Of course 好 (hǎo) means "good." But it can also be
used to express that something is "easy to do" or "good to do." And it
is quite... easy to do! All you need to do is place a 好 (hǎo) before
a verb.
Just as 难 (nán) can be used to indicate that it's hard to do
something, 好 (hǎo) can
also come before verbs to indicate that something is easy to do.
The simple form is just:
好 + Verb
If you want to make a sentence out of it:
Subj. + (很) 好 + Verb
- 这 个 词 的 意思 很 好懂。Zhège cí de
yìsi hěn hǎo dǒng.The meaning of
this word is easy to understand.
- 这 个 汉字 很 好写。Zhège Hànzì hěn
hǎo xiě.This Chinese character
is easy to write.
- 三明治 很 好做。Sānmíngzhì hěn hǎo
zuò.Sandwiches are easy to
- 苹果 手机 现在 很 好买。 Píngguǒ
shǒujī xiànzài hěn hǎo
mǎi.iPhones are easy to buy
- 这 个 笔 很 好用。Zhège bǐ hěn hǎo
yòng.This pen is easy to use.
好 (hǎo) can also be attached to "sense verbs" (e.g. "look," "taste,"
"smell," etc.) to indicate that something is 'good to do'' (rather
than "easy to do").
There's a limited number of these, but some of them are super common, so
just memorize them as exceptions:
- 好吃 hǎochīgood to
taste, good to eat, delicious
- 好喝 hǎohēgood to
taste, good to drink
- 好看 hǎokàn good to
look at, good-looking, attractive
- 好听 hǎotīnggood to
listen to, pleasant to listen to, good-sounding
- 好闻 hǎowéngood to
smell, smells good, good-smelling
The word for "fun" in Chinese is also of this form, even though it's not
a sense verb:
- 这 首 歌 很 好听 。 Zhè shǒu gē hěn
hǎotīng.This song is
- 这 种 茶 很 好闻 。Zhè zhǒng chá hěn
hǎowén. This kind of tea smells
- 你 的 新 包 很 好看 。Nǐ de xīn bāo
hěn hǎokàn.Your new bag looks
- 妈妈 做 的 菜 很 好吃 。Māma zuò de
cài hěn hǎochī. The food mom
makes is delicious.
- 我 觉得 上海 很 好玩 。 Wǒ juéde
Shànghǎi hěn hǎowán.I think
Shanghai is a lot of fun.
Sources and further reading
Category:A2 grammar points