanzi>她 男朋友 又 高 又 帅。</hanzi>
  1995. <pinyin>Tā nánpéngyou yòu gāo yòu shuài.</pinyin>
  1996. <translation>Her boyfriend is both tall and handsome.</translation>
  1997. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  1998. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  1999. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2000. <traditional>她 男朋友 又 高 又 帥。</traditional>
  2001. <sound>[sound:她男朋友又高又帅。.mp3]</sound>
  2002. </enregistrement>
  2003. <enregistrement>
  2004. <hanzi>这 个 房子 又 大 又 亮。</hanzi>
  2005. <pinyin>Zhège fángzi yòu dà yòu liàng.</pinyin>
  2006. <translation>This house is both big and bright.</translation>
  2007. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2008. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2009. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2010. <traditional>這 個 房子 又 大 又 亮。</traditional>
  2011. <sound>[sound:这个房子又大又亮。.mp3]</sound>
  2012. </enregistrement>
  2013. <enregistrement>
  2014. <hanzi>妈妈 的 头发 又 黑 又 亮。</hanzi>
  2015. <pinyin>Māma de tóufa yòu hēi yòu liàng.</pinyin>
  2016. <translation>Mom's hair is both black and shiny.</translation>
  2017. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2018. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2019. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2020. <traditional>媽媽 的 頭髮 又 黑 又 亮。</traditional>
  2021. <sound>[sound:妈妈的头发又黑又亮。.mp3]</sound>
  2022. </enregistrement>
  2023. <enregistrement>
  2024. <hanzi>我 姐姐 又 聪明 又 漂亮。</hanzi>
  2025. <pinyin>Wǒ jiějie yòu cōngming yòu piàoliang.</pinyin>
  2026. <translation>My older sister is both smart and beautiful.</translation>
  2027. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2028. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2029. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2030. <traditional>我 姐姐 又 聰明 又 漂亮。</traditional>
  2031. <sound>[sound:我姐姐又聪明又漂亮。.mp3]</sound>
  2032. </enregistrement>
  2033. <enregistrement>
  2034. <hanzi>中国 菜 又 便宜 又 好吃。</hanzi>
  2035. <pinyin>Zhōngguó cài yòu piányi yòu hǎochī.</pinyin>
  2036. <translation>Chinese food is both cheap and good-tasting.</translation>
  2037. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2038. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2039. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2040. <traditional>中國 菜 又 便宜 又 好吃。</traditional>
  2041. <sound>[sound:中国菜又便宜又好吃。.mp3]</sound>
  2042. </enregistrement>
  2043. <enregistrement>
  2044. <hanzi>你们 老板 又 年轻 又 有钱。</hanzi>
  2045. <pinyin>Nǐmen lǎobǎn yòu niánqīng yòu yǒuqián.</pinyin>
  2046. <translation>Your boss is both young and rich.</translation>
  2047. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2048. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2049. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2050. <traditional>你們 老闆 又 年輕 又 有錢。</traditional>
  2051. <sound>[sound:你们老板又年轻又有钱。.mp3]</sound>
  2052. </enregistrement>
  2053. <enregistrement>
  2054. <hanzi>这里 的 咖啡 又 贵 又 难喝。</hanzi>
  2055. <pinyin>Zhèlǐ de kāfēi yòu guì yòu nánhē.</pinyin>
  2056. <translation>The coffee here is both expensive and bad-tasting.</translation>
  2057. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2058. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2059. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2060. <traditional>這裏 的 咖啡 又 貴 又 難喝。</traditional>
  2061. <sound>[sound:这里的咖啡又贵又难喝。.mp3]</sound>
  2062. </enregistrement>
  2063. <enregistrement>
  2064. <hanzi>我 家 小狗 又 可爱 又 听话。</hanzi>
  2065. <pinyin>Wǒ jiā xiǎogǒu yòu kě'ài yòu tīnghuà.</pinyin>
  2066. <translation>My family's dog is both cute and obedient.</translation>
  2067. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2068. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2069. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2070. <traditional>我 家 小狗 又 可愛 又 聽話。</traditional>
  2071. <sound>[sound:我家小狗又可爱又听话。.mp3]</sound>
  2072. </enregistrement>
  2073. <enregistrement>
  2074. <hanzi>上海 的 冬天 又 冷 又 湿。</hanzi>
  2075. <pinyin>Shànghǎi de dōngtiān yòu lěng yòu shī.</pinyin>
  2076. <translation>Winter here in Shanghai is both cold and humid.</translation>
  2077. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2078. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2079. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2080. <traditional>上海 的 冬天 又 冷 又 溼。</traditional>
  2081. <sound>[sound:上海的冬天又冷又湿。.mp3]</sound>
  2082. </enregistrement>
  2083. <enregistrement>
  2084. <hanzi>她 小时候 又 矮 又 瘦。</hanzi>
  2085. <pinyin>Tā xiǎoshíhou yòu ǎi yòu shòu.</pinyin>
  2086. <translation>She was both short and thin when she was young. </translation>
  2087. <sequence>Expressing 'both A and B' with 'yòu' '又'</sequence>
  2088. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2089. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2090. <traditional>她 小時候 又 矮 又 瘦。</traditional>
  2091. <sound>[sound:她小时候又矮又瘦。.mp3]</sound>
  2092. </enregistrement>
  2093. <enregistrement>
  2094. <hanzi>我 家 不 太 大。</hanzi>
  2095. <pinyin>Wǒ jiā bù tài dà.</pinyin>
  2096. <translation>My house is not too big.</translation>
  2097. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2098. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2099. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2100. <traditional>我 家 不 太 大。</traditional>
  2101. <sound>[sound:我家不太大。.mp3]</sound>
  2102. </enregistrement>
  2103. <enregistrement>
  2104. <hanzi>那 个 地方 不 太 远。</hanzi>
  2105. <pinyin>Nàge dìfang bù tài yuǎn.</pinyin>
  2106. <translation>That place is not very far away.</translation>
  2107. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2110. <traditional>那 個 地方 不 太 遠。</traditional>
  2111. <sound>[sound:那个地方不太远。.mp3]</sound>
  2112. </enregistrement>
  2113. <enregistrement>
  2114. <hanzi>老板 今天 不 太 高兴。</hanzi>
  2115. <pinyin> Lǎobǎn jīntiān bù tài gāoxìng.</pinyin>
  2116. <translation>The boss is not very happy today.</translation>
  2117. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2120. <traditional>老闆 今天 不 太 高興。</traditional>
  2121. <sound>[sound:老板今天不太高兴。.mp3]</sound>
  2122. </enregistrement>
  2123. <enregistrement>
  2124. <hanzi>这 个 店 的 衣服 不 太 贵。</hanzi>
  2125. <pinyin>Zhège diàn de yīfu bù tài guì.</pinyin>
  2126. <translation>The clothes in this shop are not too expensive.</translation>
  2127. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2130. <traditional>這 個 店 的 衣服 不 太 貴。</traditional>
  2131. <sound>[sound:这个店的衣服不太贵。.mp3]</sound>
  2132. </enregistrement>
  2133. <enregistrement>
  2134. <hanzi>我 觉得 他 不 太 聪明。</hanzi>
  2135. <pinyin>Wǒ juéde tā bù tài cōngming.</pinyin>
  2136. <translation>I think he is not too smart.</translation>
  2137. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2140. <traditional>我 覺得 他 不 太 聰明。</traditional>
  2141. <sound>[sound:我觉得他不太聪明。.mp3]</sound>
  2142. </enregistrement>
  2143. <enregistrement>
  2144. <hanzi>我 不 太 懂 。</hanzi>
  2145. <pinyin>Wǒ bù tài dǒng.</pinyin>
  2146. <translation>I don't really understand.</translation>
  2147. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2150. <traditional>我 不 太 懂 。</traditional>
  2151. <sound>[sound:我不太懂。.mp3]</sound>
  2152. </enregistrement>
  2153. <enregistrement>
  2154. <hanzi>我 不 太 会 说 英语 。</hanzi>
  2155. <pinyin>Wǒ bù tài huì shuō Yīngyǔ.</pinyin>
  2156. <translation>I can't really speak English.</translation>
  2157. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2160. <traditional>我 不 太 會 說 英語 。</traditional>
  2161. <sound>[sound:我不太会说英语。.mp3]</sound>
  2162. </enregistrement>
  2163. <enregistrement>
  2164. <hanzi>他们 不 太 想 去 。</hanzi>
  2165. <pinyin>Tāmen bù tài xiǎng qù.</pinyin>
  2166. <translation>They don't really want to go.</translation>
  2167. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2170. <traditional>他們 不 太 想 去 。</traditional>
  2171. <sound>[sound:他们不太想去。.mp3]</sound>
  2172. </enregistrement>
  2173. <enregistrement>
  2174. <hanzi>我 哥哥 不 太 喜欢 他 的 工作 。</hanzi>
  2175. <pinyin>Wǒ gēge bù tài xǐhuan tā de gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  2176. <translation>My older brother doesn't really like his job.</translation>
  2177. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2180. <traditional>我 哥哥 不 太 喜歡 他 的 工作 。</traditional>
  2181. <sound>[sound:我哥哥不太喜欢他的工作。.mp3]</sound>
  2182. </enregistrement>
  2183. <enregistrement>
  2184. <hanzi>他 不 太 明白 老板 的 意思 。</hanzi>
  2185. <pinyin>Tā bù tài míngbai lǎobǎn de yìsi.</pinyin>
  2186. <translation>He didn't really understand what the boss meant.</translation>
  2187. <sequence>Expressing 'not very' with 'bù tài' '不太'</sequence>
  2188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2190. <traditional>他 不 太 明白 老闆 的 意思 。</traditional>
  2191. <sound>[sound:他不太明白老板的意思。.mp3]</sound>
  2192. </enregistrement>
  2193. <enregistrement>
  2194. <hanzi>你 真 好!</hanzi>
  2195. <pinyin>Nǐ zhēn hǎo!</pinyin>
  2196. <translation>You are so nice! </translation>
  2197. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2200. <traditional>你 真 好!</traditional>
  2201. <sound>[sound:你真好!.mp3]</sound>
  2202. </enregistrement>
  2203. <enregistrement>
  2204. <hanzi>你 女朋友 真 漂亮!</hanzi>
  2205. <pinyin>Nǐ nǚpéngyou zhēn piàoliang!</pinyin>
  2206. <translation>Your girlfriend is really pretty!</translation>
  2207. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2210. <traditional>你 女朋友 真 漂亮!</traditional>
  2211. <sound>[sound:你女朋友真漂亮!.mp3]</sound>
  2212. </enregistrement>
  2213. <enregistrement>
  2214. <hanzi>他 家 真 有钱!</hanzi>
  2215. <pinyin>Tā jiā zhēn yǒuqián!</pinyin>
  2216. <translation>His family is really rich!</translation>
  2217. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2220. <traditional>他 家 真 有錢!</traditional>
  2221. <sound>[sound:他家真有钱!.mp3]</sound>
  2222. </enregistrement>
  2223. <enregistrement>
  2224. <hanzi>小狗 真 可爱!</hanzi>
  2225. <pinyin>Xiǎogǒu zhēn kě'ài!</pinyin>
  2226. <translation>This puppy is really cute!</translation>
  2227. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2230. <traditional>小狗 真 可愛!</traditional>
  2231. <sound>[sound:小狗真可爱!.mp3]</sound>
  2232. </enregistrement>
  2233. <enregistrement>
  2234. <hanzi>今天 真 热!</hanzi>
  2235. <pinyin>Jīntiān zhēn rè!</pinyin>
  2236. <translation>It's truly hot today!</translation>
  2237. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2240. <traditional>今天 真 熱!</traditional>
  2241. <sound>[sound:今天真热!.mp3]</sound>
  2242. </enregistrement>
  2243. <enregistrement>
  2244. <hanzi>你 妈妈 真 爱 你!</hanzi>
  2245. <pinyin>Nǐ māma zhēn ài nǐ!</pinyin>
  2246. <translation>Your mother really loves you! </translation>
  2247. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2250. <traditional>你 媽媽 真 愛 你!</traditional>
  2251. <sound>[sound:你妈妈真爱你!.mp3]</sound>
  2252. </enregistrement>
  2253. <enregistrement>
  2254. <hanzi>我 真 喜欢 住 在 中国!</hanzi>
  2255. <pinyin>Wǒ zhēn xǐhuan zhù zài Zhōngguó!</pinyin>
  2256. <translation>I really like living in China! </translation>
  2257. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2260. <traditional>我 真 喜歡 住 在 中國!</traditional>
  2261. <sound>[sound:我真喜欢住在中国!.mp3]</sound>
  2262. </enregistrement>
  2263. <enregistrement>
  2264. <hanzi>我 真 讨厌 这 种 男人!</hanzi>
  2265. <pinyin>Wǒ zhēn tǎoyàn zhè zhǒng nánrén!</pinyin>
  2266. <translation>I really hate this kind of guy! </translation>
  2267. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2270. <traditional>我 真 討厭 這 種 男人!</traditional>
  2271. <sound>[sound:我真讨厌这种男人!.mp3]</sound>
  2272. </enregistrement>
  2273. <enregistrement>
  2274. <hanzi>你 真 会 说话!</hanzi>
  2275. <pinyin>Nǐ zhēn huì shuōhuà!</pinyin>
  2276. <translation>You are so good with words! </translation>
  2277. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2280. <traditional>你 真 會 說話!</traditional>
  2281. <sound>[sound:你真会说话!.mp3]</sound>
  2282. </enregistrement>
  2283. <enregistrement>
  2284. <hanzi>你 真 能 吃!</hanzi>
  2285. <pinyin>Nǐ zhēn néng chī!</pinyin>
  2286. <translation>You ate so much! </translation>
  2287. <sequence>Expressing 'really' with 'zhēn' '真'</sequence>
  2288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2290. <traditional>你 真 能 吃!</traditional>
  2291. <sound>[sound:你真能吃!.mp3]</sound>
  2292. </enregistrement>
  2293. <enregistrement>
  2294. <hanzi>我 家 离 公司 很 近。</hanzi>
  2295. <pinyin>Wǒ jiā lí gōngsī hěn jìn.</pinyin>
  2296. <translation>My house is close to my office.</translation>
  2297. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2298. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2299. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2300. <traditional>我 家 離 公司 很 近。</traditional>
  2301. <sound>[sound:我家离公司很近。.mp3]</sound>
  2302. </enregistrement>
  2303. <enregistrement>
  2304. <hanzi>美国 离 中国 很 远。</hanzi>
  2305. <pinyin>Měiguó lí Zhōngguó hěn yuǎn.</pinyin>
  2306. <translation>The USA is far from China.</translation>
  2307. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2310. <traditional>美國 離 中國 很 遠。</traditional>
  2311. <sound>[sound:美国离中国很远。.mp3]</sound>
  2312. </enregistrement>
  2313. <enregistrement>
  2314. <hanzi>这 个 酒店 离 火车站 很 近。</hanzi>
  2315. <pinyin>Zhège jiǔdiàn lí huǒchēzhàn hěn jìn.</pinyin>
  2316. <translation>This hotel is very close to the train station.</translation>
  2317. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2320. <traditional>這 個 酒店 離 火車站 很 近。</traditional>
  2321. <sound>[sound:这个酒店离火车站很近。.mp3]</sound>
  2322. </enregistrement>
  2323. <enregistrement>
  2324. <hanzi>那 个 酒吧 离 这儿 太 远 了, 我 不 想 去。</hanzi>
  2325. <pinyin>Nàge jiǔbā lí zhèr tài yuǎn le, wǒ bù xiǎng qù.</pinyin>
  2326. <translation>That bar is too far away from here. I don't want to go.</translation>
  2327. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2330. <traditional>那 個 酒吧 離 這兒 太 遠 了, 我 不 想 去。</traditional>
  2331. <sound>[sound:那个酒吧离这儿太远了,我不想去。.mp3]</sound>
  2332. </enregistrement>
  2333. <enregistrement>
  2334. <hanzi>我 不想 去 离 家 很 远 的 地方 工作。</hanzi>
  2335. <pinyin>Wǒ bù xiǎng qù lí jiā hěn yuǎn de dìfang gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  2336. <translation>I don't want to go work at a place very far away from home.</translation>
  2337. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2340. <traditional>我 不想 去 離 家 很 遠 的 地方 工作。</traditional>
  2341. <sound>[sound:我不想去离家很远的地方工作。.mp3]</sound>
  2342. </enregistrement>
  2343. <enregistrement>
  2344. <hanzi>你家 离 超市 远 吗?</hanzi>
  2345. <pinyin> Nǐ jiā lí chāoshì yuǎn ma?</pinyin>
  2346. <translation>Is your house far away from the supermarket?</translation>
  2347. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2350. <traditional>你家 離 超市 遠 嗎?</traditional>
  2351. <sound>[sound:你家离超市远吗?.mp3]</sound>
  2352. </enregistrement>
  2353. <enregistrement>
  2354. <hanzi>你 的 大学 离 你 老家 很 远 吗?</hanzi>
  2355. <pinyin>Nǐ de dàxué lí nǐ lǎojiā hěn yuǎn ma?</pinyin>
  2356. <translation>Is your college very far away from your hometown? </translation>
  2357. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2360. <traditional>你 的 大學 離 你 老家 很 遠 嗎?</traditional>
  2361. <sound>[sound:你的大学离你老家很远吗?.mp3]</sound>
  2362. </enregistrement>
  2363. <enregistrement>
  2364. <hanzi>你们 公司 离 地铁站 近 吗?</hanzi>
  2365. <pinyin>Nǐmen gōngsī lí dìtiězhàn jìn ma?</pinyin>
  2366. <translation>Is your company close to the metro station? </translation>
  2367. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2370. <traditional>你們 公司 離 地鐵站 近 嗎?</traditional>
  2371. <sound>[sound:你们公司离地铁站近吗?.mp3]</sound>
  2372. </enregistrement>
  2373. <enregistrement>
  2374. <hanzi>你 家 离 学校 多远?</hanzi>
  2375. <pinyin>Nǐ jiā lí xuéxiào duō yuǎn?</pinyin>
  2376. <translation>How far is it from your home to school? </translation>
  2377. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2380. <traditional>你 家 離 學校 多遠?</traditional>
  2381. <sound>[sound:你家离学校多远?.mp3]</sound>
  2382. </enregistrement>
  2383. <enregistrement>
  2384. <hanzi>这个 酒店 离 机场 有 多远?</hanzi>
  2385. <pinyin>Zhège jiǔdiàn lí jīchǎng yǒu duō yuǎn?</pinyin>
  2386. <translation>How far is it from this hotel to the airport? </translation>
  2387. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2390. <traditional>這個 酒店 離 機場 有 多遠?</traditional>
  2391. <sound>[sound:这个酒店离机场有多远?.mp3]</sound>
  2392. </enregistrement>
  2393. <enregistrement>
  2394. <hanzi>你 离 我 远 点 儿 !</hanzi>
  2395. <pinyin>Nǐ lí wǒ yuǎn diǎnr!</pinyin>
  2396. <translation>Stay away from me.</translation>
  2397. <sequence>Expressing distance with 'li'</sequence>
  2398. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2399. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2400. <traditional>你 離 我 遠 點 兒 !</traditional>
  2401. <sound>[sound:你离我远点儿!.mp3]</sound>
  2402. </enregistrement>
  2403. <enregistrement>
  2404. <hanzi>一个人 多 好!</hanzi>
  2405. <pinyin>Yīgèrén duō hǎo!</pinyin>
  2406. <translation>It's so nice being alone! </translation>
  2407. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2408. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2409. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2410. <traditional>一個人 多 好!</traditional>
  2411. <sound>[sound:一个人多好!.mp3]</sound>
  2412. </enregistrement>
  2413. <enregistrement>
  2414. <hanzi>你 女儿 多 聪明 啊!</hanzi>
  2415. <pinyin>Nǐ nǚér duō cōngming a!</pinyin>
  2416. <translation>Your daughter is so smart! </translation>
  2417. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2418. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2419. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2420. <traditional>你 女兒 多 聰明 啊!</traditional>
  2421. <sound>[sound:你女儿多聪明啊!.mp3]</sound>
  2422. </enregistrement>
  2423. <enregistrement>
  2424. <hanzi>今天 天气 多 舒服 !</hanzi>
  2425. <pinyin>Jīntiān tiānqì duō shūfu!</pinyin>
  2426. <translation>Today's weather is so nice! </translation>
  2427. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2428. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2429. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2430. <traditional>今天 天氣 多 舒服 !</traditional>
  2431. <sound>[sound:今天天气多舒服!.mp3]</sound>
  2432. </enregistrement>
  2433. <enregistrement>
  2434. <hanzi>你 看 这 个 地方 ,多 美 啊!</hanzi>
  2435. <pinyin>Nǐ kàn zhège dìfang, duō měi a!</pinyin>
  2436. <translation>Look at this place, it is so beautiful! </translation>
  2437. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2438. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2439. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2440. <traditional>你 看 這 個 地方 ,多 美 啊!</traditional>
  2441. <sound>[sound:你看这个地方,多美啊!.mp3]</sound>
  2442. </enregistrement>
  2443. <enregistrement>
  2444. <hanzi>学 中文 多 有意思 啊!</hanzi>
  2445. <pinyin>Xué Zhōngwén duō yǒu yìsi a!</pinyin>
  2446. <translation>Studying Chinese is so interesting!</translation>
  2447. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2448. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2449. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2450. <traditional>學 中文 多 有意思 啊!</traditional>
  2451. <sound>[sound:学中文多有意思啊!.mp3]</sound>
  2452. </enregistrement>
  2453. <enregistrement>
  2454. <hanzi>坐 地铁 多 方便!</hanzi>
  2455. <pinyin>Zuò dìtiě duō fāngbiàn!</pinyin>
  2456. <translation>How convenient it is to take the metro!</translation>
  2457. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2458. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2459. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2460. <traditional>坐 地鐵 多 方便!</traditional>
  2461. <sound>[sound:坐地铁多方便!.mp3]</sound>
  2462. </enregistrement>
  2463. <enregistrement>
  2464. <hanzi>你 看 这 个 小狗, 多 可爱!</hanzi>
  2465. <pinyin>Nǐ kàn zhège xiǎogǒu, duō kě'ài!</pinyin>
  2466. <translation>Look at this puppy! It is so cute!</translation>
  2467. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2468. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2469. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2470. <traditional>你 看 這 個 小狗, 多 可愛!</traditional>
  2471. <sound>[sound:你看这个小狗,多可爱!.mp3]</sound>
  2472. </enregistrement>
  2473. <enregistrement>
  2474. <hanzi>这样 做 多 麻烦!</hanzi>
  2475. <pinyin>Zhèyàng zuò duō máfan!</pinyin>
  2476. <translation>Doing it this way is so troublesome! </translation>
  2477. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2478. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2479. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2480. <traditional>這樣 做 多 麻煩!</traditional>
  2481. <sound>[sound:这样做多麻烦!.mp3]</sound>
  2482. </enregistrement>
  2483. <enregistrement>
  2484. <hanzi>这些 菜多 好吃 啊!</hanzi>
  2485. <pinyin>Zhèxiē cài duō hǎochī a!</pinyin>
  2486. <translation>These foods are so delicious!</translation>
  2487. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2488. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2489. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2490. <traditional>這些 菜多 好吃 啊!</traditional>
  2491. <sound>[sound:这些菜多好吃啊!.mp3]</sound>
  2492. </enregistrement>
  2493. <enregistrement>
  2494. <hanzi>你 男朋友 多 帅 啊!</hanzi>
  2495. <pinyin>Nǐ nánpéngyou duō shuài a!</pinyin>
  2496. <translation>Your boyfriend is so handsome!</translation>
  2497. <sequence>Intensifying with 'duo'</sequence>
  2498. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2499. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2500. <traditional>你 男朋友 多 帥 啊!</traditional>
  2501. <sound>[sound:你男朋友多帅啊!.mp3]</sound>
  2502. </enregistrement>
  2503. <enregistrement>
  2504. <hanzi>我 还 好。</hanzi>
  2505. <pinyin>Wǒ hái hǎo.</pinyin>
  2506. <translation>I'm OK.</translation>
  2507. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2508. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2509. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2510. <traditional>我 還 好。</traditional>
  2511. <sound>[sound:我还好。.mp3]</sound>
  2512. </enregistrement>
  2513. <enregistrement>
  2514. <hanzi>爸爸 做 的 菜 还 可以。</hanzi>
  2515. <pinyin>Bàba zuò de cài hái kěyǐ.</pinyin>
  2516. <translation>The food that dad cooks is OK.</translation>
  2517. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2518. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2519. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2520. <traditional>爸爸 做 的 菜 還 可以。</traditional>
  2521. <sound>[sound:爸爸做的菜还可以。.mp3]</sound>
  2522. </enregistrement>
  2523. <enregistrement>
  2524. <hanzi>我们 老板 还 不错。</hanzi>
  2525. <pinyin>Wǒmen lǎobǎn hái bùcuò.</pinyin>
  2526. <translation>Our boss is not too bad.</translation>
  2527. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2528. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2529. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2530. <traditional>我們 老闆 還 不錯。</traditional>
  2531. <sound>[sound:我们老板还不错。.mp3]</sound>
  2532. </enregistrement>
  2533. <enregistrement>
  2534. <hanzi>这 家 店 还 行,不太 贵。</hanzi>
  2535. <pinyin>Zhè jià diàn hái xíng, bù tài guì.</pinyin>
  2536. <translation>This shop is OK. It's not too expensive.</translation>
  2537. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2538. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2539. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2540. <traditional>這 家 店 還 行,不太 貴。</traditional>
  2541. <sound>[sound:这家店还行,不太贵。.mp3]</sound>
  2542. </enregistrement>
  2543. <enregistrement>
  2544. <hanzi>我 男朋友 的 工资 还 可以。</hanzi>
  2545. <pinyin>Wǒ nánpéngyou de gōngzī hái kěyǐ.</pinyin>
  2546. <translation>My boyfriend's salary is OK.</translation>
  2547. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2548. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2549. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2550. <traditional>我 男朋友 的 工資 還 可以。</traditional>
  2551. <sound>[sound:我男朋友的工资还可以。.mp3]</sound>
  2552. </enregistrement>
  2553. <enregistrement>
  2554. <hanzi>新 的 办公室 还 不错。</hanzi>
  2555. <pinyin>Xīn de bàngōngshì hái bùcuò.</pinyin>
  2556. <translation>The new office is OK.</translation>
  2557. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2558. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2559. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2560. <traditional>新 的 辦公室 還 不錯。</traditional>
  2561. <sound>[sound:新的办公室还不错。.mp3]</sound>
  2562. </enregistrement>
  2563. <enregistrement>
  2564. <hanzi>我 觉得 这里 的 菜 还 可以,没有 那么 难吃。</hanzi>
  2565. <pinyin>Wǒ juéde zhèlǐ de cài hái kěyǐ, méiyǒu nàme nánchī.</pinyin>
  2566. <translation>I think the food here is OK, it is not too bad-tasting.</translation>
  2567. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2568. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2569. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2570. <traditional>我 覺得 這裏 的 菜 還 可以,沒有 那麼 難吃。</traditional>
  2571. <sound>[sound:我觉得这里的菜还可以,没有那么难吃。.mp3]</sound>
  2572. </enregistrement>
  2573. <enregistrement>
  2574. <hanzi>这 个 牌子 还 不错,很 多 年轻 人 喜欢。</hanzi>
  2575. <pinyin>Zhège páizi hái bùcuò,hěn duō niánqīng rén xǐhuan.</pinyin>
  2576. <translation>This brand is not too bad. Many young people like it.</translation>
  2577. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2578. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2579. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2580. <traditional>這 個 牌子 還 不錯,很 多 年輕 人 喜歡。</traditional>
  2581. <sound>[sound:这个牌子还不错,很多年轻人喜欢。.mp3]</sound>
  2582. </enregistrement>
  2583. <enregistrement>
  2584. <hanzi>房子 还 可以,但是 有 点 贵。</hanzi>
  2585. <pinyin>Fángzi hái kěyǐ, dànshì yǒudiǎn guì.</pinyin>
  2586. <translation>The apartment is not too bad, but it is a bit expensive.</translation>
  2587. <sequence>Moderating positive adjectives with 'hai'</sequence>
  2588. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2589. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2590. <traditional>房子 還 可以,但是 有 點 貴。</traditional>
  2591. <sound>[sound:房子还可以,但是有点贵。.mp3]</sound>
  2592. </enregistrement>
  2593. <enregistrement>
  2594. <hanzi>漂亮 的 女孩儿</hanzi>
  2595. <pinyin>piàoliang de nǚháir</pinyin>
  2596. <translation>beautiful girl </translation>
  2597. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2598. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2599. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2600. <traditional>漂亮 的 女孩兒</traditional>
  2601. <sound>[sound:漂亮的女孩儿.mp3]</sound>
  2602. </enregistrement>
  2603. <enregistrement>
  2604. <hanzi>辣 的 菜</hanzi>
  2605. <pinyin>là de cài</pinyin>
  2606. <translation>spicy food </translation>
  2607. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2608. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2609. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2610. <traditional>辣 的 菜</traditional>
  2611. <sound>[sound:辣的菜.mp3]</sound>
  2612. </enregistrement>
  2613. <enregistrement>
  2614. <hanzi>可爱 的 宝宝</hanzi>
  2615. <pinyin>kě'ài de bǎobao</pinyin>
  2616. <translation>a cute baby </translation>
  2617. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2618. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2619. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2620. <traditional>可愛 的 寶寶</traditional>
  2621. <sound>[sound:可爱的宝宝.mp3]</sound>
  2622. </enregistrement>
  2623. <enregistrement>
  2624. <hanzi>我 喜欢 新鲜 的 果汁 。</hanzi>
  2625. <pinyin>Wǒ xǐhuan xīnxiān de guǒzhī.</pinyin>
  2626. <translation>I like fresh fruit juice.</translation>
  2627. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2628. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2629. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2630. <traditional>我 喜歡 新鮮 的 果汁 。</traditional>
  2631. <sound>[sound:我喜欢新鲜的果汁。.mp3]</sound>
  2632. </enregistrement>
  2633. <enregistrement>
  2634. <hanzi>他 常常 买 便宜 的 东西。</hanzi>
  2635. <pinyin>Tā chángcháng mǎi piányi de dōngxi.</pinyin>
  2636. <translation>He often buys cheap stuff.</translation>
  2637. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2638. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2639. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2640. <traditional>他 常常 買 便宜 的 東西。</traditional>
  2641. <sound>[sound:他常常买便宜的东西。.mp3]</sound>
  2642. </enregistrement>
  2643. <enregistrement>
  2644. <hanzi>孩子 喜欢 吃 什么 东西 ?</hanzi>
  2645. <pinyin>Háizi xǐhuan chī shénme dōngxi?</pinyin>
  2646. <translation>What food do children like to eat?</translation>
  2647. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2648. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2649. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2650. <traditional>孩子 喜歡 吃 什麼 東西 ?</traditional>
  2651. <sound>[sound:孩子喜欢吃什么东西?.mp3]</sound>
  2652. </enregistrement>
  2653. <enregistrement>
  2654. <hanzi>甜 的 。</hanzi>
  2655. <pinyin> Tián de.</pinyin>
  2656. <translation>Sweet food.</translation>
  2657. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2658. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2659. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2660. <traditional>甜 的 。</traditional>
  2661. <sound>[sound:甜的。.mp3]</sound>
  2662. </enregistrement>
  2663. <enregistrement>
  2664. <hanzi>你 喜欢 哪 种 女孩?</hanzi>
  2665. <pinyin>Nǐ xǐhuan nǎ zhǒng nǚhái?</pinyin>
  2666. <translation>What kind of girls do you like?</translation>
  2667. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2668. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2669. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2670. <traditional>你 喜歡 哪 種 女孩?</traditional>
  2671. <sound>[sound:你喜欢哪种女孩?.mp3]</sound>
  2672. </enregistrement>
  2673. <enregistrement>
  2674. <hanzi>漂亮 的。</hanzi>
  2675. <pinyin> Piàoliang de.</pinyin>
  2676. <translation>Pretty ones.</translation>
  2677. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2678. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2679. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2680. <traditional>漂亮 的。</traditional>
  2681. <sound>[sound:漂亮的。.mp3]</sound>
  2682. </enregistrement>
  2683. <enregistrement>
  2684. <hanzi>你 要 喝 冷 水 还是 热 水?</hanzi>
  2685. <pinyin>Nǐ xǐhuan hē lěng shuǐ háishì rè shuǐ ?</pinyin>
  2686. <translation>Do you want to drink cold or hot water?</translation>
  2687. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2688. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2689. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2690. <traditional>你 要 喝 冷 水 還是 熱 水?</traditional>
  2691. <sound>[sound:你要喝冷水还是热水?.mp3]</sound>
  2692. </enregistrement>
  2693. <enregistrement>
  2694. <hanzi>冷 的。</hanzi>
  2695. <pinyin>Lěng de.</pinyin>
  2696. <translation>Cold.</translation>
  2697. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2698. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2699. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2700. <traditional>冷 的。</traditional>
  2701. <sound>[sound:冷的。.mp3]</sound>
  2702. </enregistrement>
  2703. <enregistrement>
  2704. <hanzi>你想 找 什么样 的 男朋友?</hanzi>
  2705. <pinyin>Nǐ xiǎng zhǎo shénmeyàng de nánpéngyou?</pinyin>
  2706. <translation>What kind of boyfriend do you want to find?</translation>
