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  60. <center><a href="#Algisimeter:" onMouseOver="eval('imgalgi.src=alg2.src')" onMouseOut="eval('imgalgi.src=alg1.src')"><img SRC="alg1.jpg" NAME="imgalgi" BORDER=0 height=30 width=150></a>
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  66. <p><a href="#Mirror Tracer - Paper Version:" onMouseOver="eval('imgmirrver.src=mirrver2.src')" onMouseOut="eval('imgmirrver.src=mirrver1.src')"><img SRC="mirrver1.jpg" NAME="imgmirrver" BORDER=0 height=60 width=150></a></center>
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  81. <br>&nbsp;
  82. <ol>&nbsp;
  83. <h1>
  84. <a NAME="Algisimeter:"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Algisimeter:</font></font></font></h1>
  85. &nbsp;
  86. <ol><img SRC="algisim.jpg" BORDER=0 height=138 width=200 align=RIGHT><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The
  87. algisimeter is used to map the skin's responsiveness.&nbsp; By placing
  88. the point gently on the surface of the skin, different nerve endings are
  89. stimulated.&nbsp; The subject is asked to rate the sensation for strength
  90. -- giving ratings of 0, 1 or 2.</font></font></font>
  91. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>To maintain
  92. accuracy during placement, a grid stamp is available.&nbsp; You simply
  93. ink the stamp with washable ink and press it on the area of skin to be
  94. measured.&nbsp; To locate the grid accurately measure from a standard location
  95. such as the middle knuckle or a vein.&nbsp; I have data sheets in my office
  96. which makes recording the data easier.</font></font></font>
  97. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>Several weights
  98. are available for the algisimeter.&nbsp; Simply unscrew the end weight
  99. and add or remove additional weights.</font></font></font>
  100. <br>
  101. <br></ol></ol>
  102. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img88top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img88top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img88top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  103. <br>
  104. <ol>
  105. <h1>
  106. <a NAME="Color Illusion:"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Color
  107. Illusion:</font></font></font></h1>
  108. &nbsp;
  109. <ol><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The color
  110. illusion is comprised of a set of circular cards and a motor to rotate
  111. them.
  112. <p>This is a classic
  113. demonstration in the sensation of color.&nbsp;&nbsp; The motor can be adusted
  114. to rotate at different speeds to see the effect on the illusion.</font></font></font>
  115. </ol>
  116. </ol>
  117. <br>
  118. <br>
  119. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img99top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img99top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img99top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  120. <ol>
  121. <h1>
  122. <a NAME="Ear Muffs and Plugs:"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Ear
  123. Muffs and Plugs:</font></font></font></h1>
  124. &nbsp;
  125. <ol><img SRC="earprotc.jpg" height=147 width=150><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The
  126. ear muffs and plugs will not provide absolute silence if there is a great
  127. deal of noise in the environment.&nbsp; They are effective if the room
  128. is already quiet.&nbsp; Students have used them in sensory deprivation
  129. studies, attention studies, and modality studies.</font></font></font></ol><br><br>
  130. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img0top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img0top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img0top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  131. <h1>
  132. <a NAME="Headphones:"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Headphones:</font></font></font></h1>
  133. &nbsp;
  134. <ol><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>Several pairs
  135. of headphones are available for presenting auditory stimuli.&nbsp; They
  136. are all surface headphones.&nbsp; Do not use earplug headphones in your
  137. studies.</font></font></font>
  138. <p><img SRC="headphn.jpg" height=159 width=250 align=RIGHT><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The
  139. choice to use headphones or speakers for presenting auditory stimuli will
  140. depend on the study.&nbsp; Headphones often increase the attention to the
  141. stimuli and it is possible to separate the channels.&nbsp; The use of speakers
  142. allows the subject to move freely.&nbsp; If you are using music as a variable
  143. in your study, you may prefer to use speakers to provide background stimulation.&nbsp;
  144. You might even wish to contrast the two methods.</font></font></font>
  145. <br>&nbsp;</ol><br><br><br><br>
  146. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img9top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img9top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img9top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  147. <h1>
  148. <a NAME="Illusion"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Illusion
  149. Cards:</font></font></font></h1>
  150. &nbsp;
