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  7. <meta name="description" content="The San Zi Jing is read in Chinese by Sun Xiaomei with Simplified Chinese characters, English translation, Pinyin, and footnotes. Based on Louis Smogor's translation. The San Zi Jing is an excellent way to practice pronunciation of Chinese." />
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  26. <td nowrap="1" bgcolor="#cccccc">  <font size="-2" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href="">Ting Chinese English Dictionary</a></font>  <font size+1="size+1" class="white">|</font></td>
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  31. <td nowrap="1" bgcolor="#cccccc">  <font size="-2" face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"><a class="white" href=""> San Zi Jing</a></font>  </td>
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  44. <h1 align="center"><font size="+1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">San Zi Jing </font><font size="+1" face="MS Song, SimSun, arial">三字经</font><br>
  45. <br>
  46. </h1>
  47. <blockquote>
  48. <font class="verdana" size="-1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The San Zi Jing was written in the 13th century to instruct children in the basics of Confucian principles, history, philosophy, and to brain wash them into working hard and striving to do their best. It is attributed to Wang Yinlin (</font><font color="black">王应麟 </font><font size="-1" color="black" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">1223—1296</font><font class="verdana" size="-1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">), a noted scholar of the Song dynasty. It was used as we use Grimm or perhaps the Little Golden Books; as a basic primer for pre-literate children. Because we now have so many sources of literature and entertainment, we no longer have the Horatio Alger stories, the McGuffy readers, or other common forms of socializing our children. The closest we come to what the San Zi Jing provided is Disney.<br>
  49. <br>
  50. The San Zi Jing provided a chain of culture and knowledge that linked centuries of children. The children most often learned the San Zi Jing before they could even read a character. Even if the child did not become a scholar, they knew the basics of the culture and were instructed in filial piety, the need to work hard, and a respect for the classics. Even today, children in China read and learn from the San Zi Jing. Although most use some form of the classic version, in 1995, a &quot;new&quot; San Zi Jing was introduced for use in the schools in China. In book stores in China you can get many different versions ranging from very short to very long. They may vary in length and the lines that are included, but they share the same ethos.<br>
  51. <br>
  52. The San Zi Jing has been translated many times and into many languages. The first published English translation seems to have been by Morrison in 1812. (See the <a href="sanzijingbiblio.html"><em>bibliography</em></a> for further translations.) Herbert Giles (1910) mentions a translation by Bridgman from 1835 and Julien's in 1864 but dismisses them as &quot;prose&quot; and &quot;pioneer.&quot; Giles' translation is considered the standard or reference translation. He first published a translation of the San Zi Jing in 1873, but rejected it and, based on his greater knowledge of the language, published a new version in 1900. It came out in a second edition in 1910. He included extensive notes on the origins of each character, the meaning of the sections, and comments on other translations. The book was intended to be used by English speakers who were learning Chinese. He provided pronunciation in Wade-Giles form as well as a literal translation of each character.<br>
  53. <br>
  54. At the time of Giles' translation there were already many versions of the San Zi Jing in Chinese. He included six appendices with additional lines from different versions. Some were mainly artistic variations, some were meant to bring the San Zi Jing up to date by including the modern dynasties.<br>
  55. <br>
