Grammar-wiki-B2-29.txt 2.4 KB

  1. {{Grammar Box}}
  2. 一向 (yī xiàng) is generally used to express a habit, attitude, or ‘set way of things' has continued for a long period of time until the present.
  3. ==Structure==
  4. <div class="jiegou">
  5. Subj. + 一向 + Habit / Attitude / etc.
  6. </div>
  7. ==Examples==
  8. <div class="liju">
  9. * 他 <em>一向</em> 是 个 好 学生,怎么 可能 会 作弊 呢?<span class="trans">He's always been a good student, why would he possibly cheat?</span>
  10. * 中国人 <em>一向</em> 把 红色 视为 吉祥 喜庆 的 颜色。<span class="trans">Chinese people have always considered red to be a lucky and joyous color.</span>
  11. * 云南 的 雨季 <em>一向</em> 来 得 很 突然。<span class="trans">Yunnan's rainy season always comes suddenly.</span>
  12. * 他 的 态度 <em>一向</em> 很 认真。<span class="trans">His attitude has always been very serious.</span>
  13. </div>
  14. 一向 cannot be used with verbs involving changes or actions. In this case, [["All along" with "yizhi"|一直 should be used]]:
  15. So we cannot say:
  16. <div class="liju">
  17. <ul>
  18. <li class="x"> 中国 的经济 <em>一向</em>都在快速发展.</li>
  19. <li class="x"> 他 <em>一向</em> 都 在 学 汉语.</li>
  20. </ul>
  21. </div>
  22. 一向 indicates that a certain state has continued until the present. It cannot be used to express actions in the future. Again, 一直 can be used instead:
  23. <div class="liju">
  24. <ul>
  25. <li class="x"> 你打算<em>一向</em>在上海工作吗?</li>
  26. </ul>
  27. </div>
  28. ==See also==
  29. == Sources and further reading ==
  30. === Books ===
  31. * [[Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part 2]] (pp. 224-5) [ →buy]
  32. ===Websites===
  33. * [ ‘一向’与‘一直’的多角度分析]
  34. * [ ‘一直’和‘一向’]
  35. [[Category: B2 grammar points]]
  36. [[Category: Adverbs]]
  37. {{Basic Grammar|一向|B2|一向 + Verb|他 做 事情 <em>一向</em> 踏实 。|grammar point|ASGACMNQ}}
  38. {{Used for| Expressing time and date}}
  39. {{Used for| Expressing frequency}}
  40. {{Used for|Referring to the past}}
  41. {{Used for|Referring to habitual actions}}
  42. {{Similar|"All along" with "yizhi"}}
  43. {{Similar|Comparing "yizhi" and "yixiang"}}
  44. {{POS|Adverbs}}
  45. {{Translation|always}}
  46. {{Translation|all along}}