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  9. <p>总 (zǒng) can often be simply translated as "<a href="always"
  10. class="uri" title="wikilink">always</a>," but it has other advanced
  11. uses as well. It can express "no matter how long or under what
  12. circumstances, facts are facts." It can also express "no matter
  13. what." It is often paired with other words to form set phrases such
  14. as 总会, 总归, 总得, 总要, 总能, etc. It can also be structured together with
  15. other unconditional compound phrases like <a href=
  16. "%E6%97%A0%E8%AE%BA" class="uri" title="wikilink">无论</a> and
  17. <a href="%E4%B8%8D%E7%AE%A1" class="uri" title="wikilink">不管</a>.
  18. You cannot place it directly after the verb.</p>
  19. <h2 id="used-with-auxiliary-verb">Used with Auxiliary Verb</h2>
  20. <p>In this structure, 总, with its companion character (usually a
  21. modal/<a href="auxiliary_verb" title="wikilink">auxiliary
  22. verb</a>), means "always will (fill in character/action here)" Once
  23. again, it gives the feeling of something very concrete and factual.
  24. One of the examples below says "No matter what happens, people have
  25. to eat."</p>
  26. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  27. <div class="jiegou">
  28. <p>总 + 会 / 得 / 要 / 能 + Verb</p>
  29. </div>
  30. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  31. <div class="liju">
  32. <ul>
  33. <li>这里 是 他 家,他 <em>总 会</em> 回来 的。<span class="trans">This is his
  34. home. He will always come back.</span></li>
  35. <li>咱们 <em>总 得</em> 想 个 办法 啊。<span class="trans">We always have to
  36. come up with something to do.</span></li>
  37. <li>不管 发生 了 什么,人 <em>总 要</em> 吃饭 吧。<span class="trans">No matter
  38. what happens, people have to eat.</span></li>
  39. <li>他 是 你 爸爸,你 <em>总 要</em> 礼貌 一点 吧。<span class="trans">He is your
  40. father, you should always a little more polite.</span></li>
  41. <li>你 拿 了 人家 的 钱,<em>总 得</em> 帮 人家 做 事 吧。<span class="trans">You
  42. took their money, so you're always going to have to help them do
  43. stuff.</span></li>
  44. </ul>
  45. </div>
  46. <h2 id="used-with-不-and-没">Used with 不 and 没</h2>
  47. <p>When 总 is used together with a negating word (like 不 or 没), it
  48. often has a tone of speculation, judgement or suggestion. The
  49. sentence often ends with a 吧.</p>
  50. <h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3>
  51. <div class="jiegou">
  52. <p>总 + 不 / 没 + Verb</p>
  53. </div>
  54. <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
  55. <div class="liju">
  56. <ul>
  57. <li>你们 之间 的 联系 这么 少,看 起来 <em></em> <strong></strong> 像 是 一 家
  58. 人。<span class="trans">You talk to each other so little. It seems
  59. that you're barely family.</span></li>
  60. <li>他 这么 大 年纪 了,我们 <em></em> <strong></strong> 能 让 他 一个人 去
  61. 吧?<span class="trans">He'e so old. We can't let him go there all
  62. alone. What do you think?</span></li>
  63. <li>这么 晚 了,<em></em> <strong></strong> 会 出 了 什么事 吧?<span class=
  64. "trans">It's getting late. Do you think something bad
  65. happened?</span></li>
  66. <li>这 件 事 <em></em> <strong></strong> 会 是 内部 的 人 做 的
  67. 吧?<span class="trans">Do you think this is an inside
  68. job?</span></li>
  69. <li>他 想 带 父母 去 旅行,可是 <em></em> <strong></strong> 时间。<span class=
  70. "trans">He wants to take her parents to travel, but he's always not
  71. able to find time.</span></li>
  72. </ul>
  73. </div>
  74. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  75. <ul>
  76. <li><a href=
  77. "Comparing_&quot;zongsuan&quot;_and_%E2%80%9Czhongyu&quot;" title=
  78. "wikilink">Comparing "zongsuan" and “zhongyu"</a></li>
  79. <li><a href="&quot;Always&quot;_with_&quot;zongshi&quot;" title=
  80. "wikilink">"Always" with "zongshi"</a></li>
  81. <li><a href=
  82. "Expressing_&quot;After_All&quot;_with_&quot;bijing&quot;" title=
  83. "wikilink">Expressing "After All" with "bijing"</a></li>
  84. <li><a href=
  85. "Expressing_&quot;In_the_End&quot;_with_&quot;daodi&quot;" title=
  86. "wikilink">Expressing "In the End" with "daodi"</a></li>
  87. </ul>
  88. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further
  89. reading</h2>
  90. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  91. <ul>
  92. <li><a href=
  93. "%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E5%85%AB%E7%99%BE%E8%AF%8D%EF%BC%88%E5%A2%9E%E8%AE%A2%E6%9C%AC%EF%BC%89"
  94. class="uri" title="wikilink">现代汉语八百词(增订本)</a> (总归p. 698) <a href=
  95. ";qid=1345693275&amp;sr=8-1">
  96. →buy</a></li>
  97. </ul>
  98. <ul>
  99. <li><a href=
  100. "%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%99%9A%E8%AF%8D%E4%BE%8B%E9%87%8A"
  101. class="uri" title="wikilink">现代汉语虚词例释</a>(总 p.663)<a href=
  102. ";qid=1345693275&amp;sr=8-1">→buy</a></li>
  103. </ul>
  104. <p><a href="Category:B2_grammar_points" title=
  105. "wikilink">Category:B2 grammar points</a></p>
  106. </body>
  107. </html>