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  9. <p>One of the charming features of Chinese is reduplication
  10. (repeating, or doubling up) of certain words and characters,
  11. including adjectives! Reduplication makes the descriptive feeling
  12. of the adjective stronger.</p>
  13. <h2 id="one-syllable-adjectives-aa">One-Syllable Adjectives
  14. (AA)</h2>
  15. <p>If an adjective is only one syllable (one character), then
  16. reduplicating it is a no-brainer. In most Chinese textbooks and
  17. grammar books, this is known as the "AA" pattern.</p>
  18. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  19. <div class="jiegou">
  20. <p>Adj. + Adj. + 的 (+ Noun)</p>
  21. </div>
  22. <p>Another way of putting that (and we'll be using this form more
  23. extensively below) is:</p>
  24. <div class="jiegou">
  25. <p>A A + 的 (+ Noun)</p>
  26. </div>
  27. <p>Note that this pattern is also identical to <a href=
  28. "reduplication_of_verbs" title="wikilink">single-syllable
  29. reduplication of verbs</a>.</p>
  30. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  31. <div class="liju">
  32. <ul>
  33. <li>你 的 脸 <em>红 红 的</em><span class="pinyin">Nǐ de liǎn <em>hóng
  34. hóng de</em>.</span><span class="trans">Your face is
  35. red.</span></li>
  36. <li>宝宝 的 眼睛 <em>大 大 的</em><span class="pinyin">Bǎobao de yǎnjing
  37. <em>dà dà de</em>.</span><span class="trans">The baby's eyes are
  38. big.</span></li>
  39. <li>今晚 的 月亮 <em>圆 圆 的</em><span class="trans">The moon is round
  40. tonight.</span></li>
  41. <li>她 爸爸 <em>高 高 胖 胖 的</em><span class="pinyin">Tā bàba <em>gāo
  42. gāo pàng pàng de</em>.</span><span class="trans">Her father is tall
  43. and fat.</span></li>
  44. <li>我 妹妹 一直 <em>瘦 瘦 小 小 的</em><span class="pinyin">Wǒ mèimei
  45. yīzhí <em>shòu shòu xiǎo xiǎo de</em>.</span><span class="trans">My
  46. little sister are thin and small all the time.</span></li>
  47. </ul>
  48. </div>
  49. <h2 id="two-syllable-adjectives-aabb">Two-Syllable Adjectives
  50. (AABB)</h2>
  51. <p>If the adjective has more than one character, then you should
  52. repeat each character individually (rather than the whole word).
  53. This is known as the "AABB" pattern.</p>
  54. <h3 id="structure-1">Structure</h3>
  55. <p>In the structure below, the original two-character adjective
  56. (such as 高兴, 漂亮) is "AB," where the first character of the
  57. adjective is represented by "A," and the second by "B."</p>
  58. <div class="jiegou">
  59. <p>A A B B + 的 (+ Noun)</p>
  60. </div>
  61. <h3 id="examples-1">Examples</h3>
  62. <p>Not all two-syllable adjectives are used in AABB form, but here
  63. are some common examples of AB adjectives represented in AABB
  64. form.</p>
  65. <div class="liju">
  66. <ul>
  67. <li>高兴 → 高高兴兴 <span class="pinyin">gāoxìng → gāo gāo xìng
  68. xìng</span><span class="trans">happy</span></li>
  69. <li>开心 → 开开心心 <span class="pinyin">kāixīn → kāi kāi xīn
  70. xīn</span><span class="trans">happy</span></li>
  71. <li>热闹 → 热热闹闹 <span class="pinyin">rènao → rè rè nāo
  72. nāo</span><span class="trans">exciting</span></li>
  73. <li>干净 → 干干净净 <span class="pinyin">gānjìng → gān gān jìng
  74. jìng</span><span class="trans">clean</span></li>
  75. <li>漂亮 → 漂漂亮亮 <span class="pinyin">piàoliang → piào piào liāng
  76. liāng</span><span class="trans">pretty</span></li>
