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  27. <td><a href="welcome.html"><img SRC="../tingpics/tinggold100.jpg" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=108 width=108></a></td>
  28. <td>
  29. <center><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#993366"><font size=+2>Ting
  30. - The Chinese Experience</font>
  31. <p><font size=+1>How
  32. to Perform a Search</font></font></font></center>
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  41. <blockquote>
  42. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  43. <center><a href="#basics">Basics</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#english">English</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  44. <a href="#pinyin">Pinyin</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#character">Character</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#account">Your Account</a></font>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="searchinstch.html">ÖÐ ÎÄ</a></center>
  45. <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
  46. <a NAME="basics"></a><br><br><h3>Search Basics</h3>
  47. <blockquote><font size=-1>1.&nbsp; All searches ignore capitals and small letters -- happy = Happy
  48. = haPPY
  49. <br><br>2.&nbsp; When you search, the term you added most recently will be used for the search. So if you searched for the English "elephant" and now wanted to search for Pinyin "wu2", when you type in the Pinyin box, it will do that search. Your English search term will be kept, so when you get your results for "wu2", elephant will still be in the English search box. If you want to use "elephant" simply click in that box and choose whatever difficulty level you desire. It will search for "elephant" without retyping the word.
  50. <br><br>3.&nbsp; Sentence Length:&nbsp; Each search is limited by the length of sentence
  51. you want to see.&nbsp; The default is "1" -- the results will show just
  52. the words and the measure word phrases.&nbsp; Items "2" through "4" indicate
  53. a progress toward longer and more complex sentences.&nbsp; Only the sentences will be shown.&nbsp; At the moment, the results overlap.&nbsp; So you will get very simple, and easy under "2", and you will get "easy" and "difficult" under "3". &nbsp; We did this to minimize the number of times you have to click to get results. If we don't have any easy or difficult sentences, we will tell you and show you a challenging example instead. &nbsp; Again, we are trying to save you time.&nbsp;
  54. <br><br>4.&nbsp; Search Everywhere:&nbsp; The fifth item in Sentence Difficulty radio buttons
  55. is a special search which includes several fields.&nbsp; It is the only
  56. search which includes the short helping words in English -- such as "and",
  57. "to", "the".&nbsp; It should be used when you want to type in a long phrase
  58. such as "want to go to the store" . &nbsp; It will return both words and sentences.
  59. <br><br>5.&nbsp; Searches are limited to 500 items.
  60. </blockquote>
  61. </font>
  62. <a NAME="english"><center><a href="#Top"><img SRC="faq/redcvtrans.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER=0 height=60 width=60 align=TEXTTOP></a></center>
  63. </a><h3>English Search</h3>
  64. <blockquote><font size=-1>1.&nbsp; Exact Search:&nbsp; The words or phrases you type in the search
  65. box will be matched as a set.&nbsp; If you type "happy" you will only get
  66. items which have the word "happy" in the search area.&nbsp; If you type
  67. "happ" you won't get any results because it is not a single word.
  68. <br><br>2.&nbsp; Exact Search:&nbsp; If you type "red hat" you will get only those
  69. entries which contain BOTH "red" and "hat" although not necessarily as a phrase.
  70. <br><br>3.&nbsp; Fuzzy Search:&nbsp; Type part of a word, or several words and
  71. the search results will show any entries which have any or all of those
  72. words.&nbsp; If you don't know how to spell a word, you might type in the
  73. beginning of the word -- "happ" this will give you "happy", "happenstance", "happily".&nbsp; If you type
  74. "interest" you will get "interested", "interesting", "interestingly", and "uninteresting".
  75. <br><br>4.&nbsp; Fuzzy Search:&nbsp; Each entry will be treated independently.&nbsp; If you type in "go store" you will get <em>any</em> entry with "go" and/or "store".&nbsp; Fuzzy Search is most useful when you are not sure of the correct spelling or you want all forms of a word.
