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  9. Advanced uses of "lian"
  10. (Redirected from ASGF273F)
  11. Level B2
  12. Similar to
  13. Expressing "even" with "lian" and "dou" (B1)
  14. Expressing "even" with "shenzhi" (B2)
  15. Expressing "let alone" with "bie shuo" (B2)
  16. Expressing "let alone" with "geng buyong shuo" (B2)
  17. Used for
  18. Expressing attitude, Adding more explanation
  19. Keywords
  20. 连, 都
  21. Translations
  22. even
  23. This article is a stub. Editors can help the Chinese Grammar Wiki by expanding it.
  24. 连⋯⋯都⋯⋯ (lián... dōu...) is a pattern that can be used to emphasize certain unexpected or surprising events or information. It is used the same way even is in English.
  25. Contents
  26. 1 连 as "Not at All"
  27. 1.1 Structure
  28. 1.2 Examples
  29. 2 连 as "Not even One"
  30. 2.1 Structure
  31. 2.2 Examples
  32. 3 See also
  33. 4 Sources and further reading
  34. 4.1 Books
  35. 连 as "Not at All"
  36. Structure
  37. 连 + Verb + 都 + 不 / 没 + Verb (,就 ⋯⋯)
  38. Using this type of sentence structure emphasizes "not even at all..."
  39. Examples
  40. 朋友 ?这个 人 我 连 见 都 没 见 过 。
  41. Péngyou? Zhège rén wǒ lián jiàn dōu méi jiàn guo.
  42. Friends? I've never seen this person.
  43. 你 怎么 连 问 都 不 问 就 拿 别人 的 东西 ?
  44. Nǐ zěnme liánn dōu bù wèn jiù ná biérén de dōngxi?
  45. Why are you taking other people's stuff without even asking?
  46. 他 连 说 都 不 说 就 走 了 。
  47. Tā lián shuō dōu bù shuō jiù zǒu le.
  48. He just left without even telling.
  49. 你们 连 尝 都 没 尝 就 说 不 好吃 ?
  50. Nǐmen lián cháng dōu méi cháng jiù shuō bù hǎochī?
  51. You guys didn't even taste it at all and you say it's not tasty?
  52. 连 as "Not even One"
  53. "连"在这个句型中,是语气副词,加强语气。去掉不影响句子的完整性。详见Expressing "not even one"
  54. Structure
  55. 连 + 一 + Measure Word (+ Noun) + 都 + 不 / 没 + Verb
  56. Examples
  57. 两 年 前,他 连 一 句 中文 都 不 会 说 。
  58. Liǎng nián qián, tā lián yī jù Zhōngwén dōu bù huì shuō.
  59. He couldn't even say a sentence in Chinese two years ago.
  60. 他 连 一 套 西服 都 没有 ?
  61. Tā liántào xīfú dōu méiyǒu?
  62. He doesn't even have one suit?
  63. 我们 连 一 次 都 没 见 过 。
  64. Wǒmen lián yī cì dōu méi jiàn guo.
  65. We haven't even met once.
  66. See also
  67. Sources and further reading
  68. Books
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