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  9. Expressing "both… and…" with ""
  10. (Redirected from ASGZRPCK)
  11. Level B2
  12. Similar to
  13. Expressing "both A and B" with "you" (A2)
  14. Expressing "not only… but also" with "bujin" (B2)
  15. Many types of "not only... but also..." (B2)
  16. Used for
  17. Giving alternatives, Describing things
  18. Keywords
  19. 既, 又, 也
  20. Translations
  21. both, and
  22. 既 (jì) can be used in conjunction with either 又 (yòu) or 也 (yě) to express that something is "both A and B":
  23. Contents
  24. 1 Used with
  25. 1.1 Structure
  26. 1.2 Examples
  27. 2 Used with
  28. 2.1 Structure
  29. 2.2 Examples
  30. 3 See also
  31. 4 Sources and further reading
  32. 4.1 Books
  33. Used with
  34. Structure
  35. 既 + A + 又 + B
  36. A and B can be adjectives, verbs or short phrases. Most of the time A and B will take the same form i.e. if A is an adjective B will also be an adjective.
  37. Examples
  38. 他 做 事情 既 快 又 好。
  39. He does things both quickly and well.
  40. 这 家 银行 的 服务既 热情 又周到。
  41. This bank's service is both enthusiastic and thorough.
  42. 这个 产品 的 设计 既 时尚 又 人性化。
  43. This product's design is both stylish and humane.
  44. Used with
  45. Structure
  46. The structure can also be formed with 也, but here it is used primarily for verbs or verb phrases:
  47. 既 + [Verb Phrase] ,也 + [Verb Phrase]
  48. Examples
  49. 她 既 是 我 妈妈 ,也 是 我 朋友。
  50. She is both my mother and my friend.
  51. 要求 是 你 既 要 会 说 流利 的 中文 ,也 要 会 说 流利 的 英文 。
  52. The requirement is that you need to speak both fluent Chinese and English.
  53. 爸爸 很 生 我 的 气 ,不过 他 既 没 打 我 ,也 没 骂 我 。
  54. Dad was really mad at me, but he neither hit me nor yelled at me.
  55. See also
  56. "Both A and B" with "you"
  57. Combining verbs with "bing"
  58. Sources and further reading
  59. Books
  60. New Practical Chinese Reader 3 (新实用汉语课本3) (pp. 120) →buy
  61. 卓越汉语-公司实战篇 (pp. 11) [ →buy]
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