  151. <ol><img SRC="illcard.jpg" height=223 width=300 align=LEFT><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>There
  152. is a rich literature regarding illusions and the variables which influence
  153. our perceptions.&nbsp; Some illusions are developmental - children don't
  154. see them, but adults do.&nbsp; Some illusions are based on violations of
  155. perspective.&nbsp; Still other illusions are the result of the way in which
  156. our brains process information.</font></font></font>
  157. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The illusion
  158. set includes the Necker Cube, the Poggendorf illusion, Horizontal-Vertical
  159. illusion, the Old Woman - Young Girl illusion, and of course the Mueller-Lyer
  160. Illusion.</font></font></font>
  161. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>If you are
  162. interested in doing a study with illusions, we also have computer based
  163. illusions and there are several sites on the Internet.</font></font></font>
  164. <br>&nbsp;
  165. <br>&nbsp;</ol>
  166. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img8top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img8top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img8top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  167. <h1>
  168. <a NAME="Mirror"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Mirror
  169. Tracer:</font></font></font></h1>
  170. &nbsp;
  171. <ol><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>Have you ever
  172. tried to read a book in a mirror?&nbsp; In the mirror tracer task the subject
  173. has to&nbsp;<img SRC="counter.jpg" BORDER=0 height=156 width=200 align=RIGHT>trace
  174. the pattern of a star as they look at it in a mirror.&nbsp; Some subjects
  175. succeed easily, while other struggle to move their hand.</font></font></font>
  176. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>This electronic
  177. version of the mirror-tracer counts the number of times that the subject
  178. goes out of the boundaries.&nbsp; Other measures which can be taken are
  179. a) total time to complete the pattern, b) number of times paused, c) number
  180. of reversals, d) miscellaneous verbal behavior.&nbsp; Further, you might
  181. consider dividing the pattern into sectors to see if the behavior differs
  182. from one area to the next.</font></font></font>
  183. <br>&nbsp;
  184. <br>&nbsp;</ol>
  185. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img7top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img7top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img7top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  186. <h1>
  187. <a NAME="Mirror Tracer - Paper Version:"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Mirror
  188. Tracer - Paper Version:</font></font></font></h1>
  189. &nbsp;
  190. <ol><img SRC="mirrrpap.jpg" BORDER=0 height=267 width=300 align=LEFT><br>
  191. <br>
  192. <br>
  193. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>This task is the
  194. same as the one above, but the subject traces the pattern on a piece of
  195. paper with a pen.&nbsp; While there is no counter, the paper record can
  196. be analyzed later to compare subjects.</font></font></font>
  197. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>In both tasks,
  198. remember to carefully position the hand of each subject in the same way.&nbsp;
  199. If you are going to let them rest their arm against the table, have all
  200. subjects take the same position.&nbsp; Use the same type of pen for all
  201. subjects.&nbsp; A ball-point with low resistance works best.</font></font></font>
  202. <br><br>
  203. <br>
  204. <br>
  205. <BR></ol>
  206. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img6top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img6top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img6top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  207. <h1>
  208. <a NAME="Picture"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Picture
  209. and Word Stimuli Sets:</font></font></font></h1>
  210. &nbsp;
  211. <ol><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>I have five
  212. or six sets of teaching materials designed to teach verbal and reading
  213. skills.&nbsp; Each&nbsp;<img SRC="dollset.jpg" height=150 width=200 align=RIGHT>has
  214. an array of large cards with pictures or words on them.&nbsp; There are
  215. hundreds of these cards.&nbsp; Some of the sets also include dolls and
  216. puppets.</font></font></font>
  217. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>While many
  218. of the pictures are a little old-fashioned, most of them are suitable for
  219. use in verbal memory, recognition, and association tasks.</font></font></font>
  220. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The advantage
  221. to using such graphics is that they are all drawn with the same style and
  222. complexity.&nbsp; Thus, subjects are not given additional cues to memory
  223. by the change of graphic style, size, and color palette.&nbsp; The words
  224. are also printed in a standard size and font.</font></font></font>
  225. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>If you are
  226. only doing a word list, there are better materials available in the computer