  2707. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2708. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2709. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2710. <traditional>你想 找 什麼樣 的 男朋友?</traditional>
  2711. <sound>[sound:你想找什么样的男朋友?.mp3]</sound>
  2712. </enregistrement>
  2713. <enregistrement>
  2714. <hanzi>有钱 的。</hanzi>
  2715. <pinyin>Yǒuqián de.</pinyin>
  2716. <translation>A rich one.</translation>
  2717. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2718. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2719. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2720. <traditional>有錢 的。</traditional>
  2721. <sound>[sound:有钱的。.mp3]</sound>
  2722. </enregistrement>
  2723. <enregistrement>
  2724. <hanzi>你 不 喜欢 吃 什么 菜?</hanzi>
  2725. <pinyin>Nǐ bù xǐhuan chī shénme cài?</pinyin>
  2726. <translation>Which foods do you not like to eat?</translation>
  2727. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2728. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2729. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2730. <traditional>你 不 喜歡 吃 什麼 菜?</traditional>
  2731. <sound>[sound:你不喜欢吃什么菜?.mp3]</sound>
  2732. </enregistrement>
  2733. <enregistrement>
  2734. <hanzi>辣 的。</hanzi>
  2735. <pinyin>Là de.</pinyin>
  2736. <translation>Spicy ones.</translation>
  2737. <sequence>Modifying nouns with adjective + 'de'</sequence>
  2738. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2739. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2740. <traditional>辣 的。</traditional>
  2741. <sound>[sound:辣的。.mp3]</sound>
  2742. </enregistrement>
  2743. <enregistrement>
  2744. <hanzi>妈妈 做 的 菜</hanzi>
  2745. <pinyin> māma zuò de cài</pinyin>
  2746. <translation>the food that mom cooks </translation>
  2747. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2748. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2749. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2750. <traditional>媽媽 做 的 菜</traditional>
  2751. <sound>[sound:妈妈做的菜.mp3]</sound>
  2752. </enregistrement>
  2753. <enregistrement>
  2754. <hanzi>去 北京 的 火车</hanzi>
  2755. <pinyin>qù Běijīng de huǒchē</pinyin>
  2756. <translation>the train that goes to Beijing</translation>
  2757. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2758. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2759. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2760. <traditional>去 北京 的 火車</traditional>
  2761. <sound>[sound:去北京的火车.mp3]</sound>
  2762. </enregistrement>
  2763. <enregistrement>
  2764. <hanzi>你 教 的 学生</hanzi>
  2765. <pinyin>nǐ jiāo de xuésheng</pinyin>
  2766. <translation>the students that you teach</translation>
  2767. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2768. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2769. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2770. <traditional>你 教 的 學生</traditional>
  2771. <sound>[sound:你教的学生.mp3]</sound>
  2772. </enregistrement>
  2773. <enregistrement>
  2774. <hanzi>老板 请 的 朋友</hanzi>
  2775. <pinyin>lǎobǎn qǐng de péngyou</pinyin>
  2776. <translation>the friends that the boss invited</translation>
  2777. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2778. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2779. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2780. <traditional>老闆 請 的 朋友</traditional>
  2781. <sound>[sound:老板请的朋友.mp3]</sound>
  2782. </enregistrement>
  2783. <enregistrement>
  2784. <hanzi>我 画 的画</hanzi>
  2785. <pinyin>wǒ huà de huà</pinyin>
  2786. <translation>the pictures that I draw</translation>
  2787. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2788. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2789. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2790. <traditional>我 畫 的畫</traditional>
  2791. <sound>[sound:我画的画.mp3]</sound>
  2792. </enregistrement>
  2793. <enregistrement>
  2794. <hanzi>他 写 的 书</hanzi>
  2795. <pinyin>tā xiě de shū</pinyin>
  2796. <translation>the books that he wrote</translation>
  2797. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2798. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2799. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2800. <traditional>他 寫 的 書</traditional>
  2801. <sound>[sound:他写的书.mp3]</sound>
  2802. </enregistrement>
  2803. <enregistrement>
  2804. <hanzi>妈妈 给 我 买 的 衣服</hanzi>
  2805. <pinyin>māma gěi wǒ mǎi de yīfu</pinyin>
  2806. <translation>the clothes that mom bought for me</translation>
  2807. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2808. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2809. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2810. <traditional>媽媽 給 我 買 的 衣服</traditional>
  2811. <sound>[sound:妈妈给我买的衣服.mp3]</sound>
  2812. </enregistrement>
  2813. <enregistrement>
  2814. <hanzi>客户 问 的 问题</hanzi>
  2815. <pinyin>kèhù wèn de wèntí</pinyin>
  2816. <translation>the questions that the client asked</translation>
  2817. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2818. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2819. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2820. <traditional>客戶 問 的 問題</traditional>
  2821. <sound>[sound:客户问的问题.mp3]</sound>
  2822. </enregistrement>
  2823. <enregistrement>
  2824. <hanzi>穿 Prada 的 女人</hanzi>
  2825. <pinyin>chuān Prada de nǚrén</pinyin>
  2826. <translation>women who wear Prada</translation>
  2827. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2828. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2829. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2830. <traditional>穿 Prada 的 女人</traditional>
  2831. <sound>[sound:穿Prada的女人.mp3]</sound>
  2832. </enregistrement>
  2833. <enregistrement>
  2834. <hanzi>不 喜欢 中国菜 的 老外</hanzi>
  2835. <pinyin>bù xǐhuan Zhōngguó cài de lǎowài</pinyin>
  2836. <translation>the foreigners that don't like Chinese food</translation>
  2837. <sequence>Modifying nouns with phrase + 'de'</sequence>
  2838. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2839. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2840. <traditional>不 喜歡 中國菜 的 老外</traditional>
  2841. <sound>[sound:不喜欢中国菜的老外.mp3]</sound>
  2842. </enregistrement>
  2843. <enregistrement>
  2844. <hanzi>哪 个 老师 最 好?</hanzi>
  2845. <pinyin>Nǎge lǎoshī zuì hǎo?</pinyin>
  2846. <translation>Which teacher is the best?</translation>
  2847. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2848. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2849. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2850. <traditional>哪 個 老師 最 好?</traditional>
  2851. <sound>[sound:哪个老师最好?.mp3]</sound>
  2852. </enregistrement>
  2853. <enregistrement>
  2854. <hanzi>你们 家 谁 最 漂亮?</hanzi>
  2855. <pinyin>Nǐmen jiā shéi zuì piàoliang?</pinyin>
  2856. <translation>In your family who is the most beautiful? </translation>
  2857. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2858. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2859. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2860. <traditional>你們 家 誰 最 漂亮?</traditional>
  2861. <sound>[sound:你们家谁最漂亮?.mp3]</sound>
  2862. </enregistrement>
  2863. <enregistrement>
  2864. <hanzi>Zuckerberg 最 有钱。</hanzi>
  2865. <pinyin>Zuckerberg zuì yǒuqián.</pinyin>
  2866. <translation>Zuckerberg is the richest.</translation>
  2867. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2868. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2869. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2870. <traditional>Zuckerberg 最 有錢。</traditional>
  2871. <sound>[sound:Zuckerberg最有钱。.mp3]</sound>
  2872. </enregistrement>
  2873. <enregistrement>
  2874. <hanzi>汉语 最 难。</hanzi>
  2875. <pinyin>Hànyǔ zuì nán.</pinyin>
  2876. <translation>The Chinese language is the most difficult.</translation>
  2877. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2878. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2879. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2880. <traditional>漢語 最 難。</traditional>
  2881. <sound>[sound:汉语最难。.mp3]</sound>
  2882. </enregistrement>
  2883. <enregistrement>
  2884. <hanzi>这 种 事 最 麻烦。</hanzi>
  2885. <pinyin>Zhè zhǒng shì zuì máfan.</pinyin>
  2886. <translation>These kind of things are the most troublesome.</translation>
  2887. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2888. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2889. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2890. <traditional>這 種 事 最 麻煩。</traditional>
  2891. <sound>[sound:这种事最麻烦。.mp3]</sound>
  2892. </enregistrement>
  2893. <enregistrement>
  2894. <hanzi>小狗 最 可爱 了。</hanzi>
  2895. <pinyin>Xiǎogǒu zuì kěài le.</pinyin>
  2896. <translation>The puppy is the cutest. This 了 is optional</translation>
  2897. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2898. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2899. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2900. <traditional>小狗 最 可愛 了。</traditional>
  2901. <sound>[sound:小狗最可爱了。.mp3]</sound>
  2902. </enregistrement>
  2903. <enregistrement>
  2904. <hanzi>四川 菜 最 辣 了。</hanzi>
  2905. <pinyin>Sìchuān cài zuì là le.</pinyin>
  2906. <translation>Sichuan food is the spiciest. This 了 is optional</translation>
  2907. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2908. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2909. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2910. <traditional>四川 菜 最 辣 了。</traditional>
  2911. <sound>[sound:四川菜最辣了。.mp3]</sound>
  2912. </enregistrement>
  2913. <enregistrement>
  2914. <hanzi>我 的 中国 朋友 最 热情 了。</hanzi>
  2915. <pinyin>Wǒ de Zhōngguó péngyou zuì rèqíng le.</pinyin>
  2916. <translation>My Chinese friend is the most enthusiastic. This 了 is optional</translation>
  2917. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2918. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2919. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2920. <traditional>我 的 中國 朋友 最 熱情 了。</traditional>
  2921. <sound>[sound:我的中国朋友最热情了。.mp3]</sound>
  2922. </enregistrement>
  2923. <enregistrement>
  2924. <hanzi>他 的 学生 最 认真 了。</hanzi>
  2925. <pinyin>Tā de xuésheng zuì rènzhēn le.</pinyin>
  2926. <translation>His student is the most serious. This 了 is optional</translation>
  2927. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2928. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2929. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2930. <traditional>他 的 學生 最 認真 了。</traditional>
  2931. <sound>[sound:他的学生最认真了。.mp3]</sound>
  2932. </enregistrement>
  2933. <enregistrement>
  2934. <hanzi>黄山 的 风景 最 美 了。</hanzi>
  2935. <pinyin>Huángshān de fēngjǐng zuì měi le.</pinyin>
  2936. <translation>Huang Mountain's landscape is the most beautiful. This 了 is optional</translation>
  2937. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2938. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2939. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2940. <traditional>黃山 的 風景 最 美 了。</traditional>
  2941. <sound>[sound:黄山的风景最美了。.mp3]</sound>
  2942. </enregistrement>
  2943. <enregistrement>
  2944. <hanzi>老板 最 喜欢 你 了!</hanzi>
  2945. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn zuì xǐhuan nǐ le!</pinyin>
  2946. <translation>The boss likes you the best!</translation>
  2947. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2948. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2949. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2950. <traditional>老闆 最 喜歡 你 了!</traditional>
  2951. <sound>[sound:老板最喜欢你了!.mp3]</sound>
  2952. </enregistrement>
  2953. <enregistrement>
  2954. <hanzi>你 最 怕 什么?</hanzi>
  2955. <pinyin>Nǐ zuì pà shénme?</pinyin>
  2956. <translation>What do you most fear?</translation>
  2957. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2958. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2959. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2960. <traditional>你 最 怕 什麼?</traditional>
  2961. <sound>[sound:你最怕什么?.mp3]</sound>
  2962. </enregistrement>
  2963. <enregistrement>
  2964. <hanzi>我 最 爱 中国 菜。</hanzi>
  2965. <pinyin>Wǒ zuì ài Zhōngguó cài.</pinyin>
  2966. <translation>I love Chinese food most.</translation>
  2967. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2968. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2969. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2970. <traditional>我 最 愛 中國 菜。</traditional>
  2971. <sound>[sound:我最爱中国菜。.mp3]</sound>
  2972. </enregistrement>
  2973. <enregistrement>
  2974. <hanzi>谁 最 了解 你?</hanzi>
  2975. <pinyin>Shéi zuì liǎojiě nǐ?</pinyin>
  2976. <translation>Who knows you best?</translation>
  2977. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2978. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2979. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2980. <traditional>誰 最 瞭解 你?</traditional>
  2981. <sound>[sound:谁最了解你?.mp3]</sound>
  2982. </enregistrement>
  2983. <enregistrement>
  2984. <hanzi>她 最 讨厌 抽烟 的 男人 了。</hanzi>
  2985. <pinyin>Tā zuì tǎoyàn chōuyān de nánrén 了.</pinyin>
  2986. <translation>She most hates men that smoke.</translation>
  2987. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2988. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2989. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  2990. <traditional>她 最 討厭 抽菸 的 男人 了。</traditional>
  2991. <sound>[sound:她最讨厌抽烟的男人了。.mp3]</sound>
  2992. </enregistrement>
  2993. <enregistrement>
  2994. <hanzi>你 最 喜欢 什么 颜色?</hanzi>
  2995. <pinyin>Nǐ zuì xǐhuan shénme yánsè?</pinyin>
  2996. <translation>What is your favorite color? </translation>
  2997. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  2998. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  2999. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3000. <traditional>你 最 喜歡 什麼 顏色?</traditional>
  3001. <sound>[sound:你最喜欢什么颜色?.mp3]</sound>
  3002. </enregistrement>
  3003. <enregistrement>
  3004. <hanzi>你 最 喜欢 什么 动物?</hanzi>
  3005. <pinyin>Nǐ zuì xǐhuan shénme dòngwù?</pinyin>
  3006. <translation>What is your favorite animal?</translation>
  3007. <sequence>Superlative 'zui'</sequence>
  3008. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3009. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3010. <traditional>你 最 喜歡 什麼 動物?</traditional>
  3011. <sound>[sound:你最喜欢什么动物?.mp3]</sound>
  3012. </enregistrement>
  3013. <enregistrement>
  3014. <hanzi>我 喝 咖啡 或者 茶 ,都 行。</hanzi>
  3015. <pinyin>Wǒ hē kāfēi huòzhě chá, dōu xíng.</pinyin>
  3016. <translation>I drink coffee or tea. Either is OK.</translation>
  3017. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3018. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3019. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3020. <traditional>我 喝 咖啡 或者 茶 ,都 行。</traditional>
  3021. <sound>[sound:我喝咖啡或者茶,都行。.mp3]</sound>
  3022. </enregistrement>
  3023. <enregistrement>
  3024. <hanzi>星期六 或者 星期天 , 都 可以 。</hanzi>
  3025. <pinyin>Xīngqīliù huòzhě Xīngqītiān, dōu kěyǐ.</pinyin>
  3026. <translation>Saturday or Sunday are both OK.</translation>
  3027. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3028. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3029. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3030. <traditional>星期六 或者 星期天 , 都 可以 。</traditional>
  3031. <sound>[sound:星期六或者星期天,都可以。.mp3]</sound>
  3032. </enregistrement>
  3033. <enregistrement>
  3034. <hanzi>今天 晚上 我 想 吃 披萨 或者 寿司。</hanzi>
  3035. <pinyin> Jīntiān wǎnshang wǒ xiǎng chī pīsà huòzhě shòusī.</pinyin>
  3036. <translation>Tonight I would like to eat pizza or sushi.</translation>
  3037. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3038. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3039. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3040. <traditional>今天 晚上 我 想 吃 披薩 或者 壽司。</traditional>
  3041. <sound>[sound:今天晚上我想吃披萨或者寿司。.mp3]</sound>
  3042. </enregistrement>
  3043. <enregistrement>
  3044. <hanzi>周末 的 时候,我 喜欢 在 家 做饭 或者 看 电影 。</hanzi>
  3045. <pinyin>Zhōumò de shíhou, wǒ xǐhuan zài jiā zuòfàn huòzhě kàn diànyǐng.</pinyin>
  3046. <translation>During the weekend, I like to cook or watch movies at home.</translation>
  3047. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3048. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3049. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3050. <traditional>週末 的 時候,我 喜歡 在 家 做飯 或者 看 電影 。</traditional>
  3051. <sound>[sound:周末的时候,我喜欢在家做饭或者看电影。.mp3]</sound>
  3052. </enregistrement>
  3053. <enregistrement>
  3054. <hanzi>你 去 或者 她 去 ,都 可以 。</hanzi>
  3055. <pinyin>Nǐ qù huòzhě tā qù, dōu kěyǐ.</pinyin>
  3056. <translation>You go or she goes, either way is fine.</translation>
  3057. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3058. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3059. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3060. <traditional>你 去 或者 她 去 ,都 可以 。</traditional>
  3061. <sound>[sound:你去或者她去,都可以。.mp3]</sound>
  3062. </enregistrement>
  3063. <enregistrement>
  3064. <hanzi>下班 以后 我 去 你 家 或者 你 来 我 家 , 都 可以。</hanzi>
  3065. <pinyin>Xiàbān yǐhòu wǒ qù nǐ jiā huòzhě nǐ lái wǒ jiā, dōu kěyǐ.</pinyin>
  3066. <translation>After work I will go to your house, or you can come to my house, either way is fine.</translation>
  3067. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3068. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3069. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3070. <traditional>下班 以後 我 去 你 家 或者 你 來 我 家 , 都 可以。</traditional>
  3071. <sound>[sound:下班以后我去你家或者你来我家,都可以。.mp3]</sound>
  3072. </enregistrement>
  3073. <enregistrement>
  3074. <hanzi>下 个 月 我 打算 去 杭州 或者 苏州 旅行。</hanzi>
  3075. <pinyin>Xià gè yuè wǒ dǎsuàn qù Hángzhōu huòzhě Sūzhōu lǚxíng.</pinyin>
  3076. <translation>Next month I plan to go to Hangzhou or Suzhou to travel.</translation>
  3077. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3078. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3079. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3080. <traditional>下 個 月 我 打算 去 杭州 或者 蘇州 旅行。</traditional>
  3081. <sound>[sound:下个月我打算去杭州或者苏州旅行。.mp3]</sound>
  3082. </enregistrement>
  3083. <enregistrement>
  3084. <hanzi>我们 可以 坐 飞机 或者 坐 高铁 去。</hanzi>
  3085. <pinyin>Wǒmen kěyǐ zuò fēijī huòzhě zuò gāotiě qù.</pinyin>
  3086. <translation>We can go by plane or by high-speed train.</translation>
  3087. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3088. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3089. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3090. <traditional>我們 可以 坐 飛機 或者 坐 高鐵 去。</traditional>
  3091. <sound>[sound:我们可以坐飞机或者坐高铁去。.mp3]</sound>
  3092. </enregistrement>
  3093. <enregistrement>
  3094. <hanzi>晚饭 以后 我 和 家人 聊天 或者 看 电视 。</hanzi>
  3095. <pinyin>Wǎnfàn yǐhòu wǒ hé jiārén liáotiān huòzhě kàn diànshì.</pinyin>
  3096. <translation>After dinner I chat with or watch TV with my family.</translation>
  3097. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3098. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3099. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3100. <traditional>晚飯 以後 我 和 家人 聊天 或者 看 電視 。</traditional>
  3101. <sound>[sound:晚饭以后我和家人聊天或者看电视。.mp3]</sound>
  3102. </enregistrement>
  3103. <enregistrement>
  3104. <hanzi>你 可以 用 手机 或者 电脑 上网。</hanzi>
  3105. <pinyin>Nǐ kěyǐ yòng shǒujī huòzhě diànnǎo shàngwǎng.</pinyin>
  3106. <translation>You can use either a cell phone or computer to go online.</translation>
  3107. <sequence>Expressing 'or' in statements</sequence>
  3108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3110. <traditional>你 可以 用 手機 或者 電腦 上網。</traditional>
  3111. <sound>[sound:你可以用手机或者电脑上网。.mp3]</sound>
  3112. </enregistrement>
  3113. <enregistrement>
  3114. <hanzi>那个 ⋯⋯ 我 不 跟 你们 一起 去 了,可以 吗?</hanzi>
  3115. <pinyin>Nèige... wǒ bù gēn nǐmen yīqǐ qù le, kěyǐ ma?</pinyin>
  3116. <translation>So, ummm... I won't go with you guys, OK?</translation>
  3117. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3120. <traditional>那個 ⋯⋯ 我 不 跟 你們 一起 去 了,可以 嗎?</traditional>
  3121. <sound>[sound:那个⋯⋯我不跟你们一起去了,可以吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3122. </enregistrement>
  3123. <enregistrement>
  3124. <hanzi>我 想 吃 那个 ⋯⋯ 那个 ⋯⋯ 湖南 菜。</hanzi>
  3125. <pinyin>Wǒ xiǎng chī nèige... nèige... Húnán cài.</pinyin>
  3126. <translation>I want to eat that... ummm, you know... Hunan cuisine.</translation>
  3127. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3130. <traditional>我 想 吃 那個 ⋯⋯ 那個 ⋯⋯ 湖南 菜。</traditional>
  3131. <sound>[sound:我想吃那个⋯⋯那个⋯⋯湖南菜。.mp3]</sound>
  3132. </enregistrement>
  3133. <enregistrement>
  3134. <hanzi>那个 ⋯⋯ 我 明天 不 来 了。</hanzi>
  3135. <pinyin>Nèige... wǒ míngtiān bù lái le.</pinyin>
  3136. <translation>Ummm... I'm not coming tomorrow.</translation>
  3137. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3140. <traditional>那個 ⋯⋯ 我 明天 不 來 了。</traditional>
  3141. <sound>[sound:那个⋯⋯我明天不来了。.mp3]</sound>
  3142. </enregistrement>
  3143. <enregistrement>
  3144. <hanzi>那个 ⋯⋯ 这样 做 不 好 吧?</hanzi>
  3145. <pinyin>Nèige... zhèyàng zuò bù hǎo ba?</pinyin>
  3146. <translation>Ummm, it's not good to do it this way?</translation>
  3147. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3150. <traditional>那個 ⋯⋯ 這樣 做 不 好 吧?</traditional>
  3151. <sound>[sound:那个⋯⋯这样做不好吧?.mp3]</sound>
  3152. </enregistrement>
  3153. <enregistrement>
  3154. <hanzi>那个 ⋯⋯ 你 可以 做 我 的 女 朋友 吗?</hanzi>
  3155. <pinyin>Nèige... nǐ kěyǐ zuò wǒ de nǚpéngyou ma?</pinyin>
  3156. <translation>Like... could you be my girlfriend?</translation>
  3157. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3160. <traditional>那個 ⋯⋯ 你 可以 做 我 的 女 朋友 嗎?</traditional>
  3161. <sound>[sound:那个⋯⋯你可以做我的女朋友吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3162. </enregistrement>
  3163. <enregistrement>
  3164. <hanzi>那个 ⋯⋯ 不好意思 , 我 要 走 了。</hanzi>
  3165. <pinyin>Nèige... bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ yào zǒu le.</pinyin>
  3166. <translation>Ummmm... sorry, but I've gotta go.</translation>
  3167. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3170. <traditional>那個 ⋯⋯ 不好意思 , 我 要 走 了。</traditional>
  3171. <sound>[sound:那个⋯⋯不好意思,我要走了。.mp3]</sound>
  3172. </enregistrement>
  3173. <enregistrement>
  3174. <hanzi>她 很 漂亮 , 就 像 那个 ⋯⋯ 明星 一样。</hanzi>
  3175. <pinyin>Tā hěn piàoliang, jiù xiàng nèige... míngxīng yīyàng.</pinyin>
  3176. <translation>She's very pretty, just like, you know, a celebrity.</translation>
  3177. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3180. <traditional>她 很 漂亮 , 就 像 那個 ⋯⋯ 明星 一樣。</traditional>
  3181. <sound>[sound:她很漂亮,就像那个⋯⋯明星一样。.mp3]</sound>
  3182. </enregistrement>
  3183. <enregistrement>
  3184. <hanzi>我 想 看看 你 买 的 那个 ⋯⋯ 那个 ⋯⋯ iPhone。</hanzi>
  3185. <pinyin>Wǒ xiǎng kànkan nǐ mǎi de nèige... nèige... iPhone.</pinyin>
  3186. <translation>I'd like to take a look at your, ummm, you know... iPhone you bought.</translation>
  3187. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3190. <traditional>我 想 看看 你 買 的 那個 ⋯⋯ 那個 ⋯⋯ iPhone。</traditional>
  3191. <sound>[sound:我想看看你买的那个⋯⋯那个⋯⋯iPhone。.mp3]</sound>
  3192. </enregistrement>
  3193. <enregistrement>
  3194. <hanzi>那个 ⋯⋯ 我 要 去 开会 了。</hanzi>
  3195. <pinyin>Nèige... wǒ yào qù kāihuì le.</pinyin>
  3196. <translation>Ummm... I have to attend a meeting.</translation>
  3197. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3200. <traditional>那個 ⋯⋯ 我 要 去 開會 了。</traditional>
  3201. <sound>[sound:那个⋯⋯我要去开会了。.mp3]</sound>
  3202. </enregistrement>
  3203. <enregistrement>
  3204. <hanzi>昨天 那个 ⋯⋯ 那个 ⋯⋯ 小笼包 真 好吃。</hanzi>
  3205. <pinyin>Zuótiān nèige... nèige... xiǎolóngbāo zhēn hǎochī.</pinyin>
  3206. <translation>Yesterday the, you know, steamed soup dumplings were so delicious.</translation>
  3207. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3210. <traditional>昨天 那個 ⋯⋯ 那個 ⋯⋯ 小籠包 真 好吃。</traditional>
  3211. <sound>[sound:昨天那个⋯⋯那个⋯⋯小笼包真好吃。.mp3]</sound>
  3212. </enregistrement>
  3213. <enregistrement>
  3214. <hanzi>我 喜欢 他,可是 他 不 喜欢 我。</hanzi>
  3215. <pinyin>Wǒ xǐhuan tā, kěshì tā bù xǐhuan wǒ.</pinyin>
  3216. <translation>I like him, but he doesn't like me.</translation>
  3217. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3220. <traditional>我 喜歡 他,可是 他 不 喜歡 我。</traditional>
  3221. <sound>[sound:我喜欢他,可是他不喜欢我。.mp3]</sound>
  3222. </enregistrement>
  3223. <enregistrement>
  3224. <hanzi>我 很 想 去,但是 我 太 忙 了。</hanzi>
  3225. <pinyin>Wǒ hěn xiǎng qù, dànshì wǒ tài máng le.</pinyin>
  3226. <translation>I really want to go, but I am too busy.</translation>
  3227. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3230. <traditional>我 很 想 去,但是 我 太 忙 了。</traditional>
  3231. <sound>[sound:我很想去,但是我太忙了。.mp3]</sound>
  3232. </enregistrement>
  3233. <enregistrement>
  3234. <hanzi>中文 很 有意思,但是 也 很 难。</hanzi>
  3235. <pinyin>Zhōngwén hěn yǒuyìsi, dànshì yě hěn nán.</pinyin>
  3236. <translation>Chinese is very interesting, but it is also very hard.</translation>
  3237. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3240. <traditional>中文 很 有意思,但是 也 很 難。</traditional>
  3241. <sound>[sound:中文很有意思,但是也很难。.mp3]</sound>
  3242. </enregistrement>
  3243. <enregistrement>
  3244. <hanzi>我 喜欢 这 件 衬衫,可是 太 贵 了。</hanzi>
  3245. <pinyin>Wǒ xǐhuan zhè jiàn chènshān, kěshì tài guì le.</pinyin>
  3246. <translation>I like this shirt, but it is too expensive.</translation>
  3247. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3250. <traditional>我 喜歡 這 件 襯衫,可是 太 貴 了。</traditional>
  3251. <sound>[sound:我喜欢这件衬衫,可是太贵了。.mp3]</sound>
  3252. </enregistrement>
  3253. <enregistrement>
  3254. <hanzi>老板 昨天 给 他 打 电话,可是 他 没 接。</hanzi>
  3255. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn zuótiān gěi tā dǎ diànhuà, kěshì tā méi jiē.</pinyin>
  3256. <translation>The boss gave him a call yesterday, but he didn't answer.</translation>
  3257. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3260. <traditional>老闆 昨天 給 他 打 電話,可是 他 沒 接。</traditional>
  3261. <sound>[sound:老板昨天给他打电话,可是他没接。.mp3]</sound>
  3262. </enregistrement>
  3263. <enregistrement>
  3264. <hanzi>iPhone 很 好,但是 我 没 钱 买。</hanzi>
  3265. <pinyin>iPhone hěn hǎo, dànshì wǒ méi qián mǎi.</pinyin>
  3266. <translation>The iPhone is great, but I don't have the money to buy it.</translation>
  3267. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3270. <traditional>iPhone 很 好,但是 我 沒 錢 買。</traditional>
  3271. <sound>[sound:iPhone很好,但是我没钱买。.mp3]</sound>
  3272. </enregistrement>
  3273. <enregistrement>
  3274. <hanzi>你们 可以 在 这里 看书,可是 不 可以 说话。</hanzi>
  3275. <pinyin>Nǐ kěyǐ zài zhèlǐ kàn shū, kěshì bù kěyǐ shuōhuà.</pinyin>
  3276. <translation>You can read books here, but you can't talk.</translation>
  3277. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3280. <traditional>你們 可以 在 這裏 看書,可是 不 可以 說話。</traditional>
  3281. <sound>[sound:你们可以在这里看书,可是不可以说话。.mp3]</sound>
  3282. </enregistrement>
  3283. <enregistrement>
  3284. <hanzi>你 可以 吃, 但是 不 可以 吃 太 多。</hanzi>
  3285. <pinyin>Nǐ kěyǐ chī, dànshì bù kěyǐ chī tài duō.</pinyin>
  3286. <translation>You can eat, but you can't eat too much.</translation>
  3287. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3290. <traditional>你 可以 吃, 但是 不 可以 吃 太 多。</traditional>
  3291. <sound>[sound:你可以吃,但是不可以吃太多。.mp3]</sound>
  3292. </enregistrement>
  3293. <enregistrement>
  3294. <hanzi>他 说 五 点 来 见 我,但是 他 没 来。</hanzi>
  3295. <pinyin>Tā shuō wǔ diǎn lái jiàn wǒ, dànshì tā méi lái.</pinyin>
  3296. <translation>He said he would come to see me at five, but he didn't.</translation>
  3297. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3298. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3299. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3300. <traditional>他 說 五 點 來 見 我,但是 他 沒 來。</traditional>
  3301. <sound>[sound:他说五点来见我,但是他没来。.mp3]</sound>
  3302. </enregistrement>
  3303. <enregistrement>
  3304. <hanzi>这 个 地方 很 漂亮,但是 人 太 多 了。</hanzi>
  3305. <pinyin>Zhège dìfang hěn piàoliang, dànshì rén tài duō le.</pinyin>
  3306. <translation>This place is beautiful, but there are too many people.</translation>
  3307. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3310. <traditional>這 個 地方 很 漂亮,但是 人 太 多 了。</traditional>
  3311. <sound>[sound:这个地方很漂亮,但是人太多了。.mp3]</sound>
  3312. </enregistrement>
  3313. <enregistrement>
  3314. <hanzi>我 昨天 跟 朋友 去 海滩 了。</hanzi>
  3315. <pinyin>Wǒ zuótiān gēn péngyou qù hǎitān le.</pinyin>
  3316. <translation>I went to the beach with friends yesterday.</translation>
  3317. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3320. <traditional>我 昨天 跟 朋友 去 海灘 了。</traditional>
  3321. <sound>[sound:我昨天跟朋友去海滩了。.mp3]</sound>
  3322. </enregistrement>
  3323. <enregistrement>
  3324. <hanzi>不要 跟 我 说话!</hanzi>
  3325. <pinyin>Bùyào gēn wǒ shuōhuà!</pinyin>
  3326. <translation>Don't talk to me!</translation>
  3327. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3330. <traditional>不要 跟 我 說話!</traditional>
  3331. <sound>[sound:不要跟我说话!.mp3]</sound>
  3332. </enregistrement>
  3333. <enregistrement>
  3334. <hanzi>我 明天 要 跟 新 客户 见面。</hanzi>
  3335. <pinyin>Wǒ míngtiān yào gēn xīn kèhù jiànmiàn.</pinyin>
  3336. <translation>I'm going to meet new clients tomorrow.</translation>
  3337. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3340. <traditional>我 明天 要 跟 新 客戶 見面。</traditional>
  3341. <sound>[sound:我明天要跟新客户见面。.mp3]</sound>
  3342. </enregistrement>
  3343. <enregistrement>
  3344. <hanzi>你 什么 时候 跟 你 女朋友 结婚?</hanzi>
  3345. <pinyin>Nǐ shénme shíhou gēn nǐ nǚpéngyou jiéhūn?</pinyin>
  3346. <translation>When are you gonna marry your girlfriend?</translation>
  3347. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3350. <traditional>你 什麼 時候 跟 你 女朋友 結婚?</traditional>
  3351. <sound>[sound:你什么时候跟你女朋友结婚?.mp3]</sound>
  3352. </enregistrement>
  3353. <enregistrement>
  3354. <hanzi>你 喜欢 跟 你 父母 聊天 吗?</hanzi>
  3355. <pinyin>Nǐ xǐhuan gēn nǐ fùmǔ liáotiān ma?</pinyin>
  3356. <translation>Do you like to talk with your parents?</translation>
  3357. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3360. <traditional>你 喜歡 跟 你 父母 聊天 嗎?</traditional>
  3361. <sound>[sound:你喜欢跟你父母聊天吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3362. </enregistrement>
  3363. <enregistrement>
  3364. <hanzi>你 想 跟我 一起 去 吗?</hanzi>
  3365. <pinyin>Nǐ xiǎng gēn wǒ yīqǐ qù ma?</pinyin>
  3366. <translation>Do you want to go with me?</translation>
  3367. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3370. <traditional>你 想 跟我 一起 去 嗎?</traditional>
  3371. <sound>[sound:你想跟我一起去吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3372. </enregistrement>
  3373. <enregistrement>
  3374. <hanzi>请 你们 跟 老师 一起 读。</hanzi>
  3375. <pinyin>Qǐng nǐmen gēn lǎoshī yīqǐ dú.</pinyin>
  3376. <translation>Please read together with the teacher.</translation>
  3377. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3380. <traditional>請 你們 跟 老師 一起 讀。</traditional>
  3381. <sound>[sound:请你们跟老师一起读。.mp3]</sound>
  3382. </enregistrement>
  3383. <enregistrement>
  3384. <hanzi>下 周 谁 跟老板 一起 出差?</hanzi>
  3385. <pinyin>Xià zhōu shéi gēn lǎobǎn yīqǐ chūchāi?</pinyin>
  3386. <translation>Who is going on a business trip together with the boss next week?</translation>
  3387. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3390. <traditional>下 周 誰 跟老闆 一起 出差?</traditional>