  56. The present version of the Chinese San Zi Jing is an adaptation of the one translated by Herbert Giles. It is based on the second edition from 1910, the 1989 edition (EPB Publishers) edited by S. T. Phen, and a version from the Internet. The new translation in this Flash file is one by Louis Smogor with some editorial modifications. Louis Smogor included some lines from Phen, and excluded some lines from the Giles version. <a href="" target="_blank"><em>Smogor's original translation</em></a> can be found on his web page where he provides both text and graphical forms of the San Zi Jing in traditional characters. There is also a traditional character version of this Flash file from this page on his site. Louis is working on a new version of his translation and when it is ready I will provide an additional file.<br>
  57. <br>
  58. The Internet version used by Smogor was in Big5 and could not show all of the characters. I have included an edited version in unicode below. To be able to see all of the characters properly, you have to have mssong.ttf or simsun.ttf and mingliu.tff or pmingliu.ttf installed on your computer. The fonts are included in the Windows Asian font pack. If you do not have those fonts, some of the simplified characters will appear in traditional form and vice-versa. Feel free to copy the characters, but if you use them on a web page, please include a link to this web page so that if there is an error in the code someone <a href=""><em>might write and tell me</em></a>. There are many versions of the San Zi Jing on the Internet and many of them have incorrect characters. A web page with </font><font class="verdana" size="-1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Giles' translation and the <a href="" target="_blank"><em>characters in GB code</em></a> is provided by Charles Aylmer.<br>
  59. </font><font class="verdana" size="-1"><br>
  60. <br>
  61. </font>
  62. <div align="left">
  63. <table width="60%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center">
  64. <tr>
  65. <td width="50%">
  66. <div align="center">
  67. <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Simplified</font></div>
  68. </td>
  69. <td width="50%">
  70. <div align="center">
  71. <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Traditional</font></div>
  72. </td>
  73. </tr>
  74. <tr>
  75. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  76. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">《三字经》</p>
  77. <p>1.</p>
  78. <p>人之初,<br>
  79. 性本善。<br>
  80. 性相近,<br>
  81. 习相远。</p>
  82. <p>3.</p>
  83. <p>苟不教,<br>
  84. 性乃迁。<br>
  85. 教之道,<br>
  86. 贵以专。</p>
  87. <p>5.</p>
  88. <p>昔孟母,<br>
  89. 择邻处。<br>
  90. 子不学,<br>
  91. 断机杼。</p>
  92. <p>7.</p>
  93. <p>窦燕山,<br>
  94. 有义方。<br>
  95. 教五子,<br>
  96. 名俱扬。</p>
  97. <p>9.</p>
  98. <p>养不教,<br>
  99. 父之过。<br>
  100. 教不严,<br>
  101. 师之惰。</p>
  102. <p>
  103. 11.</p>
  104. <p>子不学,<br>
  105. 非所宜。<br>
  106. 幼不学,<br>
  107. 老何为。</p>
  108. <p>13.</p>
  109. <p>玉不琢,<br>
  110. 不成器。<br>
  111. 人不学,<br>
  112. 不知义。<br>
  113. </p>
  114. <p>15.</p>
  115. <p>为人子,<br>
  116. 方少时。<br>
  117. 亲师友,<br>
  118. 习礼仪。</p>
  119. <p>17.</p>
  120. <p>香九龄,<br>
  121. 能温席。<br>
  122. 孝于亲,<br>
  123. 所当执。</p>
  124. <p>19.</p>
  125. <p>融四岁,<br>
  126. 能让梨。<br>
  127. 弟于长,<br>
  128. 宜先知。</p>
  129. <p>21.</p>
  130. <p>首孝弟,<br>
  131. 次见闻。<br>
  132. 知某数,<br>
  133. 识某文。</p>
  134. <p>23.</p>
  135. <p>一而十,<br>
  136. 十而百。<br>
  137. 百而千,<br>
  138. 千而万。</p>
  139. <p>25.</p>
  140. <p>三才者,<br>
  141. 天地人。<br>
  142. 三光者,<br>
  143. 日月星。</p>
  144. <p>27.</p>
  145. <p>三纲者,<br>
  146. 君臣义。<br>
  147. 父子亲,<br>
  148. 夫妇顺。</p>
  149. <p>29.</p>
  150. <p>曰春夏,<br>
  151. 曰秋冬。<br>
  152. 此四时,<br>
  153. 运不穷。</p>
  154. <p>31.</p>
  155. <p>曰南北,<br>
  156. 曰西东。<br>
  157. 此四方,<br>
  158. 应乎中。</p>
  159. <p>33.</p>
  160. <p>曰水火,<br>
  161. 木金土。<br>
  162. 此五行,<br>
  163. 本乎数。</p>
  164. <p>35.</p>
  165. <p>曰仁义,<br>
  166. 礼智信。<br>
  167. 此五常,<br>
  168. 不容紊。</p>
  169. <p>37.</p>
  170. <p>稻粱菽,<br>
  171. 麦黍稷。<br>
  172. 此六谷,<br>
  173. 人所食。</p>
  174. <p>39.</p>
  175. <p>马牛羊,<br>
  176. 鸡犬豕。<br>
  177. 此六畜,<br>
  178. 人所饲。</p>
  179. <p>41.</p>
  180. <p>曰喜怒,<br>
  181. 曰哀惧。<br>
  182. 爱恶欲,<br>
  183. 七情具。</p>
  184. <p>43.</p>
  185. <p>匏土革,<br>
  186. 木石金。<br>
