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  4. <meta name="description" content="Pop Goes the Weasle -- Sing along to learn pronunciation and to relax your voice. Requires Flash 6 viewer. Ting -- Chinese English Study Center">
  5. <meta name="keywords" content="song, Pop Goes the Weasle, children, child, music, ESL, EFL, Chinese, English, language, listen, learn, study, sing">
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  40. <!--Pop Goes the WeasleSung by: Dale HillTraditional'Round and 'round the cobbler's benchThe monkey chased the weasel,The monkey thought 'twas all in funPop! Goes the weasel.POP!A penny for a spool of threadA penny for a needle,That's the way the money goes,A half a pound of tupenny rice,A half a pound of treacle.Mix it up and make it nice,Up and down the London road,In and out of the Eagle,I've no time to plead and pine,I've no time to wheedle,Kiss me quick and then I'm gone--><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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