Multitasking is everywhere in the modern world (what else are you doing
while you read this?), but you if can focus for just a minute, you can
learn a way to express simultaneous tasks in Chinese! This can be done
with 一边 (yībiān).
To express that one thing is done while doing something else, the word
一边 (yībiān) is used.
Subj. + 一边 + Verb(,)+ 一边 + Verb
Note that you sometimes see 一边 (yībiān) shortened to 边 (biān) as
well, which has a less formal feel.
- 不要 一边 吃 东西,一边
说话。Bùyào yībiān chī dōngxi,
yībiān shuōhuà.Don't speak while
- 我 常常 一边 洗澡, 一边
唱歌。Wǒ chángcháng yībiān xǐzǎo,
yībiān chànggē.I often sing
songs while I take a shower.
- 孩子 喜欢 一边 吃饭, 一边
玩。Háizi xǐhuan yībiān chīfàn,
yībiān wán.Children like to play
while eating.
- 你 喜欢 一边 听 音乐, 一边 做 作业
吗?Nǐ xǐhuan yībiān tīng yīnyuè,
yībiān zuò zuòyè ma? Do you like
to listen to music while doing homework?
- 我们 一边 走 一边 聊
吧。Wǒmen yībiān zǒu yībiān
liáo ba.Let's walk while we talk.
- 请 你 一边 读 一边 写。Qǐng
nǐ yībiān dú yībiān
xiě.Please write as you read.
- 不要 一边 开车, 一边
打电话。Bùyào yībiān kāichē,
yībiān dǎ diànhuà.Don't talk on
the phone while you drive.
- 老板 喜欢 一边 抽烟,一边
工作。Lǎobǎn xǐhuan yībiān chōuyān,
yībiān gōngzuò.The boss likes to
smoke while working.
- 很多 人 都 一边 上班, 一边 玩
手机。Hěn duō rén dōu yībiān shàngbān,
yībiān wán shǒujī.Many people
play with their cell phones while working.
- 她 常常 一边 做饭,一边 带
孩子。Tā chángcháng yībiān zuòfàn,
yībiān dài háizi.She often looks
after the baby while cooking food.
You'll notice that the order of the two actions is sometimes different
in the original Chinese and the English translations above. This is
because the "main" action usually comes second in English (after the
"while"), but first in Chinese. For example, "take a shower while
singing" sounds strange in English, but "sing while taking a shower"
Note that you must be actively doing both actions. That is, they have to
be intentional. If you want to say something happened while another
thing was happening, it would be better to use 的时候 (de
Sources and further reading
Category:A2 grammar points