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- In a cafe At the movies
- Mr. Becker meets Miss Adams in a Miss Adams points to Mr. and Mrs.
- cafe. He says he hasn't seen her for Jones at the movies and asks Mr.
- a long time and asks her how she is, Becker if he knows them. He says he
- and if she's going to stay in Munich doesn* t know them and asks Who they
- now. She says yes, she's probably are. They are Americans. Mr. Becker
- staying for four months. She likes it wonders Where they live and Miss
- very much in Munich. Mr. Becker asks Adams tells him they live near her.
- her if she has something planned now Mr. Jones is a Foreign Service Officer
- and Miss Adams tells him that she'd and works at the consulate. Mr. Becker
- like to go to the movies. Mr. Becker asks if the Jones' can speak German.
- asks if he may come along and Miss Mr. Jones doesn't speak German very
- Adams says she'd be glad to have him. well but Mrs. Jones does. She is
- German