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- {"maineedu":[{"phrase":{"topic":"Onto - Preposition 介词 - Character Review","hanzi":{"simplified":"把 办 公 室 里 的 地 图 也 这 样 用 记 号 标 出 。","traditional":"把 辦 公 室 裏 的 地 圖 也 這 樣 用 記 號 標 出 。"},"pinyin":"bǎ bàngōngshì lǐ dìtú yě zhèyàng yòng jìhaobiāochū.","translations":[{"translation":{"langue":"en","texte":"Transfer the symbol markers onto the map in the office."}}],"recordings":[]}},{"phrase":{"topic":"Onto - Preposition 介词 - Character Review","hanzi":{"simplified":"这 些 内 容 我 学 会 了 , 但 是 我 的 成 绩 还 是 好 不 了 。","traditional":"這 些 內 容 我 學 會 了 , 但 是 我 的 成 績 還 是 好 不 了 。"},"pinyin":"zhè xiē nèiróng wǒ xuéhuì le, dànshì wǒ de chénglì háishi hǎo bù le.","translations":[{"translation":{"langue":"en","texte":"I have caught onto the material, but my grade will still be bad."}}],"recordings":[]}},{"phrase":{"topic":"Onto - Preposition 介词 - Character Review","hanzi":{"simplified":"他 不 知 道 怎 样 省 钱 , 钱 像 水 一 样 从 他 手 边 流 走 了 !","traditional":"他 不 知 道 怎 樣 省 錢 , 錢 像 水 一 樣 從 他 手 邊 流 走 了 !"},"pinyin":"tā bù zhīdào zěnyàng shěngqián, qián xiàng shuǐ yíyàng cóng tā shǒu biān liú zǒu le.","translations":[{"translation":{"langue":"en","texte":"He doesn't know how to hold onto money. It slips through his fingers like water."}}],"recordings":[{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Liu Yu Rong","audio":"../../Language/Sound18a/18235lyr.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Cheng Hong","audio":"../../Language/Sound18b/18235chg.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Du Feng","audio":"../../Language/Sound18c/18235df.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Li Chunjiang","audio":"../../Language/Sound18d/18235li.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Gu Zheng","audio":"../../Language/Sound18e/18235gz.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Zhang Zhida","audio":"../../Language/Sound18g/18235zzd.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"en","locuteur":"April","audio":"../../Language/Sounde18a/18235as.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"en","locuteur":"Rachel","audio":"../../Language/Sounde18c/18235rs.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"en","locuteur":"Frank","audio":"../../Language/Sounde18d/18235fu.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"en","locuteur":"Austin","audio":"../../Language/Sounde18f/18235au.wav"}}]}},{"phrase":{"topic":"Onto - Preposition 介词 - Character Review","hanzi":{"simplified":"我 一 进 门 猫 就 跳 上 我 的 肩 膀 。 客 人 来 时 , 它 也 这 样 , 有 时 就 会 很 滑 稽 。","traditional":"我 一 進 門 貓 就 跳 上 我 的 肩 膀 。 客 人 來 時 , 它 也 這 樣 , 有 時 就 會 很 滑 稽 。"},"pinyin":"","translations":[{"translation":{"langue":"en","texte":"My cat jumps onto my shoulder when I come in the door. When he does it to guests, well, it can be really funny."}}],"recordings":[]}},{"phrase":{"topic":"Onto - Preposition 介词 - Character Review","hanzi":{"simplified":"子 曰 ; 己 所 不 欲 , 勿 施 于 人 。","traditional":"子 曰 ; 己 所 不 欲 , 勿 施 於 人 。"},"pinyin":"zǐ yuē: jǐ suǒ búyù, wù shī yú rén.","translations":[{"translation":{"langue":"en","texte":"Confucius said, \"Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.\""}}],"recordings":[{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Wang Yong","audio":"../../Language/Sound9a/9712wy.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Da Di","audio":"../../Language/Sound9b/9712dd.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Gao Mingjiang","audio":"../../Language/Sound9d/9712gmj.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Cao Lihua","audio":"../../Language/Sound9e/9712clh.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"zh","locuteur":"Wei Xing","audio":"../../Language/Sound9f/9712wx.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"en","locuteur":"April","audio":"../../Language/Sounde9a/9712as.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"en","locuteur":"James","audio":"../../Language/Sounde9b/9712jd.wav"}},{"recording":{"langue":"en","locuteur":"Brian","audio":"../../Language/Sounde9d/9712bl.wav"}}]}},{"phrase":{"topic":"Onto - Preposition 介词 - Character Review","hanzi":{"simplified":"他 骑 上 马 在 夕 阳 中 远 去 。","traditional":"他 騎 上 馬 在 夕 陽 中 遠 去 。"},"pinyin":"tā qí shàngmǎ zài yīyáng zhōng yuǎn qù.","translations":[{"translation":{"langue":"en","texte":"He jumped onto his horse and rode off into the sunset."}}],"recordings":[]}}]}