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  1. <p>A simple and direct way to indicate that you or someone is going to a specific place or has arrived at a specific place is to use the verb 到 (dào).</p>
  2. <h2 id="到-dào-for-arriving-in-a-place">到 (dào) for Arriving in a Place</h2>
  3. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  4. <p>The verb 到 (dào) is used to talk about arriving in places.</p>
  5. <div class="jiegou">
  6. <p>Subj. + 到 + Place</p>
  7. </div>
  8. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  9. <p>For these examples, it's straightforward to think of 到 (dào) as simply meaning &quot;to arrive.&quot;</p>
  10. <div class="liju">
  11. <ul>
  12. <li>他们 已经 <em></em> 酒吧 了。 <span class="pinyin">Tāmen yǐjīng <em>dào</em> jiǔbā le.</span><span class="trans">They have already arrived at the bar.</span></li>
  13. <li>我 刚 <em></em> 家。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ gāng <em>dào</em> jiā.</span><span class="trans">I just got home.</span></li>
  14. <li><em></em> 机场 了 吗? <span class="pinyin"><em>dào</em> jīchǎng le ma?</span><span class="trans">Have you arrived at the airport?</span></li>
  15. <li>我 已经 <em></em> 火车站 了。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ yǐjīng <em>dào</em> huǒchēzhàn le.</span><span class="trans">I've already arrived at the train station.</span></li>
  16. <li>我们 先 <em></em> 北京 , 然后 <em></em> 香港。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒmen xiān <em>dào</em> Běijīng, ránhòu <em>dào</em> Xiānggǎng.</span><span class="trans">First we'll arrive in Beijing, then in Hong Kong.</span></li>
  17. </ul>
  18. </div>
  19. <p>In some examples translating 到 (dào) as &quot;to arrive&quot; doesn't work as well and you might need to expand your understanding of exactly what 到 (dào) means. That's what we'll examine below.</p>
  20. <h2 id="going-to-a-place-and-performing-an-action">Going to a Place and Performing an Action</h2>
  21. <h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3>
  22. <p>If you are going to a place to do something else, you can first use 到 (dào) to indicate where you're going, then add another verb after that. This has the meaning of &quot;going to the place to do something,&quot; and it's one case where the &quot;arrive&quot; translation doesn't really work anymore.</p>
  23. <div class="jiegou">
  24. <p>Subj. + 到 + Place + Verb Phrase</p>
  25. </div>
  26. <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
  27. <div class="liju">
  28. <ul>
  29. <li>明天 我 要 <em></em> 南京 路 买 衣服。 <span class="pinyin">Míngtiān wǒ yào <em>dào</em> Nánjīng Lù mǎi yīfu.</span><span class="trans">Tomorrow I'll go to Nanjing Road to buy clothes.</span></li>
  30. <li>你们 晚上 <em></em> 哪儿 吃饭 啊?<span class="pinyin">Nǐmen wǎnshang <em>dào</em> nǎr chīfàn a?</span><span class="trans">Where will you all go to eat food this evening?</span></li>
  31. <li>我 跟 朋友 经常 <em></em> KTV 唱歌 。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ gēn péngyou jīngcháng <em>dào</em> KTV chànggē.</span><span class="trans">I often go to Karaoke to sing songs with friends.</span></li>
  32. <li>今年 春节 我 要 <em></em> 女朋友 家 见 她 的 父母 。 <span class="pinyin">Jīnnián Chūnjié wǒ yào <em>dào</em> nǚpéngyou jiā jiàn tā de fùmǔ.</span><span class="trans">This Spring Festival I am going to my girlfriend's house to meet her parents.</span></li>
  33. <li>下 个 月 我 要 <em></em> 美国 出差。 <span class="pinyin">Xià gè yuè wǒ yào <em>dào</em> Měiguó chūchāi.</span><span class="trans">Next month I need to go to the USA on a business trip.</span></li>
  34. </ul>
  35. </div>
  36. <p>You might be wondering: <em>can I just use 去 (qù) instead of 到 (dào)?</em> For sentences like this, <em>yes, you can.</em> But native speakers will frequently use 到 (dào) in this way, so it's still good to be familiar with this pattern. If you want to sound more native, you should use it too!</p>
  37. <h2 id="到-dào-去-qù-and-走-zǒu">到 (dào), 去 (qù), and 走 (zǒu)</h2>
  38. <p>Sometimes it can be hard to figure out exactly which word to use in Chinese to mean &quot;go.&quot; 到 (dào) is used when you talk about <em>arriving</em> at a place, emphasizing the destination. 去 (qù) is used when you are <em>going to</em> a place. The exact meaning is &quot;to go,&quot; and it emphasizes <em>getting to</em> somewhere. 走 (zǒu) is used when talking about &quot;leaving.&quot; The emphasis is on getting <em>away</em> from a particular place.</p>
  39. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  40. <ul>
  41. <li><a href="Using_&quot;zai&quot;_with_verbs" title="wikilink">Using &quot;zai&quot; with verbs</a></li>
  42. <li><a href="Complements_with_&quot;dao,&quot;_&quot;gei,&quot;_and_&quot;zai&quot;" title="wikilink">Complements with &quot;dao,&quot; &quot;gei,&quot; and &quot;zai&quot;</a></li>
  43. <li><a href="&quot;From…_To…&quot;_with_&quot;cong…_dao…&quot;" title="wikilink">&quot;From… To…&quot; with &quot;cong… dao…&quot;</a></li>
  44. </ul>
  45. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further reading</h2>
  46. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  47. <ul>
  48. <li><a href="40_Lessons_for_Basic_Chinese_Course_(基础汉语40课上册)" title="wikilink">40 Lessons for Basic Chinese Course (基础汉语40课上册)</a> (p. 200)</li>
  49. <li><a href="Integrated_Chinese:_Level_1,_Part_2_(3rd_ed)" title="wikilink">Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2 (3rd ed)</a> (p. 72) <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0887276709/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&amp;tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=0887276709">→buy</a></li>
  50. </ul>
  51. <p> </p>
  52. <p><a href="Category:A2_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category:A2 grammar points</a></p>