  187. 与丝竹,<br>
  188. 乃八音。</p>
  189. <p>45.</p>
  190. <p>高曾祖,<br>
  191. 父而身。<br>
  192. 身而子,<br>
  193. 子而孙。</p>
  194. <p>47.</p>
  195. <p>自子孙,<br>
  196. 至元曾。<br>
  197. 乃九族,<br>
  198. 而之伦。</p>
  199. <p>49.</p>
  200. <p>父子恩,<br>
  201. 夫妇从。<br>
  202. 兄则友,<br>
  203. 弟则恭。</p>
  204. <p>51.</p>
  205. <p>长幼序,<br>
  206. 友与朋。<br>
  207. 君则敬,<br>
  208. 臣则忠。</p>
  209. <p>53.</p>
  210. <p>此十义,<br>
  211. 人所同。</p>
  212. </td>
  213. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  214. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">《三字經》</p>
  215. <p>1.</font></p>
  216. <p><font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, Arial, sans-serif">人之初,<br>
  217. 性本善。<br>
  218. 性相近,<br>
  219. 習相遠。</font></p>
  220. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">3.</font></p>
  221. <p><font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, Arial, sans-serif">苟不教,<br>
  222. 性乃遷。<br>
  223. 教之道,<br>
  224. 貴以專。</font></p>
  225. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">5.</p>
  226. <p>昔孟母,<br>
  227. 擇鄰處。<br>
  228. 子不學,<br>
  229. 斷機杼。</p>
  230. <p>7.</p>
  231. <p>窦燕山,<br>
  232. 有義方。<br>
  233. 教五子,<br>
  234. 名俱揚。</p>
  235. <p>9.</p>
  236. <p>養不教,<br>
  237. 父之過。<br>
  238. 教不嚴,<br>
  239. 師之惰。</p>
  240. <p>11.</p>
  241. <p>子不學,<br>
  242. 非所宜。<br>
  243. 幼不學,<br>
  244. 老何爲。</p>
  245. <p>13.</p>
  246. <p>玉不琢,<br>
  247. 不成器。<br>
  248. 人不學,<br>
  249. 不知義。</p>
  250. <p>15.</p>
  251. <p>爲人子,<br>
  252. 方少時。<br>
  253. 親師友,<br>
  254. 習禮儀。</p>
  255. <p>17.</p>
  256. <p>香九齡,<br>
  257. 能溫席。<br>
  258. 孝于親,<br>
  259. 所當執。</p>
  260. <p>19.</p>
  261. <p>融四歲,<br>
  262. 能讓梨。<br>
  263. 弟于長,<br>
  264. 宜先知。</p>
  265. <p>21.</p>
  266. <p>首孝弟,<br>
  267. 次見聞。<br>
  268. 知某數,<br>
  269. 識某文。</p>
  270. <p>23.</p>
  271. <p>一而十,<br>
  272. 十而百。<br>
  273. 百而千,<br>
  274. 千而萬。</p>
  275. <p>25.</p>
  276. <p>三才者,<br>
  277. 天地人。<br>
  278. 三光者,<br>
  279. 日月星。</p>
  280. <p>27.</p>
  281. <p>三綱者,<br>
  282. 君臣義。<br>
  283. 父子親,<br>
  284. 夫婦順。</p>
  285. <p>29.</p>
  286. <p>曰春夏,<br>
  287. 曰秋冬。<br>
  288. 此四時,<br>
  289. 運不窮。</p>
  290. <p>31.</p>
  291. <p>曰南北,<br>
  292. 曰西東。<br>
  293. 此四方,<br>
  294. 應乎中。</p>
  295. <p>33.</p>
  296. <p>曰水火,<br>
  297. 木金土。<br>
  298. 此五行,<br>
  299. 本乎數。</p>
  300. <p>35.</p>
  301. <p>曰仁義,<br>
  302. 禮智信。<br>
  303. 此五常,<br>
  304. 不容紊。</p>
  305. <p>37.</p>
  306. <p>稻粱菽,<br>
  307. 麥黍稷。<br>
  308. 此六谷,<br>
  309. 人所食。</p>
  310. <p>39.</p>
  311. <p>馬牛羊,<br>
  312. 雞犬豕。<br>
  313. 此六畜,<br>
  314. 人所飼。</p>
  315. <p>41.</p>
  316. <p>曰喜怒,<br>
  317. 曰哀懼。<br>
  318. 愛惡欲,<br>
  319. 七情具。</p>
  320. <p>43.</p>
  321. <p>匏土革,<br>
  322. 木石金。<br>
  323. 與絲竹,<br>
  324. 乃八音。</p>
  325. <p>45.</p>
  326. <p>高曾<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial, FontName">祖</font>,<br>
  327. 父而身。<br>
  328. 身而子,<br>
  329. 子而孫。</p>
  330. <p>47.</p>
  331. <p>自子孫,<br>
  332. 至元曾。<br>
  333. 乃九族,<br>
  334. 而之倫。</p>
  335. <p>49.</p>
  336. <p>父子恩,<br>
  337. 夫婦從。<br>
  338. 兄則友,<br>
  339. 弟則恭。</p>
  340. <p>51.</p>
  341. <p>長幼序,<br>
  342. 友與朋。<br>
  343. 君則敬,<br>
  344. 臣則忠。</p>
  345. <p>53.</p>
  346. <p>此十義,<br>
  347. 人所同。</p>
  348. </td>
  349. </tr>
  350. <tr>
  351. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  352. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part Two</p>
  353. <p>54.</p>
  354. <p>凡训蒙,<br>
  355. 须讲究。<br>
  356. 详训诂,<br>
  357. 名句读。</p>
  358. <p>56.</p>
  359. <p>为学者,<br>
  360. 必有初。<br>
  361. 小学终,<br>
  362. 至四书。</p>
  363. <p>58.</p>
  364. <p>论语者,<br>
  365. 二十篇。<br>
  366. 群弟子,<br>
  367. 记善言。</p>
  368. <p>60.</p>
  369. <p>孟子者,<br>
  370. 七篇止。<br>
  371. 讲道德,<br>
  372. 说仁义。</p>
  373. <p>62.</p>
  374. <p>作中庸,<br>
  375. 子思笔。<br>
  376. 中不偏,<br>
  377. 庸不易。</p>
  378. <p>64.</p>
  379. <p>作大学,<br>
  380. 乃曾子。<br>
  381. 自修齐,<br>
  382. 至平治。</p>
  383. <p>66.</p>
  384. <p>孝经通,<br>
  385. 四书熟。<br>
  386. 如六经,<br>
  387. 始可读。</p>
  388. <p>68.</p>
  389. <p>诗书易,<br>
  390. 礼春秋。<br>
  391. 号六经,<br>
  392. 当讲求。</p>
  393. <p>70.</p>
  394. <p>有连山,<br>
  395. 有归藏。<br>
  396. 有周易,<br>
  397. 三易详。</p>
  398. <p>72.</p>
  399. <p>有典谟,<br>
  400. 有训诰。<br>
  401. 有誓命,<br>
  402. 书之奥。</p>
  403. 74.
