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  40. <!--OldMacDonaldHad a FarmTraditionalOld MacDonald had a farm Ee I Ee I Oh?uAnd on this farm he had a cow Ee I Ee I OhWith a moo moo hereand a moo moo therehere a moo, there a mooEverywhere a moo mooAnd on this farm he had a sheep Ee I Ee I OhWith a ba ba hereand a ba ba therehere a ba, there a baEverywhere a ba baAnd on this farm he had a dog Ee I Ee I OhWith a woof woof hereand a woof woof therehere a woof, there a woofEverywhere a woof woofAnd on this farm he had a donkey Ee I Ee I OhWith a heehaw hereand a heehaw therehere a hee, there a hawEverywhere a heehawAnd on this farm he had some frogs Ee I Ee I OhWith a ribit hereand a ribit therehere a ribit , there a ribitEverywhere a ribitAnd on that farm he had a cat Ee I Ee I OhWith a meow meow hereand a meow meow therehere a meow, there a meowEverywhere a meow meowAnd on this farm he had some chicks Ee I Ee I OhWith a peep peep hereand a peep peep therehere a peep, there a peepEverywhere a peep peepAnd on this farm he had a duck Ee I Ee I OhWith a quack quack hereand a quack quack therehere a quack, there a quackEverywhere a quack quackAnd on this farm he had a pig Ee I Ee I OhWith a oink oink hereand a oink oink therehere a oink, there a oinkEverywhere a oink oink(c) Marilyn Shea, 2003--><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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