FSI-Chinese-MOD1-Textbook-trad.xml 967 KB

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  4. <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
  5. version="5.0">
  6. <title>Module 1: Orientation</title>
  7. <para>The Orientation Module and associated resource modules provide the linguistic tools needed
  8. to begin the study of Chinese. The materials also introduce the teaching procedures used in
  9. this course. </para>
  10. <para>The Orientation Module is not a typical course module in several respects. First, it does
  11. not have a situational topic of its own, but rather leads into the situational topic of the
  12. following module—Biographic Information. Second, it teaches only a little Chinese grammar
  13. and vocabulary. Third, two of the associated resource modules (Pronunciation and
  14. Romanization, Numbers) are not optional; together with the Orientation Module, they are
  15. prerequisite to the rest of the course.</para>
  16. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  17. <section>
  18. <title>Objectives</title>
  19. <para>Upon successful completion of this module and the two associated resource modules, the
  20. student should:<orderedlist>
  21. <listitem>
  22. <para>Distinguish the sounds and tones of Chinese well enough to he able to
  23. write the <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hànyǔ
  24. Pīnyīn</foreignphrase> romanization for a syllable after hearing the
  25. syllable.</para>
  26. </listitem>
  27. <listitem>
  28. <para>Be able to pronounce any combination of sounds found in the words of the
  29. Target Lists when given a romanized syllable to read. (Although the entire
  30. sound system of Chinese is introduced in the module, the student is
  31. responsible for producing only sounds used in the Target Sentences for ORN.
  32. Producing the remaining sounds is included in the Objectives for Biographic
  33. Information,) </para>
  34. </listitem>
  35. <listitem>
  36. <para>Know the names and locations of five cities and five provinces of China
  37. well enough to point out their locations on a map, and pronounce the names
  38. well enough to be understood by a Chinese.</para>
  39. </listitem>
  40. <listitem>
  41. <para> Comprehend the numbers 1 through 99 well enough to write them down when
  42. dictated, and be able to say them in Chinese when given English
  43. equivalents.</para>
  44. </listitem>
  45. <listitem>
  46. <para>Understand the Chinese system of using personal names, including the use
  47. of titles equivalent to “Mr.,” "Mrs.,” “Miss,” and “Comrade.”</para>
  48. </listitem>
  49. <listitem>
  50. <para>Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is from.
  51. </para>
  52. </listitem>
  53. <listitem>
  54. <para>Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is.</para>
  55. </listitem>
  56. <listitem>
  57. <para>Be able to give the English equivalents for all the Chinese expressions in
  58. the Target Lists.</para>
  59. </listitem>
  60. <listitem>
  61. <para>Be able to say all the Chinese expressions in the Target Lists when cued
  62. with English equivalents.</para>
  63. </listitem>
  64. <listitem>
  65. <para>Be able to take part in short Chinese conversations, based on the Target
  66. Lists, about how he is, who he is, and where he is from.</para>
  67. </listitem>
  68. </orderedlist></para>
  69. </section>
  70. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  71. <section>
  72. <title>Tapes for ORN and associated resource modules</title>
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  82. <row>
  83. <entry namest="c1" nameend="newCol6" align="center">Orientation
  84. (ORN)<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  85. </row>
  86. </thead>
  87. <tbody>
  88. <row>
  89. <entry>Unit 1</entry>
  90. <entry>1 C-1</entry>
  91. <entry>1 P-1</entry>
  92. <entry morerows="1" valign="middle">1&amp;2 D-1</entry>
  93. <entry/>
  94. <entry/>
  95. </row>
  96. <row>
  97. <entry>Unit 2</entry>
  98. <entry>2 C-1</entry>
  99. <entry>2 P-1</entry>
  100. <entry/>
  101. <entry/>
  102. </row>
  103. <row>
  104. <entry>Unit 3</entry>
  105. <entry>3 C-1</entry>
  106. <entry>3 P-1</entry>
  107. <entry>3 D-1</entry>
  108. <entry>3 C-2</entry>
  109. <entry>3 P-2</entry>
  110. </row>
  111. <row>
  112. <entry>Unit 4</entry>
  113. <entry>4 C-1 </entry>
  114. <entry>4 P-1</entry>
  115. <entry>4 D-1 </entry>
  116. <entry>4 C-2</entry>
  117. <entry>4 P-2</entry>
  118. </row>
  119. </tbody>
  120. </tgroup>
  121. </informaltable>
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  130. <thead>
  131. <row>
  132. <entry namest="c1" nameend="newCol6" align="center">Pronunciation and
  133. Romanization
  134. (P&amp;R)<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  135. </row>
  136. </thead>
  137. <tbody>
  138. <row>
  139. <entry>P&amp;R 1</entry>
  140. <entry>P&amp;R 2</entry>
  141. <entry>P&amp;R 3</entry>
  142. <entry>P&amp;R 4</entry>
  143. <entry>P&amp;R 5</entry>
  144. <entry>P&amp;R 6</entry>
  145. </row>
  146. </tbody>
  147. </tgroup>
  148. </informaltable>
  149. <informaltable frame="all" pgwide="1">
  150. <tgroup cols="4">
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  152. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  153. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
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  155. <thead>
  156. <row>
  157. <entry namest="c1" nameend="c4" align="center"
  158. >Numbers<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  159. </row>
  160. </thead>
  161. <tbody>
  162. <row>
  163. <entry>NUM 1</entry>
  164. <entry>NUM 2</entry>
  165. <entry>NUM 3</entry>
  166. <entry>NUM 4</entry>
  167. </row>
  168. </tbody>
  169. </tgroup>
  170. </informaltable>
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  173. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  174. <thead>
  175. <row>
  176. <entry align="center">Classroom Expressions
  177. (CE)<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  178. </row>
  179. </thead>
  180. <tbody>
  181. <row>
  182. <entry>CE 1</entry>
  183. </row>
  184. </tbody>
  185. </tgroup>
  186. </informaltable>
  187. </section>
  188. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  189. <section>
  190. <title>Unit 1 Target List</title>
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  193. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
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  195. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="15.0*" align="left"/>
  196. <tbody>
  197. <row>
  198. <entry>1.</entry>
  199. <entry>A:</entry>
  200. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ shi shéi?
  201. </foreignphrase></entry>
  202. </row>
  203. <row>
  204. <entry/>
  205. <entry/>
  206. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  207. </row>
  208. <row>
  209. <entry/>
  210. <entry/>
  211. <entry>Who are you?</entry>
  212. </row>
  213. <row>
  214. <entry/>
  215. <entry/>
  216. <entry/>
  217. </row>
  218. <row>
  219. <entry> </entry>
  220. <entry>B:</entry>
  221. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  222. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  223. </row>
  224. <row>
  225. <entry/>
  226. <entry/>
  227. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  228. </row>
  229. <row>
  230. <entry/>
  231. <entry/>
  232. <entry>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  233. Dànián</foreignphrase> (Daniel King).</entry>
  234. </row>
  235. <row>
  236. <entry/>
  237. <entry/>
  238. <entry/>
  239. </row>
  240. <row>
  241. <entry> </entry>
  242. <entry>A:</entry>
  243. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Hú Mĕilíng.
  244. </foreignphrase></entry>
  245. </row>
  246. <row>
  247. <entry/>
  248. <entry/>
  249. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是胡美玲。</foreignphrase></entry>
  250. </row>
  251. <row>
  252. <entry/>
  253. <entry/>
  254. <entry>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  255. Mĕilíng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  256. </row>
  257. <row>
  258. <entry/>
  259. <entry/>
  260. <entry/>
  261. </row>
  262. <row>
  263. <entry>2.</entry>
  264. <entry>A:</entry>
  265. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ xìng
  266. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  267. </row>
  268. <row>
  269. <entry/>
  270. <entry/>
  271. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你姓什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  272. </row>
  273. <row>
  274. <entry/>
  275. <entry/>
  276. <entry>What is your surname?</entry>
  277. </row>
  278. <row>
  279. <entry/>
  280. <entry/>
  281. <entry/>
  282. </row>
  283. <row>
  284. <entry> </entry>
  285. <entry>B:</entry>
  286. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  287. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  288. </row>
  289. <row>
  290. <entry/>
  291. <entry/>
  292. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  293. </row>
  294. <row>
  295. <entry/>
  296. <entry/>
  297. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  298. >Wáng</foreignphrase> (King).</entry>
  299. </row>
  300. <row>
  301. <entry/>
  302. <entry/>
  303. <entry/>
  304. </row>
  305. <row>
  306. <entry> </entry>
  307. <entry>A:</entry>
  308. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  309. Hú.</foreignphrase></entry>
  310. </row>
  311. <row>
  312. <entry/>
  313. <entry/>
  314. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我姓胡。</foreignphrase></entry>
  315. </row>
  316. <row>
  317. <entry/>
  318. <entry/>
  319. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  320. >Hú</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  321. </row>
  322. <row>
  323. <entry/>
  324. <entry/>
  325. <entry/>
  326. </row>
  327. <row>
  328. <entry>3.</entry>
  329. <entry>A:</entry>
  330. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  331. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  332. </row>
  333. <row>
  334. <entry/>
  335. <entry/>
  336. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  337. </row>
  338. <row>
  339. <entry/>
  340. <entry/>
  341. <entry>Who is he/she?</entry>
  342. </row>
  343. <row>
  344. <entry/>
  345. <entry/>
  346. <entry/>
  347. </row>
  348. <row>
  349. <entry> </entry>
  350. <entry>B:</entry>
  351. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  352. Mínglĭ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  353. </row>
  354. <row>
  355. <entry/>
  356. <entry/>
  357. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是馬明理。</foreignphrase></entry>
  358. </row>
  359. <row>
  360. <entry/>
  361. <entry/>
  362. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  363. Mínglĭ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  364. </row>
  365. <row>
  366. <entry/>
  367. <entry/>
  368. <entry/>
  369. </row>
  370. <row>
  371. <entry> </entry>
  372. <entry>A:</entry>
  373. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  374. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  375. </row>
  376. <row>
  377. <entry/>
  378. <entry/>
  379. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是馬先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  380. </row>
  381. <row>
  382. <entry/>
  383. <entry/>
  384. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  385. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  386. </row>
  387. <row>
  388. <entry/>
  389. <entry/>
  390. <entry/>
  391. </row>
  392. <row>
  393. <entry> </entry>
  394. <entry>B:</entry>
  395. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  396. tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  397. </row>
  398. <row>
  399. <entry/>
  400. <entry/>
  401. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是馬太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  402. </row>
  403. <row>
  404. <entry/>
  405. <entry/>
  406. <entry>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  407. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  408. </row>
  409. <row>
  410. <entry/>
  411. <entry/>
  412. <entry/>
  413. </row>
  414. <row>
  415. <entry> </entry>
  416. <entry>A:</entry>
  417. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  418. xiǎojiě?</foreignphrase></entry>
  419. </row>
  420. <row>
  421. <entry/>
  422. <entry/>
  423. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是馬小姐。</foreignphrase></entry>
  424. </row>
  425. <row>
  426. <entry/>
  427. <entry/>
  428. <entry>She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  429. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  430. </row>
  431. <row>
  432. <entry/>
  433. <entry/>
  434. <entry/>
  435. </row>
  436. <row>
  437. <entry> </entry>
  438. <entry>B:</entry>
  439. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  440. tóngzhì</foreignphrase></entry>
  441. </row>
  442. <row>
  443. <entry/>
  444. <entry/>
  445. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她是馬同志。</foreignphrase></entry>
  446. </row>
  447. <row>
  448. <entry/>
  449. <entry/>
  450. <entry>He/she is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  451. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  452. </row>
  453. <row>
  454. <entry/>
  455. <entry/>
  456. <entry/>
  457. </row>
  458. <row>
  459. <entry>4.</entry>
  460. <entry>A:</entry>
  461. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng, tā shi
  462. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  463. </row>
  464. <row>
  465. <entry/>
  466. <entry/>
  467. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">王先生,他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  468. </row>
  469. <row>
  470. <entry/>
  471. <entry/>
  472. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>,
  473. who is he?</entry>
  474. </row>
  475. <row>
  476. <entry/>
  477. <entry/>
  478. <entry/>
  479. </row>
  480. <row>
  481. <entry> </entry>
  482. <entry>B:</entry>
  483. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ Mínglĭ
  484. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  485. </row>
  486. <row>
  487. <entry/>
  488. <entry/>
  489. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是馬明理先 生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  490. </row>
  491. <row>
  492. <entry/>
  493. <entry/>
  494. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  495. Mínglĭ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  496. </row>
  497. <row>
  498. <entry/>
  499. <entry/>
  500. <entry/>
  501. </row>
  502. <row>
  503. <entry>5.</entry>
  504. <entry>A:</entry>
  505. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiānsheng, tā shi
  506. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  507. </row>
  508. <row>
  509. <entry/>
  510. <entry/>
  511. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">先生,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  512. </row>
  513. <row>
  514. <entry/>
  515. <entry/>
  516. <entry>Sir, who is she?</entry>
  517. </row>
  518. <row>
  519. <entry/>
  520. <entry/>
  521. <entry/>
  522. </row>
  523. <row>
  524. <entry> </entry>
  525. <entry>B:</entry>
  526. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ Mínglĭ
  527. tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  528. </row>
  529. <row>
  530. <entry/>
  531. <entry/>
  532. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是馬明理太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  533. </row>
  534. <row>
  535. <entry/>
  536. <entry/>
  537. <entry>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  538. Mínglĭ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  539. </row>
  540. <row>
  541. <entry/>
  542. <entry/>
  543. <entry/>
  544. </row>
  545. <row>
  546. <entry>6.</entry>
  547. <entry>A:</entry>
  548. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tóngzhì, tā shi
  549. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  550. </row>
  551. <row>
  552. <entry/>
  553. <entry/>
  554. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">同志,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  555. </row>
  556. <row>
  557. <entry/>
  558. <entry/>
  559. <entry>Comrade, who is she?</entry>
  560. </row>
  561. <row>
  562. <entry/>
  563. <entry/>
  564. <entry/>
  565. </row>
  566. <row>
  567. <entry> </entry>
  568. <entry>B:</entry>
  569. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng Bǎolán
  570. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  571. </row>
  572. <row>
  573. <entry/>
  574. <entry/>
  575. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是方寶蘭同志。</foreignphrase></entry>
  576. </row>
  577. <row>
  578. <entry/>
  579. <entry/>
  580. <entry>She is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  581. Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  582. </row>
  583. <row>
  584. <entry/>
  585. <entry/>
  586. <entry/>
  587. </row>
  588. </tbody>
  589. </tgroup>
  590. </informaltable>
  591. </section>
  592. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  593. <section>
  594. <title>Unit 2 Target List</title>
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  600. <tbody>
  601. <row>
  602. <entry>1.</entry>
  603. <entry>A:</entry>
  604. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ shi Wáng Xiānsheng
  605. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  606. </row>
  607. <row>
  608. <entry/>
  609. <entry/>
  610. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  611. </row>
  612. <row>
  613. <entry/>
  614. <entry/>
  615. <entry>Are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  616. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  617. </row>
  618. <row>
  619. <entry/>
  620. <entry/>
  621. <entry/>
  622. </row>
  623. <row>
  624. <entry> </entry>
  625. <entry>B:</entry>
  626. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  627. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  628. </row>
  629. <row>
  630. <entry/>
  631. <entry/>
  632. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  633. </row>
  634. <row>
  635. <entry/>
  636. <entry/>
  637. <entry>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  638. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  639. </row>
  640. <row>
  641. <entry/>
  642. <entry/>
  643. <entry/>
  644. </row>
  645. <row>
  646. <entry> </entry>
  647. <entry>A:</entry>
  648. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Wáng
  649. Xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  650. </row>
  651. <row>
  652. <entry/>
  653. <entry/>
  654. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我不是王先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  655. </row>
  656. <row>
  657. <entry/>
  658. <entry/>
  659. <entry>I'm not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  660. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  661. </row>
  662. <row>
  663. <entry/>
  664. <entry/>
  665. <entry/>
  666. </row>
  667. <row>
  668. <entry>2.</entry>
  669. <entry>A:</entry>
  670. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ xìng Wáng
  671. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  672. </row>
  673. <row>
  674. <entry/>
  675. <entry/>
  676. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你姓王嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  677. </row>
  678. <row>
  679. <entry/>
  680. <entry/>
  681. <entry>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  682. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  683. </row>
  684. <row>
  685. <entry/>
  686. <entry/>
  687. <entry/>
  688. </row>
  689. <row>
  690. <entry> </entry>
  691. <entry>B:</entry>
  692. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  693. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  694. </row>
  695. <row>
  696. <entry/>
  697. <entry/>
  698. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  699. </row>
  700. <row>
  701. <entry/>
  702. <entry/>
  703. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  704. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  705. </row>
  706. <row>
  707. <entry/>
  708. <entry/>
  709. <entry/>
  710. </row>
  711. <row>
  712. <entry> </entry>
  713. <entry>A:</entry>
  714. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  715. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  716. </row>
  717. <row>
  718. <entry/>
  719. <entry/>
  720. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我不姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  721. </row>
  722. <row>
  723. <entry/>
  724. <entry/>
  725. <entry>My surname isn't <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  726. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  727. </row>
  728. <row>
  729. <entry/>
  730. <entry/>
  731. <entry/>
  732. </row>
  733. <row>
  734. <entry>3.</entry>
  735. <entry>A:</entry>
  736. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín
  737. guìxìng?</foreignphrase></entry>
  738. </row>
  739. <row>
  740. <entry/>
  741. <entry/>
  742. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">您貴姓?</foreignphrase></entry>
  743. </row>
  744. <row>
  745. <entry/>
  746. <entry/>
  747. <entry>Your surname? (POLITE)</entry>
  748. </row>
  749. <row>
  750. <entry/>
  751. <entry/>
  752. <entry/>
  753. </row>
  754. <row>
  755. <entry> </entry>
  756. <entry>B:</entry>
  757. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  758. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  759. </row>
  760. <row>
  761. <entry/>
  762. <entry/>
  763. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  764. </row>
  765. <row>
  766. <entry/>
  767. <entry/>
  768. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  769. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  770. </row>
  771. <row>
  772. <entry/>
  773. <entry/>
  774. <entry/>
  775. </row>
  776. <row>
  777. <entry>4.</entry>
  778. <entry>A:</entry>
  779. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ jiào
  780. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  781. </row>
  782. <row>
  783. <entry/>
  784. <entry/>
  785. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你叫什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  786. </row>
  787. <row>
  788. <entry/>
  789. <entry/>
  790. <entry>What is your given name?</entry>
  791. </row>
  792. <row>
  793. <entry/>
  794. <entry/>
  795. <entry/>
  796. </row>
  797. <row>
  798. <entry> </entry>
  799. <entry>B:</entry>
  800. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ jiào
  801. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  802. </row>
  803. <row>
  804. <entry/>
  805. <entry/>
  806. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我叫大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  807. </row>
  808. <row>
  809. <entry/>
  810. <entry/>
  811. <entry>My given name is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  812. >Dànián</foreignphrase> (Daniel).</entry>
  813. </row>
  814. <row>
  815. <entry/>
  816. <entry/>
  817. <entry/>
  818. </row>
  819. <row>
  820. <entry>5.</entry>
  821. <entry>A:</entry>
  822. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ hăo
  823. a?</foreignphrase></entry>
  824. </row>
  825. <row>
  826. <entry/>
  827. <entry/>
  828. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你好啊?</foreignphrase></entry>
  829. </row>
  830. <row>
  831. <entry/>
  832. <entry/>
  833. <entry>How are you?</entry>
  834. </row>
  835. <row>
  836. <entry/>
  837. <entry/>
  838. <entry/>
  839. </row>
  840. <row>
  841. <entry> </entry>
  842. <entry>B:</entry>
  843. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ hăo. Nĭ
  844. ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
  845. </row>
  846. <row>
  847. <entry/>
  848. <entry/>
  849. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我好。你呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
  850. </row>
  851. <row>
  852. <entry/>
  853. <entry/>
  854. <entry>I'm fine. And you?</entry>
  855. </row>
  856. <row>
  857. <entry/>
  858. <entry/>
  859. <entry/>
  860. </row>
  861. <row>
  862. <entry> </entry>
  863. <entry>A:</entry>
  864. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hăo.
  865. Xièxie.</foreignphrase></entry>
  866. </row>
  867. <row>
  868. <entry/>
  869. <entry/>
  870. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好。謝謝。 </foreignphrase></entry>
  871. </row>
  872. <row>
  873. <entry/>
  874. <entry/>
  875. <entry>Fine, thanks.</entry>
  876. </row>
  877. <row>
  878. <entry/>
  879. <entry/>
  880. <entry/>
  881. </row>
  882. <row>
  883. <entry>6.</entry>
  884. <entry> </entry>
  885. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  886. >míngzi</foreignphrase></entry>
  887. </row>
  888. <row>
  889. <entry/>
  890. <entry/>
  891. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">名字</foreignphrase></entry>
  892. </row>
  893. <row>
  894. <entry/>
  895. <entry/>
  896. <entry>given name</entry>
  897. </row>
  898. <row>
  899. <entry/>
  900. <entry/>
  901. <entry/>
  902. </row>
  903. </tbody>
  904. </tgroup>
  905. </informaltable>
  906. </section>
  907. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  908. <section>
  909. <title>Unit 3 Target List</title>
  910. <informaltable colsep="0" rowsep="0" frame="none">
  911. <tgroup cols="3">
  912. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  913. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  914. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="15.0*" align="left"/>
  915. <tbody>
  916. <row>
  917. <entry>1.</entry>
  918. <entry>A:</entry>
  919. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ shi Měiguo rén
  920. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  921. </row>
  922. <row>
  923. <entry/>
  924. <entry/>
  925. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  926. </row>
  927. <row>
  928. <entry/>
  929. <entry/>
  930. <entry>Are you an American?</entry>
  931. </row>
  932. <row>
  933. <entry/>
  934. <entry/>
  935. <entry/>
  936. </row>
  937. <row>
  938. <entry> </entry>
  939. <entry>B:</entry>
  940. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  941. >Shì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  942. </row>
  943. <row>
  944. <entry/>
  945. <entry/>
  946. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。</foreignphrase></entry>
  947. </row>
  948. <row>
  949. <entry/>
  950. <entry/>
  951. <entry>Yes (I am).</entry>
  952. </row>
  953. <row>
  954. <entry/>
  955. <entry/>
  956. <entry/>
  957. </row>
  958. <row>
  959. <entry> </entry>
  960. <entry>B:</entry>
  961. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú
  962. shì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  963. </row>
  964. <row>
  965. <entry/>
  966. <entry/>
  967. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。</foreignphrase></entry>
  968. </row>
  969. <row>
  970. <entry/>
  971. <entry/>
  972. <entry>No (I’m not).</entry>
  973. </row>
  974. <row>
  975. <entry/>
  976. <entry/>
  977. <entry/>
  978. </row>
  979. <row>
  980. <entry>2.</entry>
  981. <entry>A:</entry>
  982. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ shi Zhōngguo rén ma?
  983. </foreignphrase></entry>
  984. </row>
  985. <row>
  986. <entry/>
  987. <entry/>
  988. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  989. </row>
  990. <row>
  991. <entry/>
  992. <entry/>
  993. <entry>Are you Chinese?</entry>
  994. </row>
  995. <row>
  996. <entry/>
  997. <entry/>
  998. <entry/>
  999. </row>
  1000. <row>
  1001. <entry> </entry>
  1002. <entry>B:</entry>
  1003. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì, wǒ shi Zhōngguo
  1004. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1005. </row>
  1006. <row>
  1007. <entry/>
  1008. <entry/>
  1009. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是,我是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1010. </row>
  1011. <row>
  1012. <entry/>
  1013. <entry/>
  1014. <entry>Yes, I’m Chinese.</entry>
  1015. </row>
  1016. <row>
  1017. <entry/>
  1018. <entry/>
  1019. <entry/>
  1020. </row>
  1021. <row>
  1022. <entry> </entry>
  1023. <entry>B:</entry>
  1024. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shì, wǒ bú shi Zhōngguo
  1025. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1026. </row>
  1027. <row>
  1028. <entry/>
  1029. <entry/>
  1030. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是,我不是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1031. </row>
  1032. <row>
  1033. <entry/>
  1034. <entry/>
  1035. <entry>No, I’m not Chinese.</entry>
  1036. </row>
  1037. <row>
  1038. <entry/>
  1039. <entry/>
  1040. <entry/>
  1041. </row>
  1042. <row>
  1043. <entry>3.</entry>
  1044. <entry>A:</entry>
  1045. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ shi neǐguó
  1046. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1047. </row>
  1048. <row>
  1049. <entry/>
  1050. <entry/>
  1051. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你是哪國人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1052. </row>
  1053. <row>
  1054. <entry/>
  1055. <entry/>
  1056. <entry>What is your nationality?</entry>
  1057. </row>
  1058. <row>
  1059. <entry/>
  1060. <entry/>
  1061. <entry/>
  1062. </row>
  1063. <row>
  1064. <entry> </entry>
  1065. <entry>B:</entry>
  1066. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Měiguo
  1067. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1068. </row>
  1069. <row>
  1070. <entry/>
  1071. <entry/>
  1072. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1073. </row>
  1074. <row>
  1075. <entry/>
  1076. <entry/>
  1077. <entry>I’m an American.</entry>
  1078. </row>
  1079. <row>
  1080. <entry/>
  1081. <entry/>
  1082. <entry/>
  1083. </row>
  1084. <row>
  1085. <entry> </entry>
  1086. <entry>B:</entry>
  1087. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Zhōngguo
  1088. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1089. </row>
  1090. <row>
  1091. <entry/>
  1092. <entry/>
  1093. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1094. </row>
  1095. <row>
  1096. <entry/>
  1097. <entry/>
  1098. <entry>I’m Chinese.</entry>
  1099. </row>
  1100. <row>
  1101. <entry/>
  1102. <entry/>
  1103. <entry/>
  1104. </row>
  1105. <row>
  1106. <entry> </entry>
  1107. <entry>B:</entry>
  1108. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Yīngguó
  1109. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1110. </row>
  1111. <row>
  1112. <entry/>
  1113. <entry/>
  1114. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1115. </row>
  1116. <row>
  1117. <entry/>
  1118. <entry/>
  1119. <entry>I’m English.</entry>
  1120. </row>
  1121. <row>
  1122. <entry/>
  1123. <entry/>
  1124. <entry/>
  1125. </row>
  1126. <row>
  1127. <entry>4.</entry>
  1128. <entry>A:</entry>
  1129. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ shi nărde
  1130. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1131. </row>
  1132. <row>
  1133. <entry/>
  1134. <entry/>
  1135. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1136. </row>
  1137. <row>
  1138. <entry/>
  1139. <entry/>
  1140. <entry>Where are you from?</entry>
  1141. </row>
  1142. <row>
  1143. <entry/>
  1144. <entry/>
  1145. <entry/>
  1146. </row>
  1147. <row>
  1148. <entry> </entry>
  1149. <entry>B:</entry>
  1150. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu
  1151. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1152. </row>
  1153. <row>
  1154. <entry/>
  1155. <entry/>
  1156. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是加州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1157. </row>
  1158. <row>
  1159. <entry/>
  1160. <entry/>
  1161. <entry>I’m a Californian.</entry>
  1162. </row>
  1163. <row>
  1164. <entry/>
  1165. <entry/>
  1166. <entry/>
  1167. </row>
  1168. <row>
  1169. <entry> </entry>
  1170. <entry>B:</entry>
  1171. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Shànghǎi
  1172. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1173. </row>
  1174. <row>
  1175. <entry/>
  1176. <entry/>
  1177. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是上海人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1178. </row>
  1179. <row>
  1180. <entry/>
  1181. <entry/>
  1182. <entry>I’m from Shanghai.</entry>
  1183. </row>
  1184. <row>
  1185. <entry/>
  1186. <entry/>
  1187. <entry/>
  1188. </row>
  1189. <row>
  1190. <entry>5:</entry>
  1191. <entry> </entry>
  1192. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1193. >Déguó</foreignphrase></entry>
  1194. </row>
  1195. <row>
  1196. <entry/>
  1197. <entry/>
  1198. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">德國</foreignphrase></entry>
  1199. </row>
  1200. <row>
  1201. <entry/>
  1202. <entry/>
  1203. <entry>Germany</entry>
  1204. </row>
  1205. <row>
  1206. <entry/>
  1207. <entry/>
  1208. <entry/>
  1209. </row>
  1210. <row>
  1211. <entry>6:</entry>
  1212. <entry> </entry>
  1213. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Èguó
  1214. (Éguó)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1215. </row>
  1216. <row>
  1217. <entry/>
  1218. <entry/>
  1219. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">俄國</foreignphrase></entry>
  1220. </row>
  1221. <row>
  1222. <entry/>
  1223. <entry/>
  1224. <entry>Russia</entry>
  1225. </row>
  1226. <row>
  1227. <entry/>
  1228. <entry/>
  1229. <entry/>
  1230. </row>
  1231. <row>
  1232. <entry>7:</entry>
  1233. <entry> </entry>
  1234. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fàguó
  1235. (Făguó)</foreignphrase></entry>
  1236. </row>
  1237. <row>
  1238. <entry/>
  1239. <entry/>
  1240. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">法國</foreignphrase></entry>
  1241. </row>
  1242. <row>
  1243. <entry/>
  1244. <entry/>
  1245. <entry>France</entry>
  1246. </row>
  1247. <row>
  1248. <entry/>
  1249. <entry/>
  1250. <entry/>
  1251. </row>
  1252. <row>
  1253. <entry>8:</entry>
  1254. <entry> </entry>
  1255. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1256. >Rìběn</foreignphrase></entry>
  1257. </row>
  1258. <row>
  1259. <entry/>
  1260. <entry/>
  1261. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">日本</foreignphrase></entry>
  1262. </row>
  1263. <row>
  1264. <entry/>
  1265. <entry/>
  1266. <entry>Japan</entry>
  1267. </row>
  1268. <row>
  1269. <entry/>
  1270. <entry/>
  1271. <entry/>
  1272. </row>
  1273. </tbody>
  1274. </tgroup>
  1275. </informaltable>
  1276. </section>
  1277. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1278. <section>
  1279. <title>Unit 4 Target List</title>
  1280. <informaltable colsep="0" rowsep="0" frame="none">
  1281. <tgroup cols="3">
  1282. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  1283. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  1284. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="15.0*" align="left"/>
  1285. <tbody>
  1286. <row>
  1287. <entry>1.</entry>
  1288. <entry>A:</entry>
  1289. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Āndésēn xiānsheng, nǐ shì
  1290. nărde rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1291. </row>
  1292. <row>
  1293. <entry/>
  1294. <entry/>
  1295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1296. >安德森先生,你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1297. </row>
  1298. <row>
  1299. <entry/>
  1300. <entry/>
  1301. <entry>Where are you from, Mr. Anderson?</entry>
  1302. </row>
  1303. <row>
  1304. <entry/>
  1305. <entry/>
  1306. <entry/>
  1307. </row>
  1308. <row>
  1309. <entry> </entry>
  1310. <entry>B:</entry>
  1311. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shì Dézhōu
  1312. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1313. </row>
  1314. <row>
  1315. <entry/>
  1316. <entry/>
  1317. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是德州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1318. </row>
  1319. <row>
  1320. <entry/>
  1321. <entry/>
  1322. <entry>I’m from Texas.</entry>
  1323. </row>
  1324. <row>
  1325. <entry/>
  1326. <entry/>
  1327. <entry/>
  1328. </row>
  1329. <row>
  1330. <entry> </entry>
  1331. <entry>A:</entry>
  1332. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Āndésēn fūren
  1333. ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1334. </row>
  1335. <row>
  1336. <entry/>
  1337. <entry/>
  1338. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">安德森夫人呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1339. </row>
  1340. <row>
  1341. <entry/>
  1342. <entry/>
  1343. <entry>And Mrs. Anderson?</entry>
  1344. </row>
  1345. <row>
  1346. <entry/>
  1347. <entry/>
  1348. <entry/>
  1349. </row>
  1350. <row>
  1351. <entry> </entry>
  1352. <entry>B:</entry>
  1353. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yĕ shì Dézhōu
  1354. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1355. </row>
  1356. <row>
  1357. <entry/>
  1358. <entry/>
  1359. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她也是德州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1360. </row>
  1361. <row>
  1362. <entry/>
  1363. <entry/>
  1364. <entry>She is from Texas too.</entry>
  1365. </row>
  1366. <row>
  1367. <entry/>
  1368. <entry/>
  1369. <entry/>
  1370. </row>
  1371. <row>
  1372. <entry>2:</entry>
  1373. <entry>A:</entry>
  1374. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shì Yīngguo rén
  1375. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1376. </row>
  1377. <row>
  1378. <entry/>
  1379. <entry/>
  1380. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是英國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1381. </row>
  1382. <row>
  1383. <entry/>
  1384. <entry/>
  1385. <entry>Is he English?</entry>
  1386. </row>
  1387. <row>
  1388. <entry/>
  1389. <entry/>
  1390. <entry/>
  1391. </row>
  1392. <row>
  1393. <entry> </entry>
  1394. <entry>B:</entry>
  1395. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shì, tā bú shì Yīngguo
  1396. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1397. </row>
  1398. <row>
  1399. <entry/>
  1400. <entry/>
  1401. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是,他不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1402. </row>
  1403. <row>
  1404. <entry/>
  1405. <entry/>
  1406. <entry>No, he is not English.</entry>
  1407. </row>
  1408. <row>
  1409. <entry/>
  1410. <entry/>
  1411. <entry/>
  1412. </row>
  1413. <row>
  1414. <entry> </entry>
  1415. <entry>A:</entry>
  1416. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  1417. ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1418. </row>
  1419. <row>
  1420. <entry/>
  1421. <entry/>
  1422. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他愛人呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1423. </row>
  1424. <row>
  1425. <entry/>
  1426. <entry/>
  1427. <entry>And his wife?</entry>
  1428. </row>
  1429. <row>
  1430. <entry/>
  1431. <entry/>
  1432. <entry/>
  1433. </row>
  1434. <row>
  1435. <entry> </entry>
  1436. <entry>B:</entry>
  1437. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yĕ bú shì Yīngguo
  1438. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1439. </row>
  1440. <row>
  1441. <entry/>
  1442. <entry/>
  1443. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她也不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1444. </row>
  1445. <row>
  1446. <entry/>
  1447. <entry/>
  1448. <entry>She isn’t English either.</entry>
  1449. </row>
  1450. <row>
  1451. <entry/>
  1452. <entry/>
  1453. <entry/>
  1454. </row>
  1455. <row>
  1456. <entry>3.</entry>
  1457. <entry>A:</entry>
  1458. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qĭngwèn, nǐ lăojiā zài
  1459. nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1460. </row>
  1461. <row>
  1462. <entry/>
  1463. <entry/>
  1464. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">請問,你老家在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1465. </row>
  1466. <row>
  1467. <entry/>
  1468. <entry/>
  1469. <entry>May I ask, where is your family from?</entry>
  1470. </row>
  1471. <row>
  1472. <entry/>
  1473. <entry/>
  1474. <entry/>
  1475. </row>
  1476. <row>
  1477. <entry> </entry>
  1478. <entry>B:</entry>
  1479. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ lăojiā zài
  1480. Shāndōng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1481. </row>
  1482. <row>
  1483. <entry/>
  1484. <entry/>
  1485. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我老家在山東。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1486. </row>
  1487. <row>
  1488. <entry/>
  1489. <entry/>
  1490. <entry>My family is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  1491. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase></entry>
  1492. </row>
  1493. <row>
  1494. <entry/>
  1495. <entry/>
  1496. <entry/>
  1497. </row>
  1498. <row>
  1499. <entry>4.</entry>
  1500. <entry>A:</entry>
  1501. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdăo zài zhèr
  1502. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1503. </row>
  1504. <row>
  1505. <entry/>
  1506. <entry/>
  1507. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">青島在這兒嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1508. </row>
  1509. <row>
  1510. <entry/>
  1511. <entry/>
  1512. <entry>Is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdăo</foreignphrase>
  1513. here? (pointing to a map)</entry>
  1514. </row>
  1515. <row>
  1516. <entry/>
  1517. <entry/>
  1518. <entry/>
  1519. </row>
  1520. <row>
  1521. <entry> </entry>
  1522. <entry>B:</entry>
  1523. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdăo bú zài nàr, zài
  1524. zhèr.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1525. </row>
  1526. <row>
  1527. <entry/>
  1528. <entry/>
  1529. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1530. >青島不在那兒,在這兒。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1531. </row>
  1532. <row>
  1533. <entry/>
  1534. <entry/>
  1535. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdăo</foreignphrase>
  1536. isn’t there; it’s here. (pointing to a map)</entry>
  1537. </row>
  1538. <row>
  1539. <entry/>
  1540. <entry/>
  1541. <entry/>
  1542. </row>
  1543. <row>
  1544. <entry>5.</entry>
  1545. <entry>A:</entry>
  1546. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nĭ àiren xiànzài zài
  1547. nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1548. </row>
  1549. <row>
  1550. <entry/>
  1551. <entry/>
  1552. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你愛人現在在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1553. </row>
  1554. <row>
  1555. <entry/>
  1556. <entry/>
  1557. <entry>Where is your spouse now?</entry>
  1558. </row>
  1559. <row>
  1560. <entry/>
  1561. <entry/>
  1562. <entry/>
  1563. </row>
  1564. <row>
  1565. <entry> </entry>
  1566. <entry>B:</entry>
  1567. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xiànzài zài
  1568. Jiānádà.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1569. </row>
  1570. <row>
  1571. <entry/>
  1572. <entry/>
  1573. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她現在在見那大。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1574. </row>
  1575. <row>
  1576. <entry/>
  1577. <entry/>
  1578. <entry>He/she is in Canada now.</entry>
  1579. </row>
  1580. </tbody>
  1581. </tgroup>
  1582. </informaltable>
  1583. <figure>
  1584. <title>On a <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běijīng</foreignphrase> street
  1585. (courtesy of Pat Fox)</title>
  1586. <mediaobject>
  1587. <imageobject>
  1588. <imagedata
  1589. fileref="Images/0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-6.png"
  1590. align="center"/>
  1591. </imageobject>
  1592. </mediaobject>
  1593. </figure>
  1594. </section>
  1595. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1596. <section>
  1597. <title>Unit 1</title>
  1598. <section>
  1599. <title>Introduction</title>
  1600. <section>
  1601. <title>Topics Covered in this Unit</title>
  1602. <para>
  1603. <orderedlist>
  1604. <listitem>
  1605. <para>Questions and answers about full names and surnames.</para>
  1606. </listitem>
  1607. <listitem>
  1608. <para>Titles and terms of address (“Mr.,” “Mrs.,” etc.).</para>
  1609. </listitem>
  1610. </orderedlist>
  1611. </para>
  1612. </section>
  1613. <section>
  1614. <title>Prerequisites to the Unit</title>
  1615. <para>(Be sure to complete these before starting the unit.)<orderedlist>
  1616. <listitem>
  1617. <para>Background Notes</para>
  1618. </listitem>
  1619. <listitem>
  1620. <para>P&amp;R 1 (Tape 1 of the resource module on Pronunciation and
  1621. Romanization), the tones.</para>
  1622. </listitem>
  1623. <listitem>
  1624. <para>P&amp;R 2 (Tape 2 of the resource module on Pronunciation and
  1625. Romanization), the tones.</para>
  1626. </listitem>
  1627. </orderedlist></para>
  1628. </section>
  1629. <section>
  1630. <title>Materials You Will Need</title>
  1631. <para>
  1632. <orderedlist>
  1633. <listitem>
  1634. <para>The C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
  1635. Notes.</para>
  1636. </listitem>
  1637. <listitem>
  1638. <para>The drill tape (1D-1)</para>
  1639. </listitem>
  1640. </orderedlist>
  1641. </para>
  1642. </section>
  1643. <section>
  1644. <title>About the C-1 and P-1 Tapes</title>
  1645. <para>The C-1 and P-1 tapes are your introduction to the Chinese words and
  1646. structures presented in each unit. The tapes give you explanations and practice
  1647. on the new material. By the time you have worked through these two tapes, you
  1648. will be competent in understanding and producing the expressions introduced in
  1649. the unit. </para>
  1650. <para>With the C-1 tape, you learn to understand the new words and structures. The
  1651. material is presented in short conversational exchanges, first with English
  1652. translations and later with pauses which allow you to translate. Try to give a
  1653. complete English translation for each Chinese expression. Your goal when using
  1654. the C-1 tape is to learn the meanings of all the words and structures as they
  1655. are used in the sentences.</para>
  1656. <para>With the P-1 tape, you learn to put together these sentences. You learn to
  1657. pronounce each new word and use each new structure. When the recorded
  1658. instructions direct you to pronounce a word or say a sentence, do so out loud.
  1659. It is important for you to hear yourself speaking Chinese, so that you will know
  1660. whether you are pronouncing the words correctly. Making the effort to say the
  1661. expression is a big part of learning it. It is one thing to think about how a
  1662. sentence should be put together or how it should sound. It is another thing to
  1663. put it together that way or make it sound that way. Your goal when using the P-1
  1664. tape is to produce the Target List expressions in Chinese when given English
  1665. equivalents. At the end of each P-1 tape is a review of the Target List which
  1666. you can go over until you have mastered the expressions.</para>
  1667. <para>At times, you may feel that the material on a tape is being presented too
  1668. fast. You may find that there is not enough time allowed for working out the
  1669. meaning of a sentence or saying a sentence the way you want to. When this
  1670. happens, stop the tape. If you want to, rewind; Use the control buttons on your
  1671. machine to make the tape manageable for you most and to get the most out of
  1672. it.</para>
  1673. </section>
  1674. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1675. <section>
  1676. <title>About the Reference List and the Reference Notes</title>
  1677. <para>The Reference List and the Reference Notes are designed to be used before,
  1678. during, or directly after work with the C-1 and P-1 tapes.</para>
  1679. <para>The Reference List is a summary of the C-1 and P-1 tapes. It contains all
  1680. sentences which introduce new material, shoving you both the Chinese sentences
  1681. written in romanization and their English equivalents. You will find that the
  1682. list is printed so that either the Chinese or the English can be covered to
  1683. allow you to test yourself on comprehension, production, or romanization of the
  1684. sentences.</para>
  1685. <para>The Reference Notes give you information about grammar, pronunciation, and
  1686. cultural usage. Some of these explanations duplicate what you hear on the C-1
  1687. and P-1 tapes. Other explanations contain new information. </para>
  1688. <para>You may use the Reference List and Reference Notes in various ways. For
  1689. example, you may follow the Reference Notes as you listen to a tape, glancing at
  1690. an exchange or stopping to read a comment whenever you want to. Or you may look
  1691. through the Reference Notes before listening to a tape, and then use the
  1692. Reference List while you listen, to help you keep track of where you are.
  1693. Whichever way you decide to use these parts of a unit, remember that they are
  1694. reference materials. Don’t rely on the translations and romanizations as
  1695. subtitles for the C-1 tape or as cue cards for the P-1 tape, for this would rob
  1696. you of your chance to develop listening and responding skills.</para>
  1697. </section>
  1698. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1699. <section>
  1700. <title>About the Drills</title>
  1701. <para>The drills help you develop fluency, ease of response, and confidence. You can
  1702. go through the drills on your own, with the drill tapes, and the teacher may
  1703. take you through them in class as well. </para>
  1704. <para>Allow more than half an hour for a half-hour drill tape, since you will
  1705. usually need to go over all or parts of the tape more than once to get full
  1706. benefit from it. </para>
  1707. <para>The drills include many personal names, providing you with valuable
  1708. pronunciation practice. However, if you find the names more than you can handle
  1709. the first time through the tape, replace them with the pronoun <foreignphrase
  1710. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā</foreignphrase> whenever possible. Similar
  1711. substitutions are often possible with place names. </para>
  1712. <para>Some of the drills involve sentences which you may find too long to understand
  1713. or produce on your first try, and you will need to rewind for another try.