  404. <p>我周公,<br>
  405. 作周礼。<br>
  406. 著六官,<br>
  407. 存治体。</p>
  408. <p>76.</p>
  409. <p>大小戴,<br>
  410. 注礼记。<br>
  411. 述圣言,<br>
  412. 礼乐备。</p>
  413. <p>78.</p>
  414. <p>曰国风,<br>
  415. 曰雅颂。<br>
  416. 号四诗,<br>
  417. 当讽咏。</p>
  418. <p>80.</p>
  419. <p>诗既亡,<br>
  420. 春秋作。<br>
  421. 寓褒贬,<br>
  422. 别善恶。</p>
  423. <p>82.</p>
  424. <p>三传者,<br>
  425. 有公羊。<br>
  426. 有左氏,<br>
  427. 有彀梁。</p>
  428. <p>84.</p>
  429. <p>经既明,<br>
  430. 方读子。<br>
  431. 撮其要,<br>
  432. 记其事。</p>
  433. <p>86.</p>
  434. <p>五子者,<br>
  435. 有荀杨。<br>
  436. 文中子,<br>
  437. 及老庄。</font></p>
  438. </td>
  439. <td valign="top" width="50%"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part Two
  440. </font>
  441. <p>54.</p>
  442. <p>凡訓蒙,<br>
  443. 須講究。<br>
  444. 詳訓诂,<br>
  445. 名句讀。</p>
  446. <p>56</p>
  447. <p>爲學者,<br>
  448. 必有初<br>
  449. 小學終,<br>
  450. 至四書。</p>
  451. <p>58.</p>
  452. <p>論語者,<br>
  453. 二十篇。<br>
  454. 群弟子,<br>
  455. 記善言。</p>
  456. <p>60.</p>
  457. <p>孟子者,<br>
  458. 七篇止。<br>
  459. 講道德,<br>
  460. 說仁義。</p>
  461. <p>62.</p>
  462. <p>作中庸,<br>
  463. 子思筆。<br>
  464. 中不偏,<br>
  465. 庸不易。</p>
  466. <p>64.</p>
  467. <p>作大學,<br>
  468. 乃曾子。<br>
  469. 自修齊,<br>
  470. 至平治。</p>
  471. <p>66.</p>
  472. <p>孝經通,<br>
  473. 四書熟。<br>
  474. 如六經,<br>
  475. 始可讀。</p>
  476. <p>68.</p>
  477. <p>詩書易,<br>
  478. 禮春秋。<br>
  479. 號六經,<br>
  480. 當講求。</p>
  481. <p>70.</p>
  482. <p>有連山,<br>
  483. 有歸藏。<br>
  484. 有周易,<br>
  485. 三易詳。</p>
  486. <p>72.</p>
  487. <p>有典谟,<br>
  488. 有訓诰。<br>
  489. 有誓命,<br>
  490. 書之奧。</p>
  491. <pre>74.</pre>
  492. <p>我周公,<br>
  493. 作周禮。<br>
  494. 著六官,<br>
  495. 存治體。</p>
  496. <p>76.</p>
  497. <p>大小戴,<br>
  498. 注禮記。<br>
  499. 述聖言,<br>
  500. 禮樂備。</p>
  501. <p>78.</p>
  502. <p>曰國風,<br>
  503. 曰雅頌。<br>
  504. 號四詩,<br>
  505. 當諷詠。</p>
  506. <p>80.</p>
  507. <p>詩既亡,<br>
  508. 春秋作。<br>
  509. 寓褒貶,<br>
  510. 別善惡。</p>
  511. <p>82.</p>
  512. <p>三傳者,<br>
  513. 有公羊。<br>
  514. 有左氏,<br>
  515. 有彀梁。</p>
  516. <p>84.</p>
  517. <p>經既明,<br>
  518. 方讀子。<br>
  519. 撮其要,<br>
  520. 記其事。</p>
  521. <p>86.</p>
  522. <p>五子者,<br>
  523. 有荀楊。<br>
  524. 文中子,<br>
  525. 及老莊。</p>
  526. </td>
  527. </tr>
  528. <tr>
  529. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  530. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part Three</font></p>
  531. <p>88.</p>
  532. <p>经子通,<br>
  533. 读诸史。<br>
  534. 考世系,<br>
  535. 知终始。</p>
  536. <p>90.</p>
  537. <p>自羲农,<br>
  538. 至黄帝。<br>
  539. 号三皇,<br>
  540. 居上世。</p>
  541. <p>92.</p>
  542. <p>唐有虞,<br>
  543. 号二帝。<br>
  544. 相揖逊,<br>
  545. 称盛世。</p>
  546. <p>94.</p>
  547. <p>夏有禹,<br>
  548. 商有汤。<br>
  549. 周文武,<br>
  550. 称三王。</p>
  551. <p>96.</p>
  552. <p>夏传子,<br>
  553. 家天下。<br>
  554. 四百载,<br>
  555. 迁夏社。</p>
  556. <p>98.</p>
  557. <p>汤伐夏,<br>
  558. 国号商。<br>
  559. 六百载,<br>
  560. 至纣亡。</p>
  561. <p>100.</p>
  562. <p>周武王,<br>
  563. 始诛纣。<br>
  564. 八百载,<br>
  565. 最长久。</p>
  566. <p>102.</p>
  567. <p>周辙东,<br>
  568. 王纲堕。<br>
  569. 逞干戈,<br>