  3391. <sound>[sound:下周谁跟老板一起出差?.mp3]</sound>
  3392. </enregistrement>
  3393. <enregistrement>
  3394. <hanzi>结婚 以后,你 想 跟 父母 一起 住 吗?</hanzi>
  3395. <pinyin>Jiéhūn yǐhòu, nǐ xiǎng gēn fùmǔ yīqǐ zhù ma?</pinyin>
  3396. <translation>Do you want live together with your parents after you get married?</translation>
  3397. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3398. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3399. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3400. <traditional>結婚 以後,你 想 跟 父母 一起 住 嗎?</traditional>
  3401. <sound>[sound:结婚以后,你想跟父母一起住吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3402. </enregistrement>
  3403. <enregistrement>
  3404. <hanzi>今年 中秋节 你 会 跟 家人 一起 过 吗?</hanzi>
  3405. <pinyin>Jīnnián Zhōngqiūjié nǐ huì gēn jiārén yīqǐ guò ma?</pinyin>
  3406. <translation> Are you going to spend this Mid-Autumn Festival with your family?</translation>
  3407. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3408. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3409. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3410. <traditional>今年 中秋節 你 會 跟 家人 一起 過 嗎?</traditional>
  3411. <sound>[sound:今年中秋节你会跟家人一起过吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3412. </enregistrement>
  3413. <enregistrement>
  3414. <hanzi>我 要 跟 你 见面。</hanzi>
  3415. <pinyin>Wǒ yào gēn nǐ jiànmiàn.</pinyin>
  3416. <translation>I want to meet with you.</translation>
  3417. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3418. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3419. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3420. <traditional>我 要 跟 你 見面。</traditional>
  3421. <sound>[sound:我要跟你见面。.mp3]</sound>
  3422. </enregistrement>
  3423. <enregistrement>
  3424. <hanzi>我 昨天 跟 他 见面 了。</hanzi>
  3425. <pinyin>Wǒ zuótiān gēn tā jiànmiàn le.</pinyin>
  3426. <translation>I met with him yesterday.</translation>
  3427. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3428. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3429. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3430. <traditional>我 昨天 跟 他 見面 了。</traditional>
  3431. <sound>[sound:我昨天跟他见面了。.mp3]</sound>
  3432. </enregistrement>
  3433. <enregistrement>
  3434. <hanzi>你 什么时候 跟 她 见面 ?</hanzi>
  3435. <pinyin>Nǐ shénme shíhou gēn tā jiànmiàn?</pinyin>
  3436. <translation>When are you going to meet with her?</translation>
  3437. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3438. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3439. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3440. <traditional>你 什麼時候 跟 她 見面 ?</traditional>
  3441. <sound>[sound:你什么时候跟她见面?.mp3]</sound>
  3442. </enregistrement>
  3443. <enregistrement>
  3444. <hanzi>明天 我 要 跟 我 男朋友 的 家人 见面。</hanzi>
  3445. <pinyin>Míngtiān wǒ yào gēn wǒ nánpéngyou de jiārén jiànmiàn.</pinyin>
  3446. <translation>Tomorrow I am going to meet my boyfriend's family.</translation>
  3447. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3448. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3449. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3450. <traditional>明天 我 要 跟 我 男朋友 的 家人 見面。</traditional>
  3451. <sound>[sound:明天我要跟我男朋友的家人见面。.mp3]</sound>
  3452. </enregistrement>
  3453. <enregistrement>
  3454. <hanzi>你 有没有 跟 Obama 见 过 面?</hanzi>
  3455. <pinyin>Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu gēn Obama jiàn guo miàn?</pinyin>
  3456. <translation>Have you ever met Obama?</translation>
  3457. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3458. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3459. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3460. <traditional>你 有沒有 跟 Obama 見 過 面?</traditional>
  3461. <sound>[sound:你有没有跟Obama见过面?.mp3]</sound>
  3462. </enregistrement>
  3463. <enregistrement>
  3464. <hanzi>跟 我 读 。</hanzi>
  3465. <pinyin>Gēn wǒ dú.</pinyin>
  3466. <translation>Read after me.</translation>
  3467. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3468. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3469. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3470. <traditional>跟 我 讀 。</traditional>
  3471. <sound>[sound:跟我读。.mp3]</sound>
  3472. </enregistrement>
  3473. <enregistrement>
  3474. <hanzi>跟 我 一起 读。</hanzi>
  3475. <pinyin>Gēn wǒ yīqǐ dú.</pinyin>
  3476. <translation>Read with me.</translation>
  3477. <sequence>Expressing 'with' with 'gen'</sequence>
  3478. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3479. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3480. <traditional>跟 我 一起 讀。</traditional>
  3481. <sound>[sound:跟我一起读。.mp3]</sound>
  3482. </enregistrement>
  3483. <enregistrement>
  3484. <hanzi>下午 三点 以后, 我 不 在 家。</hanzi>
  3485. <pinyin>Xiàwǔ sāndiǎn yǐhòu, wǒ bù zài jiā.</pinyin>
  3486. <translation>After three p.m., I will not be at home.</translation>
  3487. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3488. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3489. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3490. <traditional>下午 三點 以後, 我 不 在 家。</traditional>
  3491. <sound>[sound:下午三点以后,我不在家。.mp3]</sound>
  3492. </enregistrement>
  3493. <enregistrement>
  3494. <hanzi>来 中国 以后, 她 认识 了 她 的 老公。</hanzi>
  3495. <pinyin>Lái Zhōngguó yǐhòu, tā rènshi le tā de lǎogōng.</pinyin>
  3496. <translation>After coming to China, she met her husband.</translation>
  3497. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3498. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3499. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3500. <traditional>來 中國 以後, 她 認識 了 她 的 老公。</traditional>
  3501. <sound>[sound:来中国以后,她认识了她的老公。.mp3]</sound>
  3502. </enregistrement>
  3503. <enregistrement>
  3504. <hanzi>她 一个月 以后 开始 上班。</hanzi>
  3505. <pinyin>Tā yī gè yuè yǐhòu kāishǐ shàngbān.</pinyin>
  3506. <translation>After one month, she will start working.</translation>
  3507. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3508. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3509. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3510. <traditional>她 一個月 以後 開始 上班。</traditional>
  3511. <sound>[sound:她一个月以后开始上班。.mp3]</sound>
  3512. </enregistrement>
  3513. <enregistrement>
  3514. <hanzi>吃 完 午饭 以后 , 我们 要 开会。</hanzi>
  3515. <pinyin>Chī wán wǔfàn yǐhòu, wǒmen yào kāihuì.</pinyin>
  3516. <translation>We are going to have a meeting after we finish lunch.</translation>
  3517. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3518. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3519. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3520. <traditional>吃 完 午飯 以後 , 我們 要 開會。</traditional>
  3521. <sound>[sound:吃完午饭以后,我们要开会。.mp3]</sound>
  3522. </enregistrement>
  3523. <enregistrement>
  3524. <hanzi>几年 以后 ,我们 公司 会 更 大。</hanzi>
  3525. <pinyin>Jǐ nián yǐhòu, wǒmen gōngsī huì gèng dà.</pinyin>
  3526. <translation>In a few years, our company will be even bigger.</translation>
  3527. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3528. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3529. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3530. <traditional>幾年 以後 ,我們 公司 會 更 大。</traditional>
  3531. <sound>[sound:几年以后,我们公司会更大。.mp3]</sound>
  3532. </enregistrement>
  3533. <enregistrement>
  3534. <hanzi>老板 半个小时 以后 回来。</hanzi>
  3535. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn bàn gè xiǎoshí yǐhòu huílái.</pinyin>
  3536. <translation>After half an hour, the boss will return.</translation>
  3537. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3538. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3539. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3540. <traditional>老闆 半個小時 以後 回來。</traditional>
  3541. <sound>[sound:老板半个小时以后回来。.mp3]</sound>
  3542. </enregistrement>
  3543. <enregistrement>
  3544. <hanzi>下班 以后你 想 跟 我们 一起 去 打球 吗?</hanzi>
  3545. <pinyin>Xiàbān yǐhòu, nǐ xiǎng gēn wǒmen yīqǐ qù dǎqiú ma?</pinyin>
  3546. <translation>After we get off work, would you like to go play ball with us? </translation>
  3547. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3548. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3549. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3550. <traditional>下班 以後你 想 跟 我們 一起 去 打球 嗎?</traditional>
  3551. <sound>[sound:下班以后你想跟我们一起去打球吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3552. </enregistrement>
  3553. <enregistrement>
  3554. <hanzi>老板 来 了 以后 ,大家 都 不 说话 了。</hanzi>
  3555. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn lái le yǐhòu, dàjiā dōu bù shuōhuà le.</pinyin>
  3556. <translation>After the boss came, everyone stopped talking.</translation>
  3557. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3558. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3559. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3560. <traditional>老闆 來 了 以後 ,大家 都 不 說話 了。</traditional>
  3561. <sound>[sound:老板来了以后,大家都不说话了。.mp3]</sound>
  3562. </enregistrement>
  3563. <enregistrement>
  3564. <hanzi>你 到家 以后 给 我 打电话。</hanzi>
  3565. <pinyin>Nǐ dào jiā yǐhòu gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.</pinyin>
  3566. <translation>After you get home, call me.</translation>
  3567. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3568. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3569. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3570. <traditional>你 到家 以後 給 我 打電話。</traditional>
  3571. <sound>[sound:你到家以后给我打电话。.mp3]</sound>
  3572. </enregistrement>
  3573. <enregistrement>
  3574. <hanzi>结婚 以后 爸爸 不 喝酒 了。</hanzi>
  3575. <pinyin> Jiéhūn yǐhòu bàba bù hējiǔ le.</pinyin>
  3576. <translation>After he got married, dad stopped drinking.</translation>
  3577. <sequence>After a specific time with 'yihou'</sequence>
  3578. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3579. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3580. <traditional>結婚 以後 爸爸 不 喝酒 了。</traditional>
  3581. <sound>[sound:结婚以后爸爸不喝酒了。.mp3]</sound>
  3582. </enregistrement>
  3583. <enregistrement>
  3584. <hanzi>吃饭 以前 ,你 洗 手 了 吗?</hanzi>
  3585. <pinyin>Chīfàn yǐqián, nǐ xǐ shǒu le ma?</pinyin>
  3586. <translation>Did you wash your hands before eating? </translation>
  3587. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3588. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3589. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3590. <traditional>吃飯 以前 ,你 洗 手 了 嗎?</traditional>
  3591. <sound>[sound:吃饭以前,你洗手了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3592. </enregistrement>
  3593. <enregistrement>
  3594. <hanzi>睡觉 以前 ,不要 吃 东西。</hanzi>
  3595. <pinyin>Shuìjiào yǐqián, bùyào chī dōngxi.</pinyin>
  3596. <translation>Don't eat anything before you go to sleep.</translation>
  3597. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3598. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3599. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3600. <traditional>睡覺 以前 ,不要 吃 東西。</traditional>
  3601. <sound>[sound:睡觉以前,不要吃东西。.mp3]</sound>
  3602. </enregistrement>
  3603. <enregistrement>
  3604. <hanzi>两 年 以前 , 你 认识 他 吗?</hanzi>
  3605. <pinyin>Liǎng nián yǐqián, nǐ rènshi tā ma?</pinyin>
  3606. <translation>Did you know him two years ago?</translation>
  3607. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3608. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3609. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3610. <traditional>兩 年 以前 , 你 認識 他 嗎?</traditional>
  3611. <sound>[sound:两年以前,你认识他吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3612. </enregistrement>
  3613. <enregistrement>
  3614. <hanzi>星期五 以前 ,你 要 做 完 这些 工作。</hanzi>
  3615. <pinyin>Xīngqīwǔ yǐqián, nǐ yào zuò wán zhèxiē gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  3616. <translation>You need to finish this work before Friday.</translation>
  3617. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3618. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3619. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3620. <traditional>星期五 以前 ,你 要 做 完 這些 工作。</traditional>
  3621. <sound>[sound:星期五以前,你要做完这些工作。.mp3]</sound>
  3622. </enregistrement>
  3623. <enregistrement>
  3624. <hanzi>上 大学 以前,你 来 过 上海 吗?</hanzi>
  3625. <pinyin>Shàng dàxué yǐqián, nǐ lái guo shànghǎi ma?</pinyin>
  3626. <translation> Before you went to college, did you ever come to Shanghai?</translation>
  3627. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3628. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3629. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3630. <traditional>上 大學 以前,你 來 過 上海 嗎?</traditional>
  3631. <sound>[sound:上大学以前,你来过上海吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3632. </enregistrement>
  3633. <enregistrement>
  3634. <hanzi>结婚 以前 ,你 应该 先 买 房子。</hanzi>
  3635. <pinyin>Jiéhūn yǐqián, nǐ yīnggāi xiān mǎi fángzi.</pinyin>
  3636. <translation>Before getting married, you should first buy a house.</translation>
  3637. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3638. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3639. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3640. <traditional>結婚 以前 ,你 應該 先 買 房子。</traditional>
  3641. <sound>[sound:结婚以前,你应该先买房子。.mp3]</sound>
  3642. </enregistrement>
  3643. <enregistrement>
  3644. <hanzi>二十 年 以前,这里 是 一 个 公园。</hanzi>
  3645. <pinyin>Èrshí nián yǐqián, zhèlǐ shì yī gè gōngyuán.</pinyin>
  3646. <translation>Twenty years ago, this was a park.</translation>
  3647. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3648. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3649. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3650. <traditional>二十 年 以前,這裏 是 一 個 公園。</traditional>
  3651. <sound>[sound:二十年以前,这里是一个公园。.mp3]</sound>
  3652. </enregistrement>
  3653. <enregistrement>
  3654. <hanzi>几 个 月 以前 ,他们 分手 了。</hanzi>
  3655. <pinyin>Jǐ gè yuè yǐqián, tāmen fēnshǒu le.</pinyin>
  3656. <translation>They broke up a few months ago.</translation>
  3657. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3658. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3659. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3660. <traditional>幾 個 月 以前 ,他們 分手 了。</traditional>
  3661. <sound>[sound:几个月以前,他们分手了。.mp3]</sound>
  3662. </enregistrement>
  3663. <enregistrement>
  3664. <hanzi>毕业 以前,我 要 找到 工作。</hanzi>
  3665. <pinyin>Bìyè yǐqián, wǒ yào zhǎodào gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  3666. <translation>I need to find a job before graduation.</translation>
  3667. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3668. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3669. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3670. <traditional>畢業 以前,我 要 找到 工作。</traditional>
  3671. <sound>[sound:毕业以前,我要找到工作。.mp3]</sound>
  3672. </enregistrement>
  3673. <enregistrement>
  3674. <hanzi>当 总统 以前,Obama 没有 白 头发。</hanzi>
  3675. <pinyin>Dāng zǒngtǒng yǐqián, Obama méiyǒu bái tóufa.</pinyin>
  3676. <translation>Before he became the president, Obama didn't have white hair.</translation>
  3677. <sequence>Before a specific time with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3678. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3679. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3680. <traditional>當 總統 以前,Obama 沒有 白 頭髮。</traditional>
  3681. <sound>[sound:当总统以前,Obama没有白头发。.mp3]</sound>
  3682. </enregistrement>
  3683. <enregistrement>
  3684. <hanzi>以前 我 不 会 说 中文 。</hanzi>
  3685. <pinyin>Yǐqián wǒ bù huì shuō Zhōngwén.</pinyin>
  3686. <translation>Before, I could not speak Chinese.</translation>
  3687. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3688. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3689. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3690. <traditional>以前 我 不 會 說 中文 。</traditional>
  3691. <sound>[sound:以前我不会说中文。.mp3]</sound>
  3692. </enregistrement>
  3693. <enregistrement>
  3694. <hanzi>你 以前 住 在 哪儿?</hanzi>
  3695. <pinyin>Nǐ yǐqián zhù zài nǎr?</pinyin>
  3696. <translation>Before, where did you live?</translation>
  3697. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3698. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3699. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3700. <traditional>你 以前 住 在 哪兒?</traditional>
  3701. <sound>[sound:你以前住在哪儿?.mp3]</sound>
  3702. </enregistrement>
  3703. <enregistrement>
  3704. <hanzi>以前 我 不 认识 他。</hanzi>
  3705. <pinyin>Yǐqián wǒ bù rènshi tā.</pinyin>
  3706. <translation>Before, I didn't know him.</translation>
  3707. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3708. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3709. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3710. <traditional>以前 我 不 認識 他。</traditional>
  3711. <sound>[sound:以前我不认识他。.mp3]</sound>
  3712. </enregistrement>
  3713. <enregistrement>
  3714. <hanzi>以前 他 是 我们 的 客户 吗?</hanzi>
  3715. <pinyin>Yǐqián tā shì wǒmen de kèhù ma?</pinyin>
  3716. <translation>Was he our client before? </translation>
  3717. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3718. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3719. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3720. <traditional>以前 他 是 我們 的 客戶 嗎?</traditional>
  3721. <sound>[sound:以前他是我们的客户吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3722. </enregistrement>
  3723. <enregistrement>
  3724. <hanzi>以前 他 是 一 个 服务员,现在 是 老板。</hanzi>
  3725. <pinyin>Yǐqián tā shì yī gè fúwùyuán, xiànzài shì lǎobǎn.</pinyin>
  3726. <translation>Before, he was a waiter. Now, he is a boss.</translation>
  3727. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3728. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3729. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3730. <traditional>以前 他 是 一 個 服務員,現在 是 老闆。</traditional>
  3731. <sound>[sound:以前他是一个服务员,现在是老板。.mp3]</sound>
  3732. </enregistrement>
  3733. <enregistrement>
  3734. <hanzi>我 父母 以前 都 是 老师。</hanzi>
  3735. <pinyin>Wǒ fùmǔ yǐqián dōu shì lǎoshī.</pinyin>
  3736. <translation>Before, both of my parents were teachers.</translation>
  3737. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3738. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3739. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3740. <traditional>我 父母 以前 都 是 老師。</traditional>
  3741. <sound>[sound:我父母以前都是老师。.mp3]</sound>
  3742. </enregistrement>
  3743. <enregistrement>
  3744. <hanzi>爸爸 以前 很 喜欢 抽烟。</hanzi>
  3745. <pinyin>Bàba yǐqián hěn xǐhuan chōuyān.</pinyin>
  3746. <translation>Before, dad really liked smoking.</translation>
  3747. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3748. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3749. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3750. <traditional>爸爸 以前 很 喜歡 抽菸。</traditional>
  3751. <sound>[sound:爸爸以前很喜欢抽烟。.mp3]</sound>
  3752. </enregistrement>
  3753. <enregistrement>
  3754. <hanzi>姐姐 以前 有 一 个 很有钱 的 男朋友。</hanzi>
  3755. <pinyin>Jiějie yǐqián yǒu yī gè hěn yǒuqián de nánpéngyou.</pinyin>
  3756. <translation>My older sister had a very rich boyfriend before.</translation>
  3757. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3758. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3759. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3760. <traditional>姐姐 以前 有 一 個 很有錢 的 男朋友。</traditional>
  3761. <sound>[sound:姐姐以前有一个很有钱的男朋友。.mp3]</sound>
  3762. </enregistrement>
  3763. <enregistrement>
  3764. <hanzi>他们 以前 没有 钱,可是 很 快乐。</hanzi>
  3765. <pinyin>Tāmen yǐqián méiyǒu qián, kěshì hěn kuàilè.</pinyin>
  3766. <translation>They didn't have much money before, but they were happy.</translation>
  3767. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3768. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3769. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3770. <traditional>他們 以前 沒有 錢,可是 很 快樂。</traditional>
  3771. <sound>[sound:他们以前没有钱,可是很快乐。.mp3]</sound>
  3772. </enregistrement>
  3773. <enregistrement>
  3774. <hanzi>我男朋友 以前 在 美国 工作,现在 在 中国 工作。</hanzi>
  3775. <pinyin>Wǒ nánpéngyou yǐqián zài Měiguó gōngzuò, xiànzài zài Zhōngguó gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  3776. <translation>Before, my boyfriend worked in the USA. Now, he works in China.</translation>
  3777. <sequence>Expressing 'before' in general with 'yiqian'</sequence>
  3778. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3779. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3780. <traditional>我男朋友 以前 在 美國 工作,現在 在 中國 工作。</traditional>
  3781. <sound>[sound:我男朋友以前在美国工作,现在在中国工作。.mp3]</sound>
  3782. </enregistrement>
  3783. <enregistrement>
  3784. <hanzi>你 刚才 说 什么 了?</hanzi>
  3785. <pinyin>Nǐ gāngcái shuō shénme le?</pinyin>
  3786. <translation>What did you just say? </translation>
  3787. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3788. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3789. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3790. <traditional>你 剛纔 說 什麼 了?</traditional>
  3791. <sound>[sound:你刚才说什么了?.mp3]</sound>
  3792. </enregistrement>
  3793. <enregistrement>
  3794. <hanzi>刚才 谁 来 了?</hanzi>
  3795. <pinyin>Gāngcái shéi lái le?</pinyin>
  3796. <translation>Who came just now? </translation>
  3797. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3798. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3799. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3800. <traditional>剛纔 誰 來 了?</traditional>
  3801. <sound>[sound:刚才谁来了?.mp3]</sound>
  3802. </enregistrement>
  3803. <enregistrement>
  3804. <hanzi>刚才 你 去 哪儿 了?</hanzi>
  3805. <pinyin>Gāngcái nǐ qù nǎr le?</pinyin>
  3806. <translation>Where did you go just now? </translation>
  3807. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3808. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3809. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3810. <traditional>剛纔 你 去 哪兒 了?</traditional>
  3811. <sound>[sound:刚才你去哪儿了?.mp3]</sound>
  3812. </enregistrement>
  3813. <enregistrement>
  3814. <hanzi>刚才 我 去 洗手间 了。</hanzi>
  3815. <pinyin>Gāngcái wǒ qù xǐshǒujiān le.</pinyin>
  3816. <translation>I just went to the restroom.</translation>
  3817. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3818. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3819. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3820. <traditional>剛纔 我 去 洗手間 了。</traditional>
  3821. <sound>[sound:刚才我去洗手间了。.mp3]</sound>
  3822. </enregistrement>
  3823. <enregistrement>
  3824. <hanzi>老板 刚才 生气 了。</hanzi>
  3825. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn gāngcái shēngqì le.</pinyin>
  3826. <translation>The boss just got angry.</translation>
  3827. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3828. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3829. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3830. <traditional>老闆 剛纔 生氣 了。</traditional>
  3831. <sound>[sound:老板刚才生气了。.mp3]</sound>
  3832. </enregistrement>
  3833. <enregistrement>
  3834. <hanzi>你们 刚才 在 看 什么?</hanzi>
  3835. <pinyin>Nǐmen gāngcái zài kàn shénme?</pinyin>
  3836. <translation>What were you looking at just now? </translation>
  3837. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3838. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3839. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3840. <traditional>你們 剛纔 在 看 什麼?</traditional>
  3841. <sound>[sound:你们刚才在看什么?.mp3]</sound>
  3842. </enregistrement>
  3843. <enregistrement>
  3844. <hanzi>不好意思,我 刚才 出去 了。</hanzi>
  3845. <pinyin>Bù hǎoyìsi, wǒ gāngcái chūqù le.</pinyin>
  3846. <translation>I'm sorry, I just now stepped out.</translation>
  3847. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3848. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3849. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3850. <traditional>不好意思,我 剛纔 出去 了。</traditional>
  3851. <sound>[sound:不好意思,我刚才出去了。.mp3]</sound>
  3852. </enregistrement>
  3853. <enregistrement>
  3854. <hanzi>宝宝 刚才 哭 了。</hanzi>
  3855. <pinyin>Bǎobao gāngcái kū le.</pinyin>
  3856. <translation>The baby just cried.</translation>
  3857. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3858. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3859. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3860. <traditional>寶寶 剛纔 哭 了。</traditional>
  3861. <sound>[sound:宝宝刚才哭了。.mp3]</sound>
  3862. </enregistrement>
  3863. <enregistrement>
  3864. <hanzi>他们 刚才 去 开会 了。</hanzi>
  3865. <pinyin>Tāmen gāngcái qù kāihuì le.</pinyin>
  3866. <translation>They just went to a meeting.</translation>
  3867. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3868. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3869. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3870. <traditional>他們 剛纔 去 開會 了。</traditional>
  3871. <sound>[sound:他们刚才去开会了。.mp3]</sound>
  3872. </enregistrement>
  3873. <enregistrement>
  3874. <hanzi>刚才 有 人 找 你。</hanzi>
  3875. <pinyin>Gāngcái yǒu rén zhǎo nǐ.</pinyin>
  3876. <translation>Just now, there was someone looking for you.</translation>
  3877. <sequence>Expressing 'just now' with 'gangcai'</sequence>
  3878. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3879. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3880. <traditional>剛纔 有 人 找 你。</traditional>
  3881. <sound>[sound:刚才有人找你。.mp3]</sound>
  3882. </enregistrement>
  3883. <enregistrement>
  3884. <hanzi>你 不 在 的时候,我 会 想 你。</hanzi>
  3885. <pinyin>Nǐ bù zài de shíhou, wǒ huì xiǎng nǐ.</pinyin>
  3886. <translation>When you are not here, I'll miss you.</translation>
  3887. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3888. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3889. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3890. <traditional>你 不 在 的時候,我 會 想 你。</traditional>
  3891. <sound>[sound:你不在的时候,我会想你。.mp3]</sound>
  3892. </enregistrement>
  3893. <enregistrement>
  3894. <hanzi>我 上 大学 的时候,有 很 多 朋友。</hanzi>
  3895. <pinyin>Wǒ shàng dàxué de shíhou, yǒu hěn duō péngyou.</pinyin>
  3896. <translation>When I was in college, I had a lot of friends.</translation>
  3897. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3898. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3899. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3900. <traditional>我 上 大學 的時候,有 很 多 朋友。</traditional>
  3901. <sound>[sound:我上大学的时候,有很多朋友。.mp3]</sound>
  3902. </enregistrement>
  3903. <enregistrement>
  3904. <hanzi>上课 的时候 不要 吃 东西。</hanzi>
  3905. <pinyin>Shàngkè de shíhou bùyào chī dōngxi.</pinyin>
  3906. <translation>Don't eat when you are in class.</translation>
  3907. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3908. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3909. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3910. <traditional>上課 的時候 不要 吃 東西。</traditional>
  3911. <sound>[sound:上课的时候不要吃东西。.mp3]</sound>
  3912. </enregistrement>
  3913. <enregistrement>
  3914. <hanzi>老板 工作 的时候 喜欢 喝 咖啡。</hanzi>
  3915. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn gōngzuò de shíhou xǐhuan hē kāfēi.</pinyin>
  3916. <translation>When the boss works, he likes to drink coffee.</translation>
  3917. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3918. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3919. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3920. <traditional>老闆 工作 的時候 喜歡 喝 咖啡。</traditional>
  3921. <sound>[sound:老板工作的时候喜欢喝咖啡。.mp3]</sound>
  3922. </enregistrement>
  3923. <enregistrement>
  3924. <hanzi>我 生气 的时候,请 你 不要 笑。</hanzi>
  3925. <pinyin>Wǒ shēngqì de shíhou, qǐng nǐ bùyào xiào.</pinyin>
  3926. <translation>Please don't laugh when I'm angry.</translation>
  3927. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3928. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3929. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3930. <traditional>我 生氣 的時候,請 你 不要 笑。</traditional>
  3931. <sound>[sound:我生气的时候,请你不要笑。.mp3]</sound>
  3932. </enregistrement>
  3933. <enregistrement>
  3934. <hanzi>妈妈 不 在 家 的时候,我 自己 做饭。</hanzi>
  3935. <pinyin>Māma bù zài jiā de shíhou, wǒ zìjǐ zuòfàn.</pinyin>
  3936. <translation>When mom is not home, I cook for myself.</translation>
  3937. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3938. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3939. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3940. <traditional>媽媽 不 在 家 的時候,我 自己 做飯。</traditional>
  3941. <sound>[sound:妈妈不在家的时候,我自己做饭。.mp3]</sound>
  3942. </enregistrement>
  3943. <enregistrement>
  3944. <hanzi>开会 的时候 不要 聊天。</hanzi>
  3945. <pinyin>Kāihuì de shíhou bùyào liáotiān.</pinyin>
  3946. <translation>Don't chat when you are in a meeting.</translation>
  3947. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3948. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3949. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3950. <traditional>開會 的時候 不要 聊天。</traditional>
  3951. <sound>[sound:开会的时候不要聊天。.mp3]</sound>
  3952. </enregistrement>
  3953. <enregistrement>
  3954. <hanzi>吃 东西 的时候 不要 说话。</hanzi>
  3955. <pinyin>Chī dōngxi de shíhou bùyào shuōhuà.</pinyin>
  3956. <translation>Don't talk when eating.</translation>
  3957. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3958. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3959. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3960. <traditional>吃 東西 的時候 不要 說話。</traditional>
  3961. <sound>[sound:吃东西的时候不要说话。.mp3]</sound>
  3962. </enregistrement>
  3963. <enregistrement>
  3964. <hanzi>你 开车 的时候 会 打 电话 吗?</hanzi>
  3965. <pinyin>Nǐ kāichē de shíhou huì dǎ diànhuà ma?</pinyin>
  3966. <translation>Do you talk on the phone when you're driving?</translation>
  3967. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3968. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3969. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3970. <traditional>你 開車 的時候 會 打 電話 嗎?</traditional>
  3971. <sound>[sound:你开车的时候会打电话吗?.mp3]</sound>
  3972. </enregistrement>
  3973. <enregistrement>
  3974. <hanzi>走路 的时候 不要 玩手机。</hanzi>
  3975. <pinyin> Zǒulù de shíhou bùyào wán shǒujī.</pinyin>
  3976. <translation>Don't play with your phone while walking.</translation>
  3977. <sequence>Expressing 'when' with 'de shihou'</sequence>
  3978. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3979. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3980. <traditional>走路 的時候 不要 玩手機。</traditional>
  3981. <sound>[sound:走路的时候不要玩手机。.mp3]</sound>
  3982. </enregistrement>
  3983. <enregistrement>
  3984. <hanzi>昨天 我 去 了 酒吧 。</hanzi>
  3985. <pinyin>Zuótiān wǒ qù le jiǔbā.</pinyin>
  3986. <translation>Yesterday I went to the bar.</translation>
  3987. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  3988. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3989. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  3990. <traditional>昨天 我 去 了 酒吧 。</traditional>
  3991. <sound>[sound:昨天我去了酒吧。.mp3]</sound>
  3992. </enregistrement>
  3993. <enregistrement>
  3994. <hanzi>我 昨天 去 了 酒吧 。</hanzi>
  3995. <pinyin>Wǒ zuótiān qù le jiǔbā.</pinyin>
  3996. <translation>I went to the bar yesterday.</translation>
  3997. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  3998. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  3999. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4000. <traditional>我 昨天 去 了 酒吧 。</traditional>