  1714. Often, particularly the first time through a tape, you will find the pauses too
  1715. short, and you will need to stop the tape to give yourself more time. The
  1716. performance you should aim for with these tapes, however, is full comprehension
  1717. and full, fluent, and accurate production while the tape rolls. </para>
  1718. <para>The five basic types of drills are described below.<orderedlist>
  1719. <listitem>
  1720. <para><emphasis role="bold">Substitution Drills</emphasis>: The teacher
  1721. (T) gives a pattern sentence which the student (S) repeats. Then the
  1722. teacher gives a word or phrase (a cue) which the student substitutes
  1723. appropriately in the original sentence. The teacher follows
  1724. immediately with a new cue.<example>
  1725. <title>Here is an English example of a substitution
  1726. drill:</title>
  1727. <itemizedlist>
  1728. <listitem>
  1729. <para>T: Are you an American?</para>
  1730. </listitem>
  1731. <listitem>
  1732. <para>S: Are you an American?</para>
  1733. </listitem>
  1734. <listitem>
  1735. <para>T: (cue) English</para>
  1736. </listitem>
  1737. <listitem>
  1738. <para>S: Are you English?</para>
  1739. </listitem>
  1740. <listitem>
  1741. <para>T: (cue) French </para>
  1742. </listitem>
  1743. <listitem>
  1744. <para>S: Are you French?</para>
  1745. </listitem>
  1746. </itemizedlist>
  1747. </example></para>
  1748. </listitem>
  1749. <listitem>
  1750. <para><emphasis role="bold">Transformation Drills</emphasis>: On the
  1751. basis of a model provided at the beginning of the drill, the student
  1752. makes a certain change in each sentence the teacher says.</para>
  1753. <example>
  1754. <title>Here is an English example of a transformation drill, in
  1755. which the student is changing affirmative sentences into
  1756. negative ones:</title>
  1757. <itemizedlist>
  1758. <listitem>
  1759. <para>T: I’m going to the bank. </para>
  1760. </listitem>
  1761. <listitem>
  1762. <para>S: I’m not going to the bank. </para>
  1763. </listitem>
  1764. <listitem>
  1765. <para>T: I’m going to the store. </para>
  1766. </listitem>
  1767. <listitem>
  1768. <para>S: I’m not going to the store.</para>
  1769. </listitem>
  1770. </itemizedlist>
  1771. </example>
  1772. </listitem>
  1773. <listitem>
  1774. <para>Response Drills: On the basis of a model given at the beginning of
  1775. the drill, the student responds to questions or remarks by the
  1776. teacher as cued by the teacher.</para>
  1777. <example>
  1778. <title>Here is an English example of a response drill:</title>
  1779. <itemizedlist>
  1780. <listitem>
  1781. <para>T: What is his name? (cue) Harris </para>
  1782. </listitem>
  1783. <listitem>
  1784. <para>S: His name is Harris.</para>
  1785. </listitem>
  1786. <listitem>
  1787. <para>T: What is her name? (cue) Noss </para>
  1788. </listitem>
  1789. <listitem>
  1790. <para>S: Her name is Noss.</para>
  1791. </listitem>
  1792. </itemizedlist>
  1793. </example>
  1794. </listitem>
  1795. <listitem>
  1796. <para>Expansion Drills: The student adds something to a pattern sentence
  1797. as cued by the teacher.</para>
  1798. <example>
  1799. <title>Here is an English example of an expansion drill:</title>
  1800. <itemizedlist>
  1801. <listitem>
  1802. <para>T: He isn’t Chinese, (cue) Japanese.</para>
  1803. </listitem>
  1804. <listitem>
  1805. <para>S: He isn’t Chinese. He’s Japanese. </para>
  1806. </listitem>
  1807. <listitem>
  1808. <para>T: She isn’t German. (cue) French.</para>
  1809. </listitem>
  1810. <listitem>
  1811. <para>S: She isn’t German. She’s French. </para>
  1812. </listitem>
  1813. </itemizedlist>
  1814. </example>
  1815. </listitem>
  1816. <listitem>
  1817. <para>Combination Drills: On the basis of a model given at the beginning
  1818. of the drill, the student combines two phrases or sentences given by
  1819. the teacher into a single utterance.</para>
  1820. <example>
  1821. <title>Here is an English example of a combination drill:</title>
  1822. <itemizedlist>
  1823. <listitem>
  1824. <para>T: I am reading a book. John gave me the book. </para>
  1825. </listitem>
  1826. <listitem>
  1827. <para>S: I am reading a book which John gave me. </para>
  1828. </listitem>
  1829. <listitem>
  1830. <para>T: Mary bought a picture. I like the picture. </para>
  1831. </listitem>
  1832. <listitem>
  1833. <para>S: Mary bought a picture which I like.</para>
  1834. </listitem>
  1835. </itemizedlist>
  1836. </example>
  1837. </listitem>
  1838. </orderedlist></para>
  1839. </section>
  1840. </section>
  1841. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  1842. <section>
  1843. <title>References</title>
  1844. <section>
  1845. <title>Reference list</title>
  1846. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  1847. <tgroup cols="3">
  1848. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  1849. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  1850. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  1851. <tbody>
  1852. <row>
  1853. <entry>1.</entry>
  1854. <entry>A:</entry>
  1855. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  1856. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1857. </row>
  1858. <row>
  1859. <entry/>
  1860. <entry/>
  1861. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1862. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1863. </row>
  1864. <row>
  1865. <entry/>
  1866. <entry/>
  1867. <entry>Who are you?</entry>
  1868. </row>
  1869. <row>
  1870. <entry> </entry>
  1871. <entry>B:</entry>
  1872. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  1873. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1874. </row>
  1875. <row>
  1876. <entry/>
  1877. <entry/>
  1878. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1879. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1880. </row>
  1881. <row>
  1882. <entry/>
  1883. <entry/>
  1884. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  1885. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  1886. </row>
  1887. <row>
  1888. <entry>2.</entry>
  1889. <entry>A:</entry>
  1890. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  1891. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1892. </row>
  1893. <row>
  1894. <entry/>
  1895. <entry/>
  1896. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1897. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1898. </row>
  1899. <row>
  1900. <entry/>
  1901. <entry/>
  1902. <entry>Who are you?</entry>
  1903. </row>
  1904. <row>
  1905. <entry> </entry>
  1906. <entry>B:</entry>
  1907. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Hú
  1908. Měilíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1909. </row>
  1910. <row>
  1911. <entry/>
  1912. <entry/>
  1913. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是胡美玲。
  1914. </foreignphrase></entry>
  1915. </row>
  1916. <row>
  1917. <entry/>
  1918. <entry/>
  1919. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  1920. Měilíng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  1921. </row>
  1922. <row>
  1923. <entry>3.</entry>
  1924. <entry>A:</entry>
  1925. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  1926. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1927. </row>
  1928. <row>
  1929. <entry/>
  1930. <entry/>
  1931. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1932. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1933. </row>
  1934. <row>
  1935. <entry/>
  1936. <entry/>
  1937. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  1938. </row>
  1939. <row>
  1940. <entry> </entry>
  1941. <entry>B:</entry>
  1942. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  1943. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  1944. </row>
  1945. <row>
  1946. <entry/>
  1947. <entry/>
  1948. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1949. >他是馬明理。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1950. </row>
  1951. <row>
  1952. <entry/>
  1953. <entry/>
  1954. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  1955. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  1956. </row>
  1957. <row>
  1958. <entry>4.</entry>
  1959. <entry>A:</entry>
  1960. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  1961. Mínglǐ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1962. </row>
  1963. <row>
  1964. <entry/>
  1965. <entry/>
  1966. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1967. >他是馬明理。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1968. </row>
  1969. <row>
  1970. <entry/>
  1971. <entry/>
  1972. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  1973. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  1974. </row>
  1975. <row>
  1976. <entry> </entry>
  1977. <entry>B:</entry>
  1978. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Hú
  1979. Měilíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  1980. </row>
  1981. <row>
  1982. <entry/>
  1983. <entry/>
  1984. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  1985. >她是胡美玲。</foreignphrase></entry>
  1986. </row>
  1987. <row>
  1988. <entry/>
  1989. <entry/>
  1990. <entry>She is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  1991. Měilíng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  1992. </row>
  1993. <row>
  1994. <entry>5.</entry>
  1995. <entry>A:</entry>
  1996. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng
  1997. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  1998. </row>
  1999. <row>
  2000. <entry/>
  2001. <entry/>
  2002. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2003. >你姓什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2004. </row>
  2005. <row>
  2006. <entry/>
  2007. <entry/>
  2008. <entry>What is your surname?</entry>
  2009. </row>
  2010. <row>
  2011. <entry> </entry>
  2012. <entry>B:</entry>
  2013. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  2014. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2015. </row>
  2016. <row>
  2017. <entry/>
  2018. <entry/>
  2019. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2020. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2021. </row>
  2022. <row>
  2023. <entry/>
  2024. <entry/>
  2025. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2026. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2027. </row>
  2028. <row>
  2029. <entry>6.</entry>
  2030. <entry>A:</entry>
  2031. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  2032. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2033. </row>
  2034. <row>
  2035. <entry/>
  2036. <entry/>
  2037. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2038. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2039. </row>
  2040. <row>
  2041. <entry/>
  2042. <entry/>
  2043. <entry>What is his surname?</entry>
  2044. </row>
  2045. <row>
  2046. <entry> </entry>
  2047. <entry>B:</entry>
  2048. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  2049. Mǎ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2050. </row>
  2051. <row>
  2052. <entry/>
  2053. <entry/>
  2054. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2055. >他姓馬。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2056. </row>
  2057. <row>
  2058. <entry/>
  2059. <entry/>
  2060. <entry>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2061. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2062. </row>
  2063. <row>
  2064. <entry>7.</entry>
  2065. <entry>A:</entry>
  2066. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  2067. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2068. </row>
  2069. <row>
  2070. <entry/>
  2071. <entry/>
  2072. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2073. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2074. </row>
  2075. <row>
  2076. <entry/>
  2077. <entry/>
  2078. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  2079. </row>
  2080. <row>
  2081. <entry> </entry>
  2082. <entry>B:</entry>
  2083. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  2084. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2085. </row>
  2086. <row>
  2087. <entry/>
  2088. <entry/>
  2089. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2090. >他是馬先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2091. </row>
  2092. <row>
  2093. <entry/>
  2094. <entry/>
  2095. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2096. >Mǎ</foreignphrase> .</entry>
  2097. </row>
  2098. <row>
  2099. <entry>8.</entry>
  2100. <entry>A:</entry>
  2101. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  2102. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2103. </row>
  2104. <row>
  2105. <entry/>
  2106. <entry/>
  2107. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2108. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2109. </row>
  2110. <row>
  2111. <entry/>
  2112. <entry/>
  2113. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  2114. </row>
  2115. <row>
  2116. <entry> </entry>
  2117. <entry>B:</entry>
  2118. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
  2119. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2120. </row>
  2121. <row>
  2122. <entry/>
  2123. <entry/>
  2124. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2125. >他是馬明理先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2126. </row>
  2127. <row>
  2128. <entry/>
  2129. <entry/>
  2130. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2131. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2132. </row>
  2133. <row>
  2134. <entry>9.</entry>
  2135. <entry>A:</entry>
  2136. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng, tā
  2137. shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2138. </row>
  2139. <row>
  2140. <entry/>
  2141. <entry/>
  2142. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2143. >王先生,他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2144. </row>
  2145. <row>
  2146. <entry/>
  2147. <entry/>
  2148. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2149. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, who is he?</entry>
  2150. </row>
  2151. <row>
  2152. <entry> </entry>
  2153. <entry>B:</entry>
  2154. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
  2155. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2156. </row>
  2157. <row>
  2158. <entry/>
  2159. <entry/>
  2160. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2161. >他是馬明理先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2162. </row>
  2163. <row>
  2164. <entry/>
  2165. <entry/>
  2166. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2167. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2168. </row>
  2169. <row>
  2170. <entry>10.</entry>
  2171. <entry>A:</entry>
  2172. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiānsheng, tā shi
  2173. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2174. </row>
  2175. <row>
  2176. <entry/>
  2177. <entry/>
  2178. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2179. >先生,他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2180. </row>
  2181. <row>
  2182. <entry/>
  2183. <entry/>
  2184. <entry>Sir, who is he?</entry>
  2185. </row>
  2186. <row>
  2187. <entry> </entry>
  2188. <entry>B:</entry>
  2189. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  2190. xiānsheng</foreignphrase></entry>
  2191. </row>
  2192. <row>
  2193. <entry/>
  2194. <entry/>
  2195. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2196. >他是馬先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2197. </row>
  2198. <row>
  2199. <entry/>
  2200. <entry/>
  2201. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2202. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2203. </row>
  2204. <row>
  2205. <entry>11.</entry>
  2206. <entry>A:</entry>
  2207. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiānsheng, tā shi
  2208. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2209. </row>
  2210. <row>
  2211. <entry/>
  2212. <entry/>
  2213. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2214. >先生,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2215. </row>
  2216. <row>
  2217. <entry/>
  2218. <entry/>
  2219. <entry>Sir, who is she?</entry>
  2220. </row>
  2221. <row>
  2222. <entry> </entry>
  2223. <entry>B:</entry>
  2224. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  2225. tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2226. </row>
  2227. <row>
  2228. <entry/>
  2229. <entry/>
  2230. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2231. >她是馬太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2232. </row>
  2233. <row>
  2234. <entry/>
  2235. <entry/>
  2236. <entry>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2237. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2238. </row>
  2239. <row>
  2240. <entry>12.</entry>
  2241. <entry>A:</entry>
  2242. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng, tā
  2243. shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2244. </row>
  2245. <row>
  2246. <entry/>
  2247. <entry/>
  2248. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2249. >王先生,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2250. </row>
  2251. <row>
  2252. <entry/>
  2253. <entry/>
  2254. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2255. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, who is she?</entry>
  2256. </row>
  2257. <row>
  2258. <entry> </entry>
  2259. <entry>B:</entry>
  2260. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
  2261. tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2262. </row>
  2263. <row>
  2264. <entry/>
  2265. <entry/>
  2266. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2267. >她是馬明理太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2268. </row>
  2269. <row>
  2270. <entry/>
  2271. <entry/>
  2272. <entry>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2273. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2274. </row>
  2275. <row>
  2276. <entry>13.</entry>
  2277. <entry>A:</entry>
  2278. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng, tā
  2279. shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2280. </row>
  2281. <row>
  2282. <entry/>
  2283. <entry/>
  2284. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2285. >王先生,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2286. </row>
  2287. <row>
  2288. <entry/>
  2289. <entry/>
  2290. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2291. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, who is she?</entry>
  2292. </row>
  2293. <row>
  2294. <entry> </entry>
  2295. <entry>B:</entry>
  2296. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  2297. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2298. </row>
  2299. <row>
  2300. <entry/>
  2301. <entry/>
  2302. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2303. >她是馬小姐。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2304. </row>
  2305. <row>
  2306. <entry/>
  2307. <entry/>
  2308. <entry>She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2309. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2310. </row>
  2311. <row>
  2312. <entry>14.</entry>
  2313. <entry>A:</entry>
  2314. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  2315. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2316. </row>
  2317. <row>
  2318. <entry/>
  2319. <entry/>
  2320. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2321. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2322. </row>
  2323. <row>
  2324. <entry/>
  2325. <entry/>
  2326. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  2327. </row>
  2328. <row>
  2329. <entry> </entry>
  2330. <entry>B:</entry>
  2331. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
  2332. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2333. </row>
  2334. <row>
  2335. <entry/>
  2336. <entry/>
  2337. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2338. >他是馬明理同志。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2339. </row>
  2340. <row>
  2341. <entry/>
  2342. <entry/>
  2343. <entry>He is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2344. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2345. </row>
  2346. <row>
  2347. <entry>15.</entry>
  2348. <entry>A:</entry>
  2349. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tóngzhì, tā shi
  2350. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2351. </row>
  2352. <row>
  2353. <entry/>
  2354. <entry/>
  2355. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2356. >同志,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2357. </row>
  2358. <row>
  2359. <entry/>
  2360. <entry/>
  2361. <entry>Comrade, who is she?</entry>
  2362. </row>
  2363. <row>
  2364. <entry> </entry>
  2365. <entry>B:</entry>
  2366. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng
  2367. Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2368. </row>
  2369. <row>
  2370. <entry/>
  2371. <entry/>
  2372. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2373. >她是方寶蘭。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2374. </row>
  2375. <row>
  2376. <entry/>
  2377. <entry/>
  2378. <entry>She is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  2379. Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2380. </row>
  2381. <row>
  2382. <entry>16.</entry>
  2383. <entry>A:</entry>
  2384. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tóngzhì, tā shi
  2385. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2386. </row>
  2387. <row>
  2388. <entry/>
  2389. <entry/>
  2390. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2391. >同志,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2392. </row>
  2393. <row>
  2394. <entry/>
  2395. <entry/>
  2396. <entry>Comrade, who is she?</entry>
  2397. </row>
  2398. <row>
  2399. <entry> </entry>
  2400. <entry>B:</entry>
  2401. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng Bǎolán
  2402. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2403. </row>
  2404. <row>
  2405. <entry/>
  2406. <entry/>
  2407. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2408. >她是方寶蘭同志。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2409. </row>
  2410. <row>
  2411. <entry/>
  2412. <entry/>
  2413. <entry>She is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  2414. Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2415. </row>
  2416. </tbody>
  2417. </tgroup>
  2418. </informaltable>
  2419. </section>
  2420. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2421. <section>
  2422. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  2423. <informaltable frame="none" tabstyle="striped" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2424. <tgroup cols="3">
  2425. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1.5*"/>
  2426. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  2427. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="3.0*"/>
  2428. <tbody>
  2429. <row>
  2430. <entry>
  2431. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ</foreignphrase>
  2432. </entry>
  2433. <entry>
  2434. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">你</foreignphrase>
  2435. </entry>
  2436. <entry> you </entry>
  2437. </row>
  2438. <row>
  2439. <entry>
  2440. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shéi</foreignphrase>
  2441. </entry>
  2442. <entry>
  2443. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">誰</foreignphrase>
  2444. </entry>
  2445. <entry> who </entry>
  2446. </row>
  2447. <row>
  2448. <entry>
  2449. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shénme</foreignphrase>
  2450. </entry>
  2451. <entry>
  2452. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">什麼</foreignphrase>
  2453. </entry>
  2454. <entry> what </entry>
  2455. </row>
  2456. <row>
  2457. <entry>
  2458. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì</foreignphrase>
  2459. </entry>
  2460. <entry>
  2461. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是</foreignphrase>
  2462. </entry>
  2463. <entry> to be </entry>
  2464. </row>
  2465. <row>
  2466. <entry>
  2467. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā</foreignphrase>
  2468. </entry>
  2469. <entry>
  2470. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他,她,它</foreignphrase>
  2471. </entry>
  2472. <entry> he, she, it </entry>
  2473. </row>
  2474. <row>
  2475. <entry>
  2476. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tàitai</foreignphrase>
  2477. </entry>
  2478. <entry>
  2479. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">太太</foreignphrase>
  2480. </entry>
  2481. <entry> Mrs.; wife, married woman, lady </entry>
  2482. </row>
  2483. <row>
  2484. <entry>
  2485. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2486. >tóngzhì</foreignphrase>
  2487. </entry>
  2488. <entry>
  2489. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">同志</foreignphrase>
  2490. </entry>
  2491. <entry> comrade </entry>
  2492. </row>
  2493. <row>
  2494. <entry>
  2495. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">wǒ</foreignphrase>
  2496. </entry>
  2497. <entry>
  2498. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我</foreignphrase>
  2499. </entry>
  2500. <entry> I </entry>
  2501. </row>
  2502. <row>
  2503. <entry>
  2504. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2505. >xiānsheng</foreignphrase>
  2506. </entry>
  2507. <entry>
  2508. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">先生</foreignphrase>
  2509. </entry>
  2510. <entry> Mr., sir, husband, teacher </entry>
  2511. </row>
  2512. <row>
  2513. <entry>
  2514. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎojiě
  2515. (xiǎojie)</foreignphrase>
  2516. </entry>
  2517. <entry>
  2518. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">小姐</foreignphrase>
  2519. </entry>
  2520. <entry> Miss, lady, daughter (polite) </entry>
  2521. </row>
  2522. <row>
  2523. <entry>
  2524. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xìng</foreignphrase>
  2525. </entry>
  2526. <entry>
  2527. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">姓</foreignphrase>
  2528. </entry>
  2529. <entry> to be surnamed </entry>
  2530. </row>
  2531. </tbody>
  2532. </tgroup>
  2533. </informaltable>
  2534. </section>
  2535. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2536. <section>
  2537. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  2538. <section>
  2539. <title>Notes on № 1-4</title>
  2540. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2541. <tgroup cols="3">
  2542. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  2543. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  2544. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  2545. <tbody>
  2546. <row>
  2547. <entry>1.</entry>
  2548. <entry>A:</entry>
  2549. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  2550. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2551. </row>
  2552. <row>
  2553. <entry/>
  2554. <entry/>
  2555. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2556. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2557. </row>
  2558. <row>
  2559. <entry/>
  2560. <entry/>
  2561. <entry>Who are you?</entry>
  2562. </row>
  2563. <row>
  2564. <entry> </entry>
  2565. <entry>B:</entry>
  2566. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  2567. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2568. </row>
  2569. <row>
  2570. <entry/>
  2571. <entry/>
  2572. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2573. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2574. </row>
  2575. <row>
  2576. <entry/>
  2577. <entry/>
  2578. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  2579. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2580. </row>
  2581. <row>
  2582. <entry>2.</entry>
  2583. <entry>A:</entry>
  2584. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  2585. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2586. </row>
  2587. <row>
  2588. <entry/>
  2589. <entry/>
  2590. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2591. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2592. </row>
  2593. <row>
  2594. <entry/>
  2595. <entry/>
  2596. <entry>Who are you?</entry>
  2597. </row>
  2598. <row>
  2599. <entry> </entry>
  2600. <entry>B:</entry>
  2601. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Hú
  2602. Měilíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2603. </row>
  2604. <row>
  2605. <entry/>
  2606. <entry/>
  2607. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我是胡美玲。
  2608. </foreignphrase></entry>
  2609. </row>
  2610. <row>
  2611. <entry/>
  2612. <entry/>
  2613. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  2614. Měilíng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2615. </row>
  2616. <row>
  2617. <entry>3.</entry>
  2618. <entry>A:</entry>
  2619. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  2620. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2621. </row>
  2622. <row>
  2623. <entry/>
  2624. <entry/>
  2625. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2626. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2627. </row>
  2628. <row>
  2629. <entry/>
  2630. <entry/>
  2631. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  2632. </row>
  2633. <row>
  2634. <entry> </entry>
  2635. <entry>B:</entry>
  2636. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  2637. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2638. </row>
  2639. <row>
  2640. <entry/>
  2641. <entry/>
  2642. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2643. >他是馬明理。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2644. </row>
  2645. <row>
  2646. <entry/>
  2647. <entry/>
  2648. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2649. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2650. </row>
  2651. </tbody>
  2652. </tgroup>
  2653. </informaltable>
  2654. <para>The verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì</foreignphrase>
  2655. means “to be” in the sense of “to be someone or something,” as in “I am
  2656. Daniel King.” It expresses identity. (In Unit 4 you will learn a verb which
  2657. means “to be” in another sense, “to be somewhere,” as in “I am in
  2658. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běijīng</foreignphrase>.” That
  2659. verb expresses location.) The verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2660. >shì</foreignphrase> is in the <emphasis role="bold">Neutral
  2661. tone</emphasis> (with no accent mark) <emphasis role="underline"
  2662. >except</emphasis> when <emphasis role="underline"
  2663. >emphasized</emphasis>. </para>
  2664. <para>Unlike verbs in European languages, Chinese verbs do not distinguish
  2665. first, second, and third persons. A single form serves for all three
  2666. persons.<informaltable frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2667. <tgroup cols="4">
  2668. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2669. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2670. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="3.0*" align="center"/>
  2671. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="3.0*" align="center"/>
  2672. <tbody>
  2673. <row>
  2674. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2675. >Wǒ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2676. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2677. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2678. <entry xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"><foreignphrase
  2679. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  2680. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2681. <entry>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  2682. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2683. </row>
  2684. <row>
  2685. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2686. >Nǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2687. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2688. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2689. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  2690. Měilíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2691. <entry>You are <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  2692. Měilíng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2693. </row>
  2694. <row>
  2695. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2696. >Tā</foreignphrase></entry>
  2697. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2698. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2699. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2700. Mínglǐ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2701. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2702. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2703. </row>
  2704. </tbody>
  2705. </tgroup>
  2706. </informaltable></para>
  2707. <para>Later you will find that Chinese verbs do not distinguish singular and
  2708. plural, either, and that they do not distinguish past, present, and future
  2709. as such. You need to learn only one form for each verb. </para>
  2710. <para>The pronoun <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tā</foreignphrase>
  2711. is equivalent to both “he” and “she.” (and it), but the writing is
  2712. different: he ↠ <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他</foreignphrase> , she ↠
  2713. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她</foreignphrase> , it ↠
  2714. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">它</foreignphrase>.</para>
  2715. <para>The question <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  2716. shéi?</foreignphrase> is actually too direct for most situations,
  2717. although it is all right from teacher to student or from student to student.
  2718. (A more polite question is introduced in Unit 2.) </para>
  2719. <para>Unlike English, Chinese uses the same word order in questions as in
  2720. statements.<informaltable frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2721. <tgroup cols="4">
  2722. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2723. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2724. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="3.0*" align="center"/>
  2725. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="3.0*" align="center"/>
  2726. <tbody>
  2727. <row>
  2728. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2729. >Tā</foreignphrase></entry>
  2730. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2731. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2732. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2733. >shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2734. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  2735. </row>
  2736. <row>
  2737. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2738. >Tā</foreignphrase></entry>
  2739. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2740. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2741. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2742. Mínglǐ?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2743. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  2744. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2745. </row>
  2746. </tbody>
  2747. </tgroup>
  2748. </informaltable></para>
  2749. <para>When you answer a question containing a question word like <foreignphrase
  2750. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shéi</foreignphrase>. “who,” simply replace
  2751. the question word with the information it asks for.</para>
  2752. </section>
  2753. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2754. <section>
  2755. <title>Notes on № 5-6</title>
  2756. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2757. <tgroup cols="3">
  2758. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  2759. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  2760. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  2761. <tbody>
  2762. <row>
  2763. <entry>5.</entry>
  2764. <entry>A:</entry>
  2765. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng
  2766. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2767. </row>
  2768. <row>
  2769. <entry/>
  2770. <entry/>
  2771. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2772. >你姓什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2773. </row>
  2774. <row>
  2775. <entry/>
  2776. <entry/>
  2777. <entry>What is your surname?</entry>
  2778. </row>
  2779. <row>
  2780. <entry> </entry>
  2781. <entry>B:</entry>
  2782. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  2783. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2784. </row>
  2785. <row>
  2786. <entry/>
  2787. <entry/>
  2788. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2789. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2790. </row>
  2791. <row>
  2792. <entry/>
  2793. <entry/>
  2794. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2795. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2796. </row>
  2797. <row>
  2798. <entry>6.</entry>
  2799. <entry>A:</entry>
  2800. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  2801. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2802. </row>
  2803. <row>
  2804. <entry/>
  2805. <entry/>
  2806. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2807. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2808. </row>
  2809. <row>
  2810. <entry/>
  2811. <entry/>
  2812. <entry>What is his surname?</entry>
  2813. </row>
  2814. <row>
  2815. <entry> </entry>
  2816. <entry>B:</entry>
  2817. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  2818. Mǎ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2819. </row>
  2820. <row>
  2821. <entry/>
  2822. <entry/>
  2823. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2824. >他姓馬。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2825. </row>
  2826. <row>
  2827. <entry/>
  2828. <entry/>
  2829. <entry>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2830. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  2831. </row>
  2832. </tbody>
  2833. </tgroup>
  2834. </informaltable>
  2835. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xìng</foreignphrase> is a verb,
  2836. “to be surnamed.” It is in the same position in the sentence as
  2837. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì</foreignphrase>, “to
  2838. be.”<informaltable frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2839. <tgroup cols="3">
  2840. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2841. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2842. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2843. <tbody>
  2844. <row>
  2845. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2846. >Wǒ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2847. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2848. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2849. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  2850. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2851. </row>
  2852. <row>
  2853. <entry>I</entry>
  2854. <entry>am</entry>
  2855. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  2856. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2857. </row>
  2858. </tbody>
  2859. </tgroup>
  2860. </informaltable><informaltable frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2861. <tgroup cols="3">
  2862. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2863. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2864. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2865. <tbody>
  2866. <row>
  2867. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2868. >Wǒ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2869. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2870. >xìng</foreignphrase></entry>
  2871. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2872. >Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2873. </row>
  2874. <row>
  2875. <entry>I</entry>
  2876. <entry>am surnamed</entry>
  2877. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2878. >Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2879. </row>
  2880. </tbody>
  2881. </tgroup>
  2882. </informaltable></para>
  2883. <para>Notice that the question word <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2884. >shénme</foreignphrase>. “What,” takes the same position as the question
  2885. word <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shéi</foreignphrase>
  2886. “who.”<informaltable frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2887. <tgroup cols="3">
  2888. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2889. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2890. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2891. <tbody>
  2892. <row>
  2893. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2894. >Nǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2895. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2896. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  2897. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2898. >shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2899. </row>
  2900. <row>
  2901. <entry>You</entry>
  2902. <entry>are</entry>
  2903. <entry>who?</entry>
  2904. </row>
  2905. </tbody>
  2906. </tgroup>
  2907. </informaltable><informaltable frame="all" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2908. <tgroup cols="3">
  2909. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2910. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2911. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  2912. <tbody>
  2913. <row>
  2914. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2915. >Nǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  2916. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2917. >xìng</foreignphrase></entry>
  2918. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2919. >shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2920. </row>
  2921. <row>
  2922. <entry>You</entry>
  2923. <entry>are surnamed</entry>
  2924. <entry>what?</entry>
  2925. </row>
  2926. </tbody>
  2927. </tgroup>
  2928. </informaltable></para>
  2929. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shénme</foreignphrase> is the
  2930. official spelling. However, the word is pronounced as if it were spelled
  2931. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shémma</foreignphrase>, or
  2932. even <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shéma</foreignphrase> (often
  2933. with a single rise in pitch extending over both syllables.) Before another
  2934. word which begins with a consonant sound, it is usually pronounced as if it
  2935. were spelled <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shém</foreignphrase>.
  2936. </para>
  2937. </section>
  2938. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  2939. <section>
  2940. <title>Notes on № 7-8</title>
  2941. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  2942. <tgroup cols="3">
  2943. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  2944. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  2945. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  2946. <tbody>
  2947. <row>
  2948. <entry>7.</entry>
  2949. <entry>A:</entry>
  2950. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  2951. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2952. </row>
  2953. <row>
  2954. <entry/>
  2955. <entry/>
  2956. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2957. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2958. </row>
  2959. <row>
  2960. <entry/>
  2961. <entry/>
  2962. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  2963. </row>
  2964. <row>
  2965. <entry> </entry>
  2966. <entry>B:</entry>
  2967. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  2968. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  2969. </row>
  2970. <row>
  2971. <entry/>
  2972. <entry/>
  2973. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2974. >他是馬先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  2975. </row>
  2976. <row>
  2977. <entry/>
  2978. <entry/>
  2979. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  2980. >Mǎ</foreignphrase> .</entry>
  2981. </row>
  2982. <row>
  2983. <entry>8.</entry>
  2984. <entry>A:</entry>
  2985. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  2986. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2987. </row>
  2988. <row>
  2989. <entry/>
  2990. <entry/>
  2991. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  2992. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  2993. </row>
  2994. <row>
  2995. <entry/>
  2996. <entry/>
  2997. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  2998. </row>
  2999. <row>
  3000. <entry> </entry>
  3001. <entry>B:</entry>
  3002. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3003. Mínglǐ xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3004. </row>
  3005. <row>
  3006. <entry/>
  3007. <entry/>
  3008. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3009. >他是馬明理先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3010. </row>
  3011. <row>
  3012. <entry/>
  3013. <entry/>
  3014. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  3015. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3016. </row>
  3017. </tbody>
  3018. </tgroup>
  3019. </informaltable>
  3020. <para>After the verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3021. >shì</foreignphrase> you may have the full name alone, the surname plus
  3022. title, or the full name plus title.<informaltable frame="all" colsep="0"
  3023. rowsep="0">
  3024. <tgroup cols="5">
  3025. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  3026. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  3027. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="4.0*" align="center"/>
  3028. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="4.0*" align="center"/>
  3029. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="4.0*" align="center"/>
  3030. <tbody>
  3031. <row>
  3032. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3033. >Tā</foreignphrase></entry>
  3034. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3035. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  3036. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3037. >Mǎ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3038. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3039. >Mínglǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3040. <entry/>
  3041. </row>
  3042. <row>
  3043. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3044. >Tā</foreignphrase></entry>
  3045. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3046. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  3047. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3048. >Mǎ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3049. <entry/>
  3050. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3051. >xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3052. </row>
  3053. <row>
  3054. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3055. >Tā</foreignphrase></entry>
  3056. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3057. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  3058. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3059. >Mǎ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3060. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3061. >Mínglǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3062. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3063. >xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3064. </row>
  3065. </tbody>
  3066. </tgroup>
  3067. </informaltable></para>
  3068. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiānsheng</foreignphrase>,
  3069. literally “first-born,” has more of a connotation of respectfulness than
  3070. “Mr.” <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiānsheng</foreignphrase> is
  3071. usually applied only to people other than oneself. Do not use the title
  3072. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiānsheng</foreignphrase> (or
  3073. any other respectful title, such as <foreignphrase
  3074. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiàoshòu</foreignphrase>, “Professor” when
  3075. giving your own name. If you want to say “I am Mr. Jones,” you may say
  3076. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  3077. Jones</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3078. <para>When a name and title name are said together, logically enough it is the
  3079. name which gets the heavy stress: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3080. >WÁNG xiānsheng</foreignphrase>, You will often hear the title
  3081. pronounced with no full tones: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3082. >WÁNG Xiansheng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3083. </section>
  3084. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  3085. <section>
  3086. <title>Notes on № 9-12</title>
  3087. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  3088. <tgroup cols="3">
  3089. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  3090. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  3091. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  3092. <tbody>
  3093. <row>
  3094. <entry>9.</entry>
  3095. <entry>A:</entry>
  3096. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng,
  3097. tā shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3098. </row>
  3099. <row>
  3100. <entry/>
  3101. <entry/>
  3102. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3103. >王先生,他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3104. </row>
  3105. <row>
  3106. <entry/>
  3107. <entry/>
  3108. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3109. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, who is he?</entry>
  3110. </row>
  3111. <row>
  3112. <entry> </entry>
  3113. <entry>B:</entry>
  3114. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3115. Mínglǐ xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3116. </row>
  3117. <row>
  3118. <entry/>
  3119. <entry/>
  3120. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3121. >他是馬明理先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3122. </row>
  3123. <row>
  3124. <entry/>
  3125. <entry/>
  3126. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  3127. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3128. </row>
  3129. <row>
  3130. <entry>10.</entry>
  3131. <entry>A:</entry>
  3132. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiānsheng, tā
  3133. shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3134. </row>
  3135. <row>
  3136. <entry/>
  3137. <entry/>
  3138. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3139. >先生,他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3140. </row>
  3141. <row>
  3142. <entry/>
  3143. <entry/>
  3144. <entry>Sir, who is he?</entry>
  3145. </row>
  3146. <row>
  3147. <entry> </entry>
  3148. <entry>B:</entry>
  3149. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3150. xiānsheng</foreignphrase></entry>
  3151. </row>
  3152. <row>
  3153. <entry/>
  3154. <entry/>
  3155. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3156. >他是馬先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3157. </row>
  3158. <row>
  3159. <entry/>
  3160. <entry/>
  3161. <entry>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3162. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3163. </row>
  3164. <row>
  3165. <entry>11.</entry>
  3166. <entry>A:</entry>
  3167. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiānsheng, tā
  3168. shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3169. </row>
  3170. <row>
  3171. <entry/>
  3172. <entry/>
  3173. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3174. >先生,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3175. </row>
  3176. <row>
  3177. <entry/>
  3178. <entry/>
  3179. <entry>Sir, who is she?</entry>
  3180. </row>
  3181. <row>
  3182. <entry> </entry>
  3183. <entry>B:</entry>
  3184. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3185. tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3186. </row>
  3187. <row>
  3188. <entry/>
  3189. <entry/>
  3190. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3191. >她是馬太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3192. </row>
  3193. <row>
  3194. <entry/>
  3195. <entry/>
  3196. <entry>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3197. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3198. </row>
  3199. <row>
  3200. <entry>12.</entry>
  3201. <entry>A:</entry>
  3202. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng,
  3203. tā shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3204. </row>
  3205. <row>
  3206. <entry/>
  3207. <entry/>
  3208. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3209. >王先生,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3210. </row>
  3211. <row>
  3212. <entry/>
  3213. <entry/>
  3214. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3215. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, who is she?</entry>
  3216. </row>
  3217. <row>
  3218. <entry> </entry>
  3219. <entry>B:</entry>
  3220. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3221. Mínglǐ tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3222. </row>
  3223. <row>
  3224. <entry/>
  3225. <entry/>
  3226. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3227. >她是馬明理太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3228. </row>
  3229. <row>
  3230. <entry/>
  3231. <entry/>
  3232. <entry>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  3233. Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3234. </row>
  3235. </tbody>
  3236. </tgroup>
  3237. </informaltable>
  3238. <para>When you address someone directly, use either the name plus the title or
  3239. the title alone. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3240. >Xiānsheng</foreignphrase> must be translated as “Sir” when it is used
  3241. alone, since “Mr.” would not capture its respectful tone. (<foreignphrase
  3242. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tàitai</foreignphrase>, however, is less
  3243. respectful when used alone. You should address Mrs. <foreignphrase
  3244. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ</foreignphrase> as <foreignphrase
  3245. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ tàitai.</foreignphrase>.)</para>
  3246. </section>
  3247. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  3248. <section>
  3249. <title>Notes on № 13-16</title>
  3250. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  3251. <tgroup cols="3">
  3252. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  3253. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  3254. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  3255. <tbody>
  3256. <row>
  3257. <entry>13.</entry>
  3258. <entry>A:</entry>
  3259. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng,
  3260. tā shi shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3261. </row>
  3262. <row>
  3263. <entry/>
  3264. <entry/>
  3265. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3266. >王先生,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3267. </row>
  3268. <row>
  3269. <entry/>
  3270. <entry/>
  3271. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3272. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, who is she?</entry>
  3273. </row>
  3274. <row>
  3275. <entry> </entry>
  3276. <entry>B:</entry>
  3277. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3278. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3279. </row>
  3280. <row>
  3281. <entry/>
  3282. <entry/>
  3283. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3284. >她是馬小姐。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3285. </row>
  3286. <row>
  3287. <entry/>
  3288. <entry/>
  3289. <entry>She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3290. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3291. </row>
  3292. <row>
  3293. <entry>14.</entry>
  3294. <entry>A:</entry>
  3295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  3296. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3297. </row>
  3298. <row>
  3299. <entry/>
  3300. <entry/>
  3301. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3302. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3303. </row>
  3304. <row>
  3305. <entry/>
  3306. <entry/>
  3307. <entry>Who is he?</entry>
  3308. </row>
  3309. <row>
  3310. <entry> </entry>
  3311. <entry>B:</entry>
  3312. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3313. Mínglǐ tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3314. </row>
  3315. <row>
  3316. <entry/>
  3317. <entry/>
  3318. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3319. >他是馬明理同志。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3320. </row>
  3321. <row>
  3322. <entry/>
  3323. <entry/>
  3324. <entry>He is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3325. >Mǎ Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3326. </row>
  3327. <row>
  3328. <entry>15.</entry>
  3329. <entry>A:</entry>
  3330. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tóngzhì, tā shi
  3331. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3332. </row>
  3333. <row>
  3334. <entry/>
  3335. <entry/>
  3336. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3337. >同志,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3338. </row>
  3339. <row>
  3340. <entry/>
  3341. <entry/>
  3342. <entry>Comrade, who is she?</entry>
  3343. </row>
  3344. <row>
  3345. <entry> </entry>
  3346. <entry>B:</entry>
  3347. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng
  3348. Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3349. </row>
  3350. <row>
  3351. <entry/>
  3352. <entry/>
  3353. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3354. >她是方寶蘭。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3355. </row>
  3356. <row>
  3357. <entry/>
  3358. <entry/>
  3359. <entry>She is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  3360. Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3361. </row>
  3362. <row>
  3363. <entry>16.</entry>
  3364. <entry>A:</entry>
  3365. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tóngzhì, tā shi
  3366. shéi?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3367. </row>
  3368. <row>
  3369. <entry/>
  3370. <entry/>
  3371. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3372. >同志,她是誰?</foreignphrase></entry>
  3373. </row>
  3374. <row>
  3375. <entry/>
  3376. <entry/>
  3377. <entry>Comrade, who is she?</entry>
  3378. </row>
  3379. <row>
  3380. <entry> </entry>
  3381. <entry>B:</entry>
  3382. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng
  3383. Bǎolán tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3384. </row>
  3385. <row>
  3386. <entry/>
  3387. <entry/>
  3388. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3389. >她是方寶蘭同志。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3390. </row>
  3391. <row>
  3392. <entry/>
  3393. <entry/>
  3394. <entry>She is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3395. >Fāng Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  3396. </row>
  3397. </tbody>
  3398. </tgroup>
  3399. </informaltable>
  3400. <para>See the Background Notes on Chinese Personal Names and Titles for
  3401. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tóngzhì</foreignphrase>.
  3402. “Comrade,” and the use of maiden names.</para>
  3403. </section>
  3404. </section>
  3405. </section>
  3406. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  3407. <section>
  3408. <title>Drills</title>
  3409. <section>
  3410. <title>Substitution drill.</title>
  3411. <para>Give affirmative response to all questions.</para>
  3412. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  3413. <tgroup cols="2">
  3414. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  3415. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  3416. <tbody>
  3417. <row role="question">
  3418. <entry>1.</entry>
  3419. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3420. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ Mínglǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  3421. </row>
  3422. <row>
  3423. <entry/>
  3424. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3425. xml:lang="cmn-Hani">馬明理</foreignphrase></entry>
  3426. </row>
  3427. <row>
  3428. <entry/>
  3429. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?>Mǎ
  3430. Mínglǐ</entry>
  3431. </row>
  3432. <row>
  3433. <entry/>
  3434. <entry/>
  3435. </row>
  3436. <row>
  3437. <entry/>
  3438. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3439. Mínglǐ.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3440. </row>
  3441. <row>
  3442. <entry/>
  3443. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3444. >他是馬明理。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3445. </row>
  3446. <row>
  3447. <entry/>
  3448. <entry>He is Mǎ Mínglǐ.</entry>
  3449. </row>
  3450. <row>
  3451. <entry/>
  3452. <entry/>
  3453. </row>
  3454. <row>
  3455. <entry>2.</entry>
  3456. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3457. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  3458. Měilíng</foreignphrase></entry>
  3459. </row>
  3460. <row>
  3461. <entry/>
  3462. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3463. xml:lang="cmn-Hani">胡美玲</foreignphrase></entry>
  3464. </row>
  3465. <row>
  3466. <entry/>
  3467. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?>Hú
  3468. Měilíng</entry>
  3469. </row>
  3470. <row>
  3471. <entry/>
  3472. <entry/>
  3473. </row>
  3474. <row>
  3475. <entry/>
  3476. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Hú
  3477. Měilíng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3478. </row>
  3479. <row>
  3480. <entry/>
  3481. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3482. >她是胡美玲。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3483. </row>
  3484. <row>
  3485. <entry/>
  3486. <entry>She is Hú Měilíng.</entry>
  3487. </row>
  3488. <row>
  3489. <entry/>
  3490. <entry/>
  3491. </row>
  3492. <row>
  3493. <entry>3.</entry>
  3494. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3495. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  3496. Dànián</foreignphrase></entry>
  3497. </row>
  3498. <row>
  3499. <entry/>
  3500. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3501. xml:lang="cmn-Hani">王大年</foreignphrase></entry>
  3502. </row>
  3503. <row>
  3504. <entry/>
  3505. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?>Wáng
  3506. Dànián</entry>
  3507. </row>
  3508. <row>
  3509. <entry/>
  3510. <entry/>
  3511. </row>
  3512. <row>
  3513. <entry/>
  3514. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  3515. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3516. </row>
  3517. <row>
  3518. <entry/>
  3519. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3520. >他是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3521. </row>
  3522. <row>
  3523. <entry/>
  3524. <entry>He is Wáng Dàniá.</entry>
  3525. </row>
  3526. <row>
  3527. <entry/>
  3528. <entry/>
  3529. </row>
  3530. <row>
  3531. <entry>4.</entry>
  3532. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3533. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lǐ Shìmín</foreignphrase></entry>
  3534. </row>
  3535. <row>
  3536. <entry/>
  3537. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3538. xml:lang="cmn-Hani">李世民</foreignphrase></entry>
  3539. </row>
  3540. <row>
  3541. <entry/>
  3542. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?>Lǐ
  3543. Shìmín</entry>
  3544. </row>
  3545. <row>
  3546. <entry/>
  3547. <entry/>
  3548. </row>
  3549. <row>
  3550. <entry/>
  3551. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Lǐ
  3552. Shìmín.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3553. </row>
  3554. <row>
  3555. <entry/>
  3556. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3557. >他是李世民。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3558. </row>
  3559. <row>
  3560. <entry/>
  3561. <entry>He is Lǐ Shìmín.</entry>
  3562. </row>
  3563. <row>
  3564. <entry/>
  3565. <entry/>
  3566. </row>
  3567. <row>
  3568. <entry>5.</entry>
  3569. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3570. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú
  3571. Lìróng</foreignphrase></entry>
  3572. </row>
  3573. <row>
  3574. <entry/>
  3575. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3576. xml:lang="cmn-Hani">劉麗容</foreignphrase></entry>
  3577. </row>
  3578. <row>
  3579. <entry/>
  3580. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?>Liú
  3581. Lìróng</entry>
  3582. </row>
  3583. <row>
  3584. <entry/>
  3585. <entry/>
  3586. </row>
  3587. <row>
  3588. <entry/>
  3589. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú
  3590. Lìróng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3591. </row>
  3592. <row>
  3593. <entry/>
  3594. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3595. >她是劉麗容。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3596. </row>
  3597. <row>
  3598. <entry/>
  3599. <entry>She is Liú Lìróng.</entry>
  3600. </row>
  3601. <row>
  3602. <entry/>
  3603. <entry/>
  3604. </row>
  3605. <row>
  3606. <entry>6.</entry>
  3607. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3608. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng
  3609. Bǎolán</foreignphrase></entry>
  3610. </row>
  3611. <row>
  3612. <entry/>
  3613. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?><foreignphrase
  3614. xml:lang="cmn-Hani">張寶蘭</foreignphrase></entry>
  3615. </row>
  3616. <row>
  3617. <entry/>
  3618. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#f4f5f6" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#f4f5f6"?>Zhāng
  3619. Bǎolán</entry>
  3620. </row>
  3621. <row>
  3622. <entry/>
  3623. <entry/>
  3624. </row>
  3625. <row>
  3626. <entry/>
  3627. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhāng
  3628. Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></entry>
  3629. </row>
  3630. <row>
  3631. <entry/>
  3632. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3633. >她是張寶蘭。</foreignphrase></entry>
  3634. </row>
  3635. <row>
  3636. <entry/>
  3637. <entry>She is Zhāng Bǎolán</entry>
  3638. </row>
  3639. <row>
  3640. <entry/>
  3641. <entry/>
  3642. </row>
  3643. </tbody>
  3644. </tgroup>
  3645. </informaltable>
  3646. </section>
  3647. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  3648. <section>
  3649. <title>Response Drill</title>
  3650. <para>When the cue is given by a male speaker, male students should respond. When
  3651. the cue is given by a female speaker, female students should respond.</para>
  3652. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  3653. <tgroup cols="6">
  3654. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
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  3657. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="4.0*"/>
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  3659. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="6" colwidth="4.0*"/>
  3660. <thead>
  3661. <row>
  3662. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3663. <entry align="center"
  3664. >Question<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3665. <entry/>
  3666. <entry align="center"
  3667. >Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3668. <entry/>
  3669. <entry align="center"
  3670. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3671. </row>
  3672. </thead>
  3673. <tbody>
  3674. <row>
  3675. <entry/>
  3676. <entry/>
  3677. <entry/>
  3678. <entry/>
  3679. <entry/>
  3680. <entry/>
  3681. </row>
  3682. <row>
  3683. <entry>
  3684. <para>1.</para>
  3685. </entry>
  3686. <entry>
  3687. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3688. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3689. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3690. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3691. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3692. </entry>
  3693. <entry/>
  3694. <entry>
  3695. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  3696. Dànián</foreignphrase></para>
  3697. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3698. >王大年</foreignphrase></para>
  3699. </entry>
  3700. <entry/>
  3701. <entry>
  3702. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  3703. Dànián</foreignphrase></para>
  3704. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3705. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></para>
  3706. <para>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  3707. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3708. </entry>
  3709. </row>
  3710. <row>
  3711. <entry>
  3712. <para>2.</para>
  3713. </entry>
  3714. <entry>
  3715. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3716. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3717. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3718. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3719. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3720. </entry>
  3721. <entry/>
  3722. <entry>
  3723. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  3724. Měilíng</foreignphrase></para>
  3725. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3726. >胡美玲</foreignphrase></para>
  3727. </entry>
  3728. <entry/>
  3729. <entry>
  3730. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Hú
  3731. Měilíng.</foreignphrase></para>
  3732. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3733. >我是胡美玲。</foreignphrase></para>
  3734. <para> I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  3735. Měilíng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3736. </entry>
  3737. </row>
  3738. <row>
  3739. <entry>
  3740. <para>3.</para>
  3741. </entry>
  3742. <entry>
  3743. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3744. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3745. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3746. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3747. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3748. </entry>
  3749. <entry/>
  3750. <entry>
  3751. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú
  3752. Shìmín</foreignphrase></para>
  3753. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3754. >李世民</foreignphrase></para>
  3755. </entry>
  3756. <entry/>
  3757. <entry>
  3758. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Liú
  3759. Shìmín.</foreignphrase></para>
  3760. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3761. >我是李世民。</foreignphrase></para>
  3762. <para>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú
  3763. Shìmín</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3764. </entry>
  3765. </row>
  3766. <row>
  3767. <entry>
  3768. <para>4.</para>
  3769. </entry>
  3770. <entry>
  3771. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3772. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3773. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3774. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3775. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3776. </entry>
  3777. <entry/>
  3778. <entry>
  3779. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén
  3780. Huìrán</foreignphrase></para>
  3781. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3782. >陳蕙然</foreignphrase></para>
  3783. </entry>
  3784. <entry/>
  3785. <entry>
  3786. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Chén
  3787. Huìrán.</foreignphrase></para>
  3788. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3789. >我是陳蕙然。</foreignphrase></para>
  3790. <para>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén
  3791. Huìrán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3792. </entry>
  3793. </row>
  3794. <row>
  3795. <entry>
  3796. <para>5.</para>
  3797. </entry>
  3798. <entry>
  3799. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3800. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3801. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3802. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3803. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3804. </entry>
  3805. <entry/>
  3806. <entry>
  3807. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng
  3808. Déxián</foreignphrase></para>
  3809. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3810. >黃德賢</foreignphrase></para>
  3811. </entry>
  3812. <entry/>
  3813. <entry>
  3814. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Huáng
  3815. Déxián.</foreignphrase></para>
  3816. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3817. >我是黃德賢。</foreignphrase></para>
  3818. <para>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng
  3819. Déxián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3820. </entry>
  3821. </row>
  3822. <row>
  3823. <entry>
  3824. <para>6.</para>
  3825. </entry>
  3826. <entry>
  3827. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3828. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3829. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3830. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3831. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3832. </entry>
  3833. <entry/>
  3834. <entry>
  3835. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào
  3836. Wǎnrú</foreignphrase></para>
  3837. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3838. >趙婉如</foreignphrase></para>
  3839. </entry>
  3840. <entry/>
  3841. <entry>
  3842. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Zhào
  3843. Wǎnrú.</foreignphrase></para>
  3844. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3845. >我是趙婉如。</foreignphrase></para>
  3846. <para>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào
  3847. Wǎnrú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3848. </entry>
  3849. </row>
  3850. <row>
  3851. <entry>
  3852. <para>7.</para>
  3853. </entry>
  3854. <entry>
  3855. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3856. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3857. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3858. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3859. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3860. </entry>
  3861. <entry/>
  3862. <entry>
  3863. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiǎng
  3864. Bīngyíng</foreignphrase></para>
  3865. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3866. >蔣冰瑩</foreignphrase></para>
  3867. </entry>
  3868. <entry/>
  3869. <entry>
  3870. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Jiǎng
  3871. Bīngyíng.</foreignphrase></para>
  3872. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3873. >我是蔣冰瑩。</foreignphrase></para>
  3874. <para>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiǎng
  3875. Bīngyíng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3876. </entry>
  3877. </row>
  3878. <row>
  3879. <entry>
  3880. <para>8.</para>
  3881. </entry>
  3882. <entry>
  3883. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi
  3884. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3885. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3886. >你是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3887. <para>Who are you? </para>
  3888. </entry>
  3889. <entry/>
  3890. <entry>
  3891. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gāo
  3892. Yǒngpíng</foreignphrase></para>
  3893. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3894. >局永平</foreignphrase></para>
  3895. </entry>
  3896. <entry/>
  3897. <entry>
  3898. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Gāo
  3899. Yǒngpíng.</foreignphrase></para>
  3900. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3901. >我是高永平。</foreignphrase></para>
  3902. <para> I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gāo
  3903. Yǒngpíng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3904. </entry>
  3905. </row>
  3906. </tbody>
  3907. </tgroup>
  3908. </informaltable>
  3909. </section>
  3910. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  3911. <section>
  3912. <title>Response drill.</title>
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  3915. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
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  3922. <row>
  3923. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3924. <entry align="center"
  3925. >Question<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3926. <entry/>
  3927. <entry align="center"
  3928. >Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3929. <entry/>
  3930. <entry align="center"
  3931. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  3932. </row>
  3933. </thead>
  3934. <tbody>
  3935. <row>
  3936. <entry/>
  3937. <entry/>
  3938. <entry/>
  3939. <entry/>
  3940. <entry/>
  3941. <entry/>
  3942. </row>
  3943. <row>
  3944. <entry>
  3945. <para>1.</para>
  3946. </entry>
  3947. <entry>
  3948. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  3949. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3950. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3951. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3952. <para>Who is he? </para>
  3953. </entry>
  3954. <entry/>
  3955. <entry>
  3956. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  3957. xiānsheng</foreignphrase></para>
  3958. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3959. >馬先生</foreignphrase></para>
  3960. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3961. >Mǎ</foreignphrase></para>
  3962. </entry>
  3963. <entry/>
  3964. <entry>
  3965. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  3966. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  3967. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3968. >他是馬先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  3969. <para>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3970. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  3971. </entry>
  3972. </row>
  3973. <row>
  3974. <entry>
  3975. <para>2.</para>
  3976. </entry>
  3977. <entry>
  3978. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  3979. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  3980. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3981. >她是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  3982. <para>Who is she?</para>
  3983. </entry>
  3984. <entry/>
  3985. <entry>
  3986. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú
  3987. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  3988. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3989. >胡太太</foreignphrase></para>
  3990. <para>Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  3991. >Hú</foreignphrase></para>
  3992. </entry>
  3993. <entry/>
  3994. <entry>
  3995. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Hú
  3996. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  3997. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  3998. >她是胡太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  3999. <para> She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4000. >Hú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  4001. </entry>
  4002. </row>
  4003. <row>
  4004. <entry>
  4005. <para>3.</para>
  4006. </entry>
  4007. <entry>
  4008. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  4009. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  4010. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4011. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  4012. <para>Who is he? </para>
  4013. </entry>
  4014. <entry/>
  4015. <entry>
  4016. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Máo
  4017. xiānsheng</foreignphrase></para>
  4018. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4019. >毛先生</foreignphrase></para>
  4020. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4021. >Máo</foreignphrase></para>
  4022. </entry>
  4023. <entry/>
  4024. <entry>
  4025. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Máo
  4026. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  4027. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4028. >他是毛先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  4029. <para>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4030. >Máo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  4031. </entry>
  4032. </row>
  4033. <row>
  4034. <entry>
  4035. <para>4.</para>
  4036. </entry>
  4037. <entry>
  4038. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  4039. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  4040. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4041. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  4042. <para>Who is he? </para>
  4043. </entry>
  4044. <entry/>
  4045. <entry>
  4046. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng
  4047. tóngzhì</foreignphrase></para>
  4048. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4049. >張同志</foreignphrase></para>
  4050. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4051. >Zhāng</foreignphrase></para>
  4052. </entry>
  4053. <entry/>
  4054. <entry>
  4055. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhāng
  4056. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></para>
  4057. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4058. >他是張同志。</foreignphrase></para>
  4059. <para>He is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4060. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  4061. </entry>
  4062. </row>
  4063. <row>
  4064. <entry>
  4065. <para>5.</para>
  4066. </entry>
  4067. <entry>
  4068. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  4069. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  4070. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4071. >她是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  4072. <para>Who is she?</para>
  4073. </entry>
  4074. <entry/>
  4075. <entry>
  4076. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú
  4077. xiǎojiě</foreignphrase></para>
  4078. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4079. >劉小姐</foreignphrase></para>
  4080. <para>Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4081. >Liú</foreignphrase></para>
  4082. </entry>
  4083. <entry/>
  4084. <entry>
  4085. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú
  4086. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></para>
  4087. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4088. >她是劉小姐。</foreignphrase></para>
  4089. <para> She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4090. >Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  4091. </entry>
  4092. </row>
  4093. <row>
  4094. <entry>
  4095. <para>6.</para>
  4096. </entry>
  4097. <entry>
