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  1. <p>这个 (zhège) can be used by the speaker to emphasize how one regards something or someone. Using 这个 has a stronger effect than if one were to label something without using 这个 e.g &quot;中国, 这个国家&quot; has a stronger impact than merely saying &quot;中国是一个国家.&quot;</p>
  2. <h2 id="这个">这个</h2>
  3. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  4. <div class="jiegou">
  5. <p>Subj. + 这个 + [Category]</p>
  6. </div>
  7. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  8. <div class="liju">
  9. <ul>
  10. <li><em>这个</em> 坏蛋,就 没 做 过 一 件 好 事。<span class="trans">You bad person, you. You haven't done a single good thing.</span></li>
  11. <li><em>这个</em> 马屁精,又 去 拍 老板 的 马屁 了。<span class="trans">That scum. He's flattering the boss again.</span></li>
  12. <li>上海 <em>这个</em> 城市,夏天 太 热,冬天 太 冷。<span class="trans">Shanghai, this city. Its summers are too hot, and its winters are too cold.</span></li>
  13. </ul>
  14. </div>
  15. <p>As 个 is a measure word it can be replaced by other measure words in this structure. Often it is replaced with 种 or 类. which actually shifts the meaning slightly from e.g. &quot;this city&quot; to &quot;this type of city.&quot;</p>
  16. <h2 id="这种这类">这种/这类</h2>
  17. <h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3>
  18. <div class="jiegou">
  19. <p>Subj. + 这种 / 这类 + [Category]</p>
  20. </div>
  21. <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
  22. <div class="liju">
  23. <ul>
  24. <li>猕猴桃 <em>这种</em> 水果,营养 价值 最 高。<span class="trans">Kiwis and that kind of fruit have a high nutritional value.</span></li>
  25. <li><em>这种</em> 东西,可以 有 可以 没有。<span class="trans">Money and that kind of thing, you can have, but you don't need.</span></li>
  26. </ul>
  27. </div>
  28. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  29. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  30. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  31. <ul>
  32. <li><a href="Exemplification_of_Common_Sentence_Patterns_in_Spoken_Chinese_汉语口语常用句式例解" title="wikilink">Exemplification of Common Sentence Patterns in Spoken Chinese 汉语口语常用句式例解</a> (p.200-201) <a href=";qid=1347865939&amp;sr=8-1">→buy</a></li>
  33. </ul>
  34. <p> </p>
  35. <p><a href="Category:B2_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category:B2 grammar points</a></p>