Chapter 10. Lesson 10

Table of Contents

В гости́нице.
Setting the scene
Диало́г №1
Вариа́нт диало́га №1
Упражне́ние №1
Упражне́ние №2
Упражне́ние №3
Упражне́ние №4
Како́й но́мер вам ну́жен?
Упражне́ние №5
Упражне́ние №6
Упражне́ние №7
Упражне́ние №8
Упражнение №9
Setting the scene
Диало́г №2
Вариа́нт диало́га № 2
Упражне́ние №10
Упражне́ние №11
Упражне́ние №12
Упражне́ние №13
Упражне́ние №14
Когда́? В кото́ром часу́?
Упражне́ние №15
Упражне́ние №16
Упражне́ние №17
Setting the scene
Диало́г № 3
Упражне́ние №18
Setting the scene
Диало́г №4
У меня́ в но́мере нет
Упражне́ние №19
Вариа́нт 1 диало́га №4
Вариа́нт 2 диало́га №4
Упражне́ние №20
Упражне́ние №21
Упражне́ние №22
Упражне́ние №23
Вариа́нт 3 диало́га № 4
Упражне́ние №24
Setting the scene
Диало́г №5
Вариа́нт 1 диало́га №5
Вариа́нт 2 диало́га №5
Упражне́ние №25
Упражне́ние №26
Упражне́ние №27
Упражне́ние №28
Упражне́ние №29
Упражне́ние №30
Using what you've learned in this lesson
Упражне́ние №31
Упражне́ние №32
Упражне́ние №33
Упражне́ние №34
Упражне́ние №35
Упражнение №36
Listening Comprehension Exercise
In case you were wondering
Telling time
The Genitive Case to indicate absence or lack of
Упражне́ние №37
Collective numerals
Useful words and expressions
Lesson №10
УРОК № 10

В гости́нице.

As in most countries, when traveling in Russia you should make hotel reservations ahead of time. There are no "motels", as we in the US understand that word, where you have a chance of getting accommodations without reservations. In the major cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg and the capitals of the NIS countries), there are many Western-owned and operated hotels which offer all the comforts and services we are accustomed to. You'll feel quite at home there.

When you arrive, tell the desk clerk that you have a reservation:

Для меня́ заброни́рован но́мер.I have a reservation.

When checking in, you'll be asked to show your passport for registration purposes. In the large cities, the desk clerk will give you а про́пуск/ка́рта го́стя room card (with your name and room number on it) together with your ключ room key. Keep this card handy as often you'll be asked to show it to the doorman to get in, especially if you return late in the evening. Most of the major hotels have the magnetic key-card systems, though in the smaller cities you'll get a real key. In hotels in the smaller cities when you go out, you will probably be asked to leave your key with the woman responsible for your floor. She'll ask you to show your room card when you return and want to pick up your key. This procedure is less common, however, in the larger cities, though you will have а дежу́рная floor lady. These are good people to get to know as they can help with all kinds of things, such as getting laundry done, bringing you кипято́к для ча́я hot water for tea in the evening, helping with all sorts of problems you might encounter. They do not expect monetary tips, though a little gift will always be appreciated.

Here are a few words you will find helpful during your stay:

дежу́рнаяfloor ladyго́рничнаяmaid
администра́торhotel managerно́мерroom

Most major hotels offer you the following services:


post office


restaurant (breakfast is included in the room price in most hotels)




snack bar


М (мужско́й)

Ж (же́нский)

public restroom



парикма́херская же́нская

beauty salon

парикма́херская мужска́я

barber shop

бюро́ обслу́живания

service bureau (which today includes photocopying, fax, secretarial services, travel arrangements, theater tickets, etc.)

бюро́ обме́на валю́ты

currency exchange

ка́мера хране́ния

left luggage room