  4098. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  4099. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  4100. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4101. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  4102. <para>Who is he? </para>
  4103. </entry>
  4104. <entry/>
  4105. <entry>
  4106. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  4107. xiānsheng</foreignphrase></para>
  4108. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4109. >馬先生</foreignphrase></para>
  4110. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4111. >Mǎ</foreignphrase></para>
  4112. </entry>
  4113. <entry/>
  4114. <entry>
  4115. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  4116. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  4117. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4118. >他是馬先生</foreignphrase></para>
  4119. <para>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4120. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  4121. </entry>
  4122. </row>
  4123. <row>
  4124. <entry>
  4125. <para>7.</para>
  4126. </entry>
  4127. <entry>
  4128. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  4129. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  4130. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4131. >她是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  4132. <para>Who is she? </para>
  4133. </entry>
  4134. <entry/>
  4135. <entry>
  4136. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào
  4137. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  4138. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4139. >趙太太</foreignphrase></para>
  4140. <para>Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4141. >Zhào</foreignphrase></para>
  4142. </entry>
  4143. <entry/>
  4144. <entry>
  4145. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhào
  4146. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  4147. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4148. >她是趙太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  4149. <para>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4150. >Zhào</foreignphrase>.</para>
  4151. </entry>
  4152. </row>
  4153. </tbody>
  4154. </tgroup>
  4155. </informaltable>
  4156. </section>
  4157. </section>
  4158. </section>
  4159. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  4160. <section>
  4161. <title>Unit 2</title>
  4162. <section>
  4163. <title>Introduction</title>
  4164. <section>
  4165. <title>Topics covered in this unit</title>
  4166. <para>
  4167. <orderedlist>
  4168. <listitem>
  4169. <para>Questions and answers about given names.</para>
  4170. </listitem>
  4171. <listitem>
  4172. <para>Yes/no questions.</para>
  4173. </listitem>
  4174. <listitem>
  4175. <para>Negative statement.</para>
  4176. </listitem>
  4177. <listitem>
  4178. <para>Greetings.</para>
  4179. </listitem>
  4180. </orderedlist>
  4181. </para>
  4182. </section>
  4183. <section>
  4184. <title>Prerequisites to the Unit</title>
  4185. <para>
  4186. <orderedlist>
  4187. <listitem>
  4188. <para>P&amp;R 3 and P&amp;R 4 (Tapes 3 and 4 of the resource module on
  4189. Pronunciation and Romanization).</para>
  4190. </listitem>
  4191. </orderedlist>
  4192. </para>
  4193. </section>
  4194. <section>
  4195. <title>Materials You Will Need</title>
  4196. <para>
  4197. <orderedlist>
  4198. <listitem>
  4199. <para>The C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
  4200. Notes.</para>
  4201. </listitem>
  4202. <listitem>
  4203. <para>The 2D-1 tape.</para>
  4204. </listitem>
  4205. </orderedlist>
  4206. </para>
  4207. </section>
  4208. </section>
  4209. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  4210. <section>
  4211. <title>References</title>
  4212. <section>
  4213. <title>Reference list</title>
  4214. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  4215. <tgroup cols="3">
  4216. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4217. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4218. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  4219. <tbody>
  4220. <row>
  4221. <entry>1.</entry>
  4222. <entry>A:</entry>
  4223. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng tàitai
  4224. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4225. </row>
  4226. <row>
  4227. <entry/>
  4228. <entry/>
  4229. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4230. >她是王太太嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4231. </row>
  4232. <row>
  4233. <entry/>
  4234. <entry/>
  4235. <entry>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4236. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4237. </row>
  4238. <row>
  4239. <entry> </entry>
  4240. <entry>B:</entry>
  4241. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  4242. tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4243. </row>
  4244. <row>
  4245. <entry/>
  4246. <entry/>
  4247. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4248. >她是王太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4249. </row>
  4250. <row>
  4251. <entry/>
  4252. <entry/>
  4253. <entry>she is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4254. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4255. </row>
  4256. <row>
  4257. <entry>2.</entry>
  4258. <entry>A:</entry>
  4259. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Wáng
  4260. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4261. </row>
  4262. <row>
  4263. <entry/>
  4264. <entry/>
  4265. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4266. >你是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4267. </row>
  4268. <row>
  4269. <entry/>
  4270. <entry/>
  4271. <entry>Are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4272. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4273. </row>
  4274. <row>
  4275. <entry> </entry>
  4276. <entry>B:</entry>
  4277. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  4278. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4279. </row>
  4280. <row>
  4281. <entry/>
  4282. <entry/>
  4283. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4284. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4285. </row>
  4286. <row>
  4287. <entry/>
  4288. <entry/>
  4289. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4290. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4291. </row>
  4292. <row>
  4293. <entry>3.</entry>
  4294. <entry>A:</entry>
  4295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Mǎ xiānsheng
  4296. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4297. </row>
  4298. <row>
  4299. <entry/>
  4300. <entry/>
  4301. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4302. >你是馬先生嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4303. </row>
  4304. <row>
  4305. <entry/>
  4306. <entry/>
  4307. <entry>Are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4308. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4309. </row>
  4310. <row>
  4311. <entry> </entry>
  4312. <entry>B:</entry>
  4313. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  4314. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4315. </row>
  4316. <row>
  4317. <entry/>
  4318. <entry/>
  4319. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4320. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4321. </row>
  4322. <row>
  4323. <entry/>
  4324. <entry/>
  4325. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4326. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4327. </row>
  4328. <row>
  4329. <entry>4.</entry>
  4330. <entry>A:</entry>
  4331. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Mǎ xiānsheng
  4332. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4333. </row>
  4334. <row>
  4335. <entry/>
  4336. <entry/>
  4337. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4338. >你是馬先生嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4339. </row>
  4340. <row>
  4341. <entry/>
  4342. <entry/>
  4343. <entry>are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4344. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4345. </row>
  4346. <row>
  4347. <entry> </entry>
  4348. <entry>B:</entry>
  4349. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Mǎ
  4350. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4351. </row>
  4352. <row>
  4353. <entry/>
  4354. <entry/>
  4355. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4356. >我不是馬先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4357. </row>
  4358. <row>
  4359. <entry/>
  4360. <entry/>
  4361. <entry>I’m not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4362. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4363. </row>
  4364. <row>
  4365. <entry>5.</entry>
  4366. <entry>A:</entry>
  4367. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  4368. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4369. </row>
  4370. <row>
  4371. <entry/>
  4372. <entry/>
  4373. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4374. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4375. </row>
  4376. <row>
  4377. <entry/>
  4378. <entry/>
  4379. <entry>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4380. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4381. </row>
  4382. <row>
  4383. <entry> </entry>
  4384. <entry>B:</entry>
  4385. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Wáng
  4386. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4387. </row>
  4388. <row>
  4389. <entry/>
  4390. <entry/>
  4391. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4392. >我不是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4393. </row>
  4394. <row>
  4395. <entry/>
  4396. <entry/>
  4397. <entry>I am not <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4398. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4399. </row>
  4400. <row>
  4401. <entry>6.</entry>
  4402. <entry>A:</entry>
  4403. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Fāng
  4404. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4405. </row>
  4406. <row>
  4407. <entry/>
  4408. <entry/>
  4409. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4410. >你姓方嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4411. </row>
  4412. <row>
  4413. <entry/>
  4414. <entry/>
  4415. <entry>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4416. >Fāng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4417. </row>
  4418. <row>
  4419. <entry> </entry>
  4420. <entry>B:</entry>
  4421. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  4422. Fāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  4423. </row>
  4424. <row>
  4425. <entry/>
  4426. <entry/>
  4427. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4428. >我不姓方。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4429. </row>
  4430. <row>
  4431. <entry/>
  4432. <entry/>
  4433. <entry>My surname isn’t <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4434. >Fāng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4435. </row>
  4436. <row>
  4437. <entry>7.</entry>
  4438. <entry>A:</entry>
  4439. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  4440. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4441. </row>
  4442. <row>
  4443. <entry/>
  4444. <entry/>
  4445. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4446. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4447. </row>
  4448. <row>
  4449. <entry/>
  4450. <entry/>
  4451. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4452. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4453. </row>
  4454. <row>
  4455. <entry> </entry>
  4456. <entry>B:</entry>
  4457. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  4458. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4459. </row>
  4460. <row>
  4461. <entry/>
  4462. <entry/>
  4463. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4464. >我不姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4465. </row>
  4466. <row>
  4467. <entry/>
  4468. <entry/>
  4469. <entry>My surname isn’t <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4470. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4471. </row>
  4472. <row>
  4473. <entry>8.</entry>
  4474. <entry>A:</entry>
  4475. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Mǎ
  4476. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4477. </row>
  4478. <row>
  4479. <entry/>
  4480. <entry/>
  4481. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4482. >你姓馬嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4483. </row>
  4484. <row>
  4485. <entry/>
  4486. <entry/>
  4487. <entry>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4488. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4489. </row>
  4490. <row>
  4491. <entry> </entry>
  4492. <entry>B:</entry>
  4493. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bù xìng Mǎ. Xìng
  4494. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4495. </row>
  4496. <row>
  4497. <entry/>
  4498. <entry/>
  4499. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4500. >不姓馬。(我)姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4501. </row>
  4502. <row>
  4503. <entry/>
  4504. <entry/>
  4505. <entry>My surname isn’t <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4506. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>. My surname is <foreignphrase
  4507. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4508. </row>
  4509. <row>
  4510. <entry>9.</entry>
  4511. <entry>A:</entry>
  4512. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín
  4513. guìxing?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4514. </row>
  4515. <row>
  4516. <entry/>
  4517. <entry/>
  4518. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4519. >您貴姓?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4520. </row>
  4521. <row>
  4522. <entry/>
  4523. <entry/>
  4524. <entry>Your surname? (polite)</entry>
  4525. </row>
  4526. <row>
  4527. <entry> </entry>
  4528. <entry>B:</entry>
  4529. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  4530. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4531. </row>
  4532. <row>
  4533. <entry/>
  4534. <entry/>
  4535. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4536. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4537. </row>
  4538. <row>
  4539. <entry/>
  4540. <entry/>
  4541. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4542. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4543. </row>
  4544. <row>
  4545. <entry>10.</entry>
  4546. <entry>A:</entry>
  4547. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ jiào
  4548. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4549. </row>
  4550. <row>
  4551. <entry/>
  4552. <entry/>
  4553. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4554. >你叫什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4555. </row>
  4556. <row>
  4557. <entry/>
  4558. <entry/>
  4559. <entry>What is your given name?</entry>
  4560. </row>
  4561. <row>
  4562. <entry> </entry>
  4563. <entry>B:</entry>
  4564. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ jiào
  4565. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4566. </row>
  4567. <row>
  4568. <entry/>
  4569. <entry/>
  4570. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4571. >我叫大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4572. </row>
  4573. <row>
  4574. <entry/>
  4575. <entry/>
  4576. <entry>My given name is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4577. >Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4578. </row>
  4579. <row>
  4580. <entry>11.</entry>
  4581. <entry>A:</entry>
  4582. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hǎo
  4583. a?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4584. </row>
  4585. <row>
  4586. <entry/>
  4587. <entry/>
  4588. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4589. >你好啊?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4590. </row>
  4591. <row>
  4592. <entry/>
  4593. <entry/>
  4594. <entry>How are you?</entry>
  4595. </row>
  4596. <row>
  4597. <entry> </entry>
  4598. <entry>B:</entry>
  4599. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ
  4600. hǎo.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4601. </row>
  4602. <row>
  4603. <entry/>
  4604. <entry/>
  4605. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">我好</foreignphrase></entry>
  4606. </row>
  4607. <row>
  4608. <entry/>
  4609. <entry/>
  4610. <entry>I’m fine.</entry>
  4611. </row>
  4612. <row>
  4613. <entry>12.</entry>
  4614. <entry>A:</entry>
  4615. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hǎo
  4616. a?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4617. </row>
  4618. <row>
  4619. <entry/>
  4620. <entry/>
  4621. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4622. >你好啊?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4623. </row>
  4624. <row>
  4625. <entry/>
  4626. <entry/>
  4627. <entry>How are you?</entry>
  4628. </row>
  4629. <row>
  4630. <entry> </entry>
  4631. <entry>B:</entry>
  4632. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ hǎo. Nǐ
  4633. ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4634. </row>
  4635. <row>
  4636. <entry/>
  4637. <entry/>
  4638. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4639. >我好,你呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4640. </row>
  4641. <row>
  4642. <entry/>
  4643. <entry/>
  4644. <entry>I’m fine. And you?</entry>
  4645. </row>
  4646. <row>
  4647. <entry> </entry>
  4648. <entry>A:</entry>
  4649. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo,
  4650. xièxie.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4651. </row>
  4652. <row>
  4653. <entry/>
  4654. <entry/>
  4655. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4656. >好,謝謝。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4657. </row>
  4658. <row>
  4659. <entry/>
  4660. <entry/>
  4661. <entry>Fine, thanks.</entry>
  4662. </row>
  4663. </tbody>
  4664. </tgroup>
  4665. </informaltable>
  4666. </section>
  4667. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  4668. <section>
  4669. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  4670. <informaltable frame="none" tabstyle="striped" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  4671. <tgroup cols="3">
  4672. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4673. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4674. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="4.0*"/>
  4675. <tbody>
  4676. <row>
  4677. <entry>
  4678. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">a</foreignphrase>
  4679. </entry>
  4680. <entry>
  4681. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">啊</foreignphrase>
  4682. </entry>
  4683. <entry> question Marker </entry>
  4684. </row>
  4685. <row>
  4686. <entry>
  4687. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù/bú </foreignphrase>
  4688. </entry>
  4689. <entry>
  4690. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不</foreignphrase>
  4691. </entry>
  4692. <entry> not </entry>
  4693. </row>
  4694. <row>
  4695. <entry>
  4696. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú
  4697. shi </foreignphrase>
  4698. </entry>
  4699. <entry>
  4700. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是</foreignphrase>
  4701. </entry>
  4702. <entry> not to be </entry>
  4703. </row>
  4704. <row>
  4705. <entry>
  4706. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4707. >guìxìng</foreignphrase>
  4708. </entry>
  4709. <entry>
  4710. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">貴姓</foreignphrase>
  4711. </entry>
  4712. <entry> honorable name </entry>
  4713. </row>
  4714. <row>
  4715. <entry>
  4716. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎo</foreignphrase>
  4717. </entry>
  4718. <entry>
  4719. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">好</foreignphrase>
  4720. </entry>
  4721. <entry> to be fine, to be well, ok, good </entry>
  4722. </row>
  4723. <row>
  4724. <entry>
  4725. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">jiào</foreignphrase>
  4726. </entry>
  4727. <entry>
  4728. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">叫</foreignphrase>
  4729. </entry>
  4730. <entry> to be called, named </entry>
  4731. </row>
  4732. <row>
  4733. <entry>
  4734. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ma</foreignphrase>
  4735. </entry>
  4736. <entry>
  4737. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">嗎</foreignphrase>
  4738. </entry>
  4739. <entry> question marker at the end of the sentence </entry>
  4740. </row>
  4741. <row>
  4742. <entry>
  4743. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">míngzi</foreignphrase>
  4744. </entry>
  4745. <entry>
  4746. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">名字</foreignphrase>
  4747. </entry>
  4748. <entry> given name, full name </entry>
  4749. </row>
  4750. <row>
  4751. <entry>
  4752. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ne</foreignphrase>
  4753. </entry>
  4754. <entry>
  4755. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">呢</foreignphrase>
  4756. </entry>
  4757. <entry> question marker </entry>
  4758. </row>
  4759. <row>
  4760. <entry>
  4761. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xièxie</foreignphrase>
  4762. </entry>
  4763. <entry>
  4764. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">謝謝</foreignphrase>
  4765. </entry>
  4766. <entry> thank you </entry>
  4767. </row>
  4768. </tbody>
  4769. </tgroup>
  4770. </informaltable>
  4771. </section>
  4772. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  4773. <section>
  4774. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  4775. <section>
  4776. <title>Notes on № 1-3</title>
  4777. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  4778. <tgroup cols="3">
  4779. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4780. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4781. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  4782. <tbody>
  4783. <row>
  4784. <entry>1.</entry>
  4785. <entry>A:</entry>
  4786. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  4787. tàitai ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4788. </row>
  4789. <row>
  4790. <entry/>
  4791. <entry/>
  4792. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4793. >她是王太太嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4794. </row>
  4795. <row>
  4796. <entry/>
  4797. <entry/>
  4798. <entry>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4799. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4800. </row>
  4801. <row>
  4802. <entry> </entry>
  4803. <entry>B:</entry>
  4804. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  4805. tàitai.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4806. </row>
  4807. <row>
  4808. <entry/>
  4809. <entry/>
  4810. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4811. >她是王太太。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4812. </row>
  4813. <row>
  4814. <entry/>
  4815. <entry/>
  4816. <entry>she is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4817. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4818. </row>
  4819. <row>
  4820. <entry>2.</entry>
  4821. <entry>A:</entry>
  4822. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Wáng
  4823. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4824. </row>
  4825. <row>
  4826. <entry/>
  4827. <entry/>
  4828. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4829. >你是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4830. </row>
  4831. <row>
  4832. <entry/>
  4833. <entry/>
  4834. <entry>Are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4835. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4836. </row>
  4837. <row>
  4838. <entry> </entry>
  4839. <entry>B:</entry>
  4840. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  4841. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4842. </row>
  4843. <row>
  4844. <entry/>
  4845. <entry/>
  4846. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4847. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4848. </row>
  4849. <row>
  4850. <entry/>
  4851. <entry/>
  4852. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4853. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4854. </row>
  4855. <row>
  4856. <entry>3.</entry>
  4857. <entry>A:</entry>
  4858. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Mǎ
  4859. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4860. </row>
  4861. <row>
  4862. <entry/>
  4863. <entry/>
  4864. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4865. >你是馬先生嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4866. </row>
  4867. <row>
  4868. <entry/>
  4869. <entry/>
  4870. <entry>Are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4871. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4872. </row>
  4873. <row>
  4874. <entry> </entry>
  4875. <entry>B:</entry>
  4876. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  4877. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4878. </row>
  4879. <row>
  4880. <entry/>
  4881. <entry/>
  4882. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4883. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4884. </row>
  4885. <row>
  4886. <entry/>
  4887. <entry/>
  4888. <entry>I’m <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4889. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4890. </row>
  4891. </tbody>
  4892. </tgroup>
  4893. </informaltable>
  4894. <para>The marker <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ma</foreignphrase>
  4895. may be added to any statement to turn it into a question which may be
  4896. answered “yes” or “no,”</para>
  4897. <para>The reply to a yes/no question is commonly a complete affirmative or
  4898. negative statement, although, as you will see later, the statement may be
  4899. stripped down considerably.</para>
  4900. </section>
  4901. <section>
  4902. <title>Notes on № 4-5</title>
  4903. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  4904. <tgroup cols="3">
  4905. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4906. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  4907. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  4908. <tbody>
  4909. <row>
  4910. <entry>4.</entry>
  4911. <entry>A:</entry>
  4912. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Mǎ
  4913. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4914. </row>
  4915. <row>
  4916. <entry/>
  4917. <entry/>
  4918. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4919. >你是馬先生嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  4920. </row>
  4921. <row>
  4922. <entry/>
  4923. <entry/>
  4924. <entry>are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4925. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  4926. </row>
  4927. <row>
  4928. <entry> </entry>
  4929. <entry>B:</entry>
  4930. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Mǎ
  4931. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4932. </row>
  4933. <row>
  4934. <entry/>
  4935. <entry/>
  4936. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4937. >我不是馬先生。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4938. </row>
  4939. <row>
  4940. <entry/>
  4941. <entry/>
  4942. <entry>I’m not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4943. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4944. </row>
  4945. <row>
  4946. <entry>5.</entry>
  4947. <entry>A:</entry>
  4948. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Wáng
  4949. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4950. </row>
  4951. <row>
  4952. <entry/>
  4953. <entry/>
  4954. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4955. >我是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4956. </row>
  4957. <row>
  4958. <entry/>
  4959. <entry/>
  4960. <entry>I am <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4961. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4962. </row>
  4963. <row>
  4964. <entry> </entry>
  4965. <entry>B:</entry>
  4966. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Wáng
  4967. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  4968. </row>
  4969. <row>
  4970. <entry/>
  4971. <entry/>
  4972. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  4973. >我不是王大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  4974. </row>
  4975. <row>
  4976. <entry/>
  4977. <entry/>
  4978. <entry>I am not <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  4979. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  4980. </row>
  4981. </tbody>
  4982. </tgroup>
  4983. </informaltable>
  4984. <para>The negative of the verb <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  4985. >shì</foreignphrase>, “to be,” is <foreignphrase
  4986. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú shi</foreignphrase>, “not to be.” The
  4987. equivalent of “not” is the syllable <foreignphrase
  4988. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase>. The tone for the syllable
  4989. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase> depends on
  4990. the tone of the following syllable. When followed by a syllable with a High,
  4991. Rising, or Low tone, a Falling tone is used (<foreignphrase
  4992. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase>). When followed by a
  4993. syllable with a Falling or Neutral tone, a Rising tone is used
  4994. (<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú</foreignphrase>).<example>
  4995. <title>Examples</title>
  4996. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù fēi</foreignphrase>
  4997. (not to fly) </para>
  4998. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù féi</foreignphrase>
  4999. (not to be fat)</para>
  5000. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù fěi</foreignphrase>
  5001. (not to slander)</para>
  5002. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú fèi</foreignphrase>
  5003. (not to waste)</para>
  5004. </example></para>
  5005. <para>Almost all of the first few verbs you learn happen to be in the Falling
  5006. tone, and so take <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5007. >bú</foreignphrase>. But remember that <foreignphrase
  5008. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase> is the basic form. That is
  5009. the form the syllable takes when it stands alone as a short “no”
  5010. answer—<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase>—and
  5011. when it is discussed, as in “<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5012. >bù</foreignphrase> means ‘not’.”</para>
  5013. <para>Notice that even though <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5014. >shì</foreignphrase>, “to be,” is usually pronounced in the Neutral tone
  5015. in the phrase <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú
  5016. shi</foreignphrase> , the original Falling tone of <foreignphrase
  5017. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì</foreignphrase> still causes
  5018. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase> to “be
  5019. pronounced with a Rising tone: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5020. >bú</foreignphrase>.<informaltable frame="all">
  5021. <tgroup cols="5">
  5022. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5023. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5024. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5025. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5026. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="2.0*" align="center"/>
  5027. <tbody>
  5028. <row>
  5029. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5030. >Wǒ</foreignphrase></entry>
  5031. <entry/>
  5032. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5033. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  5034. <entry/>
  5035. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  5036. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5037. </row>
  5038. <row>
  5039. <entry>I</entry>
  5040. <entry/>
  5041. <entry>am</entry>
  5042. <entry/>
  5043. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  5044. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5045. </row>
  5046. </tbody>
  5047. </tgroup>
  5048. </informaltable><informaltable frame="all">
  5049. <tgroup cols="5">
  5050. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5051. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5052. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5053. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5054. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="2.0*" align="center"/>
  5055. <tbody>
  5056. <row>
  5057. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5058. >Wǒ</foreignphrase></entry>
  5059. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5060. >bú</foreignphrase></entry>
  5061. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5062. >shi</foreignphrase></entry>
  5063. <entry/>
  5064. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  5065. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5066. </row>
  5067. <row>
  5068. <entry>I</entry>
  5069. <entry/>
  5070. <entry>am</entry>
  5071. <entry>not</entry>
  5072. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ
  5073. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5074. </row>
  5075. </tbody>
  5076. </tgroup>
  5077. </informaltable></para>
  5078. </section>
  5079. <section>
  5080. <title>Notes on № 6-8</title>
  5081. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5082. <tgroup cols="3">
  5083. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5084. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5085. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  5086. <tbody>
  5087. <row>
  5088. <entry>6.</entry>
  5089. <entry>A:</entry>
  5090. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Fāng
  5091. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5092. </row>
  5093. <row>
  5094. <entry/>
  5095. <entry/>
  5096. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5097. >你姓方嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5098. </row>
  5099. <row>
  5100. <entry/>
  5101. <entry/>
  5102. <entry>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5103. >Fāng</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  5104. </row>
  5105. <row>
  5106. <entry> </entry>
  5107. <entry>B:</entry>
  5108. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  5109. Fāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  5110. </row>
  5111. <row>
  5112. <entry/>
  5113. <entry/>
  5114. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5115. >我不姓方。</foreignphrase></entry>
  5116. </row>
  5117. <row>
  5118. <entry/>
  5119. <entry/>
  5120. <entry>My surname isn’t <foreignphrase
  5121. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  5122. </row>
  5123. <row>
  5124. <entry>7.</entry>
  5125. <entry>A:</entry>
  5126. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  5127. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5128. </row>
  5129. <row>
  5130. <entry/>
  5131. <entry/>
  5132. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5133. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  5134. </row>
  5135. <row>
  5136. <entry/>
  5137. <entry/>
  5138. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5139. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  5140. </row>
  5141. <row>
  5142. <entry> </entry>
  5143. <entry>B:</entry>
  5144. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  5145. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5146. </row>
  5147. <row>
  5148. <entry/>
  5149. <entry/>
  5150. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5151. >我不姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  5152. </row>
  5153. <row>
  5154. <entry/>
  5155. <entry/>
  5156. <entry>My surname isn’t <foreignphrase
  5157. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  5158. </row>
  5159. <row>
  5160. <entry>8.</entry>
  5161. <entry>A:</entry>
  5162. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Mǎ
  5163. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5164. </row>
  5165. <row>
  5166. <entry/>
  5167. <entry/>
  5168. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5169. >你姓馬嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5170. </row>
  5171. <row>
  5172. <entry/>
  5173. <entry/>
  5174. <entry>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5175. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  5176. </row>
  5177. <row>
  5178. <entry> </entry>
  5179. <entry>B:</entry>
  5180. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bù xìng Mǎ.
  5181. Xìng Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5182. </row>
  5183. <row>
  5184. <entry/>
  5185. <entry/>
  5186. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5187. >不姓馬。(我)姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  5188. </row>
  5189. <row>
  5190. <entry/>
  5191. <entry/>
  5192. <entry>My surname isn’t <foreignphrase
  5193. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ</foreignphrase>. My
  5194. surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5195. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  5196. </row>
  5197. </tbody>
  5198. </tgroup>
  5199. </informaltable>
  5200. <para>It is quite common in Chinese—much commoner than in English—to omit the
  5201. subject of a sentence when it is clear from the context.</para>
  5202. </section>
  5203. <section>
  5204. <title>Notes on № 9</title>
  5205. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5206. <tgroup cols="3">
  5207. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5208. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5209. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  5210. <tbody>
  5211. <row>
  5212. <entry>9.</entry>
  5213. <entry>A:</entry>
  5214. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín
  5215. guìxing?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5216. </row>
  5217. <row>
  5218. <entry/>
  5219. <entry/>
  5220. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5221. >您貴姓?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5222. </row>
  5223. <row>
  5224. <entry/>
  5225. <entry/>
  5226. <entry>Your surname? (polite)</entry>
  5227. </row>
  5228. <row>
  5229. <entry> </entry>
  5230. <entry>B:</entry>
  5231. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  5232. Wáng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5233. </row>
  5234. <row>
  5235. <entry/>
  5236. <entry/>
  5237. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5238. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></entry>
  5239. </row>
  5240. <row>
  5241. <entry/>
  5242. <entry/>
  5243. <entry>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5244. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  5245. </row>
  5246. </tbody>
  5247. </tgroup>
  5248. </informaltable>
  5249. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín</foreignphrase> is the
  5250. polite equivalent of <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5251. >nǐ</foreignphrase>, “you.” </para>
  5252. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guìxìng</foreignphrase> is a
  5253. polite noun, “surname.” <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5254. >Guì</foreignphrase> means “honorable.” <foreignphrase
  5255. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xìng</foreignphrase> which you have learned
  5256. as the verb “to be surnamed” is in this case a noun, “surname.” </para>
  5257. <para>Literally, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nín
  5258. guìxìng?</foreignphrase> is “Your surname?” The implied question is
  5259. understood, and the “sentence” consists of the subject alone.</para>
  5260. </section>
  5261. <section>
  5262. <title>Notes on № 10</title>
  5263. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5264. <tgroup cols="3">
  5265. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5266. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5267. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  5268. <tbody>
  5269. <row>
  5270. <entry>10.</entry>
  5271. <entry>A:</entry>
  5272. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ jiào
  5273. shénme?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5274. </row>
  5275. <row>
  5276. <entry/>
  5277. <entry/>
  5278. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5279. >你叫什麼?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5280. </row>
  5281. <row>
  5282. <entry/>
  5283. <entry/>
  5284. <entry>What is your given name?</entry>
  5285. </row>
  5286. <row>
  5287. <entry> </entry>
  5288. <entry>B:</entry>
  5289. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ jiào
  5290. Dànián.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5291. </row>
  5292. <row>
  5293. <entry/>
  5294. <entry/>
  5295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5296. >我叫大年。</foreignphrase></entry>
  5297. </row>
  5298. <row>
  5299. <entry/>
  5300. <entry/>
  5301. <entry>My given name is <foreignphrase
  5302. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5303. >Dànián</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  5304. </row>
  5305. </tbody>
  5306. </tgroup>
  5307. </informaltable>
  5308. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiào</foreignphrase> is a verb
  5309. meaning “to be called.” In a discussion of personal names, we can say that
  5310. it means “to be given-named.”</para>
  5311. </section>
  5312. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  5313. <section>
  5314. <title>Notes on № 11</title>
  5315. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5316. <tgroup cols="3">
  5317. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5318. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5319. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  5320. <tbody>
  5321. <row>
  5322. <entry>11.</entry>
  5323. <entry>A:</entry>
  5324. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hǎo
  5325. a?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5326. </row>
  5327. <row>
  5328. <entry/>
  5329. <entry/>
  5330. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5331. >你好啊?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5332. </row>
  5333. <row>
  5334. <entry/>
  5335. <entry/>
  5336. <entry>How are you?</entry>
  5337. </row>
  5338. <row>
  5339. <entry> </entry>
  5340. <entry>B:</entry>
  5341. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ
  5342. hǎo.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5343. </row>
  5344. <row>
  5345. <entry/>
  5346. <entry/>
  5347. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5348. >我好</foreignphrase></entry>
  5349. </row>
  5350. <row>
  5351. <entry/>
  5352. <entry/>
  5353. <entry>I’m fine.</entry>
  5354. </row>
  5355. </tbody>
  5356. </tgroup>
  5357. </informaltable>
  5358. <para>Notice that the Low tones of <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5359. >wǒ</foreignphrase> and <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5360. >nǐ</foreignphrase> change to Rising tones before the Low tone of
  5361. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hǎo</foreignphrase>:
  5362. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ní hǎo a? Wó
  5363. hǎo</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5364. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo</foreignphrase> is a verb:
  5365. “to be good” “to be well” “to be fine.” Since it functions like the verb “to
  5366. be” plus an adjective in English, we will call it an <emphasis role="bold"
  5367. >adjectival verb</emphasis>.<informaltable frame="all">
  5368. <tgroup cols="2">
  5369. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5370. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5371. <tbody>
  5372. <row>
  5373. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5374. >Wǒ</foreignphrase></entry>
  5375. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5376. >hǎo</foreignphrase></entry>
  5377. </row>
  5378. <row>
  5379. <entry>I</entry>
  5380. <entry>am fine</entry>
  5381. </row>
  5382. </tbody>
  5383. </tgroup>
  5384. </informaltable><informaltable frame="all">
  5385. <tgroup cols="3">
  5386. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5387. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5388. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  5389. <tbody>
  5390. <row>
  5391. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5392. >Nǐ</foreignphrase></entry>
  5393. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5394. >hǎo</foreignphrase></entry>
  5395. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5396. >a?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5397. </row>
  5398. <row>
  5399. <entry>You</entry>
  5400. <entry>are fine</entry>
  5401. <entry>?</entry>
  5402. </row>
  5403. </tbody>
  5404. </tgroup>
  5405. </informaltable></para>
  5406. </section>
  5407. <section>
  5408. <title>Notes on № 12</title>
  5409. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5410. <tgroup cols="3">
  5411. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5412. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  5413. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  5414. <tbody>
  5415. <row>
  5416. <entry>12.</entry>
  5417. <entry>A:</entry>
  5418. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ hǎo
  5419. a?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5420. </row>
  5421. <row>
  5422. <entry/>
  5423. <entry/>
  5424. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5425. >你好啊?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5426. </row>
  5427. <row>
  5428. <entry/>
  5429. <entry/>
  5430. <entry>How are you?</entry>
  5431. </row>
  5432. <row>
  5433. <entry> </entry>
  5434. <entry>B:</entry>
  5435. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ hǎo. Nǐ
  5436. ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5437. </row>
  5438. <row>
  5439. <entry/>
  5440. <entry/>
  5441. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5442. >我好,你呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
  5443. </row>
  5444. <row>
  5445. <entry/>
  5446. <entry/>
  5447. <entry>I’m fine. And you?</entry>
  5448. </row>
  5449. <row>
  5450. <entry> </entry>
  5451. <entry>A:</entry>
  5452. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎo,
  5453. xièxie.</foreignphrase></entry>
  5454. </row>
  5455. <row>
  5456. <entry/>
  5457. <entry/>
  5458. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5459. >好,謝謝。</foreignphrase></entry>
  5460. </row>
  5461. <row>
  5462. <entry/>
  5463. <entry/>
  5464. <entry>Fine, thanks.</entry>
  5465. </row>
  5466. </tbody>
  5467. </tgroup>
  5468. </informaltable>
  5469. <para>The marker <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">ne</foreignphrase>
  5470. makes a question out of the single work <foreignphrase
  5471. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ</foreignphrase>, “you”: “And you?” or “How
  5472. about you?”</para>
  5473. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiè</foreignphrase> is the verb
  5474. “to thank.” “I thank you” would be <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5475. >Wǒ xièxie ni</foreignphrase>. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5476. >Xièxie</foreignphrase> is often repeated: <foreignphrase
  5477. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xièxie, xièxie</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5478. </section>
  5479. <section>
  5480. <title>Notes on № 13</title>
  5481. <para>One way to ask what someone’s given name is: <foreignphrase
  5482. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5483. </section>
  5484. </section>
  5485. </section>
  5486. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  5487. <section>
  5488. <title>Drills</title>
  5489. <section>
  5490. <title>Transformations drill</title>
  5491. <para> </para>
  5492. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5493. <title>Create a question from the statement</title>
  5494. <tgroup cols="4">
  5495. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  5496. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  5497. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  5498. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  5499. <thead>
  5500. <row>
  5501. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5502. <entry align="center"
  5503. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5504. <entry/>
  5505. <entry align="center"
  5506. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5507. </row>
  5508. </thead>
  5509. <tbody>
  5510. <row>
  5511. <entry/>
  5512. <entry/>
  5513. <entry/>
  5514. <entry/>
  5515. </row>
  5516. <row>
  5517. <entry>1.</entry>
  5518. <entry>
  5519. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  5520. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  5521. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5522. >他是王先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  5523. <para>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5524. >Wáng</foreignphrase> .</para>
  5525. </entry>
  5526. <entry/>
  5527. <entry>
  5528. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  5529. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  5530. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5531. >他是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  5532. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5533. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5534. </entry>
  5535. </row>
  5536. <row>
  5537. <entry/>
  5538. <entry/>
  5539. <entry/>
  5540. <entry/>
  5541. </row>
  5542. <row>
  5543. <entry>2.</entry>
  5544. <entry>
  5545. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Hú
  5546. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  5547. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5548. >她是胡太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  5549. <para>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5550. >Hú</foreignphrase></para>
  5551. </entry>
  5552. <entry/>
  5553. <entry>
  5554. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Hú
  5555. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  5556. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5557. >她是胡太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  5558. <para>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5559. >Hú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5560. </entry>
  5561. </row>
  5562. <row>
  5563. <entry/>
  5564. <entry/>
  5565. <entry/>
  5566. <entry/>
  5567. </row>
  5568. <row>
  5569. <entry>3.</entry>
  5570. <entry>
  5571. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú
  5572. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></para>
  5573. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5574. >他是劉同志</foreignphrase></para>
  5575. <para>He is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5576. >Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  5577. </entry>
  5578. <entry/>
  5579. <entry>
  5580. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú
  5581. tóngzhì ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  5582. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5583. >他是劉同志嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  5584. <para>Is he Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5585. >Liú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5586. </entry>
  5587. </row>
  5588. <row>
  5589. <entry/>
  5590. <entry/>
  5591. <entry/>
  5592. <entry/>
  5593. </row>
  5594. <row>
  5595. <entry>4.</entry>
  5596. <entry>
  5597. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhāng
  5598. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></para>
  5599. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5600. >她是張小姐</foreignphrase></para>
  5601. <para>She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5602. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  5603. </entry>
  5604. <entry/>
  5605. <entry>
  5606. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhāng
  5607. xiǎojiě ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  5608. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5609. >她是張小姐嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  5610. <para>Is she Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5611. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5612. </entry>
  5613. </row>
  5614. <row>
  5615. <entry/>
  5616. <entry/>
  5617. <entry/>
  5618. <entry/>
  5619. </row>
  5620. <row>
  5621. <entry>5.</entry>
  5622. <entry>
  5623. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  5624. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  5625. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5626. >他是馬先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  5627. <para>He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5628. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  5629. </entry>
  5630. <entry/>
  5631. <entry>
  5632. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā Shi Mǎ
  5633. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  5634. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5635. >他是馬先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  5636. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5637. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5638. </entry>
  5639. </row>
  5640. <row>
  5641. <entry/>
  5642. <entry/>
  5643. <entry/>
  5644. <entry/>
  5645. </row>
  5646. <row>
  5647. <entry>6.</entry>
  5648. <entry>
  5649. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng
  5650. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></para>
  5651. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5652. >她是方小姐。</foreignphrase></para>
  5653. <para>She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5654. >Fāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  5655. </entry>
  5656. <entry/>
  5657. <entry>
  5658. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng
  5659. xiǎojiě ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  5660. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5661. >她是方小姐嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  5662. <para>Is she Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5663. >Fāng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5664. </entry>
  5665. </row>
  5666. <row>
  5667. <entry/>
  5668. <entry/>
  5669. <entry/>
  5670. <entry/>
  5671. </row>
  5672. <row>
  5673. <entry>7.</entry>
  5674. <entry>
  5675. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Lín
  5676. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></para>
  5677. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5678. >他是林同志。</foreignphrase></para>
  5679. <para>He is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5680. >Lín</foreignphrase>.</para>
  5681. </entry>
  5682. <entry/>
  5683. <entry>
  5684. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Lín
  5685. tóngzhì ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  5686. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5687. >他是林同志嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  5688. <para>Is he Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5689. >Lín</foreignphrase>?</para>
  5690. </entry>
  5691. </row>
  5692. </tbody>
  5693. </tgroup>
  5694. </table>
  5695. </section>
  5696. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  5697. <section>
  5698. <title>Response drill</title>
  5699. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5700. <title>Respond by affirmative.</title>
  5701. <tgroup cols="4">
  5702. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  5703. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  5704. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  5705. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  5706. <thead>
  5707. <row>
  5708. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5709. <entry align="center"
  5710. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5711. <entry/>
  5712. <entry align="center"
  5713. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5714. </row>
  5715. </thead>
  5716. <tbody>
  5717. <row>
  5718. <entry/>
  5719. <entry/>
  5720. <entry/>
  5721. <entry/>
  5722. </row>
  5723. <row>
  5724. <entry>1.</entry>
  5725. <entry>
  5726. <para>
  5727. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  5728. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase>
  5729. </para>
  5730. <para>
  5731. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5732. </para>
  5733. <para> Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5734. >Wáng</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5735. </entry>
  5736. <entry/>
  5737. <entry>
  5738. <para>
  5739. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shi. Tā shi Wáng
  5740. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase>
  5741. </para>
  5742. <para>
  5743. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。他是王先生。</foreignphrase>
  5744. </para>
  5745. <para> Yes. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5746. >Wáng</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5747. </entry>
  5748. </row>
  5749. <row>
  5750. <entry/>
  5751. <entry/>
  5752. <entry/>
  5753. <entry/>
  5754. </row>
  5755. <row>
  5756. <entry>2.</entry>
  5757. <entry>
  5758. <para>
  5759. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhào
  5760. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase>
  5761. </para>
  5762. <para>
  5763. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是趙太太嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5764. </para>
  5765. <para> Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5766. >Zhào</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5767. </entry>
  5768. <entry/>
  5769. <entry>
  5770. <para>
  5771. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shi. Tā shi Zhào
  5772. tàitai.</foreignphrase>
  5773. </para>
  5774. <para>
  5775. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。她是趙太太。</foreignphrase>
  5776. </para>
  5777. <para> Yes. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  5778. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5779. </entry>
  5780. </row>
  5781. <row>
  5782. <entry/>
  5783. <entry/>
  5784. <entry/>
  5785. <entry/>
  5786. </row>
  5787. <row>
  5788. <entry>3.</entry>
  5789. <entry>
  5790. <para>
  5791. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Chén
  5792. tóngzhì ma?</foreignphrase>
  5793. </para>
  5794. <para>
  5795. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是陳同志嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5796. </para>
  5797. <para> Is she Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5798. >Chén</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5799. </entry>
  5800. <entry/>
  5801. <entry>
  5802. <para>
  5803. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shi. Ta shi Chén
  5804. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase>
  5805. </para>
  5806. <para>
  5807. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。她是陳同志。</foreignphrase>
  5808. </para>
  5809. <para> Yes. She is Comrade <foreignphrase
  5810. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5811. </entry>
  5812. </row>
  5813. <row>
  5814. <entry/>
  5815. <entry/>
  5816. <entry/>
  5817. <entry/>
  5818. </row>
  5819. <row>
  5820. <entry>4.</entry>
  5821. <entry>
  5822. <para>
  5823. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú xiǎojiě
  5824. ma?</foreignphrase>
  5825. </para>
  5826. <para>
  5827. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是劉小姐嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5828. </para>
  5829. <para> Is she Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5830. >Liú</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5831. </entry>
  5832. <entry/>
  5833. <entry>
  5834. <para>
  5835. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shi. Tā shi Liú
  5836. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase>
  5837. </para>
  5838. <para>
  5839. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。她是劉小姐。</foreignphrase>
  5840. </para>
  5841. <para> Yes. She is Miss <foreignphrase
  5842. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5843. </entry>
  5844. </row>
  5845. <row>
  5846. <entry/>
  5847. <entry/>
  5848. <entry/>
  5849. <entry/>
  5850. </row>
  5851. <row>
  5852. <entry>5.</entry>
  5853. <entry>
  5854. <para>
  5855. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Sòng
  5856. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase>
  5857. </para>
  5858. <para>
  5859. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是宋先生嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5860. </para>
  5861. <para> Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5862. >Sòng</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5863. </entry>
  5864. <entry/>
  5865. <entry>
  5866. <para>
  5867. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shi. Tā shi Sòng
  5868. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase>
  5869. </para>
  5870. <para>
  5871. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。他是宋先生。</foreignphrase>
  5872. </para>
  5873. <para> Yes. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5874. >Sòng</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5875. </entry>
  5876. </row>
  5877. <row>
  5878. <entry/>
  5879. <entry/>
  5880. <entry/>
  5881. <entry/>
  5882. </row>
  5883. <row>
  5884. <entry>6.</entry>
  5885. <entry>
  5886. <para>
  5887. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Sūn tàitai.
  5888. ma?</foreignphrase>
  5889. </para>
  5890. <para>
  5891. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是孫太太嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5892. </para>
  5893. <para> Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5894. >Sūn</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5895. </entry>
  5896. <entry/>
  5897. <entry>
  5898. <para>
  5899. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shi. Tā shi Sūn
  5900. tàitai.</foreignphrase>
  5901. </para>
  5902. <para>
  5903. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。她是孫太太。</foreignphrase>
  5904. </para>
  5905. <para> Yes. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  5906. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sūn</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5907. </entry>
  5908. </row>
  5909. <row>
  5910. <entry/>
  5911. <entry/>
  5912. <entry/>
  5913. <entry/>
  5914. </row>
  5915. <row>
  5916. <entry>7.</entry>
  5917. <entry>
  5918. <para>
  5919. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhāng
  5920. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase>
  5921. </para>
  5922. <para>
  5923. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是張先生嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5924. </para>
  5925. <para> Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5926. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5927. </entry>
  5928. <entry/>
  5929. <entry>
  5930. <para>
  5931. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shi. Tā shi Zhāng
  5932. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase>
  5933. </para>
  5934. <para>
  5935. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。他是張先生。</foreignphrase>
  5936. </para>
  5937. <para> Yes. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5938. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>. </para>
  5939. </entry>
  5940. </row>
  5941. </tbody>
  5942. </tgroup>
  5943. </table>
  5944. </section>
  5945. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  5946. <section>
  5947. <title>Response drill</title>
  5948. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  5949. <title>All your answers will be negative. Give the correct name according to the
  5950. cue.</title>
  5951. <tgroup cols="6">
  5952. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  5953. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="0.8*"/>
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  5959. <row>
  5960. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5961. <entry align="center"
  5962. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5963. <entry/>
  5964. <entry align="center"
  5965. >Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5966. <entry/>
  5967. <entry align="center"
  5968. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  5969. </row>
  5970. </thead>
  5971. <tbody>
  5972. <row>
  5973. <entry/>
  5974. <entry/>
  5975. <entry/>
  5976. <entry/>
  5977. <entry/>
  5978. <entry/>
  5979. </row>
  5980. <row>
  5981. <entry>1.</entry>
  5982. <entry>
  5983. <para>
  5984. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  5985. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase>
  5986. </para>
  5987. <para>
  5988. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase>
  5989. </para>
  5990. <para> Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5991. >Wáng</foreignphrase>? </para>
  5992. </entry>
  5993. <entry/>
  5994. <entry>
  5995. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  5996. >Liú</foreignphrase></para>
  5997. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  5998. >劉</foreignphrase></para>
  5999. </entry>
  6000. <entry/>
  6001. <entry>
  6002. <para>
  6003. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi Liú
  6004. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase>
  6005. </para>
  6006. <para>
  6007. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。他是劉先生。</foreignphrase>
  6008. </para>
  6009. <para> No. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6010. >Liú</foreignphrase> . </para>
  6011. </entry>
  6012. </row>
  6013. <row>
  6014. <entry/>
  6015. <entry/>
  6016. <entry/>
  6017. <entry/>
  6018. <entry/>
  6019. <entry/>
  6020. </row>
  6021. <row>
  6022. <entry>2.</entry>
  6023. <entry>
  6024. <para>
  6025. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Gāo xiǎojiě
  6026. ma?</foreignphrase>
  6027. </para>
  6028. <para>
  6029. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是高小姐嗎?</foreignphrase>
  6030. </para>
  6031. <para> Is she Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6032. >Gāo</foreignphrase>? </para>
  6033. </entry>
  6034. <entry/>
  6035. <entry>
  6036. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6037. >Zhào</foreignphrase></para>
  6038. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6039. >趙</foreignphrase></para>
  6040. </entry>
  6041. <entry/>
  6042. <entry>
  6043. <para>
  6044. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6045. Zhào xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase>
  6046. </para>
  6047. <para>
  6048. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。她是趙小姐。</foreignphrase>
  6049. </para>
  6050. <para> No. She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6051. >Zhào</foreignphrase>. </para>
  6052. </entry>
  6053. </row>
  6054. <row>
  6055. <entry/>
  6056. <entry/>
  6057. <entry/>
  6058. <entry/>
  6059. <entry/>
  6060. <entry/>
  6061. </row>
  6062. <row>
  6063. <entry>3.</entry>
  6064. <entry>
  6065. <para>
  6066. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Huáng
  6067. tóngzhì ma?</foreignphrase>
  6068. </para>
  6069. <para>
  6070. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是黃同志嗎?</foreignphrase>
  6071. </para>
  6072. <para> Is she Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6073. >Huáng</foreignphrase>? </para>
  6074. </entry>
  6075. <entry/>
  6076. <entry>
  6077. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6078. >Wáng</foreignphrase></para>
  6079. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6080. >王</foreignphrase></para>
  6081. </entry>
  6082. <entry/>
  6083. <entry>
  6084. <para>
  6085. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6086. Wáng tóngzhì.</foreignphrase>
  6087. </para>
  6088. <para>
  6089. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。她是王同志。</foreignphrase>
  6090. </para>
  6091. <para> No. She is Comrade <foreignphrase
  6092. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>. </para>
  6093. </entry>
  6094. </row>
  6095. <row>
  6096. <entry/>
  6097. <entry/>
  6098. <entry/>
  6099. <entry/>
  6100. <entry/>
  6101. <entry/>
  6102. </row>
  6103. <row>
  6104. <entry>4.</entry>
  6105. <entry>
  6106. <para>
  6107. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yáng
  6108. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase>
  6109. </para>
  6110. <para>
  6111. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是楊太太嗎?</foreignphrase>
  6112. </para>
  6113. <para> Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6114. >Yáng</foreignphrase>? </para>
  6115. </entry>
  6116. <entry/>
  6117. <entry>
  6118. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6119. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase></para>
  6120. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6121. >蔣</foreignphrase></para>
  6122. </entry>
  6123. <entry/>
  6124. <entry>
  6125. <para>
  6126. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6127. Jiǎng tàitai.</foreignphrase>
  6128. </para>
  6129. <para>
  6130. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。她是蔣太太。</foreignphrase>
  6131. </para>
  6132. <para> No. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6133. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase>. </para>
  6134. </entry>
  6135. </row>
  6136. <row>
  6137. <entry/>
  6138. <entry/>
  6139. <entry/>
  6140. <entry/>
  6141. <entry/>
  6142. <entry/>
  6143. </row>
  6144. <row>
  6145. <entry>5.</entry>
  6146. <entry>
  6147. <para>
  6148. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Mǎ
  6149. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase>
  6150. </para>
  6151. <para>
  6152. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是馬先生嗎?</foreignphrase>
  6153. </para>
  6154. <para> Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6155. >Mǎ</foreignphrase>? </para>
  6156. </entry>
  6157. <entry/>
  6158. <entry>
  6159. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6160. >Máo</foreignphrase></para>
  6161. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6162. >毛</foreignphrase></para>
  6163. </entry>
  6164. <entry/>
  6165. <entry>
  6166. <para>
  6167. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi Máo
  6168. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase>
  6169. </para>
  6170. <para>
  6171. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。他是毛先生。</foreignphrase>
  6172. </para>
  6173. <para> No. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6174. >Máo</foreignphrase>. </para>
  6175. </entry>
  6176. </row>
  6177. <row>
  6178. <entry/>
  6179. <entry/>
  6180. <entry/>
  6181. <entry/>
  6182. <entry/>
  6183. <entry/>
  6184. </row>
  6185. <row>
  6186. <entry>6.</entry>
  6187. <entry>
  6188. <para>
  6189. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhōu
  6190. xiǎojiě ma? </foreignphrase>
  6191. </para>
  6192. <para>
  6193. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">她是周小姐嗎?</foreignphrase>
  6194. </para>
  6195. <para> Is she Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6196. >Zhōu</foreignphrase>? </para>
  6197. </entry>
  6198. <entry/>
  6199. <entry>
  6200. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6201. >Zhào</foreignphrase></para>
  6202. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6203. >趙</foreignphrase></para>
  6204. </entry>
  6205. <entry/>
  6206. <entry>
  6207. <para>
  6208. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi.Tā shi Zhào
  6209. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase>
  6210. </para>
  6211. <para>
  6212. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。她是趙小姐。</foreignphrase>
  6213. </para>
  6214. <para> No. She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6215. >Zhào</foreignphrase>. </para>
  6216. </entry>
  6217. </row>
  6218. <row>
  6219. <entry/>
  6220. <entry/>
  6221. <entry/>
  6222. <entry/>
  6223. <entry/>
  6224. <entry/>
  6225. </row>
  6226. <row>
  6227. <entry>7.</entry>
  6228. <entry>
  6229. <para>
  6230. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiāng
  6231. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase>
  6232. </para>
  6233. <para>
  6234. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他是江先生嗎?</foreignphrase>
  6235. </para>
  6236. <para> Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6237. >Jiāng</foreignphrase>? </para>
  6238. </entry>
  6239. <entry/>
  6240. <entry>
  6241. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6242. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase></para>
  6243. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6244. >蔣</foreignphrase></para>
  6245. </entry>
  6246. <entry/>
  6247. <entry>
  6248. <para>
  6249. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6250. Jiǎng xiānsheng.</foreignphrase>
  6251. </para>
  6252. <para>
  6253. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">不是。他是蔣先生。</foreignphrase>
  6254. </para>
  6255. <para> No. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6256. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase> . </para>
  6257. </entry>
  6258. </row>
  6259. </tbody>
  6260. </tgroup>
  6261. </table>
  6262. </section>
  6263. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  6264. <section>
  6265. <title>Response drill</title>
  6266. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  6267. <title>This drill is a combination of the two previous drills. Give an
  6268. affirmative or a negative answer according to the cue.</title>
  6269. <tgroup cols="6">
  6270. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6271. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="0.8*"/>
  6272. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6273. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.2*"/>
  6274. <colspec colname="newCol5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6275. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  6276. <thead>
  6277. <row>
  6278. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6279. <entry align="center"
  6280. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6281. <entry/>
  6282. <entry align="center"
  6283. >Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6284. <entry/>
  6285. <entry align="center"
  6286. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6287. </row>
  6288. </thead>
  6289. <tbody>
  6290. <row>
  6291. <entry/>
  6292. <entry/>
  6293. <entry/>
  6294. <entry/>
  6295. <entry/>
  6296. <entry/>
  6297. </row>
  6298. <row>
  6299. <entry> 1.</entry>
  6300. <entry>
  6301. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú
  6302. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6303. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6304. >她是劉太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6305. <para>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6306. >Liú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6307. </entry>
  6308. <entry/>
  6309. <entry>
  6310. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6311. >Liú</foreignphrase></para>
  6312. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6313. >劉</foreignphrase></para>
  6314. </entry>
  6315. <entry/>
  6316. <entry>
  6317. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì. Tā shi Liú
  6318. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  6319. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6320. >是。她是劉太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  6321. <para>Yes. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6322. >Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6323. </entry>
  6324. </row>
  6325. <row>
  6326. <entry/>
  6327. <entry/>
  6328. <entry/>
  6329. <entry/>
  6330. <entry/>
  6331. <entry/>
  6332. </row>
  6333. <row>
  6334. <entry> 2. </entry>
  6335. <entry>
  6336. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú
  6337. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6338. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6339. >她是劉太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6340. <para>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6341. >Liú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6342. </entry>
  6343. <entry/>
  6344. <entry>
  6345. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6346. >Huáng</foreignphrase></para>
  6347. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6348. >黃</foreignphrase></para>
  6349. </entry>
  6350. <entry/>
  6351. <entry>
  6352. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6353. Huáng tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  6354. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6355. >不是。她是黃太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  6356. <para>No. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6357. >Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6358. </entry>
  6359. </row>
  6360. <row>
  6361. <entry/>
  6362. <entry/>
  6363. <entry/>
  6364. <entry/>
  6365. <entry/>
  6366. <entry/>
  6367. </row>
  6368. <row>
  6369. <entry> 3. </entry>
  6370. <entry>
  6371. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  6372. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6373. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6374. >他是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6375. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6376. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6377. </entry>
  6378. <entry/>
  6379. <entry>
  6380. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6381. >Wáng</foreignphrase></para>
  6382. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6383. >王</foreignphrase></para>
  6384. </entry>
  6385. <entry/>
  6386. <entry>
  6387. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì. Tā shi Wáng
  6388. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6389. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6390. >是。他是王先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  6391. <para>Yes He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6392. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6393. </entry>
  6394. </row>
  6395. <row>
  6396. <entry/>
  6397. <entry/>
  6398. <entry/>
  6399. <entry/>
  6400. <entry/>
  6401. <entry/>
  6402. </row>
  6403. <row>
  6404. <entry> 4. </entry>
  6405. <entry>
  6406. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Gāo
  6407. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6408. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6409. >她是高太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6410. <para>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6411. >Gāo</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6412. </entry>
  6413. <entry/>
  6414. <entry>
  6415. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6416. >Zhào</foreignphrase></para>
  6417. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6418. >趙</foreignphrase></para>
  6419. </entry>
  6420. <entry/>
  6421. <entry>
  6422. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6423. Zhào tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  6424. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6425. >不是。她是趙太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  6426. <para>No. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6427. >Zhào</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6428. </entry>
  6429. </row>
  6430. <row>
  6431. <entry/>
  6432. <entry/>
  6433. <entry/>
  6434. <entry/>
  6435. <entry/>
  6436. <entry/>
  6437. </row>
  6438. <row>
  6439. <entry> 5. </entry>
  6440. <entry>
  6441. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Táng
  6442. xiǎojiě ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6443. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6444. >她是唐小姐嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6445. <para>Is she Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6446. >Táng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6447. </entry>
  6448. <entry/>
  6449. <entry>
  6450. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6451. >Táng</foreignphrase></para>
  6452. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6453. >唐</foreignphrase></para>
  6454. </entry>
  6455. <entry/>
  6456. <entry>
  6457. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì. Tā shi Táng
  6458. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></para>
  6459. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6460. >是。她是唐小姐。</foreignphrase></para>
  6461. <para>Yes. She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6462. >Táng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6463. </entry>
  6464. </row>
  6465. <row>
  6466. <entry/>
  6467. <entry/>
  6468. <entry/>
  6469. <entry/>
  6470. <entry/>
  6471. <entry/>
  6472. </row>
  6473. <row>
  6474. <entry> 6. </entry>
  6475. <entry>
  6476. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Huáng
  6477. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6478. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6479. >她是黃先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6480. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6481. >Huáng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6482. </entry>
  6483. <entry/>
  6484. <entry>
  6485. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6486. >Wáng</foreignphrase></para>
  6487. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6488. >王</foreignphrase></para>
  6489. </entry>
  6490. <entry/>
  6491. <entry>
  6492. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6493. Wáng xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6494. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6495. >不是。他不是王先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  6496. <para>No. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6497. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6498. </entry>
  6499. </row>
  6500. <row>
  6501. <entry/>
  6502. <entry/>
  6503. <entry/>
  6504. <entry/>
  6505. <entry/>
  6506. <entry/>
  6507. </row>
  6508. <row>
  6509. <entry> 7. </entry>
  6510. <entry>
  6511. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhāng
  6512. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6513. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6514. >她是張太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6515. <para>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6516. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6517. </entry>
  6518. <entry/>
  6519. <entry>
