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  10. <!-- ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(c) Flash -- Marilyn Shea Z1oy*t1men zh&sh^ le zh#ngzir4o gu$ l=sh-, b==k1i zh4nlu4nsh5nr* y8 de ku4ngc6ngch6ngw6i r6nm0nz4i d$ngxu6 de y2nhu4 shangw# ch*m! d4o t1menw1ju6 de sh#uzh-y*w4ng de ch-g&hu0 s*yu2n t@u de n&l=j-n z4i zu=h$u y0 b*t1men li^ z4i sh0 b= zh!ngj* w# z4i w4iw# z#uch% d$ngxu6hu= r* qi2nj=n de r6n li^B7i D3o CONTACTthey finished cooking the seedbypassed history, eluded turmoil and warplunged deep into the mineral seam of nightand became a peoplein paintings on cave wallsI come upon themtheir digging fingerspublic-bones of longingthat struggle to retrace originsright up to the last stepwhere they remain in rock wallsleaving me to the outsideI walk from the cavemingling into the stream of people moving ahead---translation by David Hinton--><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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