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  9. Expressing "hard to avoid" with "nanmian"
  10. (Redirected from ASGYDKT3)
  11. Level B2
  12. Similar to
  13. Used for
  14. Expressing quality
  15. Keywords
  16. 难免
  17. 难免 (nánmiǎn) means "to be unavoidable" or "inevitable" and is most commonly placed before a verb, often an auxiliary verb such asor 要. It can only be used to introduce an inevitable situation that is characterized by negative features. One cannot use 难免 to talk of a positive inevitability such as "you will inevitably have a good time."
  18. Contents
  19. 1 Structure
  20. 2 Examples
  21. 3 See also
  22. 4 Sources and further reading
  23. 4.1 Books
  24. Structure
  25. (Subj.) + 难免 + Verb
  26. Examples
  27. 刚 开始 说 外语 时 难免 会 有 一些 误会。
  28. When you first start speaking a foreign language, there are inevitably going to be some misunderstandings.
  29. 年轻 人 难免 会 遇到 挫折,关键 是 学习 怎么样 克服。
  30. Young people are always going to face problems, but the most important thing is to learn how to overcome them.
  31. 第 一 次 坐 飞机 出国 难免 会 有点 兴奋 。
  32. There‘s no way not to feel excited about it the first time you go abroad by plane .
  33. 现在 是 高峰期,地铁 难免 会 拥挤。
  34. It's rush hour right now. There's no way to avoid the congestion in the subway.
  35. 这家 公司 的 实习生 难免 要 做 一些 打杂 的 事。
  36. There's no way for the interns at this firm to avoid doing odds and ends.
  37. Using a negative in the phrase after 难免 does not change the meaning of the sentence. So, for example, 难免不拥挤 and 难免拥挤 mean the same thing.
  38. See also
  39. Sources and further reading
  40. Books
  41. 现代汉语八百词 (pp. 408-409) →buy
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