  6520. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6521. >Jiāng</foreignphrase></para>
  6522. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6523. >江</foreignphrase></para>
  6524. </entry>
  6525. <entry/>
  6526. <entry>
  6527. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shi. Tā shi
  6528. Jiāng tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  6529. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6530. >不是。她是江太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  6531. <para>No. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6532. >Jiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6533. </entry>
  6534. </row>
  6535. </tbody>
  6536. </tgroup>
  6537. </table>
  6538. </section>
  6539. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  6540. <section>
  6541. <title>Transformation drill</title>
  6542. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  6543. <title>Transform the sentence using <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6544. >xìng</foreignphrase>.</title>
  6545. <tgroup cols="4">
  6546. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6547. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  6548. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6549. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  6550. <thead>
  6551. <row>
  6552. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6553. <entry align="center"
  6554. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6555. <entry/>
  6556. <entry align="center"
  6557. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6558. </row>
  6559. </thead>
  6560. <tbody>
  6561. <row>
  6562. <entry/>
  6563. <entry/>
  6564. <entry/>
  6565. <entry/>
  6566. </row>
  6567. <row>
  6568. <entry> 1. </entry>
  6569. <entry>
  6570. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Zhāng
  6571. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6572. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6573. >你是張先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6574. <para>Are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6575. >Zhāng</foreignphrase> ?</para>
  6576. </entry>
  6577. <entry/>
  6578. <entry>
  6579. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Zhāng
  6580. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6581. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6582. >你姓張嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6583. <para>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6584. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6585. </entry>
  6586. </row>
  6587. <row>
  6588. <entry/>
  6589. <entry/>
  6590. <entry/>
  6591. <entry/>
  6592. </row>
  6593. <row>
  6594. <entry> 2. </entry>
  6595. <entry>
  6596. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Zhào
  6597. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6598. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6599. >你是趙太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6600. <para>Are you Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6601. >Zhào</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6602. </entry>
  6603. <entry/>
  6604. <entry>
  6605. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Zhào
  6606. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6607. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6608. >你姓趙嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6609. <para>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6610. >Zhào</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6611. </entry>
  6612. </row>
  6613. <row>
  6614. <entry/>
  6615. <entry/>
  6616. <entry/>
  6617. <entry/>
  6618. </row>
  6619. <row>
  6620. <entry> 3. </entry>
  6621. <entry>
  6622. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Jiǎng
  6623. xiǎojiě m?</foreignphrase></para>
  6624. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6625. >你是蔣小姐嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6626. <para>Are you Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6627. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6628. </entry>
  6629. <entry/>
  6630. <entry>
  6631. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Jiǎng
  6632. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6633. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6634. >你姓蔣嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6635. <para>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6636. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6637. </entry>
  6638. </row>
  6639. <row>
  6640. <entry/>
  6641. <entry/>
  6642. <entry/>
  6643. <entry/>
  6644. </row>
  6645. <row>
  6646. <entry> 4. </entry>
  6647. <entry>
  6648. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Liú
  6649. tóngzhì ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6650. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6651. >你是劉同志嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6652. <para>Are you Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6653. >Liú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6654. </entry>
  6655. <entry/>
  6656. <entry>
  6657. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Liú
  6658. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6659. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6660. >你姓劉嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6661. <para>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6662. >Liú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6663. </entry>
  6664. </row>
  6665. <row>
  6666. <entry/>
  6667. <entry/>
  6668. <entry/>
  6669. <entry/>
  6670. </row>
  6671. <row>
  6672. <entry> 5. </entry>
  6673. <entry>
  6674. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Sòng
  6675. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6676. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6677. >你是宋太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6678. <para>Are you Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6679. >Sòng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6680. </entry>
  6681. <entry/>
  6682. <entry>
  6683. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Sòng
  6684. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6685. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6686. >你姓宋嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6687. <para>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6688. >Sòng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6689. </entry>
  6690. </row>
  6691. <row>
  6692. <entry/>
  6693. <entry/>
  6694. <entry/>
  6695. <entry/>
  6696. </row>
  6697. <row>
  6698. <entry> 6. </entry>
  6699. <entry>
  6700. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Lǐ
  6701. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6702. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6703. >你是李先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6704. <para>Are you Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6705. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6706. </entry>
  6707. <entry/>
  6708. <entry>
  6709. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Lǐ
  6710. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6711. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6712. >你姓李嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6713. <para>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6714. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6715. </entry>
  6716. </row>
  6717. <row>
  6718. <entry/>
  6719. <entry/>
  6720. <entry/>
  6721. <entry/>
  6722. </row>
  6723. <row>
  6724. <entry> 7. </entry>
  6725. <entry>
  6726. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Sūn
  6727. tóngzhì ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6728. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6729. >你是孫同志嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6730. <para>Are you Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6731. >Sūn</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6732. </entry>
  6733. <entry/>
  6734. <entry>
  6735. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Sūn
  6736. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  6737. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6738. >你姓孫嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  6739. <para>Is your surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6740. >Sūn</foreignphrase>?</para>
  6741. </entry>
  6742. </row>
  6743. </tbody>
  6744. </tgroup>
  6745. </table>
  6746. </section>
  6747. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  6748. <section>
  6749. <title>Transformation drill</title>
  6750. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  6751. <title>Transform the sentence in a negative one.</title>
  6752. <tgroup cols="4">
  6753. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6754. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  6755. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6756. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  6757. <thead>
  6758. <row>
  6759. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6760. <entry align="center"
  6761. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6762. <entry/>
  6763. <entry align="center"
  6764. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6765. </row>
  6766. </thead>
  6767. <tbody>
  6768. <row>
  6769. <entry/>
  6770. <entry/>
  6771. <entry/>
  6772. <entry/>
  6773. </row>
  6774. <row>
  6775. <entry> 1. </entry>
  6776. <entry>
  6777. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  6778. Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6779. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6780. >我姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  6781. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6782. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6783. </entry>
  6784. <entry/>
  6785. <entry>
  6786. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6787. Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6788. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6789. >我不姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  6790. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6791. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6792. </entry>
  6793. </row>
  6794. <row>
  6795. <entry/>
  6796. <entry/>
  6797. <entry/>
  6798. <entry/>
  6799. </row>
  6800. <row>
  6801. <entry> 2. </entry>
  6802. <entry>
  6803. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  6804. Chén.</foreignphrase></para>
  6805. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6806. >我姓陳。</foreignphrase></para>
  6807. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6808. >Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6809. </entry>
  6810. <entry/>
  6811. <entry>
  6812. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6813. Chén.</foreignphrase></para>
  6814. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6815. >我不姓陳。</foreignphrase></para>
  6816. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6817. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6818. </entry>
  6819. </row>
  6820. <row>
  6821. <entry/>
  6822. <entry/>
  6823. <entry/>
  6824. <entry/>
  6825. </row>
  6826. <row>
  6827. <entry> 3. </entry>
  6828. <entry>
  6829. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  6830. Huáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6831. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6832. >我姓黃。</foreignphrase></para>
  6833. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6834. >Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6835. </entry>
  6836. <entry/>
  6837. <entry>
  6838. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6839. Huáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6840. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6841. >我不姓黃。</foreignphrase></para>
  6842. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6843. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6844. </entry>
  6845. </row>
  6846. <row>
  6847. <entry/>
  6848. <entry/>
  6849. <entry/>
  6850. <entry/>
  6851. </row>
  6852. <row>
  6853. <entry> 4. </entry>
  6854. <entry>
  6855. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  6856. Gāo.</foreignphrase></para>
  6857. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6858. >我姓高。</foreignphrase></para>
  6859. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6860. >Gāo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6861. </entry>
  6862. <entry/>
  6863. <entry>
  6864. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6865. Gāo.</foreignphrase></para>
  6866. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6867. >我不姓高。</foreignphrase></para>
  6868. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6869. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gāo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6870. </entry>
  6871. </row>
  6872. <row>
  6873. <entry/>
  6874. <entry/>
  6875. <entry/>
  6876. <entry/>
  6877. </row>
  6878. <row>
  6879. <entry> 5. </entry>
  6880. <entry>
  6881. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  6882. Sūn.</foreignphrase></para>
  6883. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6884. >我姓孫。</foreignphrase></para>
  6885. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6886. >Sūn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6887. </entry>
  6888. <entry/>
  6889. <entry>
  6890. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6891. Sūn.</foreignphrase></para>
  6892. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6893. >我不姓孫。</foreignphrase></para>
  6894. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6895. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sūn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6896. </entry>
  6897. </row>
  6898. <row>
  6899. <entry/>
  6900. <entry/>
  6901. <entry/>
  6902. <entry/>
  6903. </row>
  6904. <row>
  6905. <entry> 6. </entry>
  6906. <entry>
  6907. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  6908. Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6909. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6910. >我姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  6911. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6912. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6913. </entry>
  6914. <entry/>
  6915. <entry>
  6916. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6917. Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6918. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6919. >我不姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  6920. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6921. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6922. </entry>
  6923. </row>
  6924. <row>
  6925. <entry/>
  6926. <entry/>
  6927. <entry/>
  6928. <entry/>
  6929. </row>
  6930. <row>
  6931. <entry> 7. </entry>
  6932. <entry>
  6933. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  6934. Zhōu.</foreignphrase></para>
  6935. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6936. >我姓周。</foreignphrase></para>
  6937. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6938. >Zhōu</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6939. </entry>
  6940. <entry/>
  6941. <entry>
  6942. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6943. Zhōu.</foreignphrase></para>
  6944. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6945. >我不姓周。</foreignphrase></para>
  6946. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6947. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6948. </entry>
  6949. </row>
  6950. </tbody>
  6951. </tgroup>
  6952. </table>
  6953. </section>
  6954. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  6955. <section>
  6956. <title>Transformation drill</title>
  6957. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  6958. <title>Transform the sentence using <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú
  6959. xìng</foreignphrase>.</title>
  6960. <tgroup cols="4">
  6961. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6962. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  6963. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  6964. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  6965. <thead>
  6966. <row>
  6967. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6968. <entry align="center"
  6969. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6970. <entry/>
  6971. <entry align="center"
  6972. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  6973. </row>
  6974. </thead>
  6975. <tbody>
  6976. <row>
  6977. <entry/>
  6978. <entry/>
  6979. <entry/>
  6980. <entry/>
  6981. </row>
  6982. <row>
  6983. <entry> 1. </entry>
  6984. <entry>
  6985. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Lǐ
  6986. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  6987. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6988. >我不是李先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  6989. <para>I’m not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  6990. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  6991. </entry>
  6992. <entry/>
  6993. <entry>
  6994. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  6995. Lǐ.</foreignphrase></para>
  6996. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  6997. >我不姓李。</foreignphrase></para>
  6998. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  6999. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7000. </entry>
  7001. </row>
  7002. <row>
  7003. <entry/>
  7004. <entry/>
  7005. <entry/>
  7006. <entry/>
  7007. </row>
  7008. <row>
  7009. <entry> 2. </entry>
  7010. <entry>
  7011. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Wáng
  7012. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  7013. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7014. >我不是王太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  7015. <para>I’m not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7016. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7017. </entry>
  7018. <entry/>
  7019. <entry>
  7020. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7021. Wáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7022. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7023. >我不姓王。</foreignphrase></para>
  7024. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7025. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7026. </entry>
  7027. </row>
  7028. <row>
  7029. <entry/>
  7030. <entry/>
  7031. <entry/>
  7032. <entry/>
  7033. </row>
  7034. <row>
  7035. <entry> 3. </entry>
  7036. <entry>
  7037. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Chén
  7038. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7039. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7040. >我不是陳先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  7041. <para>I’m not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7042. >Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7043. </entry>
  7044. <entry/>
  7045. <entry>
  7046. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7047. Chén.</foreignphrase></para>
  7048. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7049. >我不姓陳。</foreignphrase></para>
  7050. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7051. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7052. </entry>
  7053. </row>
  7054. <row>
  7055. <entry/>
  7056. <entry/>
  7057. <entry/>
  7058. <entry/>
  7059. </row>
  7060. <row>
  7061. <entry> 4. </entry>
  7062. <entry>
  7063. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Lín
  7064. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></para>
  7065. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7066. >我不是林同志。</foreignphrase></para>
  7067. <para>I’m not Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7068. >Lín</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7069. </entry>
  7070. <entry/>
  7071. <entry>
  7072. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7073. Lín.</foreignphrase></para>
  7074. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7075. >我不姓林。</foreignphrase></para>
  7076. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7077. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lín</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7078. </entry>
  7079. </row>
  7080. <row>
  7081. <entry/>
  7082. <entry/>
  7083. <entry/>
  7084. <entry/>
  7085. </row>
  7086. <row>
  7087. <entry> 5. </entry>
  7088. <entry>
  7089. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Zhōu
  7090. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></para>
  7091. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7092. >我不是周小姐。</foreignphrase></para>
  7093. <para>I’m not Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7094. >Zhōu</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7095. </entry>
  7096. <entry/>
  7097. <entry>
  7098. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7099. Zhōu.</foreignphrase></para>
  7100. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7101. >我不姓周。</foreignphrase></para>
  7102. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7103. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7104. </entry>
  7105. </row>
  7106. <row>
  7107. <entry/>
  7108. <entry/>
  7109. <entry/>
  7110. <entry/>
  7111. </row>
  7112. <row>
  7113. <entry> 6. </entry>
  7114. <entry>
  7115. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Jiǎng
  7116. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7117. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7118. >我不是蔣先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  7119. <para>I’m not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7120. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7121. </entry>
  7122. <entry/>
  7123. <entry>
  7124. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7125. Jiǎng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7126. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7127. >我不姓蔣。</foreignphrase></para>
  7128. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7129. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiǎng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7130. </entry>
  7131. </row>
  7132. <row>
  7133. <entry/>
  7134. <entry/>
  7135. <entry/>
  7136. <entry/>
  7137. </row>
  7138. <row>
  7139. <entry> 7. </entry>
  7140. <entry>
  7141. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Sòng
  7142. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  7143. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7144. >我不是宋太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  7145. <para>I’m not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7146. >Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7147. </entry>
  7148. <entry/>
  7149. <entry>
  7150. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7151. Sòng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7152. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7153. >我不姓宋。</foreignphrase></para>
  7154. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7155. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7156. </entry>
  7157. </row>
  7158. </tbody>
  7159. </tgroup>
  7160. </table>
  7161. </section>
  7162. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  7163. <section>
  7164. <title>Expansion drill</title>
  7165. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  7166. <title>Transfomr the sentence according to the model.</title>
  7167. <tgroup cols="6">
  7168. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  7169. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="0.8*"/>
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  7171. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.2*"/>
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  7173. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  7174. <thead>
  7175. <row>
  7176. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7177. <entry align="center"
  7178. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7179. <entry/>
  7180. <entry>Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7181. <entry/>
  7182. <entry align="center"
  7183. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7184. </row>
  7185. </thead>
  7186. <tbody>
  7187. <row>
  7188. <entry/>
  7189. <entry/>
  7190. <entry/>
  7191. <entry/>
  7192. <entry/>
  7193. <entry/>
  7194. </row>
  7195. <row>
  7196. <entry> 1. </entry>
  7197. <entry>
  7198. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Wáng
  7199. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7200. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7201. >他不是王先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  7202. <para>He is not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7203. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7204. </entry>
  7205. <entry/>
  7206. <entry>
  7207. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7208. >Huáng</foreignphrase></para>
  7209. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7210. >黃</foreignphrase></para>
  7211. </entry>
  7212. <entry/>
  7213. <entry>
  7214. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Wáng
  7215. xiānsheng, tā xìng Huáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7216. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7217. >他不是王先生,他姓黃。</foreignphrase></para>
  7218. <para>He is not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7219. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, his surname is <foreignphrase
  7220. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7221. </entry>
  7222. </row>
  7223. <row>
  7224. <entry/>
  7225. <entry/>
  7226. <entry/>
  7227. <entry/>
  7228. <entry/>
  7229. <entry/>
  7230. </row>
  7231. <row>
  7232. <entry> 2. </entry>
  7233. <entry>
  7234. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Jiǎng
  7235. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  7236. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7237. >她不是蔣太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  7238. <para>She is not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7239. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7240. </entry>
  7241. <entry/>
  7242. <entry>
  7243. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7244. >Jiāng</foreignphrase></para>
  7245. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7246. >江</foreignphrase></para>
  7247. </entry>
  7248. <entry/>
  7249. <entry>
  7250. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Jiǎng
  7251. tàitai., tā xìng Jiāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7252. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7253. >她不是蔣太太,她姓江。</foreignphrase></para>
  7254. <para>She is not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7255. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase>, her surname is <foreignphrase
  7256. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7257. </entry>
  7258. </row>
  7259. <row>
  7260. <entry/>
  7261. <entry/>
  7262. <entry/>
  7263. <entry/>
  7264. <entry/>
  7265. <entry/>
  7266. </row>
  7267. <row>
  7268. <entry> 3. </entry>
  7269. <entry>
  7270. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Liú
  7271. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></para>
  7272. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7273. >他不是劉同志。</foreignphrase></para>
  7274. <para>He is not Comrade <foreignphrase
  7275. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7276. </entry>
  7277. <entry/>
  7278. <entry>
  7279. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7280. >Lín</foreignphrase></para>
  7281. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7282. >林</foreignphrase></para>
  7283. </entry>
  7284. <entry/>
  7285. <entry>
  7286. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Liú
  7287. tóngzhì, tā xìng Lín.</foreignphrase></para>
  7288. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7289. >他不是劉同志,他姓林。</foreignphrase></para>
  7290. <para>He is not Comrade <foreignphrase
  7291. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú</foreignphrase>, his
  7292. surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7293. >Lín</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7294. </entry>
  7295. </row>
  7296. <row>
  7297. <entry/>
  7298. <entry/>
  7299. <entry/>
  7300. <entry/>
  7301. <entry/>
  7302. <entry/>
  7303. </row>
  7304. <row>
  7305. <entry> 4. </entry>
  7306. <entry>
  7307. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Sòng
  7308. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></para>
  7309. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7310. >她不是宋小姐。</foreignphrase></para>
  7311. <para>She is not Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7312. >Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7313. </entry>
  7314. <entry/>
  7315. <entry>
  7316. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7317. >Sūn</foreignphrase></para>
  7318. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7319. >孫</foreignphrase></para>
  7320. </entry>
  7321. <entry/>
  7322. <entry>
  7323. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Sòng
  7324. xiǎojiě, tā xìng Sūn.</foreignphrase></para>
  7325. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7326. >她不是宋小姐,她姓孫。</foreignphrase></para>
  7327. <para>She is not Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7328. >Sòng</foreignphrase>, her surname is <foreignphrase
  7329. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sūn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7330. </entry>
  7331. </row>
  7332. <row>
  7333. <entry/>
  7334. <entry/>
  7335. <entry/>
  7336. <entry/>
  7337. <entry/>
  7338. <entry/>
  7339. </row>
  7340. <row>
  7341. <entry> 5. </entry>
  7342. <entry>
  7343. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Zhào
  7344. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7345. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7346. >他不是趙先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  7347. <para>He is not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7348. >Zhào</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7349. </entry>
  7350. <entry/>
  7351. <entry>
  7352. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7353. >Zhōu</foreignphrase></para>
  7354. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7355. >周</foreignphrase></para>
  7356. </entry>
  7357. <entry/>
  7358. <entry>
  7359. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Zhào
  7360. xiānsheng, tā xìng Zhōu.</foreignphrase></para>
  7361. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7362. >他不是趙先生,他姓周。</foreignphrase></para>
  7363. <para>He is not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7364. >Zhào</foreignphrase>, his surname is <foreignphrase
  7365. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu</foreignphrase> .</para>
  7366. </entry>
  7367. </row>
  7368. <row>
  7369. <entry/>
  7370. <entry/>
  7371. <entry/>
  7372. <entry/>
  7373. <entry/>
  7374. <entry/>
  7375. </row>
  7376. <row>
  7377. <entry> 6. </entry>
  7378. <entry>
  7379. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Jiāng
  7380. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></para>
  7381. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7382. >他不是江同志。</foreignphrase></para>
  7383. <para>He is not Comrade <foreignphrase
  7384. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7385. </entry>
  7386. <entry/>
  7387. <entry>
  7388. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7389. >Zhāng</foreignphrase></para>
  7390. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7391. >張</foreignphrase></para>
  7392. </entry>
  7393. <entry/>
  7394. <entry>
  7395. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Jiāng
  7396. tóngzhì, tā xìng Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7397. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7398. >他不是江同志,他姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  7399. <para>He is not Comrade <foreignphrase
  7400. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng</foreignphrase>, his
  7401. surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7402. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7403. </entry>
  7404. </row>
  7405. <row>
  7406. <entry/>
  7407. <entry/>
  7408. <entry/>
  7409. <entry/>
  7410. <entry/>
  7411. <entry/>
  7412. </row>
  7413. <row>
  7414. <entry> 7. </entry>
  7415. <entry>
  7416. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Sūn
  7417. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  7418. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7419. >她不是孫太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  7420. <para>She is not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7421. >Sūn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7422. </entry>
  7423. <entry/>
  7424. <entry>
  7425. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7426. >Sòng</foreignphrase></para>
  7427. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7428. >宋</foreignphrase></para>
  7429. </entry>
  7430. <entry/>
  7431. <entry>
  7432. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Sūn
  7433. tàitai., tā xìng Sòng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7434. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7435. >她不是孫太太,她姓宋。</foreignphrase></para>
  7436. <para>She is not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7437. >Sūn</foreignphrase>, her surname is <foreignphrase
  7438. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7439. </entry>
  7440. </row>
  7441. </tbody>
  7442. </tgroup>
  7443. </table>
  7444. </section>
  7445. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  7446. <section>
  7447. <title>Expansion drill</title>
  7448. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  7449. <title>Expand the sentence using the model.</title>
  7450. <tgroup cols="6">
  7451. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  7452. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="0.8*"/>
  7453. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  7454. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.2*"/>
  7455. <colspec colname="newCol5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  7456. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  7457. <thead>
  7458. <row>
  7459. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7460. <entry align="center"
  7461. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7462. <entry/>
  7463. <entry>Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7464. <entry/>
  7465. <entry align="center"
  7466. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7467. </row>
  7468. </thead>
  7469. <tbody>
  7470. <row>
  7471. <entry/>
  7472. <entry/>
  7473. <entry/>
  7474. <entry/>
  7475. <entry/>
  7476. <entry/>
  7477. </row>
  7478. <row>
  7479. <entry> 1. </entry>
  7480. <entry>
  7481. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7482. Fāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7483. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7484. >我不姓方。</foreignphrase></para>
  7485. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7486. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7487. </entry>
  7488. <entry/>
  7489. <entry>
  7490. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7491. >Hú</foreignphrase></para>
  7492. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7493. >胡</foreignphrase></para>
  7494. </entry>
  7495. <entry/>
  7496. <entry>
  7497. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng Fāng,
  7498. xìng Hú.</foreignphrase></para>
  7499. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7500. >我不姓方。姓胡。</foreignphrase></para>
  7501. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7502. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng</foreignphrase>, it’s
  7503. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7504. >Hú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7505. </entry>
  7506. </row>
  7507. <row>
  7508. <entry> 2. </entry>
  7509. <entry>
  7510. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7511. Sūn.</foreignphrase></para>
  7512. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7513. >我不姓孫。</foreignphrase></para>
  7514. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7515. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sūn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7516. </entry>
  7517. <entry/>
  7518. <entry>
  7519. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7520. >Sòng</foreignphrase></para>
  7521. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7522. >宋</foreignphrase></para>
  7523. </entry>
  7524. <entry/>
  7525. <entry>
  7526. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng Sūn,
  7527. xìng Sòng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7528. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7529. >我不姓孫,姓宋。</foreignphrase></para>
  7530. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7531. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sūn</foreignphrase>, it’s
  7532. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7533. >Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7534. </entry>
  7535. </row>
  7536. <row>
  7537. <entry/>
  7538. <entry/>
  7539. <entry/>
  7540. <entry/>
  7541. <entry/>
  7542. <entry/>
  7543. </row>
  7544. <row>
  7545. <entry> 3. </entry>
  7546. <entry>
  7547. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7548. Yáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7549. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7550. >我不姓楊。</foreignphrase></para>
  7551. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7552. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7553. </entry>
  7554. <entry/>
  7555. <entry>
  7556. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7557. >Táng</foreignphrase></para>
  7558. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7559. >唐</foreignphrase></para>
  7560. </entry>
  7561. <entry/>
  7562. <entry>
  7563. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng Yáng,
  7564. xìng Táng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7565. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7566. >我不姓楊,姓唐。</foreignphrase></para>
  7567. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7568. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yáng</foreignphrase>, it’s
  7569. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7570. >Táng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7571. </entry>
  7572. </row>
  7573. <row>
  7574. <entry/>
  7575. <entry/>
  7576. <entry/>
  7577. <entry/>
  7578. <entry/>
  7579. <entry/>
  7580. </row>
  7581. <row>
  7582. <entry> 4. </entry>
  7583. <entry>
  7584. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7585. Jiǎng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7586. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7587. >我不姓蔣。</foreignphrase></para>
  7588. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7589. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiǎng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7590. </entry>
  7591. <entry/>
  7592. <entry>
  7593. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7594. >Zhāng</foreignphrase></para>
  7595. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7596. >張</foreignphrase></para>
  7597. </entry>
  7598. <entry/>
  7599. <entry>
  7600. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7601. Jiǎng, xìng Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7602. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7603. >我不姓蔣,姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  7604. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7605. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiǎng</foreignphrase>, it’s
  7606. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7607. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7608. </entry>
  7609. </row>
  7610. <row>
  7611. <entry/>
  7612. <entry/>
  7613. <entry/>
  7614. <entry/>
  7615. <entry/>
  7616. <entry/>
  7617. </row>
  7618. <row>
  7619. <entry> 5. </entry>
  7620. <entry>
  7621. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7622. Zhōu.</foreignphrase></para>
  7623. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7624. >我不姓周。</foreignphrase></para>
  7625. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7626. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7627. </entry>
  7628. <entry/>
  7629. <entry>
  7630. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7631. >Zhào</foreignphrase></para>
  7632. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7633. >趙</foreignphrase></para>
  7634. </entry>
  7635. <entry/>
  7636. <entry>
  7637. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng Zhōu,
  7638. xìng Zhào.</foreignphrase></para>
  7639. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7640. >我不姓周,姓趙。</foreignphrase></para>
  7641. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7642. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu</foreignphrase>, it’s
  7643. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7644. >Zhào</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7645. </entry>
  7646. </row>
  7647. <row>
  7648. <entry/>
  7649. <entry/>
  7650. <entry/>
  7651. <entry/>
  7652. <entry/>
  7653. <entry/>
  7654. </row>
  7655. <row>
  7656. <entry> 6. </entry>
  7657. <entry>
  7658. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7659. Wáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7660. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7661. >我不姓王。</foreignphrase></para>
  7662. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7663. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7664. </entry>
  7665. <entry/>
  7666. <entry>
  7667. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7668. >Huáng</foreignphrase></para>
  7669. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7670. >黃</foreignphrase></para>
  7671. </entry>
  7672. <entry/>
  7673. <entry>
  7674. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng Wáng,
  7675. xìng Huáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7676. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7677. >我不姓王,姓黃。</foreignphrase></para>
  7678. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7679. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>, it’s
  7680. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7681. >Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7682. </entry>
  7683. </row>
  7684. <row>
  7685. <entry/>
  7686. <entry/>
  7687. <entry/>
  7688. <entry/>
  7689. <entry/>
  7690. <entry/>
  7691. </row>
  7692. <row>
  7693. <entry> 7. </entry>
  7694. <entry>
  7695. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7696. Jiāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7697. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7698. >我不姓江。</foreignphrase></para>
  7699. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7700. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7701. </entry>
  7702. <entry/>
  7703. <entry>
  7704. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7705. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase></para>
  7706. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7707. >蔣</foreignphrase></para>
  7708. </entry>
  7709. <entry/>
  7710. <entry>
  7711. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú xìng
  7712. Jiāng, xìng Jiǎng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7713. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7714. >我不姓江,姓蔣。</foreignphrase></para>
  7715. <para>My surname is not <foreignphrase
  7716. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng</foreignphrase>, it’s
  7717. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7718. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7719. </entry>
  7720. </row>
  7721. </tbody>
  7722. </tgroup>
  7723. </table>
  7724. </section>
  7725. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  7726. <section>
  7727. <title>Response drill</title>
  7728. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  7729. <title>Respond according to the cue and the model.</title>
  7730. <tgroup cols="6">
  7731. <colspec colname="newCol1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  7732. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="2" colwidth="0.8*"/>
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  7734. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="4" colwidth="0.2*"/>
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  7736. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  7737. <thead>
  7738. <row>
  7739. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7740. <entry align="center"
  7741. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7742. <entry/>
  7743. <entry>Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7744. <entry/>
  7745. <entry align="center"
  7746. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  7747. </row>
  7748. </thead>
  7749. <tbody>
  7750. <row>
  7751. <entry/>
  7752. <entry/>
  7753. <entry/>
  7754. <entry/>
  7755. <entry/>
  7756. <entry/>
  7757. </row>
  7758. <row>
  7759. <entry>1.</entry>
  7760. <entry>
  7761. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  7762. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  7763. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7764. >他是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  7765. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7766. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  7767. </entry>
  7768. <entry/>
  7769. <entry>
  7770. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7771. >Wáng</foreignphrase></para>
  7772. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7773. >王</foreignphrase></para>
  7774. </entry>
  7775. <entry/>
  7776. <entry>
  7777. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì. Tā shi Wáng
  7778. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7779. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7780. >是。他是王先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  7781. <para>Yes. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7782. >Wáng</foreignphrase></para>
  7783. </entry>
  7784. </row>
  7785. <row>
  7786. <entry/>
  7787. <entry/>
  7788. <entry/>
  7789. <entry/>
  7790. <entry/>
  7791. <entry/>
  7792. </row>
  7793. <row>
  7794. <entry>2.</entry>
  7795. <entry>
  7796. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  7797. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  7798. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7799. >他是王先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  7800. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7801. >Wáng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  7802. </entry>
  7803. <entry/>
  7804. <entry>
  7805. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7806. >Huáng</foreignphrase></para>
  7807. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7808. >黃</foreignphrase></para>
  7809. </entry>
  7810. <entry/>
  7811. <entry>
  7812. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Wáng
  7813. xiānsheng, tā xìng Huáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7814. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他不是王先生,
  7815. 他姓黃。</foreignphrase></para>
  7816. <para>His is not Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7817. >Wáng</foreignphrase>. His surname is <foreignphrase
  7818. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7819. </entry>
  7820. </row>
  7821. <row>
  7822. <entry/>
  7823. <entry/>
  7824. <entry/>
  7825. <entry/>
  7826. <entry/>
  7827. <entry/>
  7828. </row>
  7829. <row>
  7830. <entry>3.</entry>
  7831. <entry>
  7832. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Liú
  7833. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  7834. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7835. >她是劉太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  7836. <para>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7837. >Liú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  7838. </entry>
  7839. <entry/>
  7840. <entry>
  7841. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7842. >Lín</foreignphrase></para>
  7843. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7844. >林</foreignphrase></para>
  7845. </entry>
  7846. <entry/>
  7847. <entry>
  7848. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Liú
  7849. tàitai. Tā xìng Lín.</foreignphrase></para>
  7850. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7851. >她不是劉太太。她姓林。</foreignphrase></para>
  7852. <para>She is not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7853. >Liú</foreignphrase>. Her surname is <foreignphrase
  7854. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lín</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7855. </entry>
  7856. </row>
  7857. <row>
  7858. <entry/>
  7859. <entry/>
  7860. <entry/>
  7861. <entry/>
  7862. <entry/>
  7863. <entry/>
  7864. </row>
  7865. <row>
  7866. <entry>4.</entry>
  7867. <entry>
  7868. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Chén
  7869. xiǎojiě ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  7870. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7871. >她是陳小姐嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  7872. <para>Is she Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7873. >Chén</foreignphrase>?</para>
  7874. </entry>
  7875. <entry/>
  7876. <entry>
  7877. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7878. >Chén</foreignphrase></para>
  7879. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7880. >陳</foreignphrase></para>
  7881. </entry>
  7882. <entry/>
  7883. <entry>
  7884. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì. Tā shi Chén
  7885. xiǎojiě.</foreignphrase></para>
  7886. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7887. >是。她是陳小姐。</foreignphrase></para>
  7888. <para>Yes. She is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7889. >Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7890. </entry>
  7891. </row>
  7892. <row>
  7893. <entry/>
  7894. <entry/>
  7895. <entry/>
  7896. <entry/>
  7897. <entry/>
  7898. <entry/>
  7899. </row>
  7900. <row>
  7901. <entry>5.</entry>
  7902. <entry>
  7903. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Máo
  7904. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  7905. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7906. >他是毛先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  7907. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7908. >Máo</foreignphrase>?</para>
  7909. </entry>
  7910. <entry/>
  7911. <entry>
  7912. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7913. >Máo</foreignphrase></para>
  7914. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7915. >毛</foreignphrase></para>
  7916. </entry>
  7917. <entry/>
  7918. <entry>
  7919. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì. Tā shi Máo
  7920. xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7921. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7922. >是。他是毛先生。</foreignphrase></para>
  7923. <para>Yes. He is Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7924. >Máo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7925. </entry>
  7926. </row>
  7927. <row>
  7928. <entry/>
  7929. <entry/>
  7930. <entry/>
  7931. <entry/>
  7932. <entry/>
  7933. <entry/>
  7934. </row>
  7935. <row>
  7936. <entry>6.</entry>
  7937. <entry>
  7938. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiāng
  7939. tóngzhì ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  7940. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7941. >他是江同志嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  7942. <para>Is He/she Comrade <foreignphrase
  7943. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  7944. </entry>
  7945. <entry/>
  7946. <entry>
  7947. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7948. >Zhāng</foreignphrase></para>
  7949. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7950. >張</foreignphrase></para>
  7951. </entry>
  7952. <entry/>
  7953. <entry>
  7954. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Jiāng
  7955. tóngzhì. Tā xìng Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  7956. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他不是江同志。
  7957. 他姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  7958. <para>He/she isn’t Comrade <foreignphrase
  7959. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng</foreignphrase>.
  7960. His/her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7961. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7962. </entry>
  7963. </row>
  7964. <row>
  7965. <entry/>
  7966. <entry/>
  7967. <entry/>
  7968. <entry/>
  7969. <entry/>
  7970. <entry/>
  7971. </row>
  7972. <row>
  7973. <entry>7.</entry>
  7974. <entry>
  7975. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Sòng
  7976. tàitai. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  7977. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7978. >她是宋太太嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  7979. <para>Is she Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7980. >Sòng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  7981. </entry>
  7982. <entry/>
  7983. <entry>
  7984. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7985. >Sòng</foreignphrase></para>
  7986. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7987. >宋</foreignphrase></para>
  7988. </entry>
  7989. <entry/>
  7990. <entry>
  7991. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì. Tā shi Sòng
  7992. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  7993. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"><foreignphrase
  7994. xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  7995. >是。她是宋太太。</foreignphrase></foreignphrase></para>
  7996. <para>Yes. She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  7997. >Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  7998. </entry>
  7999. </row>
  8000. <row>
  8001. <entry/>
  8002. <entry/>
  8003. <entry/>
  8004. <entry/>
  8005. <entry/>
  8006. <entry/>
  8007. </row>
  8008. <row>
  8009. <entry>8.</entry>
  8010. <entry>
  8011. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Lǐ
  8012. xiānsheng ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  8013. <para>Is he Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8014. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>?</para>
  8015. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8016. >他是李先生嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  8017. </entry>
  8018. <entry/>
  8019. <entry>
  8020. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8021. >Wáng</foreignphrase></para>
  8022. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8023. >王</foreignphrase></para>
  8024. </entry>
  8025. <entry/>
  8026. <entry>
  8027. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú shi Lǐ
  8028. xiānsheng. Tā xìng Wáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8029. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8030. >他不是李先生。他姓王。</foreignphrase></para>
  8031. <para>He isn’t Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8032. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>. His surname is <foreignphrase
  8033. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8034. </entry>
  8035. </row>
  8036. </tbody>
  8037. </tgroup>
  8038. </table>
  8039. </section>
  8040. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  8041. <section>
  8042. <title>Transformation drill</title>
  8043. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  8044. <title>Respond according to the model.</title>
  8045. <tgroup cols="6">
  8046. <colspec colname="newCol1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  8047. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
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  8049. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
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  8053. <row>
  8054. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8055. <entry align="center"
  8056. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8057. <entry/>
  8058. <entry align="center">Answer
  8059. part1<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8060. <entry/>
  8061. <entry align="center">Answer part
  8062. 2<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8063. </row>
  8064. </thead>
  8065. <tbody>
  8066. <row>
  8067. <entry/>
  8068. <entry/>
  8069. <entry/>
  8070. <entry/>
  8071. <entry/>
  8072. <entry/>
  8073. </row>
  8074. <row>
  8075. <entry>1.</entry>
  8076. <entry>
  8077. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8078. Wáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8079. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8080. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></para>
  8081. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8082. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8083. </entry>
  8084. <entry/>
  8085. <entry>
  8086. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8087. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8088. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8089. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8090. <para>What is his surname?</para>
  8091. </entry>
  8092. <entry/>
  8093. <entry>
  8094. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8095. Wáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8096. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8097. >他姓王。</foreignphrase></para>
  8098. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8099. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8100. </entry>
  8101. </row>
  8102. <row>
  8103. <entry/>
  8104. <entry/>
  8105. <entry/>
  8106. <entry/>
  8107. <entry/>
  8108. <entry/>
  8109. </row>
  8110. <row>
  8111. <entry>2.</entry>
  8112. <entry>
  8113. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8114. Chén.</foreignphrase></para>
  8115. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8116. >我姓陳。</foreignphrase></para>
  8117. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8118. >Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8119. </entry>
  8120. <entry/>
  8121. <entry>
  8122. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8123. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8124. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8125. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8126. <para>What is his surname?</para>
  8127. </entry>
  8128. <entry/>
  8129. <entry>
  8130. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8131. Chén.</foreignphrase></para>
  8132. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8133. >他姓陳。</foreignphrase></para>
  8134. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8135. >Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8136. </entry>
  8137. </row>
  8138. <row>
  8139. <entry/>
  8140. <entry/>
  8141. <entry/>
  8142. <entry/>
  8143. <entry/>
  8144. <entry/>
  8145. </row>
  8146. <row>
  8147. <entry>3.</entry>
  8148. <entry>
  8149. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8150. Liú.</foreignphrase></para>
  8151. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8152. >我姓劉。</foreignphrase></para>
  8153. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8154. >Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8155. </entry>
  8156. <entry/>
  8157. <entry>
  8158. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8159. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8160. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8161. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8162. <para>What is his surname?</para>
  8163. </entry>
  8164. <entry/>
  8165. <entry>
  8166. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8167. Liú.</foreignphrase></para>
  8168. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8169. >他姓劉。</foreignphrase></para>
  8170. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8171. >Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8172. </entry>
  8173. </row>
  8174. <row>
  8175. <entry/>
  8176. <entry/>
  8177. <entry/>
  8178. <entry/>
  8179. <entry/>
  8180. <entry/>
  8181. </row>
  8182. <row>
  8183. <entry>4.</entry>
  8184. <entry>
  8185. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8186. Huáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8187. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8188. >我姓黃。</foreignphrase></para>
  8189. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8190. >Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8191. </entry>
  8192. <entry/>
  8193. <entry>
  8194. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8195. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8196. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8197. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8198. <para>What is his surname?</para>
  8199. </entry>
  8200. <entry/>
  8201. <entry>
  8202. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8203. Huáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8204. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8205. >他姓黃。</foreignphrase></para>
  8206. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8207. >Huáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8208. </entry>
  8209. </row>
  8210. <row>
  8211. <entry/>
  8212. <entry/>
  8213. <entry/>
  8214. <entry/>
  8215. <entry/>
  8216. <entry/>
  8217. </row>
  8218. <row>
  8219. <entry>5.</entry>
  8220. <entry>
  8221. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8222. Sòng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8223. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8224. >我姓宋。</foreignphrase></para>
  8225. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8226. >Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8227. </entry>
  8228. <entry/>
  8229. <entry>
  8230. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8231. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8232. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8233. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8234. <para>What is his surname?</para>
  8235. </entry>
  8236. <entry/>
  8237. <entry>
  8238. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8239. Sòng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8240. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8241. >他姓宋。</foreignphrase></para>
  8242. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8243. >Sòng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8244. </entry>
  8245. </row>
  8246. <row>
  8247. <entry/>
  8248. <entry/>
  8249. <entry/>
  8250. <entry/>
  8251. <entry/>
  8252. <entry/>
  8253. </row>
  8254. <row>
  8255. <entry>6.</entry>
  8256. <entry>
  8257. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xing
  8258. Lǐ.</foreignphrase></para>
  8259. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8260. >我姓李。</foreignphrase></para>
  8261. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8262. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8263. </entry>
  8264. <entry/>
  8265. <entry>
  8266. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8267. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8268. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8269. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8270. <para>What is his surname?</para>
  8271. </entry>
  8272. <entry/>
  8273. <entry>
  8274. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8275. Lǐ.</foreignphrase></para>
  8276. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8277. >他姓李。</foreignphrase></para>
  8278. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8279. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8280. </entry>
  8281. </row>
  8282. <row>
  8283. <entry/>
  8284. <entry/>
  8285. <entry/>
  8286. <entry/>
  8287. <entry/>
  8288. <entry/>
  8289. </row>
  8290. <row>
  8291. <entry>7.</entry>
  8292. <entry>
  8293. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8294. Wáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8295. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8296. >我姓王。</foreignphrase></para>
  8297. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8298. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8299. </entry>
  8300. <entry/>
  8301. <entry>
  8302. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8303. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8304. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8305. >他姓什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8306. <para>What is his surname?</para>
  8307. </entry>
  8308. <entry/>
  8309. <entry>
  8310. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  8311. Wáng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8312. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8313. >他姓王。</foreignphrase></para>
  8314. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8315. >Wáng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8316. </entry>
  8317. </row>
  8318. </tbody>
  8319. </tgroup>
  8320. </table>
  8321. </section>
  8322. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  8323. <section>
  8324. <title>Transformation drill</title>
  8325. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  8326. <title>Transform the statement according to the model.</title>
  8327. <tgroup cols="6">
  8328. <colspec colname="newCol1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  8329. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
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  8335. <row>
  8336. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8337. <entry align="center"
  8338. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8339. <entry/>
  8340. <entry align="center">Answer part
  8341. 1<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8342. <entry/>
  8343. <entry align="center">Answer part
  8344. 2<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8345. </row>
  8346. </thead>
  8347. <tbody>
  8348. <row>
  8349. <entry/>
  8350. <entry/>
  8351. <entry/>
  8352. <entry/>
  8353. <entry/>
  8354. <entry/>
  8355. </row>
  8356. <row>
  8357. <entry>1.</entry>
  8358. <entry>
  8359. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng Wáng
  8360. jiào Dànián.</foreignphrase></para>
  8361. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8362. >我姓王叫大年。</foreignphrase></para>
  8363. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8364. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, and my given name is
  8365. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8366. >Dànián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8367. </entry>
  8368. <entry/>
  8369. <entry>
  8370. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Wáng
  8371. jiào shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8372. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8373. >你姓王叫什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8374. <para>Your surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8375. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, and what is your given
  8376. name?</para>
  8377. </entry>
  8378. <entry/>
  8379. <entry>
  8380. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8381. >Dànián.</foreignphrase></para>
  8382. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8383. >大年。</foreignphrase></para>
  8384. </entry>
  8385. </row>
  8386. <row>
  8387. <entry/>
  8388. <entry/>
  8389. <entry/>
  8390. <entry/>
  8391. <entry/>
  8392. <entry/>
  8393. </row>
  8394. <row>
  8395. <entry>2.</entry>
  8396. <entry>
  8397. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng Hú jiào
  8398. Měilíng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8399. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8400. >我姓胡叫美玲。</foreignphrase></para>
  8401. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8402. >Hú</foreignphrase>, and my given name is <foreignphrase
  8403. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8404. >Měilíng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8405. </entry>
  8406. <entry/>
  8407. <entry>
  8408. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Hú jiào
  8409. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8410. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8411. >你姓胡叫什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8412. <para>Your surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8413. >Hú</foreignphrase>, and what is your given name?</para>
  8414. </entry>
  8415. <entry/>
  8416. <entry>
  8417. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8418. >Měilíng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8419. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8420. >美玲。</foreignphrase></para>
  8421. </entry>
  8422. </row>
  8423. <row>
  8424. <entry/>
  8425. <entry/>
  8426. <entry/>
  8427. <entry/>
  8428. <entry/>
  8429. <entry/>
  8430. </row>
  8431. <row>
  8432. <entry>3.</entry>
  8433. <entry>
  8434. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng Lǐ jiào
  8435. Shìyīng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8436. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8437. >我姓李叫世英。</foreignphrase></para>
  8438. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8439. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>, and my given name is <foreignphrase
  8440. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8441. >Shìyīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8442. </entry>
  8443. <entry/>
  8444. <entry>
  8445. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Lǐ jiào
  8446. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8447. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8448. >你姓李叫什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8449. <para>Your surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8450. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>, and what is your given name?</para>
  8451. </entry>
  8452. <entry/>
  8453. <entry>
  8454. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8455. >Shìyīng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8456. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8457. >世英。</foreignphrase></para>
  8458. </entry>
  8459. </row>
  8460. <row>
  8461. <entry/>
  8462. <entry/>
  8463. <entry/>
  8464. <entry/>
  8465. <entry/>
  8466. <entry/>
  8467. </row>
  8468. <row>
  8469. <entry>4.</entry>
  8470. <entry>
  8471. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng Fāng
  8472. jiào Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8473. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8474. >我姓方叫寶蘭。</foreignphrase></para>
  8475. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8476. >Fāng</foreignphrase>, and my given name is
  8477. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8478. >Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8479. </entry>
  8480. <entry/>
  8481. <entry>
  8482. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Fāng
  8483. jiào shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8484. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8485. >你姓方叫什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8486. <para>Your surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8487. >Fāng</foreignphrase>, and what is your given
  8488. name?</para>
  8489. </entry>
  8490. <entry/>
  8491. <entry>
  8492. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8493. >Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8494. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8495. >寶蘭。</foreignphrase></para>
  8496. </entry>
  8497. </row>
  8498. <row>
  8499. <entry/>
  8500. <entry/>
  8501. <entry/>
  8502. <entry/>
  8503. <entry/>
  8504. <entry/>
  8505. </row>
  8506. <row>
  8507. <entry>5.</entry>
  8508. <entry>
  8509. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng Sūn jiào
  8510. Déxián.</foreignphrase></para>
  8511. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8512. >我姓孫叫德賢。</foreignphrase></para>
  8513. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8514. >Sūn</foreignphrase>, and my given name is
  8515. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8516. >Déxián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8517. </entry>
  8518. <entry/>
  8519. <entry>
  8520. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng Sūn jiào
  8521. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8522. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8523. >你姓孫叫什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8524. <para>Your surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8525. >Sūn</foreignphrase>, and what is your given
  8526. name?</para>
  8527. </entry>
  8528. <entry/>
  8529. <entry>
  8530. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8531. >Déxián.</foreignphrase></para>
  8532. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8533. >德賢。</foreignphrase></para>
  8534. </entry>
  8535. </row>
  8536. <row>
  8537. <entry/>
  8538. <entry/>
  8539. <entry/>
  8540. <entry/>
  8541. <entry/>
  8542. <entry/>
  8543. </row>
  8544. <row>
  8545. <entry>6.</entry>
  8546. <entry>
  8547. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8548. Chén jiào Huìrán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8549. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8550. >我姓陳叫蕙然。</foreignphrase></para>
  8551. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8552. >Chén</foreignphrase>, and my given name is
  8553. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8554. >Huìrán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8555. </entry>
  8556. <entry/>
  8557. <entry>
  8558. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng
  8559. Chén jiào shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8560. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8561. >你姓陳叫什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8562. <para>Your surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8563. >Chén</foreignphrase>, and what is your given
  8564. name?</para>
  8565. </entry>
  8566. <entry/>
  8567. <entry>
  8568. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8569. >Huìrán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8570. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8571. >蕙然。</foreignphrase></para>
  8572. </entry>
  8573. </row>
  8574. <row>
  8575. <entry/>
  8576. <entry/>
  8577. <entry/>
  8578. <entry/>
  8579. <entry/>
  8580. <entry/>
  8581. </row>
  8582. <row>
  8583. <entry>7.</entry>
  8584. <entry>
  8585. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ xìng
  8586. Zhāng jiào Zhènhàn.</foreignphrase></para>
  8587. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8588. >我姓張叫振漢。</foreignphrase></para>
  8589. <para>My surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8590. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>, and my given name is
  8591. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8592. >Zhènhàn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8593. </entry>
  8594. <entry/>
  8595. <entry>
  8596. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ xìng
  8597. Zhāng jiào shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  8598. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8599. >你姓張叫什麼?</foreignphrase></para>
  8600. <para>Your surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8601. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>, and what is your given
  8602. name?</para>
  8603. </entry>
  8604. <entry/>
  8605. <entry>
  8606. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8607. >Zhènhàn.</foreignphrase></para>
  8608. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8609. >振漢。</foreignphrase></para>
  8610. </entry>
  8611. </row>
  8612. </tbody>
  8613. </tgroup>
  8614. </table>
  8615. </section>
  8616. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  8617. <section>
  8618. <title>Combination drill</title>
  8619. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  8620. <title>Transform the sentence according to the model.</title>
  8621. <tgroup cols="4">
  8622. <colspec colname="newCol1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  8623. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
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  8627. <row>
  8628. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8629. <entry align="center"
  8630. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8631. <entry/>
  8632. <entry align="center"
  8633. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  8634. </row>
  8635. </thead>
  8636. <tbody>
  8637. <row>
  8638. <entry/>
  8639. <entry/>
  8640. <entry/>
  8641. <entry/>
  8642. </row>
  8643. <row>
  8644. <entry>1.</entry>
  8645. <entry>
  8646. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Chén. Tā
  8647. jiào Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8648. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8649. >他姓陳。他叫寶蘭。</foreignphrase></para>
  8650. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8651. >Chén</foreignphrase>. Her given name is <foreignphrase
  8652. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8653. >Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8654. </entry>
  8655. <entry/>
  8656. <entry>
  8657. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Chén,
  8658. jiào Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8659. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8660. >他姓陳,叫寶蘭。</foreignphrase></para>
  8661. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8662. >Chén</foreignphrase>, given name <foreignphrase
  8663. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8664. >Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8665. </entry>
  8666. </row>
  8667. <row>
  8668. <entry/>
  8669. <entry/>
  8670. <entry/>
  8671. <entry/>
  8672. </row>
  8673. <row>
  8674. <entry>2.</entry>
  8675. <entry>
  8676. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Lǐ. Tā
  8677. jiào Mínglǐ.</foreignphrase></para>
  8678. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8679. >他姓李。他叫明理。</foreignphrase></para>
  8680. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8681. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>. Her given name is <foreignphrase
  8682. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8683. >Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8684. </entry>
  8685. <entry/>
  8686. <entry>
  8687. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Lǐ, jiào
  8688. Mínglǐ.</foreignphrase></para>
  8689. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8690. >他姓李,叫明理。</foreignphrase></para>
  8691. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8692. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>, given name <foreignphrase
  8693. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8694. >Mínglǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8695. </entry>
  8696. </row>
  8697. <row>
  8698. <entry/>
  8699. <entry/>
  8700. <entry/>
  8701. <entry/>
  8702. </row>
  8703. <row>
  8704. <entry>3.</entry>
  8705. <entry>
  8706. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Hú. Tā
  8707. jiào Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8708. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8709. >他姓胡。他叫寶蘭。</foreignphrase></para>
  8710. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8711. >Hú</foreignphrase>. Her given name is <foreignphrase
  8712. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8713. >Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8714. </entry>
  8715. <entry/>
  8716. <entry>
  8717. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Hú, jiào
  8718. Bǎolán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8719. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8720. >他姓胡,叫寶蘭。</foreignphrase></para>
  8721. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8722. >Hú</foreignphrase>, given name <foreignphrase
  8723. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8724. >Bǎolán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8725. </entry>
  8726. </row>
  8727. <row>
  8728. <entry/>
  8729. <entry/>
  8730. <entry/>
  8731. <entry/>
  8732. </row>
  8733. <row>
  8734. <entry>4.</entry>
  8735. <entry>
  8736. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Jiāng.
  8737. Tā jiào Déxián.</foreignphrase></para>
  8738. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8739. >他姓江。他叫德賢。</foreignphrase></para>
  8740. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8741. >Jiāng</foreignphrase>. Her given name is <foreignphrase
  8742. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8743. >Déxián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8744. </entry>
  8745. <entry/>
  8746. <entry>
  8747. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Jiāng,
  8748. jiào Déxián.</foreignphrase></para>
  8749. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8750. >他姓江,叫德賢。</foreignphrase></para>
  8751. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8752. >Jiāng</foreignphrase>, given name <foreignphrase
  8753. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8754. >Déxián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8755. </entry>
  8756. </row>
  8757. <row>
  8758. <entry/>
  8759. <entry/>
  8760. <entry/>
  8761. <entry/>
  8762. </row>
  8763. <row>
  8764. <entry>5.</entry>
  8765. <entry>
  8766. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Zhōu. Tā
  8767. jiào Zǐyàn.</foreignphrase></para>
  8768. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8769. >他姓周。他叫紫燕。</foreignphrase></para>
  8770. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8771. >Zhōu</foreignphrase>. Her given name is <foreignphrase
  8772. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zǐyàn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8773. </entry>
  8774. <entry/>
  8775. <entry>
  8776. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Zhōu,
  8777. jiào Zǐyàn.</foreignphrase></para>
  8778. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8779. >他姓周,叫紫燕。</foreignphrase></para>
  8780. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8781. >Zhōu</foreignphrase>, given name <foreignphrase
  8782. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zǐyàn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8783. </entry>
  8784. </row>
  8785. <row>
  8786. <entry/>
  8787. <entry/>
  8788. <entry/>
  8789. <entry/>
  8790. </row>
  8791. <row>
  8792. <entry>6.</entry>
  8793. <entry>
  8794. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Zhāng.
