Numbers from 1-10

1 оди́н 2 два З три 4 четы́ре 5 пять
6 шесть 7 семь 8 во́семь 9 де́вять 10 де́сять

Упражне́ние №13.

Listen and repeat as the numbers from 1-10 are read on the tape.

Упражне́ние №14.

Listen to the numbers from 1-10 as your instructor reads them aloud.

  • a. He/she will skip certain numbers at each reading. Which ones were they?

  • b. Write down the numbers your instructor will read aloud. Read them back in Russian.

Упражне́ние №15.

Listen and follow along in your books as the following series of numbers are read on the tape. Now listen again, with your books closed. Repeat after the speaker.

a. 5-2-4-3-1-6-9-8-10-7
b. 7-5-10-2-8-4-9-3-6-1
с 8-10-5-7-2-1-6-3-9-4

Упражне́ние №16.

Look at the pictures and count the objects. What are the totals for each?

Упражне́ние №17.

Table 4.1. Кро́ссворд

По вертика́лиПо горизонта́ли
1. Брат и...1.Дочь и ...
3. Ба́бушка и...2.Мать и оте́ц
4. Роди́тели и де́ти -- э́то...5.Сын и ...
7. Сестра́ и ...6.Де́душка и...