  570. 尚游说。</p>
  571. <p>104.</p>
  572. <p>始春秋,<br>
  573. 终战国。<br>
  574. 五霸强,<br>
  575. 七雄出。</p>
  576. <p>106.</p>
  577. <p>嬴秦氏,<br>
  578. 始兼并。<br>
  579. 传二世,<br>
  580. 楚汉争。</p>
  581. <p>108.</p>
  582. <p>高祖兴,<br>
  583. 汉业建。<br>
  584. 至孝平,<br>
  585. 王莽篡。</p>
  586. <p>110.</p>
  587. <p>光武兴,<br>
  588. 为东汉。<br>
  589. 四百年,<br>
  590. 终于献。</p>
  591. <p>112.</p>
  592. <p>魏蜀吴,<br>
  593. 争汉鼎。<br>
  594. 号三国,<br>
  595. 迄两晋。</p>
  596. <p>114.</p>
  597. <p>宋齐继,<br>
  598. 梁陈承。<br>
  599. 为南朝,<br>
  600. 都金陵。</p>
  601. <p>116.</p>
  602. <p>北元魏,<br>
  603. 分东西。<br>
  604. 宇文周,<br>
  605. 兴高齐。</p>
  606. <p>118.</p>
  607. <p>迨至隋,<br>
  608. 一土宇。<br>
  609. 不再传,<br>
  610. 失统绪。</p>
  611. <p>120.</p>
  612. <p>唐高祖,<br>
  613. 起义师。<br>
  614. 除隋乱,<br>
  615. 创国基。</p>
  616. <p>122.</p>
  617. <p>二十传,<br>
  618. 三百载。<br>
  619. 梁灭之,<br>
  620. 国乃改。</p>
  621. <p>123a and 123b</p>
  622. <p>梁唐晋,<br>
  623. 及汉周。<br>
  624. 称五代,<br>
  625. 皆有由。</p>
  626. <p>124.</p>
  627. <p>炎宋兴,<br>
  628. 受周禅。<br>
  629. 十八传,<br>
  630. 南北混。</p>
  631. <p>126. 126a</p>
  632. <p>辽于金,<br>
  633. 皆称帝。<br>
  634. 元灭金,<br>
  635. 绝宋世。</p>
  636. <p>126b and 126c</p>
  637. 莅中国,<br>
  638. 兼戎翟。<br>
  639. 九十年,<br>
  640. 国<font face="MS Song, SimSun, arial">祚</font>废。
  641. <p>127.</p>
  642. <p>太祖兴,<br>
  643. 国大明。<br>
  644. 号洪武,<br>
  645. 都金陵。</p>
  646. 129.
  647. <p>迨成祖,<br>
  648. 迁燕京。<br>
  649. 十七世,<br>
  650. 至崇祯。</p>
  651. <p>130a。 130b。Lines from Phen</p>
  652. <p>权阉肆,<br>
  653. 寇如林。<br>
  654. 李闯出,<br>
  655. 神器毁。</p>
  656. </td>
  657. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  658. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part Three</font></p>
  659. <p>88.</p>
  660. <p>經子通,<br>
  661. 讀諸史。<br>
  662. 考世系,<br>
  663. 知終始。</p>
  664. <p>90.</p>
  665. <p>自羲農,<br>
  666. 至黃帝。<br>
  667. 號三皇,<br>
  668. 居上世。</p>
  669. <p>92.</p>
  670. <p>唐有虞,<br>
  671. 號二帝。<br>
  672. 相揖遜,<br>
  673. 稱盛世。</p>
  674. <p>94.</p>
  675. <p>夏有禹,<br>
  676. 商有湯。<br>
  677. 周文武,<br>
  678. 稱三王。</p>
  679. <p>96.</p>
  680. <p>夏傳子,<br>
  681. 家天下。<br>
  682. 四百載,<br>
  683. 遷夏<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial">社</font>。</p>
  684. <p>98.</p>
  685. <p>湯伐夏,<br>
  686. 國號商。<br>
  687. 六百載,<br>
  688. 至纣亡。</p>
  689. <p>100.</p>
  690. <p>周武王,<br>
  691. 始誅纣。<br>
  692. 八百載,<br>
  693. 最長久。</p>
  694. <p>102.</p>
  695. <p>周轍東,<br>
  696. 王綱墮。<br>
  697. 逞幹戈,<br>
  698. 尚遊說。</p>
  699. <p>104.</p>
  700. <p>始春秋,<br>
  701. 終戰國。<br>
  702. 五霸強,<br>
  703. 七雄出。</p>
  704. <p>106.</p>
  705. <p>嬴秦氏,<br>
  706. 始兼並。<br>
  707. 傳二世,<br>
  708. 楚漢爭。</p>
  709. <p>108.</p>
  710. <p>高<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial, FontName">祖</font>興,<br>
  711. 漢業建。<br>
  712. 至孝平,<br>
  713. 王莽篡。</p>
  714. <p>110.</p>
  715. <p>光武興,<br>
  716. 爲東漢。<br>
  717. 四百年,<br>
  718. 終于獻。</p>
  719. <p>112.</p>
  720. <p>魏蜀吳,<br>
  721. 爭漢鼎。<br>
  722. 號三國,<br>
  723. 迄兩晉。</p>
  724. <p>114.</p>
  725. <p>宋齊繼,<br>