  76. <br><br>5.&nbsp; Search Area:&nbsp; Sometimes you will find that you get entries
  77. which do not have your word in them.&nbsp; For instance, if you type "go"
  78. you will get sentences with "went"&nbsp; because that is the past tense
  79. of "go".&nbsp; Sometimes you will get words that are related but not exactly
  80. the same meaning -- synomyms.&nbsp; This is because the search
  81. area is not the same as the entry which is shown to you in the results. &nbsp; We have added synonyms or common paraphrases to the search. &nbsp; If you are using your account, you will see that many sentences have alternate translations in English - we call that a paraphrase. &nbsp; We also used that to retype many of the easier sentences that have contractions (he's, we've, they're) as whole words. This is to help the Chinese student of English.
  82. </font>
  83. <br><br>
  84. <table border="1" width="80%">
  85. <tr>
  86. <th width="100%" colspan="3" bgcolor="#000080"><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF"><span
  87. style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle">Searching the Database for English
  88. Words and Phrases</span></font></th>
  89. </tr>
  90. <tr>
  91. <th width="33%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" valign="middle" align="left" height="18"><font
  92. face="Verdana">If you enter:</font></th>
  93. <th width="33%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" valign="middle" align="center" height="18"><font
  94. face="Verdana">Exact Search</font></th>
  95. <th width="34%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" valign="middle" align="center" height="18"><font
  96. face="Verdana">Fuzzy Search</font></th>
  97. </tr>
  98. <tr>
  99. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">happy</font></small></td>
  100. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">happy</font></small></td>
  101. <td width="34%"><small><font face="Verdana">happy</font></small></td>
  102. </tr>
  103. <tr>
  104. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">happ</font></small></td>
  105. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></small></td>
  106. <td width="34%"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>happ</strong>y, <strong>happ</strong>ily,
  107. <strong>happ</strong>enstance</font></small></td>
  108. </tr>
  109. <tr>
  110. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">go</font></small></td>
  111. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">go, went</font></small></td>
  112. <td width="34%"><small><font face="Verdana">Chica<strong>go</strong>, <strong>go</strong>,
  113. <strong>go</strong>ne, <strong>go</strong>wn</font></small></td>
  114. </tr>
  115. <tr>
  116. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">go store</font></small></td>
  117. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">&quot;I really want to <strong>go</strong> to
  118. the <strong>store</strong>.&quot;, <br>
  119. &quot;We'll go to the store, OK? &quot;</font></small></td>
  120. <td width="34%"><small><font face="Verdana">&quot;Where are you <strong>go</strong>ing?&quot;,<br>
  121. &quot;The <strong>store</strong>keeper opened the store.&quot;</font></small></td>
  122. </tr>
  123. <tr>
  124. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">get out</font></small></td>
  125. <td width="33%"><small><font face="Verdana">to drive <strong>out</strong>, to drive away,
  126. to <strong>get</strong> <br>
  127. (something) <strong>out</strong><br>
  128. to <strong>get out</strong> of school ,<br>
  129. to <strong>get</strong> rid of, to throw <strong>out</strong> ,<br>
  130. &quot;I am heading <strong>out</strong> now, I'll call you when <br>
  131. I <strong>get</strong> back. &quot;</font></small></td>
  132. <td width="34%"><small><font face="Verdana">&quot;Along about now, he should be <strong>get</strong>ting
  133. home.&quot;<br>
  134. &quot;In the grocery store, I like to pick <strong>out</strong> my own vegetables.&quot;<br>
  135. &quot;I'm very anxious about <strong>get</strong>ting a job.&quot;<br>
  136. </font></small></td>
  137. </tr>
  138. </table>
  139. </blockquote>
  140. <a NAME="pinyin"><center><a href="#Top"><img SRC="faq/redcvtrans.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER=0 height=60 width=60 align=TEXTTOP></a></center>
  141. </a><h3>Pinyin Search</h3>
  142. <blockquote><font size=-1>1.&nbsp; Exact Search:&nbsp; Spaces and tone marks can be included or
  143. excluded.&nbsp; You can type: Kan4jian4 / kan jian / kan4 jian4 /= kan4 jian /or kan jian4. It
  144. will make a difference in your search results.
