DLI-book-01.xml 2.3 KB

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  7. <title>RUSSIAN BASIC COURSE</title>
  8. <subjectset>
  9. <subject>
  10. <subjectterm>Phase I</subjectterm>
  11. <subjectterm>Module I</subjectterm>
  12. <subjectterm>Lessons 1-10</subjectterm>
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  26. <pubdate>October 1982</pubdate>
  27. </info>
  28. <preface>
  29. <title>Preface</title>
  30. <para>This module comprises Phase I of the Russian Course. It contains 10 lessons and is
  31. designed to encompass a four-week instructional time period. Language tasks and the supporting
  32. grammar, lexicon, and functions address everyday survival topics and courtesy requirements,
  33. and reflect a proficiency-level range of 0+&#160;to&#160;1.</para>
  34. </preface>
  35. <preface>
  36. <title>Phase I Objectives</title>
  37. <para>The development of the ability to recognize, discriminate, and produce the sounds of the
  38. Russian language and to write the Cyrillic letters for these sounds.</para>
  39. </preface>
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