The verb 姓 (xìng) literally means "to be surnamed" or "to have the
surname." It may seem awkward at first that there's a verb just for
this, but you'll find that it's used quite often in Chinese.
姓 (xìng) is used most often to tell someone your own surname ("family
name" or "last name"), or to ask the surname of someone else.
Subj. + 姓 + [Surname]
- 我 姓 王。Wǒ xìng
Wáng.My family name is Wang.
- 你 老板 姓 李 吗? Nǐ lǎobǎn
xìng Lǐ ma?Is your boss's last
name Li?
- 那 个 帅哥 姓 张。Nàge shuàigē
xìng Zhāng.That handsome guy's
last name is Zhang.
- 我 爸爸 姓 周,我 妈妈 姓 林
。Wǒ bàba xìng Zhōu, wǒ māma
xìng Lín.My father's family name
is Zhou. My mother's family name is Lin.
- 他 女朋友 姓 钱。Tā nǚpéngyou
xìng Qián.His girlfriend's last
name is Qian.
- 你好,我 姓 毛。Nǐ hǎo, wǒ
xìng Máo.Hello. My last name is
- 我 姓 赵,我 太太 也 姓
赵。Wǒ xìng Zhào, wǒ tàitai yě
xìng Zhào.My last name is Zhao.
My wife's last name is also Zhao.
- 我 的 中文 老师 姓 陈。Wǒ de Zhōngwén
lǎoshī xìng Chén.My Chinese
teacher's surname is Chen.
- 你 奶奶 也 姓 陈 吗 ? Nǐ nǎinai yě
xìng Chén ma?Is your grandma's
family name also Chen?
- 他们 都 姓 李。Tāmen dōu xìng
Lǐ.All of their surnames are Li.
You can also use 姓 (xìng) to ask people their surnames. You could do
this quite directly by saying:
- 你 姓 什么? Nǐ xìng
shénme?What is your last name?
However, the formal way to ask has a set form:
- 您 贵 姓 ?Nín guì
xìng?What is your honorable
Literally this means "What is your honorable surname?" Use this form to
be polite when asking people their surnames.
Sources and further reading
Category:A1 grammar points