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  10. <!-- ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(c) Flash -- Marilyn Shea Y0 F* Xi4oxi4ngw8i x=nni4n su# sh1ng, t1 l2i z= b1yu8n4 w5ixi3n de m&4ib8i y0 mi4n j=ngzi du@q*t1 c8sh5n y^ x9ni^ y& zh8ngzhi zh9 ji1nxi4ng li8f8ng g6k1i sh0d4iw$ t@ngm6ngzh7, w# c-k8zh- sh= y0 g8 p&t!ng de y@uk8z4i b!w*gu3n d4t9ng de q0p2n shangh6 bi6r6n ji1och1 z#u d$ngj9q0ng b^ hu= gu$sh0d4n f3ngw8n b=x% m=m= j=nx0ngw# t%r2n g3n d4o n4 q0nxi2n de t6ngt$ngn- ti2o y9n, w8i w# z$u y= q&z4i zh$ng sh$u y#ngr* l=sh- zh9qi2nB7i D3o A PORTRAITwounded by convictions, he came from Augusta mother's perilous lovestolen away by a mirrorhe's sideways between the rhinoceros and politicslike a fissure separating epochso conspiritors, I'm nothing nowbut a common wandererwalking the cavernous museum's chessboardtrading places with strangersgreat passion's never outdatedbut our visits require secrecysuddenly I feel the ache of stringsyou're tuning, play me a songsomewhere predators haven't yet risen into our history---translation by David Hinton--><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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