  77. <li>舒服 → 舒舒服服 <span class="pinyin">shūfu → shū shū fū
  78. </span><span class="trans">comfortable</span></li>
  79. <li>安静 → 安安静静 <span class="pinyin">ānjìng → ān ān jìng
  80. jìng</span><span class="trans">peaceful</span></li>
  81. <li>健康 → 健健康康 <span class="pinyin">jiànkāng → jiàn jiàn kāng
  82. kāng</span><span class="trans">healthy</span></li>
  83. <li>辛苦 → 辛辛苦苦 <span class="pinyin">xīnkǔ → xīn xīn kǔ
  84. </span><span class="trans">hard</span></li>
  85. <li>清楚 → 清清楚楚 <span class="pinyin">qīngchu → qīng qīng chǔ
  86. chǔ</span><span class="trans">clear</span></li>
  87. <li>大方 → 大大方方 <span class="pinyin">dàfāng → dà da fāng
  88. fāng</span><span class="trans">generous</span></li>
  89. </ul>
  90. </div>
  91. <p>Not all adjectives can take AABB form. Here are some examples of
  92. common adjectives that don't work in AABB form.</p>
  93. <div class="liju">
  94. <ul>
  95. <li>便宜 → <strong>便便宜宜</strong> <span class="pinyin">piányi →
  96. <strong>piánpiányíyí</strong></span><span class=
  97. "trans">cheap</span></li>
  98. <li>好吃 → <strong>好好吃吃</strong> <span class="pinyin">hǎochī →
  99. <strong>hǎo hǎo chī chī</strong></span> <span class=
  100. "trans">tasty</span></li>
  101. <li>麻烦 → <strong>麻麻烦烦</strong> <span class="pinyin">máfan →
  102. <strong>má má fán fán</strong></span> <span class=
  103. "trans">bothersome</span></li>
  104. <li>友好 → <strong>友友好好</strong> <span class="pinyin">yǒuhǎo →
  105. <strong>yǒu yǒu hǎo hǎo</strong></span> <span class=
  106. "trans">friendly</span></li>
  107. <li>小气 → <strong>小小气气</strong><span class="pinyin">xiǎoqì →
  108. <strong>xiǎo xiǎo qì qì</strong></span> <span class=
  109. "trans">stingy</span></li>
  110. </ul>
  111. </div>
  112. <h2 id="using-reduplicated-adjectives-as-adverbs-aabb">Using
  113. Reduplicated Adjectives as Adverbs (AABB)</h2>
  114. <p>When adjectives are used as <a href="adverb" title=
  115. "wikilink">adverbs</a> to modify verbs, you can reduplicate the
  116. adjective using the AABB pattern.</p>
  117. <h3 id="structure-2">Structure</h3>
  118. <div class="jiegou">
  119. <p>A A B B + 地 + Verb</p>
  120. </div>
  121. <h3 id="examples-2">Examples</h3>
  122. <div class="liju">
  123. <ul>
  124. <li>过年 的 时候 ,我们 全 家人 都 聚 在 一起 ,<em>热 热 闹 闹</em> <strong></strong>
  125. 吃 年夜饭 。<span class="pinyin">Guònián de shíhou, wǒmen quán jiārén
  126. dōu jù zài yīqǐ, <em>rè rè nāo nāo</em> <strong>de</strong> chī
  127. niányè fàn.</span><span class="trans">At Chinese New Year, our
  128. whole family gathers together and joyously shares a New Year's Eve
  129. meal.</span></li>
  130. <li>听到 这 个 消息,她 <em>高高兴兴</em> <strong></strong> 走 了。<span class=
  131. "pinyin">Tīngdào zhège xiāoxī, tā <em>gāo gāo xìng xìng</em>
  132. <strong>de</strong> zǒu le.</span><span class="trans">Upon hearing
  133. the news, she happily left.</span></li>
  134. <li><em>清清楚楚</em> <strong></strong> 看到 他 跟 一 个 胖胖的 男人 上 车
  135. 了。<span class="pinyin"><em>qīng qīng chǔ chǔ</em>
  136. <strong>de</strong> kàndào tā gēn yīgè pàng pàng de nánrén shàng
  137. chēle.</span><span class="trans">I clearly saw him get in the car
  138. with a fat man.</span></li>
  139. <li>我 现在 真 想 <em>舒舒服服</em> <strong></strong> 躺 在 沙发 上 看
  140. 电视。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ xiànzài zhēn xiǎng <em>shū shū fú
  141. </em> <strong>de</strong> tǎng zài shāfā shàng kàn
