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  5. <META Name= "description" Content = "The hutongs around Qianmen were razed in 2008. These pictures are of the remnants of the hutong east of Qianmen Dajie: Cao Chang Hutong, Dajiang Hutong and the Xiaojiang Hutong , taken in April 2008.">
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  20. <TITLE>Destruction of Qianmen Hutong 前门胡同的扯破</TITLE>
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  40. <h1><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Destruction of Qianmen Hutong<br>
  41. </font><font size="+1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">前门胡同的扯破</font><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
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  47. <td><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">West Damochang Street </font><font size="+1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">西打磨厂街 </font><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">ended at Qianmen Dong Lu at the modesty wall that surrounded the major rebuilding of the business district on both sides of Qianmen Dajie can be seen. West Damochang Street </font><font size="+1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">西打磨厂街 </font><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">would normally continue all the way to Qianmen Dajie and connect to Dashila Jie to continue west. </font>
  48. <p><font size="-1" color="white" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The roof of the modesty wall was decorated with pictures of old Beijing. Along the length of the wall, old pictures of Qianmen were hung with bits of history to inform the passerby. Great attention was paid to keeping the destruction from being unsightly. This was the year of the Olympics, and while the main streets would be finished, most of the hutongs would still be in rubble.</font></p>
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  56. <td bgcolor="black"><A href="117_QianmenHutongDestruction.html"><IMG src="../images/QianmenHutong_d_8368w.jpg" height="600" width="896" border=0 alt="The wall around Qianmen Street construction"></a></td>
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  68. <font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/china.html"> China Index </a></font><font size+1 class="white"> >> </font><font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/beijing2.html"> History of Beijing in Pictures </a></font><font size+1 class="white"> >> </font><font size="-1" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href="http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/HistoricBeijing/Qianmen/index.html"> Qianmen Dashila (Dazhalan) Hutong History </a></font>
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  71. <P><font size="-1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">http://hua.umf.maine.edu/China/HistoricBeijing/Qianmen/index.html<BR>Last
  72. update: August 2009<BR>&copy; Marilyn Shea, 2009 </FONT></P><HR>
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