  726. 梁陳承。<br>
  727. 爲南朝,<br>
  728. 都金陵。</p>
  729. <p>116.</p>
  730. <p>北元魏,<br>
  731. 分東西。<br>
  732. 宇文周,<br>
  733. 興高齊。</p>
  734. <p>118.</p>
  735. <p>迨至隋,<br>
  736. 一土宇。<br>
  737. 不再傳,<br>
  738. 失統緒。</p>
  739. <p>120.</p>
  740. <p>唐高<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial, FontName">祖</font>,<br>
  741. 起義師。<br>
  742. 除隋亂,<br>
  743. 創國基。</p>
  744. <p>122.</p>
  745. <p>二十傳,<br>
  746. 三百載。<br>
  747. 梁滅之,<br>
  748. 國乃改。</p>
  749. <p>123a and 123b</p>
  750. <p>梁唐晉,<br>
  751. 及漢周。<br>
  752. 稱五代,<br>
  753. 皆有由。</p>
  754. <p>124.</p>
  755. <p>炎宋興,<br>
  756. 受周禅。<br>
  757. 十八傳,<br>
  758. 南北混。</p>
  759. <p>126. 126a</p>
  760. <p>遼于金,<br>
  761. 皆稱帝。<br>
  762. 元滅金,<br>
  763. 絕宋世。</p>
  764. <p>126b and 126c</p>
  765. 莅中國,<br>
  766. 兼戎翟。<br>
  767. 九十年,<br>
  768. 國<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial, FontName">祚</font>廢。
  769. <p>127.</p>
  770. <p>太<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial, FontName">祖</font>興,<br>
  771. 國大明。<br>
  772. 號洪武,<br>
  773. 都金陵。</p>
  774. 129.
  775. <p>迨成<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial, FontName">祖</font>,<br>
  776. 遷燕京。<br>
  777. 十七世,<br>
  778. 至崇祯。</p>
  779. <p>130a。 130b。Lines from Phen</p>
  780. 權閹肆,<br>
  781. 寇如林。<br>
  782. 李闖出,<br>
  783. 神器毀。
  784. </td>
  785. </tr>
  786. <tr>
  787. <td width="50%"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">130a。 130b。 from Giles</font>
  788. <p>权奄肆,<br>
  789. 寇如林。<br>
  790. 至李闯,<br>
  791. 神器终。</p>
  792. </td>
  793. <td valign="top" width="50%"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">130a。 130b。 from Giles</font>
  794. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">權奄肆,<br>
  795. 寇如林。<br>
  796. 至李闖,<br>
  797. 神器終。</font></p>
  798. </td>
  799. </tr>
  800. <tr>
  801. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  802. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">130c。 130d。</font></p>
  803. <p>清太祖,<br>
  804. 应景命。<br>
  805. 靖四方,<br>
  806. 克大定。</p>
  807. <p>these lines were omitted from the present translation</p>
  808. <p>o131。 阉乱后,寇内讧。<br>
  809. o132。 闯逆变,神器终。<br>
  810. o133。 清顺治,据神京。<br>
  811. o134。 至十传,宣统逊。<br>
  812. o135。 举总统,共和成。<br>
  813. o136。 復汉土,民国兴。</p>
  814. </td>
  815. <td valign="bottom" width="50%">
  816. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">130c。 130d。</font></p>
  817. <p>清太<font face="MingLiU, PMingLiU, arial, FontName">祖</font>,<br>
  818. 應景命。<br>
  819. 靖四方,<br>
  820. 克大定。</p>
  821. <p>these lines were omitted from the present translation</p>
  822. <p>o131。 閹亂後,寇內訌。<br>
  823. o132。 闖逆變,神器終。<br>
  824. o133。 清順治,據神京。<br>
  825. o134。 至十傳,宣統遜。<br>
  826. o135。 舉總統,共和成。<br>
  827. o136。 復漢土,民國興。</p>
  828. </td>
  829. </tr>
  830. <tr>
  831. <td valign="bottom" width="50%">
  832. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">137.</font></p>
  833. <p>廿二史,<br>
  834. 全在兹。<br>
  835. 载治乱,<br>
  836. 知兴衰。</p>
  837. </td>