  8795. Tā jiào Tíngfēng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8796. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8797. >他姓張。他叫廷峯。</foreignphrase></para>
  8798. <para>Her surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8799. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>. Her given name is <foreignphrase
  8800. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8801. >Tíngfēng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8802. </entry>
  8803. <entry/>
  8804. <entry>
  8805. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Zhāng,
  8806. jiào Tíngfēng.</foreignphrase></para>
  8807. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8808. >他姓張,叫廷峯。</foreignphrase></para>
  8809. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8810. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>, given name <foreignphrase
  8811. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8812. >Tíngfēng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8813. </entry>
  8814. </row>
  8815. <row>
  8816. <entry/>
  8817. <entry/>
  8818. <entry/>
  8819. <entry/>
  8820. </row>
  8821. <row>
  8822. <entry>7.</entry>
  8823. <entry>
  8824. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Chén. Tā
  8825. jiào Huìrán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8826. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8827. >他姓陳。他叫蕙然。</foreignphrase></para>
  8828. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8829. >Chén</foreignphrase>. Her given name is <foreignphrase
  8830. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8831. >Huìrán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8832. </entry>
  8833. <entry/>
  8834. <entry>
  8835. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng Chén,
  8836. jiào Huìrán.</foreignphrase></para>
  8837. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8838. >他姓陳,叫蕙然。</foreignphrase></para>
  8839. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8840. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>, given name <foreignphrase
  8841. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8842. >Huìrán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  8843. </entry>
  8844. </row>
  8845. </tbody>
  8846. </tgroup>
  8847. </table>
  8848. </section>
  8849. </section>
  8850. </section>
  8851. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  8852. <section>
  8853. <title>Unit 3</title>
  8854. <section>
  8855. <title>Introduction</title>
  8856. <section>
  8857. <title>Topics covered in this unit</title>
  8858. <orderedlist>
  8859. <listitem>
  8860. <para>Nationality.</para>
  8861. </listitem>
  8862. <listitem>
  8863. <para>Home state, province, and city.</para>
  8864. </listitem>
  8865. </orderedlist>
  8866. </section>
  8867. <section>
  8868. <title>Prerequisites to the unit</title>
  8869. <orderedlist>
  8870. <listitem>
  8871. <para>P&amp;R 5 and P&amp;R 6 (Tapes 5 and 8 of the resource module on
  8872. Pronunciation and Romanization.)</para>
  8873. </listitem>
  8874. <listitem>
  8875. <para>NUM 1 and NUM 2 (Tapes 1 and 3 of the resource module on Numbers), the
  8876. numbers from 1 to 10. </para>
  8877. </listitem>
  8878. </orderedlist>
  8879. </section>
  8880. <section>
  8881. <title>Material you will need</title>
  8882. <para>
  8883. <orderedlist>
  8884. <listitem>
  8885. <para>The C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
  8886. Notes.</para>
  8887. </listitem>
  8888. <listitem>
  8889. <para>The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the workbook.</para>
  8890. </listitem>
  8891. <listitem>
  8892. <para>The 3D-1 tape.</para>
  8893. </listitem>
  8894. </orderedlist>
  8895. </para>
  8896. </section>
  8897. </section>
  8898. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  8899. <section>
  8900. <title>References</title>
  8901. <section>
  8902. <title>Reference List</title>
  8903. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  8904. <tgroup cols="3">
  8905. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  8906. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  8907. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  8908. <tbody>
  8909. <row>
  8910. <entry>1.</entry>
  8911. <entry>A:</entry>
  8912. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Měiguo rén
  8913. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  8914. </row>
  8915. <row>
  8916. <entry/>
  8917. <entry/>
  8918. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8919. >你是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  8920. </row>
  8921. <row>
  8922. <entry/>
  8923. <entry/>
  8924. <entry>Are you American?</entry>
  8925. </row>
  8926. <row>
  8927. <entry> </entry>
  8928. <entry>B:</entry>
  8929. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Měiguo
  8930. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  8931. </row>
  8932. <row>
  8933. <entry/>
  8934. <entry/>
  8935. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8936. >我是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  8937. </row>
  8938. <row>
  8939. <entry/>
  8940. <entry/>
  8941. <entry>I’m American.</entry>
  8942. </row>
  8943. <row>
  8944. <entry>2.</entry>
  8945. <entry>A:</entry>
  8946. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Zhōngguo rén
  8947. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  8948. </row>
  8949. <row>
  8950. <entry/>
  8951. <entry/>
  8952. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8953. >你是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  8954. </row>
  8955. <row>
  8956. <entry/>
  8957. <entry/>
  8958. <entry>Are you Chinese?</entry>
  8959. </row>
  8960. <row>
  8961. <entry> </entry>
  8962. <entry>B:</entry>
  8963. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Zhōngguo
  8964. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  8965. </row>
  8966. <row>
  8967. <entry/>
  8968. <entry/>
  8969. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8970. >我是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  8971. </row>
  8972. <row>
  8973. <entry/>
  8974. <entry/>
  8975. <entry>I’m Chinese.</entry>
  8976. </row>
  8977. <row>
  8978. <entry>3.</entry>
  8979. <entry>A:</entry>
  8980. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng, nǐ
  8981. shi Yīngguo rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  8982. </row>
  8983. <row>
  8984. <entry/>
  8985. <entry/>
  8986. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  8987. >王先生,你是英國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  8988. </row>
  8989. <row>
  8990. <entry/>
  8991. <entry/>
  8992. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  8993. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, are you English?</entry>
  8994. </row>
  8995. <row>
  8996. <entry> </entry>
  8997. <entry>B:</entry>
  8998. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi Yīngguo
  8999. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9000. </row>
  9001. <row>
  9002. <entry/>
  9003. <entry/>
  9004. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9005. >我不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9006. </row>
  9007. <row>
  9008. <entry/>
  9009. <entry/>
  9010. <entry>I’m not English.</entry>
  9011. </row>
  9012. <row>
  9013. <entry>4.</entry>
  9014. <entry>A:</entry>
  9015. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Zhōngguo rén
  9016. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9017. </row>
  9018. <row>
  9019. <entry/>
  9020. <entry/>
  9021. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9022. >你是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9023. </row>
  9024. <row>
  9025. <entry/>
  9026. <entry/>
  9027. <entry>Are you Chinese?</entry>
  9028. </row>
  9029. <row>
  9030. <entry> </entry>
  9031. <entry>B:</entry>
  9032. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú
  9033. shì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9034. </row>
  9035. <row>
  9036. <entry/>
  9037. <entry/>
  9038. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9039. >不是。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9040. </row>
  9041. <row>
  9042. <entry/>
  9043. <entry/>
  9044. <entry>No.</entry>
  9045. </row>
  9046. <row>
  9047. <entry> </entry>
  9048. <entry>A:</entry>
  9049. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Měiguo rén
  9050. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9051. </row>
  9052. <row>
  9053. <entry/>
  9054. <entry/>
  9055. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9056. >你是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9057. </row>
  9058. <row>
  9059. <entry/>
  9060. <entry/>
  9061. <entry>Are you American?</entry>
  9062. </row>
  9063. <row>
  9064. <entry> </entry>
  9065. <entry>B:</entry>
  9066. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9067. >Shì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9068. </row>
  9069. <row>
  9070. <entry/>
  9071. <entry/>
  9072. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">是。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9073. </row>
  9074. <row>
  9075. <entry/>
  9076. <entry/>
  9077. <entry>Yes, I’m.</entry>
  9078. </row>
  9079. <row>
  9080. <entry>5.</entry>
  9081. <entry>A:</entry>
  9082. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ xiǎojiě shi
  9083. Měiguo rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9084. </row>
  9085. <row>
  9086. <entry/>
  9087. <entry/>
  9088. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9089. >馬小姐是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9090. </row>
  9091. <row>
  9092. <entry/>
  9093. <entry/>
  9094. <entry>Is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9095. >Mǎ</foreignphrase> an American?</entry>
  9096. </row>
  9097. <row>
  9098. <entry> </entry>
  9099. <entry>B:</entry>
  9100. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shì, tā bú shi
  9101. Měiguo rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9102. </row>
  9103. <row>
  9104. <entry/>
  9105. <entry/>
  9106. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9107. >不是,他不是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9108. </row>
  9109. <row>
  9110. <entry/>
  9111. <entry/>
  9112. <entry>No, she is not an American.</entry>
  9113. </row>
  9114. <row>
  9115. <entry> </entry>
  9116. <entry>A:</entry>
  9117. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhōngguo rén
  9118. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9119. </row>
  9120. <row>
  9121. <entry/>
  9122. <entry/>
  9123. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9124. >她是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9125. </row>
  9126. <row>
  9127. <entry/>
  9128. <entry/>
  9129. <entry>Is she Chinese?</entry>
  9130. </row>
  9131. <row>
  9132. <entry> </entry>
  9133. <entry>B:</entry>
  9134. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì, tā shi
  9135. Zhōngguo rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9136. </row>
  9137. <row>
  9138. <entry/>
  9139. <entry/>
  9140. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9141. >是,她是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9142. </row>
  9143. <row>
  9144. <entry/>
  9145. <entry/>
  9146. <entry>Yes, she is Chinese.</entry>
  9147. </row>
  9148. <row>
  9149. <entry>6.</entry>
  9150. <entry>A:</entry>
  9151. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi něiguo
  9152. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9153. </row>
  9154. <row>
  9155. <entry/>
  9156. <entry/>
  9157. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9158. >你是哪國人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9159. </row>
  9160. <row>
  9161. <entry/>
  9162. <entry/>
  9163. <entry>What is your nationality?</entry>
  9164. </row>
  9165. <row>
  9166. <entry> </entry>
  9167. <entry>B:</entry>
  9168. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Měiguo
  9169. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9170. </row>
  9171. <row>
  9172. <entry/>
  9173. <entry/>
  9174. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9175. >我是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9176. </row>
  9177. <row>
  9178. <entry/>
  9179. <entry/>
  9180. <entry>I’m American.</entry>
  9181. </row>
  9182. <row>
  9183. <entry>7.</entry>
  9184. <entry>A:</entry>
  9185. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  9186. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9187. </row>
  9188. <row>
  9189. <entry/>
  9190. <entry/>
  9191. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9192. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9193. </row>
  9194. <row>
  9195. <entry/>
  9196. <entry/>
  9197. <entry>What is his nationality?</entry>
  9198. </row>
  9199. <row>
  9200. <entry> </entry>
  9201. <entry>B:</entry>
  9202. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yīngguo
  9203. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9204. </row>
  9205. <row>
  9206. <entry/>
  9207. <entry/>
  9208. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9209. >他是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9210. </row>
  9211. <row>
  9212. <entry/>
  9213. <entry/>
  9214. <entry>He is English.</entry>
  9215. </row>
  9216. <row>
  9217. <entry>8.</entry>
  9218. <entry>A:</entry>
  9219. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi nǎrde
  9220. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9221. </row>
  9222. <row>
  9223. <entry/>
  9224. <entry/>
  9225. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9226. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9227. </row>
  9228. <row>
  9229. <entry/>
  9230. <entry/>
  9231. <entry>Where are you from?</entry>
  9232. </row>
  9233. <row>
  9234. <entry> </entry>
  9235. <entry>B:</entry>
  9236. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Shànghǎi
  9237. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9238. </row>
  9239. <row>
  9240. <entry/>
  9241. <entry/>
  9242. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9243. >我是上海人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9244. </row>
  9245. <row>
  9246. <entry/>
  9247. <entry/>
  9248. <entry>I’m from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9249. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  9250. </row>
  9251. <row>
  9252. <entry>9.</entry>
  9253. <entry>A:</entry>
  9254. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng Bǎolán
  9255. de xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9256. </row>
  9257. <row>
  9258. <entry/>
  9259. <entry/>
  9260. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9261. >他是方寶蘭的先生?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9262. </row>
  9263. <row>
  9264. <entry/>
  9265. <entry/>
  9266. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  9267. Bǎolán</foreignphrase>’s husband.</entry>
  9268. </row>
  9269. <row>
  9270. <entry>10.</entry>
  9271. <entry>A:</entry>
  9272. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  9273. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9274. </row>
  9275. <row>
  9276. <entry/>
  9277. <entry/>
  9278. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9279. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9280. </row>
  9281. <row>
  9282. <entry/>
  9283. <entry/>
  9284. <entry>Where is he from?</entry>
  9285. </row>
  9286. <row>
  9287. <entry> </entry>
  9288. <entry>B:</entry>
  9289. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Shāndōng
  9290. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9291. </row>
  9292. <row>
  9293. <entry/>
  9294. <entry/>
  9295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9296. >他是山東人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9297. </row>
  9298. <row>
  9299. <entry/>
  9300. <entry/>
  9301. <entry>He’s from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9302. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  9303. </row>
  9304. <row>
  9305. <entry>11.</entry>
  9306. <entry>A:</entry>
  9307. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi nǎrde
  9308. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9309. </row>
  9310. <row>
  9311. <entry/>
  9312. <entry/>
  9313. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9314. >你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9315. </row>
  9316. <row>
  9317. <entry/>
  9318. <entry/>
  9319. <entry>Where are you from?</entry>
  9320. </row>
  9321. <row>
  9322. <entry> </entry>
  9323. <entry>B:</entry>
  9324. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu
  9325. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9326. </row>
  9327. <row>
  9328. <entry/>
  9329. <entry/>
  9330. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9331. >我是加州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9332. </row>
  9333. <row>
  9334. <entry/>
  9335. <entry/>
  9336. <entry>I’m Californian.</entry>
  9337. </row>
  9338. <row>
  9339. <entry>12.</entry>
  9340. <entry>A:</entry>
  9341. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shǐ Měiguo rén
  9342. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9343. </row>
  9344. <row>
  9345. <entry/>
  9346. <entry/>
  9347. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9348. >你是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9349. </row>
  9350. <row>
  9351. <entry/>
  9352. <entry/>
  9353. <entry>Are you an American?</entry>
  9354. </row>
  9355. <row>
  9356. <entry> </entry>
  9357. <entry>B:</entry>
  9358. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi něiguo
  9359. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9360. </row>
  9361. <row>
  9362. <entry/>
  9363. <entry/>
  9364. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9365. >你是哪國人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9366. </row>
  9367. <row>
  9368. <entry/>
  9369. <entry/>
  9370. <entry>What’s your nationality?</entry>
  9371. </row>
  9372. <row>
  9373. <entry> </entry>
  9374. <entry>A:</entry>
  9375. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi nǎrde
  9376. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9377. </row>
  9378. <row>
  9379. <entry/>
  9380. <entry/>
  9381. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9382. >你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9383. </row>
  9384. <row>
  9385. <entry/>
  9386. <entry/>
  9387. <entry>Where are you from?</entry>
  9388. </row>
  9389. </tbody>
  9390. </tgroup>
  9391. </informaltable>
  9392. </section>
  9393. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  9394. <section>
  9395. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  9396. <informaltable frame="none" tabstyle="striped" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  9397. <tgroup cols="3">
  9398. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9399. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9400. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="4.0*"/>
  9401. <tbody>
  9402. <row>
  9403. <entry>
  9404. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-de</foreignphrase>
  9405. </entry>
  9406. <entry>
  9407. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">—的</foreignphrase>
  9408. </entry>
  9409. <entry> possessive Marker </entry>
  9410. </row>
  9411. <row>
  9412. <entry>
  9413. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Déguo</foreignphrase>
  9414. </entry>
  9415. <entry>
  9416. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">德國</foreignphrase>
  9417. </entry>
  9418. <entry> Germany </entry>
  9419. </row>
  9420. <row>
  9421. <entry>
  9422. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Èguo
  9423. Éguo</foreignphrase>
  9424. </entry>
  9425. <entry>
  9426. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">俄國</foreignphrase>
  9427. </entry>
  9428. <entry> Russia </entry>
  9429. </row>
  9430. <row>
  9431. <entry>
  9432. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fàguó
  9433. Fǎguo</foreignphrase>
  9434. </entry>
  9435. <entry>
  9436. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">法国</foreignphrase>
  9437. </entry>
  9438. <entry> France </entry>
  9439. </row>
  9440. <row>
  9441. <entry>
  9442. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9443. >Jiāzhōu</foreignphrase>
  9444. </entry>
  9445. <entry>
  9446. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">加州</foreignphrase>
  9447. </entry>
  9448. <entry> California </entry>
  9449. </row>
  9450. <row>
  9451. <entry>
  9452. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguo</foreignphrase>
  9453. </entry>
  9454. <entry>
  9455. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">美國</foreignphrase>
  9456. </entry>
  9457. <entry> America, United States </entry>
  9458. </row>
  9459. <row>
  9460. <entry>
  9461. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǎr</foreignphrase>
  9462. </entry>
  9463. <entry>
  9464. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哪儿</foreignphrase>
  9465. </entry>
  9466. <entry> where? </entry>
  9467. </row>
  9468. <row>
  9469. <entry>
  9470. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">něi-</foreignphrase>
  9471. </entry>
  9472. <entry>
  9473. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哪—</foreignphrase>
  9474. </entry>
  9475. <entry> which? </entry>
  9476. </row>
  9477. <row>
  9478. <entry>
  9479. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">něiguo</foreignphrase>
  9480. </entry>
  9481. <entry>
  9482. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">哪國</foreignphrase>
  9483. </entry>
  9484. <entry> which country? </entry>
  9485. </row>
  9486. <row>
  9487. <entry>
  9488. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">rén</foreignphrase>
  9489. </entry>
  9490. <entry>
  9491. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">人</foreignphrase>
  9492. </entry>
  9493. <entry> person </entry>
  9494. </row>
  9495. <row>
  9496. <entry>
  9497. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Rìběn</foreignphrase>
  9498. </entry>
  9499. <entry>
  9500. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">日本</foreignphrase>
  9501. </entry>
  9502. <entry> Japan </entry>
  9503. </row>
  9504. <row>
  9505. <entry>
  9506. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9507. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>
  9508. </entry>
  9509. <entry>
  9510. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">山东</foreignphrase>
  9511. </entry>
  9512. <entry> a province name </entry>
  9513. </row>
  9514. <row>
  9515. <entry>
  9516. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9517. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>
  9518. </entry>
  9519. <entry>
  9520. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">上海</foreignphrase>
  9521. </entry>
  9522. <entry> a city name </entry>
  9523. </row>
  9524. <row>
  9525. <entry>
  9526. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9527. >Yīngguo</foreignphrase>
  9528. </entry>
  9529. <entry>
  9530. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">英國</foreignphrase>
  9531. </entry>
  9532. <entry> England </entry>
  9533. </row>
  9534. <row>
  9535. <entry>
  9536. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9537. >Zhōngguo</foreignphrase>
  9538. </entry>
  9539. <entry>
  9540. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">中國</foreignphrase>
  9541. </entry>
  9542. <entry> China </entry>
  9543. </row>
  9544. </tbody>
  9545. </tgroup>
  9546. </informaltable>
  9547. <figure pgwide="1">
  9548. <title>0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-7.png</title>
  9549. <mediaobject>
  9550. <imageobject>
  9551. <imagedata
  9552. fileref="Images/0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-7.png"
  9553. />
  9554. </imageobject>
  9555. </mediaobject>
  9556. </figure>
  9557. </section>
  9558. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  9559. <section>
  9560. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  9561. <section>
  9562. <title>Notes on № 1-3</title>
  9563. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  9564. <tgroup cols="3">
  9565. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9566. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9567. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  9568. <tbody>
  9569. <row>
  9570. <entry>1.</entry>
  9571. <entry>A:</entry>
  9572. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Měiguo
  9573. rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9574. </row>
  9575. <row>
  9576. <entry/>
  9577. <entry/>
  9578. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9579. >你是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9580. </row>
  9581. <row>
  9582. <entry/>
  9583. <entry/>
  9584. <entry>Are you American?</entry>
  9585. </row>
  9586. <row>
  9587. <entry> </entry>
  9588. <entry>B:</entry>
  9589. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Měiguo
  9590. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9591. </row>
  9592. <row>
  9593. <entry/>
  9594. <entry/>
  9595. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9596. >我是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9597. </row>
  9598. <row>
  9599. <entry/>
  9600. <entry/>
  9601. <entry>I’m American.</entry>
  9602. </row>
  9603. <row>
  9604. <entry>2.</entry>
  9605. <entry>A:</entry>
  9606. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Zhōngguo
  9607. rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9608. </row>
  9609. <row>
  9610. <entry/>
  9611. <entry/>
  9612. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9613. >你是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9614. </row>
  9615. <row>
  9616. <entry/>
  9617. <entry/>
  9618. <entry>Are you Chinese?</entry>
  9619. </row>
  9620. <row>
  9621. <entry> </entry>
  9622. <entry>B:</entry>
  9623. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Zhōngguo
  9624. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9625. </row>
  9626. <row>
  9627. <entry/>
  9628. <entry/>
  9629. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9630. >我是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9631. </row>
  9632. <row>
  9633. <entry/>
  9634. <entry/>
  9635. <entry>I’m Chinese.</entry>
  9636. </row>
  9637. <row>
  9638. <entry>3.</entry>
  9639. <entry>A:</entry>
  9640. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng,
  9641. nǐ shi Yīngguo rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9642. </row>
  9643. <row>
  9644. <entry/>
  9645. <entry/>
  9646. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9647. >王先生,你是英國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9648. </row>
  9649. <row>
  9650. <entry/>
  9651. <entry/>
  9652. <entry>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9653. >Wáng</foreignphrase>, are you English?</entry>
  9654. </row>
  9655. <row>
  9656. <entry> </entry>
  9657. <entry>B:</entry>
  9658. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ bú shi
  9659. Yīngguo rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9660. </row>
  9661. <row>
  9662. <entry/>
  9663. <entry/>
  9664. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9665. >我不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9666. </row>
  9667. <row>
  9668. <entry/>
  9669. <entry/>
  9670. <entry>I’m not English.</entry>
  9671. </row>
  9672. </tbody>
  9673. </tgroup>
  9674. </informaltable>
  9675. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Rén</foreignphrase> is a noun,
  9676. “person” or “persons”; so <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguó
  9677. rén</foreignphrase> is a noun phrase, literally “American person.”
  9678. Sometimes, however, it is preferable or necessary to translate expressions
  9679. of this sort as adjectives or prepositional phrases.</para>
  9680. <para>
  9681. <informaltable frame="all">
  9682. <tgroup cols="3">
  9683. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  9684. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  9685. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  9686. <tbody>
  9687. <row>
  9688. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  9689. Meǐguó rén .</foreignphrase></entry>
  9690. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9691. >他是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9692. <entry>He is an American (noun phrase)</entry>
  9693. </row>
  9694. <row>
  9695. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  9696. Zhōngguó rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9697. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9698. >他是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9699. <entry>He is Chinese (adjective)</entry>
  9700. </row>
  9701. <row>
  9702. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi
  9703. Shāndōng rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9704. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9705. >他是山東人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9706. <entry>Hi is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9707. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>. (prepositional
  9708. phrase)</entry>
  9709. </row>
  9710. </tbody>
  9711. </tgroup>
  9712. </informaltable>
  9713. </para>
  9714. <para>Although <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguó
  9715. rén</foreignphrase> is translated here as “an American,” in other
  9716. contexts it may be translated as “the American,” “American,” or “the
  9717. Americans.” Later you will learn the various ways to indicate in Chinese
  9718. whether a noun is definite or indefinite, singular or plural.</para>
  9719. <para>The syllable <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9720. >-guó</foreignphrase> usually loses its tone in expressions like
  9721. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguó rén</foreignphrase>.
  9722. (some speakers drop the tone when the word stands alone: <foreignphrase
  9723. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Měiguo</foreignphrase>.)</para>
  9724. </section>
  9725. <section>
  9726. <title>Notes on № 4-5 </title>
  9727. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  9728. <tgroup cols="3">
  9729. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9730. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9731. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  9732. <tbody>
  9733. <row>
  9734. <entry>4.</entry>
  9735. <entry>A:</entry>
  9736. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Zhōngguo
  9737. rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9738. </row>
  9739. <row>
  9740. <entry/>
  9741. <entry/>
  9742. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9743. >你是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9744. </row>
  9745. <row>
  9746. <entry/>
  9747. <entry/>
  9748. <entry>Are you Chinese?</entry>
  9749. </row>
  9750. <row>
  9751. <entry> </entry>
  9752. <entry>B:</entry>
  9753. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú
  9754. shì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9755. </row>
  9756. <row>
  9757. <entry/>
  9758. <entry/>
  9759. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9760. >不是。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9761. </row>
  9762. <row>
  9763. <entry/>
  9764. <entry/>
  9765. <entry>No.</entry>
  9766. </row>
  9767. <row>
  9768. <entry> </entry>
  9769. <entry>A:</entry>
  9770. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi Měiguo
  9771. rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9772. </row>
  9773. <row>
  9774. <entry/>
  9775. <entry/>
  9776. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9777. >你是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9778. </row>
  9779. <row>
  9780. <entry/>
  9781. <entry/>
  9782. <entry>Are you American?</entry>
  9783. </row>
  9784. <row>
  9785. <entry> </entry>
  9786. <entry>B:</entry>
  9787. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9788. >Shì.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9789. </row>
  9790. <row>
  9791. <entry/>
  9792. <entry/>
  9793. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9794. >是。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9795. </row>
  9796. <row>
  9797. <entry/>
  9798. <entry/>
  9799. <entry>Yes, I’m.</entry>
  9800. </row>
  9801. <row>
  9802. <entry>5.</entry>
  9803. <entry>A:</entry>
  9804. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ xiǎojiě shi
  9805. Měiguo rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9806. </row>
  9807. <row>
  9808. <entry/>
  9809. <entry/>
  9810. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9811. >馬小姐是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9812. </row>
  9813. <row>
  9814. <entry/>
  9815. <entry/>
  9816. <entry>Is Miss <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9817. >Mǎ</foreignphrase> an American?</entry>
  9818. </row>
  9819. <row>
  9820. <entry> </entry>
  9821. <entry>B:</entry>
  9822. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shì, tā bú
  9823. shi Měiguo rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9824. </row>
  9825. <row>
  9826. <entry/>
  9827. <entry/>
  9828. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9829. >不是,他不是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9830. </row>
  9831. <row>
  9832. <entry/>
  9833. <entry/>
  9834. <entry>No, she is not an American.</entry>
  9835. </row>
  9836. <row>
  9837. <entry> </entry>
  9838. <entry>A:</entry>
  9839. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhōngguo
  9840. rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9841. </row>
  9842. <row>
  9843. <entry/>
  9844. <entry/>
  9845. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9846. >她是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9847. </row>
  9848. <row>
  9849. <entry/>
  9850. <entry/>
  9851. <entry>Is she Chinese?</entry>
  9852. </row>
  9853. <row>
  9854. <entry> </entry>
  9855. <entry>B:</entry>
  9856. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shì, tā shi
  9857. Zhōngguo rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9858. </row>
  9859. <row>
  9860. <entry/>
  9861. <entry/>
  9862. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9863. >是,她是中國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9864. </row>
  9865. <row>
  9866. <entry/>
  9867. <entry/>
  9868. <entry>Yes, she is Chinese.</entry>
  9869. </row>
  9870. </tbody>
  9871. </tgroup>
  9872. </informaltable>
  9873. <para>The short “yes” answer <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9874. >shì</foreignphrase> is really the verb “am” of the longer, more
  9875. complete answer. The short “no” answer <foreignphrase
  9876. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú shi</foreignphrase> is really the “am not”
  9877. of the longer answer. </para>
  9878. <para>It is possible to reduce a “no” answer to <foreignphrase
  9879. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase> (note the Falling tone),
  9880. but polite usage requires that you follow it up with a more complete answer.
  9881. Both the short answers <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9882. >shì</foreignphrase> and <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bú
  9883. shi</foreignphrase> are commonly followed by complete answers.</para>
  9884. </section>
  9885. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  9886. <section>
  9887. <title>Notes on № 6-7</title>
  9888. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  9889. <tgroup cols="3">
  9890. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9891. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  9892. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  9893. <tbody>
  9894. <row>
  9895. <entry>6.</entry>
  9896. <entry>A:</entry>
  9897. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi něiguo
  9898. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9899. </row>
  9900. <row>
  9901. <entry/>
  9902. <entry/>
  9903. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9904. >你是哪國人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9905. </row>
  9906. <row>
  9907. <entry/>
  9908. <entry/>
  9909. <entry>What is your nationality?</entry>
  9910. </row>
  9911. <row>
  9912. <entry> </entry>
  9913. <entry>B:</entry>
  9914. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Měiguo
  9915. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9916. </row>
  9917. <row>
  9918. <entry/>
  9919. <entry/>
  9920. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9921. >我是美國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9922. </row>
  9923. <row>
  9924. <entry/>
  9925. <entry/>
  9926. <entry>I’m American.</entry>
  9927. </row>
  9928. <row>
  9929. <entry>7.</entry>
  9930. <entry>A:</entry>
  9931. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  9932. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9933. </row>
  9934. <row>
  9935. <entry/>
  9936. <entry/>
  9937. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9938. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  9939. </row>
  9940. <row>
  9941. <entry/>
  9942. <entry/>
  9943. <entry>What is his nationality?</entry>
  9944. </row>
  9945. <row>
  9946. <entry> </entry>
  9947. <entry>B:</entry>
  9948. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yīngguo
  9949. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  9950. </row>
  9951. <row>
  9952. <entry/>
  9953. <entry/>
  9954. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  9955. >他是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  9956. </row>
  9957. <row>
  9958. <entry/>
  9959. <entry/>
  9960. <entry>He is English.</entry>
  9961. </row>
  9962. </tbody>
  9963. </tgroup>
  9964. </informaltable>
  9965. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Něi</foreignphrase>- is the
  9966. question word “which.” It is a bound word—a word which cannot stand
  9967. alone—not a free word.</para>
  9968. <informaltable frame="all">
  9969. <tgroup cols="3">
  9970. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  9971. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  9972. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  9973. <tbody>
  9974. <row>
  9975. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9976. >něi</foreignphrase>-</entry>
  9977. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">guo
  9978. </foreignphrase></entry>
  9979. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9980. >rén</foreignphrase></entry>
  9981. </row>
  9982. <row>
  9983. <entry>which</entry>
  9984. <entry>country</entry>
  9985. <entry>person</entry>
  9986. </row>
  9987. </tbody>
  9988. </tgroup>
  9989. </informaltable>
  9990. <para>Notice that the syllable -<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  9991. >guó</foreignphrase>, “country,” in the phrase <foreignphrase
  9992. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">něiguó rén</foreignphrase> may lose its
  9993. rising tone.</para>
  9994. </section>
  9995. <section>
  9996. <title>Notes on № 8-11</title>
  9997. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  9998. <tgroup cols="3">
  9999. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  10000. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  10001. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  10002. <tbody>
  10003. <row>
  10004. <entry>8.</entry>
  10005. <entry>A:</entry>
  10006. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi nǎrde
  10007. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10008. </row>
  10009. <row>
  10010. <entry/>
  10011. <entry/>
  10012. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10013. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10014. </row>
  10015. <row>
  10016. <entry/>
  10017. <entry/>
  10018. <entry>Where are you from?</entry>
  10019. </row>
  10020. <row>
  10021. <entry> </entry>
  10022. <entry>B:</entry>
  10023. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Shànghǎi
  10024. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  10025. </row>
  10026. <row>
  10027. <entry/>
  10028. <entry/>
  10029. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10030. >我是上海人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  10031. </row>
  10032. <row>
  10033. <entry/>
  10034. <entry/>
  10035. <entry>I’m from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10036. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  10037. </row>
  10038. <row>
  10039. <entry>9.</entry>
  10040. <entry>A:</entry>
  10041. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fāng
  10042. Bǎolán de xiānsheng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  10043. </row>
  10044. <row>
  10045. <entry/>
  10046. <entry/>
  10047. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10048. >他是方寶蘭的先生?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10049. </row>
  10050. <row>
  10051. <entry/>
  10052. <entry/>
  10053. <entry>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  10054. Bǎolán</foreignphrase>’s husband.</entry>
  10055. </row>
  10056. <row>
  10057. <entry>10.</entry>
  10058. <entry>A:</entry>
  10059. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  10060. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10061. </row>
  10062. <row>
  10063. <entry/>
  10064. <entry/>
  10065. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10066. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10067. </row>
  10068. <row>
  10069. <entry/>
  10070. <entry/>
  10071. <entry>Where is he from?</entry>
  10072. </row>
  10073. <row>
  10074. <entry> </entry>
  10075. <entry>B:</entry>
  10076. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Shāndōng
  10077. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  10078. </row>
  10079. <row>
  10080. <entry/>
  10081. <entry/>
  10082. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10083. >他是山東人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  10084. </row>
  10085. <row>
  10086. <entry/>
  10087. <entry/>
  10088. <entry>He’s from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10089. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  10090. </row>
  10091. <row>
  10092. <entry>11.</entry>
  10093. <entry>A:</entry>
  10094. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi nǎrde
  10095. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10096. </row>
  10097. <row>
  10098. <entry/>
  10099. <entry/>
  10100. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10101. >你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10102. </row>
  10103. <row>
  10104. <entry/>
  10105. <entry/>
  10106. <entry>Where are you from?</entry>
  10107. </row>
  10108. <row>
  10109. <entry> </entry>
  10110. <entry>B:</entry>
  10111. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu
  10112. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  10113. </row>
  10114. <row>
  10115. <entry/>
  10116. <entry/>
  10117. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10118. >我是加州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  10119. </row>
  10120. <row>
  10121. <entry/>
  10122. <entry/>
  10123. <entry>I’m Californian.</entry>
  10124. </row>
  10125. </tbody>
  10126. </tgroup>
  10127. </informaltable>
  10128. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǎr</foreignphrase> is the
  10129. question word “where.” The syllable <foreignphrase
  10130. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">de</foreignphrase> is the possessive marker;
  10131. it functions like the English possessive ending -’s.</para>
  10132. <informaltable frame="all">
  10133. <tgroup cols="3">
  10134. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  10135. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  10136. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  10137. <tbody>
  10138. <row>
  10139. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10140. >nǎr</foreignphrase></entry>
  10141. <entry>-<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">de
  10142. </foreignphrase></entry>
  10143. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10144. >rén</foreignphrase></entry>
  10145. </row>
  10146. <row>
  10147. <entry>where </entry>
  10148. <entry>’s</entry>
  10149. <entry>person</entry>
  10150. </row>
  10151. </tbody>
  10152. </tgroup>
  10153. </informaltable>
  10154. <para>By reversing the word order, a slightly more idiomatic translation is
  10155. possible: “a person of where.” The closest English equivalent is “a person
  10156. from where.” To clarify the role of -<foreignphrase
  10157. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">de</foreignphrase> in this expression, the
  10158. tape gives the following example of -<foreignphrase
  10159. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">de</foreignphrase> functioning like the
  10160. English possessive ending -’s:</para>
  10161. <informaltable frame="all">
  10162. <tgroup cols="3">
  10163. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  10164. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  10165. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  10166. <tbody>
  10167. <row>
  10168. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  10169. Bǎolán</foreignphrase></entry>
  10170. <entry>-<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">de
  10171. </foreignphrase></entry>
  10172. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiānsheng
  10173. </foreignphrase></entry>
  10174. </row>
  10175. <row>
  10176. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fāng
  10177. Bǎolán</foreignphrase></entry>
  10178. <entry>’s</entry>
  10179. <entry>husband</entry>
  10180. </row>
  10181. </tbody>
  10182. </tgroup>
  10183. </informaltable>
  10184. </section>
  10185. <section>
  10186. <title>Notes on № 12</title>
  10187. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  10188. <tgroup cols="3">
  10189. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  10190. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  10191. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  10192. <tbody>
  10193. <row>
  10194. <entry>12.</entry>
  10195. <entry>A:</entry>
  10196. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shǐ Měiguo
  10197. rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10198. </row>
  10199. <row>
  10200. <entry/>
  10201. <entry/>
  10202. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10203. >你是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10204. </row>
  10205. <row>
  10206. <entry/>
  10207. <entry/>
  10208. <entry>Are you an American?</entry>
  10209. </row>
  10210. <row>
  10211. <entry> </entry>
  10212. <entry>B:</entry>
  10213. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi něiguo
  10214. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10215. </row>
  10216. <row>
  10217. <entry/>
  10218. <entry/>
  10219. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10220. >你是哪國人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10221. </row>
  10222. <row>
  10223. <entry/>
  10224. <entry/>
  10225. <entry>What’s your nationality?</entry>
  10226. </row>
  10227. <row>
  10228. <entry> </entry>
  10229. <entry>A:</entry>
  10230. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ shi nǎrde
  10231. rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10232. </row>
  10233. <row>
  10234. <entry/>
  10235. <entry/>
  10236. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10237. >你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  10238. </row>
  10239. <row>
  10240. <entry/>
  10241. <entry/>
  10242. <entry>Where are you from?</entry>
  10243. </row>
  10244. </tbody>
  10245. </tgroup>
  10246. </informaltable>
  10247. </section>
  10248. </section>
  10249. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  10250. </section>
  10251. <section>
  10252. <title>Drills</title>
  10253. <section>
  10254. <title>Response Drill</title>
  10255. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  10256. <title>All responses will be affirmative.</title>
  10257. <tgroup cols="4">
  10258. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10259. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  10260. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10261. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  10262. <thead>
  10263. <row>
  10264. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10265. <entry align="center"
  10266. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10267. <entry/>
  10268. <entry align="center"
  10269. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10270. </row>
  10271. </thead>
  10272. <tbody>
  10273. <row>
  10274. <entry/>
  10275. <entry/>
  10276. <entry/>
  10277. <entry/>
  10278. </row>
  10279. <row>
  10280. <entry>1.</entry>
  10281. <entry>
  10282. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhōngguó
  10283. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10284. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10285. >他是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10286. <para>Is he Chinese?</para>
  10287. </entry>
  10288. <entry/>
  10289. <entry>
  10290. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Zhōngguó
  10291. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10292. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10293. 他是中國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10294. <para> He is Chinese.</para>
  10295. </entry>
  10296. </row>
  10297. <row>
  10298. <entry/>
  10299. <entry/>
  10300. <entry/>
  10301. <entry/>
  10302. </row>
  10303. <row>
  10304. <entry>2.</entry>
  10305. <entry>
  10306. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Rìběn rén
  10307. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10308. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10309. >他是日本人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10310. <para>Is he Japanese?</para>
  10311. </entry>
  10312. <entry/>
  10313. <entry>
  10314. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Rìběn
  10315. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10316. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10317. 他是日本人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10318. <para> He is Japanese.</para>
  10319. </entry>
  10320. </row>
  10321. <row>
  10322. <entry/>
  10323. <entry/>
  10324. <entry/>
  10325. <entry/>
  10326. </row>
  10327. <row>
  10328. <entry>3.</entry>
  10329. <entry>
  10330. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhōngguó
  10331. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10332. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10333. >他是中國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10334. <para>Is he Chinese?</para>
  10335. </entry>
  10336. <entry/>
  10337. <entry>
  10338. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Zhōngguó
  10339. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10340. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10341. >他是中國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10342. <para> He is Chinese.</para>
  10343. </entry>
  10344. </row>
  10345. <row>
  10346. <entry/>
  10347. <entry/>
  10348. <entry/>
  10349. <entry/>
  10350. </row>
  10351. <row>
  10352. <entry>4.</entry>
  10353. <entry>
  10354. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Měiguó
  10355. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10356. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10357. >他是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10358. <para>Is he American?</para>
  10359. </entry>
  10360. <entry/>
  10361. <entry>
  10362. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Měiguó
  10363. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10364. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10365. 他是美國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10366. <para>He is American.</para>
  10367. </entry>
  10368. </row>
  10369. <row>
  10370. <entry/>
  10371. <entry/>
  10372. <entry/>
  10373. <entry/>
  10374. </row>
  10375. <row>
  10376. <entry>5.</entry>
  10377. <entry>
  10378. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Déguo rén
  10379. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10380. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10381. >他是德國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10382. <para>Is he German.</para>
  10383. </entry>
  10384. <entry/>
  10385. <entry>
  10386. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Déguo
  10387. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10388. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10389. 他是德國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10390. <para> He is German.</para>
  10391. </entry>
  10392. </row>
  10393. <row>
  10394. <entry/>
  10395. <entry/>
  10396. <entry/>
  10397. <entry/>
  10398. </row>
  10399. <row>
  10400. <entry>6.</entry>
  10401. <entry>
  10402. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiānádà
  10403. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10404. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10405. T阿斯加拿大人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10406. <para>Is he Canadian?</para>
  10407. </entry>
  10408. <entry/>
  10409. <entry>
  10410. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Jiānádà
  10411. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10412. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10413. 他是加拿大人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10414. <para> He is Canadian.</para>
  10415. </entry>
  10416. </row>
  10417. <row>
  10418. <entry/>
  10419. <entry/>
  10420. <entry/>
  10421. <entry/>
  10422. </row>
  10423. <row>
  10424. <entry>7.</entry>
  10425. <entry>
  10426. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fàguo rén
  10427. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10428. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10429. >他是法國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10430. <para>Is he French.</para>
  10431. </entry>
  10432. <entry/>
  10433. <entry>
  10434. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Fàguo
  10435. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10436. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10437. 他是法國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10438. <para> He is French.</para>
  10439. </entry>
  10440. </row>
  10441. </tbody>
  10442. </tgroup>
  10443. </table>
  10444. </section>
  10445. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  10446. <section>
  10447. <title>Response Drill</title>
  10448. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  10449. <title>Answer according to the model.</title>
  10450. <tgroup cols="6">
  10451. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10452. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="0.8*"/>
  10453. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10454. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.4*"/>
  10455. <colspec colname="newCol5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10456. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  10457. <thead>
  10458. <row>
  10459. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10460. <entry align="center"
  10461. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10462. <entry/>
  10463. <entry>Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10464. <entry/>
  10465. <entry align="center"
  10466. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10467. </row>
  10468. </thead>
  10469. <tbody>
  10470. <row>
  10471. <entry>1.</entry>
  10472. <entry>
  10473. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiānádà
  10474. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10475. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10476. >他是加拿大人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10477. <para>Is he Canadian?</para>
  10478. </entry>
  10479. <entry/>
  10480. <entry>
  10481. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10482. >Yīngguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10483. <para>England</para>
  10484. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10485. >英國</foreignphrase></para>
  10486. </entry>
  10487. <entry/>
  10488. <entry>
  10489. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  10490. Jiānádà rén. Shì Yīngguó rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10491. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10492. 他不是加拿大人。是英國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10493. <para> He not Canadian. (He) is English.</para>
  10494. </entry>
  10495. </row>
  10496. <row>
  10497. <entry/>
  10498. <entry/>
  10499. <entry/>
  10500. <entry/>
  10501. <entry/>
  10502. <entry/>
  10503. </row>
  10504. <row>
  10505. <entry>2.</entry>
  10506. <entry>
  10507. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Rìběn rén
  10508. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10509. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10510. >他是日本人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10511. <para>Is he Japanese?</para>
  10512. </entry>
  10513. <entry/>
  10514. <entry>
  10515. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10516. >Zhōngguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10517. <para>China</para>
  10518. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10519. >中國</foreignphrase></para>
  10520. </entry>
  10521. <entry/>
  10522. <entry>
  10523. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi Rìběn
  10524. rén. Shì Zhōngguó rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10525. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10526. 他不是日本人。是中國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10527. <para> He is not Japanese. (He) is Chinese.</para>
  10528. </entry>
  10529. </row>
  10530. <row>
  10531. <entry/>
  10532. <entry/>
  10533. <entry/>
  10534. <entry/>
  10535. <entry/>
  10536. <entry/>
  10537. </row>
  10538. <row>
  10539. <entry>3.</entry>
  10540. <entry>
  10541. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yīngguó
  10542. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10543. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10544. >他是英國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10545. <para>Is he English?</para>
  10546. </entry>
  10547. <entry/>
  10548. <entry>
  10549. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10550. >Měiguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10551. <para>America</para>
  10552. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10553. >美國</foreignphrase></para>
  10554. </entry>
  10555. <entry/>
  10556. <entry>
  10557. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  10558. Yīngguó rén. Shì Měiguó ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  10559. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10560. 他不是英國人。是美國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10561. <para> He is not English. (He) is American.</para>
  10562. </entry>
  10563. </row>
  10564. <row>
  10565. <entry/>
  10566. <entry/>
  10567. <entry/>
  10568. <entry/>
  10569. <entry/>
  10570. <entry/>
  10571. </row>
  10572. <row>
  10573. <entry>4.</entry>
  10574. <entry>
  10575. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Měiguó
  10576. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10577. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10578. >他是美國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10579. <para>Is he American?</para>
  10580. </entry>
  10581. <entry/>
  10582. <entry>
  10583. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">
  10584. Jiānádà</foreignphrase></para>
  10585. <para>Canada</para>
  10586. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10587. >加拿大</foreignphrase></para>
  10588. </entry>
  10589. <entry/>
  10590. <entry>
  10591. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  10592. Měiguó rén, Shì Jiānádà rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10593. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10594. 他不是美國人。是加拿大人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10595. <para> He is not American. (He) is Canadian.</para>
  10596. </entry>
  10597. </row>
  10598. <row>
  10599. <entry/>
  10600. <entry/>
  10601. <entry/>
  10602. <entry/>
  10603. <entry/>
  10604. <entry/>
  10605. </row>
  10606. <row>
  10607. <entry>5.</entry>
  10608. <entry>
  10609. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Èguó rén
  10610. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10611. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10612. >他是俄國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10613. <para>Is he Russian?</para>
  10614. </entry>
  10615. <entry/>
  10616. <entry>
  10617. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">
  10618. Déguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10619. <para>Germany</para>
  10620. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10621. >德國</foreignphrase></para>
  10622. </entry>
  10623. <entry/>
  10624. <entry>
  10625. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi èguó
  10626. rén. Shì Déguó rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10627. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10628. 他不是俄國人。是德國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10629. <para> He is not Russian. (He) is German .</para>
  10630. </entry>
  10631. </row>
  10632. <row>
  10633. <entry/>
  10634. <entry/>
  10635. <entry/>
  10636. <entry/>
  10637. <entry/>
  10638. <entry/>
  10639. </row>
  10640. <row>
  10641. <entry>6.</entry>
  10642. <entry>
  10643. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yuènán
  10644. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10645. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10646. >他是越南人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10647. <para>Is he Vietnamese?</para>
  10648. </entry>
  10649. <entry/>
  10650. <entry>
  10651. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10652. >Zhōngguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10653. <para>China</para>
  10654. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10655. >中國</foreignphrase></para>
  10656. </entry>
  10657. <entry/>
  10658. <entry>
  10659. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  10660. Yuènán rén. Shì Zhōngguó rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10661. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10662. 他不是越南人。是中國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10663. <para> He is not Vietnamese. (He) is Chinese.</para>
  10664. </entry>
  10665. </row>
  10666. <row>
  10667. <entry/>
  10668. <entry/>
  10669. <entry/>
  10670. <entry/>
  10671. <entry/>
  10672. <entry/>
  10673. </row>
  10674. <row>
  10675. <entry>7.</entry>
  10676. <entry>
  10677. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fàguó rén
  10678. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  10679. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10680. >他是法國人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  10681. <para>Is he French?</para>
  10682. </entry>
  10683. <entry/>
  10684. <entry>
  10685. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">
  10686. Yīngguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10687. <para>England</para>
  10688. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10689. >英國</foreignphrase></para>
  10690. </entry>
  10691. <entry/>
  10692. <entry>
  10693. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi Fàguó
  10694. rén. Shì Yīngguó ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  10695. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10696. 他不是法國人。是英國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10697. <para> He is not French. (He) is English.</para>
  10698. </entry>
  10699. </row>
  10700. </tbody>
  10701. </tgroup>
  10702. </table>
  10703. </section>
  10704. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  10705. <section>
  10706. <title>Response Drill</title>
  10707. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  10708. <title>Answer according to the cue.</title>
  10709. <tgroup cols="6">
  10710. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10711. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  10712. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10713. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.5*"/>
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  10715. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  10716. <thead>
  10717. <row>
  10718. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10719. <entry align="center"
  10720. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10721. <entry/>
  10722. <entry>Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10723. <entry/>
  10724. <entry align="center"
  10725. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10726. </row>
  10727. </thead>
  10728. <tbody>
  10729. <row>
  10730. <entry/>
  10731. <entry/>
  10732. <entry/>
  10733. <entry/>
  10734. <entry/>
  10735. <entry/>
  10736. </row>
  10737. <row>
  10738. <entry>1.</entry>
  10739. <entry>
  10740. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  10741. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  10742. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10743. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  10744. <para>What is his nationality?</para>
  10745. </entry>
  10746. <entry/>
  10747. <entry>
  10748. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10749. >Fàguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10750. <para>France</para>
  10751. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10752. >法國</foreignphrase></para>
  10753. </entry>
  10754. <entry/>
  10755. <entry>
  10756. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Fàguó
  10757. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10758. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10759. 他是法國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10760. <para> He is French.</para>
  10761. </entry>
  10762. </row>
  10763. <row>
  10764. <entry/>
  10765. <entry/>
  10766. <entry/>
  10767. <entry/>
  10768. <entry/>
  10769. <entry/>
  10770. </row>
  10771. <row>
  10772. <entry>2.</entry>
  10773. <entry>
  10774. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  10775. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  10776. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10777. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  10778. <para>What is his nationality?</para>
  10779. </entry>
  10780. <entry/>
  10781. <entry>
  10782. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10783. >Zhōngguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10784. <para>China</para>
  10785. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10786. >中國</foreignphrase></para>
  10787. </entry>
  10788. <entry/>
  10789. <entry>
  10790. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Zhōngguó
  10791. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10792. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10793. 他是中國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10794. <para> He is Chinese.</para>
  10795. </entry>
  10796. </row>
  10797. <row>
  10798. <entry/>
  10799. <entry/>
  10800. <entry/>
  10801. <entry/>
  10802. <entry/>
  10803. <entry/>
  10804. </row>
  10805. <row>
  10806. <entry>3.</entry>
  10807. <entry>
  10808. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  10809. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  10810. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10811. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  10812. <para>What is his nationality?</para>
  10813. </entry>
  10814. <entry/>
  10815. <entry>
  10816. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10817. >Měiguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10818. <para>America</para>
  10819. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10820. >美國</foreignphrase></para>
  10821. </entry>
  10822. <entry/>
  10823. <entry>
  10824. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Měiguó
  10825. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10826. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10827. 他是美國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10828. <para> He is American.</para>
  10829. </entry>
  10830. </row>
  10831. <row>
  10832. <entry/>
  10833. <entry/>
  10834. <entry/>
  10835. <entry/>
  10836. <entry/>
  10837. <entry/>
  10838. </row>
  10839. <row>
  10840. <entry>4.</entry>
  10841. <entry>
  10842. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  10843. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  10844. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10845. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  10846. <para>What is his nationality?</para>
  10847. </entry>
  10848. <entry/>
  10849. <entry>
  10850. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10851. >Jiānádà</foreignphrase></para>
  10852. <para>Canada</para>
  10853. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10854. >加拿大</foreignphrase></para>
  10855. </entry>
  10856. <entry/>
  10857. <entry>
  10858. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Jiānádà
  10859. rén. </foreignphrase></para>
  10860. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10861. 他是加拿大人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10862. <para> He is Canadian.</para>
  10863. </entry>
  10864. </row>
  10865. <row>
  10866. <entry/>
  10867. <entry/>
  10868. <entry/>
  10869. <entry/>
  10870. <entry/>
  10871. <entry/>
  10872. </row>
  10873. <row>
  10874. <entry>5.</entry>
  10875. <entry>
  10876. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  10877. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  10878. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10879. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  10880. <para>What is his nationality?</para>
  10881. </entry>
  10882. <entry/>
  10883. <entry>
  10884. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10885. >Rìběn</foreignphrase></para>
  10886. <para>Japan</para>
  10887. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10888. >日本</foreignphrase></para>
  10889. </entry>
  10890. <entry/>
  10891. <entry>
  10892. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Rìběn
  10893. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10894. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10895. 他是日本人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10896. <para> He is Japanese.</para>
  10897. </entry>
  10898. </row>
  10899. <row>
  10900. <entry/>
  10901. <entry/>
  10902. <entry/>
  10903. <entry/>
  10904. <entry/>
  10905. <entry/>
  10906. </row>
  10907. <row>
  10908. <entry>6.</entry>
  10909. <entry>
  10910. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  10911. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  10912. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10913. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  10914. <para>What is his nationality?</para>
  10915. </entry>
  10916. <entry/>
  10917. <entry>
  10918. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10919. >Èguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10920. <para>Russian</para>
  10921. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10922. >俄國</foreignphrase></para>
  10923. </entry>
  10924. <entry/>
  10925. <entry>
  10926. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Èguó
  10927. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10928. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10929. 他是俄國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10930. <para> He is Russian.</para>
  10931. </entry>
  10932. </row>
  10933. <row>
  10934. <entry/>
  10935. <entry/>
  10936. <entry/>
  10937. <entry/>
  10938. <entry/>
  10939. <entry/>
  10940. </row>
  10941. <row>
  10942. <entry>7.</entry>
  10943. <entry>
  10944. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi něiguo
  10945. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  10946. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10947. >他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  10948. <para>What is his nationality?</para>
  10949. </entry>
  10950. <entry/>
  10951. <entry>
  10952. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  10953. >Déguó</foreignphrase></para>
  10954. <para>German</para>
  10955. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  10956. >德國</foreignphrase></para>
  10957. </entry>
  10958. <entry/>
  10959. <entry>
  10960. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Déguó
  10961. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  10962. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  10963. 他是德國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  10964. <para> He is German.</para>
  10965. </entry>
  10966. </row>
  10967. </tbody>
  10968. </tgroup>
  10969. </table>
  10970. </section>
  10971. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  10972. <section>
  10973. <title>Response Drill</title>
  10974. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  10975. <title>Respond according to the cue.</title>
  10976. <tgroup cols="6">
  10977. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10978. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  10979. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10980. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.5*"/>
  10981. <colspec colname="newCol5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  10982. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  10983. <thead>
  10984. <row>
  10985. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10986. <entry align="center"
  10987. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10988. <entry/>
  10989. <entry>Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10990. <entry/>
  10991. <entry align="center"
  10992. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  10993. </row>
