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  11. <p>If something was originally a certain way, or "<b>should be</b>" a certain way, the Chinese words used are often&#160;<span class="hanzi">本来</span>&#160;(<span class="pinyin">běnlái</span>) and&#160;<span class="hanzi">原来</span>&#160;(<span class="pinyin">yuánlái</span>).&#160;<span class="hanzi">本来</span>&#160;(<span class="pinyin">běnlái</span>) is usually an adverb while&#160;<span class="hanzi">原来</span>&#160;(<span class="pinyin">yuánlái</span>) could be either and adjective or an adverb. However, they are used in different ways and different circumstances, so this article will help you distinguish when and where to use them.</p>
  12. <h2 id="situations-only-using-本来">Situations only using&#160;<span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px; font-weight: normal;">本来</span></h2>
  13. <h3 id="本来-as-an-adverb-often-requires-就-for-emphasis"><span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px; font-weight: normal;">本来</span>&#160;as an adverb often requires&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;for emphasis</h3>
  14. <p><span style="color: rgb(139, 0, 0); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 22px;">本来</span>&#160;is used when something is common sense. There are certain expectations for the speaker and listener. Since there is no real English equivalent, it is best translated as "<b>it goes without saying.</b>" It can also be translated to "<b>supposed to,</b>" following it with a certain expectation.</p>
  15. <h4 id="structure">Structure</h4>
  16. <div class="jiegou">
  17. <div class="deux">Subj. +&#160;<span class="hanzist">本来</span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;+ Adj.</div>
  18. <p><br/></p>
  19. <div class="deux">Subj. +&#160;<span class="hanzist">本来</span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist">应该</span>&#160;+ Verb</div>
  20. </div>
  21. <h4 id="examples">Examples</h4>
  22. <div class="exemple">
  23. <ul>
  24. <li><span class="hanzi">生活本来 就 很 不 容易。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">Life isn't supposed to be very easy.</span></li>
  25. <li><span class="hanzi">搬家 本来就 很 麻烦。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">Moving is supposed to be very troublesome.</span></li>
  26. <li><span class="hanzi">照顾 孩子本来 就 是 父母 的 责任。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">Taking care of children is supposed to be the responsibility of parents.</span></li>
  27. <li><span class="hanzi">老师本来就 应该 好好 备课。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">Teachers are supposed to prepare their lessons well.</span></li>
  28. <li><span class="hanzi">美国 人 本来就 会 说 流利 的 英文。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">Americans are supposed to speak fluent English.</span></li>
  29. </ul>
  30. </div>
  31. <h3 id="using-本来是-expresses-a-change-of-plans">Using&#160;<span class="hanzist">本来是</span>&#160;expresses a change of plans</h3>
  32. <p>If something happened unexpectedly later,&#160;<span class="hanzi">本来</span>&#160;is preferred rather than&#160;<span class="hanzi">原来</span>&#160;considering there is a change of the original situation.&#160;<span class="hanzi">本来</span>&#160;means "<b>originally</b>." Since the action has already happened, the pattern&#160;<span class="hanzi">是⋯⋯的&#160;</span>is suggested here.&#160;<span class="hanzi"></span>&#160;is optional.</p>
  33. <h4 id="structure-1">Structure</h4>
  34. <div class="jiegou">
  35. <div class="deux">Subj. +&#160;<span class="hanzist">本来</span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;+(<span class="hanzist"></span><span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist">应该</span>&#160;+ Verb +&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span><span class="hanzist">但是</span>&#160;/&#160;<span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px;">可是⋯⋯</span></div>
  36. </div>
  37. <h4 id="examples-1">Examples</h4>
  38. <div class="exemple">
  39. <ul>
  40. <li><span class="hanzi">我本来 是 要 去 参加 你的 生日 派对 的,可是 周末 突然 要 加班。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">I was originally going to go to your birthday party, but I had to work some extra time this weekend.</span></li>
  41. <li><span class="hanzi">他本来是 应该 考 得 更 好 的,可是 那天 他 生病 了。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">He would have done better on the test, but he was sick that day.</span></li>
  42. <li><span class="hanzi">我们本来 不 打算 去 的,后来 因为 他们 打 了 好 几次 电话 就 去 了。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">We didn't plan to go, but we went in the end because they called us several times.</span></li>
  43. <li><span class="hanzi">这些 工作本来 可以 明天 做 的,不过 如果 你 想 今天 做 完 也 可以。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">This work doesn't need to be done by today. But if you want to finish it sooner, you can.</span></li>
  44. <li><span class="hanzi">我本来是 要 跟 他 结婚 的,可是 后来 发现 了 我们 真的 不 合适。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">I was originally going to marry him, but then I found that we are just not meant for each other.</span></li>
  45. </ul>
  46. </div>
  47. <h3 id="using-本来就-to-stress-the-tone">Using&#160;<span class="hanzist">本来就</span>&#160;to stress the tone</h3>
  48. <p>If you've got an opinion to express after stating how it "<b>should be</b>" or "<b>should not be</b>," then&#160;<span class="hanzi">本来就</span>&#160;will help you sound more convincing. The end of the sentence usually has an imperative or rhetorical question that leads to an opinion or suggestion, emphasizing the tone.</p>
  49. <h4 id="structure-2">Structure</h4>
  50. <div class="jiegou">