  838. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  839. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">137.</font></p>
  840. <p>廿二史,<br>
  841. 全在茲。<br>
  842. 載治亂,<br>
  843. 知興衰。</p>
  844. </td>
  845. </tr>
  846. <tr>
  847. <td valign="top" width="50%"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part 4</font>
  848. <p>139.</p>
  849. <p>读史书,<br>
  850. 考实录。<br>
  851. 通古今,<br>
  852. 若亲目。</p>
  853. <p>141.</p>
  854. <p>口而诵,<br>
  855. 心而惟。<br>
  856. 朝于斯,<br>
  857. 夕于斯。</p>
  858. <p>143.</p>
  859. <p>昔仲尼,<br>
  860. 师项橐。<br>
  861. 古圣贤,<br>
  862. 尚勤学。</p>
  863. <p>145.</p>
  864. <p>赵中令,<br>
  865. 读鲁论。<br>
  866. 彼既仕,<br>
  867. 学且勤。</p>
  868. <p>147.</p>
  869. <p>披蒲编,<br>
  870. 削竹简。<br>
  871. 彼无书,<br>
  872. 且知勉。</p>
  873. <p>149.</p>
  874. <p>头悬梁,<br>
  875. 锥刺股。<br>
  876. 彼不教,<br>
  877. 自勤苦。</p>
  878. <p>151.</p>
  879. <p>如囊萤,<br>
  880. 如映雪。<br>
  881. 家虽贫,<br>
  882. 学不缀。</p>
  883. <p>153.</p>
  884. <p>如负薪,<br>
  885. 如挂角。<br>
  886. 身虽劳,<br>
  887. 犹苦卓。</p>
  888. <p>155.</p>
  889. <p>苏老泉,<br>
  890. 二十七。<br>
  891. 始发愤,<br>
  892. 读书籍。</p>
  893. <p>157.</p>
  894. <p>彼既老,<br>
  895. 犹悔迟。<br>
  896. 尔小生,<br>
  897. 宜早思。</p>
  898. <p>159.</p>
  899. <p>若梁灏,<br>
  900. 八十二。<br>
  901. 对大廷,<br>
  902. 魁多士。</p>
  903. <p>161.</p>
  904. <p>彼既成,<br>
  905. 众称异。<br>
  906. 尔小生,<br>
  907. 宜立志。</p>
  908. <p>163.</p>
  909. <p>莹八岁,<br>
  910. 能咏诗。<br>
  911. 泌七岁,<br>
  912. 能赋棋。</p>
  913. <p>165.</p>
  914. <p>彼颖悟,<br>
  915. 人称奇。<br>
  916. 尔幼学,<br>
  917. 当效之。</p>
  918. <p>167.</p>
  919. <p>蔡文姬,<br>
  920. 能辨琴。<br>
  921. 谢道韫,<br>
  922. 能咏吟。</p>
  923. <p>169.</p>
  924. <p>彼女子,<br>
  925. 且聪敏。<br>
  926. 尔男子,<br>
  927. 当自警。</p>
  928. <p>171.</p>
  929. <p>唐刘晏,<br>
  930. 方七岁。<br>
  931. 举神童,<br>
  932. 作正字。</p>
  933. <p>173.</p>
  934. <p>彼虽幼,<br>
  935. 身己仕。<br>
  936. 尔幼学,<br>
  937. 勉而致。</p>
  938. <p>175.</p>
  939. <p>有为者,<br>
  940. 亦若是。</p>
  941. </td>
  942. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  943. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part 4</font></p>
  944. <p>139.</p>
  945. <p>讀史書,<br>
  946. 考實錄。<br>
  947. 通古今,<br>
  948. 若親目。</p>
  949. <p>141.</p>
  950. <p>口而誦,<br>
  951. 心而惟。<br>
  952. 朝于斯,<br>
  953. 夕于斯。</p>
  954. <p>143.</p>
  955. <p>昔仲尼,<br>
  956. 師項橐。<br>
  957. 古聖賢,<br>
  958. 尚勤學。</p>
  959. <p>145.</p>
  960. <p>趙中令,<br>
  961. 讀魯論。<br>
  962. 彼既仕,<br>
  963. 學且勤。</p>
  964. <p>147.</p>
  965. <p>披蒲編,<br>
  966. 削竹簡。<br>
  967. 彼無書,<br>
  968. 且知勉。</p>
  969. <p>149.</p>
  970. <p>頭懸梁,<br>
  971. 錐刺股。<br>
  972. 彼不教,<br>
  973. 自勤苦。</p>
  974. <p>151.</p>
  975. <p>如囊螢,<br>
  976. 如映雪。<br>
  977. 家雖貧,<br>
  978. 學不綴。</p>
  979. <p>153.</p>
  980. <p>如負薪,<br>
  981. 如挂角。<br>
  982. 身雖勞,<br>
  983. 猶苦卓。</p>
  984. <p>155.</p>
  985. <p>蘇老泉,<br>
  986. 二十七。<br>
  987. 始發憤,<br>
  988. 讀書籍。</p>
  989. <p>157.</p>
  990. <p>彼既老,<br>
  991. 猶悔遲。<br>
  992. 爾小生,<br>
  993. 宜早思。</p>
  994. <p>159.</p>
  995. <p>若梁灝,<br>
