The particle 了 (le) has a lot of uses. One
of the most common is to express the completion of an action. This is
called aspect, which is not the same as tense.
Tense is about when an action happens: past, present or future. Aspect
is about whether the action is complete in a certain time frame.
To indicate completeness with 了 (le), the structure is:
Subj. + Verb + 了 + Obj.
Notice that 了 (le) goes directly after the verb. This 了 (le) is called
verb 了 (le) or
- 你 今天 早上 吃 了 什么? Nǐ jīntiān
zǎoshang chī le shénme? What did
you eat this morning?
- 他 买 了 一个 新 手机。 Tā mǎi
le yī gè xīn shǒujī.He bought a
new cell phone.
- 昨天 晚上 我 看见 了 UFO。 Zuótiān
wǎnshang wǒ kànjiàn le UFO.I saw
a UFO last night.
- 我 学 了 两 年 中文。Wǒ xué
le liǎng nián Zhōngwén. I
studied Chinese for two years.
- 今年 夏天 我 跟 我 男朋友 去 了 台湾。
Jīnnián xiàtiān wǒ gēn wǒ nánpéngyou qù
le Táiwān.I went to Taiwan with
my boyfriend this summer.
The examples above indicate a completed action, but they might also seem
very similar to a "past tense" in English. To illustrate that 了 (le)
can also indicate that one action is completed before another, see the
following examples:
- 你 到 了 告诉 我。future
actionNǐ dào le gàosu
wǒ.When you have arrived, tell me.
- 老板 走 了 以后, 你们 可以 走。
actionLǎobǎn zǒu le yǐhòu,
nǐmen kěyǐ zǒu.After the boss has left,
you may leave.
- 你 找到 了 以后 , 给 我 打
actionNǐ zhǎodào le yǐhòu, gěi
wǒ dǎ diànhuà.After you have found it,
give me a call.
- 你们 吃 了 饭 以后 , 可以 出去 。
actionNǐmen chī le fàn yǐhòu,
kěyǐ chūqù.After you have eaten your
food, you can go out.
- 下 了 课 以后 ,我 要 问 老师 一些
actionXià le kè yǐhòu, wǒ yào
wèn lǎoshī yīxiē wèntí.After class is
over, I need to ask the teacher a few questions.
As you can see, 了 (le) can appear in sentences about the future as well
as the past. What's important is whether or not the action has been
completed, no matter what time frame we're talking about. This also
means that this 了 (le) isn't used with habitual or continuous actions.
Sources and further reading
Category:A2 grammar points