  10994. </thead>
  10995. <tbody>
  10996. <row>
  10997. <entry/>
  10998. <entry/>
  10999. <entry/>
  11000. <entry/>
  11001. <entry/>
  11002. <entry/>
  11003. </row>
  11004. <row>
  11005. <entry>1.</entry>
  11006. <entry>
  11007. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  11008. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11009. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11010. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11011. <para>Where is he from?</para>
  11012. </entry>
  11013. <entry/>
  11014. <entry>
  11015. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11016. >Běijīng</foreignphrase></para>
  11017. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11018. >北京</foreignphrase></para>
  11019. </entry>
  11020. <entry/>
  11021. <entry>
  11022. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Běijīng
  11023. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11024. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11025. 他是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11026. <para> He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11027. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11028. </entry>
  11029. </row>
  11030. <row>
  11031. <entry/>
  11032. <entry/>
  11033. <entry/>
  11034. <entry/>
  11035. <entry/>
  11036. <entry/>
  11037. </row>
  11038. <row>
  11039. <entry>2.</entry>
  11040. <entry>
  11041. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  11042. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11043. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11044. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11045. <para>Where is he from?</para>
  11046. </entry>
  11047. <entry/>
  11048. <entry>
  11049. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11050. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase></para>
  11051. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11052. >上海</foreignphrase></para>
  11053. </entry>
  11054. <entry/>
  11055. <entry>
  11056. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Shànghǎi
  11057. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11058. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11059. 他是上海人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11060. <para> He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11061. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11062. </entry>
  11063. </row>
  11064. <row>
  11065. <entry/>
  11066. <entry/>
  11067. <entry/>
  11068. <entry/>
  11069. <entry/>
  11070. <entry/>
  11071. </row>
  11072. <row>
  11073. <entry>3.</entry>
  11074. <entry>
  11075. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  11076. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11077. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11078. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11079. <para>Where is he from?</para>
  11080. </entry>
  11081. <entry/>
  11082. <entry>
  11083. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11084. >Chángshā</foreignphrase></para>
  11085. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11086. >長沙</foreignphrase></para>
  11087. </entry>
  11088. <entry/>
  11089. <entry>
  11090. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Chángshā
  11091. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11092. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11093. 他是長沙人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11094. <para> He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11095. >Chángshā</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11096. </entry>
  11097. </row>
  11098. <row>
  11099. <entry/>
  11100. <entry/>
  11101. <entry/>
  11102. <entry/>
  11103. <entry/>
  11104. <entry/>
  11105. </row>
  11106. <row>
  11107. <entry>4.</entry>
  11108. <entry>
  11109. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  11110. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11111. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11112. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11113. <para>Where is he from?</para>
  11114. </entry>
  11115. <entry/>
  11116. <entry>
  11117. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11118. >Táizhōng</foreignphrase></para>
  11119. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11120. >臺中</foreignphrase></para>
  11121. </entry>
  11122. <entry/>
  11123. <entry>
  11124. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Táizhōng
  11125. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11126. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11127. 他是臺中人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11128. <para> He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11129. >Táizhōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11130. </entry>
  11131. </row>
  11132. <row>
  11133. <entry/>
  11134. <entry/>
  11135. <entry/>
  11136. <entry/>
  11137. <entry/>
  11138. <entry/>
  11139. </row>
  11140. <row>
  11141. <entry>5.</entry>
  11142. <entry>
  11143. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  11144. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11145. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11146. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11147. <para>Where is he from?</para>
  11148. </entry>
  11149. <entry/>
  11150. <entry>
  11151. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11152. >Táiběi</foreignphrase></para>
  11153. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11154. >臺北</foreignphrase></para>
  11155. </entry>
  11156. <entry/>
  11157. <entry>
  11158. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Táiběi
  11159. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11160. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11161. 他是臺北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11162. <para> He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11163. >Táiběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11164. </entry>
  11165. </row>
  11166. <row>
  11167. <entry/>
  11168. <entry/>
  11169. <entry/>
  11170. <entry/>
  11171. <entry/>
  11172. <entry/>
  11173. </row>
  11174. <row>
  11175. <entry>6.</entry>
  11176. <entry>
  11177. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  11178. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11179. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11180. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11181. <para>Where is he from?</para>
  11182. </entry>
  11183. <entry/>
  11184. <entry>
  11185. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">
  11186. Tiānjīn</foreignphrase></para>
  11187. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11188. >天津</foreignphrase></para>
  11189. </entry>
  11190. <entry/>
  11191. <entry>
  11192. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Tiānjīn
  11193. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11194. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11195. 他是天津人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11196. <para> He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11197. >Tiānjīn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11198. </entry>
  11199. </row>
  11200. <row>
  11201. <entry/>
  11202. <entry/>
  11203. <entry/>
  11204. <entry/>
  11205. <entry/>
  11206. <entry/>
  11207. </row>
  11208. <row>
  11209. <entry>7.</entry>
  11210. <entry>
  11211. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  11212. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11213. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11214. >他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11215. <para>Where is he from?</para>
  11216. </entry>
  11217. <entry/>
  11218. <entry>
  11219. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11220. >Běijīng</foreignphrase></para>
  11221. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11222. >北京</foreignphrase></para>
  11223. </entry>
  11224. <entry/>
  11225. <entry>
  11226. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Běijīng
  11227. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11228. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11229. 他是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11230. <para> He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11231. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11232. </entry>
  11233. </row>
  11234. </tbody>
  11235. </tgroup>
  11236. </table>
  11237. </section>
  11238. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  11239. <section>
  11240. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  11241. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  11242. <title>Transform the sentence according to the model.</title>
  11243. <tgroup cols="4">
  11244. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  11245. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
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  11247. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  11248. <thead>
  11249. <row>
  11250. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  11251. <entry align="center"
  11252. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  11253. <entry/>
  11254. <entry align="center"
  11255. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  11256. </row>
  11257. </thead>
  11258. <tbody>
  11259. <row>
  11260. <entry/>
  11261. <entry/>
  11262. <entry/>
  11263. <entry/>
  11264. </row>
  11265. <row>
  11266. <entry>1.</entry>
  11267. <entry>
  11268. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Běijīng
  11269. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11270. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11271. >他是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11272. <para>He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11273. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11274. </entry>
  11275. <entry/>
  11276. <entry>
  11277. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi nǎrde
  11278. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11279. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11280. 他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11281. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11282. </entry>
  11283. </row>
  11284. <row>
  11285. <entry/>
  11286. <entry/>
  11287. <entry/>
  11288. <entry/>
  11289. </row>
  11290. <row>
  11291. <entry>2.</entry>
  11292. <entry>
  11293. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhōngguó
  11294. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11295. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11296. >他是中國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11297. <para>He is from China.</para>
  11298. </entry>
  11299. <entry/>
  11300. <entry>
  11301. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi něiguó
  11302. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11303. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11304. 他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11305. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11306. </entry>
  11307. </row>
  11308. <row>
  11309. <entry/>
  11310. <entry/>
  11311. <entry/>
  11312. <entry/>
  11313. </row>
  11314. <row>
  11315. <entry>3.</entry>
  11316. <entry>
  11317. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiānádà
  11318. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  11319. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11320. >他是加拿大人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11321. <para>He is from Canada.</para>
  11322. </entry>
  11323. <entry/>
  11324. <entry>
  11325. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi něiguó
  11326. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11327. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11328. 他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11329. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11330. </entry>
  11331. </row>
  11332. <row>
  11333. <entry/>
  11334. <entry/>
  11335. <entry/>
  11336. <entry/>
  11337. </row>
  11338. <row>
  11339. <entry>4.</entry>
  11340. <entry>
  11341. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Táiběi
  11342. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11343. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11344. >他是臺北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11345. <para>He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11346. >Táiběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11347. </entry>
  11348. <entry/>
  11349. <entry>
  11350. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi nǎrde
  11351. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11352. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11353. 他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11354. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11355. </entry>
  11356. </row>
  11357. <row>
  11358. <entry/>
  11359. <entry/>
  11360. <entry/>
  11361. <entry/>
  11362. </row>
  11363. <row>
  11364. <entry>5.</entry>
  11365. <entry>
  11366. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Shànghǎi
  11367. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11368. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11369. >他是上海人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11370. <para>He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11371. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11372. </entry>
  11373. <entry/>
  11374. <entry>
  11375. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi nǎrde
  11376. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11377. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11378. 他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11379. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11380. </entry>
  11381. </row>
  11382. <row>
  11383. <entry/>
  11384. <entry/>
  11385. <entry/>
  11386. <entry/>
  11387. </row>
  11388. <row>
  11389. <entry>6.</entry>
  11390. <entry>
  11391. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yīngguó
  11392. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11393. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11394. >他是英國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11395. <para>He is from England.</para>
  11396. </entry>
  11397. <entry/>
  11398. <entry>
  11399. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi něiguó
  11400. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11401. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11402. 他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11403. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11404. </entry>
  11405. </row>
  11406. <row>
  11407. <entry/>
  11408. <entry/>
  11409. <entry/>
  11410. <entry/>
  11411. </row>
  11412. <row>
  11413. <entry>7.</entry>
  11414. <entry>
  11415. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Měiguó
  11416. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11417. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11418. >他是美國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11419. <para>He is from America.</para>
  11420. </entry>
  11421. <entry/>
  11422. <entry>
  11423. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi něiguó
  11424. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11425. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11426. 他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11427. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11428. </entry>
  11429. </row>
  11430. <row>
  11431. <entry/>
  11432. <entry/>
  11433. <entry/>
  11434. <entry/>
  11435. </row>
  11436. <row>
  11437. <entry>8.</entry>
  11438. <entry>
  11439. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Táizhōng
  11440. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11441. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11442. >他是臺中人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11443. <para>He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11444. >Táizhōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11445. </entry>
  11446. <entry/>
  11447. <entry>
  11448. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi nǎrde
  11449. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11450. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11451. 他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11452. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11453. </entry>
  11454. </row>
  11455. </tbody>
  11456. </tgroup>
  11457. </table>
  11458. </section>
  11459. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  11460. <section>
  11461. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  11462. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  11463. <title>Transform the sentence according to the model.</title>
  11464. <tgroup cols="4">
  11465. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  11466. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  11467. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  11468. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  11469. <tbody>
  11470. <row>
  11471. <entry/>
  11472. <entry/>
  11473. <entry/>
  11474. <entry/>
  11475. </row>
  11476. <row>
  11477. <entry>1.</entry>
  11478. <entry>
  11479. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Lǐ
  11480. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  11481. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11482. >她是李太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  11483. <para>She is Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11484. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11485. </entry>
  11486. <entry/>
  11487. <entry>
  11488. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi Lǐ
  11489. tàitai.</foreignphrase></para>
  11490. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11491. 她不是李太太。</foreignphrase></para>
  11492. <para> She is not Mrs. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11493. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11494. </entry>
  11495. </row>
  11496. <row>
  11497. <entry/>
  11498. <entry/>
  11499. <entry/>
  11500. <entry/>
  11501. </row>
  11502. <row>
  11503. <entry>2.</entry>
  11504. <entry>
  11505. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  11506. Gāo.</foreignphrase></para>
  11507. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11508. >他姓高。</foreignphrase></para>
  11509. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11510. >Gāo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11511. </entry>
  11512. <entry/>
  11513. <entry>
  11514. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú xìng
  11515. Gāo.</foreignphrase></para>
  11516. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11517. 他不姓高。</foreignphrase></para>
  11518. <para> Her surname is not <foreignphrase
  11519. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gāo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11520. </entry>
  11521. </row>
  11522. <row>
  11523. <entry/>
  11524. <entry/>
  11525. <entry/>
  11526. <entry/>
  11527. </row>
  11528. <row>
  11529. <entry>3.</entry>
  11530. <entry>
  11531. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Táiběi
  11532. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11533. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11534. >她是臺北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11535. <para>Hi is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11536. >Táiběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11537. </entry>
  11538. <entry/>
  11539. <entry>
  11540. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  11541. Táiběi rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11542. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11543. 她不是臺北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11544. <para> Hi is not from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11545. >Táiběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11546. </entry>
  11547. </row>
  11548. <row>
  11549. <entry/>
  11550. <entry/>
  11551. <entry/>
  11552. <entry/>
  11553. </row>
  11554. <row>
  11555. <entry>4.</entry>
  11556. <entry>
  11557. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  11558. Liú.</foreignphrase></para>
  11559. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11560. >他姓劉。</foreignphrase></para>
  11561. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11562. >Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11563. </entry>
  11564. <entry/>
  11565. <entry>
  11566. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú xìng
  11567. Liú.</foreignphrase></para>
  11568. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11569. 他不姓劉。</foreignphrase></para>
  11570. <para> Her surname is not <foreignphrase
  11571. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11572. </entry>
  11573. </row>
  11574. <row>
  11575. <entry/>
  11576. <entry/>
  11577. <entry/>
  11578. <entry/>
  11579. </row>
  11580. <row>
  11581. <entry>5.</entry>
  11582. <entry>
  11583. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Měiguó
  11584. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11585. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11586. >她是美國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11587. <para>She is American.</para>
  11588. </entry>
  11589. <entry/>
  11590. <entry>
  11591. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  11592. Měiguó rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11593. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11594. 她不是美國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11595. <para> She is not American.</para>
  11596. </entry>
  11597. </row>
  11598. <row>
  11599. <entry/>
  11600. <entry/>
  11601. <entry/>
  11602. <entry/>
  11603. </row>
  11604. <row>
  11605. <entry>6.</entry>
  11606. <entry>
  11607. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiānádà
  11608. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11609. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11610. >她是加拿大人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11611. <para>She is Canadian.</para>
  11612. </entry>
  11613. <entry/>
  11614. <entry>
  11615. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  11616. Jiānádà rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11617. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11618. 她不是加拿大人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11619. <para> She is not Canadian.</para>
  11620. </entry>
  11621. </row>
  11622. </tbody>
  11623. </tgroup>
  11624. </table>
  11625. </section>
  11626. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  11627. <section>
  11628. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  11629. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  11630. <title>Transform the sentence according to the model.</title>
  11631. <tgroup cols="4">
  11632. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  11633. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  11634. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  11635. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  11636. <thead>
  11637. <row>
  11638. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  11639. <entry align="center"
  11640. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  11641. <entry/>
  11642. <entry align="center"
  11643. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  11644. </row>
  11645. </thead>
  11646. <tbody>
  11647. <row>
  11648. <entry/>
  11649. <entry/>
  11650. <entry/>
  11651. <entry/>
  11652. </row>
  11653. <row>
  11654. <entry>1.</entry>
  11655. <entry>
  11656. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  11657. Hú.</foreignphrase></para>
  11658. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11659. >他姓胡。</foreignphrase></para>
  11660. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11661. >Hú</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11662. </entry>
  11663. <entry/>
  11664. <entry>
  11665. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā xìng Hú
  11666. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  11667. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11668. 他姓胡嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  11669. <para> Is his surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11670. >Hú</foreignphrase>?</para>
  11671. </entry>
  11672. </row>
  11673. <row>
  11674. <entry/>
  11675. <entry/>
  11676. <entry/>
  11677. <entry/>
  11678. </row>
  11679. <row>
  11680. <entry>2.</entry>
  11681. <entry>
  11682. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Běijīng
  11683. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11684. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11685. >他是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11686. <para>He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11687. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11688. </entry>
  11689. <entry/>
  11690. <entry>
  11691. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Běijīng
  11692. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  11693. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11694. 他是北京人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  11695. <para> Is he from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11696. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  11697. </entry>
  11698. </row>
  11699. <row>
  11700. <entry/>
  11701. <entry/>
  11702. <entry/>
  11703. <entry/>
  11704. </row>
  11705. <row>
  11706. <entry>3.</entry>
  11707. <entry>
  11708. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  11709. Dànián.</foreignphrase></para>
  11710. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11711. 他是王大年。</foreignphrase></para>
  11712. <para>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  11713. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11714. </entry>
  11715. <entry/>
  11716. <entry>
  11717. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Wáng
  11718. Dànián ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  11719. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11720. 他是王大年嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  11721. <para> Is he <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  11722. Dànián</foreignphrase>?</para>
  11723. </entry>
  11724. </row>
  11725. <row>
  11726. <entry/>
  11727. <entry/>
  11728. <entry/>
  11729. <entry/>
  11730. </row>
  11731. <row>
  11732. <entry>4.</entry>
  11733. <entry>
  11734. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  11735. Lín.</foreignphrase></para>
  11736. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11737. >她姓林。</foreignphrase></para>
  11738. <para>Her surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11739. >Lín</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11740. </entry>
  11741. <entry/>
  11742. <entry>
  11743. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā xìng Lín
  11744. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  11745. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11746. 她姓林嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  11747. <para> Is her surname <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11748. >Lín</foreignphrase>?</para>
  11749. </entry>
  11750. </row>
  11751. <row>
  11752. <entry/>
  11753. <entry/>
  11754. <entry/>
  11755. <entry/>
  11756. </row>
  11757. <row>
  11758. <entry>5.</entry>
  11759. <entry>
  11760. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhōngguó
  11761. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11762. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11763. >她是中國人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11764. <para>She is Chinese.</para>
  11765. </entry>
  11766. <entry/>
  11767. <entry>
  11768. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Zhōngguó
  11769. rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  11770. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11771. 她是中國人嗎? </foreignphrase></para>
  11772. <para> Is she Chinese?</para>
  11773. </entry>
  11774. </row>
  11775. </tbody>
  11776. </tgroup>
  11777. </table>
  11778. </section>
  11779. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  11780. <section>
  11781. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  11782. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  11783. <title>Ask the question corresponding to the statement.</title>
  11784. <tgroup cols="4">
  11785. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  11786. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  11787. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  11788. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  11789. <tbody>
  11790. <row>
  11791. <entry/>
  11792. <entry/>
  11793. <entry/>
  11794. <entry/>
  11795. </row>
  11796. <row>
  11797. <entry>1.</entry>
  11798. <entry>
  11799. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xìng
  11800. Zhāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  11801. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11802. >他姓張。</foreignphrase></para>
  11803. <para>His surname is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11804. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11805. </entry>
  11806. <entry/>
  11807. <entry>
  11808. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā xìng
  11809. shénme?</foreignphrase></para>
  11810. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11811. 他姓什麼? </foreignphrase></para>
  11812. <para> What’s his surname?</para>
  11813. </entry>
  11814. </row>
  11815. <row>
  11816. <entry/>
  11817. <entry/>
  11818. <entry/>
  11819. <entry/>
  11820. </row>
  11821. <row>
  11822. <entry>2.</entry>
  11823. <entry>
  11824. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Běijīng
  11825. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11826. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11827. >他是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11828. <para>He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11829. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11830. </entry>
  11831. <entry/>
  11832. <entry>
  11833. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi nǎrde
  11834. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11835. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11836. 他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11837. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11838. </entry>
  11839. </row>
  11840. <row>
  11841. <entry/>
  11842. <entry/>
  11843. <entry/>
  11844. <entry/>
  11845. </row>
  11846. <row>
  11847. <entry>3.</entry>
  11848. <entry>
  11849. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Wáng
  11850. Dànián.</foreignphrase></para>
  11851. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11852. >他是王大年。</foreignphrase></para>
  11853. <para>He is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  11854. Dànián</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11855. </entry>
  11856. <entry/>
  11857. <entry>
  11858. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi
  11859. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  11860. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11861. >他是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  11862. <para> Who is he?</para>
  11863. </entry>
  11864. </row>
  11865. <row>
  11866. <entry/>
  11867. <entry/>
  11868. <entry/>
  11869. <entry/>
  11870. </row>
  11871. <row>
  11872. <entry>4.</entry>
  11873. <entry>
  11874. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Rìběn
  11875. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11876. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11877. >他是日本人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11878. <para>He is Japanese.</para>
  11879. </entry>
  11880. <entry/>
  11881. <entry>
  11882. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi něiguó
  11883. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11884. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11885. 他是哪國人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11886. <para> What is his nationality?</para>
  11887. </entry>
  11888. </row>
  11889. <row>
  11890. <entry/>
  11891. <entry/>
  11892. <entry/>
  11893. <entry/>
  11894. </row>
  11895. <row>
  11896. <entry>5.</entry>
  11897. <entry>
  11898. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Shāndōng
  11899. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  11900. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11901. >他是山東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  11902. <para>He is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11903. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11904. </entry>
  11905. <entry/>
  11906. <entry>
  11907. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi nǎrde
  11908. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  11909. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11910. 他是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  11911. <para> Where is he from?</para>
  11912. </entry>
  11913. </row>
  11914. <row>
  11915. <entry/>
  11916. <entry/>
  11917. <entry/>
  11918. <entry/>
  11919. </row>
  11920. <row>
  11921. <entry>6.</entry>
  11922. <entry>
  11923. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Chén
  11924. tóngzhì.</foreignphrase></para>
  11925. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  11926. >他是陳同志。</foreignphrase></para>
  11927. <para>He is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  11928. >Chén</foreignphrase>.</para>
  11929. </entry>
  11930. <entry/>
  11931. <entry>
  11932. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi
  11933. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  11934. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  11935. 他是誰?</foreignphrase></para>
  11936. <para> Who is he?</para>
  11937. </entry>
  11938. </row>
  11939. </tbody>
  11940. </tgroup>
  11941. </table>
  11942. </section>
  11943. </section>
  11944. </section>
  11945. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  11946. <section>
  11947. <title>Unit 4</title>
  11948. <section>
  11949. <title>Introduction</title>
  11950. <section>
  11951. <title>Topics covered in this unit</title>
  11952. <para>
  11953. <orderedlist>
  11954. <listitem>
  11955. <para>Location of people and places.</para>
  11956. </listitem>
  11957. <listitem>
  11958. <para>Where people’s families are from.</para>
  11959. </listitem>
  11960. </orderedlist>
  11961. </para>
  11962. </section>
  11963. <section>
  11964. <title>Prerequisites to the unit</title>
  11965. <para>
  11966. <orderedlist>
  11967. <listitem>
  11968. <para>NUM 3 and NUM 4 (Tapes 3 and 4 of the resource module on
  11969. Numbers.)</para>
  11970. </listitem>
  11971. <listitem>
  11972. <para>CE 1, on Classroom Expressions.</para>
  11973. </listitem>
  11974. </orderedlist>
  11975. </para>
  11976. </section>
  11977. <section>
  11978. <title>Material you will need</title>
  11979. <para>
  11980. <orderedlist>
  11981. <listitem>
  11982. <para>The C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
  11983. Notes.</para>
  11984. </listitem>
  11985. <listitem>
  11986. <para>The C-2 and P-2 tapes , the workbook.</para>
  11987. </listitem>
  11988. <listitem>
  11989. <para>The 4D-1 tape.</para>
  11990. </listitem>
  11991. </orderedlist>
  11992. </para>
  11993. </section>
  11994. </section>
  11995. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  11996. <section>
  11997. <title>References</title>
  11998. <section>
  11999. <title>Reference List</title>
  12000. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  12001. <tgroup cols="3">
  12002. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12003. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12004. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  12005. <tbody>
  12006. <row>
  12007. <entry>1.</entry>
  12008. <entry>A:</entry>
  12009. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, nǐ shi
  12010. nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12011. </row>
  12012. <row>
  12013. <entry/>
  12014. <entry/>
  12015. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12016. >請問,你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12017. </row>
  12018. <row>
  12019. <entry/>
  12020. <entry/>
  12021. <entry>May I ask, where are you from?</entry>
  12022. </row>
  12023. <row>
  12024. <entry> </entry>
  12025. <entry>B:</entry>
  12026. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Dézhōu
  12027. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12028. </row>
  12029. <row>
  12030. <entry/>
  12031. <entry/>
  12032. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12033. >我是德州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12034. </row>
  12035. <row>
  12036. <entry/>
  12037. <entry/>
  12038. <entry>I’m from Texas.</entry>
  12039. </row>
  12040. <row>
  12041. <entry>2.</entry>
  12042. <entry>A:</entry>
  12043. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, Āndésen
  12044. fūren shi nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12045. </row>
  12046. <row>
  12047. <entry/>
  12048. <entry/>
  12049. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12050. >请請問,安德森夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12051. </row>
  12052. <row>
  12053. <entry/>
  12054. <entry/>
  12055. <entry>May I ask, where is Mrs. Andersen from?</entry>
  12056. </row>
  12057. <row>
  12058. <entry> </entry>
  12059. <entry>B:</entry>
  12060. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yě shi Dézhōu
  12061. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12062. </row>
  12063. <row>
  12064. <entry/>
  12065. <entry/>
  12066. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12067. >她也是德州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12068. </row>
  12069. <row>
  12070. <entry/>
  12071. <entry/>
  12072. <entry>She is from Texas too.</entry>
  12073. </row>
  12074. <row>
  12075. <entry>3.</entry>
  12076. <entry>A:</entry>
  12077. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yīngguó rén
  12078. ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12079. </row>
  12080. <row>
  12081. <entry/>
  12082. <entry/>
  12083. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12084. >他是英國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12085. </row>
  12086. <row>
  12087. <entry/>
  12088. <entry/>
  12089. <entry>Is she English?</entry>
  12090. </row>
  12091. <row>
  12092. <entry> </entry>
  12093. <entry>B:</entry>
  12094. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shì, tā bú shi
  12095. Yīngguó rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12096. </row>
  12097. <row>
  12098. <entry/>
  12099. <entry/>
  12100. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12101. >不是,他不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12102. </row>
  12103. <row>
  12104. <entry/>
  12105. <entry/>
  12106. <entry>No, he is not English.</entry>
  12107. </row>
  12108. <row>
  12109. <entry> </entry>
  12110. <entry>A:</entry>
  12111. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  12112. ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12113. </row>
  12114. <row>
  12115. <entry/>
  12116. <entry/>
  12117. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12118. >他爱人呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12119. </row>
  12120. <row>
  12121. <entry/>
  12122. <entry/>
  12123. <entry>And his wife?</entry>
  12124. </row>
  12125. <row>
  12126. <entry> </entry>
  12127. <entry>B:</entry>
  12128. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yě bú shi
  12129. Yīngguó rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12130. </row>
  12131. <row>
  12132. <entry/>
  12133. <entry/>
  12134. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12135. >她也不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12136. </row>
  12137. <row>
  12138. <entry/>
  12139. <entry/>
  12140. <entry>She isn’t English either.</entry>
  12141. </row>
  12142. <row>
  12143. <entry>4.</entry>
  12144. <entry>A:</entry>
  12145. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo
  12146. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12147. </row>
  12148. <row>
  12149. <entry/>
  12150. <entry/>
  12151. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12152. >請問,青島在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12153. </row>
  12154. <row>
  12155. <entry/>
  12156. <entry/>
  12157. <entry>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12158. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  12159. </row>
  12160. <row>
  12161. <entry> </entry>
  12162. <entry>B:</entry>
  12163. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdǎo zài
  12164. Shāndōng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12165. </row>
  12166. <row>
  12167. <entry/>
  12168. <entry/>
  12169. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12170. >青島在山東。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12171. </row>
  12172. <row>
  12173. <entry/>
  12174. <entry/>
  12175. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12176. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  12177. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  12178. </row>
  12179. <row>
  12180. <entry>5.</entry>
  12181. <entry>A:</entry>
  12182. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, nǐ lǎojiā
  12183. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12184. </row>
  12185. <row>
  12186. <entry/>
  12187. <entry/>
  12188. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12189. >請問,你老家在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12190. </row>
  12191. <row>
  12192. <entry/>
  12193. <entry/>
  12194. <entry>May I ask, where is your family from?</entry>
  12195. </row>
  12196. <row>
  12197. <entry> </entry>
  12198. <entry>B:</entry>
  12199. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ lǎojiā zài
  12200. Āndàlüè.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12201. </row>
  12202. <row>
  12203. <entry/>
  12204. <entry/>
  12205. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12206. >我老家在安大略。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12207. </row>
  12208. <row>
  12209. <entry/>
  12210. <entry/>
  12211. <entry>My family is from Ontario.</entry>
  12212. </row>
  12213. <row>
  12214. <entry> </entry>
  12215. <entry>B:</entry>
  12216. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ lǎojiā zài
  12217. Shāndōng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12218. </row>
  12219. <row>
  12220. <entry/>
  12221. <entry/>
  12222. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12223. >我老家在山東。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12224. </row>
  12225. <row>
  12226. <entry/>
  12227. <entry/>
  12228. <entry>My family is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12229. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  12230. </row>
  12231. <row>
  12232. <entry>6.</entry>
  12233. <entry>A:</entry>
  12234. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén Shìmín tóngzhì
  12235. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12236. </row>
  12237. <row>
  12238. <entry/>
  12239. <entry/>
  12240. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12241. >陳世民同志在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12242. </row>
  12243. <row>
  12244. <entry/>
  12245. <entry/>
  12246. <entry>Where is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12247. >Shìmín</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  12248. </row>
  12249. <row>
  12250. <entry> </entry>
  12251. <entry>B:</entry>
  12252. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā zài
  12253. nàr.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12254. </row>
  12255. <row>
  12256. <entry/>
  12257. <entry/>
  12258. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12259. >他在那兒。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12260. </row>
  12261. <row>
  12262. <entry/>
  12263. <entry/>
  12264. <entry>He’s there.</entry>
  12265. </row>
  12266. <row>
  12267. <entry>7.</entry>
  12268. <entry>A:</entry>
  12269. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdǎo zài
  12270. nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12271. </row>
  12272. <row>
  12273. <entry/>
  12274. <entry/>
  12275. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12276. >青島在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12277. </row>
  12278. <row>
  12279. <entry/>
  12280. <entry/>
  12281. <entry>Where is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12282. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  12283. </row>
  12284. <row>
  12285. <entry> </entry>
  12286. <entry>B:</entry>
  12287. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zài
  12288. zhèr.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12289. </row>
  12290. <row>
  12291. <entry/>
  12292. <entry/>
  12293. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12294. >在這兒。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12295. </row>
  12296. <row>
  12297. <entry/>
  12298. <entry/>
  12299. <entry>It’s here.</entry>
  12300. </row>
  12301. <row>
  12302. <entry>8.</entry>
  12303. <entry>A:</entry>
  12304. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ àiren xiànzài
  12305. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12306. </row>
  12307. <row>
  12308. <entry/>
  12309. <entry/>
  12310. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12311. >你愛人現在在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12312. </row>
  12313. <row>
  12314. <entry/>
  12315. <entry/>
  12316. <entry>Where is your wife now?</entry>
  12317. </row>
  12318. <row>
  12319. <entry> </entry>
  12320. <entry>B:</entry>
  12321. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ àiren xiànzài
  12322. zài Jiānádà.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12323. </row>
  12324. <row>
  12325. <entry/>
  12326. <entry/>
  12327. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12328. >我愛人現在在加拿大。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12329. </row>
  12330. <row>
  12331. <entry/>
  12332. <entry/>
  12333. <entry>My wife is in Canada now.</entry>
  12334. </row>
  12335. </tbody>
  12336. </tgroup>
  12337. </informaltable>
  12338. </section>
  12339. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  12340. <section>
  12341. <title>Vocabulary</title>
  12342. <informaltable frame="none" tabstyle="striped" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  12343. <tgroup cols="3">
  12344. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12345. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12346. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="4.0*"/>
  12347. <tbody>
  12348. <row>
  12349. <entry>
  12350. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">àiren</foreignphrase>
  12351. </entry>
  12352. <entry>
  12353. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">愛人</foreignphrase>
  12354. </entry>
  12355. <entry> spouse </entry>
  12356. </row>
  12357. <row>
  12358. <entry>
  12359. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12360. >Āndàlüè</foreignphrase>
  12361. </entry>
  12362. <entry>
  12363. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">安大略</foreignphrase>
  12364. </entry>
  12365. <entry> Ontario </entry>
  12366. </row>
  12367. <row>
  12368. <entry>
  12369. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dézhōu</foreignphrase>
  12370. </entry>
  12371. <entry>
  12372. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">德州</foreignphrase>
  12373. </entry>
  12374. <entry> Texas </entry>
  12375. </row>
  12376. <row>
  12377. <entry>
  12378. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fūren</foreignphrase>
  12379. </entry>
  12380. <entry>
  12381. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">夫人</foreignphrase>
  12382. </entry>
  12383. <entry> Lady, Madame, Mrs., wife (of a high ranking person) </entry>
  12384. </row>
  12385. <row>
  12386. <entry>
  12387. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12388. >Jiānádà</foreignphrase>
  12389. </entry>
  12390. <entry>
  12391. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">加拿大</foreignphrase>
  12392. </entry>
  12393. <entry> Canada </entry>
  12394. </row>
  12395. <row>
  12396. <entry>
  12397. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">lǎojiā</foreignphrase>
  12398. </entry>
  12399. <entry>
  12400. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">老家</foreignphrase>
  12401. </entry>
  12402. <entry> “original home” </entry>
  12403. </row>
  12404. <row>
  12405. <entry>
  12406. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nàr
  12407. (nèr)</foreignphrase>
  12408. </entry>
  12409. <entry>
  12410. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">那兒</foreignphrase>
  12411. </entry>
  12412. <entry> there </entry>
  12413. </row>
  12414. <row>
  12415. <entry>
  12416. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12417. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>
  12418. </entry>
  12419. <entry>
  12420. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">青島</foreignphrase>
  12421. </entry>
  12422. <entry> a city name </entry>
  12423. </row>
  12424. <row>
  12425. <entry>
  12426. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12427. >Qǐngwèn</foreignphrase>
  12428. </entry>
  12429. <entry>
  12430. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">請問</foreignphrase>
  12431. </entry>
  12432. <entry> May I ask? </entry>
  12433. </row>
  12434. <row>
  12435. <entry>
  12436. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12437. >xiànzài</foreignphrase>
  12438. </entry>
  12439. <entry>
  12440. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">現在</foreignphrase>
  12441. </entry>
  12442. <entry> now </entry>
  12443. </row>
  12444. <row>
  12445. <entry>
  12446. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yě</foreignphrase>
  12447. </entry>
  12448. <entry>
  12449. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">也</foreignphrase>
  12450. </entry>
  12451. <entry> also, too, either </entry>
  12452. </row>
  12453. <row>
  12454. <entry>
  12455. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zài</foreignphrase>
  12456. </entry>
  12457. <entry>
  12458. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">在</foreignphrase>
  12459. </entry>
  12460. <entry> to be in/at/one </entry>
  12461. </row>
  12462. <row>
  12463. <entry>
  12464. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèr</foreignphrase>
  12465. </entry>
  12466. <entry>
  12467. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">這兒</foreignphrase>
  12468. </entry>
  12469. <entry> here </entry>
  12470. </row>
  12471. </tbody>
  12472. </tgroup>
  12473. </informaltable>
  12474. <para>Additional required vocabulary not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes.</para>
  12475. <para>Learn the pronunciation and location of any five cities and five provinces of
  12476. China on the maps on page 80-81.</para>
  12477. <figure>
  12478. <title>0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-8.png</title>
  12479. <mediaobject>
  12480. <imageobject>
  12481. <imagedata
  12482. fileref="Images/0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-8.png"
  12483. width="14cm"/>
  12484. </imageobject>
  12485. </mediaobject>
  12486. </figure>
  12487. </section>
  12488. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  12489. <section>
  12490. <title>Reference Notes</title>
  12491. <section>
  12492. <title>Notes on № 1</title>
  12493. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  12494. <tgroup cols="3">
  12495. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12496. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12497. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  12498. <tbody>
  12499. <row>
  12500. <entry>1.</entry>
  12501. <entry>A:</entry>
  12502. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, nǐ shi
  12503. nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12504. </row>
  12505. <row>
  12506. <entry/>
  12507. <entry/>
  12508. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12509. >請問,你是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12510. </row>
  12511. <row>
  12512. <entry/>
  12513. <entry/>
  12514. <entry>May I ask, where are you from?</entry>
  12515. </row>
  12516. <row>
  12517. <entry> </entry>
  12518. <entry>B:</entry>
  12519. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ shi Dézhōu
  12520. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12521. </row>
  12522. <row>
  12523. <entry/>
  12524. <entry/>
  12525. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12526. >我是德州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12527. </row>
  12528. <row>
  12529. <entry/>
  12530. <entry/>
  12531. <entry>I’m from Texas.</entry>
  12532. </row>
  12533. </tbody>
  12534. </tgroup>
  12535. </informaltable>
  12536. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn</foreignphrase>:
  12537. Literally, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">qǐng</foreignphrase>
  12538. means “request,” and <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12539. >wèn</foreignphrase> means “ask (for information).” <foreignphrase
  12540. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn</foreignphrase> is used as English
  12541. speakers use “excuse me,” to get someone’s attention in order to ask him a question.<note>
  12542. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn</foreignphrase>
  12543. is NOT the word used for saying “excuse me” when you step on
  12544. some­one’s foot. For that, you say <foreignphrase
  12545. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">duìbuqǐ</foreignphrase> .</para>
  12546. </note></para>
  12547. </section>
  12548. <section>
  12549. <title>Notes on № 2</title>
  12550. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  12551. <tgroup cols="3">
  12552. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12553. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12554. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  12555. <tbody>
  12556. <row>
  12557. <entry>2.</entry>
  12558. <entry>A:</entry>
  12559. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn,
  12560. Āndésen fūren shi nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12561. </row>
  12562. <row>
  12563. <entry/>
  12564. <entry/>
  12565. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12566. >请請問,安德森夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12567. </row>
  12568. <row>
  12569. <entry/>
  12570. <entry/>
  12571. <entry>May I ask, where is Mrs. Andersen from?</entry>
  12572. </row>
  12573. <row>
  12574. <entry> </entry>
  12575. <entry>B:</entry>
  12576. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yě shi
  12577. Dézhōu rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12578. </row>
  12579. <row>
  12580. <entry/>
  12581. <entry/>
  12582. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12583. >她也是德州人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12584. </row>
  12585. <row>
  12586. <entry/>
  12587. <entry/>
  12588. <entry>She is from Texas too.</entry>
  12589. </row>
  12590. </tbody>
  12591. </tgroup>
  12592. </informaltable>
  12593. <para>Names: In the People’s Republic, a foreigner is known by the standard
  12594. phonetic equivalent of his full name. His given name is followed by his
  12595. surname, which is followed by the appropriate title, Mr. David Anderson will
  12596. be called <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàiwéi Āndésèn
  12597. xiānsheng</foreignphrase> . In Taiwan, there is no set way of giving
  12598. names to foreigners. Sometimes, as in the PRC, a phonetic equivalent of the
  12599. full name is used (though there are no standard versions). Sometimes, the
  12600. equivalent is based entirely on the surname. Mr. Anderson, for instance,
  12601. might be <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ān Désēn
  12602. xiānsheng</foreignphrase>. The surname may also be translated, as when
  12603. “King” is translated into <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12604. >Wáng</foreignphrase>. It is also common to base the Chinese surname on
  12605. the first syllable of the original surname, and the Chinese given name on
  12606. something else (often the original given name). In Taiwan, <foreignphrase
  12607. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàwèi</foreignphrase> is a common phonetic
  12608. equivalent for “David.” “Mr. David Anderson,” therefore, might be
  12609. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ān Dàwèi
  12610. xiānsheng</foreignphrase> .</para>
  12611. <para> Here is a chart of SOME of the Chinese names that might be given to Mr.
  12612. David Anderson.<table frame="all">
  12613. <title>PRC</title>
  12614. <tgroup cols="3">
  12615. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  12616. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  12617. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  12618. <tbody>
  12619. <row>
  12620. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12621. >Dàwéi</foreignphrase></entry>
  12622. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12623. >Āndésēn</foreignphrase></entry>
  12624. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12625. >xiānsheng</foreignphrase></entry>
  12626. </row>
  12627. </tbody>
  12628. </tgroup>
  12629. </table><table frame="all">
  12630. <title>TAIWAN</title>
  12631. <tgroup cols="3">
  12632. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  12633. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  12634. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  12635. <tbody>
  12636. <row>
  12637. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12638. >Ān</foreignphrase></entry>
  12639. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12640. >Désēn</foreignphrase></entry>
  12641. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12642. >xiānsheng</foreignphrase></entry>
  12643. </row>
  12644. <row>
  12645. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12646. >Ān</foreignphrase></entry>
  12647. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12648. >Dàwèi</foreignphrase></entry>
  12649. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12650. >xiānsheng</foreignphrase></entry>
  12651. </row>
  12652. </tbody>
  12653. </tgroup>
  12654. </table></para>
  12655. <para><emphasis role="bold">Titles</emphasis>: In the PRC, a foreign man is
  12656. addressed as <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12657. >xiānsheng</foreignphrase>, and a married woman as either <foreignphrase
  12658. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fūren</foreignphrase> or <foreignphrase
  12659. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">taìtai</foreignphrase>, depending on her
  12660. status. The term <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12661. >fūren</foreignphrase> is an especially respectful term used to address
  12662. the wife of a high-ranking official or businessman. <foreignphrase
  12663. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fūren</foreignphrase> is also used this way
  12664. on Taiwan. </para>
  12665. <para>An unmarried foreign woman in the PRC may be addressed as <foreignphrase
  12666. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎojiě</foreignphrase> “Miss.” Married or
  12667. unmarried women may be addressed as <foreignphrase
  12668. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǚshì</foreignphrase>. or “Ma’am.”
  12669. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǚshì</foreignphrase> will be
  12670. introduced in BIO, Unit 1. </para>
  12671. <para>The term <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12672. >tóngzhì</foreignphrase>, “Comrade,” was originally used only by members of
  12673. the Communist Party to address other members. It is now the general term of
  12674. address used by all Chinese adults in the PRC. It should be remembered,
  12675. though, that <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12676. >tóngzhì</foreignphrase> does carry a distinct political implication.
  12677. Visitors in the People’s Republic, who are not citizens and who do not take
  12678. part in efforts to realize Communist ideals, will not be addressed as
  12679. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tóngzhì</foreignphrase> and
  12680. should not feel obliged to address anyone else as such.</para>
  12681. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yě</foreignphrase> is an adverb
  12682. meaning “also,” or “too.” It always comes before the verb.</para>
  12683. </section>
  12684. <section>
  12685. <title>Notes on № 3</title>
  12686. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  12687. <tgroup cols="3">
  12688. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12689. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12690. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  12691. <tbody>
  12692. <row>
  12693. <entry>3.</entry>
  12694. <entry>A:</entry>
  12695. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Yīngguó
  12696. rén ma?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12697. </row>
  12698. <row>
  12699. <entry/>
  12700. <entry/>
  12701. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12702. >他是英國人嗎?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12703. </row>
  12704. <row>
  12705. <entry/>
  12706. <entry/>
  12707. <entry>Is she English?</entry>
  12708. </row>
  12709. <row>
  12710. <entry> </entry>
  12711. <entry>B:</entry>
  12712. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bú shì, tā bú
  12713. shi Yīngguó rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12714. </row>
  12715. <row>
  12716. <entry/>
  12717. <entry/>
  12718. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12719. >不是,他不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12720. </row>
  12721. <row>
  12722. <entry/>
  12723. <entry/>
  12724. <entry>No, he is not English.</entry>
  12725. </row>
  12726. <row>
  12727. <entry> </entry>
  12728. <entry>A:</entry>
  12729. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  12730. ne?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12731. </row>
  12732. <row>
  12733. <entry/>
  12734. <entry/>
  12735. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12736. >他爱人呢?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12737. </row>
  12738. <row>
  12739. <entry/>
  12740. <entry/>
  12741. <entry>And his wife?</entry>
  12742. </row>
  12743. <row>
  12744. <entry> </entry>
  12745. <entry>B:</entry>
  12746. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yě bú shi
  12747. Yīngguó rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12748. </row>
  12749. <row>
  12750. <entry/>
  12751. <entry/>
  12752. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12753. >她也不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12754. </row>
  12755. <row>
  12756. <entry/>
  12757. <entry/>
  12758. <entry>She isn’t English either.</entry>
  12759. </row>
  12760. </tbody>
  12761. </tgroup>
  12762. </informaltable>
  12763. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Àiren</foreignphrase>, which
  12764. originally meant “loved one,” “sweetheart” or “lover,” is used in the PRC
  12765. for either “husband” or “wife,” i.e., for “spouse.” </para>
  12766. <para>The possessive phrase <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā
  12767. Àiren</foreignphrase>, “his wife” (or, “her husband”), is formed by
  12768. putting the words for “he” (or “she”) and “spouse” together. </para>
  12769. <para>The marker <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-de</foreignphrase>
  12770. (which you have seen in <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǎrde
  12771. rén</foreignphrase>) is not needed when the possessive relationship is
  12772. felt to be very close. (See also the notes on No. 5.)</para>
  12773. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yě</foreignphrase> in a negative
  12774. sentence is usually translated as “either.” In this case, <foreignphrase
  12775. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">bù</foreignphrase> comes between
  12776. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yě</foreignphrase> and the
  12777. verb. Possible English translations for <foreignphrase
  12778. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yě</foreignphrase>, in both affirmative and
  12779. negative sentences, are:<informaltable frame="all">
  12780. <tgroup cols="3">
  12781. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  12782. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  12783. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  12784. <tbody>
  12785. <row>
  12786. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase
  12787. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yě shi Yǐngguo
  12788. rén.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12789. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12790. >她也是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12791. <entry>
  12792. <para>She is English too.</para>
  12793. <para>She is also English.</para>
  12794. </entry>
  12795. </row>
  12796. <row>
  12797. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase
  12798. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā yě bú shi Yīnggguo
  12799. rén. </foreignphrase></entry>
  12800. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12801. >她也不是英國人。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12802. <entry>
  12803. <para>She is not English either.</para>
  12804. <para>She is also not English.</para>
  12805. </entry>
  12806. </row>
  12807. </tbody>
  12808. </tgroup>
  12809. </informaltable></para>
  12810. </section>
  12811. <section>
  12812. <title>Notes on № 4</title>
  12813. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  12814. <tgroup cols="3">
  12815. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12816. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12817. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  12818. <tbody>
  12819. <row>
  12820. <entry>4.</entry>
  12821. <entry>A:</entry>
  12822. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn,
  12823. Qīngdǎo zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12824. </row>
  12825. <row>
  12826. <entry/>
  12827. <entry/>
  12828. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12829. >請問,青島在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12830. </row>
  12831. <row>
  12832. <entry/>
  12833. <entry/>
  12834. <entry>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  12835. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12836. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  12837. </row>
  12838. <row>
  12839. <entry> </entry>
  12840. <entry>B:</entry>
  12841. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdǎo zài
  12842. Shāndōng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12843. </row>
  12844. <row>
  12845. <entry/>
  12846. <entry/>
  12847. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12848. >青島在山東。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12849. </row>
  12850. <row>
  12851. <entry/>
  12852. <entry/>
  12853. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12854. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  12855. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12856. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  12857. </row>
  12858. </tbody>
  12859. </tgroup>
  12860. </informaltable>
  12861. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zài</foreignphrase> is the verb
  12862. “to be in/at/on,” that is, “to be somewhere.” <foreignphrase
  12863. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zài</foreignphrase> involves location, while
  12864. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shì</foreignphrase> involves
  12865. identity, “to be someone/something.”</para>
  12866. </section>
  12867. <section>
  12868. <title>Notes on № 5</title>
  12869. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  12870. <tgroup cols="3">
  12871. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12872. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  12873. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  12874. <tbody>
  12875. <row>
  12876. <entry>5.</entry>
  12877. <entry>A:</entry>
  12878. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, nǐ
  12879. lǎojiā zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12880. </row>
  12881. <row>
  12882. <entry/>
  12883. <entry/>
  12884. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12885. >請問,你老家在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  12886. </row>
  12887. <row>
  12888. <entry/>
  12889. <entry/>
  12890. <entry>May I ask, where is your family from?</entry>
  12891. </row>
  12892. <row>
  12893. <entry> </entry>
  12894. <entry>B:</entry>
  12895. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ lǎojiā zài
  12896. Āndàlüè.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12897. </row>
  12898. <row>
  12899. <entry/>
  12900. <entry/>
  12901. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12902. >我老家在安大略。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12903. </row>
  12904. <row>
  12905. <entry/>
  12906. <entry/>
  12907. <entry>My family is from Ontario.</entry>
  12908. </row>
  12909. <row>
  12910. <entry> </entry>
  12911. <entry>B:</entry>
  12912. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ lǎojiā zài
  12913. Shāndōng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12914. </row>
  12915. <row>
  12916. <entry/>
  12917. <entry/>
  12918. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12919. >我老家在山東。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12920. </row>
  12921. <row>
  12922. <entry/>
  12923. <entry/>
  12924. <entry>My family is from <foreignphrase
  12925. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12926. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  12927. </row>
  12928. </tbody>
  12929. </tgroup>
  12930. </informaltable>
  12931. <para>Literally, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12932. >lǎojiā</foreignphrase> is “old home” (“original home,” “ancestral
  12933. home,” “native place”), that is, the place you and your family are from.
  12934. When a Chinese asks you about your <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12935. >lǎojiā</foreignphrase>, he probably wants to know about your hometown,
  12936. the place where you grew up. </para>
  12937. <para>When you ask a Chinese about his <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12938. >lǎojiā</foreignphrase> however, he will tell you where his family came
  12939. from originally. A Chinese whose grandparents came from the province of
  12940. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guǎngdōng</foreignphrase> will
  12941. give that as his <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12942. >lǎojiā</foreignphrase>, even if he and his parents have spent all of
  12943. their lives in <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12944. >Sìchuān</foreignphrase>.</para>
  12945. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ lǎojiā zài
  12946. nǎr?</foreignphrase> (literally “Where is your original home?”) asks for
  12947. the LOCATION of the town you come from.</para>
  12948. <para>The question is answered with <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12949. >zài</foreignphrase> plus the name of the province (or state) that the
  12950. town is located in: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ lǎojiā zài
  12951. Dèzhōu (Āndàlüè, Shāndōng). Nǐ lǎojiā shi nǎr?</foreignphrase>
  12952. (translated into English as “What is your original home?” asks about the
  12953. IDENTITY of the town you come from. That question is answered with
  12954. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">shi</foreignphrase> plus the
  12955. name of the town (or city): <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ
  12956. lǎojiā shi Jiùjīnshān (Qǐngdǎo, Shànghǎi).</foreignphrase></para>
  12957. <para>Compare: </para>
  12958. <para>
  12959. <informaltable frame="all">
  12960. <tgroup cols="3">
  12961. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  12962. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  12963. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  12964. <tbody>
  12965. <row>
  12966. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase
  12967. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wó lǎojiā zài
  12968. Guǎngdōng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12969. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12970. >我老家在廣東。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12971. <entry>My original home is in <foreignphrase
  12972. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12973. >Guǎngdōng</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  12974. </row>
  12975. <row>
  12976. <entry valign="middle"><foreignphrase
  12977. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ lǎojiā shi
  12978. Guǎngzhōu.</foreignphrase></entry>
  12979. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  12980. >我老家是廣州。</foreignphrase></entry>
  12981. <entry>My original home is <foreignphrase
  12982. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12983. >Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase>.</entry>
  12984. </row>
  12985. </tbody>
  12986. </tgroup>
  12987. </informaltable>
  12988. </para>
  12989. <para>The possessive <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ
  12990. lǎojiā</foreignphrase>, like <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  12991. >tā àiren</foreignphrase>, does not require a possessive marker.