  4001. <sound>[sound:我昨天去了酒吧。.mp3]</sound>
  4002. </enregistrement>
  4003. <enregistrement>
  4004. <hanzi>下 个 星期 他 要 回 国 。</hanzi>
  4005. <pinyin>Xià gè xīngqī tā yào huí guó.</pinyin>
  4006. <translation>Next week he is going back to his country.</translation>
  4007. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4008. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4009. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4010. <traditional>下 個 星期 他 要 回 國 。</traditional>
  4011. <sound>[sound:下个星期他要回国。.mp3]</sound>
  4012. </enregistrement>
  4013. <enregistrement>
  4014. <hanzi>他 下 个 星期 要 回 国 。</hanzi>
  4015. <pinyin>Tā xià gè xīngqī yào huí guó.</pinyin>
  4016. <translation>He is going back to his country next week.</translation>
  4017. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4018. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4019. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4020. <traditional>他 下 個 星期 要 回 國 。</traditional>
  4021. <sound>[sound:他下个星期要回国。.mp3]</sound>
  4022. </enregistrement>
  4023. <enregistrement>
  4024. <hanzi>明年 我 要 开 一 个 公司 。</hanzi>
  4025. <pinyin>Míngnián wǒ yào kāi yī gè gōngsī.</pinyin>
  4026. <translation>Next year I want to open a company.</translation>
  4027. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4028. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4029. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4030. <traditional>明年 我 要 開 一 個 公司 。</traditional>
  4031. <sound>[sound:明年我要开一个公司。.mp3]</sound>
  4032. </enregistrement>
  4033. <enregistrement>
  4034. <hanzi>我 明年 要 开 一 个 公司 。</hanzi>
  4035. <pinyin>Wǒ míngnián yào kāi yī gè gōngsī.</pinyin>
  4036. <translation>I want to open a company next year.</translation>
  4037. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4038. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4039. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4040. <traditional>我 明年 要 開 一 個 公司 。</traditional>
  4041. <sound>[sound:我明年要开一个公司。.mp3]</sound>
  4042. </enregistrement>
  4043. <enregistrement>
  4044. <hanzi>下 个 月 我们 结婚 吧 ?</hanzi>
  4045. <pinyin>Xià gè yuè wǒmen jiéhūn ba?</pinyin>
  4046. <translation>Next month shall we get married?</translation>
  4047. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4048. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4049. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4050. <traditional>下 個 月 我們 結婚 吧 ?</traditional>
  4051. <sound>[sound:下个月我们结婚吧?.mp3]</sound>
  4052. </enregistrement>
  4053. <enregistrement>
  4054. <hanzi>我们 下 个 月 结婚 吧 ?</hanzi>
  4055. <pinyin>Wǒmen xià gè yuè jiéhūn ba?</pinyin>
  4056. <translation>Shall we get married next month?</translation>
  4057. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4058. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4059. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4060. <traditional>我們 下 個 月 結婚 吧 ?</traditional>
  4061. <sound>[sound:我们下个月结婚吧?.mp3]</sound>
  4062. </enregistrement>
  4063. <enregistrement>
  4064. <hanzi>现在 你 能 来 我 办公室 吗 ?</hanzi>
  4065. <pinyin>Xiànzài nǐ néng lái wǒ bàngōngshì ma?</pinyin>
  4066. <translation>Now you can come to my office?</translation>
  4067. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4068. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4069. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4070. <traditional>現在 你 能 來 我 辦公室 嗎 ?</traditional>
  4071. <sound>[sound:现在你能来我办公室吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4072. </enregistrement>
  4073. <enregistrement>
  4074. <hanzi>你 现在 能 来 我 办公室 吗 ?</hanzi>
  4075. <pinyin>Nǐ xiànzài néng lái wǒ bàngōngshì ma?</pinyin>
  4076. <translation>Can you come to my office now?</translation>
  4077. <sequence>Time words and word order</sequence>
  4078. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4079. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4080. <traditional>你 現在 能 來 我 辦公室 嗎 ?</traditional>
  4081. <sound>[sound:你现在能来我办公室吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4082. </enregistrement>
  4083. <enregistrement>
  4084. <hanzi>一 两 天</hanzi>
  4085. <pinyin>yī liǎng tiān</pinyin>
  4086. <translation>one or two days</translation>
  4087. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4088. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4089. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4090. <traditional>一 兩 天</traditional>
  4091. <sound>[sound:一两天.mp3]</sound>
  4092. </enregistrement>
  4093. <enregistrement>
  4094. <hanzi>三 四 个 人</hanzi>
  4095. <pinyin> sān sì gè rén</pinyin>
  4096. <translation>three or four people</translation>
  4097. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4098. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4099. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4100. <traditional>三 四 個 人</traditional>
  4101. <sound>[sound:三四个人.mp3]</sound>
  4102. </enregistrement>
  4103. <enregistrement>
  4104. <hanzi>老板 昨天 喝 了七 八 瓶 胡萝卜 汁 。</hanzi>
  4105. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn zuótiān hē le qī bā píng húluóbo zhī.</pinyin>
  4106. <translation>The boss drank 7 or 8 bottles of carrot juice yesterday.</translation>
  4107. <sequence/>
  4108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4110. <traditional>老闆 昨天 喝 了七 八 瓶 胡蘿蔔 汁 。</traditional>
  4111. <sound>[sound:老板昨天喝了七八瓶胡萝卜汁。.mp3]</sound>
  4112. </enregistrement>
  4113. <enregistrement>
  4114. <hanzi>这 个 词 我们 学 过 两 三 次 了 。</hanzi>
  4115. <pinyin>Zhège cí wǒmen xué guo liǎng sān cì le.</pinyin>
  4116. <translation>We've studied this word two or three times now.</translation>
  4117. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4120. <traditional>這 個 詞 我們 學 過 兩 三 次 了 。</traditional>
  4121. <sound>[sound:这个词我们学过两三次了。.mp3]</sound>
  4122. </enregistrement>
  4123. <enregistrement>
  4124. <hanzi>我 等 了 你 三 四 个 小时。</hanzi>
  4125. <pinyin>Wǒ děng le nǐ sān sì gè xiǎoshí.</pinyin>
  4126. <translation>I waited for you for three or four hours.</translation>
  4127. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4130. <traditional>我 等 了 你 三 四 個 小時。</traditional>
  4131. <sound>[sound:我等了你三四个小时。.mp3]</sound>
  4132. </enregistrement>
  4133. <enregistrement>
  4134. <hanzi>他们 七 八 年 没 见面 了 。</hanzi>
  4135. <pinyin>Tāmen qī bā nián méi jiànmiàn le.</pinyin>
  4136. <translation>They haven't seen each other for seven or eight years.</translation>
  4137. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4140. <traditional>他們 七 八 年 沒 見面 了 。</traditional>
  4141. <sound>[sound:他们七八年没见面了。.mp3]</sound>
  4142. </enregistrement>
  4143. <enregistrement>
  4144. <hanzi>要 做 完 这 个 工作 需要 一 两 个 月 。</hanzi>
  4145. <pinyin>Yào zuò wán zhège gōngzuò xūyào yī liǎng gè yuè.</pinyin>
  4146. <translation>To complete this work, you need one to two months.</translation>
  4147. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4150. <traditional>要 做 完 這 個 工作 需要 一 兩 個 月 。</traditional>
  4151. <sound>[sound:要做完这个工作需要一两个月。.mp3]</sound>
  4152. </enregistrement>
  4153. <enregistrement>
  4154. <hanzi>他们 家 的 孩子五 六 岁 了 吧 。</hanzi>
  4155. <pinyin>Tāmen jiā de háizi wǔ liù suì le ba.</pinyin>
  4156. <translation>Their child is about five or six years old.</translation>
  4157. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4160. <traditional>他們 家 的 孩子五 六 歲 了 吧 。</traditional>
  4161. <sound>[sound:他们家的孩子五六岁了吧。.mp3]</sound>
  4162. </enregistrement>
  4163. <enregistrement>
  4164. <hanzi>这 件 衣服 只 要 七 八 十 块 钱 。</hanzi>
  4165. <pinyin>Zhè jiàn yīfu zhǐ yào qī bā shí kuài qián.</pinyin>
  4166. <translation>This clothing only costs seventy to eighty kuai.</translation>
  4167. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4170. <traditional>這 件 衣服 只 要 七 八 十 塊 錢 。</traditional>
  4171. <sound>[sound:这件衣服只要七八十块钱。.mp3]</sound>
  4172. </enregistrement>
  4173. <enregistrement>
  4174. <hanzi>这 几 本 书 花 了 我 两 三 百。</hanzi>
  4175. <pinyin>Zhè jǐ běn shū huā le wǒ liǎng sān bǎi.</pinyin>
  4176. <translation>These few books cost me two or three hundred kuai.</translation>
  4177. <sequence>Approximating with sequential numbers</sequence>
  4178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4180. <traditional>這 幾 本 書 花 了 我 兩 三 百。</traditional>
  4181. <sound>[sound:这几本书花了我两三百。.mp3]</sound>
  4182. </enregistrement>
  4183. <enregistrement>
  4184. <hanzi>五万 两千 一百 五十二</hanzi>
  4185. <pinyin> wǔwàn liǎngqiān yībǎi wǔshí-èr</pinyin>
  4186. <translation>52,152</translation>
  4187. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4190. <traditional>五萬 兩千 一百 五十二</traditional>
  4191. <sound>[sound:五万两千一百五十二.mp3]</sound>
  4192. </enregistrement>
  4193. <enregistrement>
  4194. <hanzi>二百 九十一 万 四千 六百 八十</hanzi>
  4195. <pinyin>èrbǎi jiǔshí-yī wàn sìqiān liùbǎi bāshí</pinyin>
  4196. <translation>2,914,680</translation>
  4197. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4200. <traditional>二百 九十一 萬 四千 六百 八十</traditional>
  4201. <sound>[sound:二百九十一万四千六百八十.mp3]</sound>
  4202. </enregistrement>
  4203. <enregistrement>
  4204. <hanzi>七百 八十九 万 零 二百 九十八</hanzi>
  4205. <pinyin>qībǎi bāshí-jiǔ wàn líng èrbǎi jiǔshí-bā</pinyin>
  4206. <translation>7,890,298</translation>
  4207. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4210. <traditional>七百 八十九 萬 零 二百 九十八</traditional>
  4211. <sound>[sound:七百八十九万零二百九十八.mp3]</sound>
  4212. </enregistrement>
  4213. <enregistrement>
  4214. <hanzi>两千 七百 二十一 万 四千 八百 九十六</hanzi>
  4215. <pinyin>liǎngqiān qībǎi èrshí-yī wàn sìqiān bābǎi jiǔshí-liù</pinyin>
  4216. <translation>27,214,896</translation>
  4217. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4220. <traditional>兩千 七百 二十一 萬 四千 八百 九十六</traditional>
  4221. <sound>[sound:两千七百二十一万四千八百九十六.mp3]</sound>
  4222. </enregistrement>
  4223. <enregistrement>
  4224. <hanzi>五 千三 百 七 十 九 万 八 千 两 百 五 十</hanzi>
  4225. <pinyin>wǔqiān sānbǎi qīshí-jiǔ wàn bāqiān liǎngbǎi wǔshí</pinyin>
  4226. <translation>53,798,250</translation>
  4227. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4230. <traditional>五 千三 百 七 十 九 萬 八 千 兩 百 五 十</traditional>
  4231. <sound>[sound:五千三百七十九万八千两百五十.mp3]</sound>
  4232. </enregistrement>
  4233. <enregistrement>
  4234. <hanzi>四亿 一千 四百 二十九 万 四千 一百 八十二</hanzi>
  4235. <pinyin>sìyì yīqiān sìbǎi èrshí-jiǔ wàn sìqiān yībǎi bāshí-èr</pinyin>
  4236. <translation>414,294,182</translation>
  4237. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4240. <traditional>四億 一千 四百 二十九 萬 四千 一百 八十二</traditional>
  4241. <sound>[sound:四亿一千四百二十九万四千一百八十二.mp3]</sound>
  4242. </enregistrement>
  4243. <enregistrement>
  4244. <hanzi>十三 亿 两千 六百 八十 万</hanzi>
  4245. <pinyin>shísān yì liǎngqiān liùbǎi bāshí wàn</pinyin>
  4246. <translation>1,326,800,000</translation>
  4247. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4250. <traditional>十三 億 兩千 六百 八十 萬</traditional>
  4251. <sound>[sound:十三亿两千六百八十万.mp3]</sound>
  4252. </enregistrement>
  4253. <enregistrement>
  4254. <hanzi>两百 五十一 亿 五千 八百 三十六 万 七千 二百</hanzi>
  4255. <pinyin>liǎngbǎi wǔshí-yī yì wǔqiān bābǎi sānshí-liù wàn qīqiān èrbǎi</pinyin>
  4256. <translation>25,158,367,200</translation>
  4257. <sequence>Big numbers in Chinese</sequence>
  4258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4260. <traditional>兩百 五十一 億 五千 八百 三十六 萬 七千 二百</traditional>
  4261. <sound>[sound:两百五十一亿五千八百三十六万七千二百.mp3]</sound>
  4262. </enregistrement>
  4263. <enregistrement>
  4264. <hanzi>一 点 四 十 分</hanzi>
  4265. <pinyin>yī diǎn sìshí fēn</pinyin>
  4266. <translation>1:40</translation>
  4267. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4270. <traditional>一 點 四 十 分</traditional>
  4271. <sound>[sound:一点四十分.mp3]</sound>
  4272. </enregistrement>
  4273. <enregistrement>
  4274. <hanzi>两 点 十 分</hanzi>
  4275. <pinyin>liǎng diǎn shí fēn</pinyin>
  4276. <translation>2:10</translation>
  4277. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4280. <traditional>兩 點 十 分</traditional>
  4281. <sound>[sound:两点十分.mp3]</sound>
  4282. </enregistrement>
  4283. <enregistrement>
  4284. <hanzi>三 点 二 十 分</hanzi>
  4285. <pinyin>sān diǎn èrshí fēn</pinyin>
  4286. <translation>3:20</translation>
  4287. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4290. <traditional>三 點 二 十 分</traditional>
  4291. <sound>[sound:三点二十分.mp3]</sound>
  4292. </enregistrement>
  4293. <enregistrement>
  4294. <hanzi>七 点 十 五 分</hanzi>
  4295. <pinyin>qī diǎn shíwǔ fēn</pinyin>
  4296. <translation>7:15</translation>
  4297. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4298. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4299. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4300. <traditional>七 點 十 五 分</traditional>
  4301. <sound>[sound:七点十五分.mp3]</sound>
  4302. </enregistrement>
  4303. <enregistrement>
  4304. <hanzi>九 点 五 十分</hanzi>
  4305. <pinyin>jiǔ diǎn wǔshí fēn</pinyin>
  4306. <translation>9:50</translation>
  4307. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4310. <traditional>九 點 五 十分</traditional>
  4311. <sound>[sound:九点五十分.mp3]</sound>
  4312. </enregistrement>
  4313. <enregistrement>
  4314. <hanzi>两 点 零 九分</hanzi>
  4315. <pinyin>liǎng diǎn líng jiǔ fēn</pinyin>
  4316. <translation>2:09</translation>
  4317. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4320. <traditional>兩 點 零 九分</traditional>
  4321. <sound>[sound:两点零九分.mp3]</sound>
  4322. </enregistrement>
  4323. <enregistrement>
  4324. <hanzi>三 点 零 八 分</hanzi>
  4325. <pinyin>sān diǎn líng bā fēn</pinyin>
  4326. <translation>3:08</translation>
  4327. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4330. <traditional>三 點 零 八 分</traditional>
  4331. <sound>[sound:三点零八分.mp3]</sound>
  4332. </enregistrement>
  4333. <enregistrement>
  4334. <hanzi>五 点 零 三 分</hanzi>
  4335. <pinyin>wǔ diǎn líng sān fēn</pinyin>
  4336. <translation>5:03</translation>
  4337. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4340. <traditional>五 點 零 三 分</traditional>
  4341. <sound>[sound:五点零三分.mp3]</sound>
  4342. </enregistrement>
  4343. <enregistrement>
  4344. <hanzi>七 点 零 一 分</hanzi>
  4345. <pinyin>qī diǎn líng yī fēn</pinyin>
  4346. <translation>7:01</translation>
  4347. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4350. <traditional>七 點 零 一 分</traditional>
  4351. <sound>[sound:七点零一分.mp3]</sound>
  4352. </enregistrement>
  4353. <enregistrement>
  4354. <hanzi>八 点 零 五 分</hanzi>
  4355. <pinyin>bā diǎn líng wǔ fēn</pinyin>
  4356. <translation>8:05</translation>
  4357. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4360. <traditional>八 點 零 五 分</traditional>
  4361. <sound>[sound:八点零五分.mp3]</sound>
  4362. </enregistrement>
  4363. <enregistrement>
  4364. <hanzi>九 点 一 刻</hanzi>
  4365. <pinyin>jiǔ diǎn yī kè</pinyin>
  4366. <translation>9:15</translation>
  4367. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4370. <traditional>九 點 一 刻</traditional>
  4371. <sound>[sound:九点一刻.mp3]</sound>
  4372. </enregistrement>
  4373. <enregistrement>
  4374. <hanzi>十 二 点 一 刻</hanzi>
  4375. <pinyin>shí'èr diǎn yī kè</pinyin>
  4376. <translation>12:15</translation>
  4377. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4380. <traditional>十 二 點 一 刻</traditional>
  4381. <sound>[sound:十二点一刻.mp3]</sound>
  4382. </enregistrement>
  4383. <enregistrement>
  4384. <hanzi>六 点 三 刻</hanzi>
  4385. <pinyin>liù diǎn sān kè</pinyin>
  4386. <translation>6:45</translation>
  4387. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4390. <traditional>六 點 三 刻</traditional>
  4391. <sound>[sound:六点三刻.mp3]</sound>
  4392. </enregistrement>
  4393. <enregistrement>
  4394. <hanzi>差 五 分 三 点</hanzi>
  4395. <pinyin>chā wǔ fēn sān diǎn</pinyin>
  4396. <translation>five minutes til 3 o'clock</translation>
  4397. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4398. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4399. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4400. <traditional>差 五 分 三 點</traditional>
  4401. <sound>[sound:差五分三点.mp3]</sound>
  4402. </enregistrement>
  4403. <enregistrement>
  4404. <hanzi>十二 点 差 三 分</hanzi>
  4405. <pinyin>shí'èr diǎn chā sān fēn</pinyin>
  4406. <translation>three minutes til 12 o'clock</translation>
  4407. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4408. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4409. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4410. <traditional>十二 點 差 三 分</traditional>
  4411. <sound>[sound:十二点差三分.mp3]</sound>
  4412. </enregistrement>
  4413. <enregistrement>
  4414. <hanzi>差 五 分 八 点 半</hanzi>
  4415. <pinyin>chā wǔ fēn bā diǎn bàn</pinyin>
  4416. <translation>five minutes til 8:30</translation>
  4417. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4418. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4419. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4420. <traditional>差 五 分 八 點 半</traditional>
  4421. <sound>[sound:差五分八点半.mp3]</sound>
  4422. </enregistrement>
  4423. <enregistrement>
  4424. <hanzi>十 点 差 两 分</hanzi>
  4425. <pinyin>shí diǎn chā liǎng fēn</pinyin>
  4426. <translation>two minutes til 10:00</translation>
  4427. <sequence>Structure of times (advanced)</sequence>
  4428. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4429. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4430. <traditional>十 點 差 兩 分</traditional>
  4431. <sound>[sound:十点差两分.mp3]</sound>
  4432. </enregistrement>
  4433. <enregistrement>
  4434. <hanzi>桌子 上 有 几 本 书。</hanzi>
  4435. <pinyin>Zhuōzi shàng yǒu jǐ běn shū.</pinyin>
  4436. <translation>There are a few books on the table.</translation>
  4437. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4438. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4439. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4440. <traditional>桌子 上 有 幾 本 書。</traditional>
  4441. <sound>[sound:桌子上有几本书。.mp3]</sound>
  4442. </enregistrement>
  4443. <enregistrement>
  4444. <hanzi>只有 几 个 人 去 过 那 个 地方。</hanzi>
  4445. <pinyin>Zhǐyǒu jǐ gè rén qù guo nàge dìfang.</pinyin>
  4446. <translation>Only a few people have been to that place.</translation>
  4447. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4448. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4449. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4450. <traditional>只有 幾 個 人 去 過 那 個 地方。</traditional>
  4451. <sound>[sound:只有几个人去过那个地方。.mp3]</sound>
  4452. </enregistrement>
  4453. <enregistrement>
  4454. <hanzi>从 上海 到 东京 坐 飞机 只 要 几 个 小时。</hanzi>
  4455. <pinyin>Cóng Shànghǎi dào Dōngjīng zuò fēijī zhǐ yào jǐ gè xiǎoshí.</pinyin>
  4456. <translation>Flying from Shanghai to Tokyo only takes a few hours.</translation>
  4457. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4458. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4459. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4460. <traditional>從 上海 到 東京 坐 飛機 只 要 幾 個 小時。</traditional>
  4461. <sound>[sound:从上海到东京坐飞机只要几个小时。.mp3]</sound>
  4462. </enregistrement>
  4463. <enregistrement>
  4464. <hanzi>我 每 天 都 要 喝 几 杯 咖啡。</hanzi>
  4465. <pinyin>Wǒ měi tiān dōu yào hē jǐ bēi kāfēi.</pinyin>
  4466. <translation>Every day I have to drink a couple cups of coffee.</translation>
  4467. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4468. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4469. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4470. <traditional>我 每 天 都 要 喝 幾 杯 咖啡。</traditional>
  4471. <sound>[sound:我每天都要喝几杯咖啡。.mp3]</sound>
  4472. </enregistrement>
  4473. <enregistrement>
  4474. <hanzi>老板 今天 开 了 几 个 重要 的 会。</hanzi>
  4475. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn jīntiān kāi le jǐ gè zhòngyào de huì.</pinyin>
  4476. <translation>The boss had a few important meetings today.</translation>
  4477. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4478. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4479. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4480. <traditional>老闆 今天 開 了 幾 個 重要 的 會。</traditional>
  4481. <sound>[sound:老板今天开了几个重要的会。.mp3]</sound>
  4482. </enregistrement>
  4483. <enregistrement>
  4484. <hanzi>他 只 想 学 几 十 个 汉字。</hanzi>
  4485. <pinyin>Tā zhǐ xiǎng xué jǐ shí gè Hànzì.</pinyin>
  4486. <translation>He only wants to study a few dozen Chinese characters. 'Dozens' is the closest we can get in natural English to the Chinese, which literally means 'tens.'</translation>
  4487. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4488. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4489. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4490. <traditional>他 只 想 學 幾 十 個 漢字。</traditional>
  4491. <sound>[sound:他只想学几十个汉字。.mp3]</sound>
  4492. </enregistrement>
  4493. <enregistrement>
  4494. <hanzi>我们 公司 有 几 十 个 员工。</hanzi>
  4495. <pinyin>Wǒmen gōngsī yǒu jǐ shí gè yuángōng.</pinyin>
  4496. <translation>Our company has a few dozen employees.</translation>
  4497. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4498. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4499. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4500. <traditional>我們 公司 有 幾 十 個 員工。</traditional>
  4501. <sound>[sound:我们公司有几十个员工。.mp3]</sound>
  4502. </enregistrement>
  4503. <enregistrement>
  4504. <hanzi>他 写 过 几 十 本 书,我 都 喜欢。</hanzi>
  4505. <pinyin>Tā xiě guo jǐ shí běn shū, wǒ dōu xǐhuan.</pinyin>
  4506. <translation>He wrote a few dozen books. I like them all.</translation>
  4507. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4508. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4509. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4510. <traditional>他 寫 過 幾 十 本 書,我 都 喜歡。</traditional>
  4511. <sound>[sound:他写过几十本书,我都喜欢。.mp3]</sound>
  4512. </enregistrement>
  4513. <enregistrement>
  4514. <hanzi>这个 年轻的 演员 演 了 几 十 部 电影。我都喜欢。</hanzi>
  4515. <pinyin>Zhège niánqīng de yǎnyuán yǎn le jǐ shí bù diànyǐng. Wǒ dōu xǐhuan.</pinyin>
  4516. <translation>This young actor has acted in dozens of movies. I like them all.</translation>
  4517. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4518. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4519. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4520. <traditional>這個 年輕的 演員 演 了 幾 十 部 電影。我都喜歡。</traditional>
  4521. <sound>[sound:这个年轻的演员演了几十部电影。我都喜欢。.mp3]</sound>
  4522. </enregistrement>
  4523. <enregistrement>
  4524. <hanzi>老板 在 国外 有 几 十 套 房子。</hanzi>
  4525. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn zài guówài yǒu jǐ shí tào fángzi.</pinyin>
  4526. <translation>The boss has a few dozen houses abroad.</translation>
  4527. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4528. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4529. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4530. <traditional>老闆 在 國外 有 幾 十 套 房子。</traditional>
  4531. <sound>[sound:老板在国外有几十套房子。.mp3]</sound>
  4532. </enregistrement>
  4533. <enregistrement>
  4534. <hanzi>妈妈 每 个 月 都 给 我 几 百 块 钱。</hanzi>
  4535. <pinyin>Māma měi gè yuè dōu gěi wǒ jǐ bǎi kuài qián.</pinyin>
  4536. <translation>Mom gives me a couple hundred dollars every month.</translation>
  4537. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4538. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4539. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4540. <traditional>媽媽 每 個 月 都 給 我 幾 百 塊 錢。</traditional>
  4541. <sound>[sound:妈妈每个月都给我几百块钱。.mp3]</sound>
  4542. </enregistrement>
  4543. <enregistrement>
  4544. <hanzi>这 个 月 我们 卖 了 几 千 本 书。</hanzi>
  4545. <pinyin>Zhège yuè wǒmen mài le jǐ qiān běn shū.</pinyin>
  4546. <translation>We sold a couple thousand books this month.</translation>
  4547. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4548. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4549. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4550. <traditional>這 個 月 我們 賣 了 幾 千 本 書。</traditional>
  4551. <sound>[sound:这个月我们卖了几千本书。.mp3]</sound>
  4552. </enregistrement>
  4553. <enregistrement>
  4554. <hanzi>几 百 家 外国 公司 参加 了 这个 大会。</hanzi>
  4555. <pinyin>Jǐ bǎi jiā wàiguó gōngsī cānjiā le zhège dàhuì.</pinyin>
  4556. <translation>Several hundred foreign companies attended this conference.</translation>
  4557. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4558. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4559. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4560. <traditional>幾 百 家 外國 公司 參加 了 這個 大會。</traditional>
  4561. <sound>[sound:几百家外国公司参加了这个大会。.mp3]</sound>
  4562. </enregistrement>
  4563. <enregistrement>
  4564. <hanzi>这 篇 文章 有 几 万 个 字,太 长 了。</hanzi>
  4565. <pinyin>Zhè piān wénzhāng yǒu jǐ wàn gè zì, tài cháng le.</pinyin>
  4566. <translation>This article has tens of thousands of characters. It's too long.</translation>
  4567. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4568. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4569. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4570. <traditional>這 篇 文章 有 幾 萬 個 字,太 長 了。</traditional>
  4571. <sound>[sound:这篇文章有几万个字,太长了。.mp3]</sound>
  4572. </enregistrement>
  4573. <enregistrement>
  4574. <hanzi>我 认识 一 个 朋友,她 有 几 百 双 鞋。</hanzi>
  4575. <pinyin>Wǒ rènshi yī gè péngyou, tā yǒu jǐ bǎi shuāng xié.</pinyin>
  4576. <translation>I have a friend that has a couple hundred pairs of shoes.</translation>
  4577. <sequence>Using 'ji' to mean 'several'</sequence>
  4578. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4579. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4580. <traditional>我 認識 一 個 朋友,她 有 幾 百 雙 鞋。</traditional>
  4581. <sound>[sound:我认识一个朋友,她有几百双鞋。.mp3]</sound>
  4582. </enregistrement>
  4583. <enregistrement>
  4584. <hanzi>他 读 了 好几 遍 。</hanzi>
  4585. <pinyin>Tā dú le hǎojǐ biàn.</pinyin>
  4586. <translation>He's read quite a few times.</translation>
  4587. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4588. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4589. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4590. <traditional>他 讀 了 好幾 遍 。</traditional>
  4591. <sound>[sound:他读了好几遍。.mp3]</sound>
  4592. </enregistrement>
  4593. <enregistrement>
  4594. <hanzi>我 有 好几 个 室友 。</hanzi>
  4595. <pinyin>Wǒ yǒu hǎojǐ gè shìyǒu.</pinyin>
  4596. <translation>I have quite a few roommates.</translation>
  4597. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4598. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4599. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4600. <traditional>我 有 好幾 個 室友 。</traditional>
  4601. <sound>[sound:我有好几个室友。.mp3]</sound>
  4602. </enregistrement>
  4603. <enregistrement>
  4604. <hanzi>我 奶奶 有 好几 个 孩子 。</hanzi>
  4605. <pinyin>Wǒ nǎinai yǒu hǎojǐ gè háizi.</pinyin>
  4606. <translation>My grandma has quite a few children.</translation>
  4607. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4608. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4609. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4610. <traditional>我 奶奶 有 好幾 個 孩子 。</traditional>
  4611. <sound>[sound:我奶奶有好几个孩子。.mp3]</sound>
  4612. </enregistrement>
  4613. <enregistrement>
  4614. <hanzi>他 吃 了 好几 碗 米饭 。</hanzi>
  4615. <pinyin>Tā chī le hǎojǐ wǎn mǐfàn.</pinyin>
  4616. <translation>He ate quite a few bowls of rice.</translation>
  4617. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4618. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4619. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4620. <traditional>他 吃 了 好幾 碗 米飯 。</traditional>
  4621. <sound>[sound:他吃了好几碗米饭。.mp3]</sound>
  4622. </enregistrement>
  4623. <enregistrement>
  4624. <hanzi>我们 去 过 好几 次 北京 。</hanzi>
  4625. <pinyin>Wǒmen qù guo hǎojǐ cì Běijīng.</pinyin>
  4626. <translation>We've been to Beijing quite a few times.</translation>
  4627. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4628. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4629. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4630. <traditional>我們 去 過 好幾 次 北京 。</traditional>
  4631. <sound>[sound:我们去过好几次北京。.mp3]</sound>
  4632. </enregistrement>
  4633. <enregistrement>
  4634. <hanzi>下 雨 了。</hanzi>
  4635. <pinyin>Xià yǔ le.</pinyin>
  4636. <translation>It's raining. It wasn't raining, but now it is.</translation>
  4637. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4638. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4639. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4640. <traditional>下 雨 了。</traditional>
  4641. <sound>[sound:下雨了。.mp3]</sound>
  4642. </enregistrement>
  4643. <enregistrement>
  4644. <hanzi>妈妈 老 了。</hanzi>
  4645. <pinyin>Māma lǎo le.</pinyin>
  4646. <translation>Mom is old. We aren't used to thinking of her as old, but she is now.</translation>
  4647. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4648. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4649. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4650. <traditional>媽媽 老 了。</traditional>
  4651. <sound>[sound:妈妈老了。.mp3]</sound>
  4652. </enregistrement>
  4653. <enregistrement>
  4654. <hanzi>你 胖 了。</hanzi>
  4655. <pinyin>Nǐ pàng le.</pinyin>
  4656. <translation>You've gotten fat. You used to not be fat.</translation>
  4657. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4658. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4659. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4660. <traditional>你 胖 了。</traditional>
  4661. <sound>[sound:你胖了。.mp3]</sound>
  4662. </enregistrement>
  4663. <enregistrement>
  4664. <hanzi>家里 没有 牛奶 了。</hanzi>
  4665. <pinyin>Jiālǐ méiyǒu niúnǎi le.</pinyin>
  4666. <translation>We don't have any milk at home. We had milk before.</translation>
  4667. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4668. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4669. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4670. <traditional>家裏 沒有 牛奶 了。</traditional>
  4671. <sound>[sound:家里没有牛奶了。.mp3]</sound>
  4672. </enregistrement>
  4673. <enregistrement>
  4674. <hanzi>爸爸 今年 50 岁 了。</hanzi>
  4675. <pinyin>Bàba jīnnián wǔshí suì le.</pinyin>
  4676. <translation>Dad is 50 years old this year. Seems like just a year ago he was only 49!</translation>
  4677. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4678. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4679. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4680. <traditional>爸爸 今年 50 歲 了。</traditional>
  4681. <sound>[sound:爸爸今年50岁了。.mp3]</sound>
  4682. </enregistrement>
  4683. <enregistrement>
  4684. <hanzi>手机 没 电 了。</hanzi>
  4685. <pinyin>Shǒujī méi diàn le.</pinyin>
  4686. <translation>The cell phone ran out of power. It was working fine until now.</translation>
  4687. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4688. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4689. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4690. <traditional>手機 沒 電 了。</traditional>
  4691. <sound>[sound:手机没电了。.mp3]</sound>
  4692. </enregistrement>
  4693. <enregistrement>
  4694. <hanzi>宝宝 会 说话 了。</hanzi>
  4695. <pinyin>Bǎobao huì shuōhuà le.</pinyin>
  4696. <translation>The baby can speak. He couldn't before.</translation>
  4697. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4698. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4699. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4700. <traditional>寶寶 會 說話 了。</traditional>
