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  9. Comparing "chao" "xiang" and "wang"
  10. (Redirected from ASGIHS2L)
  11. Level B2
  12. Similar to
  13. Expressing "toward" with "wang" (B1)
  14. Used for
  15. Describing things, Describing actions
  16. Keywords
  17. 朝, 向, 往
  18. All three of these, 朝 (cháo), 向 (xiàng), and 往 (wǎng) can be used to indicate direction or position. When these preposition phrases are used in before the verb, the three have the same structure and their meaning is the same. You can swap them in and out. At other times, however, they are used differently, and this article will help you differentiate when you are supposed to use which one.
  19. Contents
  20. 1 When using "朝," "向," and "往" is appropriate
  21. 1.1 Structure
  22. 1.2 Examples
  23. 2 When to use "向" and "往"
  24. 2.1 Structure
  25. 2.2 Examples
  26. 3 When to use "向" and "朝"
  27. 3.1 Structure
  28. 3.2 Examples
  29. 4 When to use just "向"
  30. 4.1 Structure
  31. 4.2 Examples
  32. 5 Examples of right and wrong sentences
  33. 6 Example dialog
  34. 7 See Also
  35. 8 Sources and further reading
  36. 8.1 Books
  37. When using "朝," "向," and "往" is appropriate
  38. Structure
  39. Just put one of the three before the direction and the verb!
  40. 向 / 朝 / 往 + 具体方向 + Verb
  41. Examples
  42. 从 这里 向 / 朝 / 往 北 走 两 百 米 就 到 了。
  43. From here, go one hundred meters north, and you'll get there.
  44. 这 个 小 女孩 向 左 看看 又 向 右 看看 才 过 马路。
  45. This little girl looked left and then looked right before crossing the street.
  46. 我 看见 他 朝 你们 家 去 了。
  47. I saw him going towards your house.
  48. 往 前 走 十 分 钟。
  49. Walk forward for ten minutes.
  50. When to use "向" and "往"
  51. and 往 can be placed after the verb, however it has to be used with an appropriate verb, Often used verbs are 开, 飞, 发, 运, 送, 寄, 带, 驶 etc. As you can see, these are words that at least imply some sort of motion. In addition, compared to 向, 往 is used more often with those verbs, because 往 expresses the destination while 向 merely expresses a direction, 朝 cannot be used this way.
  52. Structure
  53. Verb + 向 / 往 + 具体方向
  54. Examples
  55. 这 趟 火车 开 往 沈阳。
  56. This train is heading towards Shenyang.
  57. 这 趟 航班 飞 往 纽约。
  58. This plane is flying to New York.
  59. 一 辆 黑 色 的 小 轿车 慢慢地 从 东 驶 向 西。
  60. The black limo slowly went from East to West.
  61. 像 鸟儿 一样 飞 向 蓝天。
  62. The little birds flew towards the sky.
  63. When to use "向" and "朝"
  64. When the action that takes place is specified to a specific target, useor 朝. 往 cannot be used this way. Also, when the verb is a concrete action, the use ofand 朝 are the same, and they can be interchanged.
  65. Structure
  66. 向 / 朝 + 动作的对象 + 具体意义的动词
  67. Examples
  68. 他 向 / 朝 我 笑 了 笑。
  69. He laughed at me.
  70. 我 朝 他 开 了 一 枪。
  71. I shot a gun at him.
  72. 他 已经 向 全体 员工 解释 过 了。
  73. He has already explained it to the employees.
  74. When to use just "向"
  75. When the verb has an abstract meaning, you can only use 向, and you cannot use 朝.
  76. Structure
  77. 向 + Direction + Abstract Verb
  78. Examples
  79. 他 是 优秀 员工,我们 都 要 向 他 学习。
  80. He is an exemplary employee, we should all study him.
  81. 我们 要 向 环保 部门 要求 严查 工厂 排污。
  82. We are going to make the Environmental Safety Department closely examine the factory sewage.
  83. Examples of right and wrong sentences
  84. 这 个 地铁 是 开 往 浦东 机场 的 吗 ?
  85. 你 要 多 向 他 学习 学习 。
  86. 帅哥 朝 我 笑 了 一下 。
  87. 你 现在 是 开 朝 市 中心 吗?
  88. 朝 雷锋 同志 学习!
  89. 往 雷锋 同志 学习!
  90. 帅哥 往 我 笑 了。
  91. Example dialog
  92. A: 他 往 南 走 了 。
  93. He walked south.
  94. B: 你 怎么 让 他 往 南 走 呢 ?南 边 很 危险 。
  95. Why did you make him go south? Going south is dangerous.
  96. A: 你 朝 我 发 什么 火?我 说 了 他 不 听 。
  97. Why are you mad at me? I told him but he didn't listen
  98. B: 不好意思 ,我 应该 向 你 道歉 。
  99. I'm sorry. I should apologize to you.
  100. See Also
  101. Sources and further reading
  102. Books
  103. 现代汉语八百词(增订本) (pp. 196) [ →buy]
  104. 现代汉语虚词例释 (pp. 79, 505) →buy
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