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  9. <p>不得不 (bùdébù) has a stronger tone than "必须 (bìxū)" meaning
  10. "someone cannot help but do something."</p>
  11. <h3 id="structure">Structure</h3>
  12. <div class="jiegou">
  13. <p>Subj. + 不得不 + Verb</p>
  14. </div>
  15. <h3 id="examples">Examples</h3>
  16. <div class="liju">
  17. <ul>
  18. <li>我 感冒 的时候 一般 不 吃药 , 但是 这 次 很 严重 , 我 <em>不得不</em> 吃 药
  19. <span class="pinyin">Wǒ gǎnmào de shíhou yībān bù chīyào, dànshì
  20. zhè cì hěn yánzhòng, wǒ <em>bùdébù</em> chī yào.</span><span class=
  21. "trans">I usually don't take medicine when I have cold. But it's
  22. very bad this time, and I have to take some pills.</span></li>
  23. <li>你 真的 太 厉害 了 , 我 <em>不得不</em> 承认 。 <span class="pinyin">
  24. zhēnde tài lìhai le, wǒ <em>bùdébù</em>
  25. chéngrèn.</span><span class="trans">You are so good. I have to
  26. admit it.</span></li>
  27. <li>老板 很 讨厌 应酬 , 可是 她 <em>不得不</em> 去 。 <span class="pinyin">Lǎobǎn
  28. hěn tǎoyàn yìngchou, kěshì tā <em>bùdébù</em>
  29. qù.</span><span class="trans">The boss doesn't like to business
  30. socializing, but she has to go.</span></li>
  31. <li>不好意思 , 时间 有限 , 我 <em>不得不</em> 打断 你 。 <span class="pinyin">
  32. hǎoyìsi, shíjiān yǒuxiàn, wǒ <em>bùdébù</em> dǎduàn
  33. nǐ.</span><span class="trans">I'm sorry. We have very limited time.
  34. I have to interrupt you.</span></li>
  35. <li>这些 情况 很 重要 , 我们 <em>不得不</em> 重视 。 <span class="pinyin">Zhèxiē
  36. qíngkuàng hěn zhòngyào wǒmen <em>bùdébù</em>
  37. zhòngshì.</span><span class="trans">The situation is very
  38. important. We have to take it very seriously.</span></li>
  39. </ul>
  40. </div>
  41. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  42. <p><a href="Category:B2_grammar_points" title=
  43. "wikilink">Category:B2 grammar points</a></p>
  44. </body>
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