
  1. Ведите разговор в следующих ситуациях.

    1. You are talking to a friend who has recently moved into a new house or apartment.

    2. You are discussing with your spouse the problem of renting or buying an apartment (or house).

    3. You are discussing with your spouse the apartment (or house) you are going to rent or buy. Your opinions differ.

    4. You are discussing with your spouse how to furnish your newly rented (bought) apartment (or house).

      Ключевые слова:
      Мне кажется, здесь хорошо станет...I think... will fit well here.
      ... поместится между диваном и дверьюthere will be room enough for ... between the sofa and the door.

      ...нужно поставить в столовую (у окна) ...

      should be put in the dining-room (near the window).

      ...нужно повесить над камином (на стене)

      should be hung over the fireplace (on the wall).

    5. You are advising someone about a better place for a particular piece of furniture.

    6. The apartment (or house) you are living in needs to be repaired. You are discussing with your spouse (friend, expert) what is to be done, priorities and the best reconstruction methods,

  2. Что вы об этом думаете? Прочитайте, ответьте на вопросы и выскажите своё мнение.

  3. Проведите интервью.