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  10. <!-- ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? , ? ?(c) Flash -- Marilyn Shea W8n Ti1nj9ny8 y& l0ng lu4nq9ng f5ng f1n sh%z=di3n p2ng qi1o c8j9b9 w# ji* f4nc@ng xi3o b8i g&sh9b* d6 y4ol-ngch3nsh= de sh5nyu1n p2ngw# b8i f2 zh4nyu8 l3ng x9ng x9l3osh9 de sh#u c@ng zh!ngzh-di3n m0j9ny-ngzi x= f3ng r6nsh5ngy#ur6n z4i ji4oy*de xi6p! sh4ng hu2xu7t1men de g*shihu2 ch% gu@ji8c0 hu2 ch% le sh%b2i zh- sh= y0w4ngzh8ngw# x-j=ng shu1ng sh#us9su= t1, y& t0ngB7i D3o ASKING THE SKYtonight a confusion of rainfresh breezes leaf though a bookdictionaries swell with implicationforcing me into submissionmemorizing ancient poems as a childI couldn't see what they meantand stood at the abyss of explicationfor punishmentbright moon sparse starsout of those depths a teacher's handsgive directions to the losta play of shadow mocking our livespeople slide down the slope ofeducation on skistheir storyslides beyond national boundariesafter words slide beyond the bookthe white page in pure amnesiaI wash my hands cleanand tear it apart, the rain stops---translation by David Hinton--><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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