  4701. <sound>[sound:宝宝会说话了。.mp3]</sound>
  4702. </enregistrement>
  4703. <enregistrement>
  4704. <hanzi>你哥哥 有 女朋友 了 吗?</hanzi>
  4705. <pinyin>Nǐ gēge yǒu nǚpéngyou le ma?</pinyin>
  4706. <translation>Does your older brother have a girlfriend? He didn't have one before.</translation>
  4707. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4708. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4709. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4710. <traditional>你哥哥 有 女朋友 了 嗎?</traditional>
  4711. <sound>[sound:你哥哥有女朋友了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4712. </enregistrement>
  4713. <enregistrement>
  4714. <hanzi>我 男朋友 找到 新 工作 了。</hanzi>
  4715. <pinyin>Wǒ nánpéngyou zhǎodào xīn gōngzuò le.</pinyin>
  4716. <translation>My boyfriend found a new job. A big change for sure.</translation>
  4717. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4718. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4719. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4720. <traditional>我 男朋友 找到 新 工作 了。</traditional>
  4721. <sound>[sound:我男朋友找到新工作了。.mp3]</sound>
  4722. </enregistrement>
  4723. <enregistrement>
  4724. <hanzi>你 老婆 怀孕 了 吗?</hanzi>
  4725. <pinyin>Nǐ lǎopo huáiyùn le ma?</pinyin>
  4726. <translation>Is your wife pregnant? I know you guys have been trying...</translation>
  4727. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4728. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4729. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4730. <traditional>你 老婆 懷孕 了 嗎?</traditional>
  4731. <sound>[sound:你老婆怀孕了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4732. </enregistrement>
  4733. <enregistrement>
  4734. <hanzi>我 不 买 了 。</hanzi>
  4735. <pinyin>Wǒ bù mǎi le.</pinyin>
  4736. <translation>I had previously decided to buy it.I'm not buying it now.</translation>
  4737. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4738. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4739. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4740. <traditional>我 不 買 了 。</traditional>
  4741. <sound>[sound:我不买了。.mp3]</sound>
  4742. </enregistrement>
  4743. <enregistrement>
  4744. <hanzi>我 不 回家 吃 晚饭 了 。</hanzi>
  4745. <pinyin>Wǒ bù huí jiā chī wǎnfàn le.</pinyin>
  4746. <translation>I had previously decided to go home for dinner.I'm not going to go home for dinner tonight.</translation>
  4747. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4748. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4749. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4750. <traditional>我 不 回家 吃 晚飯 了 。</traditional>
  4751. <sound>[sound:我不回家吃晚饭了。.mp3]</sound>
  4752. </enregistrement>
  4753. <enregistrement>
  4754. <hanzi>我 不 去 看电影 了 。</hanzi>
  4755. <pinyin>Wǒ bù qù kàn diànyǐng le.</pinyin>
  4756. <translation>I had said I was going.I decided not to go to the movies.</translation>
  4757. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4758. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4759. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4760. <traditional>我 不 去 看電影 了 。</traditional>
  4761. <sound>[sound:我不去看电影了。.mp3]</sound>
  4762. </enregistrement>
  4763. <enregistrement>
  4764. <hanzi>我 不 结婚 了 。</hanzi>
  4765. <pinyin>Wǒ bù jiéhūn le.</pinyin>
  4766. <translation>I had previously planned to get married.I'm not getting married.</translation>
  4767. <sequence>Change of state with 'le'</sequence>
  4768. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4769. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4770. <traditional>我 不 結婚 了 。</traditional>
  4771. <sound>[sound:我不结婚了。.mp3]</sound>
  4772. </enregistrement>
  4773. <enregistrement>
  4774. <hanzi>太 贵 了!</hanzi>
  4775. <pinyin>Tài guì le!</pinyin>
  4776. <translation>That's too expensive! </translation>
  4777. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4778. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4779. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4780. <traditional>太 貴 了!</traditional>
  4781. <sound>[sound:太贵了!.mp3]</sound>
  4782. </enregistrement>
  4783. <enregistrement>
  4784. <hanzi>好 吧,我们 可以 看看 别的。</hanzi>
  4785. <pinyin> Hǎo ba, wǒmen kěyǐ kànkan biéde.</pinyin>
  4786. <translation>All right, we can take a look at something else.</translation>
  4787. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4788. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4789. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4790. <traditional>好 吧,我們 可以 看看 別的。</traditional>
  4791. <sound>[sound:好吧,我们可以看看别的。.mp3]</sound>
  4792. </enregistrement>
  4793. <enregistrement>
  4794. <hanzi>下午 我 不 在 家,你 可以 晚上 来 吗?</hanzi>
  4795. <pinyin>Xiàwǔ wǒ bù zài jiā, nǐ kěyǐ wǎnshang lái ma?</pinyin>
  4796. <translation>This afternoon I won't be home. Can you come by this evening? </translation>
  4797. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4798. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4799. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4800. <traditional>下午 我 不 在 家,你 可以 晚上 來 嗎?</traditional>
  4801. <sound>[sound:下午我不在家,你可以晚上来吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4802. </enregistrement>
  4803. <enregistrement>
  4804. <hanzi>行 吧。</hanzi>
  4805. <pinyin>Xíng ba.</pinyin>
  4806. <translation>All right.</translation>
  4807. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4808. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4809. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4810. <traditional>行 吧。</traditional>
  4811. <sound>[sound:行吧。.mp3]</sound>
  4812. </enregistrement>
  4813. <enregistrement>
  4814. <hanzi>雨 太 大 了,明天 再 去 买 吧。</hanzi>
  4815. <pinyin> Yǔ tài dà le, míngtiān zài qù mǎi ba.</pinyin>
  4816. <translation>It's raining heavily. Let's go buy it tomorrow.</translation>
  4817. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4818. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4819. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4820. <traditional>雨 太 大 了,明天 再 去 買 吧。</traditional>
  4821. <sound>[sound:雨太大了,明天再去买吧。.mp3]</sound>
  4822. </enregistrement>
  4823. <enregistrement>
  4824. <hanzi>好 吧,但是 明天 一定 要 买到 。</hanzi>
  4825. <pinyin>Hǎo ba, dànshì míngtiān yídìng yào mǎidào.</pinyin>
  4826. <translation>Fine, but tomorrow we definitely have to buy it.</translation>
  4827. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4828. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4829. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4830. <traditional>好 吧,但是 明天 一定 要 買到 。</traditional>
  4831. <sound>[sound:好吧,但是明天一定要买到。.mp3]</sound>
  4832. </enregistrement>
  4833. <enregistrement>
  4834. <hanzi>可以 带 朋友 吗?</hanzi>
  4835. <pinyin> Kěyǐ dài péngyou ma ?</pinyin>
  4836. <translation> Can I bring friends? </translation>
  4837. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4838. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4839. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4840. <traditional>可以 帶 朋友 嗎?</traditional>
  4841. <sound>[sound:可以带朋友吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4842. </enregistrement>
  4843. <enregistrement>
  4844. <hanzi>行 吧, 但是 不 能 带 女孩。</hanzi>
  4845. <pinyin> Xíng ba, dànshì bù néng dài nǚhái.</pinyin>
  4846. <translation>All right, but you can't bring girls.</translation>
  4847. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4848. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4849. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4850. <traditional>行 吧, 但是 不 能 帶 女孩。</traditional>
  4851. <sound>[sound:行吧,但是不能带女孩。.mp3]</sound>
  4852. </enregistrement>
  4853. <enregistrement>
  4854. <hanzi>我 今天 不 太 舒服,你 可以 自己 去 吗?</hanzi>
  4855. <pinyin> Wǒ jīntiān bù tài shūfu, nǐ kěyǐ zìjǐ qù ma?</pinyin>
  4856. <translation>I'm not feeling well today. Can you go by yourself?</translation>
  4857. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4858. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4859. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4860. <traditional>我 今天 不 太 舒服,你 可以 自己 去 嗎?</traditional>
  4861. <sound>[sound:我今天不太舒服,你可以自己去吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4862. </enregistrement>
  4863. <enregistrement>
  4864. <hanzi>好 吧, 那 你 好好 休息。</hanzi>
  4865. <pinyin> Hǎo ba, nà nǐ hǎohǎo xiūxi.</pinyin>
  4866. <translation>All right, rest well then.</translation>
  4867. <sequence>Conceding with 'ba'</sequence>
  4868. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4869. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4870. <traditional>好 吧, 那 你 好好 休息。</traditional>
  4871. <sound>[sound:好吧,那你好好休息。.mp3]</sound>
  4872. </enregistrement>
  4873. <enregistrement>
  4874. <hanzi>老板 呢?</hanzi>
  4875. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn ne?</pinyin>
  4876. <translation>Where is the boss? </translation>
  4877. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4878. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4879. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4880. <traditional>老闆 呢?</traditional>
  4881. <sound>[sound:老板呢?.mp3]</sound>
  4882. </enregistrement>
  4883. <enregistrement>
  4884. <hanzi>他 走 了。</hanzi>
  4885. <pinyin>Tā zǒu le.</pinyin>
  4886. <translation>He (already) left.</translation>
  4887. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4888. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4889. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4890. <traditional>他 走 了。</traditional>
  4891. <sound>[sound:他走了。.mp3]</sound>
  4892. </enregistrement>
  4893. <enregistrement>
  4894. <hanzi>孩子 还在 上 大学 吗?</hanzi>
  4895. <pinyin>Háizi hái zài shàng dàxué ma?</pinyin>
  4896. <translation>Are your kids still in college? </translation>
  4897. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4898. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4899. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4900. <traditional>孩子 還在 上 大學 嗎?</traditional>
  4901. <sound>[sound:孩子还在上大学吗?.mp3]</sound>
  4902. </enregistrement>
  4903. <enregistrement>
  4904. <hanzi>他们 工作 了。</hanzi>
  4905. <pinyin>Tāmen gōngzuò le.</pinyin>
  4906. <translation>They (already) work. This expression emphasizes that they're not students anymore, and have already entered the workforce.</translation>
  4907. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4908. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4909. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4910. <traditional>他們 工作 了。</traditional>
  4911. <sound>[sound:他们工作了。.mp3]</sound>
  4912. </enregistrement>
  4913. <enregistrement>
  4914. <hanzi>用 我 的 车 吧?</hanzi>
  4915. <pinyin>Yòng wǒ de chē ba?</pinyin>
  4916. <translation>How about using my car? </translation>
  4917. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4918. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4919. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4920. <traditional>用 我 的 車 吧?</traditional>
  4921. <sound>[sound:用我的车吧?.mp3]</sound>
  4922. </enregistrement>
  4923. <enregistrement>
  4924. <hanzi>谢谢,我们 有 车 了。</hanzi>
  4925. <pinyin>Xièxie, wǒmen yǒu chē le.</pinyin>
  4926. <translation>Thanks. We (already) have a car.</translation>
  4927. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4928. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4929. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4930. <traditional>謝謝,我們 有 車 了。</traditional>
  4931. <sound>[sound:谢谢,我们有车了。.mp3]</sound>
  4932. </enregistrement>
  4933. <enregistrement>
  4934. <hanzi>你 要 不 要 告诉 他?</hanzi>
  4935. <pinyin>Nǐ yào bu yào gàosu tā?</pinyin>
  4936. <translation>Are you going to tell him? </translation>
  4937. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4938. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4939. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4940. <traditional>你 要 不 要 告訴 他?</traditional>
  4941. <sound>[sound:你要不要告诉他?.mp3]</sound>
  4942. </enregistrement>
  4943. <enregistrement>
  4944. <hanzi>他 知道 了。</hanzi>
  4945. <pinyin>Tā zhīdào le.</pinyin>
  4946. <translation>He (already) knows.</translation>
  4947. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4948. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4949. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4950. <traditional>他 知道 了。</traditional>
  4951. <sound>[sound:他知道了。.mp3]</sound>
  4952. </enregistrement>
  4953. <enregistrement>
  4954. <hanzi>你 应该 问 老师。</hanzi>
  4955. <pinyin>Nǐ yīnggāi wèn lǎoshī.</pinyin>
  4956. <translation>You should ask the teacher.</translation>
  4957. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4958. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4959. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4960. <traditional>你 應該 問 老師。</traditional>
  4961. <sound>[sound:你应该问老师。.mp3]</sound>
  4962. </enregistrement>
  4963. <enregistrement>
  4964. <hanzi>我 问 了。</hanzi>
  4965. <pinyin>Wǒ wèn le.</pinyin>
  4966. <translation>I (already) asked.</translation>
  4967. <sequence>Expressing 'already' with just 'le'</sequence>
  4968. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4969. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4970. <traditional>我 問 了。</traditional>
  4971. <sound>[sound:我问了。.mp3]</sound>
  4972. </enregistrement>
  4973. <enregistrement>
  4974. <hanzi>没有 纸 了 。</hanzi>
  4975. <pinyin>Méiyǒu zhǐ le.</pinyin>
  4976. <translation>There's no paper anymore. in other words, 'we're out of paper'</translation>
  4977. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  4978. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4979. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4980. <traditional>沒有 紙 了 。</traditional>
  4981. <sound>[sound:没有纸了。.mp3]</sound>
  4982. </enregistrement>
  4983. <enregistrement>
  4984. <hanzi>手机 没有 电 了 。</hanzi>
  4985. <pinyin>Shǒujī méiyǒu diàn le.</pinyin>
  4986. <translation>My cell phone has run out of power.</translation>
  4987. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  4988. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4989. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  4990. <traditional>手機 沒有 電 了 。</traditional>
  4991. <sound>[sound:手机没有电了。.mp3]</sound>
  4992. </enregistrement>
  4993. <enregistrement>
  4994. <hanzi>他 没有 家 了。</hanzi>
  4995. <pinyin>Tā méiyǒu jiā le.</pinyin>
  4996. <translation>He doesn't have his home anymore.</translation>
  4997. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  4998. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  4999. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5000. <traditional>他 沒有 家 了。</traditional>
  5001. <sound>[sound:他没有家了。.mp3]</sound>
  5002. </enregistrement>
  5003. <enregistrement>
  5004. <hanzi>我们 都 没有 钱 了 。</hanzi>
  5005. <pinyin>Wǒmen dōu méiyǒu qián le.</pinyin>
  5006. <translation>We all don't have any more money.</translation>
  5007. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5008. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5009. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5010. <traditional>我們 都 沒有 錢 了 。</traditional>
  5011. <sound>[sound:我们都没有钱了。.mp3]</sound>
  5012. </enregistrement>
  5013. <enregistrement>
  5014. <hanzi>你 不 喜欢 我 了 吗?</hanzi>
  5015. <pinyin>Nǐ bù xǐhuan wǒ le ma?</pinyin>
  5016. <translation>You don't like me anymore?</translation>
  5017. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5018. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5019. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5020. <traditional>你 不 喜歡 我 了 嗎?</traditional>
  5021. <sound>[sound:你不喜欢我了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  5022. </enregistrement>
  5023. <enregistrement>
  5024. <hanzi>我 不 想 吃 了 。</hanzi>
  5025. <pinyin>Wǒ bù xiǎng chī le.</pinyin>
  5026. <translation>I don't want to eat anymore.</translation>
  5027. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5028. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5029. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5030. <traditional>我 不 想 吃 了 。</traditional>
  5031. <sound>[sound:我不想吃了。.mp3]</sound>
  5032. </enregistrement>
  5033. <enregistrement>
  5034. <hanzi>你们 不 能 喝 了 。</hanzi>
  5035. <pinyin>Nǐmen bù néng hē le.</pinyin>
  5036. <translation>You can't drink anymore.</translation>
  5037. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5038. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5039. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5040. <traditional>你們 不 能 喝 了 。</traditional>
  5041. <sound>[sound:你们不能喝了。.mp3]</sound>
  5042. </enregistrement>
  5043. <enregistrement>
  5044. <hanzi>我 已经 不 住 这里 了 。</hanzi>
  5045. <pinyin>Wǒ yǐjīng bù zhù zhèlǐ le.</pinyin>
  5046. <translation>I don't live here anymore.</translation>
  5047. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5048. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5049. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5050. <traditional>我 已經 不 住 這裏 了 。</traditional>
  5051. <sound>[sound:我已经不住这里了。.mp3]</sound>
  5052. </enregistrement>
  5053. <enregistrement>
  5054. <hanzi>他 已经 不 在 这儿 工作 了 。</hanzi>
  5055. <pinyin>Tā yǐjīng bù zài zhèr gōngzuò le.</pinyin>
  5056. <translation>He doesn't work here anymore.</translation>
  5057. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5058. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5059. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5060. <traditional>他 已經 不 在 這兒 工作 了 。</traditional>
  5061. <sound>[sound:他已经不在这儿工作了。.mp3]</sound>
  5062. </enregistrement>
  5063. <enregistrement>
  5064. <hanzi>他们 已经 不 在 一起 了 。</hanzi>
  5065. <pinyin>Tāmen yǐjīng bù zài yīqǐ le.</pinyin>
  5066. <translation>They are no longer together.</translation>
  5067. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5068. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5069. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5070. <traditional>他們 已經 不 在 一起 了 。</traditional>
  5071. <sound>[sound:他们已经不在一起了。.mp3]</sound>
  5072. </enregistrement>
  5073. <enregistrement>
  5074. <hanzi>我们 已经 没有 钱 了 。</hanzi>
  5075. <pinyin>Wǒmen yǐjīng méiyǒu qián le.</pinyin>
  5076. <translation>We all don't have money anymore.</translation>
  5077. <sequence>Expressing 'not anymore' with 'le'</sequence>
  5078. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5079. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5080. <traditional>我們 已經 沒有 錢 了 。</traditional>
  5081. <sound>[sound:我们已经没有钱了。.mp3]</sound>
  5082. </enregistrement>
  5083. <enregistrement>
  5084. <hanzi>知道 了 。</hanzi>
  5085. <pinyin>Zhīdào le.</pinyin>
  5086. <translation>Got it. / I see. This is something I didn't know before now</translation>
  5087. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5088. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5089. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5090. <traditional>知道 了 。</traditional>
  5091. <sound>[sound:知道了。.mp3]</sound>
  5092. </enregistrement>
  5093. <enregistrement>
  5094. <hanzi>懂 了 。</hanzi>
  5095. <pinyin>Dǒng le.</pinyin>
  5096. <translation>Now I understand.</translation>
  5097. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5098. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5099. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5100. <traditional>懂 了 。</traditional>
  5101. <sound>[sound:懂了。.mp3]</sound>
  5102. </enregistrement>
  5103. <enregistrement>
  5104. <hanzi>吃饭 了 !</hanzi>
  5105. <pinyin>Chīfàn le!</pinyin>
  5106. <translation>Time to eat!</translation>
  5107. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5110. <traditional>吃飯 了 !</traditional>
  5111. <sound>[sound:吃饭了!.mp3]</sound>
  5112. </enregistrement>
  5113. <enregistrement>
  5114. <hanzi>我 走 了 。</hanzi>
  5115. <pinyin>Wǒ zǒu le.</pinyin>
  5116. <translation>I'm leaving now.</translation>
  5117. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5120. <traditional>我 走 了 。</traditional>
  5121. <sound>[sound:我走了。.mp3]</sound>
  5122. </enregistrement>
  5123. <enregistrement>
  5124. <hanzi>他 来 了 。</hanzi>
  5125. <pinyin>Tā lái le.</pinyin>
  5126. <translation>He's coming over now. / He's on the way. This can also mean 'He's here now.' Be careful! </translation>
  5127. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5130. <traditional>他 來 了 。</traditional>
  5131. <sound>[sound:他来了。.mp3]</sound>
  5132. </enregistrement>
  5133. <enregistrement>
  5134. <hanzi>上课 了 !</hanzi>
  5135. <pinyin>Shàngkè le!</pinyin>
  5136. <translation>Class begins now! </translation>
  5137. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5140. <traditional>上課 了 !</traditional>
  5141. <sound>[sound:上课了!.mp3]</sound>
  5142. </enregistrement>
  5143. <enregistrement>
  5144. <hanzi>我 去 睡觉 了 。</hanzi>
  5145. <pinyin>Wǒ qù shuìjiào le.</pinyin>
  5146. <translation>I'm going to bed now.</translation>
  5147. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5150. <traditional>我 去 睡覺 了 。</traditional>
  5151. <sound>[sound:我去睡觉了。.mp3]</sound>
  5152. </enregistrement>
  5153. <enregistrement>
  5154. <hanzi>快 点儿 , 开会 了 !</hanzi>
  5155. <pinyin>Kuài diǎnr, kāihuì le!</pinyin>
  5156. <translation>Hurry up, it's time for the meeting now! </translation>
  5157. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5160. <traditional>快 點兒 , 開會 了 !</traditional>
  5161. <sound>[sound:快点儿,开会了!.mp3]</sound>
  5162. </enregistrement>
  5163. <enregistrement>
  5164. <hanzi>该 你 了 。</hanzi>
  5165. <pinyin>Gāi nǐ le.</pinyin>
  5166. <translation>It's your turn now.</translation>
  5167. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5170. <traditional>該 你 了 。</traditional>
  5171. <sound>[sound:该你了。.mp3]</sound>
  5172. </enregistrement>
  5173. <enregistrement>
  5174. <hanzi>电影 开始 了 !</hanzi>
  5175. <pinyin>Diànyǐng kāishǐ le!</pinyin>
  5176. <translation>The movie is starting now! </translation>
  5177. <sequence>Expressing 'now' with 'le'</sequence>
  5178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5180. <traditional>電影 開始 了 !</traditional>
  5181. <sound>[sound:电影开始了!.mp3]</sound>
  5182. </enregistrement>
  5183. <enregistrement>
  5184. <hanzi>你 今天 早上 吃 了 什么?</hanzi>
  5185. <pinyin>Nǐ jīntiān zǎoshang chī le shénme?</pinyin>
  5186. <translation>What did you eat this morning? </translation>
  5187. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5190. <traditional>你 今天 早上 吃 了 什麼?</traditional>
  5191. <sound>[sound:你今天早上吃了什么?.mp3]</sound>
  5192. </enregistrement>
  5193. <enregistrement>
  5194. <hanzi>他 买 了 一个 新 手机。</hanzi>
  5195. <pinyin>Tā mǎi le yī gè xīn shǒujī.</pinyin>
  5196. <translation>He bought a new cell phone.</translation>
  5197. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5200. <traditional>他 買 了 一個 新 手機。</traditional>
  5201. <sound>[sound:他买了一个新手机。.mp3]</sound>
  5202. </enregistrement>
  5203. <enregistrement>
  5204. <hanzi>昨天 晚上 我 看见 了 UFO。</hanzi>
  5205. <pinyin>Zuótiān wǎnshang wǒ kànjiàn le UFO.</pinyin>
  5206. <translation>I saw a UFO last night.</translation>
  5207. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5210. <traditional>昨天 晚上 我 看見 了 UFO。</traditional>
  5211. <sound>[sound:昨天晚上我看见了UFO。.mp3]</sound>
  5212. </enregistrement>
  5213. <enregistrement>
  5214. <hanzi>我 学 了 两 年 中文。</hanzi>
  5215. <pinyin>Wǒ xué le liǎng nián Zhōngwén.</pinyin>
  5216. <translation> I studied Chinese for two years.</translation>
  5217. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5220. <traditional>我 學 了 兩 年 中文。</traditional>
  5221. <sound>[sound:我学了两年中文。.mp3]</sound>
  5222. </enregistrement>
  5223. <enregistrement>
  5224. <hanzi>今年 夏天 我 跟 我 男朋友 去 了 台湾。</hanzi>
  5225. <pinyin>Jīnnián xiàtiān wǒ gēn wǒ nánpéngyou qù le Táiwān.</pinyin>
  5226. <translation>I went to Taiwan with my boyfriend this summer.</translation>
  5227. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5230. <traditional>今年 夏天 我 跟 我 男朋友 去 了 臺灣。</traditional>
  5231. <sound>[sound:今年夏天我跟我男朋友去了台湾。.mp3]</sound>
  5232. </enregistrement>
  5233. <enregistrement>
  5234. <hanzi>你 到 了 告诉 我。</hanzi>
  5235. <pinyin>Nǐ dào le gàosu wǒ.</pinyin>
  5236. <translation>When you have arrived, tell me. future action</translation>
  5237. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5240. <traditional>你 到 了 告訴 我。</traditional>
  5241. <sound>[sound:你到了告诉我。.mp3]</sound>
  5242. </enregistrement>
  5243. <enregistrement>
  5244. <hanzi>老板 走 了 以后, 你们 可以 走。</hanzi>
  5245. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn zǒu le yǐhòu, nǐmen kěyǐ zǒu.</pinyin>
  5246. <translation>After the boss has left, you may leave. future action</translation>
  5247. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5250. <traditional>老闆 走 了 以後, 你們 可以 走。</traditional>
  5251. <sound>[sound:老板走了以后,你们可以走。.mp3]</sound>
  5252. </enregistrement>
  5253. <enregistrement>
  5254. <hanzi>你 找到 了 以后 , 给 我 打 电话。</hanzi>
  5255. <pinyin>Nǐ zhǎodào​ le yǐhòu, gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.</pinyin>
  5256. <translation>After you have found it, give me a call. future action</translation>
  5257. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5260. <traditional>你 找到 了 以後 , 給 我 打 電話。</traditional>
  5261. <sound>[sound:你找到了以后,给我打电话。.mp3]</sound>
  5262. </enregistrement>
  5263. <enregistrement>
  5264. <hanzi>你们 吃 了 饭 以后 , 可以 出去 。</hanzi>
  5265. <pinyin>Nǐmen chī le fàn yǐhòu, kěyǐ chūqù.</pinyin>
  5266. <translation>After you have eaten your food, you can go out. future action</translation>
  5267. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5270. <traditional>你們 吃 了 飯 以後 , 可以 出去 。</traditional>
  5271. <sound>[sound:你们吃了饭以后,可以出去。.mp3]</sound>
  5272. </enregistrement>
  5273. <enregistrement>
  5274. <hanzi>下 了 课 以后 ,我 要 问 老师 一些 问题。</hanzi>
  5275. <pinyin>Xià le kè yǐhòu, wǒ yào wèn lǎoshī yīxiē wèntí.</pinyin>
  5276. <translation>After class is over, I need to ask the teacher a few questions. future action</translation>
  5277. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5280. <traditional>下 了 課 以後 ,我 要 問 老師 一些 問題。</traditional>
  5281. <sound>[sound:下了课以后,我要问老师一些问题。.mp3]</sound>
  5282. </enregistrement>
  5283. <enregistrement>
  5284. <hanzi>他们 到 了 。</hanzi>
  5285. <pinyin>Tāmen dào le.</pinyin>
  5286. <translation>They have arrived.</translation>
  5287. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5290. <traditional>他們 到 了 。</traditional>
  5291. <sound>[sound:他们到了。.mp3]</sound>
  5292. </enregistrement>
  5293. <enregistrement>
  5294. <hanzi>我 买 了 。</hanzi>
  5295. <pinyin>Wǒ mǎi le.I've bought it.</pinyin>
  5296. <translation>Expressing completion with 'le'</translation>
  5297. <sequence>A2</sequence>
  5298. <lesson>GrammarWiki</lesson>
  5299. <origin>undefined</origin>
  5300. <traditional>我 買 了 。</traditional>
  5301. <sound>[sound:我买了。.mp3]</sound>
  5302. </enregistrement>
  5303. <enregistrement>
  5304. <hanzi>我们 都 去 了 。</hanzi>
  5305. <pinyin>Wǒmen dōu qù le.</pinyin>
  5306. <translation>We all went.</translation>
  5307. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5310. <traditional>我們 都 去 了 。</traditional>
  5311. <sound>[sound:我们都去了。.mp3]</sound>
  5312. </enregistrement>
  5313. <enregistrement>
  5314. <hanzi>我 找到 了 !</hanzi>
  5315. <pinyin>Wǒ zhǎodào le!</pinyin>
  5316. <translation>I found it!</translation>
  5317. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5320. <traditional>我 找到 了 !</traditional>
  5321. <sound>[sound:我找到了!.mp3]</sound>
  5322. </enregistrement>
  5323. <enregistrement>
  5324. <hanzi>我 今天 吃 了 早饭 。</hanzi>
  5325. <pinyin>Wǒ jīntiān chī le zǎofàn.</pinyin>
  5326. <translation>This morning I ate breakfast.</translation>
  5327. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5330. <traditional>我 今天 吃 了 早飯 。</traditional>
  5331. <sound>[sound:我今天吃了早饭。.mp3]</sound>
  5332. </enregistrement>
  5333. <enregistrement>
  5334. <hanzi>她 上个 月 去 了 北京 。</hanzi>
  5335. <pinyin>Tā shàng gè yuè qù le Běijīng.</pinyin>
  5336. <translation>Last month she went to Beijing.</translation>
  5337. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5340. <traditional>她 上個 月 去 了 北京 。</traditional>
  5341. <sound>[sound:她上个月去了北京。.mp3]</sound>
  5342. </enregistrement>
  5343. <enregistrement>
  5344. <hanzi>中午 我 见 了 朋友 。</hanzi>
  5345. <pinyin>Zhōngwǔ wǒ jiàn le péngyou.</pinyin>
  5346. <translation>At noon I met a friend.</translation>
  5347. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5350. <traditional>中午 我 見 了 朋友 。</traditional>
  5351. <sound>[sound:中午我见了朋友。.mp3]</sound>
  5352. </enregistrement>
  5353. <enregistrement>
  5354. <hanzi>老师 问 了 五 个 问题 。</hanzi>
  5355. <pinyin>Lǎoshī wèn le wǔ gè wèntí.</pinyin>
  5356. <translation>The teacher asked five questions.</translation>
  5357. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5360. <traditional>老師 問 了 五 個 問題 。</traditional>
  5361. <sound>[sound:老师问了五个问题。.mp3]</sound>
  5362. </enregistrement>
  5363. <enregistrement>
  5364. <hanzi>我 买 了 三 本 书 。</hanzi>
  5365. <pinyin>Wǒ mǎi le sān běn shū.</pinyin>
  5366. <translation>I bought three books.</translation>
  5367. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5370. <traditional>我 買 了 三 本 書 。</traditional>
  5371. <sound>[sound:我买了三本书。.mp3]</sound>
  5372. </enregistrement>
  5373. <enregistrement>
  5374. <hanzi>我 喝 了 两 杯 咖啡 。</hanzi>
  5375. <pinyin>Wǒ hē le liǎng bēi kāfēi.</pinyin>
  5376. <translation>I drank two cups of coffee.</translation>
  5377. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5380. <traditional>我 喝 了 兩 杯 咖啡 。</traditional>
  5381. <sound>[sound:我喝了两杯咖啡。.mp3]</sound>
  5382. </enregistrement>
  5383. <enregistrement>
  5384. <hanzi>上个 月 我 去 台湾 了 。</hanzi>
  5385. <pinyin>Shàng gè yuè wǒ qù Táiwān le.</pinyin>
  5386. <translation>I went to Taiwan last month.</translation>
  5387. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5390. <traditional>上個 月 我 去 臺灣 了 。</traditional>
  5391. <sound>[sound:上个月我去台湾了。.mp3]</sound>
  5392. </enregistrement>
  5393. <enregistrement>
  5394. <hanzi>昨天 晚上 我 看见 UFO 了 。</hanzi>
  5395. <pinyin>Zuótiān wǎnshang wǒ kànjiàn le UFO.</pinyin>
  5396. <translation>I saw a UFO last night.</translation>
  5397. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5398. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5399. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5400. <traditional>昨天 晚上 我 看見 UFO 了 。</traditional>
  5401. <sound>[sound:昨天晚上我看见UFO了。.mp3]</sound>
  5402. </enregistrement>
  5403. <enregistrement>
  5404. <hanzi>昨天 她 来 我 家 吃饭 了 。</hanzi>
  5405. <pinyin>Zuótiān tā lái wǒ jiā chīfàn le.</pinyin>
  5406. <translation>She came to my place and ate dinner yesterday.</translation>
  5407. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5408. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5409. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5410. <traditional>昨天 她 來 我 家 吃飯 了 。</traditional>
  5411. <sound>[sound:昨天她来我家吃饭了。.mp3]</sound>
  5412. </enregistrement>
  5413. <enregistrement>
  5414. <hanzi>我们 上周 去 北京 开会 了 。</hanzi>
  5415. <pinyin>Wǒmen shàng zhōu qù Běijīng kāihuì le.</pinyin>
  5416. <translation>We went to Beijing and had a meeting there last week.</translation>