  227. programs section.&nbsp; If you are using the computer to present your materials,
  228. graphics can be scanned to make small *.bmp files.&nbsp; You might also
  229. look at collections of clip-art on the Internet, in WordPerfect and at
  230. the Media Center.</font></font></font>
  231. <br>&nbsp;</ol>
  232. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img5top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img5top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img5top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  233. <h1>
  234. <a NAME="Star"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Star
  235. Tracer:</font></font></font></h1>
  236. &nbsp;
  237. <ol><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The star tracer
  238. looks similar to the mirror tracer, but it measures different skills.&nbsp;
  239. The subject grasps the handles and uses the arms to control the pointer
  240. from a distance.&nbsp; People with good eye-hand coordination or people
  241. who are able to adjust their large motor responses might excel at this
  242. task.&nbsp; It could be interesting to see if those who describe themselves
  243. as good at sports vs. clumsy have accurate self-attributions.</font></font></font><img SRC="startr.jpg" height=113 width=248 align=RIGHT>
  244. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The task was
  245. developed for industrial psychologists to test the ability to operate machines
  246. and equipment.&nbsp; There is a fairly large literature on such measures,
  247. although much of it will be found before 1980.</font></font></font>
  248. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The star tracer
  249. can be attached to the counter which will automatically record the number
  250. of times the subject goes out of the lines.&nbsp; The counter can also
  251. beep to tell the subject that they have made an error.</font></font></font>
  252. <br>&nbsp;
  253. <br>&nbsp;</ol>
  254. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img4top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img4top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img4top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  255. <h1>
  256. <a NAME="Steadiness"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Steadiness
  257. Tester -- Hole Type:</font></font></font></h1>
  258. <ol>&nbsp;
  259. <br><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The steadiness
  260. testers might remind you of something from the Farmington Fair, that is
  261. probably because the carnival examples were adapted from the psychology
  262. equipment.&nbsp; Or, perhaps the psychologist saw it at a county fair and
  263. saw different possibilities.</font></font></font>
  264. <p><img SRC="holetype.jpg" height=150 width=200 align=LEFT><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>Just
  265. as the Science Museum in Boston has a popular display centered on the mirror
  266. tracer, the steadiness tester has a fascination for many people.&nbsp;
  267. It measures both small-motor coordination and steadiness of the hand.&nbsp;
  268. Many variables effect both, and the steadiness tester can be used as one
  269. measure of stress, preparedness, and perhaps fitness.</font></font></font>
  270. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The subject
  271. is asked to place the stylus in each hole, starting with the largest.&nbsp;
  272. The counter can be attached to the stylus to automatically count the number
  273. of touches.&nbsp; In addition, you can record the total amount of time
  274. for the task, the amount of time for each hole, the amount of time between
  275. holes, or the smallest hole achieved without error.</font></font></font>
  276. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>You should
  277. give standard instructions concerning the depth of placement, the amount
  278. of time the stylus is to be held in the hole, and the placement of the
  279. hands and arms.&nbsp; Some subjects might discover that holding the stylus
  280. hand with their other hand greatly increases their skill level!</font></font></font>
  281. <br>&nbsp;
  282. <br>&nbsp;</ol>
  283. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img3top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img3top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img3top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  284. <h1>
  285. <a NAME="Steadiness Tester -- Slot"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Steadiness
  286. Tester -- Slot Type:</font></font></font></h1>
  287. &nbsp;
  288. <ol><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The slot type
  289. tester tests both small-motor coordination and steadiness, but also looks
  290. at the ability to move the arm in a straight line.&nbsp; As a diagnostic
  291. tool for an industrial psychologist, it would apply to tasks requiring
  292. motion as well as placement.</font></font></font>
  293. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The subject
  294. is asked to start moving the stylus from the wider end to the narrower
  295. end.&nbsp; The counter can be attached to the stylus to automatically count
  296. the number of touches.&nbsp; In addition, you can record the total amount
