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- <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="map, United States, Chinese, Chinese language, Mandarin, Chinese dictionary, study, learn, vocabulary, English, English language, Chinese words">
- <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="A map of the United States -- click to hear pronunciation and see the English, Chinese characters, and pinyin versions.">
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- "Oregon", //#1
- "California", //#2
- "Nevada", //#3
- "Idaho", //#4
- "Montana", //#5
- "Wyoming", //#6
- "Utah", //#7
- "Arizona", //#8
- "Colorado", //#9
- "New Mexico", //#10
- "North Dakota", //#11
- "South Dakota", //#12
- "Nebraska", //#13
- "Kansas", //#14
- "Oklahoma", //#15
- "Texas", //#16
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- "Missouri", //#19
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- "Illinois", //#23
- "Indiana", //#24
- "Kentucky", //#25
- "Tennessee", //#26
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- "Ohio", //#28
- "Alabama", //#29
- "Florida", //#30
- "Georgia", //#31
- "South Carolina", //#32
- "North Carolina", //#33
- "Virginia", //#34
- "Washington, D.C.", //#35
- "West Virginia", //#36
- "Maryland", //#37
- "Delaware", //#38
- "New Jersey", //#39
- "Pennsylvania", //#40
- "New York", //#41
- "Connecticut", //#42
- "Rhode Island", //#43
- "Massachusetts", //#44
- "Vermont", //#45
- "New Hampshire", //#46
- "Maine", //#47
- "Hawaii", //#48
- "Alaska", //#49
- "Michigan" //#50
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