  5417. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5418. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5419. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5420. <traditional>我們 上週 去 北京 開會 了 。</traditional>
  5421. <sound>[sound:我们上周去北京开会了。.mp3]</sound>
  5422. </enregistrement>
  5423. <enregistrement>
  5424. <hanzi>我 和 朋友 去 商场 买 衣服 了 。</hanzi>
  5425. <pinyin>Wǒ hé péngyou qù shāngchǎng mǎi yīfu le.</pinyin>
  5426. <translation>I went to the mall with my friend and bought some clothes.</translation>
  5427. <sequence>Expressing completion with 'le'</sequence>
  5428. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5429. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5430. <traditional>我 和 朋友 去 商場 買 衣服 了 。</traditional>
  5431. <sound>[sound:我和朋友去商场买衣服了。.mp3]</sound>
  5432. </enregistrement>
  5433. <enregistrement>
  5434. <hanzi>你 学 过 中文 吗?</hanzi>
  5435. <pinyin>Nǐ xué guo Zhōngwén ma?</pinyin>
  5436. <translation>Have you ever studied Chinese?</translation>
  5437. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5438. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5439. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5440. <traditional>你 學 過 中文 嗎?</traditional>
  5441. <sound>[sound:你学过中文吗?.mp3]</sound>
  5442. </enregistrement>
  5443. <enregistrement>
  5444. <hanzi>你 见 过 那 个 人 吗?</hanzi>
  5445. <pinyin>Nǐ jiàn guo nàge rén ma?</pinyin>
  5446. <translation>Have you seen that person before?</translation>
  5447. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5448. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5449. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5450. <traditional>你 見 過 那 個 人 嗎?</traditional>
  5451. <sound>[sound:你见过那个人吗?.mp3]</sound>
  5452. </enregistrement>
  5453. <enregistrement>
  5454. <hanzi>我们 来 过 这 个 地方。</hanzi>
  5455. <pinyin>Wǒmen lái guo zhège dìfang.</pinyin>
  5456. <translation>We've been to this place before.</translation>
  5457. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5458. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5459. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5460. <traditional>我們 來 過 這 個 地方。</traditional>
  5461. <sound>[sound:我们来过这个地方。.mp3]</sound>
  5462. </enregistrement>
  5463. <enregistrement>
  5464. <hanzi>我 也 吃 过 日本菜。</hanzi>
  5465. <pinyin>Wǒ yě chī guo Rìběn cài.</pinyin>
  5466. <translation>I've also eaten Japanese food before.</translation>
  5467. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5468. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5469. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5470. <traditional>我 也 吃 過 日本菜。</traditional>
  5471. <sound>[sound:我也吃过日本菜。.mp3]</sound>
  5472. </enregistrement>
  5473. <enregistrement>
  5474. <hanzi>你 看 过 这 个 电影 吗 ?</hanzi>
  5475. <pinyin>Nǐ kàn guo zhège diànyǐng ma?</pinyin>
  5476. <translation>Have you seen this movie?</translation>
  5477. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5478. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5479. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5480. <traditional>你 看 過 這 個 電影 嗎 ?</traditional>
  5481. <sound>[sound:你看过这个电影吗?.mp3]</sound>
  5482. </enregistrement>
  5483. <enregistrement>
  5484. <hanzi>我 没 想 过 这 个 问题。</hanzi>
  5485. <pinyin>Wǒ méi xiǎng guo zhège wèntí.</pinyin>
  5486. <translation> I've never thought about this question before.</translation>
  5487. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5488. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5489. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5490. <traditional>我 沒 想 過 這 個 問題。</traditional>
  5491. <sound>[sound:我没想过这个问题。.mp3]</sound>
  5492. </enregistrement>
  5493. <enregistrement>
  5494. <hanzi>我 没 学 过 这 个 词 。</hanzi>
  5495. <pinyin>Wǒ méi xué guo zhège cí.</pinyin>
  5496. <translation>I have never studied this word before.</translation>
  5497. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5498. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5499. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5500. <traditional>我 沒 學 過 這 個 詞 。</traditional>
  5501. <sound>[sound:我没学过这个词。.mp3]</sound>
  5502. </enregistrement>
  5503. <enregistrement>
  5504. <hanzi>妈妈 没 买 过 很 贵 的 衣服。</hanzi>
  5505. <pinyin>Māma méi mǎi guo hěn guì de yīfu.</pinyin>
  5506. <translation>Mom has never bought any expensive clothes before.</translation>
  5507. <sequence/>
  5508. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5509. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5510. <traditional>媽媽 沒 買 過 很 貴 的 衣服。</traditional>
  5511. <sound>[sound:妈妈没买过很贵的衣服。.mp3]</sound>
  5512. </enregistrement>
  5513. <enregistrement>
  5514. <hanzi>我们 都 没 坐 过 飞机。</hanzi>
  5515. <pinyin>Wǒmen dōu méi zuò guo fēijī.</pinyin>
  5516. <translation>None of us has ever been on a airplane before.</translation>
  5517. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5518. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5519. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5520. <traditional>我們 都 沒 坐 過 飛機。</traditional>
  5521. <sound>[sound:我们都没坐过飞机。.mp3]</sound>
  5522. </enregistrement>
  5523. <enregistrement>
  5524. <hanzi>你们 没 见 过 美女 吗?</hanzi>
  5525. <pinyin>Nǐmen méi jiàn guo měinǚ ma?</pinyin>
  5526. <translation>Have you never seen beautiful girls before? </translation>
  5527. <sequence>Expressing experiences with 'guo'</sequence>
  5528. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5529. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5530. <traditional>你們 沒 見 過 美女 嗎?</traditional>
  5531. <sound>[sound:你们没见过美女吗?.mp3]</sound>
  5532. </enregistrement>
  5533. <enregistrement>
  5534. <hanzi>对 啊 !</hanzi>
  5535. <pinyin>Duì a!</pinyin>
  5536. <translation>You're right! Banging fist on table...</translation>
  5537. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5538. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5539. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5540. <traditional>對 啊 !</traditional>
  5541. <sound>[sound:对啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5542. </enregistrement>
  5543. <enregistrement>
  5544. <hanzi>这里 好 漂亮 啊 !</hanzi>
  5545. <pinyin>Zhèlǐ hǎo piàoliang a!</pinyin>
  5546. <translation>This place is so pretty! </translation>
  5547. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5548. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5549. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5550. <traditional>這裏 好 漂亮 啊 !</traditional>
  5551. <sound>[sound:这里好漂亮啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5552. </enregistrement>
  5553. <enregistrement>
  5554. <hanzi>你 家 真 大 啊 !</hanzi>
  5555. <pinyin>Nǐ jiā zhēn dà a!</pinyin>
  5556. <translation>Your house is so big.</translation>
  5557. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5558. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5559. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5560. <traditional>你 家 真 大 啊 !</traditional>
  5561. <sound>[sound:你家真大啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5562. </enregistrement>
  5563. <enregistrement>
  5564. <hanzi>学 中文 真 难 啊 !</hanzi>
  5565. <pinyin>Xué Zhōngwén zhēn nán a!</pinyin>
  5566. <translation>Learning Chinese is so hard!</translation>
  5567. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5568. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5569. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5570. <traditional>學 中文 真 難 啊 !</traditional>
  5571. <sound>[sound:学中文真难啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5572. </enregistrement>
  5573. <enregistrement>
  5574. <hanzi>好 香 啊 !什么东西 ?</hanzi>
  5575. <pinyin>Hǎo xiāng a! Shénme dōngxi?</pinyin>
  5576. <translation>It smells great! What is it? </translation>
  5577. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5578. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5579. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5580. <traditional>好 香 啊 !什麼東西 ?</traditional>
  5581. <sound>[sound:好香啊!什么东西?.mp3]</sound>
  5582. </enregistrement>
  5583. <enregistrement>
  5584. <hanzi>是 啊 ,我 也 觉得 !</hanzi>
  5585. <pinyin>Shì a, wǒ yě juéde!</pinyin>
  5586. <translation>Definitely, I think so too! </translation>
  5587. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5588. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5589. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5590. <traditional>是 啊 ,我 也 覺得 !</traditional>
  5591. <sound>[sound:是啊,我也觉得!.mp3]</sound>
  5592. </enregistrement>
  5593. <enregistrement>
  5594. <hanzi>行 啊 !</hanzi>
  5595. <pinyin>Xíng a!</pinyin>
  5596. <translation>All right! </translation>
  5597. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5598. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5599. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5600. <traditional>行 啊 !</traditional>
  5601. <sound>[sound:行啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5602. </enregistrement>
  5603. <enregistrement>
  5604. <hanzi>可以 啊 !</hanzi>
  5605. <pinyin>Kěyǐ a!</pinyin>
  5606. <translation>It's fine!</translation>
  5607. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5608. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5609. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5610. <traditional>可以 啊 !</traditional>
  5611. <sound>[sound:可以啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5612. </enregistrement>
  5613. <enregistrement>
  5614. <hanzi>小心 啊 !</hanzi>
  5615. <pinyin>Xiǎoxīn a!</pinyin>
  5616. <translation>Be careful!</translation>
  5617. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5618. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5619. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5620. <traditional>小心 啊 !</traditional>
  5621. <sound>[sound:小心啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5622. </enregistrement>
  5623. <enregistrement>
  5624. <hanzi>吃 啊 !</hanzi>
  5625. <pinyin>Chī a!</pinyin>
  5626. <translation>Eat some! </translation>
  5627. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5628. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5629. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5630. <traditional>吃 啊 !</traditional>
  5631. <sound>[sound:吃啊!.mp3]</sound>
  5632. </enregistrement>
  5633. <enregistrement>
  5634. <hanzi>你 走 不 走 啊 ?</hanzi>
  5635. <pinyin>Nǐ zǒu bu zǒu a?</pinyin>
  5636. <translation>Are you going or what? </translation>
  5637. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5638. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5639. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5640. <traditional>你 走 不 走 啊 ?</traditional>
  5641. <sound>[sound:你走不走啊?.mp3]</sound>
  5642. </enregistrement>
  5643. <enregistrement>
  5644. <hanzi>你 吃 不 吃 啊 ?</hanzi>
  5645. <pinyin>Nǐ chī bu chī a?</pinyin>
  5646. <translation>Are you eating or not? </translation>
  5647. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5648. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5649. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5650. <traditional>你 吃 不 吃 啊 ?</traditional>
  5651. <sound>[sound:你吃不吃啊?.mp3]</sound>
  5652. </enregistrement>
  5653. <enregistrement>
  5654. <hanzi>谁 说 的 啊 ?</hanzi>
  5655. <pinyin>Shéi shuō de a?</pinyin>
  5656. <translation>Who said so? </translation>
  5657. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5658. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5659. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5660. <traditional>誰 說 的 啊 ?</traditional>
  5661. <sound>[sound:谁说的啊?.mp3]</sound>
  5662. </enregistrement>
  5663. <enregistrement>
  5664. <hanzi>你 傻 啊 ?</hanzi>
  5665. <pinyin>Nǐ shǎ a?</pinyin>
  5666. <translation>What are you, stupid? </translation>
  5667. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5668. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5669. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5670. <traditional>你 傻 啊 ?</traditional>
  5671. <sound>[sound:你傻啊?.mp3]</sound>
  5672. </enregistrement>
  5673. <enregistrement>
  5674. <hanzi>看 什么 啊 ?没 见 过 漂亮 姑娘 啊 ?</hanzi>
  5675. <pinyin>Kàn shénme a? Méi jiàn guo piàoliang gūniang a?</pinyin>
  5676. <translation>What are you looking at? Have you never seen a pretty girl before? </translation>
  5677. <sequence>Sentence-final interjection 'a'</sequence>
  5678. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5679. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5680. <traditional>看 什麼 啊 ?沒 見 過 漂亮 姑娘 啊 ?</traditional>
  5681. <sound>[sound:看什么啊?没见过漂亮姑娘啊?.mp3]</sound>
  5682. </enregistrement>
  5683. <enregistrement>
  5684. <hanzi>这 不 太 好 吧 。</hanzi>
  5685. <pinyin> Zhè bù tài hǎo ba.</pinyin>
  5686. <translation>This isn't so good.</translation>
  5687. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5688. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5689. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5690. <traditional>這 不 太 好 吧 。</traditional>
  5691. <sound>[sound:这不太好吧。.mp3]</sound>
  5692. </enregistrement>
  5693. <enregistrement>
  5694. <hanzi>算了 吧 。</hanzi>
  5695. <pinyin> Suàn le ba.</pinyin>
  5696. <translation>Let's forget it.</translation>
  5697. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5698. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5699. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5700. <traditional>算了 吧 。</traditional>
  5701. <sound>[sound:算了吧。.mp3]</sound>
  5702. </enregistrement>
  5703. <enregistrement>
  5704. <hanzi>应该 是 吧 。</hanzi>
  5705. <pinyin> Yīnggāi shì ba.</pinyin>
  5706. <translation>It should be.</translation>
  5707. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5708. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5709. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5710. <traditional>應該 是 吧 。</traditional>
  5711. <sound>[sound:应该是吧。.mp3]</sound>
  5712. </enregistrement>
  5713. <enregistrement>
  5714. <hanzi>钱 太 少 了 吧 。</hanzi>
  5715. <pinyin> Qián tài shǎo le ba.</pinyin>
  5716. <translation>It's too little money.</translation>
  5717. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5718. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5719. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5720. <traditional>錢 太 少 了 吧 。</traditional>
  5721. <sound>[sound:钱太少了吧。.mp3]</sound>
  5722. </enregistrement>
  5723. <enregistrement>
  5724. <hanzi>再 等 一 等 吧 。</hanzi>
  5725. <pinyin> Zài děng yī děng ba.</pinyin>
  5726. <translation>Wait a little longer.</translation>
  5727. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5728. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5729. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5730. <traditional>再 等 一 等 吧 。</traditional>
  5731. <sound>[sound:再等一等吧。.mp3]</sound>
  5732. </enregistrement>
  5733. <enregistrement>
  5734. <hanzi>太 晚 了 ,不要 走 了 吧 。</hanzi>
  5735. <pinyin>Tài wǎn le, bùyào zǒu le ba.</pinyin>
  5736. <translation>It's too late now, don't leave.</translation>
  5737. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5738. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5739. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5740. <traditional>太 晚 了 ,不要 走 了 吧 。</traditional>
  5741. <sound>[sound:太晚了,不要走了吧。.mp3]</sound>
  5742. </enregistrement>
  5743. <enregistrement>
  5744. <hanzi>你们 早 点 来 吧 。</hanzi>
  5745. <pinyin>Nǐmen zǎo diǎn lái ba.</pinyin>
  5746. <translation>Come a little earlier.</translation>
  5747. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5748. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5749. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5750. <traditional>你們 早 點 來 吧 。</traditional>
  5751. <sound>[sound:你们早点来吧。.mp3]</sound>
  5752. </enregistrement>
  5753. <enregistrement>
  5754. <hanzi>快 点 吧 , 要 迟到 了。</hanzi>
  5755. <pinyin>Kuài diǎn ba, yào chídào le.</pinyin>
  5756. <translation>Please hurry, we're going to be late.</translation>
  5757. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5758. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5759. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5760. <traditional>快 點 吧 , 要 遲到 了。</traditional>
  5761. <sound>[sound:快点吧,要迟到了。.mp3]</sound>
  5762. </enregistrement>
  5763. <enregistrement>
  5764. <hanzi>太 贵 了 吧 , 我 不 买 了。</hanzi>
  5765. <pinyin>Tài guì le ba, wǒ bù mǎi le.</pinyin>
  5766. <translation>It's too expensive. I'm not buying it.</translation>
  5767. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5768. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5769. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5770. <traditional>太 貴 了 吧 , 我 不 買 了。</traditional>
  5771. <sound>[sound:太贵了吧,我不买了。.mp3]</sound>
  5772. </enregistrement>
  5773. <enregistrement>
  5774. <hanzi>那 个 地方 太 远 了 吧,我 不 想 去。</hanzi>
  5775. <pinyin> Nàge dìfang tài yuǎn le ba,wǒ bù xiǎng qù.</pinyin>
  5776. <translation>That place is too far away. I don't want to go.</translation>
  5777. <sequence>Softening speech with 'ba'</sequence>
  5778. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5779. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5780. <traditional>那 個 地方 太 遠 了 吧,我 不 想 去。</traditional>
  5781. <sound>[sound:那个地方太远了吧,我不想去。.mp3]</sound>
  5782. </enregistrement>
  5783. <enregistrement>
  5784. <hanzi>红色 的 自行车</hanzi>
  5785. <pinyin>hóngsè de zìxíngchē</pinyin>
  5786. <translation>red bicycle</translation>
  5787. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5788. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5789. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5790. <traditional>紅色 的 自行車</traditional>
  5791. <sound>[sound:红色的自行车.mp3]</sound>
  5792. </enregistrement>
  5793. <enregistrement>
  5794. <hanzi>我 的 手机</hanzi>
  5795. <pinyin>wǒ de shǒujī</pinyin>
  5796. <translation>my cell phone</translation>
  5797. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5798. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5799. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5800. <traditional>我 的 手機</traditional>
  5801. <sound>[sound:我的手机.mp3]</sound>
  5802. </enregistrement>
  5803. <enregistrement>
  5804. <hanzi>我们 的 老师</hanzi>
  5805. <pinyin>wǒmen de lǎoshī</pinyin>
  5806. <translation>our teacher</translation>
  5807. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5808. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5809. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5810. <traditional>我們 的 老師</traditional>
  5811. <sound>[sound:我们的老师.mp3]</sound>
  5812. </enregistrement>
  5813. <enregistrement>
  5814. <hanzi>漂亮 的 衣服</hanzi>
  5815. <pinyin>piàoliang de yīfu</pinyin>
  5816. <translation>beautiful clothes</translation>
  5817. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5818. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5819. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5820. <traditional>漂亮 的 衣服</traditional>
  5821. <sound>[sound:漂亮的衣服.mp3]</sound>
  5822. </enregistrement>
  5823. <enregistrement>
  5824. <hanzi>热闹 的 酒吧</hanzi>
  5825. <pinyin> rènao de jiǔbā</pinyin>
  5826. <translation>a boisterous bar</translation>
  5827. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5828. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5829. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5830. <traditional>熱鬧 的 酒吧</traditional>
  5831. <sound>[sound:热闹的酒吧.mp3]</sound>
  5832. </enregistrement>
  5833. <enregistrement>
  5834. <hanzi>我 女朋友 的 公司</hanzi>
  5835. <pinyin> wǒ nǚpéngyou de gōngsī</pinyin>
  5836. <translation>my girlfriend's company</translation>
  5837. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5838. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5839. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5840. <traditional>我 女朋友 的 公司</traditional>
  5841. <sound>[sound:我女朋友的公司.mp3]</sound>
  5842. </enregistrement>
  5843. <enregistrement>
  5844. <hanzi>做 得 很 好</hanzi>
  5845. <pinyin>zuò de hěn hǎo</pinyin>
  5846. <translation>do very well</translation>
  5847. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5848. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5849. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5850. <traditional>做 得 很 好</traditional>
  5851. <sound>[sound:做得很好.mp3]</sound>
  5852. </enregistrement>
  5853. <enregistrement>
  5854. <hanzi>说 得 太 快</hanzi>
  5855. <pinyin>shuō de tài kuài</pinyin>
  5856. <translation>speak too fast</translation>
  5857. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5858. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5859. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5860. <traditional>說 得 太 快</traditional>
  5861. <sound>[sound:说得太快.mp3]</sound>
  5862. </enregistrement>
  5863. <enregistrement>
  5864. <hanzi>玩 得 很 开心</hanzi>
  5865. <pinyin>wán de hěn kāixīn</pinyin>
  5866. <translation>play very happily</translation>
  5867. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5868. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5869. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5870. <traditional>玩 得 很 開心</traditional>
  5871. <sound>[sound:玩得很开心.mp3]</sound>
  5872. </enregistrement>
  5873. <enregistrement>
  5874. <hanzi>开 得 很 快</hanzi>
  5875. <pinyin>kāi de hěn kuài</pinyin>
  5876. <translation>drive very fast</translation>
  5877. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5878. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5879. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5880. <traditional>開 得 很 快</traditional>
  5881. <sound>[sound:开得很快.mp3]</sound>
  5882. </enregistrement>
  5883. <enregistrement>
  5884. <hanzi>住 得 很 舒服</hanzi>
  5885. <pinyin>zhù de hěn shūfu</pinyin>
  5886. <translation>live very comfortably</translation>
  5887. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5888. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5889. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5890. <traditional>住 得 很 舒服</traditional>
  5891. <sound>[sound:住得很舒服.mp3]</sound>
  5892. </enregistrement>
  5893. <enregistrement>
  5894. <hanzi>生气 地 说</hanzi>
  5895. <pinyin>shēngqì de shuō</pinyin>
  5896. <translation>angrily say</translation>
  5897. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5898. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5899. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5900. <traditional>生氣 地 說</traditional>
  5901. <sound>[sound:生气地说.mp3]</sound>
  5902. </enregistrement>
  5903. <enregistrement>
  5904. <hanzi>开心 地 笑</hanzi>
  5905. <pinyin>kāixīn de xiào</pinyin>
  5906. <translation>happily laugh</translation>
  5907. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5908. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5909. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5910. <traditional>開心 地 笑</traditional>
  5911. <sound>[sound:开心地笑.mp3]</sound>
  5912. </enregistrement>
  5913. <enregistrement>
  5914. <hanzi>慢慢 地 走</hanzi>
  5915. <pinyin>mànmàn de zǒu</pinyin>
  5916. <translation>slowly walk</translation>
  5917. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5918. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5919. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5920. <traditional>慢慢 地 走</traditional>
  5921. <sound>[sound:慢慢地走.mp3]</sound>
  5922. </enregistrement>
  5923. <enregistrement>
  5924. <hanzi>伤心 地 哭</hanzi>
  5925. <pinyin>shāngxīn de kū</pinyin>
  5926. <translation>sadly cry</translation>
  5927. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5928. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5929. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5930. <traditional>傷心 地 哭</traditional>
  5931. <sound>[sound:伤心地哭.mp3]</sound>
  5932. </enregistrement>
  5933. <enregistrement>
  5934. <hanzi>认真 地 听</hanzi>
  5935. <pinyin>rènzhēn de tīng</pinyin>
  5936. <translation>carefully listen</translation>
  5937. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5938. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5939. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5940. <traditional>認真 地 聽</traditional>
  5941. <sound>[sound:认真地听.mp3]</sound>
  5942. </enregistrement>
  5943. <enregistrement>
  5944. <hanzi>今天 的 作业 你 做 得 不好,因为 你 没 认真 地 听课。</hanzi>
  5945. <pinyin>Jīntiān de zuòyè nǐ zuò de bù hǎo, yīnwèi nǐ méi rènzhēn de tīngkè.</pinyin>
  5946. <translation>You didn't do today's homework well because you didn't listen attentively in class.</translation>
  5947. <sequence>Structural particle 'de'</sequence>
  5948. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5949. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5950. <traditional>今天 的 作業 你 做 得 不好,因爲 你 沒 認真 地 聽課。</traditional>
  5951. <sound>[sound:今天的作业你做得不好,因为你没认真地听课。.mp3]</sound>
  5952. </enregistrement>
  5953. <enregistrement>
  5954. <hanzi>她 吃 过 了。</hanzi>
  5955. <pinyin>Tā chī guo le.</pinyin>
  5956. <translation>She has eaten (already).</translation>
  5957. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  5958. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5959. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5960. <traditional>她 吃 過 了。</traditional>
  5961. <sound>[sound:她吃过了。.mp3]</sound>
  5962. </enregistrement>
  5963. <enregistrement>
  5964. <hanzi>牙 刷 过 了。</hanzi>
  5965. <pinyin>Yá shuā guo le.</pinyin>
  5966. <translation>I've brushed my teeth (already).</translation>
  5967. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  5968. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5969. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5970. <traditional>牙 刷 過 了。</traditional>
  5971. <sound>[sound:牙刷过了。.mp3]</sound>
  5972. </enregistrement>
  5973. <enregistrement>
  5974. <hanzi>洗 过 了。</hanzi>
  5975. <pinyin>Xǐ guo le.</pinyin>
  5976. <translation>I've showered (already).</translation>
  5977. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  5978. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5979. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5980. <traditional>洗 過 了。</traditional>
  5981. <sound>[sound:洗过了。.mp3]</sound>
  5982. </enregistrement>
  5983. <enregistrement>
  5984. <hanzi>我们 看 过 了。</hanzi>
  5985. <pinyin>Wǒmen kàn guo le.</pinyin>
  5986. <translation>We've seen it (already).</translation>
  5987. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  5988. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5989. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  5990. <traditional>我們 看 過 了。</traditional>
  5991. <sound>[sound:我们看过了。.mp3]</sound>
  5992. </enregistrement>
  5993. <enregistrement>
  5994. <hanzi>他们 见 过 了。</hanzi>
  5995. <pinyin>Tāmen jiàn guo le.</pinyin>
  5996. <translation>They've met (already).</translation>
  5997. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  5998. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  5999. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6000. <traditional>他們 見 過 了。</traditional>
  6001. <sound>[sound:他们见过了。.mp3]</sound>
  6002. </enregistrement>
  6003. <enregistrement>
  6004. <hanzi>你 吃 过 饭 了 吗?</hanzi>
  6005. <pinyin>Nǐ chī guo fàn le ma?</pinyin>
  6006. <translation>Have you eaten (already)?</translation>
  6007. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6008. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6009. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6010. <traditional>你 吃 過 飯 了 嗎?</traditional>
  6011. <sound>[sound:你吃过饭了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6012. </enregistrement>
  6013. <enregistrement>
  6014. <hanzi>我 刷 过 牙 了。</hanzi>
  6015. <pinyin>Wǒ shuā guo yá le.</pinyin>
  6016. <translation>I have brushed my teeth (already).</translation>
  6017. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6018. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6019. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6020. <traditional>我 刷 過 牙 了。</traditional>
  6021. <sound>[sound:我刷过牙了。.mp3]</sound>
  6022. </enregistrement>
  6023. <enregistrement>
  6024. <hanzi>他 洗 过 澡 了。</hanzi>
  6025. <pinyin>Tā xǐ guo zǎo le.</pinyin>
  6026. <translation>He has showered (already).</translation>
  6027. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6028. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6029. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6030. <traditional>他 洗 過 澡 了。</traditional>
  6031. <sound>[sound:他洗过澡了。.mp3]</sound>
  6032. </enregistrement>
  6033. <enregistrement>
  6034. <hanzi>我 给 他 打 过 电话 了。</hanzi>
  6035. <pinyin>Wǒ gěi tā dǎ guo diànhuà le.</pinyin>
  6036. <translation>I called him (already).</translation>
  6037. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6038. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6039. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6040. <traditional>我 給 他 打 過 電話 了。</traditional>
  6041. <sound>[sound:我给他打过电话了。.mp3]</sound>
  6042. </enregistrement>
  6043. <enregistrement>
  6044. <hanzi>客户 看 过 合同 了 吗?</hanzi>
  6045. <pinyin>Kèhù kàn guo hétong le ma?</pinyin>
  6046. <translation>Has the client read the contract (already)?</translation>
  6047. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6048. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6049. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6050. <traditional>客戶 看 過 合同 了 嗎?</traditional>
  6051. <sound>[sound:客户看过合同了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6052. </enregistrement>
  6053. <enregistrement>
  6054. <hanzi>她 已经 吃 过 饭 了。</hanzi>
  6055. <pinyin>Tā yǐjīng chī guo fàn le.</pinyin>
  6056. <translation>She has already eaten (a meal).</translation>
  6057. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6058. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6059. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6060. <traditional>她 已經 吃 過 飯 了。</traditional>
  6061. <sound>[sound:她已经吃过饭了。.mp3]</sound>
  6062. </enregistrement>
  6063. <enregistrement>
  6064. <hanzi>我 已经 刷 过 牙 了。</hanzi>
  6065. <pinyin>Wǒ yǐjīng shuā guo yá le.</pinyin>
  6066. <translation>I have already brushed my teeth.</translation>
  6067. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6068. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6069. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6070. <traditional>我 已經 刷 過 牙 了。</traditional>
  6071. <sound>[sound:我已经刷过牙了。.mp3]</sound>
  6072. </enregistrement>
  6073. <enregistrement>
  6074. <hanzi>他 已经 洗 过 澡 了。</hanzi>
  6075. <pinyin>Tā yǐjīng xǐ guo zǎo le.</pinyin>
  6076. <translation>He has already had a shower.</translation>
  6077. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6078. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6079. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6080. <traditional>他 已經 洗 過 澡 了。</traditional>
  6081. <sound>[sound:他已经洗过澡了。.mp3]</sound>
  6082. </enregistrement>
  6083. <enregistrement>
  6084. <hanzi>她 想 吃饭 吗 ?</hanzi>
  6085. <pinyin>Tā xiǎng chīfàn ma?</pinyin>
  6086. <translation>Does she want to eat?</translation>
  6087. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6088. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6089. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6090. <traditional>她 想 吃飯 嗎 ?</traditional>