  142. diànshì.</span><span class="trans">Right now I'd really like to
  143. comfortably lie on the couch and watch TV.</span></li>
  144. <li><em>辛辛苦苦</em> <strong></strong> 做 了 两 个 小时 的 饭,你们 都 不
  145. 吃?<span class="expl">辛辛苦苦 is difficult to translate into English
  146. directly!</span><span class="pinyin"><em>xīn xīn kǔ kǔ</em>
  147. <strong>de</strong> zuòle liǎng gè xiǎoshí de fàn, nǐmen dōu bù
  148. chī?</span><span class="trans">I labored over this meal for two
  149. hours, and none of you guys are going to eat it?</span></li>
  150. </ul>
  151. </div>
  152. <h2 id="using-reduplicated-adjectives-as-predicates-abab">Using
  153. Reduplicated Adjectives as Predicates (ABAB)</h2>
  154. <p>If you use an <a href="adjective" class="uri" title=
  155. "wikilink">adjective</a> as a <a href="predicate" class="uri"
  156. title="wikilink">predicate</a>, then you're basically using the
  157. adjective like a verb, and you reduplicate it <a href=
  158. "reduplication_of_verbs" title="wikilink">as you would a verb</a>,
  159. which means ABAB form. Using an adjective in this way is roughly
  160. equivalent to using 一下 after the (non-reduplicated) adjective.</p>
  161. <h3 id="structure-for-abab">Structure for ABAB</h3>
  162. <p>To use a reduplicated adjective as a predicate, follow this
  163. structure:</p>
  164. <div class="jiegou">
  165. <p>Subj. + A B A B</p>
  166. </div>
  167. <p>In the pattern above there's no verb, because when an adjective
  168. serves as the predicate, it does the job of a verb. Notice also
  169. that there's no 的 after the ABAB, because it's not acting as an
  170. adjective.</p>
  171. <h3 id="examples-3">Examples</h3>
  172. <div class="liju">
  173. <ul>
  174. <li>妹妹 快 过 生日 了 ,我 打算 给 她 办 一 个 生日 派对 ,<em>热闹 热闹</em><span class=
  175. "pinyin">Mèimei kuàiguò shēngrìle, wǒ dǎsuàn gěi tā bàn yīgè
  176. shēngrì pàiduì, <em>rènao rènao</em>.</span><span class="trans">My
  177. little sister's birthday is coming and I'm going to throw her a
  178. birthday party and have a blast.</span></li>
  179. <li>来 ,喝 点 酒 ,<em>高兴 高兴</em><span class="pinyin">Lái, hē diǎn
  180. jiǔ, <em>gāoxìng gāoxìng</em>.</span><span class="trans">Come on,
  181. have a little wine and enjoy yourself.</span></li>
  182. <li>到 这里 来 <em>凉快 凉快</em><span class="pinyin">Dào zhèlǐ lái
  183. <em>liángkuai liángkuai</em>.</span><span class="trans">Come over
  184. here and cool off.</span></li>
  185. <li>我 想 去 做 个 按摩 ,<em>放松 放松</em><span class="pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng qù
  186. zuò gè ànmó, <em>fāngsōng fāngsōng</em>.</span><span class=
  187. "trans">I'm going to go get a massage and unwind.</span></li>
  188. </ul>
  189. </div>
  190. <h3 id="structure-for-ab-一下">Structure for AB 一下</h3>
  191. <p>The above structure is essentially equivalent to this one:</p>
  192. <div class="jiegou">
  193. <p>Subj. + A B + 一下</p>
  194. </div>
  195. <h3 id="examples-of-ab-一下">Examples of AB 一下</h3>
  196. <div class="liju">
  197. <ul>
  198. <li>妹妹 快 过 生日 了 ,我 打算 给 她 办 一 个 生日 派对 ,<em>热闹 一下</em><span class=
  199. "pinyin">Mèimei kuàiguò shēngrìle, wǒ dǎsuàn gěi tā bàn yīgè
  200. shēngrì pàiduì, <em>rènao yīxià</em>.</span><span class="trans">My
  201. little sister's birthday is coming and I'm going to throw her a
  202. birthday party and have a blast.</span></li>