  145. <br><br>2.&nbsp; Exact Search:&nbsp; Tone Numbers:&nbsp; If you type "jiao"
  146. your results will include "jiao1", "jiao2", "jiao3", and "jiao4".&nbsp;
  147. If you type "jiao4" you will only see those results for characters which
  148. are pronounced "jiao4".
  149. <br><br>3.&nbsp; Exact Search:&nbsp; If you type in "hao3 de" you will get "hao3xiao4
  150. de", "jue2de hao3 xie1 de " -- any entry where BOTH syllables appear.&nbsp; Including a space indicates
  151. you are searching for two words.
  152. <br><br>4.&nbsp; Exact Search:&nbsp; If you type in "kan4jian4" with no space between the
  153. syllables you will limit your entries to those containing kan4jian4.
  154. <br><br>5.&nbsp; Fuzzy Search:&nbsp; The major difference between the exact search and
  155. the fuzzy search in pinyin is the use of the Boolean "OR" instead of "AND".&nbsp; In a fuzzy
  156. search if you type in "jiao3 zi" you will get entries with both jiao3 AND zi, entries with
  157. just jiao3, plus entries with just zi included somewhere in the item.
  158. <br><br>
  159. </font></center>
  160. <table border="1" width="80%">
  161. <tr>
  162. <th width="100%" colspan="3" bgcolor="#000080"><font face="Verdana" color="#FFFFFF"><span
  163. style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle">Searching the Database for Pinyin Words
  164. and Phrases</span></font></th>
  165. </tr>
  166. <tr>
  167. <th width="33%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" valign="middle" align="left" height="18"><font
  168. face="Verdana">If you enter:</font></th>
  169. <th width="33%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" valign="middle" align="center" height="18"><font
  170. face="Verdana">Exact Search</font></th>
  171. <th width="34%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" valign="middle" align="center" height="18"><font
  172. face="Verdana">Fuzzy Search</font></th>
  173. </tr>
  174. <tr>
  175. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>kan4 jian4</small></font></td>
  176. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>Wo3 gang1 <strong>kan4jian4</strong> ta1. </small></font></td>
  177. <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana"><small><strong>jian4</strong>, bao3<strong>jian4</strong>,
  178. <strong>kan4</strong>, <strong>kan4</strong> xi4, </small><br>
  179. <small>Ni3 <strong>kan4</strong>dao4 wo3 ji4 gei3 ta1 de xin4 le ma?</small></font></td>
  180. </tr>
  181. <tr>
  182. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>kan4jian4</small></font></td>
  183. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small><strong>kan4jian4</strong>, </small><br>
  184. <small>Ni3 neng2 <strong>kan4jian4</strong> na4bian1 de ren2 ma?</small></font></td>
  185. <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana"><small><strong>kan4jian4</strong>, </small><br>
  186. <small>Ni3 neng2 <strong>kan4jian4</strong> na4bian1 de ren2 ma?</small></font></td>
  187. </tr>
  188. <tr>
  189. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>hao ben</small></font></td>
  190. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>Zhe4 <strong>ben</strong>3 shu1 hen3 <strong>hao</strong>3.
