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  40. <!--ThisOldManSung by: Julie SnyderTraditionalThis old man,1he played one,he played knick knack on my thumb,With a knick knack paddywackgive the dog a bone,this old man came rolling home.2he played two,he played knick knack on my shoe,3he played three,he played knick knack on my knee,4he played four,he played knick knack on my door,5he played five,he played knick knack on my hive,6he played six,he played knick knack on my sticks,7he played seven,he played knick knack up to heaven,8he played eight,he played knick knack on my gate,9he played nine,he played knick knack on my spine,10he played ten,he played knick knack all again,<c> Marilyn Shea, 2003--><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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