The auxiliary verb 要 (yào) has several
and here we'll tackle the "be going to" meaning. You'll use this when
you are discussing your plans with someone.
The idea behind this usage of 要 (yào) is that someone is "planning to"
or "going to" or "preparing to" do something. It's not that they just
want to, or have to, it's that they fully expect to do it. It's in
their plan.
This usage of 要 (yào) typically includes a time
word of some sort, which may be placed before or
after the subject. This is fairly logical; if you're discussing plans
for the future, you're quite likely to say when you plan to do things.
Subj. + Time + 要 + Verb
Time + Subj. + 要 + Verb
Note that the time word is not strictly required, and when it's missing,
you may at first find yourself wondering
which usage of 要
(yào) you're
dealing with. This is normal; it just takes some getting used to.
- 我 明天 要 买 一 个 iPhone。
Wǒ míngtiān yào mǎi
yī gè iPhone.I am going to buy an iPhone
- 你们 现在 要 出去 吗?
Nǐmen xiànzài yào
chūqù ma?Are you all going out
- 我们 今年 要 去 美国 。
Wǒmen jīnnián yào qù
Měiguó.We are planning to go to the U.S.
this year.
- 他 下 个 月 要 来 中国 工作。
Tā xià gè yuè yào lái
Zhōngguó gōngzuò.He is coming to China to
work next month.
- 你 下 个 星期 要 去 她 家 吃 晚饭
吗? Nǐ xià gè xīngqī yào qù tā jiā
chī wǎnfàn ma?Are you going to her place
for dinner next week?
- 这 个 星期天 你 要 做
什么?Zhège Xīngqītiān nǐ
yào zuò shénme?What are you
doing this Sunday?
- 我 晚上 要 给 妈妈 打电话。
Wǒ wǎnshang yào gěi
māma dǎ diànhuà.I am going to call my mom
this evening.
- 下午 老师 要 来 我家。
Xiàwǔ lǎoshī yào lái
wǒ jiā.The teacher is coming to my place
this afternoon.
- 老板 明天 要 见 他们 吗?
Lǎobǎn míngtiān yào
jiàn tāmen ma?Is the boss going to meet
them tomorrow?
- 下班 以后 你 要 回家 吗?
Xiàbān yǐhòu nǐ yào
huíjiā ma?Are you planning to go home
after getting off work?
Sources and further reading
Category:A1 grammar points