  297. of time for the task, the distance at which the first error was made, or
  298. improvement across trials.</font></font></font>
  299. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>You can provide
  300. audio feedback for your subjects on both the slot type and the hole type
  301. steadiness testers.&nbsp; This feedback may either improve or detract from
  302. performance.</font></font></font><img SRC="slottype.jpg" height=150 width=200 align=RIGHT>
  303. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>On this task,
  304. it is better if the subject does not rest their arm on the table.&nbsp;
  305. If they keep their arm in the same place, their hand will describe an arc
  306. and it will harm their performance.&nbsp; If they move their arm along
  307. the table, this could act as a guide for their hand and their performance
  308. would be improved.&nbsp; Be careful to place the equipment parallel to
  309. the subject and at the same distance from their elbow/shoulder.&nbsp; The
  310. distance will vary depending on the height of the subject.</font></font></font>
  311. <br>&nbsp;</ol>
  312. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img2top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img2top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img2top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  313. <h1>
  314. <a NAME="Tachistoscope"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Tachistoscope:</font></font></font></h1>
  315. &nbsp;
  316. <ol><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>If you are
  317. presenting visual stimuli, the tachistoscope will let you control the amount
  318. of time each item is seen by the subject.&nbsp; There are thousands of
  319. applications for this piece of equipment.&nbsp; It's even useful as a tongue-twister.</font></font></font>
  320. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The tachistoscope
  321. attaches to a Kodak Ektagraphic slide projector.&nbsp; You sign out the
  322. slide projector from the equipment room at the Media Center.&nbsp; It might
  323. be best to take the tachistoscope with you so that you can be sure of getting
  324. the correct lens.&nbsp; You can then try it out to be sure of the controls.</font></font></font>
  325. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>I have several
  326. sets of slides which can be used as stimulus materials or the Media Center
  327. can make custom slides for your experiment.&nbsp; They have a complete
  328. price list at the front desk.</font></font></font>
  329. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>Pretest your
  330. settings before you begin your experiment.&nbsp; If you are doing verbal
  331. memory, you probably don't want to use 1/10th of a second -- the subject
  332. might not see it.&nbsp; If you are doing an experiment where the subject
  333. is to be influenced by surrounding stimuli, faster presentations might
  334. be in order.</font></font></font>
  335. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>You might test
  336. a group of subjects at the same time.&nbsp; If the projector is placed
  337. at the back of the room with the screen at the front, and subjects are
  338. in the middle of the classroom, the differences in angle of view will be
  339. minimal.&nbsp; Place your subjects at the same distance from the screen.</font></font></font>
  340. <br>&nbsp;
  341. <br>&nbsp;</ol>
  342. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="img1top.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="img1top.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="img1top" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  343. <h1>
  344. <a NAME="Window"></a><font face="Verdana"><font color="#000099"><font size=+1>Window
  345. Illusion:</font></font></font></h1>
  346. <ol>&nbsp;
  347. <br><img SRC="windows.jpg" height=197 width=150 align=RIGHT><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>When
  348. I was in seventh grade, I saw a demonstration of the window illusion on
  349. television.&nbsp; I decided then to become a psychologist.&nbsp; You never
  350. know what kids are watching in TV!</font></font></font>
  351. <p><font face="Verdana"><font color="#330033"><font size=-1>The window
  352. illusion demonstrates perspectival illusions.&nbsp; The window appears
  353. to rotate, while in reality it is moving back and forth across a limited
  354. arc.&nbsp; I am not sure if anyone will need it as equipment in an experiment,
  355. but you might want to try it out for the fun of it.</font></font></font>
  356. <br><br><br>&nbsp;</ol>
  357. <center><a href="#Top" onMouseOver="imgtop.src='arrowin.jpg'" onMouseOut="imgtop.src='arrowout.jpg'"><img SRC="arrowout.jpg" NAME="imgtop" BORDER=0 ></a></center>
  358. </ol>
  359. <font face="Verdana"><font color="#666666"><font size=-2>&copy; &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">Marilyn
  360. Shea</a>, November 1999<br>some pictures by Josh Keezer, mouseover graphics by Josh Glavine</font></font></font>
  361. <br><font face="Verdana"><font color="#666666"><font size=-2>Department
  362. of Psychology, University of Maine at Farmington</font></font></font>
  363. <br>&nbsp;
  364. <br>&nbsp;
  365. <br>&nbsp;
  366. <ol>&nbsp;</ol>
  367. </body>
  368. </html>