  12992. However, if more than one word must be used to indicate the possessor,
  12993. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">-de</foreignphrase> is often
  12994. inserted after the last word: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ
  12995. àirende lǎojiā</foreignphrase>, “your spouse’s original home” or “where
  12996. your spouse’s family comes from.”</para>
  12997. </section>
  12998. <section>
  12999. <title>Notes on № 6-8</title>
  13000. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  13001. <tgroup cols="3">
  13002. <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  13003. <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="2.0*"/>
  13004. <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="15.0*"/>
  13005. <tbody>
  13006. <row>
  13007. <entry>6.</entry>
  13008. <entry>A:</entry>
  13009. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén Shìmín
  13010. tóngzhì zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13011. </row>
  13012. <row>
  13013. <entry/>
  13014. <entry/>
  13015. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13016. >陳世民同志在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13017. </row>
  13018. <row>
  13019. <entry/>
  13020. <entry/>
  13021. <entry>Where is Comrade <foreignphrase
  13022. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13023. >Shìmín</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  13024. </row>
  13025. <row>
  13026. <entry> </entry>
  13027. <entry>B:</entry>
  13028. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā zài
  13029. nàr.</foreignphrase></entry>
  13030. </row>
  13031. <row>
  13032. <entry/>
  13033. <entry/>
  13034. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13035. >他在那兒。</foreignphrase></entry>
  13036. </row>
  13037. <row>
  13038. <entry/>
  13039. <entry/>
  13040. <entry>He’s there.</entry>
  13041. </row>
  13042. <row>
  13043. <entry>7.</entry>
  13044. <entry>A:</entry>
  13045. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdǎo zài
  13046. nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13047. </row>
  13048. <row>
  13049. <entry/>
  13050. <entry/>
  13051. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13052. >青島在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13053. </row>
  13054. <row>
  13055. <entry/>
  13056. <entry/>
  13057. <entry>Where is <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13058. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>?</entry>
  13059. </row>
  13060. <row>
  13061. <entry> </entry>
  13062. <entry>B:</entry>
  13063. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zài
  13064. zhèr.</foreignphrase></entry>
  13065. </row>
  13066. <row>
  13067. <entry/>
  13068. <entry/>
  13069. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13070. >在這兒。</foreignphrase></entry>
  13071. </row>
  13072. <row>
  13073. <entry/>
  13074. <entry/>
  13075. <entry>It’s here.</entry>
  13076. </row>
  13077. <row>
  13078. <entry>8.</entry>
  13079. <entry>A:</entry>
  13080. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ àiren
  13081. xiànzài zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13082. </row>
  13083. <row>
  13084. <entry/>
  13085. <entry/>
  13086. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13087. >你愛人現在在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13088. </row>
  13089. <row>
  13090. <entry/>
  13091. <entry/>
  13092. <entry>Where is your wife now?</entry>
  13093. </row>
  13094. <row>
  13095. <entry> </entry>
  13096. <entry>B:</entry>
  13097. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǒ àiren
  13098. xiànzài zài Jiānádà.</foreignphrase></entry>
  13099. </row>
  13100. <row>
  13101. <entry/>
  13102. <entry/>
  13103. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13104. >我愛人現在在加拿大。</foreignphrase></entry>
  13105. </row>
  13106. <row>
  13107. <entry/>
  13108. <entry/>
  13109. <entry>My wife is in Canada now.</entry>
  13110. </row>
  13111. </tbody>
  13112. </tgroup>
  13113. </informaltable>
  13114. <para>You have learned three words for asking and telling about
  13115. locations.</para>
  13116. <para>
  13117. <informaltable frame="all">
  13118. <tgroup cols="3">
  13119. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  13120. <colspec colname="newCol2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  13121. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*" align="center"/>
  13122. <tbody>
  13123. <row>
  13124. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13125. >nǎr</foreignphrase></entry>
  13126. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13127. >哪兒</foreignphrase></entry>
  13128. <entry>where</entry>
  13129. </row>
  13130. <row>
  13131. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nàr
  13132. (nèr)</foreignphrase></entry>
  13133. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13134. >那兒</foreignphrase></entry>
  13135. <entry>there</entry>
  13136. </row>
  13137. <row>
  13138. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13139. >zhèr</foreignphrase></entry>
  13140. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13141. >這兒</foreignphrase></entry>
  13142. <entry>here</entry>
  13143. </row>
  13144. </tbody>
  13145. </tgroup>
  13146. </informaltable>
  13147. </para>
  13148. <para>Notice that the question word <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13149. >nǎr</foreignphrase> is in the Low tone, while the answer words
  13150. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nàr</foreignphrase> and
  13151. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèr</foreignphrase> are both
  13152. in the Falling tone. Also notice that the vowel sound in <foreignphrase
  13153. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèr</foreignphrase> is different from that
  13154. in <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǎr</foreignphrase> and
  13155. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nàr</foreignphrase>. (Some
  13156. speakers prefer <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13157. >nèr</foreignphrase> to <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13158. >nàr</foreignphrase>.) When you are talking about movable things and
  13159. people that you presume are not nearby (“nearby,” being approximately within
  13160. pointing range), you usually ask where they are NOW. The “present time” word
  13161. may be omitted if the time has been established earlier in the conversation. </para>
  13162. <para><informaltable frame="all">
  13163. <tgroup cols="3">
  13164. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13165. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13166. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13167. <tbody>
  13168. <row>
  13169. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nǐ àiren
  13170. xiànzài zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13171. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13172. >你愛人現在在哪兒?</foreignphrase></entry>
  13173. <entry>Where is your wife now?</entry>
  13174. </row>
  13175. <row>
  13176. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā zài
  13177. Běijīng.</foreignphrase></entry>
  13178. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13179. >她在北京。</foreignphrase></entry>
  13180. <entry>She’s in <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13181. >Běijīng</foreignphrase> (now).</entry>
  13182. </row>
  13183. </tbody>
  13184. </tgroup>
  13185. </informaltable>If you ask about someone or something you presume to be
  13186. nearby (a pair of scissors in a drawer, for instance, or a person in a group
  13187. across the room), you do not use <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13188. >xiànzài</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13189. <para>In English, the words “here” and “there” are used to refer to locations of
  13190. any size. In Chinese, however, <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13191. >zhèr</foreignphrase> and <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13192. >nàr</foreignphrase> are usually not used for cities, provinces, and
  13193. countries (with the exception that you may use <foreignphrase
  13194. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">zhèr</foreignphrase> to refer to the city you
  13195. are in). Instead, you repeat the name of the place. </para>
  13196. <para>Compare these two exchanges in <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13197. >Beìjǐng</foreignphrase>: <informaltable frame="all" colsep="1"
  13198. rowsep="1">
  13199. <tgroup cols="2">
  13200. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="2.0*" align="center"/>
  13201. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="2" colwidth="4.0*"/>
  13202. <tbody>
  13203. <row>
  13204. <entry valign="middle">Country:</entry>
  13205. <entry>
  13206. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎdīng
  13207. xiānsheng xiànzài zài Zhōngguó
  13208. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  13209. <para>
  13210. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā xiànzài
  13211. zài Zhōngguó.</foreignphrase></para>
  13212. <para>He is <emphasis role="bold">here</emphasis>
  13213. now.</para>
  13214. </entry>
  13215. </row>
  13216. <row>
  13217. <entry valign="middle">City:</entry>
  13218. <entry>
  13219. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎdīng
  13220. xiānsheng xiànzài zài Shànghǎi
  13221. ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  13222. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā bú
  13223. zài Shànghǎi; tā zài zhèr.</foreignphrase></para>
  13224. <para>He is not <emphasis role="bold">there</emphasis>;
  13225. he is here.</para>
  13226. </entry>
  13227. </row>
  13228. </tbody>
  13229. </tgroup>
  13230. </informaltable></para>
  13231. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiānádà</foreignphrase>
  13232. “Canada”: Although the middle syllable of this word is marked with the
  13233. Rising tone, at a normal rate of speech you will probably hear
  13234. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13235. >Jiānādà</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13236. </section>
  13237. </section>
  13238. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  13239. </section>
  13240. <section>
  13241. <title>Drills</title>
  13242. <section>
  13243. <title>Response Drill</title>
  13244. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  13245. <title>Respond to the question “Where is He/she from?” according to the
  13246. cue.</title>
  13247. <tgroup cols="6">
  13248. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13249. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13250. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13251. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.4*"/>
  13252. <colspec colname="newCol5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13253. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13254. <thead>
  13255. <row>
  13256. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13257. <entry align="center"
  13258. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13259. <entry/>
  13260. <entry align="center"
  13261. >Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13262. <entry/>
  13263. <entry align="center"
  13264. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13265. </row>
  13266. </thead>
  13267. <tbody>
  13268. <row>
  13269. <entry/>
  13270. <entry/>
  13271. <entry/>
  13272. <entry/>
  13273. <entry/>
  13274. <entry/>
  13275. </row>
  13276. <row>
  13277. <entry>1.</entry>
  13278. <entry>
  13279. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  13280. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13281. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13282. >他/她是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13283. <para>Where is He/she from?</para>
  13284. </entry>
  13285. <entry/>
  13286. <entry>
  13287. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13288. >Húnán</foreignphrase></para>
  13289. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13290. >湖南</foreignphrase></para>
  13291. </entry>
  13292. <entry/>
  13293. <entry>
  13294. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Húnán
  13295. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13296. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13297. 他/她是湖南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13298. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13299. >Húnán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13300. </entry>
  13301. </row>
  13302. <row>
  13303. <entry/>
  13304. <entry/>
  13305. <entry/>
  13306. <entry/>
  13307. <entry/>
  13308. <entry/>
  13309. </row>
  13310. <row>
  13311. <entry>2.</entry>
  13312. <entry>
  13313. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  13314. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13315. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13316. >他/她是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13317. <para>Where is He/she from?</para>
  13318. </entry>
  13319. <entry/>
  13320. <entry>
  13321. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13322. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase></para>
  13323. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13324. >山東</foreignphrase></para>
  13325. </entry>
  13326. <entry/>
  13327. <entry>
  13328. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Shāndōng
  13329. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13330. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13331. 他/她是山東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13332. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13333. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13334. </entry>
  13335. </row>
  13336. <row>
  13337. <entry/>
  13338. <entry/>
  13339. <entry/>
  13340. <entry/>
  13341. <entry/>
  13342. <entry/>
  13343. </row>
  13344. <row>
  13345. <entry>3.</entry>
  13346. <entry>
  13347. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  13348. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13349. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13350. >他/她是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13351. <para>Where is He/she from?</para>
  13352. </entry>
  13353. <entry/>
  13354. <entry>
  13355. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13356. >Héběi</foreignphrase></para>
  13357. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13358. >河北</foreignphrase></para>
  13359. </entry>
  13360. <entry/>
  13361. <entry>
  13362. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Héběi
  13363. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13364. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 他/她是河北人。
  13365. </foreignphrase></para>
  13366. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13367. >Héběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13368. </entry>
  13369. </row>
  13370. <row>
  13371. <entry/>
  13372. <entry/>
  13373. <entry/>
  13374. <entry/>
  13375. <entry/>
  13376. <entry/>
  13377. </row>
  13378. <row>
  13379. <entry>4.</entry>
  13380. <entry>
  13381. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  13382. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13383. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13384. >他/她是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13385. <para>Where is He/she from?</para>
  13386. </entry>
  13387. <entry/>
  13388. <entry>
  13389. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13390. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase></para>
  13391. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13392. >江蘇</foreignphrase></para>
  13393. </entry>
  13394. <entry/>
  13395. <entry>
  13396. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Jiāngsū
  13397. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13398. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13399. 他/她是江蘇人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13400. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13401. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13402. </entry>
  13403. </row>
  13404. <row>
  13405. <entry/>
  13406. <entry/>
  13407. <entry/>
  13408. <entry/>
  13409. <entry/>
  13410. <entry/>
  13411. </row>
  13412. <row>
  13413. <entry>5.</entry>
  13414. <entry>
  13415. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  13416. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13417. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13418. >他/她是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13419. <para>Where is He/she from?</para>
  13420. </entry>
  13421. <entry/>
  13422. <entry>
  13423. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13424. >Guāngdōng</foreignphrase></para>
  13425. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13426. >廣東</foreignphrase></para>
  13427. </entry>
  13428. <entry/>
  13429. <entry>
  13430. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi
  13431. Guāngdōng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13432. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13433. 他/她是廣東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13434. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13435. >Guāngdōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13436. </entry>
  13437. </row>
  13438. <row>
  13439. <entry/>
  13440. <entry/>
  13441. <entry/>
  13442. <entry/>
  13443. <entry/>
  13444. <entry/>
  13445. </row>
  13446. <row>
  13447. <entry>6.</entry>
  13448. <entry>
  13449. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  13450. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13451. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13452. >他/她是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13453. <para>Where is He/she from?</para>
  13454. </entry>
  13455. <entry/>
  13456. <entry>
  13457. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13458. >Húběi</foreignphrase></para>
  13459. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13460. >湖北</foreignphrase></para>
  13461. </entry>
  13462. <entry/>
  13463. <entry>
  13464. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Húběi
  13465. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13466. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13467. 他/她是湖北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13468. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13469. >Húběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13470. </entry>
  13471. </row>
  13472. <row>
  13473. <entry/>
  13474. <entry/>
  13475. <entry/>
  13476. <entry/>
  13477. <entry/>
  13478. <entry/>
  13479. </row>
  13480. <row>
  13481. <entry>7.</entry>
  13482. <entry>
  13483. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi nǎrde
  13484. rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13485. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13486. >他/她是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13487. <para>Where is He/she from?</para>
  13488. </entry>
  13489. <entry/>
  13490. <entry>
  13491. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13492. >Sìchuān</foreignphrase></para>
  13493. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13494. >四川</foreignphrase></para>
  13495. </entry>
  13496. <entry/>
  13497. <entry>
  13498. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā shi Sìchuān
  13499. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13500. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13501. 他/她是四川人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13502. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13503. >Sìchuān</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13504. </entry>
  13505. </row>
  13506. </tbody>
  13507. </tgroup>
  13508. </table>
  13509. </section>
  13510. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  13511. <section>
  13512. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  13513. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  13514. <title>Ask the appropriate “where” question, as in the example.</title>
  13515. <tgroup cols="4">
  13516. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13517. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13518. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13519. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13520. <thead>
  13521. <row>
  13522. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13523. <entry align="center"
  13524. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13525. <entry/>
  13526. <entry align="center"
  13527. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13528. </row>
  13529. </thead>
  13530. <tbody>
  13531. <row>
  13532. <entry/>
  13533. <entry/>
  13534. <entry/>
  13535. <entry/>
  13536. </row>
  13537. <row>
  13538. <entry>1.</entry>
  13539. <entry>
  13540. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng tóngzhì
  13541. fūren shi Běijīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13542. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13543. >張同志夫人是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13544. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13545. >Zhāng</foreignphrase>’s wife is from <foreignphrase
  13546. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13547. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13548. </entry>
  13549. <entry/>
  13550. <entry>
  13551. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qǐngwèn, Zhāng
  13552. fūren shi nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13553. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13554. 請問張夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13555. <para> May I ask, where is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  13556. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng</foreignphrase>
  13557. from?</para>
  13558. </entry>
  13559. </row>
  13560. <row>
  13561. <entry/>
  13562. <entry/>
  13563. <entry/>
  13564. <entry/>
  13565. </row>
  13566. <row>
  13567. <entry>2.</entry>
  13568. <entry>
  13569. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng tóngzhì
  13570. fūren shi Shànghǎi ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13571. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13572. >黃同志夫人是上海人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13573. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13574. >Huáng</foreignphrase>’s wife is from <foreignphrase
  13575. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13576. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13577. </entry>
  13578. <entry/>
  13579. <entry>
  13580. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qǐngwèn, Huáng
  13581. fūren shi nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13582. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13583. 請問黃夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13584. <para> May I ask, where is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  13585. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng</foreignphrase>
  13586. from?</para>
  13587. </entry>
  13588. </row>
  13589. <row>
  13590. <entry/>
  13591. <entry/>
  13592. <entry/>
  13593. <entry/>
  13594. </row>
  13595. <row>
  13596. <entry>3.</entry>
  13597. <entry>
  13598. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng tóngzhì
  13599. fūren shi Nánjīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13600. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13601. >王同志夫人是南京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13602. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13603. >Wáng</foreignphrase>’s wife is from <foreignphrase
  13604. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13605. >Nánjīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13606. </entry>
  13607. <entry/>
  13608. <entry>
  13609. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qǐngwèn, Wáng
  13610. fūren shi nǎrde ren?</foreignphrase></para>
  13611. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13612. 請問黃夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13613. <para> May I ask, where is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  13614. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng</foreignphrase>
  13615. from?</para>
  13616. </entry>
  13617. </row>
  13618. <row>
  13619. <entry/>
  13620. <entry/>
  13621. <entry/>
  13622. <entry/>
  13623. </row>
  13624. <row>
  13625. <entry>4.</entry>
  13626. <entry>
  13627. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lǐ tóngzhì fūren
  13628. shi Guǎngzhōu rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13629. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13630. >李同志夫人是廣州人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13631. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13632. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>’s wife is from <foreignphrase
  13633. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13634. >Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13635. </entry>
  13636. <entry/>
  13637. <entry>
  13638. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qǐngwèn, Lǐ
  13639. fūren shi nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13640. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13641. 請問李夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13642. <para> May I ask, where is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  13643. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lǐ</foreignphrase>
  13644. from?</para>
  13645. </entry>
  13646. </row>
  13647. <row>
  13648. <entry/>
  13649. <entry/>
  13650. <entry/>
  13651. <entry/>
  13652. </row>
  13653. <row>
  13654. <entry>5.</entry>
  13655. <entry>
  13656. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào tōngzhì
  13657. fūren shi Xiānggǎng ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13658. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13659. >趙同志夫人是香港。</foreignphrase></para>
  13660. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13661. >Zhào</foreignphrase>’s wife is from <foreignphrase
  13662. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13663. >Xiānggǎng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13664. </entry>
  13665. <entry/>
  13666. <entry>
  13667. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qǐngwèn, Zhào
  13668. fūren shi nǎrde ren?</foreignphrase></para>
  13669. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13670. 請問趙夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13671. <para> May I ask, where is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  13672. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào</foreignphrase>
  13673. from?</para>
  13674. </entry>
  13675. </row>
  13676. <row>
  13677. <entry/>
  13678. <entry/>
  13679. <entry/>
  13680. <entry/>
  13681. </row>
  13682. <row>
  13683. <entry>6.</entry>
  13684. <entry>
  13685. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Máo tóngzhì
  13686. fūren shi Qīngdǎo ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13687. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13688. >毛同志夫人是青島人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13689. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13690. >Máo</foreignphrase>’s wife is from <foreignphrase
  13691. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13692. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13693. </entry>
  13694. <entry/>
  13695. <entry>
  13696. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qǐngwèn, Máo
  13697. fūren shi nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13698. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13699. 請問毛夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13700. <para> May I ask, where is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  13701. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Máo</foreignphrase>
  13702. from?</para>
  13703. </entry>
  13704. </row>
  13705. <row>
  13706. <entry/>
  13707. <entry/>
  13708. <entry/>
  13709. <entry/>
  13710. </row>
  13711. <row>
  13712. <entry>7.</entry>
  13713. <entry>
  13714. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén tóngzhì
  13715. fūren shi Běijīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13716. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13717. >陳同志夫人是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13718. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13719. >Chén</foreignphrase>’s wife is from <foreignphrase
  13720. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13721. >Xiānggǎng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13722. </entry>
  13723. <entry/>
  13724. <entry>
  13725. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qǐngwèn, Chén
  13726. fūren shi nǎrde rén?</foreignphrase></para>
  13727. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13728. 請問陳夫人是哪兒的人?</foreignphrase></para>
  13729. <para> May I ask, where is Mrs. <foreignphrase
  13730. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén</foreignphrase>
  13731. from?</para>
  13732. </entry>
  13733. </row>
  13734. </tbody>
  13735. </tgroup>
  13736. </table>
  13737. </section>
  13738. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  13739. <section>
  13740. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  13741. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  13742. <title>Change affirmative statements to negative statements. </title>
  13743. <tgroup cols="4">
  13744. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13745. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13746. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13747. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13748. <thead>
  13749. <row>
  13750. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13751. <entry align="center"
  13752. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13753. <entry/>
  13754. <entry align="center"
  13755. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13756. </row>
  13757. </thead>
  13758. <tbody>
  13759. <row>
  13760. <entry/>
  13761. <entry/>
  13762. <entry/>
  13763. <entry/>
  13764. </row>
  13765. <row>
  13766. <entry>1.</entry>
  13767. <entry>
  13768. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Héběi
  13769. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13770. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13771. >他/她是河北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13772. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13773. >Héběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13774. </entry>
  13775. <entry/>
  13776. <entry>
  13777. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi Héběi
  13778. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13779. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13780. 他/她不是河北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13781. <para> He/she is not from <foreignphrase
  13782. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Héběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13783. </entry>
  13784. </row>
  13785. <row>
  13786. <entry/>
  13787. <entry/>
  13788. <entry/>
  13789. <entry/>
  13790. </row>
  13791. <row>
  13792. <entry>2.</entry>
  13793. <entry>
  13794. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Shāndōng
  13795. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13796. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13797. >他/她是山東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13798. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13799. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13800. </entry>
  13801. <entry/>
  13802. <entry>
  13803. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  13804. Shāndōng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13805. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13806. 他/她不是山東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13807. <para> He/she is not from <foreignphrase
  13808. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13809. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13810. </entry>
  13811. </row>
  13812. <row>
  13813. <entry/>
  13814. <entry/>
  13815. <entry/>
  13816. <entry/>
  13817. </row>
  13818. <row>
  13819. <entry>3.</entry>
  13820. <entry>
  13821. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiāngsū
  13822. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13823. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13824. >他/她是江蘇人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13825. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13826. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13827. </entry>
  13828. <entry/>
  13829. <entry>
  13830. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  13831. Jiāngsū rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13832. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13833. 他/她不是江蘇人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13834. <para> He/she is not from <foreignphrase
  13835. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13836. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13837. </entry>
  13838. </row>
  13839. <row>
  13840. <entry/>
  13841. <entry/>
  13842. <entry/>
  13843. <entry/>
  13844. </row>
  13845. <row>
  13846. <entry>4.</entry>
  13847. <entry>
  13848. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fújiàn
  13849. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13850. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13851. >他/她是福建人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13852. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13853. >Fújiàn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13854. </entry>
  13855. <entry/>
  13856. <entry>
  13857. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  13858. Fújiàn rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13859. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13860. 他/她不是福建人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13861. <para> He/she is not from <foreignphrase
  13862. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13863. >Fújiàn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13864. </entry>
  13865. </row>
  13866. <row>
  13867. <entry/>
  13868. <entry/>
  13869. <entry/>
  13870. <entry/>
  13871. </row>
  13872. <row>
  13873. <entry>5.</entry>
  13874. <entry>
  13875. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhèjiāng
  13876. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13877. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13878. >他/她是浙江人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13879. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13880. >Zhèjiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13881. </entry>
  13882. <entry/>
  13883. <entry>
  13884. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  13885. Zhèjiāng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13886. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13887. 他/她不是浙江人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13888. <para> He/she is not from <foreignphrase
  13889. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13890. >Zhèjiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13891. </entry>
  13892. </row>
  13893. <row>
  13894. <entry/>
  13895. <entry/>
  13896. <entry/>
  13897. <entry/>
  13898. </row>
  13899. <row>
  13900. <entry>6.</entry>
  13901. <entry>
  13902. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Húnán
  13903. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13904. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13905. >他/她是湖南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13906. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13907. >Húnán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13908. </entry>
  13909. <entry/>
  13910. <entry>
  13911. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi Húnán
  13912. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13913. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13914. 他/她不是湖南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13915. <para> He/she is not from <foreignphrase
  13916. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Húnán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13917. </entry>
  13918. </row>
  13919. <row>
  13920. <entry/>
  13921. <entry/>
  13922. <entry/>
  13923. <entry/>
  13924. </row>
  13925. <row>
  13926. <entry>7.</entry>
  13927. <entry>
  13928. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Sìchuān
  13929. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13930. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13931. >他/她是四川人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13932. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13933. >Sìchuān</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13934. </entry>
  13935. <entry/>
  13936. <entry>
  13937. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  13938. Sìchuān rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13939. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13940. 他/她不是四川人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13941. <para> He/she is not from <foreignphrase
  13942. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13943. >Sìchuān</foreignphrase>.</para>
  13944. </entry>
  13945. </row>
  13946. </tbody>
  13947. </tgroup>
  13948. </table>
  13949. </section>
  13950. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  13951. <section>
  13952. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  13953. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  13954. <title>Add <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yě</foreignphrase> to the
  13955. statement.</title>
  13956. <tgroup cols="4">
  13957. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13958. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13959. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  13960. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  13961. <thead>
  13962. <row>
  13963. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13964. <entry align="center"
  13965. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13966. <entry align="center"
  13967. ><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13968. <entry align="center"
  13969. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  13970. </row>
  13971. </thead>
  13972. <tbody>
  13973. <row>
  13974. <entry/>
  13975. <entry/>
  13976. <entry/>
  13977. <entry/>
  13978. </row>
  13979. <row>
  13980. <entry>1.</entry>
  13981. <entry>
  13982. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Héběi
  13983. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  13984. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  13985. >他/她是河北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13986. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13987. >Héběi</foreignphrase></para>
  13988. </entry>
  13989. <entry/>
  13990. <entry>
  13991. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě shi Héběi
  13992. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  13993. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  13994. 他/她也是河北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  13995. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  13996. >Héběi</foreignphrase> too.</para>
  13997. </entry>
  13998. </row>
  13999. <row>
  14000. <entry/>
  14001. <entry/>
  14002. <entry/>
  14003. <entry/>
  14004. </row>
  14005. <row>
  14006. <entry>2.</entry>
  14007. <entry>
  14008. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Zhèjiāng
  14009. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14010. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14011. >他/她是浙江人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14012. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14013. >Zhèjiāng</foreignphrase></para>
  14014. </entry>
  14015. <entry/>
  14016. <entry>
  14017. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě shi
  14018. Zhèjiāng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14019. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14020. 他/她也是浙江人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14021. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14022. >Zhèjiāng</foreignphrase> too.</para>
  14023. </entry>
  14024. </row>
  14025. <row>
  14026. <entry/>
  14027. <entry/>
  14028. <entry/>
  14029. <entry/>
  14030. </row>
  14031. <row>
  14032. <entry>3.</entry>
  14033. <entry>
  14034. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Fújiàn
  14035. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14036. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14037. >他/她是福建人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14038. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14039. >Fújiàn</foreignphrase></para>
  14040. </entry>
  14041. <entry/>
  14042. <entry>
  14043. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě shi
  14044. Fújiàn rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14045. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14046. 他/她也是福建人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14047. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14048. >Fújiàn</foreignphrase> too.</para>
  14049. </entry>
  14050. </row>
  14051. <row>
  14052. <entry/>
  14053. <entry/>
  14054. <entry/>
  14055. <entry/>
  14056. </row>
  14057. <row>
  14058. <entry>4.</entry>
  14059. <entry>
  14060. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Húnán
  14061. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14062. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14063. >他/她是湖南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14064. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14065. >Húnán</foreignphrase></para>
  14066. </entry>
  14067. <entry/>
  14068. <entry>
  14069. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě shi Húnán
  14070. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14071. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14072. 他/她也是湖南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14073. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14074. >Húnán</foreignphrase> too.</para>
  14075. </entry>
  14076. </row>
  14077. <row>
  14078. <entry/>
  14079. <entry/>
  14080. <entry/>
  14081. <entry/>
  14082. </row>
  14083. <row>
  14084. <entry>5.</entry>
  14085. <entry>
  14086. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Jiāngsū
  14087. ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14088. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14089. >他/她是江蘇人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14090. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14091. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase></para>
  14092. </entry>
  14093. <entry/>
  14094. <entry>
  14095. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě shi
  14096. Jiāngsū rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14097. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14098. 他/她也是江蘇人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14099. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14100. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase> too.</para>
  14101. </entry>
  14102. </row>
  14103. <row>
  14104. <entry/>
  14105. <entry/>
  14106. <entry/>
  14107. <entry/>
  14108. </row>
  14109. <row>
  14110. <entry>6.</entry>
  14111. <entry>
  14112. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Shāndōng
  14113. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14114. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14115. >他/她是山東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14116. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14117. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase></para>
  14118. </entry>
  14119. <entry/>
  14120. <entry>
  14121. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě shi
  14122. Shāndōng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14123. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14124. 他/她也是山東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14125. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14126. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase> too.</para>
  14127. </entry>
  14128. </row>
  14129. <row>
  14130. <entry/>
  14131. <entry/>
  14132. <entry/>
  14133. <entry/>
  14134. </row>
  14135. <row>
  14136. <entry>7.</entry>
  14137. <entry>
  14138. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā shi Hénán
  14139. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14140. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14141. >他/她是河南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14142. <para>He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14143. >Hénán</foreignphrase></para>
  14144. </entry>
  14145. <entry/>
  14146. <entry>
  14147. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě shi Hénán
  14148. rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14149. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14150. 他/她也是河南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14151. <para> He/she is from <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14152. >Hénán</foreignphrase> too.</para>
  14153. </entry>
  14154. </row>
  14155. </tbody>
  14156. </tgroup>
  14157. </table>
  14158. </section>
  14159. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  14160. <section>
  14161. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  14162. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  14163. <title>Add <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yě</foreignphrase> to the
  14164. statement.</title>
  14165. <tgroup cols="4">
  14166. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  14167. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  14168. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  14169. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  14170. <thead>
  14171. <row>
  14172. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14173. <entry align="center"
  14174. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14175. <entry/>
  14176. <entry align="center"
  14177. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14178. </row>
  14179. </thead>
  14180. <tbody>
  14181. <row>
  14182. <entry/>
  14183. <entry/>
  14184. <entry/>
  14185. <entry/>
  14186. </row>
  14187. <row>
  14188. <entry>1.</entry>
  14189. <entry>
  14190. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào xiānsheng
  14191. bú shi Táiwān rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14192. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14193. >趙先生不是臺灣人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14194. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14195. >Zhào</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14196. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14197. >Táiwān</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14198. </entry>
  14199. <entry/>
  14200. <entry>
  14201. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Zhào xiānsheng
  14202. yě bú shi Táiwān rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14203. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14204. 趙先生也不是臺灣人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14205. <para> Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14206. >Zhào</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14207. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táiwān</foreignphrase>
  14208. either.</para>
  14209. </entry>
  14210. </row>
  14211. <row>
  14212. <entry/>
  14213. <entry/>
  14214. <entry/>
  14215. <entry/>
  14216. </row>
  14217. <row>
  14218. <entry>2.</entry>
  14219. <entry>
  14220. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lǐ xiānsheng bú
  14221. shi Táiběi ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14222. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14223. >李先生不是臺北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14224. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14225. >Lǐ</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14226. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14227. >Táiběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14228. </entry>
  14229. <entry/>
  14230. <entry>
  14231. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Lǐ xiānsheng yě
  14232. bú shi Táiběi ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14233. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14234. 李先生也不是臺北人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14235. <para> Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14236. >Lǐ</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14237. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táiběi</foreignphrase>
  14238. either.</para>
  14239. </entry>
  14240. </row>
  14241. <row>
  14242. <entry/>
  14243. <entry/>
  14244. <entry/>
  14245. <entry/>
  14246. </row>
  14247. <row>
  14248. <entry>3.</entry>
  14249. <entry>
  14250. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng xiānsheng
  14251. bú shi Táizhōng ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14252. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14253. >王先生不是臺中人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14254. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14255. >Wáng</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14256. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14257. >Táizhōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14258. </entry>
  14259. <entry/>
  14260. <entry>
  14261. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Wáng xiānsheng
  14262. yě bú shi Táizhōng ren.</foreignphrase></para>
  14263. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14264. 王先生也不是臺中人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14265. <para> Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14266. >Wáng</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14267. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táizhōng</foreignphrase>
  14268. either.</para>
  14269. </entry>
  14270. </row>
  14271. <row>
  14272. <entry/>
  14273. <entry/>
  14274. <entry/>
  14275. <entry/>
  14276. </row>
  14277. <row>
  14278. <entry>4.</entry>
  14279. <entry>
  14280. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng xiānsheng
  14281. bú shi Táinán rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14282. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14283. >黃先生不是臺南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14284. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14285. >Huáng</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14286. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14287. >Táinán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14288. </entry>
  14289. <entry/>
  14290. <entry>
  14291. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Huáng xiānsheng
  14292. yě bú shi Táinán rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14293. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14294. 黃先生也不是臺南人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14295. <para> Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14296. >Huáng</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14297. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táinán</foreignphrase>
  14298. either.</para>
  14299. </entry>
  14300. </row>
  14301. <row>
  14302. <entry/>
  14303. <entry/>
  14304. <entry/>
  14305. <entry/>
  14306. </row>
  14307. <row>
  14308. <entry>5.</entry>
  14309. <entry>
  14310. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liú xiānsheng bú
  14311. shi Táidōng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14312. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14313. >劉先生不是臺東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14314. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14315. >Liú</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14316. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14317. >Táidōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14318. </entry>
  14319. <entry/>
  14320. <entry>
  14321. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Liú xiānsheng
  14322. yě bú shi Táidōng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14323. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14324. 劉先生也不是臺東人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14325. <para> Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14326. >Liú</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14327. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táidōng</foreignphrase>
  14328. either.</para>
  14329. </entry>
  14330. </row>
  14331. <row>
  14332. <entry/>
  14333. <entry/>
  14334. <entry/>
  14335. <entry/>
  14336. </row>
  14337. <row>
  14338. <entry>6.</entry>
  14339. <entry>
  14340. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hú xiānsheng bú
  14341. shi Jīlóng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14342. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14343. >胡先生不是基隆市人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14344. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14345. >Hú</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14346. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14347. >Jīlóng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14348. </entry>
  14349. <entry/>
  14350. <entry>
  14351. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Hú xiānsheng yě
  14352. bú shi Jīlóng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14353. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14354. 胡先生也不是基隆市人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14355. <para> Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14356. >Hú</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14357. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jīlóng</foreignphrase>
  14358. either.</para>
  14359. </entry>
  14360. </row>
  14361. <row>
  14362. <entry/>
  14363. <entry/>
  14364. <entry/>
  14365. <entry/>
  14366. </row>
  14367. <row>
  14368. <entry>7.</entry>
  14369. <entry>
  14370. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén xiānsheng
  14371. bú shi Gāoxióng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14372. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14373. >陳先生不是高雄人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14374. <para>Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14375. >Chén</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14376. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14377. >Gāoxióng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14378. </entry>
  14379. <entry/>
  14380. <entry>
  14381. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Chén xiānsheng
  14382. yě bú shi Gāoxióng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14383. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14384. 陳先生也不是高雄人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14385. <para> Mr. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14386. >Chén</foreignphrase> isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14387. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gāoxióng</foreignphrase>
  14388. either.</para>
  14389. </entry>
  14390. </row>
  14391. </tbody>
  14392. </tgroup>
  14393. </table>
  14394. </section>
  14395. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  14396. <section>
  14397. <title>Response drill</title>
  14398. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  14399. <title>Give a negative answer to the statements..</title>
  14400. <tgroup cols="4">
  14401. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  14402. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  14403. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  14404. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  14405. <thead>
  14406. <row>
  14407. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14408. <entry align="center"
  14409. >Question<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14410. <entry/>
  14411. <entry align="center"
  14412. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14413. </row>
  14414. </thead>
  14415. <tbody>
  14416. <row>
  14417. <entry/>
  14418. <entry/>
  14419. <entry/>
  14420. <entry/>
  14421. </row>
  14422. <row>
  14423. <entry>1.</entry>
  14424. <entry>
  14425. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎ tóngzhì shi
  14426. Běijīng rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  14427. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14428. >馬同志是北京人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  14429. <para>Is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14430. >Mǎ</foreignphrase> from <foreignphrase
  14431. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14432. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14433. </entry>
  14434. <entry/>
  14435. <entry>
  14436. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  14437. Běijīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14438. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14439. 他/她不是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14440. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14441. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14442. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14443. </entry>
  14444. </row>
  14445. <row>
  14446. <entry/>
  14447. <entry/>
  14448. <entry/>
  14449. <entry/>
  14450. </row>
  14451. <row>
  14452. <entry>2.</entry>
  14453. <entry>
  14454. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  14455. ne?</foreignphrase></para>
  14456. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她愛人呢?
  14457. </foreignphrase></para>
  14458. <para>And his/her spouse?</para>
  14459. </entry>
  14460. <entry/>
  14461. <entry>
  14462. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren yě bú
  14463. shi Běijīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14464. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14465. 他/她愛人也不是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14466. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14467. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běijīng</foreignphrase>
  14468. either.</para>
  14469. </entry>
  14470. </row>
  14471. <row>
  14472. <entry/>
  14473. <entry/>
  14474. <entry/>
  14475. <entry/>
  14476. </row>
  14477. <row>
  14478. <entry>3.</entry>
  14479. <entry>
  14480. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng tóngzhì
  14481. shi Shànghǎi rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  14482. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14483. >張同志是上海人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  14484. <para>Is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14485. >Zhāng</foreignphrase> from <foreignphrase
  14486. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14487. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14488. </entry>
  14489. <entry/>
  14490. <entry>
  14491. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  14492. Shànghǎi rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14493. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14494. 他/她不是上海人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14495. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14496. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14497. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14498. </entry>
  14499. </row>
  14500. <row>
  14501. <entry/>
  14502. <entry/>
  14503. <entry/>
  14504. <entry/>
  14505. </row>
  14506. <row>
  14507. <entry>4.</entry>
  14508. <entry>
  14509. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  14510. ne?</foreignphrase></para>
  14511. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她愛人呢?
  14512. </foreignphrase></para>
  14513. <para>And his/her spouse?</para>
  14514. </entry>
  14515. <entry/>
  14516. <entry>
  14517. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě bú shi
  14518. Shànghǎi rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14519. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14520. 他/她也不是上海人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14521. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14522. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>
  14523. either.</para>
  14524. </entry>
  14525. </row>
  14526. <row>
  14527. <entry/>
  14528. <entry/>
  14529. <entry/>
  14530. <entry/>
  14531. </row>
  14532. <row>
  14533. <entry>5.</entry>
  14534. <entry>
  14535. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāng tóngzhì
  14536. shi Nánjīng rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  14537. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14538. >蔣同志是南京人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  14539. <para>Is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14540. >Jiāng</foreignphrase> from <foreignphrase
  14541. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14542. >Nánjīng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14543. </entry>
  14544. <entry/>
  14545. <entry>
  14546. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  14547. Nánjīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14548. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14549. 他/她不是南京.</foreignphrase></para>
  14550. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14551. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14552. >Nánjīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14553. </entry>
  14554. </row>
  14555. <row>
  14556. <entry/>
  14557. <entry/>
  14558. <entry/>
  14559. <entry/>
  14560. </row>
  14561. <row>
  14562. <entry>6.</entry>
  14563. <entry>
  14564. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  14565. ne?</foreignphrase></para>
  14566. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她愛人呢?
  14567. </foreignphrase></para>
  14568. <para>And his/her spouse?</para>
  14569. </entry>
  14570. <entry/>
  14571. <entry>
  14572. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě bú shi
  14573. Nánjīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14574. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14575. 他/她也不是南京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14576. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14577. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nánjīng</foreignphrase>
  14578. either.</para>
  14579. </entry>
  14580. </row>
  14581. <row>
  14582. <entry/>
  14583. <entry/>
  14584. <entry/>
  14585. <entry/>
  14586. </row>
  14587. <row>
  14588. <entry>7.</entry>
  14589. <entry>
  14590. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chén tóngzhì shi
  14591. Guǎngzhōu rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  14592. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14593. >陳同志是廣州人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  14594. <para>Is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14595. >Chén</foreignphrase> from <foreignphrase
  14596. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14597. >Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14598. </entry>
  14599. <entry/>
  14600. <entry>
  14601. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  14602. Guǎngzhōu rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14603. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14604. 他/她不是廣州人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14605. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14606. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14607. >Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14608. </entry>
  14609. </row>
  14610. <row>
  14611. <entry/>
  14612. <entry/>
  14613. <entry/>
  14614. <entry/>
  14615. </row>
  14616. <row>
  14617. <entry>8.</entry>
  14618. <entry>
  14619. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  14620. ne?</foreignphrase></para>
  14621. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她愛人呢?
  14622. </foreignphrase></para>
  14623. <para>And his/her spouse?</para>
  14624. </entry>
  14625. <entry/>
  14626. <entry>
  14627. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě bú shi
  14628. Guǎngzhōu rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14629. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14630. 他/她也不是廣州人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14631. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14632. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase>
  14633. either.</para>
  14634. </entry>
  14635. </row>
  14636. <row>
  14637. <entry/>
  14638. <entry/>
  14639. <entry/>
  14640. <entry/>
  14641. </row>
  14642. <row>
  14643. <entry>9.</entry>
  14644. <entry>
  14645. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sūn tóngzhì shi
  14646. Chéngdū rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  14647. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14648. >孫同志是成都人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  14649. <para>Is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14650. >Sūn</foreignphrase> from <foreignphrase
  14651. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14652. >Chéngdū</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14653. </entry>
  14654. <entry/>
  14655. <entry>
  14656. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bū shi
  14657. Chéngdū rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14658. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14659. 他/她不是成都人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14660. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14661. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14662. >Chéngdū</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14663. </entry>
  14664. </row>
  14665. <row>
  14666. <entry/>
  14667. <entry/>
  14668. <entry/>
  14669. <entry/>
  14670. </row>
  14671. <row>
  14672. <entry>10.</entry>
  14673. <entry>
  14674. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  14675. ne?</foreignphrase></para>
  14676. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她愛人呢?
  14677. </foreignphrase></para>
  14678. <para>And his/her spouse?</para>
  14679. </entry>
  14680. <entry/>
  14681. <entry>
  14682. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě bú shi
  14683. Chéngdū rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14684. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14685. 他/她也不是成都人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14686. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14687. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chéngdū</foreignphrase>
  14688. either.</para>
  14689. </entry>
  14690. </row>
  14691. <row>
  14692. <entry/>
  14693. <entry/>
  14694. <entry/>
  14695. <entry/>
  14696. </row>
  14697. <row>
  14698. <entry>11.</entry>
  14699. <entry>
  14700. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Máo tóngzhì shi
  14701. Qīngdǎo rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  14702. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14703. >毛同志是青島人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  14704. <para>Is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14705. >Máo</foreignphrase> from <foreignphrase
  14706. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14707. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14708. </entry>
  14709. <entry/>
  14710. <entry>
  14711. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  14712. Qīngdǎo rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14713. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14714. 他/她不是青島人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14715. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14716. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14717. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14718. </entry>
  14719. </row>
  14720. <row>
  14721. <entry/>
  14722. <entry/>
  14723. <entry/>
  14724. <entry/>
  14725. </row>
  14726. <row>
  14727. <entry>12.</entry>
  14728. <entry>
  14729. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  14730. ne?</foreignphrase></para>
  14731. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她愛人呢?
  14732. </foreignphrase></para>
  14733. <para>And his/her spouse?</para>
  14734. </entry>
  14735. <entry/>
  14736. <entry>
  14737. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě bú shi
  14738. Qīngdǎo rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14739. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14740. 他/她也不是青島人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14741. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14742. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>
  14743. either.</para>
  14744. </entry>
  14745. </row>
  14746. <row>
  14747. <entry/>
  14748. <entry/>
  14749. <entry/>
  14750. <entry/>
  14751. </row>
  14752. <row>
  14753. <entry>13.</entry>
  14754. <entry>
  14755. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yáng tóngzhì shi
  14756. Běijīng rén ma?</foreignphrase></para>
  14757. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14758. >楊同志是北京人嗎?</foreignphrase></para>
  14759. <para>Is Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14760. >Yáng</foreignphrase> from <foreignphrase
  14761. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14762. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14763. </entry>
  14764. <entry/>
  14765. <entry>
  14766. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā bú shi
  14767. Běijīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14768. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14769. 他/她不是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14770. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14771. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14772. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14773. </entry>
  14774. </row>
  14775. <row>
  14776. <entry/>
  14777. <entry/>
  14778. <entry/>
  14779. <entry/>
  14780. </row>
  14781. <row>
  14782. <entry>14.</entry>
  14783. <entry>
  14784. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren
  14785. ne?</foreignphrase></para>
  14786. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">他/她愛人呢?
  14787. </foreignphrase></para>
  14788. <para>And his/her spouse?</para>
  14789. </entry>
  14790. <entry/>
  14791. <entry>
  14792. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā yě bú shi
  14793. Běijīng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  14794. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14795. 他/她也不是北京人。</foreignphrase></para>
  14796. <para> He/she isn’t from <foreignphrase
  14797. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běijīng</foreignphrase>
  14798. either.</para>
  14799. </entry>
  14800. </row>
  14801. </tbody>
  14802. </tgroup>
  14803. </table>
  14804. </section>
  14805. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  14806. <section>
  14807. <title>Response Drill</title>
  14808. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  14809. <title>Respond according to the cue.</title>
  14810. <tgroup cols="6">
  14811. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  14812. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  14813. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  14814. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.4*"/>
  14815. <colspec colname="newCol5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  14816. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  14817. <thead>
  14818. <row>
  14819. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14820. <entry align="center"
  14821. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14822. <entry/>
  14823. <entry align="center"
  14824. >Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14825. <entry/>
  14826. <entry align="center"
  14827. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  14828. </row>
  14829. </thead>
  14830. <tbody>
  14831. <row>
  14832. <entry/>
  14833. <entry/>
  14834. <entry/>
  14835. <entry/>
  14836. <entry/>
  14837. <entry/>
  14838. </row>
  14839. <row>
  14840. <entry>1.</entry>
  14841. <entry>
  14842. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo
  14843. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  14844. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14845. >請問青島在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  14846. <para>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  14847. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14848. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14849. </entry>
  14850. <entry/>
  14851. <entry>
  14852. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14853. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase></para>
  14854. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14855. >山東</foreignphrase></para>
  14856. </entry>
  14857. <entry/>
  14858. <entry>
  14859. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qīngdǎo zài
  14860. Shāndōng.</foreignphrase></para>
  14861. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14862. 青島在山東。</foreignphrase></para>
  14863. <para>
  14864. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14865. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  14866. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14867. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14868. </entry>
  14869. </row>
  14870. <row>
  14871. <entry/>
  14872. <entry/>
  14873. <entry/>
  14874. <entry/>
  14875. <entry/>
  14876. <entry/>
  14877. </row>
  14878. <row>
  14879. <entry>2.</entry>
  14880. <entry>
  14881. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, Nánjīng
  14882. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  14883. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14884. >請問南京在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  14885. <para>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  14886. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14887. >Nánjīng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14888. </entry>
  14889. <entry/>
  14890. <entry>
  14891. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14892. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase></para>
  14893. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14894. >江蘇</foreignphrase></para>
  14895. </entry>
  14896. <entry/>
  14897. <entry>
  14898. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Nánjīng zài
  14899. Jiāngsū.</foreignphrase></para>
  14900. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14901. 南京在江蘇。</foreignphrase></para>
  14902. <para>
  14903. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14904. >Nánjīng</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  14905. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14906. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14907. </entry>
  14908. </row>
  14909. <row>
  14910. <entry/>
  14911. <entry/>
  14912. <entry/>
  14913. <entry/>
  14914. <entry/>
  14915. <entry/>
  14916. </row>
  14917. <row>
  14918. <entry>3.</entry>
  14919. <entry>
  14920. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn,
  14921. Guǎngzhōu zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  14922. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14923. >請問廣州在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  14924. <para>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  14925. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14926. >Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14927. </entry>
  14928. <entry/>
  14929. <entry>
  14930. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14931. >Guǎngdōng</foreignphrase></para>
  14932. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14933. >廣東</foreignphrase></para>
  14934. </entry>
  14935. <entry/>
  14936. <entry>
  14937. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Guǎngzhōu zài
  14938. Guǎngdōng.</foreignphrase></para>
  14939. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14940. 廣州在廣東。</foreignphrase></para>
  14941. <para>
  14942. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14943. >Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  14944. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14945. >Guǎngdōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14946. </entry>
  14947. </row>
  14948. <row>
  14949. <entry/>
  14950. <entry/>
  14951. <entry/>
  14952. <entry/>
  14953. <entry/>
  14954. <entry/>
  14955. </row>
  14956. <row>
  14957. <entry>4.</entry>
  14958. <entry>
  14959. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn,
  14960. Shànghǎi zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  14961. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14962. >請問上海在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  14963. <para>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  14964. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14965. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>?</para>
  14966. </entry>
  14967. <entry/>
  14968. <entry>
  14969. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14970. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase></para>
  14971. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  14972. >江蘇</foreignphrase></para>
  14973. </entry>
  14974. <entry/>
  14975. <entry>
  14976. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Shànghǎi zài
  14977. Jiāngsū.</foreignphrase></para>
  14978. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  14979. 上海在江蘇。</foreignphrase></para>
  14980. <para>
  14981. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14982. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  14983. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  14984. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase>.</para>
  14985. </entry>
  14986. </row>
  14987. <row>
  14988. <entry/>
  14989. <entry/>
  14990. <entry/>
  14991. <entry/>
  14992. <entry/>
  14993. <entry/>
  14994. </row>
  14995. <row>
  14996. <entry>5.</entry>
  14997. <entry>
  14998. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, Běijīng
  14999. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15000. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15001. >請問北京在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15002. <para>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  15003. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15004. >Běijīng</foreignphrase>?</para>
  15005. </entry>
  15006. <entry/>
  15007. <entry>
  15008. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15009. >Héběi</foreignphrase></para>
  15010. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15011. >河北</foreignphrase></para>
  15012. </entry>
  15013. <entry/>
  15014. <entry>
  15015. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Běijīng zài
  15016. Héběi.</foreignphrase></para>
  15017. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15018. 北京在河北。</foreignphrase></para>
  15019. <para>
  15020. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15021. >Běijīng</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  15022. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Héběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15023. </entry>
  15024. </row>
  15025. <row>
  15026. <entry/>
  15027. <entry/>
  15028. <entry/>
  15029. <entry/>
  15030. <entry/>
  15031. <entry/>
  15032. </row>
  15033. <row>
  15034. <entry>6.</entry>
  15035. <entry>
  15036. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo
  15037. zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15038. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15039. >請問青島在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15040. <para>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  15041. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15042. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>?</para>
  15043. </entry>
  15044. <entry/>
  15045. <entry>
  15046. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15047. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase></para>
  15048. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15049. >山東</foreignphrase></para>
  15050. </entry>
  15051. <entry/>
  15052. <entry>
  15053. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Qīngdǎo zài
  15054. Shāndōng.</foreignphrase></para>
  15055. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15056. 青島在山東。</foreignphrase></para>
  15057. <para>
  15058. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15059. >Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  15060. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15061. >Shāndōng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15062. </entry>
  15063. </row>
  15064. <row>
  15065. <entry/>
  15066. <entry/>
  15067. <entry/>
  15068. <entry/>
  15069. <entry/>
  15070. <entry/>
  15071. </row>
  15072. <row>
  15073. <entry>7.</entry>
  15074. <entry>
  15075. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qǐngwèn,
  15076. Shànghǎi zài nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15077. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15078. >請問上海在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15079. <para>May I ask, where is <foreignphrase
  15080. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15081. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15082. </entry>
  15083. <entry/>
  15084. <entry>
  15085. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">
  15086. Jiāngsū</foreignphrase></para>
  15087. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15088. >江蘇</foreignphrase></para>
  15089. </entry>
  15090. <entry/>
  15091. <entry>
  15092. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Shànghǎi zài
  15093. Jiāngsū.</foreignphrase></para>
  15094. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15095. 上海在江蘇。</foreignphrase></para>
  15096. <para>
  15097. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15098. >Shànghǎi</foreignphrase> is in <foreignphrase
  15099. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15100. >Jiāngsū</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15101. </entry>
  15102. </row>
  15103. </tbody>
  15104. </tgroup>
  15105. </table>
  15106. </section>
  15107. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  15108. <section>
  15109. <title>Transformation Drill</title>
  15110. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  15111. <title>Transform the statement according to the model.</title>
  15112. <tgroup cols="4">
  15113. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  15114. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15115. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  15116. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15117. <thead>
  15118. <row>
  15119. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15120. <entry align="center"
  15121. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15122. <entry/>
  15123. <entry align="center"
  15124. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15125. </row>
  15126. </thead>
  15127. <tbody>
  15128. <row>
  15129. <entry/>
  15130. <entry/>
  15131. <entry/>
  15132. <entry/>
  15133. </row>
  15134. <row>
  15135. <entry>1.</entry>
  15136. <entry>
  15137. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lín tóngzhì shi
  15138. Húběi rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  15139. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15140. >林同志是河北。</foreignphrase></para>
  15141. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15142. >Lín</foreignphrase> is from <foreignphrase
  15143. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Húběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15144. </entry>
  15145. <entry/>
  15146. <entry>
  15147. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Lín tóngzhìde
  15148. lǎojiā zài Húběi.</foreignphrase></para>
  15149. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15150. 林同志的老家在河北。</foreignphrase></para>
  15151. <para> Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15152. >Lín</foreignphrase>’s family is from <foreignphrase
  15153. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Húběi</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15154. </entry>
  15155. </row>
  15156. <row>
  15157. <entry/>
  15158. <entry/>
  15159. <entry/>
  15160. <entry/>
  15161. </row>
  15162. <row>
  15163. <entry>2.</entry>
  15164. <entry>
  15165. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng tóngzhì shi
  15166. Shānxī rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  15167. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15168. >王同志哦是山西。</foreignphrase></para>
  15169. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15170. >Wáng</foreignphrase> is from <foreignphrase
  15171. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15172. >Shānxī</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15173. </entry>
  15174. <entry/>
  15175. <entry>
  15176. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Wáng tóngzhìde
  15177. lǎojiā zài Shānxī.</foreignphrase></para>
  15178. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15179. 王同志的老家在山西。</foreignphrase></para>
  15180. <para> Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15181. >Wáng</foreignphrase>’s family is from <foreignphrase
  15182. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15183. >Shānxī</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15184. </entry>
  15185. </row>
  15186. <row>
  15187. <entry/>
  15188. <entry/>
  15189. <entry/>
  15190. <entry/>
  15191. </row>
  15192. <row>
  15193. <entry>3.</entry>
  15194. <entry>
  15195. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng tóngzhì
  15196. shi Shānxī rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  15197. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15198. >黃同志哦是山西。</foreignphrase></para>
  15199. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15200. >Huáng</foreignphrase> is from <foreignphrase
  15201. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15202. >Shānxī</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15203. </entry>
  15204. <entry/>
  15205. <entry>
  15206. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Huáng tóngzhìde
  15207. lǎojiā zài Shānxī.</foreignphrase></para>
  15208. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15209. 黃同志的老家在山西。</foreignphrase></para>
  15210. <para> Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15211. >Huáng</foreignphrase>’s family is from <foreignphrase
  15212. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15213. >Shānxī</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15214. </entry>
  15215. </row>
  15216. <row>
  15217. <entry/>
  15218. <entry/>
  15219. <entry/>
  15220. <entry/>
  15221. </row>
  15222. <row>
  15223. <entry>4.</entry>
  15224. <entry>
  15225. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gāo tóngzhì shi
  15226. Fújiàn rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  15227. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15228. >高同志哦是福建。</foreignphrase></para>
  15229. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15230. >Gāo</foreignphrase> is from <foreignphrase
  15231. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15232. >Fújiàn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15233. </entry>
  15234. <entry/>
  15235. <entry>
  15236. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Gāo tóngzhìde
  15237. lǎojiā zài Fújiàn.</foreignphrase></para>
  15238. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15239. 高同志的老家在福建。</foreignphrase></para>
  15240. <para> Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15241. >Gāo</foreignphrase>’s family is from <foreignphrase
  15242. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15243. >Fújiàn</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15244. </entry>
  15245. </row>
  15246. <row>
  15247. <entry/>
  15248. <entry/>
  15249. <entry/>
  15250. <entry/>
  15251. </row>
  15252. <row>
  15253. <entry>5.</entry>
  15254. <entry>
  15255. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lǐ tóngzhǐ shi
  15256. Sǐchuān rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  15257. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15258. >李同志是四川。</foreignphrase></para>
  15259. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15260. >Lǐ</foreignphrase> is from <foreignphrase
  15261. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15262. >Sǐchuān</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15263. </entry>
  15264. <entry/>
  15265. <entry>
  15266. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Lǐ tóngzhìde
  15267. lǎojiā zài Sìchuān.</foreignphrase></para>
  15268. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15269. 李同志的老家在四川。</foreignphrase></para>
  15270. <para> Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15271. >Lǐ</foreignphrase>’s family is from <foreignphrase
  15272. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15273. >Sǐchuān</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15274. </entry>
  15275. </row>
  15276. <row>
  15277. <entry/>
  15278. <entry/>
  15279. <entry/>
  15280. <entry/>
  15281. </row>
  15282. <row>
  15283. <entry>6.</entry>
  15284. <entry>
  15285. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhōu tóngzhì shi
  15286. Zhèjiāng rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  15287. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15288. >周同志是浙江。</foreignphrase></para>
  15289. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15290. >Zhōu</foreignphrase> is from <foreignphrase
  15291. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15292. >Zhèjiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15293. </entry>
  15294. <entry/>
  15295. <entry>
  15296. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Zhōu tóngzhìde
  15297. lǎojiā zài Zhèjiāng.</foreignphrase></para>
  15298. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15299. 周同志的老家在浙江。</foreignphrase></para>
  15300. <para> Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15301. >Zhōu</foreignphrase>’s family is from <foreignphrase
  15302. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15303. >Zhèjiāng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15304. </entry>
  15305. </row>
  15306. <row>
  15307. <entry/>
  15308. <entry/>
  15309. <entry/>
  15310. <entry/>
  15311. </row>
  15312. <row>
  15313. <entry>7.</entry>
  15314. <entry>
  15315. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Máo tóngzhì shi
  15316. Húnán rén.</foreignphrase></para>
  15317. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15318. >毛同志是湖南。</foreignphrase></para>
  15319. <para>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15320. >Máo</foreignphrase> is from <foreignphrase
  15321. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Húnán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15322. </entry>
  15323. <entry/>
  15324. <entry>
  15325. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Máo tóngzhìde
  15326. lǎojiā zài Húnán.</foreignphrase></para>
  15327. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15328. 毛同志的老家在湖南。</foreignphrase></para>
  15329. <para> Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15330. >Máo</foreignphrase>’s family is from <foreignphrase
  15331. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Húnán</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15332. </entry>
  15333. </row>
  15334. </tbody>
  15335. </tgroup>
  15336. </table>
  15337. </section>
  15338. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  15339. <section>
  15340. <title>Response Drill</title>
  15341. <table frame="none" rowsep="0" colsep="0">
  15342. <title>Respond according to the cue.</title>
  15343. <tgroup cols="6">
  15344. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  15345. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15346. <colspec colname="newCol3" colnum="3" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  15347. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="4" colwidth="0.4*"/>
  15348. <colspec colname="newCol5" colnum="5" colwidth="0.1*"/>
  15349. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="6" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15350. <thead>
  15351. <row>
  15352. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15353. <entry align="center"
  15354. >Statement<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15355. <entry/>
  15356. <entry align="center"
  15357. >Cue<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15358. <entry/>
  15359. <entry align="center"
  15360. >Answer<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15361. </row>
  15362. </thead>
  15363. <tbody>
  15364. <row>
  15365. <entry/>
  15366. <entry/>
  15367. <entry/>
  15368. <entry/>
  15369. <entry/>
  15370. <entry/>
  15371. </row>
  15372. <row>
  15373. <entry>1.</entry>
  15374. <entry>
  15375. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren zài
  15376. nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15377. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15378. >他/她愛人在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15379. <para>Where is his/her spouse? </para>
  15380. </entry>
  15381. <entry/>
  15382. <entry>
  15383. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15384. >Měiguó</foreignphrase></para>
  15385. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15386. >美國</foreignphrase></para>
  15387. </entry>
  15388. <entry/>
  15389. <entry>
  15390. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren
  15391. xiànzài zài Měiguó.</foreignphrase></para>
  15392. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15393. 他/她愛人現在在美國。</foreignphrase></para>
  15394. <para> His/Her spouse is in America now.</para>
  15395. </entry>
  15396. </row>
  15397. <row>
  15398. <entry/>
  15399. <entry/>
  15400. <entry/>
  15401. <entry/>
  15402. <entry/>
  15403. <entry/>
  15404. </row>
  15405. <row>
  15406. <entry>2.</entry>
  15407. <entry>
  15408. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren zài
  15409. nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15410. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15411. >他/她愛人在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15412. <para>Where is his/her spouse? </para>
  15413. </entry>
  15414. <entry/>
  15415. <entry>
  15416. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15417. >Jiānádà</foreignphrase></para>
  15418. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15419. >加拿大</foreignphrase></para>
  15420. </entry>
  15421. <entry/>
  15422. <entry>
  15423. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren
  15424. xiànzài zài Jiānádà.</foreignphrase></para>
  15425. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15426. 他/她愛人現在在加拿大。</foreignphrase></para>
  15427. <para> His/Her spouse is in Canada now.</para>
  15428. </entry>
  15429. </row>
  15430. <row>
  15431. <entry/>
  15432. <entry/>
  15433. <entry/>
  15434. <entry/>
  15435. <entry/>
  15436. <entry/>
  15437. </row>
  15438. <row>
  15439. <entry>3.</entry>
  15440. <entry>
  15441. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren zài
  15442. nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15443. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15444. >他/她愛人在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15445. <para>Where is his/her spouse? </para>
  15446. </entry>
  15447. <entry/>
  15448. <entry>
  15449. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15450. >Yīngguó</foreignphrase></para>
  15451. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15452. >英國</foreignphrase></para>
  15453. </entry>
  15454. <entry/>
  15455. <entry>
  15456. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren
  15457. xiànzài zài Yīngguó.</foreignphrase></para>
  15458. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15459. 他/她愛人現在在英國。</foreignphrase></para>
  15460. <para> His/Her spouse is in England now.</para>
  15461. </entry>
  15462. </row>
  15463. <row>
  15464. <entry/>
  15465. <entry/>
  15466. <entry/>
  15467. <entry/>
  15468. <entry/>
  15469. <entry/>
  15470. </row>
  15471. <row>
  15472. <entry>4.</entry>
  15473. <entry>
  15474. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren zài
  15475. nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15476. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15477. >他/她愛人在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15478. <para>Where is his/her spouse? </para>
  15479. </entry>
  15480. <entry/>
  15481. <entry>
  15482. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15483. >Déguó</foreignphrase></para>
  15484. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15485. >德國</foreignphrase></para>
  15486. </entry>
  15487. <entry/>
  15488. <entry>
  15489. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren
  15490. xiànzài zài Déguó.</foreignphrase></para>
  15491. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15492. 他/她愛人現在在德國。</foreignphrase></para>
  15493. <para> His/Her spouse is in Germany now.</para>
  15494. </entry>
  15495. </row>
  15496. <row>
  15497. <entry/>
  15498. <entry/>
  15499. <entry/>
  15500. <entry/>
  15501. <entry/>
  15502. <entry/>
  15503. </row>
  15504. <row>
  15505. <entry>5.</entry>
  15506. <entry>
  15507. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren zài
  15508. nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15509. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15510. >他/她愛人在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15511. <para>Where is his/her spouse? </para>
  15512. </entry>
  15513. <entry/>
  15514. <entry>
  15515. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15516. >Měiguó</foreignphrase></para>
  15517. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15518. >美國</foreignphrase></para>
  15519. </entry>
  15520. <entry/>
  15521. <entry>
  15522. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren
  15523. xiànzài zài Měiguó.</foreignphrase></para>
  15524. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15525. 他/她愛人現在在美國。</foreignphrase></para>
  15526. <para> His/Her spouse is in America now.</para>
  15527. </entry>
  15528. </row>
  15529. <row>
  15530. <entry/>
  15531. <entry/>
  15532. <entry/>
  15533. <entry/>
  15534. <entry/>
  15535. <entry/>
  15536. </row>
  15537. <row>
  15538. <entry>6.</entry>
  15539. <entry>
  15540. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren zài
  15541. nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15542. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15543. >他/她愛人在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15544. <para>Where is his/her spouse? </para>
  15545. </entry>
  15546. <entry/>
  15547. <entry>
  15548. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15549. >Fàguó</foreignphrase></para>
  15550. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15551. >法國</foreignphrase></para>
  15552. </entry>
  15553. <entry/>
  15554. <entry>
  15555. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren
  15556. xiànzài zài Fàguó.</foreignphrase></para>
  15557. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15558. 他/她愛人現在在法國。</foreignphrase></para>
  15559. <para> His/Her spouse is in France now.</para>
  15560. </entry>
  15561. </row>
  15562. <row>
  15563. <entry/>
  15564. <entry/>
  15565. <entry/>
  15566. <entry/>
  15567. <entry/>
  15568. <entry/>
  15569. </row>
  15570. <row>
  15571. <entry>7.</entry>
  15572. <entry>
  15573. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tā àiren zài
  15574. nǎr?</foreignphrase></para>
  15575. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15576. >他/她愛人在哪兒?</foreignphrase></para>
  15577. <para>Where is his/her spouse? </para>
  15578. </entry>
  15579. <entry/>
  15580. <entry>
  15581. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15582. >Èguó</foreignphrase></para>
  15583. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"
  15584. >俄國</foreignphrase></para>
  15585. </entry>
  15586. <entry/>
  15587. <entry>
  15588. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"> Tā àiren
  15589. xiànzài zài Èguó.</foreignphrase></para>
  15590. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">
  15591. 他/她愛人現在在俄國。</foreignphrase></para>
  15592. <para> His/Her spouse is in Russia now.</para>
  15593. </entry>
  15594. </row>
  15595. </tbody>
  15596. </tgroup>
  15597. </table>
  15598. </section>
  15599. </section>
  15600. </section>
  15601. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  15602. <section>
  15603. <title>Criterion Test</title>
  15604. <para>The purpose of the Criterion Test at the end of each module is to show you not only
  15605. how much of the material you have learned, but also what points you need to work on
  15606. before beginning to study another module.</para>
  15607. <para>Since the primary goal of ORN is to introduce the sound system of Standard Chinese,
  15608. this test focuses on your ability to discriminate and produce tones, vowels, and
  15609. consonants. Additionally, there are sections which test your ability to comprehend and
  15610. produce numbers from 1 through 99 and the material in the ORN Target Lists. </para>
  15611. <para>Your knowledge of personal names and titles and the romanization system is also
  15612. tested. Read the Objectives at the beginning of the module for a description of exactly
  15613. what the test covers. </para>
  15614. <para>Note: Although the entire sound system is introduced in the Pronunciation and
  15615. Romanization Module, you will be tested here only on those sounds which occur in the
  15616. Target Sentences. Other sounds will be included in Criterion Tests for later modules. </para>
  15617. <para>Following is a sample of the Criterion Test for this module. Each section of the test,
  15618. with directions and a sample question, is represented here so that you may know exactly
  15619. what is expected of you after studying the ORN Module. </para>
  15620. <para>Minimum scores are suggested for each section of the test. Achieving these scores
  15621. means that you are adequately prepared for the next module. If you fall below the
  15622. minimum criterion on any section, you should review relevant study materials. </para>
  15623. <para>You will use a tape to complete Part I of the test. Part II is written, and you will
  15624. complete Part III with your instructor. Part IV of the test (Diagnostics) indicates the
  15625. passing score for each section and review materials for each section.</para>
  15626. <section>
  15627. <title>Part I</title>
  15628. <para>
  15629. <orderedlist>
  15630. <listitem>
  15631. <para>This section tests your ability to distinguish the four tones. In your
  15632. test booklet you will see two syllables after each letter. The speaker
  15633. will pronounce both syllables, and then say one of them again. You are
  15634. to decide which syllable was repeated, and circle the appropriate one to
  15635. indicate your choice. The syllables may occur in any of the four tones,
  15636. regardless of which tone was used previously in the module. The same
  15637. syllable may occur more than once in this section. </para>
  15638. <para>For example, the speaker might say: <foreignphrase
  15639. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēi … fěi</foreignphrase> and then repeat
  15640. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fēi</foreignphrase></para>
  15641. <para>
  15642. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15643. <listitem>
  15644. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15645. >fēi</foreignphrase>
  15646. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15647. >fěi</foreignphrase></para>
  15648. </listitem>
  15649. </orderedlist>
  15650. </para>
  15651. </listitem>
  15652. <listitem>
  15653. <para>This section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in
  15654. isolated syllables. The speaker will pronounce a syllable twice; you add
  15655. to the written syllable the tone that you hear. Again, the syllables may
  15656. occur in any of the four tones, regardless of which tone was used
  15657. previously in the module. </para>
  15658. <para>For example, the speaker might say: <foreignphrase
  15659. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fěi...fěi</foreignphrase></para>
  15660. <para>
  15661. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15662. <listitem>
  15663. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15664. >fei</foreignphrase> → <foreignphrase
  15665. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fěi</foreignphrase></para>
  15666. </listitem>
  15667. </orderedlist>
  15668. </para>
  15669. </listitem>
  15670. <listitem>
  15671. <para>This section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in
  15672. two-syllables combinations. The speaker pronounces each two-syllable
  15673. item twice and then pauses a moment for you to mark tones on the written
  15674. syllables. For the first ten items, one of the two tones is already
  15675. marked. For the last ten items, you must fill in both tones. </para>
  15676. <para>For example: the speaker might say: <foreignphrase
  15677. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">cháběi...cháběi</foreignphrase></para>
  15678. <para>
  15679. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15680. <listitem>
  15681. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">chabei →
  15682. cháběi</foreignphrase></para>
  15683. </listitem>
  15684. </orderedlist>
  15685. </para>
  15686. </listitem>
  15687. <listitem>
  15688. <para>In this section, you are tested on syllables which differ minimally in
  15689. sound. The speaker will pronounce each syllable in an item once; then he
  15690. will pronounce one of the syllables again. Decide which of the syllables
  15691. was repeated, and indicate your choice by circling that written syllable
  15692. in your test booklet. The syllables in this test do not necessarily
  15693. correspond in every way to syllables in the Target Lists They may vary
  15694. in tone, for example. </para>
  15695. <para>For example, the speaker might say: <foreignphrase
  15696. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">fàn...fàng</foreignphrase> and then
  15697. repeat <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15698. >fàng</foreignphrase>.</para>
  15699. <para>
  15700. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15701. <listitem>
  15702. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15703. >fàn</foreignphrase>
  15704. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15705. >fàng</foreignphrase></para>
  15706. </listitem>
  15707. </orderedlist>
  15708. </para>
  15709. </listitem>
  15710. <listitem>
  15711. <para>In this section, you complete the romanization for the syllables that
  15712. you hear. As the speaker says a syllable, write the appropriate vowel or
  15713. consonant letter(s) in the blank. This tests your ability to recognize
  15714. the sounds of a syllable and to use the romanization system correctly.