  51. <div class="deux">Subj. +&#160;<span class="hanzist">本来</span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;+ ⋯⋯</div>
  52. </div>
  53. <h4 id="examples-2">Examples</h4>
  54. <div class="exemple">
  55. <ul>
  56. <li><span class="hanzi">你本来 就 够 瘦 了 ,还要 减肥 吗?</span>&#160;<span class="trans">You are already thin enough and you still want to lose weight?</span></li>
  57. <li><span class="hanzi">他 讲 得本来就 不 对,为什么 还 要 我 听 他 的?</span>&#160;<span class="trans">What he said was wrong all along, so why do you still want me to listen to what he says?</span></li>
  58. <li><span class="hanzi">他本来就 不 是 个 好 人,你 怎么 还要 帮他?</span>&#160;<span class="trans">He was never a good person. Why do you still want to help him?</span></li>
  59. <li><span class="hanzi">她本来就 不 喜欢你,你 别 再 追 她 了。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">She never liked you in the first place, so stop going after her.</span></li>
  60. <li><span class="hanzi">他说话的方式本来就 很 容易 让人 不 舒服,你 别 介意。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">The way he tends to speak can easily make people uncomfortable, so don't take it personally.</span></li>
  61. </ul>
  62. </div>
  63. <h2 id="situations-only-using-原来">Situations only using&#160;<span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px; font-weight: normal;">原来</span></h2>
  64. <h3 id="using-原来-expresses-it-turned-out">Using&#160;<span class="hanzist">原来</span>&#160;expresses “It turned out”</h3>
  65. <p><span style="color: rgb(139, 0, 0); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 22px;">原来</span>&#160;is more used to emphasize what you accidentally find out or realize in a situation.&#160;<span class="hanzi">原来</span>&#160;means that the unexpected happened. It's similar to "<b>as it turns out⋯⋯</b>" For this usage, "<span class="hanzi">原来</span>" is normally located at the beginning of the sentence.</p>
  66. <p>The most two useful patterns are as follows:</p>
  67. <h4 id="structure-3">Structure</h4>
  68. <div class="jiegou"><div class="deux"><span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px;">原来</span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span>&#160;+ [Fact / Truth / Reason / Purpose]</div>
  69. <p><br/></p>
  70. <div class="deux"><span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px;">怪不得</span>&#160;+ [Observation / Situation],<span class="hanzist">原来</span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist">原来</span>&#160;+&#160;<span class="hanzist"></span><span class="hanzist">因为</span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist">为了</span>&#160;/&#160;<span class="hanzist">想⋯⋯</span></div>
  71. </div>
  72. <h4 id="examples-3">Examples</h4>
  73. <div class="exemple">
  74. <ul>
  75. <li><span class="hanzi">原来 是 你 啊!我 刚才 真 没 看 出来。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">It is you! I didn't recognize you until just now.</span></li>
  76. <li><span class="hanzi">原来 是 这 样 啊,那 是 我 做错 了。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">Oh, that's it. I was doing it wrong all along.</span></li>
  77. <li><span class="hanzi">怪不得 你 中文 说 得 这么 好,原来你 在 中国 住 了 三十 多 年。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">No wonder your Chinese is so good. You lived in China for more than 30 years.</span></li>
  78. <li><span class="hanzi">原来 他们 住 在 一起,怪不得 他们 常常 一起 上 下班。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">They are living with each other. No wonder they often come to work and leave work together.</span></li>
  79. <li><span class="hanzi">怪不得 总是 对 他 那么 好,原来 你 一直 都 喜欢 他</span><span style="color: rgb(139, 0, 0); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 26px;"></span>&#160;<span class="trans">No wonder you treat him so well. You've had feelings for him the whole time.</span></li>
  80. </ul>
  81. </div>
  82. <h3 id="use-原来-as-an-adjective-to-mean-previous-or-former">Use&#160;<span class="hanzist">原来</span>&#160;as an Adjective to Mean "Previous" or "Former"</h3>
  83. <h4 id="structure-4">Structure</h4>
  84. <div class="jiegou"><div class="deux"><span style="color: rgb(255, 127, 80); font-family: NotoSansCJKsc; font-size: 30px;">原来的</span>&#160;+ Noun</div>
  85. </div>
  86. <h4 id="examples-4">Examples</h4>
  87. <div class="exemple">
  88. <ul>
  89. <li><span class="hanzi">这是 我 原来 的 家。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">This is my old house.</span></li>
  90. <li><span class="hanzi">他 原来 的 公司 关门 了。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">His former company closed down.</span></li>
  91. <li><span class="hanzi">你们 原来 的 看法 不 是 这 样 的。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">This is not how you previously thought about it.</span></li>
  92. <li><span class="hanzi">我 现在 的 男朋友 比 原来 的 男朋友 帅 多了。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">My current boyfriend is a lot cuter than my ex.</span></li>
  93. <li><span class="hanzi">你 原来 的 头发 那么 黑,现在 白 了 很 多。</span>&#160;<span class="trans">Your hair was so black before, but now it's become a lot whiter.</span></li>
  94. </ul>
  95. </div>
  96. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  97. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  98. <ul>
  99. <li>Chinese Grammar - Broken down into 100 items - Basic and Intermediate Levels (<span class="hanzi">汉语语法百项讲练 - 初中级</span>) (pp. 94-6) </li>
  100. <li>Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part 1 (pp. 195-6) </li>
  101. <li>New Practical Chinese Reader 5 (<span class="hanzi">新实用汉语课本5</span>) (pp. 29)</li>
  102. <li>Short-term Spoken Chinese: Elementary (<span class="hanzi">汉语口语速成基础篇</span>) (pp. 22-23) </li>
  103. </ul>
  104. </body>
  105. </html>