  996. 八十二。<br>
  997. 對大廷,<br>
  998. 魁多士。</p>
  999. <p>161.</p>
  1000. <p>彼既成,<br>
  1001. 衆稱異。<br>
  1002. 爾小生,<br>
  1003. 宜立志。</p>
  1004. <p>163.</p>
  1005. <p>瑩八歲,<br>
  1006. 能詠詩。<br>
  1007. 泌七歲,<br>
  1008. 能賦棋。</p>
  1009. <p>165.</p>
  1010. <p>彼穎悟,<br>
  1011. 人稱奇。<br>
  1012. 爾幼學,<br>
  1013. 當效之。</p>
  1014. <p>167.</p>
  1015. <p>蔡文姬,<br>
  1016. 能辨琴。<br>
  1017. 謝道韫,<br>
  1018. 能詠吟。</p>
  1019. <p>169.</p>
  1020. <p>彼女子,<br>
  1021. 且聰敏。<br>
  1022. 爾男子,<br>
  1023. 當自警。</p>
  1024. <p>171.</p>
  1025. <p>唐劉晏,<br>
  1026. 方七歲。<br>
  1027. 舉神童,<br>
  1028. 作正字。</p>
  1029. <p>173.</p>
  1030. <p>彼雖幼,<br>
  1031. 身己仕。<br>
  1032. 爾幼學,<br>
  1033. 勉而致。</p>
  1034. <p>175.</p>
  1035. <p>有爲者,<br>
  1036. 亦若是。</p>
  1037. </td>
  1038. </tr>
  1039. <tr>
  1040. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  1041. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part Five</font></p>
  1042. <p>176.</p>
  1043. <p>犬守夜,<br>
  1044. 鸡司晨。<br>
  1045. 苟不学,<br>
  1046. 曷为人。</p>
  1047. <p>178.</p>
  1048. <p>蚕吐丝,<br>
  1049. 蜂酿蜜。<br>
  1050. 人不学,<br>
  1051. 不如物。</p>
  1052. <p>180.</p>
  1053. <p>幼而学,<br>
  1054. 壮而行。<br>
  1055. 上致君,<br>
  1056. 下泽民。</p>
  1057. <p>182.</p>
  1058. <p>扬名声,<br>
  1059. 显父母。<br>
  1060. 光于前,<br>
  1061. 裕于后。</p>
  1062. <p>184.</p>
  1063. <p>人遗子,<br>
  1064. 金满嬴。<br>
  1065. 我教子,<br>
  1066. 惟一经。</p>
  1067. <p>186.</p>
  1068. <p>勤有功,<br>
  1069. 戏无益。<br>
  1070. 戒之哉,<br>
  1071. 宜勉力。</p>
  1072. </td>
  1073. <td valign="top" width="50%">
  1074. <p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Part Five</font></p>
  1075. <p>176.</p>
  1076. <p>犬守夜,<br>
  1077. 雞司晨。<br>
  1078. 苟不學,<br>
  1079. 曷爲人。</p>
  1080. <p>178.</p>
  1081. <p>蠶吐絲,<br>
  1082. 蜂釀蜜。<br>
  1083. 人不學,<br>
  1084. 不如物。</p>
  1085. <p>180.</p>
  1086. <p>幼而學,<br>
  1087. 壯而行。<br>
  1088. 上致君,<br>
  1089. 下澤民。</p>
  1090. <p>182.</p>
  1091. <p>揚名聲,<br>
  1092. 顯父母。<br>
  1093. 光于前,<br>
  1094. 裕于後。</p>
  1095. <p>184.</p>
  1096. <p>人遺子,<br>
  1097. 金滿嬴。<br>
  1098. 我教子,<br>
  1099. 惟一經。</p>
  1100. <p>186.</p>
  1101. <p>勤有功,<br>
  1102. 戲無益。<br>
  1103. 戒之哉,<br>
  1104. 宜勉力。<br>
  1105. </p>
  1106. </td>
  1107. </tr>
  1108. <tr>
  1109. <td width="50%">
  1110. <div align="center">
  1111. <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Simplified</font></div>
  1112. </td>
  1113. <td width="50%">
  1114. <div align="center">
  1115. <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Traditional</font></div>
  1116. </td>
  1117. </tr>
  1118. </table>
  1119. <br>
  1120. <br>
  1121. <br>
  1122. <hr>
  1123. <p><font class="verdana"><font size="-2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
  1124. Last update: July 2007<br>
  1125. Editor, Flash graphics and programming: Marilyn Shea 2007<br>
  1126. Co-editor: Sun Xiaomei<br>
  1127. Translation: Louis Smogor<br>
  1128. Contributors: Luo Lin, Zhu Jing</font></font></p>
  1129. <hr>
  1130. </div>
  1131. </body>
  1132. </html>