  15715. The speaker will say each syllable twice. </para>
  15716. <para>For example, the speaker might say: <foreignphrase
  15717. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pàng</foreignphrase>...<foreignphrase
  15718. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">pàng</foreignphrase> then you would
  15719. write:</para>
  15720. <para>
  15721. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15722. <listitem>
  15723. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15724. >pàng</foreignphrase></para>
  15725. </listitem>
  15726. </orderedlist>
  15727. </para>
  15728. </listitem>
  15729. <listitem>
  15730. <para> This section tests your ability to understand the numbers 1 through
  15731. 99 in Chinese. For each item, the speaker will say a number, and you
  15732. write down the numerals for that number.</para>
  15733. <para>For example, you might hear:<foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">
  15734. shí-sān</foreignphrase></para>
  15735. <para>
  15736. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15737. <listitem>
  15738. <para><emphasis role="bold">13</emphasis></para>
  15739. </listitem>
  15740. </orderedlist>
  15741. </para>
  15742. </listitem>
  15743. <listitem>
  15744. <para>This section tests your ability to understand questions and answers
  15745. about where someone is from and where he is now. Listen to a
  15746. conversation between Mr. Johnson and Comrade <foreignphrase
  15747. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào</foreignphrase>, who have just met.
  15748. You will hear the conversation three times. The third time you hear it,
  15749. a pause will follow each line. You may use these pauses to fill in the
  15750. boxes in your booklet with appropriate information. (You do not have to
  15751. wait for the second repetition of the conversation to fill in the
  15752. answers, of course.) </para>
  15753. <para>For example: [You will hear a conversation similar to conversations
  15754. you heard on the C-2 tapes in this module.]</para>
  15755. <informaltable frame="all">
  15756. <tgroup cols="3">
  15757. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.5*"/>
  15758. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15759. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15760. <thead>
  15761. <row>
  15762. <entry><?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15763. <entry>Home State or
  15764. Province<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15765. <entry>Present
  15766. Location<?dbhtml bgcolor="#b3d9ff" ?><?dbfo bgcolor="#b3d9ff"?></entry>
  15767. </row>
  15768. </thead>
  15769. <tbody>
  15770. <row>
  15771. <entry>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15772. >Zhào</foreignphrase></entry>
  15773. <entry/>
  15774. <entry/>
  15775. </row>
  15776. <row>
  15777. <entry>Mr. Johnson (<foreignphrase
  15778. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15779. >Yuēhànsūn</foreignphrase>)</entry>
  15780. <entry/>
  15781. <entry/>
  15782. </row>
  15783. <row>
  15784. <entry>Comrade <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15785. >Zhào</foreignphrase>’s husband</entry>
  15786. <entry/>
  15787. <entry/>
  15788. </row>
  15789. <row>
  15790. <entry>Mrs. Johnson</entry>
  15791. <entry/>
  15792. <entry/>
  15793. </row>
  15794. </tbody>
  15795. </tgroup>
  15796. </informaltable>
  15797. </listitem>
  15798. <listitem>
  15799. <para>This section tests your ability to comprehend Chinese utterances by
  15800. asking you for the English equivalents. For each item, the speaker will
  15801. say a sentence from the Target List twice. You indicate your
  15802. understanding of the sentence by circling the letter of the English
  15803. sentence which most closely matches the meaning of the Chinese sentence. </para>
  15804. <para> For example, you might hear: <foreignphrase
  15805. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">nǐ shi shéi?...nǐ shi
  15806. shéi?</foreignphrase></para>
  15807. <para>
  15808. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15809. <listitem>
  15810. <para>Who is she?</para>
  15811. </listitem>
  15812. <listitem>
  15813. <para>Who is he?</para>
  15814. </listitem>
  15815. <listitem>
  15816. <para>Who are you?</para>
  15817. </listitem>
  15818. </orderedlist>
  15819. </para>
  15820. </listitem>
  15821. </orderedlist>
  15822. </para>
  15823. </section>
  15824. <section>
  15825. <title>Part II</title>
  15826. <para>
  15827. <orderedlist>
  15828. <listitem>
  15829. <para> This section tests your general understanding of the Chinese system
  15830. of personal names and titles. Read the family histories in your test
  15831. booklet, and answer the questions. </para>
  15832. <para>For example,</para>
  15833. <para>
  15834. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yáng Tíngfēng</foreignphrase>
  15835. is the Chinese name used lay an American, Timothy Young, now that he is
  15836. living in Taipei. His Chinese surname is:</para>
  15837. <para>
  15838. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15839. <listitem>
  15840. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15841. >Yáng</foreignphrase></para>
  15842. </listitem>
  15843. <listitem>
  15844. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15845. >Tíngféng</foreignphrase></para>
  15846. </listitem>
  15847. <listitem>
  15848. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yáng
  15849. Tíngféng</foreignphrase></para>
  15850. </listitem>
  15851. </orderedlist>
  15852. </para>
  15853. </listitem>
  15854. </orderedlist>
  15855. </para>
  15856. </section>
  15857. <section>
  15858. <title>Part III</title>
  15859. <para>
  15860. <orderedlist>
  15861. <listitem>
  15862. <para>This section tests your ability to pronounce the four tones. Simple
  15863. sound combinations have been chosen so that special attention may be
  15864. given to tone production. For each item, choose one syllable and read it
  15865. aloud. As you do so, put a circle around the one you choose. The
  15866. instructor will note the syllable he hears. Be sure to choose a fair
  15867. sampling of all four tones, and select them in random order. </para>
  15868. <para>For example, you might say: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15869. >má</foreignphrase></para>
  15870. <para>
  15871. <orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
  15872. <listitem>
  15873. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">mā <emphasis
  15874. role="bold">má</emphasis> mǎ
  15875. mà</foreignphrase></para>
  15876. </listitem>
  15877. </orderedlist>
  15878. </para>
  15879. </listitem>
  15880. <listitem>
  15881. <para> This section tests your ability to pronounce Chinese sounds from the
  15882. Target Lists, as well as your ability to read romanization. For each
  15883. item, choose one syllable and read it aloud. As you do so, put a circle
  15884. around the one you choose. The instructor will note the syllable he
  15885. hears. Be sure to choose syllables from each column as you go through
  15886. this section of the test.</para>
  15887. <para>For example, you might say: <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15888. >nín</foreignphrase>
  15889. </para>
  15890. <para>
  15891. <orderedlist>
  15892. <listitem>
  15893. <para><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"><emphasis
  15894. role="bold"
  15895. >nín</emphasis>...níng</foreignphrase></para>
  15896. </listitem>
  15897. </orderedlist>
  15898. </para>
  15899. </listitem>
  15900. <listitem>
  15901. <para>This section tests your ability to locate and name main cities and
  15902. provinces in China. Using the map in your booklet, point out to your
  15903. instructor five cities and five provinces and name them. Pronunciation
  15904. is of secondary importance here.</para>
  15905. </listitem>
  15906. <listitem>
  15907. <para>This section tests your ability to produce sentences in Chinese. Your
  15908. instructor will say an English sentence from the Target Lists, and you
  15909. translate it into Chinese. Your Chinese sentence must “be correct,” both
  15910. in grammar and in content.</para>
  15911. </listitem>
  15912. <listitem>
  15913. <para>This section tests your ability to make conversational use of the
  15914. material covered in this module. Although limited in scope, this
  15915. conversation between you and your instructor represents a situation
  15916. which you are likely to encounter in the real world. As in any
  15917. conversation, you are free to ask for a repetition or rephrasing of a
  15918. sentence, or you may volunteer information on the subject. It is not so
  15919. much the correctness of your pronunciation and grammar that is being
  15920. tested as it is your ability to communicate effectively. </para>
  15921. </listitem>
  15922. </orderedlist>
  15923. </para>
  15924. </section>
  15925. </section>
  15926. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  15927. <section>
  15928. <title>Appendices</title>
  15929. <section>
  15930. <title>Appendix 1: Map of China</title>
  15931. <para><inlinemediaobject>
  15932. <imageobject>
  15933. <imagedata
  15934. fileref="Images/0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-9.png"
  15935. align="center" width="14cm"/>
  15936. </imageobject>
  15937. </inlinemediaobject></para>
  15938. </section>
  15939. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  15940. <section>
  15941. <title>Appendix 2: Map of Taiwan</title>
  15942. <para><inlinemediaobject>
  15943. <imageobject>
  15944. <imagedata
  15945. fileref="Images/0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-10.png"
  15946. width="14cm"/>
  15947. </imageobject>
  15948. </inlinemediaobject></para>
  15949. </section>
  15950. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  15951. <section>
  15952. <title>Appendix 3: Countries and Regions</title>
  15953. <para/>
  15954. </section>
  15955. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  15956. <section>
  15957. <title>Appendix 4: American States</title>
  15958. <para>
  15959. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  15960. <tgroup cols="3">
  15961. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15962. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15963. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  15964. <tbody>
  15965. <row>
  15966. <entry> Alabama </entry>
  15967. <entry>
  15968. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">阿拉巴馬</foreignphrase>
  15969. </entry>
  15970. <entry>
  15971. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15972. >Ālābāmǎ</foreignphrase>
  15973. </entry>
  15974. </row>
  15975. <row>
  15976. <entry> Alaska </entry>
  15977. <entry>
  15978. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">阿拉斯加</foreignphrase>
  15979. </entry>
  15980. <entry>
  15981. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15982. >Ālāsǐjiā</foreignphrase>
  15983. </entry>
  15984. </row>
  15985. <row>
  15986. <entry> Arizona </entry>
  15987. <entry>
  15988. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">亞利桑那</foreignphrase>
  15989. </entry>
  15990. <entry>
  15991. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  15992. >Yàlìsāngnà</foreignphrase>
  15993. </entry>
  15994. </row>
  15995. <row>
  15996. <entry> Arkansas </entry>
  15997. <entry>
  15998. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">阿肯色</foreignphrase>
  15999. </entry>
  16000. <entry>
  16001. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ākěnsè,
  16002. Akānsàsī</foreignphrase>
  16003. </entry>
  16004. </row>
  16005. <row>
  16006. <entry> California </entry>
  16007. <entry>
  16008. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">加州, 加利福尼亞</foreignphrase>
  16009. </entry>
  16010. <entry>
  16011. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāzhōu,
  16012. Jiālìfóníyà</foreignphrase>
  16013. </entry>
  16014. </row>
  16015. <row>
  16016. <entry> Colorado </entry>
  16017. <entry>
  16018. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">科羅拉多</foreignphrase>
  16019. </entry>
  16020. <entry>
  16021. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16022. >Kēluólāduō</foreignphrase>
  16023. </entry>
  16024. </row>
  16025. <row>
  16026. <entry> Connecticut </entry>
  16027. <entry>
  16028. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">康涅狄格, 康乃狄克</foreignphrase>
  16029. </entry>
  16030. <entry>
  16031. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kāngnièdígé,
  16032. Kāngnǎidígé</foreignphrase>
  16033. </entry>
  16034. </row>
  16035. <row>
  16036. <entry> Delaware </entry>
  16037. <entry>
  16038. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">特拉華</foreignphrase>
  16039. </entry>
  16040. <entry>
  16041. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tèlāhuá, Délāwēi
  16042. (ěr)</foreignphrase>
  16043. </entry>
  16044. </row>
  16045. <row>
  16046. <entry> Florida </entry>
  16047. <entry>
  16048. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">弗羅裏達</foreignphrase>
  16049. </entry>
  16050. <entry>
  16051. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16052. >Fóluólǐdá</foreignphrase>
  16053. </entry>
  16054. </row>
  16055. <row>
  16056. <entry> Georgia </entry>
  16057. <entry>
  16058. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">喬治亞, 佐治亞</foreignphrase>
  16059. </entry>
  16060. <entry>
  16061. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qiáozhìyà,
  16062. Zuǒzhìyà</foreignphrase>
  16063. </entry>
  16064. </row>
  16065. <row>
  16066. <entry> Hawaii </entry>
  16067. <entry>
  16068. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">夏威夷</foreignphrase>
  16069. </entry>
  16070. <entry>
  16071. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16072. >Xiàwēiyí</foreignphrase>
  16073. </entry>
  16074. </row>
  16075. <row>
  16076. <entry> Idaho </entry>
  16077. <entry>
  16078. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">愛達荷</foreignphrase>
  16079. </entry>
  16080. <entry>
  16081. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Àidáhé</foreignphrase>
  16082. </entry>
  16083. </row>
  16084. <row>
  16085. <entry> Illinois </entry>
  16086. <entry>
  16087. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">伊利諾</foreignphrase>
  16088. </entry>
  16089. <entry>
  16090. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yīlìnuò
  16091. (sī)</foreignphrase>
  16092. </entry>
  16093. </row>
  16094. <row>
  16095. <entry> Indiana </entry>
  16096. <entry>
  16097. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">印第安納</foreignphrase>
  16098. </entry>
  16099. <entry>
  16100. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16101. >Yìndiànnà</foreignphrase>
  16102. </entry>
  16103. </row>
  16104. <row>
  16105. <entry> Iowa </entry>
  16106. <entry>
  16107. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">愛奧華</foreignphrase>
  16108. </entry>
  16109. <entry>
  16110. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yīāhuá,
  16111. Àiāhuá</foreignphrase>
  16112. </entry>
  16113. </row>
  16114. <row>
  16115. <entry> Kansas </entry>
  16116. <entry>
  16117. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">堪薩斯</foreignphrase>
  16118. </entry>
  16119. <entry>
  16120. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16121. >Kānsàsī</foreignphrase>
  16122. </entry>
  16123. </row>
  16124. <row>
  16125. <entry> Kentucky </entry>
  16126. <entry>
  16127. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">肯塔基</foreignphrase>
  16128. </entry>
  16129. <entry>
  16130. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16131. >Kěntǎjī</foreignphrase>
  16132. </entry>
  16133. </row>
  16134. <row>
  16135. <entry> Louisiana </entry>
  16136. <entry>
  16137. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">路易斯安那</foreignphrase>
  16138. </entry>
  16139. <entry>
  16140. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16141. >Lùyìsīānnà</foreignphrase>
  16142. </entry>
  16143. </row>
  16144. <row>
  16145. <entry> Maine </entry>
  16146. <entry>
  16147. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">緬因</foreignphrase>
  16148. </entry>
  16149. <entry>
  16150. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16151. >Miǎnyīn</foreignphrase>
  16152. </entry>
  16153. </row>
  16154. <row>
  16155. <entry> Maryland </entry>
  16156. <entry>
  16157. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">馬里蘭</foreignphrase>
  16158. </entry>
  16159. <entry>
  16160. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16161. >Mǎlǐlán</foreignphrase>
  16162. </entry>
  16163. </row>
  16164. <row>
  16165. <entry> Massachusetts </entry>
  16166. <entry>
  16167. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">馬薩諸塞</foreignphrase>
  16168. </entry>
  16169. <entry>
  16170. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mǎsāzhūsài,
  16171. Mǎshěng</foreignphrase>
  16172. </entry>
  16173. </row>
  16174. <row>
  16175. <entry> Michigan </entry>
  16176. <entry>
  16177. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">密歇根, </foreignphrase>
  16178. </entry>
  16179. <entry>
  16180. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mìxīgēn,
  16181. Mìzhíān</foreignphrase>
  16182. </entry>
  16183. </row>
  16184. <row>
  16185. <entry> Minnesota </entry>
  16186. <entry>
  16187. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">明尼蘇達</foreignphrase>
  16188. </entry>
  16189. <entry>
  16190. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16191. >Míngnísūdá</foreignphrase>
  16192. </entry>
  16193. </row>
  16194. <row>
  16195. <entry> Mississippi </entry>
  16196. <entry>
  16197. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">密西西比</foreignphrase>
  16198. </entry>
  16199. <entry>
  16200. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16201. >Mìxīxībǐ</foreignphrase>
  16202. </entry>
  16203. </row>
  16204. <row>
  16205. <entry> Missouri </entry>
  16206. <entry>
  16207. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">密蘇里 </foreignphrase>
  16208. </entry>
  16209. <entry>
  16210. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mìsūlǐ</foreignphrase>
  16211. </entry>
  16212. </row>
  16213. <row>
  16214. <entry> Montana </entry>
  16215. <entry>
  16216. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">蒙大納</foreignphrase>
  16217. </entry>
  16218. <entry>
  16219. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16220. >Méngdànà</foreignphrase>
  16221. </entry>
  16222. </row>
  16223. <row>
  16224. <entry> Nebraska </entry>
  16225. <entry>
  16226. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">內布拉斯加</foreignphrase>
  16227. </entry>
  16228. <entry>
  16229. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16230. >Nèibùlāsījiā</foreignphrase>
  16231. </entry>
  16232. </row>
  16233. <row>
  16234. <entry> Nevada </entry>
  16235. <entry>
  16236. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 內華達</foreignphrase>
  16237. </entry>
  16238. <entry>
  16239. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16240. >Nèihuádá</foreignphrase>
  16241. </entry>
  16242. </row>
  16243. <row>
  16244. <entry> New Hampshire </entry>
  16245. <entry>
  16246. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新罕布什爾</foreignphrase>
  16247. </entry>
  16248. <entry>
  16249. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīn Hānbùshíěr, Xīn
  16250. Hǎnbùxià</foreignphrase>
  16251. </entry>
  16252. </row>
  16253. <row>
  16254. <entry> New Jersey </entry>
  16255. <entry>
  16256. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新澤西</foreignphrase>
  16257. </entry>
  16258. <entry>
  16259. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīn
  16260. Zéxī</foreignphrase>
  16261. </entry>
  16262. </row>
  16263. <row>
  16264. <entry> New Mexico </entry>
  16265. <entry>
  16266. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新墨西哥</foreignphrase>
  16267. </entry>
  16268. <entry>
  16269. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīn
  16270. Mòxīgē</foreignphrase>
  16271. </entry>
  16272. </row>
  16273. <row>
  16274. <entry> New York </entry>
  16275. <entry>
  16276. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 紐約 </foreignphrase>
  16277. </entry>
  16278. <entry>
  16279. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Niǔyuē</foreignphrase>
  16280. </entry>
  16281. </row>
  16282. <row>
  16283. <entry> North Carolina </entry>
  16284. <entry>
  16285. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">北卡羅來納</foreignphrase>
  16286. </entry>
  16287. <entry>
  16288. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běi Kǎluóláinà, Běi
  16289. Kǎluólínnà</foreignphrase>
  16290. </entry>
  16291. </row>
  16292. <row>
  16293. <entry> North Dakota </entry>
  16294. <entry>
  16295. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">北達科他</foreignphrase>
  16296. </entry>
  16297. <entry>
  16298. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běi Dákētā, Běi
  16299. Dákēdá</foreignphrase>
  16300. </entry>
  16301. </row>
  16302. <row>
  16303. <entry> Ohio </entry>
  16304. <entry>
  16305. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 俄亥俄</foreignphrase>
  16306. </entry>
  16307. <entry>
  16308. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Éhàié</foreignphrase>
  16309. </entry>
  16310. </row>
  16311. <row>
  16312. <entry> Oklahoma </entry>
  16313. <entry>
  16314. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">俄克拉荷馬</foreignphrase>
  16315. </entry>
  16316. <entry>
  16317. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ékèlāhémǎ,
  16318. Ākèlāhémǎ</foreignphrase>
  16319. </entry>
  16320. </row>
  16321. <row>
  16322. <entry> Oregon </entry>
  16323. <entry>
  16324. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">俄勒岡</foreignphrase>
  16325. </entry>
  16326. <entry>
  16327. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16328. >Élègāng</foreignphrase>
  16329. </entry>
  16330. </row>
  16331. <row>
  16332. <entry> Pennsylvania </entry>
  16333. <entry>
  16334. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">賓州, 賓夕法尼亞,
  16335. 賓西法尼亞</foreignphrase>
  16336. </entry>
  16337. <entry>
  16338. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Bīnxhōu, Bīnxīfǎníyà,
  16339. Bīnxīfánníyà</foreignphrase>
  16340. </entry>
  16341. </row>
  16342. <row>
  16343. <entry> Rhode Island </entry>
  16344. <entry>
  16345. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">羅得島</foreignphrase>
  16346. </entry>
  16347. <entry>
  16348. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Luódé Dǎo,
  16349. Luódéàilán</foreignphrase>
  16350. </entry>
  16351. </row>
  16352. <row>
  16353. <entry> South Carolina </entry>
  16354. <entry>
  16355. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">南卡羅來納</foreignphrase>
  16356. </entry>
  16357. <entry>
  16358. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nán Kǎluóláinà, Nán
  16359. Kǎluólínnà</foreignphrase>
  16360. </entry>
  16361. </row>
  16362. <row>
  16363. <entry> South Dakota </entry>
  16364. <entry>
  16365. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">南達科他</foreignphrase>
  16366. </entry>
  16367. <entry>
  16368. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nán
  16369. Dákētā</foreignphrase>
  16370. </entry>
  16371. </row>
  16372. <row>
  16373. <entry> Tennessee </entry>
  16374. <entry>
  16375. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">田納西</foreignphrase>
  16376. </entry>
  16377. <entry>
  16378. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16379. >Tiánnàxī</foreignphrase>
  16380. </entry>
  16381. </row>
  16382. <row>
  16383. <entry> Texas </entry>
  16384. <entry>
  16385. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">得克薩斯</foreignphrase>
  16386. </entry>
  16387. <entry>
  16388. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dézhōu,
  16389. Dékèsàsī</foreignphrase>
  16390. </entry>
  16391. </row>
  16392. <row>
  16393. <entry> Utah </entry>
  16394. <entry>
  16395. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">猶他</foreignphrase>
  16396. </entry>
  16397. <entry>
  16398. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yóutā,
  16399. Yōuta</foreignphrase>
  16400. </entry>
  16401. </row>
  16402. <row>
  16403. <entry> Vermont </entry>
  16404. <entry>
  16405. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">佛蒙特</foreignphrase>
  16406. </entry>
  16407. <entry>
  16408. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wēiméngtè,
  16409. Fóméngtè</foreignphrase>
  16410. </entry>
  16411. </row>
  16412. <row>
  16413. <entry> Virginia </entry>
  16414. <entry>
  16415. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">維吉尼亞, 弗吉尼亞</foreignphrase>
  16416. </entry>
  16417. <entry>
  16418. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wēijíníyà,
  16419. Fójíníyà</foreignphrase>
  16420. </entry>
  16421. </row>
  16422. <row>
  16423. <entry> Washington </entry>
  16424. <entry>
  16425. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">華盛頓</foreignphrase>
  16426. </entry>
  16427. <entry>
  16428. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16429. >Huáshèngdùn</foreignphrase>
  16430. </entry>
  16431. </row>
  16432. <row>
  16433. <entry> West Virginia </entry>
  16434. <entry>
  16435. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">西弗吉尼亞</foreignphrase>
  16436. </entry>
  16437. <entry>
  16438. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xī
  16439. Fójíníyà</foreignphrase>
  16440. </entry>
  16441. </row>
  16442. <row>
  16443. <entry> Wisconsin </entry>
  16444. <entry>
  16445. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">威斯康星</foreignphrase>
  16446. </entry>
  16447. <entry>
  16448. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16449. >Wēisīkāngxīn(g)</foreignphrase>
  16450. </entry>
  16451. </row>
  16452. <row>
  16453. <entry> Wyoming </entry>
  16454. <entry>
  16455. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">懷俄明</foreignphrase>
  16456. </entry>
  16457. <entry>
  16458. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16459. >Huáiémíng</foreignphrase>
  16460. </entry>
  16461. </row>
  16462. </tbody>
  16463. </tgroup>
  16464. </informaltable>
  16465. </para>
  16466. </section>
  16467. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  16468. <section>
  16469. <title>Appendix 5: Canadian Provinces</title>
  16470. <para>
  16471. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  16472. <tgroup cols="3">
  16473. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16474. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16475. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16476. <tbody>
  16477. <row>
  16478. <entry> Alberta </entry>
  16479. <entry>
  16480. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">阿爾伯塔, 艾伯塔</foreignphrase>
  16481. </entry>
  16482. <entry>
  16483. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">(Yǎbódá)
  16484. Ā​&apos;ěr​bó​tǎ, Ài​bó​tǎ</foreignphrase>
  16485. </entry>
  16486. </row>
  16487. <row>
  16488. <entry> British Columbia </entry>
  16489. <entry>
  16490. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">英屬哥倫比亞</foreignphrase>
  16491. </entry>
  16492. <entry>
  16493. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yīngshǔ
  16494. Gēlúnbǐyà</foreignphrase>
  16495. </entry>
  16496. </row>
  16497. <row>
  16498. <entry> Manitoba </entry>
  16499. <entry>
  16500. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">馬尼托巴</foreignphrase>
  16501. </entry>
  16502. <entry>
  16503. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16504. >Mànnítuōbā</foreignphrase>
  16505. </entry>
  16506. </row>
  16507. <row>
  16508. <entry> New Brunswick </entry>
  16509. <entry>
  16510. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新不倫瑞克</foreignphrase>
  16511. </entry>
  16512. <entry>
  16513. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīn
  16514. Bùlúnzīwéikè</foreignphrase>
  16515. </entry>
  16516. </row>
  16517. <row>
  16518. <entry> Newfoundland </entry>
  16519. <entry>
  16520. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">紐芬蘭與拉布拉多</foreignphrase>
  16521. </entry>
  16522. <entry>
  16523. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16524. >Niǔfēnlándǎo</foreignphrase>
  16525. </entry>
  16526. </row>
  16527. <row>
  16528. <entry> Northwest Territories </entry>
  16529. <entry>
  16530. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">西北領地</foreignphrase>
  16531. </entry>
  16532. <entry>
  16533. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16534. >Xīběilíngdì</foreignphrase>
  16535. </entry>
  16536. </row>
  16537. <row>
  16538. <entry> Nova Scotia </entry>
  16539. <entry>
  16540. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新斯科舍</foreignphrase>
  16541. </entry>
  16542. <entry>
  16543. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīn
  16544. Sīkèshè</foreignphrase>
  16545. </entry>
  16546. </row>
  16547. <row>
  16548. <entry> Ontario </entry>
  16549. <entry>
  16550. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">安大略省</foreignphrase>
  16551. </entry>
  16552. <entry>
  16553. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16554. >Āndàlüè</foreignphrase>
  16555. </entry>
  16556. </row>
  16557. <row>
  16558. <entry> Prince Eduard Island </entry>
  16559. <entry>
  16560. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">愛德華島</foreignphrase>
  16561. </entry>
  16562. <entry>
  16563. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16564. >Àidéhuádǎo</foreignphrase>
  16565. </entry>
  16566. </row>
  16567. <row>
  16568. <entry> Quebec </entry>
  16569. <entry>
  16570. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">魁北克</foreignphrase>
  16571. </entry>
  16572. <entry>
  16573. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16574. >Kuíběkè</foreignphrase>
  16575. </entry>
  16576. </row>
  16577. <row>
  16578. <entry> Saskatchewan </entry>
  16579. <entry>
  16580. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">薩克其萬, 萨斯喀彻温</foreignphrase>
  16581. </entry>
  16582. <entry>
  16583. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sàkèqíwàn,
  16584. Sàsīkāchèwēn</foreignphrase>
  16585. </entry>
  16586. </row>
  16587. <row>
  16588. <entry> Yukon </entry>
  16589. <entry>
  16590. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">育空</foreignphrase>
  16591. </entry>
  16592. <entry>
  16593. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yùkōng</foreignphrase>
  16594. </entry>
  16595. </row>
  16596. </tbody>
  16597. </tgroup>
  16598. </informaltable>
  16599. </para>
  16600. </section>
  16601. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  16602. <section>
  16603. <title>Appendix 6: Common Chinese Names</title>
  16604. <note>
  16605. <para>Wikipedia has a nice page about Chinese names, more complete than this short
  16606. list. Take a look here: <link
  16607. xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_Chinese_surnames#Mainland_China,_Hong_Kong,_Macau,_and_Taiwan"
  16608. /></para>
  16609. </note>
  16610. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  16611. <title>Surnames</title>
  16612. <tgroup cols="6">
  16613. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16614. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  16615. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16616. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  16617. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16618. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  16619. <tbody>
  16620. <row>
  16621. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huáng
  16622. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16623. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">黃</foreignphrase></entry>
  16624. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16625. >Zhōu</foreignphrase></entry>
  16626. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">周</foreignphrase></entry>
  16627. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16628. >Liú</foreignphrase></entry>
  16629. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">劉</foreignphrase></entry>
  16630. </row>
  16631. <row>
  16632. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wáng
  16633. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16634. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">王</foreignphrase></entry>
  16635. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16636. >Jiāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16637. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">江</foreignphrase></entry>
  16638. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16639. >Chén</foreignphrase></entry>
  16640. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">陳</foreignphrase></entry>
  16641. </row>
  16642. <row>
  16643. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhāng
  16644. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16645. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">張</foreignphrase></entry>
  16646. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16647. >Jiǎng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16648. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">蔣</foreignphrase></entry>
  16649. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16650. >Yáng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16651. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">楊</foreignphrase></entry>
  16652. </row>
  16653. <row>
  16654. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lǐ
  16655. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16656. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">李</foreignphrase></entry>
  16657. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16658. >Gaō</foreignphrase></entry>
  16659. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">高</foreignphrase></entry>
  16660. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16661. >Sīmǎ</foreignphrase></entry>
  16662. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">司馬</foreignphrase></entry>
  16663. </row>
  16664. <row>
  16665. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhào
  16666. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16667. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">趙</foreignphrase></entry>
  16668. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16669. >Lín</foreignphrase></entry>
  16670. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">林</foreignphrase></entry>
  16671. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16672. >Oūyáng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16673. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">歐陽</foreignphrase></entry>
  16674. </row>
  16675. <row>
  16676. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Máo
  16677. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16678. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">毛</foreignphrase></entry>
  16679. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16680. >Sūn</foreignphrase></entry>
  16681. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">孫</foreignphrase></entry>
  16682. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16683. >Hú</foreignphrase></entry>
  16684. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">胡</foreignphrase></entry>
  16685. </row>
  16686. <row>
  16687. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táng
  16688. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16689. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">唐</foreignphrase></entry>
  16690. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16691. >Sòng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16692. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">宋</foreignphrase></entry>
  16693. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16694. >Wú</foreignphrase></entry>
  16695. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吳</foreignphrase></entry>
  16696. </row>
  16697. <row>
  16698. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16699. >Mǎ</foreignphrase></entry>
  16700. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">馬</foreignphrase></entry>
  16701. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16702. >Fāng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16703. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">方</foreignphrase></entry>
  16704. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16705. >Liáng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16706. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">梁</foreignphrase></entry>
  16707. </row>
  16708. <row>
  16709. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16710. >Qián</foreignphrase></entry>
  16711. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">錢</foreignphrase></entry>
  16712. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16713. >Zēng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16714. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">曾</foreignphrase></entry>
  16715. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16716. >Hé</foreignphrase></entry>
  16717. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">何</foreignphrase></entry>
  16718. </row>
  16719. </tbody>
  16720. </tgroup>
  16721. </table>
  16722. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  16723. <title>Given names (male)</title>
  16724. <tgroup cols="6">
  16725. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16726. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  16727. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16728. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  16729. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16730. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  16731. <tbody>
  16732. <row>
  16733. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dálǐ
  16734. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16735. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">達禮</foreignphrase></entry>
  16736. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16737. >Yǒngpíng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16738. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">永平</foreignphrase></entry>
  16739. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16740. >Shàowén</foreignphrase></entry>
  16741. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">紹文</foreignphrase></entry>
  16742. </row>
  16743. <row>
  16744. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Mínglǐ
  16745. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16746. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">明理</foreignphrase></entry>
  16747. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16748. >Zìqiáng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16749. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">自強</foreignphrase></entry>
  16750. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16751. >Shìyīng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16752. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">世英</foreignphrase></entry>
  16753. </row>
  16754. <row>
  16755. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dànián
  16756. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16757. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大年</foreignphrase></entry>
  16758. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16759. >Jié</foreignphrase></entry>
  16760. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">傑</foreignphrase></entry>
  16761. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16762. >Tíngfēng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16763. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">廷峯</foreignphrase></entry>
  16764. </row>
  16765. <row>
  16766. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shìmín
  16767. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16768. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">世民</foreignphrase></entry>
  16769. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16770. >Zhīyuǎn</foreignphrase></entry>
  16771. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">知遠</foreignphrase></entry>
  16772. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16773. >Chéng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16774. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">誠</foreignphrase></entry>
  16775. </row>
  16776. <row>
  16777. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Huá
  16778. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16779. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">華</foreignphrase></entry>
  16780. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16781. >Guóquán</foreignphrase></entry>
  16782. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">國權</foreignphrase></entry>
  16783. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16784. >Zhènhàn</foreignphrase></entry>
  16785. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">振漢</foreignphrase></entry>
  16786. </row>
  16787. <row>
  16788. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16789. >Déxián</foreignphrase></entry>
  16790. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">德賢</foreignphrase></entry>
  16791. <entry/>
  16792. <entry/>
  16793. <entry/>
  16794. <entry/>
  16795. </row>
  16796. </tbody>
  16797. </tgroup>
  16798. </table>
  16799. <table frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  16800. <title>Given names (female)</title>
  16801. <tgroup cols="6">
  16802. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16803. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  16804. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16805. <colspec colname="c4" colnum="4" colwidth="1*"/>
  16806. <colspec colname="c5" colnum="5" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16807. <colspec colname="c6" colnum="6" colwidth="1*"/>
  16808. <tbody>
  16809. <row>
  16810. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Juān
  16811. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16812. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">娟</foreignphrase></entry>
  16813. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16814. >Huìwén</foreignphrase></entry>
  16815. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">蕙文</foreignphrase></entry>
  16816. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16817. >Mínzhēn</foreignphrase></entry>
  16818. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">敏貞</foreignphrase></entry>
  16819. </row>
  16820. <row>
  16821. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Lìróng
  16822. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16823. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">麗容</foreignphrase></entry>
  16824. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16825. >Défēn</foreignphrase></entry>
  16826. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">德芬</foreignphrase></entry>
  16827. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16828. >Huìrán</foreignphrase></entry>
  16829. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">蕙然</foreignphrase></entry>
  16830. </row>
  16831. <row>
  16832. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǎnrú
  16833. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16834. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">婉如</foreignphrase></entry>
  16835. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16836. >Lù</foreignphrase></entry>
  16837. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">露</foreignphrase></entry>
  16838. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16839. >Bīngyíng</foreignphrase></entry>
  16840. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">冰瑩</foreignphrase></entry>
  16841. </row>
  16842. <row>
  16843. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xiùfèng
  16844. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16845. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">秀風</foreignphrase></entry>
  16846. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16847. >Yùzhēn</foreignphrase></entry>
  16848. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">玉珍</foreignphrase></entry>
  16849. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16850. >Zǐyàn</foreignphrase></entry>
  16851. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">紫燕</foreignphrase></entry>
  16852. </row>
  16853. <row>
  16854. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qiǎoyún
  16855. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16856. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">巧雲</foreignphrase></entry>
  16857. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16858. >Měilì</foreignphrase></entry>
  16859. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">美麗</foreignphrase></entry>
  16860. <entry/>
  16861. <entry/>
  16862. </row>
  16863. </tbody>
  16864. </tgroup>
  16865. </table>
  16866. <para> </para>
  16867. </section>
  16868. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  16869. <section>
  16870. <title>Appendix 7: Chinese Provinces</title>
  16871. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  16872. <tgroup cols="3">
  16873. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16874. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16875. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  16876. <thead>
  16877. <row>
  16878. <entry align="center">Pinyin spelling</entry>
  16879. <entry align="center">Chinese spelling</entry>
  16880. <entry align="center">Map spelling</entry>
  16881. </row>
  16882. </thead>
  16883. <tbody>
  16884. <row>
  16885. <entry>
  16886. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Ānhui</foreignphrase>
  16887. </entry>
  16888. <entry>
  16889. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">安徽</foreignphrase>
  16890. </entry>
  16891. <entry>
  16892. <foreignphrase xml:lang="en">Anhwei</foreignphrase>
  16893. </entry>
  16894. </row>
  16895. <row>
  16896. <entry>
  16897. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Fújiàn</foreignphrase>
  16898. </entry>
  16899. <entry>
  16900. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">福建</foreignphrase>
  16901. </entry>
  16902. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Fukien </foreignphrase></entry>
  16903. </row>
  16904. <row>
  16905. <entry>
  16906. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gānsù</foreignphrase>
  16907. </entry>
  16908. <entry>
  16909. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">甘肅</foreignphrase>
  16910. </entry>
  16911. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kansu </foreignphrase></entry>
  16912. </row>
  16913. <row>
  16914. <entry>
  16915. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guǎngdōng</foreignphrase>
  16916. </entry>
  16917. <entry>
  16918. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">廣東</foreignphrase>
  16919. </entry>
  16920. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kvangtung </foreignphrase></entry>
  16921. </row>
  16922. <row>
  16923. <entry>
  16924. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guànzhōu</foreignphrase>
  16925. </entry>
  16926. <entry>
  16927. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">官洲島</foreignphrase>
  16928. </entry>
  16929. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kvangsi </foreignphrase></entry>
  16930. </row>
  16931. <row>
  16932. <entry>
  16933. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guǐzhōu</foreignphrase>
  16934. </entry>
  16935. <entry>
  16936. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">貴州</foreignphrase>
  16937. </entry>
  16938. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kveìchou </foreignphrase></entry>
  16939. </row>
  16940. <row>
  16941. <entry>
  16942. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16943. >Hébuǐ/Héběi</foreignphrase>
  16944. </entry>
  16945. <entry>
  16946. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 河北</foreignphrase>
  16947. </entry>
  16948. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Hopeh </foreignphrase></entry>
  16949. </row>
  16950. <row>
  16951. <entry>
  16952. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin"
  16953. >Hēilóngjiāng</foreignphrase>
  16954. </entry>
  16955. <entry>
  16956. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">黑龍江</foreignphrase>
  16957. </entry>
  16958. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Heilungkiang
  16959. </foreignphrase></entry>
  16960. </row>
  16961. <row>
  16962. <entry>
  16963. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hénán</foreignphrase>
  16964. </entry>
  16965. <entry>
  16966. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">河南</foreignphrase>
  16967. </entry>
  16968. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Honan </foreignphrase></entry>
  16969. </row>
  16970. <row>
  16971. <entry>
  16972. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Húběi</foreignphrase>
  16973. </entry>
  16974. <entry>
  16975. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">湖北</foreignphrase>
  16976. </entry>
  16977. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Hupeh </foreignphrase></entry>
  16978. </row>
  16979. <row>
  16980. <entry>
  16981. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Húnán</foreignphrase>
  16982. </entry>
  16983. <entry>
  16984. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">湖南</foreignphrase>
  16985. </entry>
  16986. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Hunan </foreignphrase></entry>
  16987. </row>
  16988. <row>
  16989. <entry>
  16990. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāngsū</foreignphrase>
  16991. </entry>
  16992. <entry>
  16993. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">江蘇</foreignphrase>
  16994. </entry>
  16995. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kiangsu </foreignphrase></entry>
  16996. </row>
  16997. <row>
  16998. <entry>
  16999. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jiāngxī</foreignphrase>
  17000. </entry>
  17001. <entry>
  17002. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">江西</foreignphrase>
  17003. </entry>
  17004. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kiangsi </foreignphrase></entry>
  17005. </row>
  17006. <row>
  17007. <entry>
  17008. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jílín</foreignphrase>
  17009. </entry>
  17010. <entry>
  17011. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">吉林</foreignphrase>
  17012. </entry>
  17013. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kirin </foreignphrase></entry>
  17014. </row>
  17015. <row>
  17016. <entry>
  17017. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Liáoníng</foreignphrase>
  17018. </entry>
  17019. <entry>
  17020. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">遼寧</foreignphrase>
  17021. </entry>
  17022. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Liaoning </foreignphrase></entry>
  17023. </row>
  17024. <row>
  17025. <entry>
  17026. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nèiměnggǔ</foreignphrase>
  17027. </entry>
  17028. <entry>
  17029. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">內蒙古</foreignphrase>
  17030. </entry>
  17031. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Inner Mongolia
  17032. </foreignphrase></entry>
  17033. </row>
  17034. <row>
  17035. <entry>
  17036. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Níngxià</foreignphrase>
  17037. </entry>
  17038. <entry>
  17039. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">寧夏</foreignphrase>
  17040. </entry>
  17041. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Ninghai </foreignphrase></entry>
  17042. </row>
  17043. <row>
  17044. <entry>
  17045. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīnghǎi</foreignphrase>
  17046. </entry>
  17047. <entry>
  17048. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">青海</foreignphrase>
  17049. </entry>
  17050. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Tsinghai </foreignphrase></entry>
  17051. </row>
  17052. <row>
  17053. <entry>
  17054. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shāndōng</foreignphrase>
  17055. </entry>
  17056. <entry>
  17057. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">山東</foreignphrase>
  17058. </entry>
  17059. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Shantung </foreignphrase></entry>
  17060. </row>
  17061. <row>
  17062. <entry>
  17063. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shānxī</foreignphrase>
  17064. </entry>
  17065. <entry>
  17066. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">山西</foreignphrase>
  17067. </entry>
  17068. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Shansi </foreignphrase></entry>
  17069. </row>
  17070. <row>
  17071. <entry>
  17072. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shǎnxī</foreignphrase>
  17073. </entry>
  17074. <entry>
  17075. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">陝西</foreignphrase>
  17076. </entry>
  17077. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Shensi </foreignphrase></entry>
  17078. </row>
  17079. <row>
  17080. <entry>
  17081. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Sìchuān</foreignphrase>
  17082. </entry>
  17083. <entry>
  17084. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">四川</foreignphrase>
  17085. </entry>
  17086. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Szechuan </foreignphrase></entry>
  17087. </row>
  17088. <row>
  17089. <entry>
  17090. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táiwān</foreignphrase>
  17091. </entry>
  17092. <entry>
  17093. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">臺灣</foreignphrase>
  17094. </entry>
  17095. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Taiwan </foreignphrase></entry>
  17096. </row>
  17097. <row>
  17098. <entry>
  17099. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīnjiāng</foreignphrase>
  17100. </entry>
  17101. <entry>
  17102. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">新疆</foreignphrase>
  17103. </entry>
  17104. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Xinjiang </foreignphrase></entry>
  17105. </row>
  17106. <row>
  17107. <entry>
  17108. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīzàng</foreignphrase>
  17109. </entry>
  17110. <entry>
  17111. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">西藏</foreignphrase>
  17112. </entry>
  17113. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Tibet </foreignphrase></entry>
  17114. </row>
  17115. <row>
  17116. <entry>
  17117. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Yúnnán</foreignphrase>
  17118. </entry>
  17119. <entry>
  17120. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">雲南</foreignphrase>
  17121. </entry>
  17122. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Yunnan </foreignphrase></entry>
  17123. </row>
  17124. <row>
  17125. <entry>
  17126. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Zhèjiāng</foreignphrase>
  17127. </entry>
  17128. <entry>
  17129. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">浙江</foreignphrase>
  17130. </entry>
  17131. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Chekiang </foreignphrase></entry>
  17132. </row>
  17133. </tbody>
  17134. </tgroup>
  17135. </informaltable>
  17136. </section>
  17137. <?custom-pagebreak?>
  17138. <section>
  17139. <title>Appendix 8: Chinese Cities</title>
  17140. <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
  17141. <tgroup cols="3">
  17142. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  17143. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  17144. <colspec colname="c3" colnum="3" colwidth="1.0*"/>
  17145. <thead>
  17146. <row>
  17147. <entry align="center">Pinyin spelling</entry>
  17148. <entry align="center">Chinese spelling</entry>
  17149. <entry align="center">Map spelling</entry>
  17150. </row>
  17151. </thead>
  17152. <tbody>
  17153. <row>
  17154. <entry>
  17155. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Běijīng</foreignphrase>
  17156. </entry>
  17157. <entry>
  17158. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">北京</foreignphrase>
  17159. </entry>
  17160. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Peking </foreignphrase></entry>
  17161. </row>
  17162. <row>
  17163. <entry>
  17164. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chángshā</foreignphrase>
  17165. </entry>
  17166. <entry>
  17167. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">長沙</foreignphrase>
  17168. </entry>
  17169. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Chʽang-sha </foreignphrase></entry>
  17170. </row>
  17171. <row>
  17172. <entry>
  17173. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Chéngdū</foreignphrase>
  17174. </entry>
  17175. <entry>
  17176. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">成都</foreignphrase>
  17177. </entry>
  17178. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Chʽeng-tu </foreignphrase></entry>
  17179. </row>
  17180. <row>
  17181. <entry>
  17182. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Dàtóng</foreignphrase>
  17183. </entry>
  17184. <entry>
  17185. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">大同</foreignphrase>
  17186. </entry>
  17187. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Ta-tʽung </foreignphrase></entry>
  17188. </row>
  17189. <row>
  17190. <entry>
  17191. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Gāoxióng</foreignphrase>
  17192. </entry>
  17193. <entry>
  17194. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">高雄</foreignphrase>
  17195. </entry>
  17196. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kao-hsiung </foreignphrase></entry>
  17197. </row>
  17198. <row>
  17199. <entry>
  17200. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Guǎngzhōu</foreignphrase>
  17201. </entry>
  17202. <entry>
  17203. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">廣州</foreignphrase>
  17204. </entry>
  17205. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Canton </foreignphrase></entry>
  17206. </row>
  17207. <row>
  17208. <entry>
  17209. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hángzhōu</foreignphrase>
  17210. </entry>
  17211. <entry>
  17212. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">杭州</foreignphrase>
  17213. </entry>
  17214. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Hang-chou </foreignphrase></entry>
  17215. </row>
  17216. <row>
  17217. <entry>
  17218. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hánkǒu</foreignphrase>
  17219. </entry>
  17220. <entry>
  17221. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">漢口</foreignphrase>
  17222. </entry>
  17223. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Han-kʽou </foreignphrase></entry>
  17224. </row>
  17225. <row>
  17226. <entry>
  17227. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Hǎinán</foreignphrase>
  17228. </entry>
  17229. <entry>
  17230. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">海南</foreignphrase>
  17231. </entry>
  17232. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Huai-nan </foreignphrase></entry>
  17233. </row>
  17234. <row>
  17235. <entry>
  17236. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Jīlóng</foreignphrase>
  17237. </entry>
  17238. <entry>
  17239. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">基隆</foreignphrase>
  17240. </entry>
  17241. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Chi-lung </foreignphrase></entry>
  17242. </row>
  17243. <row>
  17244. <entry>
  17245. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Kāifēng</foreignphrase>
  17246. </entry>
  17247. <entry>
  17248. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">開封</foreignphrase>
  17249. </entry>
  17250. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Kʽai-feng </foreignphrase></entry>
  17251. </row>
  17252. <row>
  17253. <entry>
  17254. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nánchāng</foreignphrase>
  17255. </entry>
  17256. <entry>
  17257. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">南昌</foreignphrase>
  17258. </entry>
  17259. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Nan-chʽang </foreignphrase></entry>
  17260. </row>
  17261. <row>
  17262. <entry>
  17263. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Nánjīng</foreignphrase>
  17264. </entry>
  17265. <entry>
  17266. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">南京</foreignphrase>
  17267. </entry>
  17268. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Nanking </foreignphrase></entry>
  17269. </row>
  17270. <row>
  17271. <entry>
  17272. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Qīngdǎo</foreignphrase>
  17273. </entry>
  17274. <entry>
  17275. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">青島</foreignphrase>
  17276. </entry>
  17277. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Tsingtao </foreignphrase></entry>
  17278. </row>
  17279. <row>
  17280. <entry>
  17281. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Shànghǎi</foreignphrase>
  17282. </entry>
  17283. <entry>
  17284. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">上海</foreignphrase>
  17285. </entry>
  17286. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Shanghai </foreignphrase></entry>
  17287. </row>
  17288. <row>
  17289. <entry>
  17290. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táiběi</foreignphrase>
  17291. </entry>
  17292. <entry>
  17293. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">臺北</foreignphrase>
  17294. </entry>
  17295. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Taipei </foreignphrase></entry>
  17296. </row>
  17297. <row>
  17298. <entry>
  17299. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táidōng</foreignphrase>
  17300. </entry>
  17301. <entry>
  17302. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">臺東</foreignphrase>
  17303. </entry>
  17304. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Tʽai-tung </foreignphrase></entry>
  17305. </row>
  17306. <row>
  17307. <entry>
  17308. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táinán</foreignphrase>
  17309. </entry>
  17310. <entry>
  17311. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">臺南</foreignphrase>
  17312. </entry>
  17313. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Tʽai-nan </foreignphrase></entry>
  17314. </row>
  17315. <row>
  17316. <entry>
  17317. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Táizhōng</foreignphrase>
  17318. </entry>
  17319. <entry>
  17320. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">臺中</foreignphrase>
  17321. </entry>
  17322. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Tʽai-chung </foreignphrase></entry>
  17323. </row>
  17324. <row>
  17325. <entry>
  17326. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Tiānjīn</foreignphrase>
  17327. </entry>
  17328. <entry>
  17329. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">天津</foreignphrase>
  17330. </entry>
  17331. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Tientsin </foreignphrase></entry>
  17332. </row>
  17333. <row>
  17334. <entry>
  17335. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wúchāng</foreignphrase>
  17336. </entry>
  17337. <entry>
  17338. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">武昌</foreignphrase>
  17339. </entry>
  17340. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Wu-chʽang </foreignphrase></entry>
  17341. </row>
  17342. <row>
  17343. <entry>
  17344. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Wǔhàn</foreignphrase>
  17345. </entry>
  17346. <entry>
  17347. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani">武漢</foreignphrase>
  17348. </entry>
  17349. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Wu-han </foreignphrase></entry>
  17350. </row>
  17351. <row>
  17352. <entry>
  17353. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">Xīān</foreignphrase>
  17354. </entry>
  17355. <entry>
  17356. <foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Hani"> 西安</foreignphrase>
  17357. </entry>
  17358. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="en"> Sian </foreignphrase></entry>
  17359. </row>
  17360. </tbody>
  17361. </tgroup>
  17362. </informaltable>
  17363. </section>
  17364. </section>
  17365. </chapter>