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FSI Russian 1973

This is FSI Russian, 1973 version, digitized in docbook format and available in dockbook, pdf, html, odt, epub formats.

The docbook format was chosen because it is possible to convert it in many different other formats. It is also a tagged language, which permits to process the document and extract information like the vocabulary, the phrases etc.


The docbook document was processed with 3 different programs/ide: oXygen, pandoc and Xmlmind xbe.

They produced different versions of the document, as the processing paramteres are a bit different.

You'll find the different outputs in different directories.

  1. output

This is the oXygen output directory. Html, Xhtml, Epub, Epub3 and pdf outputs. The docbook source is named: fsi1973.xml

  1. xmlmind-output

Some outputs from Xmlmind xbe program. The docbook source is named: l fsi1973.xml

  1. odt-out

I processed the docbook document threw pandoc to obtain an .odt document.

I formatted a litle bit the document.

There is an old tex document (converted from the xml file some years ago ...)