  6091. <sound>[sound:她想吃饭吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6092. </enregistrement>
  6093. <enregistrement>
  6094. <hanzi>她 已经 吃 过 饭 了。</hanzi>
  6095. <pinyin>Tā yǐjīng chī guo fàn le.</pinyin>
  6096. <translation>She has already eaten.</translation>
  6097. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6098. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6099. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6100. <traditional>她 已經 吃 過 飯 了。</traditional>
  6101. <sound>[sound:她已经吃过饭了。.mp3]</sound>
  6102. </enregistrement>
  6103. <enregistrement>
  6104. <hanzi>别 忘记 刷牙。</hanzi>
  6105. <pinyin>Bié wàngjì shuā yá.</pinyin>
  6106. <translation>Don't forget to brush your teeth.</translation>
  6107. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6110. <traditional>別 忘記 刷牙。</traditional>
  6111. <sound>[sound:别忘记刷牙。.mp3]</sound>
  6112. </enregistrement>
  6113. <enregistrement>
  6114. <hanzi>我 已经 刷 过 牙 了。</hanzi>
  6115. <pinyin>Wǒ yǐjīng shuā guo yá le.</pinyin>
  6116. <translation>I have already brushed my teeth.</translation>
  6117. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6120. <traditional>我 已經 刷 過 牙 了。</traditional>
  6121. <sound>[sound:我已经刷过牙了。.mp3]</sound>
  6122. </enregistrement>
  6123. <enregistrement>
  6124. <hanzi>他 应该 洗澡 。</hanzi>
  6125. <pinyin>Tā yīnggāi xǐzǎo.</pinyin>
  6126. <translation>He should take a shower.</translation>
  6127. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6130. <traditional>他 應該 洗澡 。</traditional>
  6131. <sound>[sound:他应该洗澡。.mp3]</sound>
  6132. </enregistrement>
  6133. <enregistrement>
  6134. <hanzi>他 已经 洗 过 了 。</hanzi>
  6135. <pinyin>Tā yǐjīng xǐ guo le.</pinyin>
  6136. <translation>He has already showered.</translation>
  6137. <sequence>Using 'guo' with 'le'</sequence>
  6138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6140. <traditional>他 已經 洗 過 了 。</traditional>
  6141. <sound>[sound:他已经洗过了。.mp3]</sound>
  6142. </enregistrement>
  6143. <enregistrement>
  6144. <hanzi>小李 比 小张 高 。</hanzi>
  6145. <pinyin>Xiǎo Lǐ bǐ Xiǎo Zhāng gāo .</pinyin>
  6146. <translation>Xiao Li is taller than Xiao Zhang.</translation>
  6147. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6150. <traditional>小李 比 小張 高 。</traditional>
  6151. <sound>[sound:小李比小张高。.mp3]</sound>
  6152. </enregistrement>
  6153. <enregistrement>
  6154. <hanzi>小张 比 小李 矮 。</hanzi>
  6155. <pinyin>Xiǎo Zhāng bǐ Xiǎo Lǐ ǎi .</pinyin>
  6156. <translation>Xiao Zhang is shorter than Xiao Li.</translation>
  6157. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6160. <traditional>小張 比 小李 矮 。</traditional>
  6161. <sound>[sound:小张比小李矮。.mp3]</sound>
  6162. </enregistrement>
  6163. <enregistrement>
  6164. <hanzi>他 比 老师 聪明 。</hanzi>
  6165. <pinyin>Tā bǐ lǎoshī cōngming.</pinyin>
  6166. <translation>He is smarter than the teacher.</translation>
  6167. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6170. <traditional>他 比 老師 聰明 。</traditional>
  6171. <sound>[sound:他比老师聪明。.mp3]</sound>
  6172. </enregistrement>
  6173. <enregistrement>
  6174. <hanzi>上海 比 纽约 大 吗 ?</hanzi>
  6175. <pinyin>Shànghǎi bǐ Niǔyuē dà ma?</pinyin>
  6176. <translation>Is Shanghai bigger than New York?</translation>
  6177. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6180. <traditional>上海 比 紐約 大 嗎 ?</traditional>
  6181. <sound>[sound:上海比纽约大吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6182. </enregistrement>
  6183. <enregistrement>
  6184. <hanzi>她 比 她 妈妈 漂亮 。</hanzi>
  6185. <pinyin>Tā bǐ tā māma piàoliang .</pinyin>
  6186. <translation>She is prettier than her mother.</translation>
  6187. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6190. <traditional>她 比 她 媽媽 漂亮 。</traditional>
  6191. <sound>[sound:她比她妈妈漂亮。.mp3]</sound>
  6192. </enregistrement>
  6193. <enregistrement>
  6194. <hanzi>星巴克 的 咖啡 比 这里 的 咖啡 贵 。</hanzi>
  6195. <pinyin>Xīngbākè de kāfēi bǐ zhèlǐ de kāfēi guì.</pinyin>
  6196. <translation>The coffee at Starbucks is more expensive than the coffee here.</translation>
  6197. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6200. <traditional>星巴克 的 咖啡 比 這裏 的 咖啡 貴 。</traditional>
  6201. <sound>[sound:星巴克的咖啡比这里的咖啡贵。.mp3]</sound>
  6202. </enregistrement>
  6203. <enregistrement>
  6204. <hanzi>地铁 比 公交车 方便 。</hanzi>
  6205. <pinyin>Dìtiě bǐ gōngjiāochē fāngbiàn.</pinyin>
  6206. <translation>The subway is more convenient than the bus. </translation>
  6207. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6210. <traditional>地鐵 比 公交車 方便 。</traditional>
  6211. <sound>[sound:地铁比公交车方便。.mp3]</sound>
  6212. </enregistrement>
  6213. <enregistrement>
  6214. <hanzi>你 比 我 聪明 。</hanzi>
  6215. <pinyin>Nǐ bǐ wǒ cōngming .</pinyin>
  6216. <translation>You are smarter than me.</translation>
  6217. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6220. <traditional>你 比 我 聰明 。</traditional>
  6221. <sound>[sound:你比我聪明。.mp3]</sound>
  6222. </enregistrement>
  6223. <enregistrement>
  6224. <hanzi>我 跟 你 一样 聪明 。</hanzi>
  6225. <pinyin>Wǒ gēn nǐ yīyàng cōngming.</pinyin>
  6226. <translation>I am as smart as you.</translation>
  6227. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6230. <traditional>我 跟 你 一樣 聰明 。</traditional>
  6231. <sound>[sound:我跟你一样聪明。.mp3]</sound>
  6232. </enregistrement>
  6233. <enregistrement>
  6234. <hanzi>小李 比 小张 更 高 。</hanzi>
  6235. <pinyin>Xiǎo Lǐ bǐ Xiǎo Zhāng gèng gāo .</pinyin>
  6236. <translation>Xiao Li is even taller than Xiao Zhang.</translation>
  6237. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6240. <traditional>小李 比 小張 更 高 。</traditional>
  6241. <sound>[sound:小李比小张更高。.mp3]</sound>
  6242. </enregistrement>
  6243. <enregistrement>
  6244. <hanzi>我 哥哥 比 我 更 高 。</hanzi>
  6245. <pinyin>Wǒ gēge bǐ wǒ gèng gāo.</pinyin>
  6246. <translation>My big brother is even taller than me.</translation>
  6247. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6250. <traditional>我 哥哥 比 我 更 高 。</traditional>
  6251. <sound>[sound:我哥哥比我更高。.mp3]</sound>
  6252. </enregistrement>
  6253. <enregistrement>
  6254. <hanzi>你 男朋友 比 我男朋友 更 帅 。</hanzi>
  6255. <pinyin>Nǐ nánpéngyou bǐ wǒ nánpéngyou gèng shuài.</pinyin>
  6256. <translation>Your boyfriend is even more handsome than mine.</translation>
  6257. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6260. <traditional>你 男朋友 比 我男朋友 更 帥 。</traditional>
  6261. <sound>[sound:你男朋友比我男朋友更帅。.mp3]</sound>
  6262. </enregistrement>
  6263. <enregistrement>
  6264. <hanzi>这里 的 冬天 比 纽约 的 冬天 更 冷 。</hanzi>
  6265. <pinyin>Zhèlǐ de dōngtiān bǐ Niǔyuē de dōngtiān gèng lěng.</pinyin>
  6266. <translation>The winter here is even colder than it is in New York.</translation>
  6267. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6270. <traditional>這裏 的 冬天 比 紐約 的 冬天 更 冷 。</traditional>
  6271. <sound>[sound:这里的冬天比纽约的冬天更冷。.mp3]</sound>
  6272. </enregistrement>
  6273. <enregistrement>
  6274. <hanzi>中文 语法 比 汉字 更 好玩 。</hanzi>
  6275. <pinyin>Zhōngwén yǔfǎ bǐ Hànzì gèng hǎowán.</pinyin>
  6276. <translation>Chinese grammar is even more fun than Chinese characters.</translation>
  6277. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6280. <traditional>中文 語法 比 漢字 更 好玩 。</traditional>
  6281. <sound>[sound:中文语法比汉字更好玩。.mp3]</sound>
  6282. </enregistrement>
  6283. <enregistrement>
  6284. <hanzi>你的 问题 比 我的 问题 更 麻烦。</hanzi>
  6285. <pinyin>Nǐ de wèntí bǐ wǒ de wèntí gèng máfan.</pinyin>
  6286. <translation>Your problem is even more troublesome than mine.</translation>
  6287. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'bi'</sequence>
  6288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6290. <traditional>你的 問題 比 我的 問題 更 麻煩。</traditional>
  6291. <sound>[sound:你的问题比我的问题更麻烦。.mp3]</sound>
  6292. </enregistrement>
  6293. <enregistrement>
  6294. <hanzi>从 2004 年 到 2008 年</hanzi>
  6295. <pinyin>cóng èr-líng-líng-sì nián dào èr-líng-líng-bā nián</pinyin>
  6296. <translation>from 2004 to 2008</translation>
  6297. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6298. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6299. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6300. <traditional>從 2004 年 到 2008 年</traditional>
  6301. <sound>[sound:从2004年到2008年.mp3]</sound>
  6302. </enregistrement>
  6303. <enregistrement>
  6304. <hanzi>从 一号 到 五号 都 在 下雨。</hanzi>
  6305. <pinyin>Cóng yī hào dào wǔ hào dōu zài xiàyǔ.</pinyin>
  6306. <translation>From the first to the fifth, it's been raining non-stop.</translation>
  6307. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6310. <traditional>從 一號 到 五號 都 在 下雨。</traditional>
  6311. <sound>[sound:从一号到五号都在下雨。.mp3]</sound>
  6312. </enregistrement>
  6313. <enregistrement>
  6314. <hanzi>老板 从 周二 到 周五 都 要 出差。</hanzi>
  6315. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn cóng Zhōuèr dào Zhōuwǔ dōu yào chūchāi.</pinyin>
  6316. <translation>From Tuesday until Friday the boss will go on a business trip.</translation>
  6317. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6320. <traditional>老闆 從 週二 到 週五 都 要 出差。</traditional>
  6321. <sound>[sound:老板从周二到周五都要出差。.mp3]</sound>
  6322. </enregistrement>
  6323. <enregistrement>
  6324. <hanzi>她 从 18岁 到 现在 都 一个人 住。</hanzi>
  6325. <pinyin>Tā cóng shíbā suì dào xiànzài dōu yīgèrén zhù.</pinyin>
  6326. <translation>She's lived alone since she was 18 until now.</translation>
  6327. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6330. <traditional>她 從 18歲 到 現在 都 一個人 住。</traditional>
  6331. <sound>[sound:她从18岁到现在都一个人住。.mp3]</sound>
  6332. </enregistrement>
  6333. <enregistrement>
  6334. <hanzi>你 不 能 从 早 到 晚 不 吃 东西。</hanzi>
  6335. <pinyin>Nǐ bù néng cóng zǎo dào wǎn bù chī dōngxi.</pinyin>
  6336. <translation>You can't eat nothing from morning to night.</translation>
  6337. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6340. <traditional>你 不 能 從 早 到 晚 不 吃 東西。</traditional>
  6341. <sound>[sound:你不能从早到晚不吃东西。.mp3]</sound>
  6342. </enregistrement>
  6343. <enregistrement>
  6344. <hanzi>从 南京 西 路 到 南京 东 路</hanzi>
  6345. <pinyin>cóng Nánjīng Xī Lù dào Nánjīng Dōng Lù</pinyin>
  6346. <translation>from West Nanjing Road to East Nanjing Road</translation>
  6347. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6350. <traditional>從 南京 西 路 到 南京 東 路</traditional>
  6351. <sound>[sound:从南京西路到南京东路.mp3]</sound>
  6352. </enregistrement>
  6353. <enregistrement>
  6354. <hanzi>从 酒店 到 机场 不太 远。</hanzi>
  6355. <pinyin>Cóng jiǔdiàn dào jīchǎng bù tài yuǎn.</pinyin>
  6356. <translation>From the hotel to the airport is not too far.</translation>
  6357. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6360. <traditional>從 酒店 到 機場 不太 遠。</traditional>
  6361. <sound>[sound:从酒店到机场不太远。.mp3]</sound>
  6362. </enregistrement>
  6363. <enregistrement>
  6364. <hanzi>从 上海 到 北京 要 几 个 小时。</hanzi>
  6365. <pinyin>Cóng Shànghǎi dào Běijīng yào jǐ gè xiǎoshí.</pinyin>
  6366. <translation>From Shanghai to Beijing it takes a few hours.</translation>
  6367. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6370. <traditional>從 上海 到 北京 要 幾 個 小時。</traditional>
  6371. <sound>[sound:从上海到北京要几个小时。.mp3]</sound>
  6372. </enregistrement>
  6373. <enregistrement>
  6374. <hanzi>从 你 家 到 机场 可以 坐 地铁 吗?</hanzi>
  6375. <pinyin>Cóng nǐ jiā dào jīchǎng kěyǐ zuò dìtiě ma?</pinyin>
  6376. <translation>From your place to the airport, can I take the subway?</translation>
  6377. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6380. <traditional>從 你 家 到 機場 可以 坐 地鐵 嗎?</traditional>
  6381. <sound>[sound:从你家到机场可以坐地铁吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6382. </enregistrement>
  6383. <enregistrement>
  6384. <hanzi>从 这里 到 我们 公司,你 会 看见 很 多 美女。</hanzi>
  6385. <pinyin>Cóng zhèlǐ dào wǒmen gōngsī, nǐ huì kànjiàn hěn duō měinǚ.</pinyin>
  6386. <translation>From here to our company, you'll see many beautiful girls.</translation>
  6387. <sequence>Expressing 'from… to…' with 'cong… dao…'</sequence>
  6388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6390. <traditional>從 這裏 到 我們 公司,你 會 看見 很 多 美女。</traditional>
  6391. <sound>[sound:从这里到我们公司,你会看见很多美女。.mp3]</sound>
  6392. </enregistrement>
  6393. <enregistrement>
  6394. <hanzi>小张 没有 小李 高 。</hanzi>
  6395. <pinyin>Xiǎo Zhāng méiyǒu Xiǎo Lǐ gāo.</pinyin>
  6396. <translation>Xiao Zhang is not as tall as Xiao Li.</translation>
  6397. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6398. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6399. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6400. <traditional>小張 沒有 小李 高 。</traditional>
  6401. <sound>[sound:小张没有小李高。.mp3]</sound>
  6402. </enregistrement>
  6403. <enregistrement>
  6404. <hanzi>小李 没有 小张 矮 。</hanzi>
  6405. <pinyin>Xiǎo Lǐ méiyǒu Xiǎo Zhāng ǎi.</pinyin>
  6406. <translation>Xiao Li is not as short as Xiao Zhang.</translation>
  6407. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6408. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6409. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6410. <traditional>小李 沒有 小張 矮 。</traditional>
  6411. <sound>[sound:小李没有小张矮。.mp3]</sound>
  6412. </enregistrement>
  6413. <enregistrement>
  6414. <hanzi>这 个 地方 没有 上海 好玩。</hanzi>
  6415. <pinyin>Zhège dìfang méiyǒu Shànghǎi hǎowán.</pinyin>
  6416. <translation>This place is not as fun as Shanghai.</translation>
  6417. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6418. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6419. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6420. <traditional>這 個 地方 沒有 上海 好玩。</traditional>
  6421. <sound>[sound:这个地方没有上海好玩。.mp3]</sound>
  6422. </enregistrement>
  6423. <enregistrement>
  6424. <hanzi>火车 没有 飞机 快。</hanzi>
  6425. <pinyin>Huǒchē méiyǒu fēijī kuài.</pinyin>
  6426. <translation>Trains are not as fast as airplanes.</translation>
  6427. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6428. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6429. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6430. <traditional>火車 沒有 飛機 快。</traditional>
  6431. <sound>[sound:火车没有飞机快。.mp3]</sound>
  6432. </enregistrement>
  6433. <enregistrement>
  6434. <hanzi>他 没有 他弟弟 聪明。</hanzi>
  6435. <pinyin>Tā méiyǒu tā dìdi cōngming.</pinyin>
  6436. <translation>He's not as smart as his younger brother.</translation>
  6437. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6438. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6439. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6440. <traditional>他 沒有 他弟弟 聰明。</traditional>
  6441. <sound>[sound:他没有他弟弟聪明。.mp3]</sound>
  6442. </enregistrement>
  6443. <enregistrement>
  6444. <hanzi>Clinton 没有 Obama 帅。</hanzi>
  6445. <pinyin>Clinton méiyǒu Obama shuài.</pinyin>
  6446. <translation>Clinton is not as handsome as Obama.</translation>
  6447. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6448. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6449. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6450. <traditional>Clinton 沒有 Obama 帥。</traditional>
  6451. <sound>[sound:Clinton没有Obama帅。.mp3]</sound>
  6452. </enregistrement>
  6453. <enregistrement>
  6454. <hanzi>马云 没有 Bill Gates 有钱。</hanzi>
  6455. <pinyin>Mǎyún méiyǒu Bill Gates yǒuqián.</pinyin>
  6456. <translation>Jack Ma is not as rich as Bill Gates.</translation>
  6457. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6458. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6459. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6460. <traditional>馬雲 沒有 Bill Gates 有錢。</traditional>
  6461. <sound>[sound:马云没有BillGates有钱。.mp3]</sound>
  6462. </enregistrement>
  6463. <enregistrement>
  6464. <hanzi>你们 公司 没有 我们公司 大。</hanzi>
  6465. <pinyin> Nǐmen gōngsī méiyǒu wǒmen gōngsī dà.</pinyin>
  6466. <translation> Your company is not as big as ours.</translation>
  6467. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6468. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6469. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6470. <traditional>你們 公司 沒有 我們公司 大。</traditional>
  6471. <sound>[sound:你们公司没有我们公司大。.mp3]</sound>
  6472. </enregistrement>
  6473. <enregistrement>
  6474. <hanzi>拼音 没有 汉字 难。</hanzi>
  6475. <pinyin>Pīnyīn méiyǒu Hànzì nán.</pinyin>
  6476. <translation>Pinyin is not as difficult as Chinese characters.</translation>
  6477. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6478. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6479. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6480. <traditional>拼音 沒有 漢字 難。</traditional>
  6481. <sound>[sound:拼音没有汉字难。.mp3]</sound>
  6482. </enregistrement>
  6483. <enregistrement>
  6484. <hanzi>坐 公交车 没有 坐地铁 方便。</hanzi>
  6485. <pinyin>Zuò gōngjiāochē méiyǒu zuò dìtiě fāngbiàn.</pinyin>
  6486. <translation>Taking the bus is not as convenient as taking the metro.</translation>
  6487. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6488. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6489. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6490. <traditional>坐 公交車 沒有 坐地鐵 方便。</traditional>
  6491. <sound>[sound:坐公交车没有坐地铁方便。.mp3]</sound>
  6492. </enregistrement>
  6493. <enregistrement>
  6494. <hanzi>小米 手机 没有 iPhone 贵。</hanzi>
  6495. <pinyin> Xiǎomǐ shǒujī méiyǒu iPhone guì.</pinyin>
  6496. <translation>The Xiaomi phone is not as expensive as the iPhone.</translation>
  6497. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6498. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6499. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6500. <traditional>小米 手機 沒有 iPhone 貴。</traditional>
  6501. <sound>[sound:小米手机没有iPhone贵。.mp3]</sound>
  6502. </enregistrement>
  6503. <enregistrement>
  6504. <hanzi>爸爸 做的 菜 没有 妈妈 做的菜 好吃。</hanzi>
  6505. <pinyin>Bàba zuò de cài méiyǒu māma zuò de cài hǎochī.</pinyin>
  6506. <translation>The food dad cooks is not as tasty as the food mom cooks.</translation>
  6507. <sequence>Basic comparisons with 'meiyou'</sequence>
  6508. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6509. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6510. <traditional>爸爸 做的 菜 沒有 媽媽 做的菜 好吃。</traditional>
  6511. <sound>[sound:爸爸做的菜没有妈妈做的菜好吃。.mp3]</sound>
  6512. </enregistrement>
  6513. <enregistrement>
  6514. <hanzi>妈妈 要 去 超市。</hanzi>
  6515. <pinyin>Māma yào qù chāoshì.</pinyin>
  6516. <translation>Mom will go to the supermarket.</translation>
  6517. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6518. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6519. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6520. <traditional>媽媽 要 去 超市。</traditional>
  6521. <sound>[sound:妈妈要去超市。.mp3]</sound>
  6522. </enregistrement>
  6523. <enregistrement>
  6524. <hanzi>老板 今天 来 公司 吗?</hanzi>
  6525. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn jīntiān lái gōngsī ma?</pinyin>
  6526. <translation>Is the boss coming into the office today?</translation>
  6527. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6528. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6529. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6530. <traditional>老闆 今天 來 公司 嗎?</traditional>
  6531. <sound>[sound:老板今天来公司吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6532. </enregistrement>
  6533. <enregistrement>
  6534. <hanzi>你 现在 来南京 路 吧。</hanzi>
  6535. <pinyin>Nǐ xiànzài lái Nánjīng Lù ba.</pinyin>
  6536. <translation>Come to Nanjing Road now.</translation>
  6537. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6538. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6539. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6540. <traditional>你 現在 來南京 路 吧。</traditional>
  6541. <sound>[sound:你现在来南京路吧。.mp3]</sound>
  6542. </enregistrement>
  6543. <enregistrement>
  6544. <hanzi>你 不 想 来 我们 公司 工作 吗?</hanzi>
  6545. <pinyin>Nǐ bù xiǎng lái wǒmen gōngsī gōngzuò ma?</pinyin>
  6546. <translation>Do you not want to come to work for our company? </translation>
  6547. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6548. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6549. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6550. <traditional>你 不 想 來 我們 公司 工作 嗎?</traditional>
  6551. <sound>[sound:你不想来我们公司工作吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6552. </enregistrement>
  6553. <enregistrement>
  6554. <hanzi>去年 她 去 美国 工作 了 几 个 月 。</hanzi>
  6555. <pinyin>Qùnián tā qù Měiguó gōngzuò le jǐ gè yuè.</pinyin>
  6556. <translation>Last year she went to work in the USA for a few months.</translation>
  6557. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6558. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6559. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6560. <traditional>去年 她 去 美國 工作 了 幾 個 月 。</traditional>
  6561. <sound>[sound:去年她去美国工作了几个月。.mp3]</sound>
  6562. </enregistrement>
  6563. <enregistrement>
  6564. <hanzi>你们 想 去 Starbucks 还是 Costa?</hanzi>
  6565. <pinyin> Nǐmen xiǎng qù Starbucks háishì Costa?</pinyin>
  6566. <translation>Would you like to go to Starbucks or Costa?</translation>
  6567. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6568. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6569. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6570. <traditional>你們 想 去 Starbucks 還是 Costa?</traditional>
  6571. <sound>[sound:你们想去Starbucks还是Costa?.mp3]</sound>
  6572. </enregistrement>
  6573. <enregistrement>
  6574. <hanzi>周末 我 喜欢 去 朋友 家。</hanzi>
  6575. <pinyin>Zhōumò wǒ xǐhuan qù péngyou jiā.</pinyin>
  6576. <translation>I like to go to my friends' places on the weekends.</translation>
  6577. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6578. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6579. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6580. <traditional>週末 我 喜歡 去 朋友 家。</traditional>
  6581. <sound>[sound:周末我喜欢去朋友家。.mp3]</sound>
  6582. </enregistrement>
  6583. <enregistrement>
  6584. <hanzi>爸爸 明天 去 北京 出差。</hanzi>
  6585. <pinyin>Bàba míngtiān qù Běijīng chūchāi.</pinyin>
  6586. <translation>Dad will go to Beijing on a business trip tomorrow.</translation>
  6587. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6588. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6589. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6590. <traditional>爸爸 明天 去 北京 出差。</traditional>
  6591. <sound>[sound:爸爸明天去北京出差。.mp3]</sound>
  6592. </enregistrement>
  6593. <enregistrement>
  6594. <hanzi>我 今天 不 上班,你们 可以 来 我 家 吃饭 。</hanzi>
  6595. <pinyin>Wǒ jīntiān bù shàngbān, nǐmen kěyǐ lái wǒ jiā chīfàn.</pinyin>
  6596. <translation>I don't have to go to work today. You can come to my home to eat dinner.</translation>
  6597. <sequence>Directional verbs 'lai' and 'qu'</sequence>
  6598. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6599. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6600. <traditional>我 今天 不 上班,你們 可以 來 我 家 吃飯 。</traditional>
  6601. <sound>[sound:我今天不上班,你们可以来我家吃饭。.mp3]</sound>
  6602. </enregistrement>
  6603. <enregistrement>
  6604. <hanzi>你 要 什么?</hanzi>
  6605. <pinyin>Nǐ yào shénme?</pinyin>
  6606. <translation>What do you want? </translation>
  6607. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6608. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6609. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6610. <traditional>你 要 什麼?</traditional>
  6611. <sound>[sound:你要什么?.mp3]</sound>
  6612. </enregistrement>
  6613. <enregistrement>
  6614. <hanzi>我 要 一 杯 水。</hanzi>
  6615. <pinyin>Wǒ yào yī bēi shuǐ.</pinyin>
  6616. <translation>I want a cup of water.</translation>
  6617. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6618. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6619. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6620. <traditional>我 要 一 杯 水。</traditional>
  6621. <sound>[sound:我要一杯水。.mp3]</sound>
  6622. </enregistrement>
  6623. <enregistrement>
  6624. <hanzi>你们 都 要 冰 可乐 吗?</hanzi>
  6625. <pinyin>Nǐmen dōu yào bīng kělè ma?</pinyin>
  6626. <translation>Do you all want coke with ice? </translation>
  6627. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6628. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6629. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6630. <traditional>你們 都 要 冰 可樂 嗎?</traditional>
  6631. <sound>[sound:你们都要冰可乐吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6632. </enregistrement>
  6633. <enregistrement>
  6634. <hanzi>你 要 茶 还是 咖啡?</hanzi>
  6635. <pinyin>Nǐ yào chá háishì kāfēi?</pinyin>
  6636. <translation>Do you want tea or coffee? </translation>
  6637. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6638. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6639. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6640. <traditional>你 要 茶 還是 咖啡?</traditional>
  6641. <sound>[sound:你要茶还是咖啡?.mp3]</sound>
  6642. </enregistrement>
  6643. <enregistrement>
  6644. <hanzi>我们 要 三 碗 米饭。</hanzi>
  6645. <pinyin>Wǒmen yào sān wǎn mǐfàn.</pinyin>
  6646. <translation>We want three bowls of rice.</translation>
  6647. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6648. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6649. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6650. <traditional>我們 要 三 碗 米飯。</traditional>
  6651. <sound>[sound:我们要三碗米饭。.mp3]</sound>
  6652. </enregistrement>
  6653. <enregistrement>
  6654. <hanzi>你 要 喝 什么 酒?</hanzi>
  6655. <pinyin>Nǐ yào hē shénme jiǔ?</pinyin>
  6656. <translation>What kind of wine do you want to drink? </translation>
  6657. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6658. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6659. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6660. <traditional>你 要 喝 什麼 酒?</traditional>
  6661. <sound>[sound:你要喝什么酒?.mp3]</sound>
  6662. </enregistrement>
  6663. <enregistrement>
  6664. <hanzi>爸爸 要 买 一 个 新 手机。</hanzi>
  6665. <pinyin>Bàba yào mǎi yī gè xīn shǒujī.</pinyin>
  6666. <translation>Dad wants to buy a new cell phone.</translation>
  6667. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6668. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6669. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6670. <traditional>爸爸 要 買 一 個 新 手機。</traditional>
  6671. <sound>[sound:爸爸要买一个新手机。.mp3]</sound>
  6672. </enregistrement>
  6673. <enregistrement>
  6674. <hanzi>我 要 跟 你 一起 去。</hanzi>
  6675. <pinyin>Wǒ yào gēn nǐ yīqǐ qù.</pinyin>
  6676. <translation>I want to go with you.</translation>
  6677. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6678. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6679. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6680. <traditional>我 要 跟 你 一起 去。</traditional>
  6681. <sound>[sound:我要跟你一起去。.mp3]</sound>
  6682. </enregistrement>
  6683. <enregistrement>
  6684. <hanzi>她 要 去 大城市 找 工作。</hanzi>
  6685. <pinyin>Tā yào qù dà chéngshì zhǎo gōngzuò.</pinyin>
  6686. <translation>She wants to go to a big city to find a job.</translation>
  6687. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6688. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6689. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6690. <traditional>她 要 去 大城市 找 工作。</traditional>
  6691. <sound>[sound:她要去大城市找工作。.mp3]</sound>
  6692. </enregistrement>
  6693. <enregistrement>
  6694. <hanzi>周末 你们 要 一起 看 电影 吗?</hanzi>
  6695. <pinyin>Zhōumò nǐmen yào yīqǐ kàn diànyǐng ma?</pinyin>
  6696. <translation>Do you want to go see a movie together this weekend? </translation>
  6697. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6698. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6699. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6700. <traditional>週末 你們 要 一起 看 電影 嗎?</traditional>
  6701. <sound>[sound:周末你们要一起看电影吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6702. </enregistrement>
  6703. <enregistrement>
  6704. <hanzi>你 要 早 点 睡觉。</hanzi>
  6705. <pinyin>Nǐ yào zǎo diǎn shuìjiào.</pinyin>
  6706. <translation>You need to go to bed earlier.</translation>
  6707. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6708. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6709. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6710. <traditional>你 要 早 點 睡覺。</traditional>
  6711. <sound>[sound:你要早点睡觉。.mp3]</sound>
  6712. </enregistrement>
  6713. <enregistrement>
  6714. <hanzi>我们 明天 要 上班。</hanzi>
  6715. <pinyin>Wǒmen míngtiān yào shàngbān.</pinyin>
  6716. <translation>We need to work tomorrow. logically, most people don't really WANT to work</translation>
  6717. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6718. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6719. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6720. <traditional>我們 明天 要 上班。</traditional>
  6721. <sound>[sound:我们明天要上班。.mp3]</sound>
  6722. </enregistrement>
  6723. <enregistrement>
  6724. <hanzi>老板 今天 要 见 一个 新 客户。</hanzi>
  6725. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn jīntiān yào jiàn yī gè xīn kèhù.</pinyin>
  6726. <translation>Today the boss needs to see a new client.</translation>
  6727. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6728. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6729. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6730. <traditional>老闆 今天 要 見 一個 新 客戶。</traditional>
  6731. <sound>[sound:老板今天要见一个新客户。.mp3]</sound>
  6732. </enregistrement>
  6733. <enregistrement>
  6734. <hanzi>老师 太 累 了, 要 好好 休息。</hanzi>
  6735. <pinyin>Lǎoshī tài lèi le, yào hǎohǎo xiūxi.</pinyin>
  6736. <translation>The teacher is too tired. She needs to rest well.</translation>
  6737. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6738. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6739. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6740. <traditional>老師 太 累 了, 要 好好 休息。</traditional>
  6741. <sound>[sound:老师太累了,要好好休息。.mp3]</sound>
  6742. </enregistrement>
  6743. <enregistrement>
  6744. <hanzi>明天 下雨, 你 要 带 伞。</hanzi>
  6745. <pinyin>Míngtiān xiàyǔ, nǐ yào dài sǎn.</pinyin>
  6746. <translation>It's going to rain tomorrow; you need to bring an umbrella.</translation>
  6747. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6748. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6749. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6750. <traditional>明天 下雨, 你 要 帶 傘。</traditional>
  6751. <sound>[sound:明天下雨,你要带伞。.mp3]</sound>
  6752. </enregistrement>
  6753. <enregistrement>
  6754. <hanzi>星期五 我们 要 开会。</hanzi>
  6755. <pinyin>Xīngqīwǔ wǒmen yào kāihuì.</pinyin>
  6756. <translation>We are going to have a meeting on Friday.</translation>
  6757. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6758. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6759. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6760. <traditional>星期五 我們 要 開會。</traditional>
  6761. <sound>[sound:星期五我们要开会。.mp3]</sound>
  6762. </enregistrement>
  6763. <enregistrement>
  6764. <hanzi>12 点 我 要 去 吃饭。</hanzi>
  6765. <pinyin>Shí'èr diǎn wǒ yào qù chīfàn.</pinyin>
  6766. <translation>I am going to go eat at 12 o'clock.</translation>
  6767. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6768. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6769. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6770. <traditional>12 點 我 要 去 吃飯。</traditional>
