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- <META NAME="classification" content="Education">
- <META NAME="description" content="Lost and Found is a Chinese English Audio Book -- click on the sentences to hear them read.">
- <META NAME="keywords" content="Chinese, Mandarin, dictionary, English, audio, aural, spoken, ESL, Chinese language, listen, computers, database, vocabulary, University of Maine at Farmington, Marilyn Shea">
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- <META NAME="distribution" content="Global">
- <META NAME="rating" content="Safe For Kids">
- <META NAME="copyright" content="Marilyn Shea">
- <META NAME="author" content="Marilyn Shea">
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- <META NAME="language" content="English and Simplified Chinese">
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- <title>Chinese English Audio Story - Lost and Found - Vocabulary included - Flash Movie</title>
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- <!-- URL's used in the movie-->
- <A HREF=javascript:openNewWindow('http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/topics/zzLFS/douzhong.html','newWindow1','height=400,width=650,toolbar=yes,scrollbars=yes')></A> <A HREF=../index.html></A> <A HREF=javascript:openNewWindow('http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/topics/zzLFS/douzhong.html','Vocabulary Lost and Found -- Ting -- Chinese English story','height=400,width=600,resizable=yes,toolbars=yes,scrollbars=yes')
- ></A> <!-- text used in the movie-->
- <!--Story Index Lost and Found by Marilyn Shea translation by Wang Jin and Liu Xiaoyun(c) Marilyn Shea, 2002, 2006
- Narrator: Cheng Hong Action Scripts: Marilyn Shea and Mike Hughes Graphics and Illustrations: Marilyn Shea
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- <hr SIZE=3 WIDTH='30%'><br><hr SIZE=3 WIDTH='60%'>
- <center><H1><font face='Verdana'><font size=+1>Lost and Found</font></H1></center>
- <font face='Verdana'><font size=-1>A Chinese English story about 2 kids and their family. An audio book that will let you click on each sentence or phrase to hear the story read by a native speaker. Click on the dictionary icon to open a window with vocabulary linked to Ting - Chinese English Dictionary and Study Center. You must have Flash installed in your browser to open the book.
- </font>
- <p><font face='Verdana'><font size=-3>http://hua.umf.maine.edu/Chinese/stories/xinxin/lost_and_found/LFS.html<br>
- Last update: July 2006<br>© <a href='../../credits.html#copyright'>Marilyn Shea</a> 2002, 2006</font></font>
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