  203. <li>来,喝 点 酒, <em>高兴 一下</em><span class="pinyin">Lái, hē diǎn jiǔ,
  204. <em>gāoxìng yīxià</em>.</span><span class="trans">Come on, have a
  205. little wine and enjoy yourself.</span></li>
  206. <li>到 这里 来 <em>凉快 一下</em><span class="pinyin">Dào zhèlǐ lái
  207. <em>liángkuai yīxià</em>.</span><span class="trans">Come over here
  208. and cool off.</span></li>
  209. <li>我 想 去 做 个 按摩, <em>轻松 一下</em><span class="pinyin">Wǒ xiǎng qù
  210. zuò gè ànmó, <em>qīngsōng yīxià</em>.</span><span class="trans">I'm
  211. going to go get a massage and unwind.</span></li>
  212. <li>洗 个 澡 吧, <em>舒服 一下</em><span class="pinyin">Xǐ gè zǎo ba,
  213. <em>shūfu yīxià</em>.</span><span class="trans">Take a shower and
  214. get comfortable.</span></li>
  215. </ul>
  216. </div>
  217. <p><strong>Note:</strong> The "AABB" pattern for reduplication of
  218. two-syllable adjectives contrasts with the <a href=
  219. "reduplication_of_verbs" title="wikilink">"ABAB" pattern for
  220. reduplication of two-syllable verbs</a>.</p>
  221. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further
  222. reading</h2>
  223. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  224. <ul>
  225. <li><a href="Integrated_Chinese:_Level_1,_Part_2_(3rd_ed)" title=
  226. "wikilink">Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2 (3rd ed)</a> (p. 53)
  227. <a href=
  228. ";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=0887276709">
  229. →buy</a></li>
  230. <li><a href="Integrated_Chinese:_Level_2,_Part_2" title=
  231. "wikilink">Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part 2</a> (pp. 189-90)
  232. <a href=
  233. ";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0887276881">
  234. →buy</a></li>
  235. <li><a href="Mandarin_Chinese:_A_Functional_Reference_Grammar"
  236. title="wikilink">Mandarin Chinese: A Functional Reference
  237. Grammar</a> (pp. 32-6) <a href=
  238. ";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0520066103">
  239. →buy</a></li>
  240. <li><a href=
  241. "New_Practical_Chinese_Reader_3_(%E6%96%B0%E5%AE%9E%E7%94%A8%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%BE%E6%9C%AC3)"
  242. title="wikilink">New Practical Chinese Reader 3 (新实用汉语课本3)</a> (pp.
  243. 50) <a href=
  244. ";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=756191251X">
  245. →buy</a></li>
  246. <li><a href=
  247. "New_Practical_Chinese_Reader_4_(%E6%96%B0%E5%AE%9E%E7%94%A8%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%BE%E6%9C%AC4)"
  248. title="wikilink">New Practical Chinese Reader 4 (新实用汉语课本4)</a> (pp.
  249. 103-4) <a href=
  250. ";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399369&amp;creativeASIN=7561913192">
  251. →buy</a></li>
  252. <li><a href=
  253. "40_Lessons_for_Basic_Chinese_Course_(%E5%9F%BA%E7%A1%80%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD40%E8%AF%BE%E4%B8%8A%E5%86%8C%EF%BC%89"
  254. title="wikilink">40 Lessons for Basic Chinese Course
  255. (基础汉语40课上册)</a> (pp. 271-2)<a href=
  256. ";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=B001FTL8D8&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=allset-20">→buy</a></li>
  257. </ul>
  258. <p><a href="Category:B1_grammar_points" title=
  259. "wikilink">Category:B1 grammar points</a> <a href=
  260. "Category:Adjectives" class="uri" title=
  261. "wikilink">Category:Adjectives</a></p>
  262. </body>
  263. </html>