  6771. <sound>[sound:12点我要去吃饭。.mp3]</sound>
  6772. </enregistrement>
  6773. <enregistrement>
  6774. <hanzi>老板 下周 要 出差 吗?</hanzi>
  6775. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn xià zhōu yào chūchāi ma?</pinyin>
  6776. <translation>Is the boss going on a business trip next week?</translation>
  6777. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6778. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6779. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6780. <traditional>老闆 下週 要 出差 嗎?</traditional>
  6781. <sound>[sound:老板下周要出差吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6782. </enregistrement>
  6783. <enregistrement>
  6784. <hanzi>他们 明年 要 结婚 了。</hanzi>
  6785. <pinyin> Tāmen míngnián yào jiéhūn le.</pinyin>
  6786. <translation>They are going to get married next year.</translation>
  6787. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6788. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6789. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6790. <traditional>他們 明年 要 結婚 了。</traditional>
  6791. <sound>[sound:他们明年要结婚了。.mp3]</sound>
  6792. </enregistrement>
  6793. <enregistrement>
  6794. <hanzi>今年 你 要 回家 过年 吗?</hanzi>
  6795. <pinyin>Jīnnián nǐ yào huíjiā guònián ma?</pinyin>
  6796. <translation>Are you going to return home this year to celebrate the Chinese New Year?</translation>
  6797. <sequence>Auxiliary verb 'yao' and its multiple meanings</sequence>
  6798. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6799. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6800. <traditional>今年 你 要 回家 過年 嗎?</traditional>
  6801. <sound>[sound:今年你要回家过年吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6802. </enregistrement>
  6803. <enregistrement>
  6804. <hanzi>在 中国, 你 应该 喝 白酒。</hanzi>
  6805. <pinyin>Zài Zhōngguó, nǐ yīnggāi hē báijiǔ.</pinyin>
  6806. <translation>In China, you should drink baijiu.</translation>
  6807. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6808. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6809. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6810. <traditional>在 中國, 你 應該 喝 白酒。</traditional>
  6811. <sound>[sound:在中国,你应该喝白酒。.mp3]</sound>
  6812. </enregistrement>
  6813. <enregistrement>
  6814. <hanzi>我 应该 给 你 多少 钱?</hanzi>
  6815. <pinyin>Wǒ yīnggāi gěi nǐ duōshao qián?</pinyin>
  6816. <translation>How much money should I give you? </translation>
  6817. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6818. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6819. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6820. <traditional>我 應該 給 你 多少 錢?</traditional>
  6821. <sound>[sound:我应该给你多少钱?.mp3]</sound>
  6822. </enregistrement>
  6823. <enregistrement>
  6824. <hanzi>感冒 的 时候 应该 喝 热水。</hanzi>
  6825. <pinyin>Gǎnmào de shíhou yīnggāi hē rè shuǐ.</pinyin>
  6826. <translation>You should drink hot water when you have a cold.</translation>
  6827. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6828. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6829. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6830. <traditional>感冒 的 時候 應該 喝 熱水。</traditional>
  6831. <sound>[sound:感冒的时候应该喝热水。.mp3]</sound>
  6832. </enregistrement>
  6833. <enregistrement>
  6834. <hanzi>明天 你 应该 八 点 半 来 公司。</hanzi>
  6835. <pinyin>Míngtiān nǐ yīnggāi bādiǎn bàn lái gōngsī.</pinyin>
  6836. <translation>You should come to the office tomorrow at 8:30.</translation>
  6837. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6838. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6839. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6840. <traditional>明天 你 應該 八 點 半 來 公司。</traditional>
  6841. <sound>[sound:明天你应该八点半来公司。.mp3]</sound>
  6842. </enregistrement>
  6843. <enregistrement>
  6844. <hanzi>他 太 累 了,应该 回家 休息。</hanzi>
  6845. <pinyin>Tā tài lèi le, yīnggāi huíjiā xiūxi.</pinyin>
  6846. <translation>He's too tired. He should go home and rest.</translation>
  6847. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6848. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6849. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6850. <traditional>他 太 累 了,應該 回家 休息。</traditional>
  6851. <sound>[sound:他太累了,应该回家休息。.mp3]</sound>
  6852. </enregistrement>
  6853. <enregistrement>
  6854. <hanzi>你 不 应该 告诉 他。</hanzi>
  6855. <pinyin>Nǐ bù yīnggāi gàosu tā.</pinyin>
  6856. <translation>You should not tell him.</translation>
  6857. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6858. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6859. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6860. <traditional>你 不 應該 告訴 他。</traditional>
  6861. <sound>[sound:你不应该告诉他。.mp3]</sound>
  6862. </enregistrement>
  6863. <enregistrement>
  6864. <hanzi>他 不 应该 打 人。</hanzi>
  6865. <pinyin>Tā bù yīnggāi dǎ rén.</pinyin>
  6866. <translation>He should not hit people.</translation>
  6867. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6868. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6869. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6870. <traditional>他 不 應該 打 人。</traditional>
  6871. <sound>[sound:他不应该打人。.mp3]</sound>
  6872. </enregistrement>
  6873. <enregistrement>
  6874. <hanzi>我们 不 应该 迟到。</hanzi>
  6875. <pinyin>Wǒmen bù yīnggāi chídào.</pinyin>
  6876. <translation>We shouldn't be late.</translation>
  6877. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6878. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6879. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6880. <traditional>我們 不 應該 遲到。</traditional>
  6881. <sound>[sound:我们不应该迟到。.mp3]</sound>
  6882. </enregistrement>
  6883. <enregistrement>
  6884. <hanzi>你们 不 应该 笑 她。</hanzi>
  6885. <pinyin>Nǐmen bù yīnggāi xiào tā.</pinyin>
  6886. <translation>You shouldn't laugh at her.</translation>
  6887. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6888. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6889. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6890. <traditional>你們 不 應該 笑 她。</traditional>
  6891. <sound>[sound:你们不应该笑她。.mp3]</sound>
  6892. </enregistrement>
  6893. <enregistrement>
  6894. <hanzi>你们 不 应该 拿 别人 的 东西。</hanzi>
  6895. <pinyin>Nǐmen bù yīnggāi ná biérén de dōngxi.</pinyin>
  6896. <translation>You should not take other people's stuff.</translation>
  6897. <sequence>Expressing 'should' with 'yinggai'</sequence>
  6898. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6899. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6900. <traditional>你們 不 應該 拿 別人 的 東西。</traditional>
  6901. <sound>[sound:你们不应该拿别人的东西。.mp3]</sound>
  6902. </enregistrement>
  6903. <enregistrement>
  6904. <hanzi>明天 你 会 来 吗 ?</hanzi>
  6905. <pinyin>Míngtiān nǐ huì lái ma?</pinyin>
  6906. <translation>Will you come tomorrow?</translation>
  6907. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6908. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6909. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6910. <traditional>明天 你 會 來 嗎 ?</traditional>
  6911. <sound>[sound:明天你会来吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6912. </enregistrement>
  6913. <enregistrement>
  6914. <hanzi>他 会 来 看 你 吗?</hanzi>
  6915. <pinyin>Tā huì lái kàn nǐ ma?</pinyin>
  6916. <translation>Will he come to see you?</translation>
  6917. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6918. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6919. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6920. <traditional>他 會 來 看 你 嗎?</traditional>
  6921. <sound>[sound:他会来看你吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6922. </enregistrement>
  6923. <enregistrement>
  6924. <hanzi>明天 会 下雨 吗?</hanzi>
  6925. <pinyin>Míngtiān huì xiàyǔ ma?</pinyin>
  6926. <translation>Will it rain tomorrow?</translation>
  6927. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6928. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6929. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6930. <traditional>明天 會 下雨 嗎?</traditional>
  6931. <sound>[sound:明天会下雨吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6932. </enregistrement>
  6933. <enregistrement>
  6934. <hanzi>我 出去 一下,很 快 会 回来。</hanzi>
  6935. <pinyin>Wǒ chūqù yīxià, hěnkuài huì huílái.</pinyin>
  6936. <translation>I'm going out for a little while. I'll come back very soon.</translation>
  6937. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6938. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6939. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6940. <traditional>我 出去 一下,很 快 會 回來。</traditional>
  6941. <sound>[sound:我出去一下,很快会回来。.mp3]</sound>
  6942. </enregistrement>
  6943. <enregistrement>
  6944. <hanzi>老板 会 同意 吗?</hanzi>
  6945. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn huì tóngyì ma?</pinyin>
  6946. <translation>Will the boss agree?</translation>
  6947. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6948. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6949. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6950. <traditional>老闆 會 同意 嗎?</traditional>
  6951. <sound>[sound:老板会同意吗?.mp3]</sound>
  6952. </enregistrement>
  6953. <enregistrement>
  6954. <hanzi>你 女儿 会 听 你 的 话。</hanzi>
  6955. <pinyin>Nǐ nǚér huì tīng nǐ de huà.</pinyin>
  6956. <translation>Your daughter will listen to you.</translation>
  6957. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6958. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6959. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6960. <traditional>你 女兒 會 聽 你 的 話。</traditional>
  6961. <sound>[sound:你女儿会听你的话。.mp3]</sound>
  6962. </enregistrement>
  6963. <enregistrement>
  6964. <hanzi>下班 以后 , 我 会 给 你 打 电话。</hanzi>
  6965. <pinyin>Xiàbān yǐhòu, wǒ huì gěi nǐ dǎ diànhuà.</pinyin>
  6966. <translation>After getting off work, I will give you a call.</translation>
  6967. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6968. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6969. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6970. <traditional>下班 以後 , 我 會 給 你 打 電話。</traditional>
  6971. <sound>[sound:下班以后,我会给你打电话。.mp3]</sound>
  6972. </enregistrement>
  6973. <enregistrement>
  6974. <hanzi>我们 不 会 告诉 你。</hanzi>
  6975. <pinyin>Wǒmen bù huì gàosu nǐ.</pinyin>
  6976. <translation>We won't tell you.</translation>
  6977. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6978. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6979. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6980. <traditional>我們 不 會 告訴 你。</traditional>
  6981. <sound>[sound:我们不会告诉你。.mp3]</sound>
  6982. </enregistrement>
  6983. <enregistrement>
  6984. <hanzi>他 不 会 跟 你 结婚 。</hanzi>
  6985. <pinyin>Tā bù huì gēn nǐ jiéhūn.</pinyin>
  6986. <translation>He won't marry you.</translation>
  6987. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6988. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6989. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  6990. <traditional>他 不 會 跟 你 結婚 。</traditional>
  6991. <sound>[sound:他不会跟你结婚。.mp3]</sound>
  6992. </enregistrement>
  6993. <enregistrement>
  6994. <hanzi>今晚 我 不 会 在 外面 吃饭 。</hanzi>
  6995. <pinyin>Jīnwǎn wǒ bù huì zài wàimiàn chīfàn.</pinyin>
  6996. <translation>Tonight I will not eat out.</translation>
  6997. <sequence>Expressing 'will' with 'hui'</sequence>
  6998. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  6999. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7000. <traditional>今晚 我 不 會 在 外面 吃飯 。</traditional>
  7001. <sound>[sound:今晚我不会在外面吃饭。.mp3]</sound>
  7002. </enregistrement>
  7003. <enregistrement>
  7004. <hanzi>你 想 去 吗?</hanzi>
  7005. <pinyin>Nǐ xiǎng qù ma?</pinyin>
  7006. <translation>Would you like to go? </translation>
  7007. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7008. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7009. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7010. <traditional>你 想 去 嗎?</traditional>
  7011. <sound>[sound:你想去吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7012. </enregistrement>
  7013. <enregistrement>
  7014. <hanzi>我 想 吃 面。</hanzi>
  7015. <pinyin>Wǒ xiǎng chī miàn.</pinyin>
  7016. <translation>I would like to eat noodles.</translation>
  7017. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7018. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7019. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7020. <traditional>我 想 吃 面。</traditional>
  7021. <sound>[sound:我想吃面。.mp3]</sound>
  7022. </enregistrement>
  7023. <enregistrement>
  7024. <hanzi>你 想 喝 水 吗?</hanzi>
  7025. <pinyin>Nǐ xiǎng hē shuǐ ma?</pinyin>
  7026. <translation>Would you like to drink some water? </translation>
  7027. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7028. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7029. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7030. <traditional>你 想 喝 水 嗎?</traditional>
  7031. <sound>[sound:你想喝水吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7032. </enregistrement>
  7033. <enregistrement>
  7034. <hanzi>我们 想 看 电视。</hanzi>
  7035. <pinyin>Wǒmen xiǎng kàn diànshì.</pinyin>
  7036. <translation>We would like to watch TV.</translation>
  7037. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7038. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7039. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7040. <traditional>我們 想 看 電視。</traditional>
  7041. <sound>[sound:我们想看电视。.mp3]</sound>
  7042. </enregistrement>
  7043. <enregistrement>
  7044. <hanzi>他 想 买 一 个 大 房子。</hanzi>
  7045. <pinyin>Tā xiǎng mǎi yī gè dà fángzi.</pinyin>
  7046. <translation>He would like to buy a big apartment.</translation>
  7047. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7048. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7049. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7050. <traditional>他 想 買 一 個 大 房子。</traditional>
  7051. <sound>[sound:他想买一个大房子。.mp3]</sound>
  7052. </enregistrement>
  7053. <enregistrement>
  7054. <hanzi>他们 不 想 去 酒吧。</hanzi>
  7055. <pinyin>Tāmen bù xiǎng qù jiǔbā.</pinyin>
  7056. <translation>They wouldn't like to go to the bar.</translation>
  7057. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7058. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7059. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7060. <traditional>他們 不 想 去 酒吧。</traditional>
  7061. <sound>[sound:他们不想去酒吧。.mp3]</sound>
  7062. </enregistrement>
  7063. <enregistrement>
  7064. <hanzi>你 不 想 认识 这个 美女 吗?</hanzi>
  7065. <pinyin>Nǐ bù xiǎng rènshi zhège měinǚ ma?</pinyin>
  7066. <translation>Would you not like to know this beautiful lady? </translation>
  7067. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7068. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7069. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7070. <traditional>你 不 想 認識 這個 美女 嗎?</traditional>
  7071. <sound>[sound:你不想认识这个美女吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7072. </enregistrement>
  7073. <enregistrement>
  7074. <hanzi>我 不 想 回家。</hanzi>
  7075. <pinyin>Wǒ bù xiǎng huíjiā.</pinyin>
  7076. <translation>I wouldn't like to return home.</translation>
  7077. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7078. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7079. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7080. <traditional>我 不 想 回家。</traditional>
  7081. <sound>[sound:我不想回家。.mp3]</sound>
  7082. </enregistrement>
  7083. <enregistrement>
  7084. <hanzi>那个 地方 很 近,我 不 想 开车。</hanzi>
  7085. <pinyin>Nàge dìfang hěn jìn, wǒ bù xiǎng kāichē.</pinyin>
  7086. <translation>That place is so close. I would not like to drive.</translation>
  7087. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7088. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7089. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7090. <traditional>那個 地方 很 近,我 不 想 開車。</traditional>
  7091. <sound>[sound:那个地方很近,我不想开车。.mp3]</sound>
  7092. </enregistrement>
  7093. <enregistrement>
  7094. <hanzi>他 不 想 花 父母 的 钱。</hanzi>
  7095. <pinyin>Tā bù xiǎng huā fùmǔ de qián.</pinyin>
  7096. <translation>He would not like to spend his parents' money.</translation>
  7097. <sequence>Expressing 'would like to' with 'xiang'</sequence>
  7098. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7099. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7100. <traditional>他 不 想 花 父母 的 錢。</traditional>
  7101. <sound>[sound:他不想花父母的钱。.mp3]</sound>
  7102. </enregistrement>
  7103. <enregistrement>
  7104. <hanzi>我 要 回家 吃饭。</hanzi>
  7105. <pinyin>Wǒ yào huíjiā chīfàn.</pinyin>
  7106. <translation>I want to go home and eat.</translation>
  7107. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7108. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7109. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7110. <traditional>我 要 回家 吃飯。</traditional>
  7111. <sound>[sound:我要回家吃饭。.mp3]</sound>
  7112. </enregistrement>
  7113. <enregistrement>
  7114. <hanzi>你 要 去 超市 买 东西 吗?</hanzi>
  7115. <pinyin>Nǐ yào qù chāoshì mǎi dōngxi ma?</pinyin>
  7116. <translation>Are you going to the supermarket to buy things? </translation>
  7117. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7118. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7119. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7120. <traditional>你 要 去 超市 買 東西 嗎?</traditional>
  7121. <sound>[sound:你要去超市买东西吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7122. </enregistrement>
  7123. <enregistrement>
  7124. <hanzi>他 不 想 去 图书馆 看 书。</hanzi>
  7125. <pinyin>Tā bù xiǎng qù túshūguǎn kàn shū.</pinyin>
  7126. <translation>He doesn't want to go to the library and read.</translation>
  7127. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7128. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7129. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7130. <traditional>他 不 想 去 圖書館 看 書。</traditional>
  7131. <sound>[sound:他不想去图书馆看书。.mp3]</sound>
  7132. </enregistrement>
  7133. <enregistrement>
  7134. <hanzi>你 打 电话 告诉 他 了 吗?</hanzi>
  7135. <pinyin>Nǐ dǎ diànhuà gàosu tā le ma?</pinyin>
  7136. <translation>Did you call and tell him? </translation>
  7137. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7138. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7139. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7140. <traditional>你 打 電話 告訴 他 了 嗎?</traditional>
  7141. <sound>[sound:你打电话告诉他了吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7142. </enregistrement>
  7143. <enregistrement>
  7144. <hanzi>我们 要 坐 飞机 去 美国。</hanzi>
  7145. <pinyin>Wǒmen yào zuò fēijī qù Měiguó.</pinyin>
  7146. <translation>We are going to take an airplane to go to the USA. </translation>
  7147. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7148. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7149. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7150. <traditional>我們 要 坐 飛機 去 美國。</traditional>
  7151. <sound>[sound:我们要坐飞机去美国。.mp3]</sound>
  7152. </enregistrement>
  7153. <enregistrement>
  7154. <hanzi>你们 可以 上 网 买 机票 吗?</hanzi>
  7155. <pinyin>Nǐmen kěyǐ shàng wǎng mǎi jīpiào ma?</pinyin>
  7156. <translation>Can you use the Internet to buy airplane tickets? </translation>
  7157. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7158. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7159. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7160. <traditional>你們 可以 上 網 買 機票 嗎?</traditional>
  7161. <sound>[sound:你们可以上网买机票吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7162. </enregistrement>
  7163. <enregistrement>
  7164. <hanzi>老板 下周 去 北京 开 会。</hanzi>
  7165. <pinyin>Lǎobǎn xià zhōu qù Běijīng kāi huì.</pinyin>
  7166. <translation>Next week the boss will go to Beijing to have a meeting.</translation>
  7167. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7168. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7169. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7170. <traditional>老闆 下週 去 北京 開 會。</traditional>
  7171. <sound>[sound:老板下周去北京开会。.mp3]</sound>
  7172. </enregistrement>
  7173. <enregistrement>
  7174. <hanzi>中国人 都 要 回家 过 年。</hanzi>
  7175. <pinyin>Zhōngguó rén dōu yào huíjiā guònián.</pinyin>
  7176. <translation>Chinese people all go back home for Chinese New Year.</translation>
  7177. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7178. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7179. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7180. <traditional>中國人 都 要 回家 過 年。</traditional>
  7181. <sound>[sound:中国人都要回家过年。.mp3]</sound>
  7182. </enregistrement>
  7183. <enregistrement>
  7184. <hanzi>周末 我 喜欢 自己 买 菜 做饭。</hanzi>
  7185. <pinyin>Zhōumò wǒ xǐhuan zìjǐ mǎi cài zuòfàn.</pinyin>
  7186. <translation> I like to buy food to cook for myself on the weekend.</translation>
  7187. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7188. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7189. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7190. <traditional>週末 我 喜歡 自己 買 菜 做飯。</traditional>
  7191. <sound>[sound:周末我喜欢自己买菜做饭。.mp3]</sound>
  7192. </enregistrement>
  7193. <enregistrement>
  7194. <hanzi>早上 我 先 刷 牙 洗 脸,再 吃 早饭。</hanzi>
  7195. <pinyin>Zǎoshang wǒ xiān shuā yá xǐ liǎn, zài chī zǎofàn.</pinyin>
  7196. <translation>In the morning, I first brush my teeth and wash my face, and then I eat breakfast.</translation>
  7197. <sequence>Actions in a row</sequence>
  7198. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7199. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7200. <traditional>早上 我 先 刷 牙 洗 臉,再 吃 早飯。</traditional>
  7201. <sound>[sound:早上我先刷牙洗脸,再吃早饭。.mp3]</sound>
  7202. </enregistrement>
  7203. <enregistrement>
  7204. <hanzi>这 句 话 很 难 懂。</hanzi>
  7205. <pinyin>Zhè jù huà hěn nán dǒng.</pinyin>
  7206. <translation>This sentence is hard to understand.</translation>
  7207. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7208. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7209. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7210. <traditional>這 句 話 很 難 懂。</traditional>
  7211. <sound>[sound:这句话很难懂。.mp3]</sound>
  7212. </enregistrement>
  7213. <enregistrement>
  7214. <hanzi>汉语 很 难 学。</hanzi>
  7215. <pinyin>Hànyǔ hěn nán xué.</pinyin>
  7216. <translation>Mandarin is hard to learn.</translation>
  7217. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7218. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7219. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7220. <traditional>漢語 很 難 學。</traditional>
  7221. <sound>[sound:汉语很难学。.mp3]</sound>
  7222. </enregistrement>
  7223. <enregistrement>
  7224. <hanzi>中国菜 很 难 做。</hanzi>
  7225. <pinyin>Zhōngguó cài hěn nán zuò.</pinyin>
  7226. <translation>Chinese food is hard to make.</translation>
  7227. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7228. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7229. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7230. <traditional>中國菜 很 難 做。</traditional>
  7231. <sound>[sound:中国菜很难做。.mp3]</sound>
  7232. </enregistrement>
  7233. <enregistrement>
  7234. <hanzi>这 个 东西 现在 很 难 买。</hanzi>
  7235. <pinyin>Zhège dōngxi xiànzài hěn nán mǎi.</pinyin>
  7236. <translation>This thing is really difficult to purchase now.</translation>
  7237. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7238. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7239. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7240. <traditional>這 個 東西 現在 很 難 買。</traditional>
  7241. <sound>[sound:这个东西现在很难买。.mp3]</sound>
  7242. </enregistrement>
  7243. <enregistrement>
  7244. <hanzi>这 个 汉字 很 难 写。</hanzi>
  7245. <pinyin>Zhège Hànzì hěn nán xiě.</pinyin>
  7246. <translation>This character is very difficult to write.</translation>
  7247. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7248. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7249. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7250. <traditional>這 個 漢字 很 難 寫。</traditional>
  7251. <sound>[sound:这个汉字很难写。.mp3]</sound>
  7252. </enregistrement>
  7253. <enregistrement>
  7254. <hanzi>你 做 的 菜 很 难吃。</hanzi>
  7255. <pinyin>Nǐ zuò de cài hěn nánchī.</pinyin>
  7256. <translation>The dishes you cook taste bad.</translation>
  7257. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7258. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7259. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7260. <traditional>你 做 的 菜 很 難吃。</traditional>
  7261. <sound>[sound:你做的菜很难吃。.mp3]</sound>
  7262. </enregistrement>
  7263. <enregistrement>
  7264. <hanzi>这里 的 咖啡 很 难喝。</hanzi>
  7265. <pinyin>Zhè lǐ de kāfēi hěn nánhē.</pinyin>
  7266. <translation>The coffee here tastes bad.</translation>
  7267. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7268. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7269. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7270. <traditional>這裏 的 咖啡 很 難喝。</traditional>
  7271. <sound>[sound:这里的咖啡很难喝。.mp3]</sound>
  7272. </enregistrement>
  7273. <enregistrement>
  7274. <hanzi>这 首 歌 很 难听。</hanzi>
  7275. <pinyin>Zhè shǒu gē hěn nántīng.</pinyin>
  7276. <translation>This song is terrible (hard to listen to).</translation>
  7277. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7278. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7279. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7280. <traditional>這 首 歌 很 難聽。</traditional>
  7281. <sound>[sound:这首歌很难听。.mp3]</sound>
  7282. </enregistrement>
  7283. <enregistrement>
  7284. <hanzi>这 种 花 很 难闻。</hanzi>
  7285. <pinyin>Zhè zhǒng huā hěn nánwén.</pinyin>
  7286. <translation>This kind of flower smells bad.</translation>
  7287. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7288. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7289. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7290. <traditional>這 種 花 很 難聞。</traditional>
  7291. <sound>[sound:这种花很难闻。.mp3]</sound>
  7292. </enregistrement>
  7293. <enregistrement>
  7294. <hanzi>这 件 衣服 很 难看吗?</hanzi>
  7295. <pinyin>Zhè jiàn yīfu hěn nánkàn ma?</pinyin>
  7296. <translation>Is this article of clothing ugly? </translation>
  7297. <sequence>Expressing 'difficult' with 'nan'</sequence>
  7298. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7299. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7300. <traditional>這 件 衣服 很 難看嗎?</traditional>
  7301. <sound>[sound:这件衣服很难看吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7302. </enregistrement>
  7303. <enregistrement>
  7304. <hanzi>她 从来 不 喝酒。</hanzi>
  7305. <pinyin>Tā cónglái bù hējiǔ.</pinyin>
  7306. <translation>She never drinks.</translation>
  7307. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7308. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7309. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7310. <traditional>她 從來 不 喝酒。</traditional>
  7311. <sound>[sound:她从来不喝酒。.mp3]</sound>
  7312. </enregistrement>
  7313. <enregistrement>
  7314. <hanzi>我 女朋友 从 不 给 我 打 电话。</hanzi>
  7315. <pinyin>Wǒ nǚpéngyou cóng bù gěi wǒ dǎ diànhuà.</pinyin>
  7316. <translation>My girlfriend never calls me. 来 has been omitted here.</translation>
  7317. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7318. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7319. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7320. <traditional>我 女朋友 從 不 給 我 打 電話。</traditional>
  7321. <sound>[sound:我女朋友从不给我打电话。.mp3]</sound>
  7322. </enregistrement>
  7323. <enregistrement>
  7324. <hanzi>这 个 人 很 奇怪,他 从来 不 笑。</hanzi>
  7325. <pinyin>Zhège rén hěn qíguài, tā cónglái bù xiào.</pinyin>
  7326. <translation>This person is very strange. He never laughs.</translation>
  7327. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7328. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7329. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7330. <traditional>這 個 人 很 奇怪,他 從來 不 笑。</traditional>
  7331. <sound>[sound:这个人很奇怪,他从来不笑。.mp3]</sound>
  7332. </enregistrement>
  7333. <enregistrement>
  7334. <hanzi>你 父母 从来 不 打 你 吗?</hanzi>
  7335. <pinyin>Nǐ fùmǔ cónglái bù dǎ nǐ ma?</pinyin>
  7336. <translation>Your parents never hit you? 'hit' can mean 'spank'</translation>
  7337. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7338. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7339. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7340. <traditional>你 父母 從來 不 打 你 嗎?</traditional>
  7341. <sound>[sound:你父母从来不打你吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7342. </enregistrement>
  7343. <enregistrement>
  7344. <hanzi>他 从 不 关心 别人。</hanzi>
  7345. <pinyin>Tā cóng bù guānxīn biérén.</pinyin>
  7346. <translation>He never cares about other people. 来 has been omitted here.</translation>
  7347. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7348. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7349. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7350. <traditional>他 從 不 關心 別人。</traditional>
  7351. <sound>[sound:他从不关心别人。.mp3]</sound>
  7352. </enregistrement>
  7353. <enregistrement>
  7354. <hanzi>你 从来 没有 想 过 这 个 问题 吗?</hanzi>
  7355. <pinyin>Nǐ cónglái méiyǒu xiǎng guo zhège wèntí ma?</pinyin>
  7356. <translation>Have you never thought about this question? </translation>
  7357. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7358. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7359. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7360. <traditional>你 從來 沒有 想 過 這 個 問題 嗎?</traditional>
  7361. <sound>[sound:你从来没有想过这个问题吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7362. </enregistrement>
  7363. <enregistrement>
  7364. <hanzi>她 从来 没 见 过 她 妈妈。</hanzi>
  7365. <pinyin>Tā cónglái méi jiàn guo tā māma.</pinyin>
  7366. <translation>She has never met her mother.</translation>
  7367. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7368. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7369. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7370. <traditional>她 從來 沒 見 過 她 媽媽。</traditional>
  7371. <sound>[sound:她从来没见过她妈妈。.mp3]</sound>
  7372. </enregistrement>
  7373. <enregistrement>
  7374. <hanzi>我 从没 学 过 这 个 词。</hanzi>
  7375. <pinyin>Wǒ cóngméi xué guo zhège cí.</pinyin>
  7376. <translation>I have never before studied this word. 来 has been omitted here.</translation>
  7377. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7378. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7379. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7380. <traditional>我 從沒 學 過 這 個 詞。</traditional>
  7381. <sound>[sound:我从没学过这个词。.mp3]</sound>
  7382. </enregistrement>
  7383. <enregistrement>
  7384. <hanzi>你们 从来 没有 听说 过 这 个 地方 吗?</hanzi>
  7385. <pinyin>Nǐmen cónglái méiyǒu tīngshuō guo zhège dìfang ma?</pinyin>
  7386. <translation>Have you never heard about this place before? </translation>
  7387. <sequence>Expressing 'never' with 'conglai'</sequence>
  7388. <lesson>A2</lesson>
  7389. <origin>GrammarWiki</origin>
  7390. <traditional>你們 從來 沒有 聽說 過 這 個 地方 嗎?</traditional>
  7391. <sound>[sound:你们从来没有听说过这个地方吗?.mp3]</sound>
  7392. </enregistrement>
  7393. <enregistrement>
  7394. <hanzi>很 多 中国人 从来 没 出 过 国。</hanzi>
  7395. <pinyin>Hěn duō Zhōngguó rén cónglái méi chū guo guó.</pinyin>
  7396. <translation>A lot of Chinese people have never been abroad.</translation>
  7397. <sequence>Expressing 'n