FSI-German-Basic-Course.xml 4.5 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0"
  3. xml:lang="en">
  4. <info>
  5. <title>GERMAN Basic Course</title>
  6. <subtitle>UNITS 1 - 12</subtitle>
  7. <author>
  8. <orgname>Foreign Service Institute</orgname>
  9. </author>
  10. </info>
  11. <colophon>
  12. <title/>
  13. <para/>
  14. </colophon>
  15. <chapter>
  16. <title>Unit 2</title>
  17. <section>
  18. <title>Basic sentences: <foreignphrase xml:lang="de-1901">in München</foreignphrase></title>
  19. <para>
  20. <informaltable frame="all">
  21. <tgroup cols="2">
  22. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="1*"/>
  23. <colspec colname="c2" colnum="2" colwidth="1*"/>
  24. <tbody>
  25. <row>
  26. <entry namest="c1" nameend="c2" align="center">I</entry>
  27. </row>
  28. <row>
  29. <entry>to meet, encounter</entry>
  30. <entry>treffen</entry>
  31. </row>
  32. <row>
  33. <entry>he meets</entry>
  34. <entry>er trifft</entry>
  35. </row>
  36. <row>
  37. <entry>Mr. (object)</entry>
  38. <entry>Herrn (accusative form)</entry>
  39. </row>
  40. <row>
  41. <entry>in</entry>
  42. <entry>in</entry>
  43. </row>
  44. <row>
  45. <entry>Munich</entry>
  46. <entry>München</entry>
  47. </row>
  48. <row>
  49. <entry>Mr. Becker meets Mr. and Mrs. Allen in Munich.</entry>
  50. <entry>Herr Becker trifft Herrn und Frau Allen in München.</entry>
  51. </row>
  52. <row>
  53. <entry>the Allens</entry>
  54. <entry>Allens</entry>
  55. </row>
  56. <row>
  57. <entry>the American</entry>
  58. <entry>Amerikaner</entry>
  59. </row>
  60. <row>
  61. <entry>the diplomat ( used loosely to designate any Foreign Service Officer
  62. abroad)</entry>
  63. <entry>der Diplomat</entry>
  64. </row>
  65. <row>
  66. <entry>a diplomat, a Foreign Service Officer</entry>
  67. <entry>Diplomat</entry>
  68. </row>
  69. <row>
  70. <entry>The Allens are Americans. Mr. Allen is a Foreign Service Officer.</entry>
  71. <entry>Allens sind Amerikaner. Herr Allen ist Diplomat.</entry>
  72. </row>
  73. <row>
  74. <entry/>
  75. <entry/>
  76. </row>
  77. <row>
  78. <entry namest="c1" nameend="c2" align="center">II</entry>
  79. </row>
  80. <row>
  81. <entry>No English equivalent. Unstressed particle expressing polite interest or
  82. concern.</entry>
  83. <entry>denn</entry>
  84. </row>
  85. <row>
  86. <entry>Mr. Allen </entry>
  87. <entry>Herr Allen</entry>
  88. </row>
  89. <row>
  90. <entry>Mary, you know Mr. Becker, don't you?</entry>
  91. <entry>Maria, du kennst doch Herrn Becker, nicht wahr?</entry>
  92. </row>
  93. <row>
  94. <entry/>
  95. <entry/>
  96. </row>
  97. <row>
  98. <entry/>
  99. <entry/>
  100. </row>
  101. <row>
  102. <entry/>
  103. <entry/>
  104. </row>
  105. <row>
  106. <entry/>
  107. <entry/>
  108. </row>
  109. <row>
  110. <entry/>
  111. <entry/>
  112. </row>
  113. <row>
  114. <entry/>
  115. <entry/>
  116. </row>
  117. <row>
  118. <entry/>
  119. <entry/>
  120. </row>
  121. <row>
  122. <entry/>
  123. <entry/>
  124. </row>
  125. <row>
  126. <entry/>
  127. <entry/>
  128. </row>
  129. <row>
  130. <entry/>
  131. <entry/>
  132. </row>
  133. <row>
  134. <entry/>
  135. <entry/>
  136. </row>
  137. <row>
  138. <entry/>
  139. <entry/>
  140. </row>
  141. <row>
  142. <entry/>
  143. <entry/>
  144. </row>
  145. </tbody>
  146. </tgroup>
  147. </informaltable>
  148. </para>
  149. </section>
  150. <section><title>Drills</title>
  151. </section>
  152. </chapter>
  153. </book>