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  4. <html xmlns=""><head><title>Translation drill</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL-NS Stylesheets V1.76.1"/><link rel="home" href="index.xhtml" title="GERMAN Basic Course"/><link rel="up" href="ch01.xhtml" title="Chapter 1. Unit 1"/><link rel="prev" href="ch01s05.xhtml" title="Variation drill"/><link rel="next" href="ch01s07.xhtml" title="Response drill"/></head><body><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Translation drill </th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ch01s05.xhtml">Prev</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter 1. Unit 1</th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="ch01s07.xhtml">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr/></div><div class="section" title="Translation drill"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="d5e2359"/>Translation drill </h2></div></div></div><p> Students cover right-hand side of page and take turns giving the German version
  5. of the sentences in English column. The instructor must insist that each student
  6. give his version without hesitation. Go over the drill several times, until each
  7. student has had an opportunity to give all sentences.</p><p> Unless students can do this drill confidently, they need more preparation.</p><table id="d5e2363"><col width="10%"/><col width="45%"/><col width="45%"/><tr valign="top">
  8. <td align="left"> 1. </td>
  9. <td align="left"> Is that the embassy? </td>
  10. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ist
  11. das die Botschaft? </em></span></td>
  12. </tr><tr valign="top">
  13. <td align="left"> 2. </td>
  14. <td align="left"> No, that's not the embassy, that is
  15. the hotel. </td>
  16. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase">
  17. Nein, das ist nicht die Botschaft, das ist das Hotel.
  18. </em></span></td>
  19. </tr><tr valign="top">
  20. <td align="left"> 3 .</td>
  21. <td align="left"> The embassy is over there, to the
  22. left. </td>
  23. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Die
  24. Botschaft ist da drüben, links. </em></span></td>
  25. </tr><tr valign="top">
  26. <td align="left"> 4. </td>
  27. <td align="left"> How is the beer, is it good? </td>
  28. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Wie
  29. ist das Bier, ist es gut? </em></span></td>
  30. </tr><tr valign="top">
  31. <td align="left"> 5. </td>
  32. <td align="left"> No, it's not very good. </td>
  33. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase">
  34. Nein, es ist nicht sehr gut. </em></span></td>
  35. </tr><tr valign="top">
  36. <td align="left"> 6. </td>
  37. <td align="left"> What is that there, the airport? </td>
  38. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Was
  39. ist das dort, der Flughafen? </em></span></td>
  40. </tr><tr valign="top">
  41. <td align="left"> 7. </td>
  42. <td align="left"> Yes, that's the airport. </td>
  43. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ja,
  44. das ist der Flughafen. </em></span></td>
  45. </tr><tr valign="top">
  46. <td align="left"> 8. </td>
  47. <td align="left"> Is Mr. Becker here? </td>
  48. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ist
  49. Herr Becker hier? </em></span></td>
  50. </tr><tr valign="top">
  51. <td align="left"> 9. </td>
  52. <td align="left"> No, he isn't (here). </td>
  53. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase">
  54. Nein, er ist nicht hier. </em></span></td>
  55. </tr><tr valign="top">
  56. <td align="left">10. </td>
  57. <td align="left"> Is the wine good here? </td>
  58. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ist
  59. hier der Wein gut? </em></span></td>
  60. </tr><tr valign="top">
  61. <td align="left">11. </td>
  62. <td align="left"> Yes, it is (good here). </td>
  63. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ja,
  64. er ist gut hier. </em></span></td>
  65. </tr><tr valign="top">
  66. <td align="left">12. </td>
  67. <td align="left"> Where is Miss Schneider? </td>
  68. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Wo
  69. ist Fräulein Schneider? </em></span></td>
  70. </tr><tr valign="top">
  71. <td align="left">13. </td>
  72. <td align="left"> Isn't she here? </td>
  73. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ist
  74. sie nicht hier? </em></span></td>
  75. </tr><tr valign="top">
  76. <td align="left">14. </td>
  77. <td align="left"> No, she isn't (here). </td>
  78. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase">
  79. Nein, sie ist nicht hier. </em></span></td>
  80. </tr><tr valign="top">
  81. <td align="left">15. </td>
  82. <td align="left"> How much does sausage and sauerkraut
  83. cost? </td>
  84. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Wie
  85. viel kostet Bratwurst mit Sauerkraut? </em></span></td>
  86. </tr><tr>
  87. <td align="left">16. </td>
  88. <td align="left"> It doesn't cost much. </td>
  89. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Es
  90. kostet nicht viel. </em></span></td>
  91. </tr><tr valign="top">
  92. <td align="left">17. </td>
  93. <td align="left"> Where are the cigars? </td>
  94. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Wo
  95. sind die Zigarren? </em></span></td>
  96. </tr><tr valign="top">
  97. <td align="left">18. </td>
  98. <td align="left"> Aren't they here? </td>
  99. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Sind
  100. sie nicht hier? </em></span></td>
  101. </tr><tr valign="top">
  102. <td align="left">19. </td>
  103. <td align="left"> No, they aren't (here). </td>
  104. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase">
  105. Nein, sie sind nicht hier. </em></span></td>
  106. </tr><tr valign="top">
  107. <td align="left">20. </td>
  108. <td align="left"> They cost four marks. </td>
  109. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Sie
  110. kosten vier Mark. </em></span></td>
  111. </tr><tr valign="top">
  112. <td align="left">21. </td>
  113. <td align="left"> Do you understand me? </td>
  114. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase">
  115. Verstehen Sie mich? </em></span></td>
  116. </tr><tr valign="top">
  117. <td align="left">22. </td>
  118. <td align="left"> What did you say? </td>
  119. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Wie
  120. bitte? </em></span></td>
  121. </tr><tr valign="top">
  122. <td align="left">23. </td>
  123. <td align="left"> Yes, I understand you very well. </td>
  124. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ja,
  125. ich verstehe Sie sehr gut. </em></span></td>
  126. </tr><tr valign="top">
  127. <td align="left">24. </td>
  128. <td align="left"> Would you like to eat? </td>
  129. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase">
  130. Möchten Sie gern essen? </em></span></td>
  131. </tr><tr valign="top">
  132. <td align="left">25 </td>
  133. <td align="left"> Yes, I would. </td>
  134. <td align="left"><span xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"><em xml:lang="de-1901" class="foreignphrase"> Ja,
  135. gerne. </em></span></td>
  136. </tr></table></div><div class="navfooter"><hr/><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ch01s05.xhtml">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="ch01.xhtml">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="ch01s07.xhtml">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Variation drill </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.xhtml">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Response drill </td></tr></table></div></body></html>