  191. </small></font></td>
  192. <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana"><small><strong>ben</strong>4, <strong>ben</strong>3, <strong>hao</strong>4,
  193. <strong>hao</strong>3, ban3<strong>ben</strong>3, <strong>ben</strong>4zhuo1, cheng2<strong>hao</strong>4,
  194. </small><br>
  195. <small>Wo3 xu1yao4 yi2 ge4 xin1 de bi3ji4<strong>ben</strong>3.</small></font></td>
  196. </tr>
  197. <tr>
  198. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small><small>bing</small></small></font></td>
  199. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small><strong>bing</strong>1<small>, </small><strong>bing</strong>3,
  200. <strong>bing</strong>4, <strong>bing</strong>1bao2, de2<strong>bing</strong>4 <small> </small></small></font></td>
  201. <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana"><small><small>same</small></small></font></td>
  202. </tr>
  203. <tr>
  204. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>wo xuyao ni de</small></font></td>
  205. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>Xia4yu3 le. <strong>Wo</strong>3 <strong>xu</strong>1<strong>yao</strong>4
  206. wo3 <strong>de</strong> <strong>ni</strong>2long2 wai4yi1.<small><br>
  207. </small></small></font></td>
  208. <td width="34%"><font face="Verdana"><small><strong>De</strong>2guo2<small>, </small><strong>wo</strong>3<small>,
  209. </small><strong>de</strong> shi2hou<small>, </small>Gen1 <strong>wo</strong>3 lai2!<small>,
  210. </small></small><br>
  211. <small>Ta1 <strong>xu</strong>1<strong>yao</strong>4 yi4xie1 yong3qi4.<small><br>
  212. </small></small></font></td>
  213. </tr>
  214. <tr>
  215. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small>ji4suan4ji1 bing4du2</small></font></td>
  216. <td width="33%"><font face="Verdana"><small><strong>ji4suan4ji1 bing4du2</strong>,</small><br>
  217. <small><strong>Bing4du2</strong> shi3 <strong>ji4suan4ji1</strong> ting2zhi3 gong1zuo4., </small></font></td>
  218. <td width="34%"><small><font face="Verdana"><strong>bing4du2</strong>, chao1ji2 <strong>ji4suan4ji1</strong>,<br>Ni3 hui4 yong4 <strong>ji4suan4ji1</strong> ma?, <br>
  219. <strong>Bing4du2</strong> shi3 <strong>ji4suan4ji1</strong> ting2zhi3 gong1zuo4.</font></small></td>
  220. </tr></center>
  221. </table>
  222. </blockquote>
  223. <a NAME="character"><center><a href="#Top"><img SRC="faq/redcvtrans.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER=0 height=60 width=60 align=TEXTTOP></a></center>
  224. <h3>Character Search</h3>
  225. <blockquote><font size=-1>1.&nbsp; You can either enter characters using a Chinese system such as
  226. Twinbridge or NJStar, or you can highlight characters in previous results on the search page and copy and paste them into the search box.&nbsp;
  227. <br><br>2.&nbsp; Exact Search:&nbsp; If you type in three characters, or paste them in from previous searches, you will get entries which contain all three characters.
  228. <br><br>3.&nbsp; Fuzzy Search:&nbsp; If you type in three characters, or paste them in from previous searches, you will get entries which contain at least one of the characters.
  229. <br><br>4.&nbsp; In both Fuzzy Search and Exact Search, characters are treated as separate words.
  230. <br><br>5.&nbsp; Fuzzy Search is useful when searching for characters or pinyin only with a Sentence Length of 1, otherwise you will get confusing results.&nbsp; It is very handy if you are looking up several words at a time.&nbsp; It is also useful in Character search if you want to find out what the individual characters mean. &nbsp;For instance, if you are learning ¼¤ ¶¯ ji1dong4 "to excite, to agitate, to arouse, to stir, to move" you can use fuzzy search to find that ¶¯ means "to move" and that means ¼¤ "vexed, agitated, aroused; to arouse". &nbsp;Sometimes it helps you to remember a term if you know what the individual characters mean. &nbsp;It won't work on all words because there are many single characters that are not used alone, they are only found in combinations. &nbsp;I have tended to avoid putting those in the dictionary to avoid confusion. &nbsp; When I have put in a character that is not used alone, I tried to put in a note to cue you in. For instance, if you look up "peak" you will find that you should use ¶¥ µã, not ¶¥.
