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  9. <p>"还有" (háiyǒu) is used to express "in addition..." or "and
  10. also..." in a conversation. It is introducing new information to
  11. the topic the speaker is talking about, as an afterthought. While
  12. it's not the most challenging grammar structure, an important thing
  13. to keep in mind is that 还有 normally starts a completely new
  14. sentence or clause.</p>
  15. <h2 id="structure">Structure</h2>
  16. <p>It's as simple as using 还有 before the new clause or sentence. 还有
  17. can also be used with a comma, similar to how we can say "in
  18. addition,..." in English.</p>
  19. <div class="jiegou">
  20. <p>Clause 1 ,还有 , Clause 2</p>
  21. </div>
  22. <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
  23. <div class="liju">
  24. <ul>
  25. <li>你 需要 吃 药。<em>还有</em> ,要 多 休息 。<span class="pinyin">Nǐ xūyào chī
  26. yào. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, yào duō xiūxi.</span><span class="trans">You
  27. need to take medicine. Also, you should get more rest.</span></li>
  28. <li>今天 要 做 完 这个 报告 。<em>还有</em> ,准备 好 明天 开会 的 东西 。<span class=
  29. "pinyin">Jīntiān yào zuò wán zhège bàogào. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, zhǔnbèi
  30. hǎo míngtiān kāihuì de dōngxi.</span><span class="trans">You need
  31. to finish this report today. In addition, get everything we need
  32. for tomorrow's meeting.</span></li>
  33. <li>租 这个 房子 要 先 付 押金 。<em>还有</em> ,不能 养 宠物 。<span class="pinyin">
  34. zhège fángzi yào xiān fù yājīn. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, bù néng yǎng
  35. chǒngwù.</span><span class="trans">You need to pay the deposit
  36. first to rent this apartment. In addition, it's not allowed to have
  37. pets here.</span></li>
  38. <li>谁 负责 安排 我们 酒店 ?<em>还有</em> ,机票 都 订 好 了吗 ?<span class=
  39. "pinyin">Shéi fùzé ānpái wǒmen jiǔdiàn? <em>Háiyǒu</em>, jīpiào dōu
  40. dìng hǎo le ma?</span><span class="trans">Who's in charge of
  41. arranging our hotel? In addition, are the air tickets all booked
  42. yet?</span></li>
  43. <li>不要 一边 吃饭 一边 说话 。<em>还有</em> ,不要 吃 那么 快 ,对 胃 不 好 。<span class=
  44. "pinyin">Bùyào yībiān chīfàn yībiān shuōhuà. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, bùyào
  45. chī nàme kuài, duì wèi bù hǎo.</span><span class="trans">Don't talk
  46. while you eat. In addition, don't eat so fast. It's bad for your
  47. stomach.</span></li>
  48. <li>下班 以后 早点 回来 。<em>还有</em> ,回来 的 路上 买 点 水果 。<span class=
  49. "pinyin">Xiàbān yǐhòu zǎodiǎn huílái. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, huílái de
  50. lùshang mǎi diǎn shuǐguǒ.</span><span class="trans">Come back soon
  51. after work. In addition, buy some fruits on your way
  52. back.</span></li>
  53. <li>我 妈 不 想 让 我 出国 。<em>还有</em> ,她 也 不 喜欢 我 的 外国 男朋友 。<span class=
  54. "pinyin">Wǒ mā bù xiǎng ràng wǒ chūguó. <em>háiyǒu</em>, tā yě bù
  55. xǐhuan wǒ de wàiguó nánpéngyou.</span><span class="trans">My mother
  56. doesn't want me to go abroad. In addition, she doesn't like my
  57. foreign boyfriend.</span></li>
  58. <li>不要 放 花生 ,我 过敏 。<em>还有</em> ,少 放 糖 。<span class="pinyin">Bùyào
  59. fàng huāshēng, wǒ guòmǐn. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, shǎo fàng
  60. táng.</span><span class="trans">Don't put peanut. I'm allergic. In
  61. addition, less sugar, please.</span></li>
  62. <li>考试 的 时候 不要 说话 。<em>还有</em> ,手机 放 在 桌子 上 。<span class=
  63. "pinyin">Kǎoshì de shíhou bù yào shuōhuà. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, shǒujī
  64. fàng zài zhuōzi shàng.</span><span class="trans">Don't talk when
  65. you take a test. Beside, put your cell phone on the
  66. desk.</span></li>
  67. <li>先生 ,这里 不能 抽烟 。<em>还有</em> ,麻烦 你们 声音 小 一点 。<span class=
  68. "pinyin">Xiānsheng, zhèlǐ bù néng chōuyān. <em>Háiyǒu</em>, máfan
  69. nǐmen shēngyīn xiǎo yīdiǎn.</span><span class="trans">Sir, you
  70. can'r smoke in here. Besides, lower your voice, please.</span></li>
  71. </ul>
  72. </div>
  73. <h2 id="see-also">See also</h2>
  74. <ul>
  75. <li><a href="&quot;In_addition&quot;_as_&quot;lingwai&quot;" title=
  76. "wikilink">"In addition" as "lingwai"</a></li>
  77. <li><a href="&quot;In_addition&quot;_with_&quot;zaishuo&quot;"
  78. title="wikilink">"In addition" with "zaishuo"</a></li>
  79. <li><a href="Expressing_&quot;not_only%E2%80%A6_but_also&quot;"
  80. title="wikilink">Expressing "not only… but also"</a></li>
  81. </ul>
  82. <h2 id="sources-and-further-reading">Sources and further
  83. reading</h2>
  84. <h3 id="books">Books</h3>
  85. <ul>
  86. <li><a href="Modern_Mandarin_Chinese_Grammar:_A_Practical_Guide"
  87. title="wikilink">Modern Mandarin Chinese Grammar: A Practical
  88. Guide</a> (pp. 252) <a href=
  89. ";tag=allset-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=0415700108">
  90. →buy</a></li>
  91. </ul>
  92. <p><a href="Category:_B1_grammar_points" title="wikilink">Category:
  93. B1 grammar points</a></p>
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