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  9. <!-- ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(c) Flash -- Marilyn Shea Du! Sh= Zh9 Qi%sh5nsh5n xi4nr* h5i'4n de l4zh^z4i zh9shi de y8y2n zh!ng x^nzh3o bi1oy^gu4n de w6nz= ji1ow7i h$uh6 w6nm0ng y=q- ch6nshu= d4o ti1nm0nggu4nx=ng de l^nzi, j=ny* de xu7r6nd4d= q0p2n shang de c2nj^y- g5zh= le du! ni2ny0 ge t2ob= gu9z6 de n2nh2iyu8gu$ ji8h6 q* s$ng x=nn4 sh= sh9, hu$ s-w2ng de y1oq-ng B7i D3o AUTUMN WORLD IN TURMOILa candle lost in depths of darknesshunts for specimens in the shale of knowledgestreaming word-shoals matethen sleep beside civilization till dawninertial wheel, ascetic snowmenthe endgame on chessboard earth'shung fire for yearsa boy escaping regulationswims across the boundary to deliver a letterthat's the poem, or perhaps death's invitation --- translation: David Hinton --><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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