  231. </blockquote>
  232. <br>
  233. <h3>Textbook Search</h3>
  234. <blockquote><font size=-1>At the bottom of the dictionary search page you will find drop down boxes for several popular Chinese texts.:&nbsp; The first search box includes Beginning Chinese, Teach Yourself Chinese, and The Practical Chinese Reader.:&nbsp; The second set of boxes lets you add vocabulary to your account for Integrated Chinese Book One and Book Two. :&nbsp; In both cases, just choose the book you want, then choose the section. &nbsp; For Beginning Chinese, Teach Yourself Chinese, and The Practical Chinese Reader you type the chapter number desired. &nbsp; For Integrated Chinese Book One and Book Two, you choose the chapter and section of the chapter by using the drop down list. &nbsp; Integrated Chinese has two sections of vocabulary for each chapter and a section of "extra" words at the end of the chapter. Those are all listed separately. &nbsp;Once you choose a book and chapter, hit the "Go" button and you will see the list of vocabulary on a new results page. &nbsp;You can print that, or you can add all of the items to your account so you can use printable lists to make flash cards, use on-line flash cards, or take quizzes.<br><br>
  235. Complete instructions for using Ting with Beginning Chinese and Integrated Chinese are also found in links at the bottom of the dictionary search page.
  236. </blockquote>
  237. <a NAME="account"><center><a href="#Top"><img SRC="faq/redcvtrans.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER=0 height=60 width=60 align=TEXTTOP></a></center>
  238. <h3>Your Account</h3>
  239. <blockquote><font size=-1>1.&nbsp; New Accounts:&nbsp; Once you have established a username and password, you may add words and phrases to the account and then, on the Review Planner, choose samples to study.&nbsp; You can print lists, use flash cards, and take quizzes.
  240. <br><br>2.&nbsp; Time Limits:&nbsp; If, after opening an account, you do not use it for two (2) weeks it will be closed.&nbsp; If you do use it, it will stay open unless there is six months of inactivity.&nbsp; That should be long enough for students who might take a language course, skip a semester, and then take the next course.&nbsp; If you wait longer than that you should begin your review at the beginning.
  241. <br><br>3.&nbsp; DEMO:&nbsp; If you simply want to take a look at the features of the Study Center or demonstrate to you students, please use the Username = sample, Password = sample account.
  242. <br><br>4.&nbsp; Account Limits:&nbsp; Accounts are limited to 1,000 items.&nbsp; After you have reached the thousand item limit, when you add new items to your account, earliest items will be dropped.
  243. <br><br>5.&nbsp; Privacy:&nbsp; No cookies are sent to your machine.&nbsp; Your e-mail address will only be used for items you request directly, such as your password.
  244. <br><br>6.&nbsp; Editing:&nbsp; If you want to change your password, or anything else, you may modify your account by going to Account Edit.
  245. <br><br>7.&nbsp; Password:&nbsp; If you forget your password, you can also go to Account Edit and enter your username and e-mail address and we will send your password to your e-mail address.&nbsp; Many people have three or four standard passwords that they use on the Internet so they don't have to remember hundreds of passwords.&nbsp; Don't use your e-mail as your password. &nbsp; Recently (2012) there was a hack at Yahoo that yielded all sorts of e-mail addresses because they used them as passwords. &nbsp; The e-mail addresses were them spammed.&nbsp; It is unlikely that anyone would bother with hacking this site, but it is better to be safe than sorry. &nbsp; The best thing is to have a really "safe" password for your important accounts, and some other "easy" password for accounts like this one. &nbsp; A "safe" password has nothing to do with your life, your interests, or the birthdays of your relatives. &nbsp; It includes Capital letters and numbers as well as the little letters. &nbsp; It is not an word. &nbsp;
  246. <br><br>8.&nbsp; Standard Disclaimer:&nbsp; We are not responsible for the loss of information in your account.
  247. <BR><BR>
  248. <a href="../php/newuser.php">Back to the "New User" form</a>
  249. </font></font>
  250. </blockquote>
  251. <center><a href="#Top"><img SRC="faq/redcvtrans.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER=0 height=60 width=60></a></center>
  252. <p>
  253. <hr SIZE=3 WIDTH="30%"><br><hr SIZE=3 WIDTH="60%">
  254. <p><font face="Verdana"><font size=-3><br>Last update:&nbsp;July 2012<br>&copy;&nbsp; <a href="credits.html#copyright">Marilyn Shea</a>, 2001, 2012</font></font>
  255. </body>
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